2017 FLW TV | Forrest Wood Cup | Lake Murray

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[Music] I had to get a starter how's it going Megan can happen quick Wow Wow Travis for Justin Atkins Anthony Gagliardi [Music] this is the most important thing of our season is to get to the Forrest Wood Cup the championship of bass fishing this is where you want to be at the end of the year you etch your name in history people talk about who won the Forrest Wood Cup and that's what's so awesome about it you never know when your next one's gonna be it's been a lifelong dream of mine to make it here yeah you won't win the tournament but you're like I want to make a cup it's just the biggest deal fishing the FLW number one goal as a forest wake up $300,000 you know and a one-time lick is this that's pretty good League and no matter what you do welcome everyone to Lake Murray a beautiful Columbia South Carolina for the biggest tournament in bass fishing and that's of course the Forrest Wood Cup I'm Travis Moran alongside Rob Newell and Rob this tournament is what the anglers work all year long to get you and to win the Forrest Wood Cup absolutely solidifies you among the best in the bass fishing industry yeah Travis is the 18th Forrest Wood Cup that I've been to this is a tournament that changes careers it changes lives you get land in the right spot things happen quick you get rich quick here I'm ready to make a chunk of change get the ball rolling for next year I got a bunch of friends and family here and everything so it's awesome have everybody here support me the place that they have chose to hold this contest this week it's one of the toughest in the southeast Lake Murray South Carolina doesn't have much current doesn't have much timber doesn't have much grass it's kind of a void out there there's a lot of Blueback herring that roam around that give these anglers absolute fits a true test we want to find out who the true champion is in 2017 this lake is gonna throw a lot of variables at them and when it shakes out on day three we will find out who the true champion is it's gonna be stressful it's always stressful in the forest okay every term is stressful but this one's extremely stressful last time we were here try this Anthony Gagliardi one offshore on schooling fish he beat Scott Canterbury by one ounce and Scott was in the river throwing a trash fish and shallot two completely different ways efficient two completely different styles one ounce separated them and I think you're gonna see the same kind of thing this week once we get out here and I make my first cast and everything's back to normal and it's all about just catching Tobias there's only 53 invites that were sent out and they're here they've laid out their game plans a lot of different strategies I'm sure we're gonna see but the time for talking is done day one baby Forrest Wood Cup 2017 it's all about the trophy let's get this thing started we got a line here and I'm fishing the little point runs out off the side and I'm gonna fish it probably 10 or 15 minutes and and just keep moving we're just looking looking for some small small active schools you know hopefully maybe something will come up and break while we're here but they don't have to you know if these fish are just up here pulled up from these points roaming around hopefully I can call some up on this Rob there's a lot of things you can say to two really high pop anthem but the one thing that really speaks the most for that is he is our defending champion here at at Lake Marie winning the 2014 Forrest Wood Cup last time it was here and and I think that really shows what he can bring and what he's the potential that he has on this body of water Gagliardi is the hometown hero here he did it before everybody in this town surrounds this Lake would love to see Anthony do it again it's pretty good one here coming off a win in 2014 I had a pretty good blueprint you know that I thought might would work again and so that's just what I followed you know I basically have done exactly the same thing maybe fine-tuned a couple things here and there I had to get a starter I was gonna go with what I was good at and and fish a deeper battering like that and and just just hope that holds up that'll start today this is the way you want to start here Forest Wood Cup right here yes 15 minutes into the day and guys well the repeat could be underway right now and two former Forrest Wood Cup champions right here side-by-side Rob no one has ever won two Forrest Wood Cup s-- we've got a lot of guys in contention to do that what do you think the chances of us seeing history broken here this weekend it continues with every Cup obviously I mean the more fast winners you get the better the chances when they when they wreak Walla Phi I think it could go down this week there's a big school of fish here but they're not schooling I just saw there's probably ten fish around that came pile I don't know if somebody just fished it maybe they're a little shy or whatever but it's just timing now that I know where they are maybe I hit this in the next hour and a half