2015 USBTC 8-Ball: Shane Van Boening vs Corey Deuel

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hi everybody welcome back we are ready for our next match here at the 22nd us bar table championships presented by CSI - relative newcomers here as you can see and since you don't know either one of these guys let me introduce them to you the gentlemen racking there he goes by the name of quarry duel and according to the records he happens to be the defending eight-ball champion here at the u.s. bar table now that other fella there in the corner hails from somewhere in South Dakota they tell me he plays pretty good bar table everything and it just so happens the records also seem to indicate that he just won the 9-ball division he's the leader in the all-around but I think the most dynamic thing that really is going to unfold here today is in all of the accomplishments of SPD here at the US bar table he's got three nine ball crowns maybe always got four now he's got a couple of ten ball crowns three all around he has never won the eight ball division and it's arguably his best game on a bar table so I know as well as you do that this is it's pretty important to Shane to complete the trifecta and have a title in what he really grew up on was bar box eight-ball so here it goes Corey side break Rack one race to five seventh eighth place match winner continues loser is done we do have our two competitors for the hotseat match which i believe is at 2:30 this afternoon Jeff Ignacio surprise surprise having already won the 10 ball division here and Shawn McKay and if that's not a familiar name to you it soon will be when you see him play so those are our two finalists for the right to play in the championship match the winner of this match will continue on in the fifth sixth place match which comes up at one o'clock whether that's Shane or Cory is about to be determined here in the next 30 45 minutes or so Cory also sponsored by Obi and as you're well aware Obi is the official cue of the u.s. bar table championships so it's certainly nice to see them represented right here on the final day and our plan is also to bring you both the ladies and men's final later this afternoon on a late in the afternoon early evening approximately 5:30 for the women's final and depending if that goes one set or two if it's a one setter we'll come back around 7:00 p.m. for the men's final each of these players here are already assured $725 for making it to this match but the winner of this match will proceed to 5th 6th with a minimum of 1150 so nice little jump here from 7th 8th to 5th 6th four hundred-plus dollars and all the way up to on the top the champions going to get 6,500 he was pretty lucky it came out like that it could have been right on top of it but a break and run out of the gate for CD and he takes a one to nothing lead and OB as I said is the official cue of the u.s. bar table championships and you can certainly look at all the great OB products by going to OB ques calm and once again our good friends and family they are in Texas Royce and Don and everybody else set the OB facility thanks for all you've done over the years as well as this week here at the u.s. bt c sv b RAC number two race to five this is not pretty by any means only is it not pretty he's only got two shots the five ball or the thirteen ball maybe the 11 but that will Jack him up over the eight he could shoot the 13 without being too jacked up but it's going to be tricky to open up those balls over there the regardless of which group you take take the solids I'm not sure how you can get the four one to open if you take the stripes how do you open the nine ball and the 15 is the ball that the cue ball is married up against and that doesn't seem to have a pocket either possibly it could be made off the one in the corner but we'll just have to see the entire rack here could be based upon what decision he makes right here not only what group if he elects to shoot but will he elect to shoot would he consider playing safe here if he wasn't a tree topped on the stripe he could play the five and draw the cue ball into the cluster so sure there's any advantage here at the pocketing a ball because at this level once you start your run out you better be able to get all the way out we've seen many times where that has turned into a game for the opponent so certainly justified for s VB to be taking this much time here if he can just bounce off about where the 12 is he could then shoot the six and attempt to run the cue ball into that cluster my time trying to get through the gap to shoot the one and if he does and he can move the 14 out 15 excuse me the four will pass but where's a cue ball going to go if he pockets the one that's what he's looking at but we have any real insurance ball here if he hits the 14 full in the face then what's he going to shoot before on the side there's almost no pocket there well that's really going to help he played to glance off the bottom side of that stripe to get the cue ball where he could shoot the six now if you get on the floor he can open the to nine notice just how much care this man takes and deciding exactly where he wants the cue ball to be of course more often than not he will be successful in doing so I think what's concerning him is if he plays the form goes into the to their possible double kiss with the cue ball to the two where the two doesn't really leave the cushion so let's see what the plan is here and I