2016 Taiwan Halfsize micromouse First Prize Kojimouse 11, Hirokazu Kojima
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Channel: suhu9379
Views: 3,503,373
Rating: 4.695725 out of 5
Id: IngelKjmecg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 11sec (491 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 19 2016
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I would love a to know the algorithms involved. The fact that it was able to traverse diagonally is really cool.
Is the camera date or the title wrong 2016 vs 2011 ?
I had to build a maze solver for class. Felt like an absolute retard after seeing what these people achieved
When he gets the lint roller out, it looks like he's petting his mechanical mouse for doing so well.
This is the ultimate cat toy, or has a huge potential. Run that on a loop and not to solve!
More info about this here
I'm impressed that he made it look like a mouse, was that a design constraint or just showing off?
So we can all agree that the lint roller is the best of this video?