and my rotation and catch two fish off of it here on Lake Murray I evaluated my office of shallow or out deep I found a couple places out deep on these Heron fish that had some nice bass hair and what I've noticed is the quality there's a lot of three to four pound fish mixed into these offshore fish they're not everywhere they're hard to find you know you can't just throw anything you want out there and catch them you have to throw things like a walk-in top water bait you know and some days when it's when it's sunny you want a certain color when daxue is cloudy you want a different color and then also like your soft plastic swim baits or flukes work really well but the key here is just trying to trick them a lot of times it's just speed of the reel reel entry' last room don't let the fish get a real good look at it and that's what I'm doing that's large value I'm gonna stay offshore because I feel like that's my best opportunity to catch a consistent 15 to 20 pound bag good old man good a large man oh my gosh it's a giant dude we talked about are these guys gonna split are they gonna go do something else as long as you catching fish like that and you know they're there and you're seeing 20 with him Scott Martin and these guys are not leaving these areas they can do this all day especially with that cloud cover yeah hopes fell out baby there's a bunch up in the night like that that's gonna help mr. Martin never disappointing hey that's the size fish I need to win this tournament five of those a day it could be a good deal and now our first look at Brandon Cobb a local to the area definitely a favorite I know you like him to do very well in this tournament Rob yeah a fantastic young man he's been in - Forrest Wood Cup Saul ready and made the top ten both times and now we're in his backyard that could only mean good things for Brandon they're basically sitting there waiting on that a heron to swim over and this top water bait looks like a heron coming over and that's all they're doing they're sitting on structure waiting for a school with a hare and swim by and I'm just trying to calm up problem is with one bait like this it's hard to get them come up a lot and with the clouds they can't see it good so you have to just keep running a bunch of places till you get a school that's ready to bite and some of the places we've already fished there's fish so on all of them you just have hit them a bunch of times until they do buy get off get it got that one that's a bass is a big one yeah it's a big one that way don't jump don't yeah don't give up oh yeah she's barely hooked I have to go to the road and a big one and that's number five so now he's got to get rid of a couple of little ones got three little ones in there no time try to get rid of some little top water bikes starting out a lot hotter than we expected Rob yeah Brandon cobs off to a blistering fast start but it looks like Gagliardi might start closing the gap a lot more action to come from the Forrest Wood Cup when we return [Music] you the FLW Tour is brought to you by General Tire anywhere is possible BRP Evan read learn more at Evinrude comm you can get more from your oil with Quaker State Costa Del Mar see what's out there Ranger Boats still building legends one at a time and by power pole Swift silent secure he's a better one you gotta keep it up this is the size and bigger we're gonna need this is bass check them too that somebody's gonna catch a big bag today I feel like I just hope I can survive welcome back everyone run Lake Murray in the beautiful town of Columbia South Carolina for the Forrest Wood Cup they got out of the blocks super good I'm starting to wonder now what's to come I mean one thing about these schooling fish is you know it's not like they're John Cox back in a place like it Lake wheeler where he's where he's completing the supply everyday you know this is a I'm not saying a limitless supply this is a better situation for these guys to keep bringing these kind of weights as we watch angler of the year Bryan thrift break down this Lake and he is slowing down we're seeing a lot of different things on in this tournament here at Lake Marie coming into this event after winning anglers a year I mean that's a that's a huge milestone for us but you know it gives you confidence I mean I feel good on the water I feel comfortable it I feel like I'm gonna get a bite even if I don't get a bite I've kind of got the mind frame that you know the next place I go is gonna be the one or something like that I mean you you really can't explain it it's something that it just kind of comes over we get to leave here we know we're not there no more we gotta save something from our and now get side by side perspective two of our English hair the hometown favorite here Gagliardi last time we were here there were a couple days the afternoon was real key for Gagliardi on some key bites you know I'm not really fishing anything that looks odd people would see where I'm fishing their idea that makes sense it's obvious stuff it's just hit points next to drop yeah points next to Creek channels or river