2017 Personality 18: Biology & Traits: Openness/Intelligence/Creativity I
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Channel: Jordan B Peterson
Views: 845,382
Rating: 4.9113688 out of 5
Keywords: creativity, existentialism, free speech, intelligence, iq, jordan peterson, jordanbpeterson, lecture, openness, personality, psy230, psychoanalysis, psychology, social justice warrior, university of toronto
Id: D7Kn5p7TP_Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 105min 49sec (6349 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 18 2017
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
I have knocked out all of his 2015 Personality series and have started Maps of Meaning. God dammit his class is fucking interesting. It is my favorite way to casually have my mind blown during the day. It has helped me understand myself and my family better as well. 11/10
He is my ultimate medicine to the chaos my high perception brings. I wish I could take his classes IRL someday but that would mean I'd have to move to Canada, eh?
I don't even like watching lectures but this was great and happened to be the exact thing I was arguing with a friend. We were talking IQ and he was saying that IQ tests aren't good because you can be intelligent and do bad on an IQ test, and I was saying well then you aren't intelligent. His position was people are intelligent in different ways and I was like that's not intelligence, that's just a skill. In this video he says domain knowledge doesn't equal intelligence and he describes everything so clearly I wish I was that eloquent in our argument lol.
I meant to specifically link Lecture 18 rather than the entire playlist! The whole series is worth watching anyway.
More channels like this please. Anyone knows?
"Dressing in grey and shutting the hell up is a good survival tactic"... Well I'm screwed lol