2014 San Diego State @ Boise State One Hour

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[Music] welcome to ESPNU college football primetime presented by 5-hour energy tonight we're an Albertsons Stadium and Boise for a Monica West Conference matchup between San Diego State Aztecs and the Boise State Broncos along with former Colorado and Boise State head coach Dan Hawkins I'm Dave LeMond and here's the Mountain West up-to-date with San Diego State now in control of the West if they win this game tonight while Boise has the advantage on Colorado State they must win to maintain that top pace in the mountain division at Hawk tonight we're gonna get a treat those people who like to watch the football run he's not going to get a better matchup than this guts chance to see two great backs today in a mere Abdullah and Melvin Gordon go out in today you've got Donnell Pumphrey from San Diego State a 1200 yard rusher and Jie from Boise State and Lebanon 1,100 yard rusher comes into this game off a four straight hundred yard game so you will get to see tailbacks in action and yes that happened for about two straight days and Boise all that snow it's beautiful now other than the nine degrees and it's a little bit warmer in San Diego but we don't have any wind so that 9 degrees not a problem it's a dry cold days open alright so everybody knows we're not hiding behind any windows here it'll be Sammy I can stay for the football and we're ready to get this underway all the fame the blue in Boise here we go this would be Rashad penny and Penny cracks through it he gets hit the 30 and he's going to keep fighting at a great one back by Rashad penny he'll get all the way out to just shy of the 40-yard line but the Boise defenders trying to strip it from the ball didn't tackle him Boise gave up a big return last week to New Mexico for a touchdown typically Boise State's able to kick that ball out of the end zone for touch back some proponents of the times you see the weather having a huge effect on the starting position here as we bring on Quinn Taylor the senior quarterback from San Ramon he had a solid game last weekend a victory over a very pesky Idaho Banda's team you see his numbers on the year the borei and T's then touchdown keep an eye out for punt three number 19 the country will get a chance here and he'll get hit many times they'll get maybe in the Boise territory before Dante Dion slams him down on you were down on that turf isn't feeling the extra heart of his cold weather it's hard talking to the guys in Boise State they were kind of wearing the old school astroturf shoes with the short nubs on it because it's hard to get your long leads down into that that feel turf take another day [Applause] they go back to pump four heats got a little bit of a hole and he'll get to the 45-yard line pick up five on that let's set up third down and short for San Diego State yeah we take a look at our impact players San Diego State stopping and starting off that power Ezell roughing a great receiver been hurt came back last year and Dante Dion those two will probably matched up a lot tonight see what he calls up third and three Taylor back to pass looking for country out of the backfield he'll grab it and he'll get it first down to the Aztecs he has finally brought down into Boise territory a little bit simple flat route when you're in manageable down distance you can do this donnell pump freeze good hands does a nice job kind of wrapping it up it's a little bit cold out here tonight is a good job kind of body catching that staying on schedule here early for the Aztecs 17-yard pickup in the first down you see pump free can catch out of the backfield so can a je by the way he doesn't very well for the Broncos as a pass catch this to both these guys dual-purpose backs [Applause] the lot to swing it out here to roughen and he attracts a lot of attention he'll get back to the line of scrimmage and that's going to be it Darian Thompson doing a great job running he's going to be in a lot of place because he's the extra hitter in this defense and that play there was crowded in the box Marcell Yates defensive coordinator outnumbered the running game so they flipped it outside the secondary doing a great job running down so second down and six you see Thompson but he's done so far on the year his five interceptions leading the team Kantar under a little bit of pressure throws behind it'll be third down intended receiver was ezel Ruffin third down attending some pressure that time for the Broncos defensively yeah Bowl Mart number 53 getting in there he's a real blue-collar player pack the hammer before the warm-ups there you see it right there no sleeves this guy's only got one speed you'll see both he and Camille Correa get up in the field and they can get out of the quarterback today got to think this is going to be a difficult night for field goal kickers so if the Aztecs don't make this was an interesting decision for rocky laws pressure against Taylor there's tough Elisabeth underneath that the official gets out of the way it's going to be hazy he will be short of the first down that's only going to be about a four yard pickup another tackle by Darian Thompson will be looking at fourth down and six Hasley needs to put his foot in the ground and get vertical good job by Katers stepping up to the pressure Marcel Yates bringing five just put your foot in the ground and go north and south can't run around his own coverage and bringing it out for the field goal team is rocky long Donnie Hickman the junior from Covina California ten of 13 gave Necedah nice job field goal kicking is really playing the Aztecs over the last couple bateman's on a nice job so far de temps that's impressive because that is a difficult king of these conditions and San Diego Spain grabs the early lead they beaten the Broncos onto blue before and they say they're not intimidated in the early going proves their right take a look at rocky long in San Diego State rocky an old school coach pretty much to see the the father of the grandfather of that 335 because he's kind of modern I don't