channels I mean there's usually deep water you know fairly close to where I'm fishing oh my goodness dude come on baby it's better if it has a little bit of a sharp drop somewhere but just all they are is this place is the you know the fish can push the shad and or herring this just gives them an opportunity to push that bait up on top and and and come up and feed and and there's really there's no secret to what I'm doing yes I feel like I know more places where that kind of bite happens answer throughout the course of the day just the law of averages you know works itself out and eventually I'm gonna hopefully run over somewhere this guy some good fishin on their activities and then I catch some stuff you got to be kidding me Gagliardi with a live wall full of beautiful healthy largemouth bass and that brings us to the end of day one the cloud cover has produced a much better bite than anyone was expecting Brandon Cobbs roommate Justin Adkins jumps into the lead but the weights are so very close the full field of anglers will get one more day to fish before we cut down to ten for one final round of fishing just Megan's here day two we got to lay its slim lead over Anthony Gagliardi which is kind of scary but I'd rather be leading than chases we're gonna have to catch him every day you know I would have thought before this tournament the fight across 21 pounds I could have kind of coasted the next two days and maybe had a shot to win but that's not gonna be the case Bob it's day two and the excitement is in the air and you can see and feel every bit of it yeah this is what the Forrest Wood Cup is all about right here running into that beautiful sunrise all of the crowd and everything's behind you it is time to go to work and get this business done a special day for all our 53 anglers but extra special for our top anglers Atkins Cobb and then obviously our hometown guy Gagliardi about decided my best bet start running as many places as I can and try to take a little bit advantage of some of the school and activity they're wanting to do I think with it sunny this morning they're not they're not right in the brush they're out around at Roman which is you know what you think will be backwards to cloudy days but for some reason cloudy days they get right down in it and even call them up out of there but this morning they're out roaming real bad Jesse I can incredible angler families here a huge support system from his family they were emotional yesterday after just day one you know and you could just see that they're all invested in this struggle and in this passion with with Justin if you guys don't know Justin he is an easy guy to root for he is a guy you want to succeed and if he wins this thing there aren't a lot of people that won't be you know tip their cap to him that guy I'm glad he got his jab step that's a big fish to swing in the boat man oh yeah over the rail and in the pail is the sound wicked wicked tuna yeah how's it going this is a spot that and my mom was practicing with me it's kind of slate in comb wouldn't catch a whole lot and all seven four four and a half pounder comes up and just blows up I told her set the hook I look back her pulls bitten - so I've been seeing some really big ones blow up up here they're they're chasing them pairing six eight inches long I mean really big fish eating on herring so I decided to come up here now we're only in a foot of water fish getting ready to bust right where my bait is that is amazing got it that time Travis Fox qualified through our Costa series couldn't be more happy to be here at the Forrest Wood Cup but he's gonna face some challenges if he plans on making it to day three this one's pulling like a bass yeah Travis the biggest issue that Travis Fox has is a limited number of places to fish a lot of these guys you take Anthony Gagliardi who lives here and Justin Atkins who spend a lot of time here they have a lot to select from they got a lot of places go but Travis Fox just has a select few areas that he's gonna have to hunker down in and really mine the most that he can get out of it how about that for a fatty oh you know how much I love this fish I'm gonna go Jimmy Houston on it Wow that's good stuff right there yeah there are a lot of guys fishing a clean tournament this weekend people showed up with their a-game strap their shoes laced up the laces and they're ready to go man they're bringing they're leaving nothing out on this lake this weekend don't go anywhere we will be right back [Music] you [Music] that's big into three founders throw as far as I can which is pretty far with 15 pound test the big heavy bait in the second stick right that's a big one you stop fish that's what we're looking for yeah that one oh gosh good not a lot bigger but he's bigger they all look like six pounders when they eat it I think a lot of them are fours that try to get it but you never know gonna make one loop down these then come back to some of these welcome back everyone 2017 Forrest Wood Cup here on Lake Murray in beautiful Columbia South Carolina welcome to the Brandon Cobb show these are the moments