think he's got a deep enough angle here to hit it with a good enough speed to get some separation as soon as he moves we'll know if it passes it looks like it'll go in the corner give me by any means here plus he's going to have to probably there's a little bit of left hand English ear to miss the side coming across you could hit it with inside as well mr. 10 let's just stay real high up here the distance on the 8 isn't going to be an issue I like a little bit outside here to help the ball and they'll be the only other concern would be the possibility of running into the 15 on the way out which is near the side it seems like when you'd be able to miss it but again a lot of a lot of care and time here in his mental preparation for the show well you saw it across corner you surprise me if he changes his mind again cross-eyed I think that's a much better decision than cross corner going into the 13 with the cue ball I think now from the very beginning I think he was at best maybe 6040 to get through those balls regardless of his status in the pool world that was one ugly leave he actually did as good as he could with it could have come out a little better on the two was just more or less pool gods at that point but CD with a huge opportunity here to win this and have the break in rack number three Shane in a real tough ha tough position here two games played two games for Cory Kamui the official tip of the u.s. bar table championships and quite an array of Kamui tip products for you to choose from and try out and you can take a look at all of them at Kamui tips calm solid and strikes let's see if he goes back to the side break again I don't expect he would change he did break and run in the first rack using this break and the ball is already down looks like solids would be the group here because the nine has no pocket he's got nice opening shot on the five can get them to the three the one goes the two has openings for will go in the side once the six is out of the way he can always wind up playing a four six combination in the side as well I believe he's must open with the five ball after the three he probably will shoot the one that's helped a little bit too because now he's opened up another pocket for the one ball should he elect to not play it next looking ahead the eight can be made in the side there near near where it is but it would be a little snug and you need to be close to it now he has but one shot and that's the deuce probably the one ball next that four goes in the upper left it would be nice but it looks like the 11s got just the piece of the pocket don't forget about that 8-ball once the four and six are gone if nothing else is moved the eight can go cross-eyed I'm sure he's playing for the four in the corner there so let's assume it goes or he wouldn't played there you can get real close to the 8-ball here if he wants to play it in the side it should be close enough it's three straight for CD he picked those off just the way they needed to be played he is 60% of the way there and Shane is not out of the starting blocks yet once again like to offer our congratulations on the women's division side to young taylor Hanson for winning the ten ball sixteen years old went through 28 players undefeated won the title and Liz lovely yesterday became the nine ball champion and she's a defending eight ball champion I like the solids if he could shoot the five right now I'm not sure if he can so you probably will have to take the other group because the five is in a pretty rough spot there you you didn't want to be on the rail that's for sure come out for the 9:00 doesn't like the angle you can see he's not dead straight in definitely think he wants to leave either the nine or the 15 is the ball before the eight because they'll a much better to get in that little channel to shoot the eight in the lower right corner they did off the three in order to make position easier now he's perfect just bounced out to about where the nine is okay on the board for SVP three one but he still needs a lot of help from the pool gods here not only does he owe I excuse me folks I want to make sure that I once again recognize our official host and sponsor here at the u.s. BTC the Grand Sierra Resort and Casino right here in Reno our fourth year here and it just keeps getting better and better so here's a situation for SGB he's got to win four of the next five racks and he's got to win two of them on Cory's break dry dry dry well what's the first thing that she needed to have happen was a turnover so he's got an opportunity now to get one game back definitely think stripes tradition of the group here and probably the three-nine is where he's got to start doesn't have another stripe he can shoot but if the 13 goes that's going to make position for Dean pretty easy here off to three - straight up the table he may even go to the 11 but one of those two I think is the next ball more angled and he wanted here you going to watch the six here and we're going to run into the six he used it to help the cue ball get down here so you would expect him to be able to get the rest of these shoot the 15 and the right the 14 and the left come around straight in on the 12 from around where the four ball is stop ten stop eating the side but he wants to do it this way and that will be okay 212 1014 amazing how they make these outs after a break where there's so many balls in one little area just maneuver through all that stuff bump a ball here