know what they call him the inventor that word goes around me he's running ever since he was at Oregon State very popular amongst a lot of high schools and you know small college programs when he was at Oregon State couldn't get enough defensive lineman really to run a four-man line and and recruited the guys with the body types he could get [Applause] [Music] there's the head coach for the Aztecs rocky long in his fourth season looking for his 31st win at the helm of the Aztecs and he's one of the great coaches in Mountain West history yeah wing is coached hasn't lost in the Mountain Time Zone his last two trips to the blue beat Buffalo last year in the famous potato bowl here and also beat Boise State two years ago here on the blue and Brian Carson certainly well known in this area played here was the offensive coordinator under coach Peterson and now in his first season as two head coach he sends out grant head Rickard quarterback on the ground at IE he got hit hard at the 30 spun out of that trail Omax number 14 hit him hard but a giant away and picked up a solid gain of the 32 two teams not afraid to pound it here a little bit JJ he's also one of those backs that warms up as the game goes on he gets better as he gets to carries 20 25 and 30 he'll be the only thing that warms up as the game goes on little awkwardness on the handoff but no problem here this is Nick Nichols he's got great speed and he'll get out to the 45 at the 46 yard line for a 14 yard pickup before Malik Smith brought him down Jerry McNichols the true freshman took the red shirt off in the Nevada game they needed some more production he's a guy that they like both at the receiver and tailback position got a lot of juice that's the first first down of the night for the Broncos Edric escapes one and he'll just throw it away see grant Hendrick had a big day last week six touchdowns he's really been hot the last two games 11 touchdowns only two interceptions the two games at Boise State did loss did lose old myths and Air Force turnovers who the proud but he's been high it's a laser shot incomplete in and out of the hands of the receiver at the 48 yard line dallas burrows it'll be third down to ten here is the latest picture Hawk of the Mountain West well as you mentioned Nevada losing opens that door wide open for those for those West Division teams Boise State continues needs to continue to win they're in control have the tiebreaker over Colorado State switch so did should the thing running course you think they might be in contention for the the six bowl games as the committee tries to pick those teams it's going to be fourth down and 10 tried to go along to Shane Williams roads and the other thing it's Boise State and Utah State he didn't not played yet and that will be a season ender for those two and that's gonna have a lot of implications in the Mountain West and maybe in the national picture in that Wells doing a great job down there down to their third team quarterback but still continuing to win games you saw that shot taken to Shane Williams Rhodes San Diego State's gonna run a lot of man coverage you're gonna have a lot of those opportunities today they just have to hit them Floyd Mills has run one back already this season for a touchdown this kick a fair catch and good field position for the Broncos defense this time San Diego State 90 degrees that was in the back of the SS yes this was yesterday's walkthrough yes that's Mike Sanford the offensive coordinator you know he's the coach because he has to whistle around his neck and this was happening yesterday after all the snow hit this area on Thursday and Friday about three inches accumulation you see it piled up here in walnut maybe 9 degrees at least it's dry with Dan Hawkins I'm Dave Lamont big game in the Mountain West with the Mountain West but the may be the nation one picked yeah let's get those pasty white bodies off there but you're right possible chance for Boise State should they continue to roll to get in contention for that new year six Jeff sweet voice in there and they running Boethius ready for that that play was snuffed out Danna Vallejo in there really doing a nice job putting a lot of nickel tonight but he's a very active player got forced into duty last year as a young guy good speed runs around makes a lot of plays for the defense a shot penny he came in on the jet sweep motion safes price 22 is the tailback he sneaks out of the pattern the pass goes incomplete and there is a late flag Lloyd Mills I'm rating 2 was the intended receiver being covered by Glee Sean page he had a gazelle they're gonna get Paige holding on there a little bit faster ferrets offense defense is kidding number 30 15-yard penalty automatic first down the double move grabbing on just a little bit there so mark it out to the San Diego State 40-yard line both of these teams have big offensive play looks and can do a lot of things Bob Toledo see a few blitzes in his line that time Boise State brought the house down stacks blocking it up and came doing a nice job stepping up making how much does if they call in change in this kind of weather StreetPass to the 44 yard line that's going to be it for chase price pick up a four maybe five and they get him to the 45 it'll be second now they're gonna say it's a five yard game chase price also very productive Donnell pumphrey getting the majority of the carries but chase also very reliable back nice little misdirection screen you asked about how much the playbook is available you know I think Dave if it's the wind is the number one problem and then torrential rain typically the cold you can manipulate most of that price stays in to the top of the i-formation and he'll get it it's a good block off the guard and he'll fight bright to midfield and that could be another STX first down cycle made by Thompson again UC San Diego stay not afraid to pound it in there even though the numbers are against it straight lead play see Cory Bell 38 trying to get down in he's the extra safety he played nickel last week against New Mexico but he's playing in safety and he's the extra defender San