you dream about this is what the whole professional angling career is all about right here Brandon Cobb found his rhythm again and quickly I mean it would it went in a flash he had zero fish to five fish really quickly leading the whole pack right now he does he's doing the right things in his days slowly curving towards him a little bit more all these places I've finished I'd practiced on them I knew which ones had fish which ones I thought had fish I've ever fished them in the tournament multiple times I've kind of figured out which ones are more consistent like I'm pretty confident catch one on some places and some I might catch one but I don't know so I know which ones I need to try to spend the most time hitting or hit multiple times and I also learned that if it's sunny again tomorrow like is today I've got to make sure I'm in some of the prime areas at the right time and I found one place today that's got a lot more fish I caught fish off of it yesterday but it's got a lot more than I thought it did that's a big one Brandon Cobb in an incredible group would Cobb is dialing in right now is the precise timing of how much time it ends to spend on him today - am i up - I feel like I've been in contention this before so I try to not put too much into it just go go fishing again not worry about too much I mean the way this fishing is I have no idea what I'll catch and I can't think about winning because that I mean it's not gonna you just need to test as much as you can regardless what that's kind we need right there grind today lean kitchen I'm begging four and a half table is making this run-and-gun pay right now Gagliardi has not moved he stayed on this spot you know he's he's alluded to other things and he's thinking about everything but he has stayed on that spot he said there were some big fish in there we started here didn't have a bite and left and I caught two came back here they probably I mean it was probably a little after ten or so and as soon as we got here fish came up and I lost the big one on top and next cast I caught a keeper and I've caught three keepers here so it just shows you sometimes man the time of day the fish were probably here this morning they just weren't they weren't ready to eat I don't know how big he is the big fish are probably always bitin but they're not usually where most people are fishing I mean they're they're either out there farther offshore and when you get the cloud cover like that and some wind and some stuff like that maybe they push in a little bit they're just a little more accessible under those conditions that's why that type of type condition sometimes it lends us out the better fishing more times than not Anthony Gagliardi we coined him the host of this tournament because he was nice enough to invite everybody for the Forrest Wood Cup to hang out in his backyard at his little home lake here but he's gonna make a good run at these guys Justin Atkins and Brandon Cobb right here you can't count Gagliardi out because he's just got too many little puzzle pieces that he can he can try out and see what fits I've never seen this Lake so I come over and pre practice about three weeks ago long days frustrating days hard to stay with it I don't know a thing about a herring I don't even know what one is I had to Google one to kind of look at the color you know match the hatch is what the fly fishermen say right I have watched the YouTube videos and stuff so many times of Canterbury and and Gagliardi and everybody catching them last time we were here that was what I felt was the best practice for me been really struggling in the afternoon the bite really slows down for me the good thing I have going on here is I've got some wind just need one more one more good solid healthy fish and I think I'll have enough to make the cut my absolute best place we we named mom's place I did spend a lot of time there today I'm confident that I'm milking it for all it's worth it's a good one I'm not gonna do is horse him today mom spots been good for me it's it's had six fish the smallest one at three and a half pounds they go bass big ol bass come on baby I need you we need you [Applause] right off Mama's hole Oh kyndra mom you might want to go ahead and make reservations for another night that is a game-changer this is 53 anglers fish the first two days competition trying to make the buck knives top ten cut and fish another day this is the day because of that cut where everybody lays it out and guys do not back off we're right away some fish man let's do it 16 pounds even angler of the year pride thrill his rookie season another solid 5 bass limited a he's gonna run what I can and do the best I can do you know try to catch him up 19 pounds 4 ounces you got the lead I call him real quick and didn't really pay attention how big they were but they're a little bigger on just finish our top 10 is set and it is a stack top 10 tomorrow's weighing will be epic and that gear to you come down to that kicker fish $300,000 on the line and the title of Forrest Wood Cup [Music] you well I say competition in the Forrest Wood Cup there's