in the air get perfect that's why he's number one okay so he had one good thing happened Cory broke dry and he got out now the next thing he needs to have happen is a break and run and then he's going to need one more turnover Corey still will have two chances to win the set because he will break twice more unless he wins on chains break here and in breaks and runs OH Wow oh wow boy I almost went in the side then I'm almost got kicked in cross side a little help from the break guards there and a nice open table putting stripes maybe maybe not looking at the 7 to get started I think that's probably because the stripes would require a lot of q-ball travel in a little bit of a funny position there you five will go in the side kind of about the same place that 8-ball was that Corey made and aside a couple of racks ago I'm sure he will want to clear the four before shooting the one so maybe after this four three one five two you now that he's moved the eight ball he can alter his pattern and play several different ways because the aid is so accessible now you okay just about everything the changes had needed to have happen since three zero has happened but he still needs one little more twist of fate here because now we're playing a race to two and Cory has the opening break in a three-game set so she needs Cory to turn the table over to him either in this rack or in the final rack should it get there and change the last two take care of business in the next game he certainly will be breaking one more time you look here at the layout and also at the eight-ball certainly looks like it goes in the left side half the favored solvents here I think because of the ball beneath the eight doesn't seem to have a pocket the seven ball doesn't have a pocket yet until the two is moved the five certainly passes I thought maybe you can shoot the five and roll up on the to make the two and come around the seven and play the two in the same pocket I mean play the seven in the same pocket as the two excuse me he really doesn't want to shoot the three because that's a great key ball to be the ball before the eight he could get straighten on the four and stop shoot the three and stop eating the side but he just doesn't want to shoot the one but he's going to have to I think careful if you bump the stripe don't tie the three up he's fortunate that he can still make the four ball he can make the three in the side possibly but I think the floor is the shot oh gosh shame did not like that well now the cool gods have repaid Shane for the lucky shot that Corey got on the for although he still well I'll tell you the glance he got making that for ball off the stripe was a gift from heaven because he did miss the ball that would not have gone but you got to give him credit for making the shot on the six jacked up over the eight so Shane must break and run to force the decider okay first first part has been done a ball is made the cue ball ders in space he would love to take the stripes if he has a nice easy shot on the 14 to start with I think he does the only other ball I think stripe wise that might be an issue is the nine so now that Ivan Ines the ball right next to the cue ball it may look like the one excuse me it's just to the left of the cue ball and just to it's in between the cue ball and the one ball so if he takes the stripes that's the tough ball if he takes the solids seems like everything has a pocket but you can almost probably I guess the five will go on the side where he's standing I still don't still think he's looking at the yellow stripe on the side here and go forward and make a nine in the corner no he did elect to take the solids and I can't blame them for that you oops boy that was not what he wanted to have happen there I think he thought he catched the - a little bit thinner where the cue ball would get out there for the six I think maybe all he's got is the to cross side now he can play safe behind the two off the six he's going to cut it in watch out watch out watch out well that was the risk that was the risk he took shooting that shot he kind of did it to himself on the position and he's pretty much put a bow around the match gift wrapped it and handed it to Cory certainly Cory we'll start with the 15 I'd be surprised if he if he didn't and I am surprised that he didn't it's all right I mean you know play this play the 12 and the side and then go to the 15 I think mr. s VB is going to be mr. owe you t and once again another year will pass by without Shane getting a sniff of the eight ball title and Cory will stay alive in his quest to defend this title and he does it a 5-3 victory through quarry duel over the South Dakota kid Shane finishes 7th 8th Corey moves up to the 5th six slot and I would guess that might be what's coming up next is a 5th 6th place match but I don't know who we might have all right our next match is a 5th 6th place match and will again feature Cory against Steve null
Channel: CueSports International
Views: 204,990
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: billiards, pool, cue, sports, cuesports, international, csi, 2015, usbtc, bar, table, championship, grand, sierra, resort, casino, reno, nevada, 8-ball, eight, ball, Shane Van Boening (Person), Corey Deuel (Person), Eight-ball
Id: qsigpGNtkgQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 44sec (2924 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 06 2015
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