Diego State not afraid to run it against extra numbers and in the box [Applause] no fires wide open that's another first down that's made by ezel Ruffin been roughed up this year he's only played in four games now five due to injury very solid receiver not necessarily a burner but a guy good inside and outside with his cuts saw quick camera making a wide field throw there he's had a right shoulder problem that bugged him he's missed some time came back a couple weeks ago I think it's continuing to get a little bit better although I bet he used real extra bengay in this it's first out of 10 we may need some Adele - this - the heat factor picks you out look at price running with some birds he'll get down to the 35 that'll be a gain of 4 second and 6 another tackle when Darien Thompson number 4 in the black for those of you not old enough that's a toss play ok you don't see that much in football anymore everybody's running zone read that is not but San Diego State does toss try pulling a couple of blockers there's Bob Toledo on the white half but bring us back in the game they also did this thing Huck that's called a huddle a lot of people don't see those anymore either is how are they get together and talk they do before each play is gonna be short of the first down that puffer you'll need three to go it's one-on-one Oh number seven with a hit there's Bob Toledo I'll tell you our sound guys are doing a good job you're here there's some racket going on out of that field right there's some physical football game there's Bob Toledo post he was former head coach at UCLA rocky was his defensive coordinator at the time these two guys been around for a long time together so interesting third down and three or the possibility of this being go for it on fourth down if they don't make it [Applause] 20 makes a sweet move into the end zone touchdown Aztecs 33 yards problems on the edge drop late here you see they get it blocked up Dakota Gordon does a nice job the full-back number 46 coming off fitting up on the backer after the DN ducked inside they got the edge and Donnell pumphrey finished it off maybe one Boise defender had a chance of his page and when he whipped that was going to be in so bit of a stunning result the team from Southern California comes into the cold in a minute 16 to go they put together a template 87 yard drive and so far it's all Aztecs donnell pumphrey the thousand yard rusher picks up 32 more laps photography of downtown Boise and the snow that came through started on Thursday pretty much rolled right through midday Friday before it finally calmed down and there's the shield the Aztecs brought with them the counter the hammer and the Broncos in for the moment it's the shield ten on the hammer and nothing has done out pump tree with his 14th rushing TD of the season 22nd of his career and here's a note to tuck away the Aztecs have won four in a row when he runs for a touchdown [Applause] this is McNichols he'll get out to the 28 yard line [Applause] Hedrick on play-action a little bit of interferences up boys locked up and intercepted by Calvin lumps it looked like that there was some pressure the pass was tipped and Munson with a difficult catch and it's a turnover that's exactly right grant Hendricks arm got touched ball didn't come out clean Nash Tech's bring in five again this is this is something Boise State's gotta have an answer for without the spirit yep very active from nosey you're right that's a pretty good catch for a linebacker right there Munson making a big play you know we know the games at Boise State lost tur knows what's everybody really everybody talks about that bits it's the number one stat debut watched enough games you turn it over it's tough to win San Diego State in control with Dan Hawkins I'm Dave Lamont the first quarter dominated by San Diego State 135 yards to 27 to 6 first downs to one and you see why it's all those big guys right there Terry Puhl 79 310 Sarah gusoff 56 325 Darrell Green 72 315 right tackle Pierce Slayer 6-7 335 Marcel gets defensive corners answer their dial Pumphrey is back in at tailback number 19 fake to him he comes in with a good block and a deep shot down the field for Taylor and it's at the 20 yard line the catch is made by Chancellor James 22 had a chance to make that play we just talked in the prank about possibly San Diego State taking a shot downfield is see right am blocking it up play pass getting everybody blocked knocked down that ball hung up in the air but chancer couldn't quite locate it he's el roughed him with a good catch men to the Kahler playing with a bit of a bum shoulder but he got to take those deep shots just to keep him honest he had two touchdowns in roughened last week in the win over Idaho now back on the ground free and you'll get to the 16 yard line to pick up three on the play Tyler gray in there on the stop running power America's favorite play pulling the backside guard Donnell pumphrey with his pads down we talked before look at the drive start it's almost Arena League football on 40 home 48 on 49 ironically the TV came on the long drive but time to stop moving we'll have to go about 50 yards and a pitch this time pump tree again puts his foot the ground he'll get inside the 15 of the 13 yard line mother on over another stop a gain of three there's third down and four coming up can't say enough the way this kid will put his foot in the ground and chilly we talked about putting the foot in the ground what it means is there's a sudden burst and a change and getting downhill he puts his past down and lose the pot not much there but still ends up get three yards we'll check out of the game we'll see if they could chase prices also run very effectively back in the game this into the end zone very loud down here San Diego State needs to make sure they're on the same page communication snap count NBC prices and number 22 of the tailback stop go out for a pass paint a look at Enzo he'll grow and it's dropped at the 8 yard line what should have been an interception by Tyler gray it'll be fourth and five yeah got to add those hands that's probably why