no better day to be on the water yeah I'm gonna stick with what got me here yeah at least for the first half of the day and as the day goes on and we'll see what happens second place going in the last day the Forrest Wood Cup the dream come true you got a pound 13 ounces we got a make up about to go get it done the way the bite is it doesn't last long we got to catch them quick and win they're bitin we got be in the right place at the right time and put them in the boat can't lose fish it's the 2017 Forrest Wood Cup here on Lake Murray and it is a third and final day championship Sunday Rob somebody's walking home with $300,000 and of our 53 anglers that started this tournament there's only ten left and that field of ten is stacked stacked is correct Travis I mean we're looking at three former Forrest Wood Cup winners Scott Martens out there today Scott Suggs you can't forget also what's that Anthony Gagliardi the hometown favorite also let's take a look at the rookie class we got in the top ten two guys Aaron Britt from out on the west coast I thought this just an Atkins rookie that's showed up and made some waves the last couple days we can't forget it's on a couple of young guns - Brandon Cobb and Michael Neal both made the top ten in the Forrest Wood Cup last year and the husband definitely not least we've got two other anglers the dark horse Travis Fox beneficient Mama's spot really just milking that one area with all it's got and then mr. consistency Brian thrift he is never out of any event I don't care what his limit is a lot of variables still up in the air but there's only one way to find out who's going to be holding up that check the end of the day and that's to go out and fish let's get this party started [Music] oh my gosh yo baby yeah come on come back get it well that's too vague one Justin Atkins finished second place for Rookie of the Year and finishing the season on an amazing note no matter where he finishes today this was a killer season by Atkins is starting out the day in the number-two spot behind his roommate Brandon Cobb Wow he's missed seven blow ups you know obviously things are getting more and more tense as we run out of time on this tournament here even though there's plenty of day left I start the last day had to come I just got there issues right there Rob I was thinking the same thing man I mean this is the biggest stage there is Justin Atkins a passionate passionate angler has earned every bit of success he's had this year yeah oh let's pull it off and come back got it and he's got another one he's hooked up tight in here stay down well I didn't realize it that it came back a guy this is another big fish yes hmm horse would cup right there look at that ja those two fish are two giant steps toward to get not 300,000 what is going on speaking of the road map to victory here let's look at the general tire road map to victory here timing and rotation so critical are you following behind somebody are you fishing fresh piles when you get to a place are they schooling or they not schooling should you leave should you stay execution and the efficiency of getting to those fish when right when they hit the surface and then the flotillas out here and managing the traffic of these flotillas those flotillas affect the way you run your piles if you're at one and you want to skip five of your piles and move way up to another one you can't could you drag your flotilla basically through your other four or five piles that affects your timing and rotation because you know the one you want to fish but you can't fish it at that particular time because you don't wanna drag your flotilla through the other ones here's the hometown favorite Anthony Gagliardi Madison nice no last time we were here he's the one guy that won the title he's on the herring bike a lot of confidence with Anthony right now this is his backyard I have said this week if anything happens to this herring bike if it were to just suddenly evaporate today for some unknown reason your money would have to be on Anthony he has some sneaky stuff off a lot of action one there is going to be a lot more action there's still a lot more day to fish and there's a lot of great anglers that are chasing out kids right now we'll be right back after a quick break [Music] you [Music] hey Rome JC's yeah I got a three pounder trying to eat my top water bait and a friggin Osprey comes to get it go away Osprey oh my gosh really really welcome back everyone to our coverage here on Lake Murray for the 2017 Forrest Wood Cup 300 thousand dollars on the line right now Justin Adkins the man that started the morning on fire if you would have asked him what a perfect morning would have been he would not have been greedy enough to say I want a four and a half and a five and a half pounder for my first two fish and that's what he got I don't know what you did during the commercial break there Travis but I was on my phone order my pencil poppers you know what I'm saying I got a fresh bait on the side yeah being a professional and fisherman's been my only dream since I was you know seven years old I'm legitimately some people say that I looked at Larry Nixon and people like that where my icons growing up that's all I want to do I've never had a plan B come out as a rookie and make the cup you know that was my goal from the get-go I want to catch them as good as I can but I just got you got to make that cup come out and make it you know my rookie season was the statement that I wanted to make and I made it and I put a lot of time in practice it for this event and I just you know block everything out just focused on the fish this is an amazing morning that Justin Atkins has had I mean just a magical day three forced would Cup final day run right here Rob one thing we've seen a lot out of Brandon is he is so calm it's been amazing to see an angler this young we have such poise he's had some amazing finishes in past Forrest Wood Cup events he is not going to let Justin just run away with this even though Justin is having an absolutely amazing day so far I will tell you yesterday he told me one of the things that concerns him the most about going into the final day of the Forrest Wood Cup is that the morning is his window that's when he does his damage he hadn't had a lot of cat in the afternoon quit those look going oh I tried to lead him yeah that one today I ran to what I thought was the best areas from yesterday first and that didn't work out real well so I went to what's kind of consider a community whole here but they school real well on it so I ran the community hall and soon as I pull up hair and flying everywhere whoa that's a five pounder I might be bigger in five might be a 6 pounder a three pounder was chasing a hare and I misled him the 6 pounder must've been chasing also and I called it that's a giant yeah I can get another not so fast just in Atkins not so fast I've been a comedy of errors this morning go over here and they come up here go over there they come up over there there's something coming up out here right now but this is the ones that come up here are big we've seen them coming up here this morning and there's easily a 20 pound plus bag sitting right here easily honestly it's the most fish I've seen here yet and ironically it's a were stuff done we have Travis's mother in the studio here Sandra Fox and there's a special story behind Travis's best spot right now it's a spot where you we named mama spot I'm convinced the winnin bag is right here first time I cast out there on Mama's spot he's like now when you cast out there you're gonna have to just jerk it you know and I was like I don't need to he says yeah you will and I said no I've already reeling it in come on thanks for showing me this spot I need your help stay focused there it'll wait on you there is but something big would I mean strip and drag come on baby come on baby see right Travis boom six gotta get him there's four more of these out here promise ya does that make mama proud that makes me real proud very proud now go get those other four he said he wants to be the first angler to say he won the Forrest Wood Cup pre fishing with his mom don't go anywhere we will be right back [Music] you the FLW Tour is brought to you by celebrating 60 years of fish finding excellence lowrance GoPro this is your life be a hero the world leader in off-road innovation Polaris off-road vehicles Yeti built for the wild and by th marine from transom to trolling motor [Music] right four pounds that was a keeper night Bango Blaine yes it's working two cats in a row two fish boom we're going somewhere now and we are back on Lake Murray and Columbia South Carolina for the 2017 Forrest Wood Cup j-3 championship Sunday one of the top ten anglers left is gonna be holding up a cup above their head and a $300,000 paycheck at the end of today second third place right now behind Justin Adkins but both anglers have so much room left in their live well they have the three right fish they just need to fill out with two more quite a lot of pressure though right now I mean we're definitely coming down to the last few hours of the Forrest Wood Cup just a napkin said a little while ago he said I've had the most amazing day of bass fishing in my career on the most amazing day that it could possibly happen the final day of the Forrest Wood Cup it's been the best dishing day in my entire life on the one day when it counts the absolute most yeah feels like doing barely got it thank you lord I might have done it I might have just won the freakin Cook so what you won't stay the force would cook nothing yeah this man's had magic today and he's kept that excitement and poise through the entire event [Music] Travis Fox started the day in fourth place he said I need 25 pounds to win this he's going for the win and he has three fish that are quality fish he's doing the right thing and I promise you for the rest of this event he's gonna be doing this bigger fish tactics looking for the two more quality fish to go for the win we can catch another one we're gonna make it interesting this is this is what we like we like a close ballgame and this is getting ready to happen that's a good one it's a good one I think it's