he's playing on defense knowing those guys are on offense again Marcel DA's defense Court have been bringing three on most of these third down Quinn Taylor's an experienced quarterback he needs to anticipate that's what he's been getting every third down can't turn it over in the red zone kind of a difficult catch as you look back on it for Graeme it was definitely in his hands and now on for a 30 yard field goal attempt his hatred is one football already tonight this estate has blocked to kick this year but not that one and Eggman has been very impressive with two field goals 41 in 30 yards and right now it's been all Aztecs Boise State unable to get anything going on offense and San Diego State taking advantage of good field position they got McNichols and we're totally back deep in the 5-yard line on the return [Applause] and San Diego State doing just about everything right McNichols is a very short return Calvin Monson in there on the stop and knock it has been all Aztecs against buying Harsens Broncos yeah you see that obviously 212 yards passing the other thing is you look at the amount of plays now the first quarter they ran 12 plays this is a team that averages close to 80 so obviously well below the number of opportunities let alone the statistical and now your driver from the 20-yard line which is not good as well go to a je you'll get flipped that's gotta sting just a little bit when you land on that turf come on take KZ on the stop but it's a decent game of six second down and four okay Mike Sanford spread Mount offensive coordinator spreading him out and running the ball thin in that defense out just a little bit given J an opportunity to get going that rig under pressure he'll fall through the tackle into the 27 yard line no gain on the play John Sanchez in there honest gotta throw that ball on time because people are coming you're not gonna be able to hold up against this defensive line in the amount of blitzing that rocky Long's gonna bring pressures from the edge he's going to fire it down deep the pass is intercepted a flag is down the pass picked off by JJ Whitaker the Whitaker's got a nice return set up on the near sideline before he is popped at the 37 yard line and this isn't over we got pushing and shoving on the San Diego State sideline on the near side the coaches trying to play peacemaker so we're going to have at least one penalty here pass interference offense number six penalty is declined first day I'm sent here to say I'm just gonna say David look like Whitaker had his eyes around and was playing the ball and wasn't in a position normally where you get DP I see what you snap his eyes great position I don't know if I would call that interference it seems like he was even made a tiny bit of contact but it certainly had no effect on Whitaker and here's what happened after the play everything is okay so far and then somebody said something to somebody and off we go JJ in there getting the hit these are two teams that are very similar I mean blue-collar old-school tough guy football programs to each other a little bit don't forget the top of the eye you saw the turnover story everything going San Diego State's way through [Applause] inside the 15 another flag is down at the 19 yard line Correa finally on the stop now this leg a few yards behind and not close to where the action is personal foul face mask defense number first down well you were right about the somebody not doing what they were supposed to be doing only was Correa the tackler running lead straight up beside doing a good job with a vision kicking out Marcel Yates said it we had the quote from defense support at the top of the top of the show man he's not down til he's down this guy is 170 pounds but he's going to give you everything he's got on every down now it's first to the goal from the 6 yard line San Diego Stan what's the ball well but on this year the pits out there go to pump anywhere great defense Blake Reno finally jumped on his back to ride him down no gain second down and goal typically Dave you've seen it teams that run the ball well usually do do well in the in the red zone San Diego State has not done a great job this year Boise State defense has been pretty solid the red zone coming into the game log they were 52% touchdown conversions in the redzone that's really not good and for team that runs the ball see that promotions out of the backfield dude worth winning dart in the endzone touchdown catch by Daniel Bronco [Applause] great little scheme play action inside Agora Dakota garden the full-back draws the linebackers up great catch in cold weather great catch anywhere but especially in cold weather well earlier well they began the evening we showed you the difference in the temperatures between these two cities 9 degrees at kickoff here in Idaho 64 degrees in Southern California and you'd think the Beach Boys wouldn't handle it too well but that is clearly not the case off the interception by Whitaker it's a 34 yard drive in three plays and a near-perfect football game being played so far by San Diego State [Music] David's being done the home team here the Boise State Broncos who trailed to lead to nothing that jae-min McNichols will try to get things going on the kickoff return and he can't get it done he'll get to the 24 yard line Nick his old man may have brought him down [Applause] quick throw to header gets caught that same Williams legs and become the arms of the first down Trello bags on the stop to pick up a big you don't mind Sanford the offensive coordinator wanted to go fast but it's hard when you not get many first downs he's had a couple on this drive and able start speeding up that and limits the defensive playbook back on the ground disappearing and shouldn't be a first down you follow the official at the top of the screen Johnny will they carry and let's see if they moved the chains see what Boise did the first five drives including two critical turnovers on interceptions Hedrick going deep down the field [Applause] catch cheers and erson the youngster this is contained in Boise State those types of threat chao-zu