another dadgum five pounder I had a girl come here we won't take you home to show you to the fans in South Carolina come here Fox has made it clear he's laying it all on the line on that one spot with these heavy-duty techniques one more like that and it'll get serious the last couple hours of this tournament are gonna come down to I don't want to look back and have any regrets it's still really stunned by the dish Gagliardi I know he's disappointed in that right now and probably really scrambling trying to pull out some stops to make something happen we got his five great day they're not big enough I may just throw this double fluke arrest today and hope and catch two full pounders or something I wasn't really focused and I was worried I mean I was really worried that that morning time just really shook me when when I was around this big fish you couldn't get him to buy it finally I ran a little bit farther down got a free pound at this point I start kicking myself saying you know what you should have stuck it out the weather had changed we had some files that were coming in and it was it was a little bit windy and it was just right what I was willing to do and and I just realized I've wasted to get a bit of time up at the upper end of the lake from the reason we've only got 18 minutes where we got to check in I made a comeback don't get me wrong but it's come down to the wire you know I feel like I wasted a lot of time today I got frustrated and I kind of I got away from my game plan but it's too little too little too late I believe [Music] you the time has run out for our field of ten on championship Sunday it's time to head to the scales and weigh them in Rob I've been to so many of these things those weigh-ins never get old to see a guy awarded $300,000 I cannot wait to see how this day ends what's up come on be a South Kings are the best of the best of the 53 greatest anglers in the world and it's all about one title that happens now and look at the crowd we got tonight y'all came out for this one in shell we're gonna have some fun with this William it's gonna be a great way and it's interesting to see that no one has ever won this thing twice a lot of people have an idea what happened but guys are catching them so fast like he was you're saying oh man it's a five you know it's a it's a six you think it's a five or six weeks when you weigh him but early on in the day it's a two or three pounder we throw in the well because it's just a good fish you don't realize how big it is so it hits that scale and it blows your mind when you see these 20 pound bags coming in a limit for date tennessee's Mike O'Neill 15 pounds 13 ounces 46 pounds and 11 ounces you got the lead on the biggest names in professional bass fishing a resume that is unmatched Florida Scott Martin for today for Scott Martin worth 9 pounds 6 ounces moves you to third place Brian smoke drift your reigning 2017 angler of the year Wow 18 pounds 2 ounces you got the lead come here baby how about another five pounder it's a keeper Wow Arkansas's Travis Fox heaviest stringer of the tournament 21 pounds 11 you got the lead he's bigger than I thought we know this crowd wants to see Andy Gagliardi the 2014 force Wood Cup champion to dethrone Arkansas Travis Fox you're gonna need 20 pounds 10 ounces you got three good ones let's see them a 5 bass limit for Anthony Gagliardi 15 pounds 2 ounces keeps you in third place yes taste our clans day in a cup yes Justin Atkins we're looking for 19 8:05 limits for Florida Alabama's Justin Atkins the rookie is first season on the FLW Tour and he puts himself in contention for the win 5 today for Justin atkins worth 22 pounds 1 ounce wow you got the lead from Greenwood South Carolina Brandon Cobb 219 pounds stringers had you in first place with 39 pounds even number three Wow number four is a good one gonna need number five and if it's a kicker we're gonna have a lot of fun let's see it now for today for Brandon Cobb worth fifteen thousand ounces your Force One Cup champion is Alabama's Justin Acton's Wow the 2017 Force One Cup champion he weighs in the heaviest bag of the tournament over 22 pounds on the final day here at the Forrest Wood Cup Justin it gives me pleasure to congratulate you and to prevent you with $300,000 for when the Forrest Wood Cup good job well done thank you very [Applause] Alabama's just enacted I mean it's just meant to be you know I'm sure Brandon just like everybody else had a lot of bites he lands any one of them you know it's a different person up here but I'm in that's efficient it was something meant to be yeah I can just tell all the way things were going today that it was probably gonna turn out really good and you just feel it thanks Columbia South Carolina this is the best crowd I've ever seen in my life Justin Adkins the 2017 Forrest Wood Cup champion [Applause] [Music]
Channel: MLF BIG5
Views: 163,440
Rating: 4.8122978 out of 5
Id: 3MYAfz1oG1k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 19sec (2719 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 27 2017
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