explosive plays and certainly needed and Hedrick frantically most [Applause] and loading up the left side so bhi nothing at doing there boy that play got killed by jig feeling he's gonna be back to play for the Aztecs next surgery in the offseason didn't play the first seven game for San Diego State when the 42 in there and white he is a good linebacker watch out here now grant make key but he had room to keep it there and he does he won't get anywhere in this philia game gain of a yard it'll be third down in Golding Smith who plays one of the warrior positions for rocky Long's defense jake fili here 42 with the Polamalu hair coming in right here this guy's a Hornet now he makes a little plays he's a rotten hitting machine sir down go [Applause] incomplete nope not quite perfect well defend at that time by Brandon Porter number 18 an out Boise faces a fourth down and goal when they'll send out the field will team to try to get some points great job by Porter recovering right there at spur becky's his talent really is being able to move his body around his space and make some of those difficult catches you see he's got a beat on a reporter does a great job putting his hand in between the receivers hand enable him knock it out then good Dale is 14 out of 18 this year on through a 21 yard and the Broncos are on the board for the first time tonight it took until 328 in the second quarter of this 90-degree evening here in Boise do we have a hashtag SC on the kids by J's Anderson [Applause] in single-digit temperatures here in Boise on the blue of San Diego State Boise to get the big catch inside the five and do nothing work at motherhood available yeah certainly an emotional victory for the defense of San Diego State second intent there's a little better and experience paying off both Martin in his face he didn't want any part of that understandably Marcel Yates is not blitzed a bunch sometimes when people are getting after you in the run game you're gonna run blitz it try to add numbers to it they certainly have people that can rush the passer on their own in Korea and Martin second of ten for quinn taylor in the Aztecs [Applause] screen pass set up here to pump three pressure come in and they read it well to the Boise State Broncos we have everything in front of another tackle from Thompson to gain of five it'll be third down over five again nice job rallying to it screenplay look like they're going to have something on the outside but the inside out pressure and hustle from Boise State kept that play from breaking third down and five eight or ten of 13 with a lone touchdown pass chase price is the tailback number 22 [Applause] okay getting out of the hands of lloyd mills and a pretty good throw from taylor close to being picked inside okay so boys to get a little momentum scores three Aztecs able to get one first down in that but bringing out the punting unit in two dead hopefully sweet in the field musician balances the bid here for the Broncos I'll take Dion waiting this punt that's a good one then you'll get to the 23 yard line with a four yard return so now in the minute and the 38 seconds it will be one timeout and grant Hedrick having the football that great field position now at the 22 yard line they're gonna say not to 23 to the 22 is Hedrick gonna try to sling it here guys underneath this is a giant he can go now he's good in the 35 these droughts at the 36 yard line there's a play possibly for a horse-collar [Music] horse-collar tackle defense number seven first down nice job with a screenplay last week against New Mexico Mike Sanford comes scrape by the first play and JJ I took into the house here's your horse collar that's an easy one wrap it around the back around the neck area they're pulling them down that Rick under pressure sees a little bit of a gap pick up to the irons here and a good tackle kept it from getting a first down Jim Sanchez already not on stop but still Henry picks up a solid seven it'll be second down and short he's also another four flag type runner he gets out in the open area he'll be tough to bring down cuz he can roll fires their caches made at the mark but I may be short where Turner gets rewarded with a opportunity there Casey on stop he didn't make it [Music] guys handed out clock on a move Rocco's just for that one timeout left here's your first down 35 yards the change' Joey [Applause] and it's good beer and God to block the Marcus Henry the center and got an arm on JJ here I think he would have hit that one back with the tackle made by Lomax and Boise his business [Applause] fast limits the substitutions as well [Applause] what a drive by Boise State Hahnemann man coverage Furman wanted a flag at 2-under routes on the outside I think that's going to be a peel [Music] over 82 it's all for playing touchdown it's a porter to earlier that I've made a great play knocking the ball out of the end zone that time call for the penalty but it's not really relevant as perfect gets the score side flag rock corner routes perfec can make all those over the shoulders turn your hands and your body forehead Rick is 16th touchdown pass we're gonna step side have a little cocoa here with San Diego State in front let's go who - Brendan Fitzgerald and Charles Arbuckle studio of the college football after that report Diego State Aztecs leave the Boise State Broncos 20 to 10 along with the former head coach here Boise and also of Colorado Dan Hawkins I'm Dave Lamont and the tale of our two thousand yards running backs begins with Donnell pump three from San Diego State he had a big gap did a nice job pound and it slowed down a little bit in the second quarter but really up to his old self in that early part of the game 32 yard touchdown run he also has shown the ability to catch the ball out of the backfield and make big moves San Diego State opened up with a 20 nothing lead of Boise State's slight that in half and Jaya Jaya is yet to really get going yeah he is not had I think his long run of the day his six yards which is very unusual able to get to him a little bit in the pass game in the screen game which helped open things up and I think my Stanford found a little wound spreading it out going one back using less personnel to spread out the defense of San Diego State that big boy see football to start the second half and tucked into the corner of the end zone on those days Jeremy McNichols and he'll run into some resistance there he'll get onto the 23 maybe the 24 yard line hendrik been one of the hottest quarterbacks in college football the last four games including 11 touchdown passes and two interceptions got this team going offensively after a very slow start no sacks which is good two interceptions which is bad let's see if Mike Sanford stays and looks like the air are going to spread them out they're going 10 personnel meaning one back no tight ends four wide receivers that tends to thin out the Blitz package from the Aztecs on the ground the 25 to 26 picks up three second down and seven Sam Meredith one of the captains of the I think on the stop Sam's had a good game so far getting in a lot of plays this front of San Diego State is very active it's listed as 335 but you'll see even in like this down you've kind of got four guys on the line of scrimmage see the breath coming out of the helmets it's 9 degrees at kickoff after a couple of days of snow here in Idaho quick decision by Hendrick to get rid of it in a wise one dick bro the redshirt freshman tied in from stuns the other Arizona was in the right place for a short game tackle by portersburgh down and they're gonna need up 5 Meredith doing a nice job staying outside on the naked bootleg Mike Sanford's try to move the pocket around a little bit take a little bit of the pressure from the Blitz package [Applause] Petric rolling right this time under a lot of pressure nice little touch bow she just couldn't do anything else with him Sam Maris bore down on him and force that throw out of bounds by Hedren move in the pocket again but good thing about moving the pocket is you get away from the pressure the bad thing it is it reduces the amount of surface that you can spread out in routes and things got pretty content congested over there grant doing a nice job just not trying to make a better play worse just getting rid of it it was actually 58 barrett not 98 meredith either way it's 4th down and close way on the putter no wind tonight that's the one thing that will help the kicking games but that came out funny off his foot and it's going to roll sideways snap that around and around the 45 yard line a very short punt for whale gotta be careful here you know the ball it's that's not a problem which is certainly go San Diego State Aztecs haven't done it yet the fire that's a perfect throw is he in bad yes Eric judge making the grab got the foot down and a first down this is a laser boy that's just how you draw it up it doesn't always work like that in and out of the cut before the cut Boise State bringing pressure picked up nicely up inside just off the out sent out stretch hands that's that'll be on the teaching room for many years to come conversion for the for their first possession of this top speed in a hurry you'll make contact with a 35 yard line for Chancellor James it'll be second in Jordan right here doing a nice job pulling there pulling the tackle which is a little unusual don't get the same read you see the creeks any time you pull a blocker it adds another gap to the scheme and that's something that Boise State is not seen a bunch giving them problems 20 yards to go on second down now I'll go to the full-back that's Gordon and he'll get a first out of the 31 to Kota Gordon with a four yard pickup that's his 21st carry of the year Korea in there on the stop the old school back slip Dave I'm a tall fullback you know you gotta like that give it to him about once every three years make him feel happy he just all the hard work [Music] [Applause] and I go for the end zone right here and it's overthrown and complete coverage up on a rough in that time good job by Boise you'll be second down and ten yeah basically one on one out they're doing a good job getting it over the outside sorbets easy roughing what are your better players you got to give an opportunity to make a play just go jump ball get that thing up trust your best receiver to either make a player it's incomplete and that time you had Dante Dion that's kind of the matchup both coaches were anticipating a very good corner and a very good receiver [Applause] my action fantail other and you'll have to keep it and you'll fall down the 27-yard line he's nursing a bit of a shoulder injury going to his left is very difficult if not impossible for him to throw like we found but he can run right well come with a little little bootleg action did a nice job picking up the edge pressure and you're right they don't want to see him take too many shots on that shoulder I'm sure it's a little stiff in this weather anyway third and six [Applause] the backs in this down in distant category before laughter he does go out of the backfield of Mary Izzo Hawking it's incomplete I'm not sure that would have been the first down as you can see Ben Weaver number 51 was waiting I think Donnell Pomfret was sensing that he kind of went with the t-rex arm the fist is a token yeah maybe if it sticks to my hand he's to fully commit that with both hands and are gonna bring out Donnie Heyman for the field goal attempt this would be around 44 yards he is made from 41 and from 21 gotta be careful your boys he stay right here thinking on a fake up your sleeve and rocky long this might not be a bad place to use it if he got one [Applause] the Boise field goals one second on that hill puppet I tell you what for a team that was one of the worst in college football last year in vehicle kicking clearly Donnie Heyman has cleaned up that problem in San Diego State stops boy sees ten unanswered points for the purple here early in the third single-digit temperatures here on the blue and Boise at Albertson Stadium at San Diego State clearly not bothered by that 23 210 and hockey were talking during the break about how you want to start a third quarter for the Aztecs that's a great start yeah the first half we always say did you come to play the second start the second half the exchange did you come to win and typically that's the tone center for the second half so Boise State gets stopped San Diego State comes back kicks a field goal edge to the Aztecs obviously alright so we'll see what Boise State can do here to recover they have been trailing the entire time Brian Carson and his first season here he had a good run at Arkansas State for the one year he was there but this is home for him it was very understandable him to come back to this opportunity play here he coached here and now he is the boss here and a good snow shovel er as well as we found out yesterday the 5-yard line McNichols that McNichol is quick but he runs into trouble there of the 25 maybe the 26 pushing and shoving continuing after [Music] Henrick we'll keep it mate one little swift move and gets three yards tackled by Galia came back with zone read San Diego State bluffed out of it and then did a nice job dropping the safety back down to account for the quarterback keep a good little chest match by both coaches on that sear on that draw on that play right there now Boise will send two receivers out to the far side of the field run to the tight side and here's a pitch forward to McNichols and San Diego State run it brilliantly that's going to be a loss of four back to the 23 in the hit made by Brandon Porter well they just didn't get a block from Jake Hardy outside runner fly sweet hair you see Jake unable to get Porter down as a nice job playing off that block so it's third at 11 Mike Sanford electing to go with again just the 10 personnel one back to spread that blitz out a little bit underneath the jaw trying to get going and a JD is not gonna get very far he's not gonna get the first down either they'll get to the 32 they'll be 5 yards short building Smith on the stop and this is kind of how the game began Boise unable to get anywhere on offense yeah they might get back to the screen game a little bit with Jay they obviously dumped the ball down to him that was a small smart play by Grant you don't need to force it in there plenty of football left I know it seems kind of humdrum at this point you're down by 13 but play football don't turn the ball over yeah it takes a village ie 229 yards on 11 carries Boyd knows there's a fake that's Boise State football this is 15:45 out of the 43 yard line Boise State had to shake it up a little bit and they do the past the snap to Chris Santini out of San Jose that's a first down no risk no reward gotta live outside the comfort zone Kent riddle special teams coach guru been around for a long time and she told me before the game they had that fake down look good courage by Brian arson to call it you know you call it it works everything's your genius if it doesn't they think you're an idiot so obviously is a genius after that call playing fast Boise you'll pick up a yard or two there's Galia all over that play my Hedrick on the carry it'll be second down a nine coming up it's always great when your quarterback can run but I also get a little bit concerned start taking those shots they started adding up and get big shoulder gets being uni gets dinged and you want that guy to be able to make the throws he needs to make and I would think of these temperatures and on a hard surface everything is going to be exaggerated too we talked about that there's a great effort by a je well it's a short gain it could have been a lot worse he actually won't move that out and the tackle by Porter and they're gonna mark him inside the 25 in the 24 you know Jay will stay patient he will he won't just blind dog in a meat house and just crammed it up in there he'll kind of wait and see and let it develop and and get up in there if it he doesn't get that immediate crack so he's very patient for a big back he goes off the field those boys he goes out to here this is where again a pair of legs like grant Hendrick has will help you out because you've got five receivers out still a viable running back in the backfield but till then we'll see a wide open first - scorpions having himself an evening he'll get inside the tent out the 70 yard line nice job by gran San Diego State again bring in an extra rusher but everything was picked up sperm F game with beat man coverage on the end cut they mark him at the 8th 1st down and goal now Ajay he back into the game he gets a quick burst gets inside the 5 second and goal from the 4 yard line once again Munson number 54 for the Aztecs of uncle tacklers Boise State find a success going unbalanced meaning the Titan is ineligible and they'll put the balance of the receivers over to one side so you get a little bit of an overload helps ins both in protection end and they're running scoots which I he has 14 rushing touchdown to this season [Applause] [Music] backside guard Sammy go try to get it off the backside not quite enough both of these teams make a living off of that play Travis a control a guard and a big block and therefore the Broncos remember it was 22 nothing San Diego stayed at one point and now you see where we are with 431 to go all of this set up by this great Chris Santini at Boise State we all know if they're capable of when they get created and if some time lapse photography this was yesterday trying to get this field and where you could actually see the blue and it took some time to get it down there they had staffers up there sweeping some of the snow off the bleachers and here we are part said with Carson was shoveling snow over by the football facility mark Coyle the athletic director was shoveling snow up in the Saint and stands not sitting in the ivory towers here blue collar baby blue collar that Kendrick Mathison Rashad penny back deep [Applause] this is high and short this will be petty little though that slows down as momentum and the Broncos are all over and he'll get to the 20-yard line and that's going to be at this game is cutting the change in the field is beginning to tilt toward Boise State we'll see Quinn Kaler and the San Diego State offense and Donnell puffer reacts to all this when we return a statistical indicator of success for San Diego State is that young man right there Dunn out pump three he's got 99 yards and you see the Aztecs due to the 20 hippie tag down a 15-yard line body pump 3 first turnover by San Diego stated voicing with amazing field position that one got away from Quinn Taylor threw it on time but it was inside come back with a little play-action pass inside levers the whole way just ball got away from got a stay outside until you receive it open at this point did not turn it over there's the first one for San Diego State Boise State has not led in this game they're right now the 14 yard line with their 15th interception of the season Johnny you have an opportunity here have got to the edge you know get not get inside the ten there's his vision cutting it back backside you want a really nice job slipping outside using a little stiff arm running with some power yes seven on that one you'll need three you will see a boy she will try to run one more play before the quarter runs out [Applause] and off to your man and a je up first anti-wall backs on the stop and that is the end of the quarter they're gonna have a long way to go to get to the other end zone and we'll find out that this is indeed first down a goal or third down and short the Boise getting the fake punt by an Harsin called that one and then getting the enjoy a touchdown and they're getting the interception we're set up for a big finish there's your Bronco faithful right there sticking around for the fourth quarter finish a balmy 10 degrees up there in the snow I know that aluminum feels good we'll make Bronco football great right there he's 10 emotions I'm Dave Lamont we get ready here first and goal for the Broncos who have not led in this game yet this game with a lot of importance in the Mountain West [Applause] the Johnny and the Broncos have tied it up with his second rushing touchdown of the night [Applause] and they're celebrating by throwing some stone I can guarantee that loading up three tight ends and a bat coming with a power play laj delivering a blow that time on the way across the goal line big physical back 225 pound kid and to the first time tonight the Broncos take the lead these guys going down to get closer to the action clearly let's take a look at the Mountain West and why this game is so important you see our two apartments tonight Nevada loser today two Air Force San Diego State's demands to play Air Force in San Jose State and Boise has what I guarantee is going to be a hard game in Wyoming and the big game against Utah State that was those Aggies big win today against New Mexico Red Bull doing a great job with the cow is gonna be a balmy temperature there in Laramie next week well it's actually warmed up to 10 degrees here we have 9 at kickoff they faked the pitch up and go back to putt free country take him down the knee went down to the 24 yard line from Dublin Chancellor James here you see one of the younger coaches in the country and Brian arson was gonna stay pretty call for being a bunch of young bucks lucky long there on the right-hand side I want to see what is the older but you certainly have the he and Bob Toledo Brian's site the old Cleveland Brown quarterback on the staff as well so you got two different two paradigms here the youth versus the the old guard a little bit psycho up in the press box is the quarterback coach for the Aztecs right now second down in the 11 they stay on the ground and nothing doing no game somewhere underneath all there you see the tackler and it was Tanner Malenko Tanner Vallejo there Marcel Yates bring a little bit of pressure off the edge against the run [Applause] now gotta be careful on the road now Quinn camers veteran quarterback but again plenty of football left to be played don't get careless with a football you gotta check it down check it down [Applause] fresh air Taylor in trouble entity complete fourth and eleventh reap rattles at his feet so we were in there Korea as well number II Boise State had both defensive ends down you see everybody else standing up in the middle a little confusing for the offensive line Quran comes blitzing back inside you see a lot of heads on a swivel there and that offensive line nobody really sure who to kid leakage comes through pretty good pun beyond fair Katz good field position for the Broncos 38 yard that's something they really haven't had that off about the pines is a decent field position they have that and they seemingly have everything going their way after overcoming a 20-point deficit against the Aztecs Nick Saban now the winningest coach against number one teams of all time with his fifth victory today he isn't he the winningest coach against a lot of different that's he at the college level is no question every cookie pan and even wisely get out of bounds as he was being chased by Trey Lomax that'll be a pick up a four yards it'll be second down at six there you see his wheels had that play contained and he kind of caught another gear got outside he can roll this is where San Diego State's defense needs to come up with an answer come up with a turnover big play negative play get a little momentum started back for the Aztecs like that they stopped a Jaya's sorting it enough to only cut that down to a 1-yard lost with an extra one it'll be third down and seven the Kota Turner busted that play up trying to run split zone in there there we'll get underneath that block create that gap from widening getting the Aztecs has been planting a lot of too deep man they're not going to do it on this down because they're showing blitz looks like he's got man across the board unless they check out of it listen slides annexed to protect her down in there there with two on the clock that Rick gets the snap [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Shane Williams is the intended receiver that really is making something out of nothing got two guys kind of spinning around defense number 23 15-yard penalty this remember in college it is not a spot foul like it will be Sundays yeah kzk kind of gets caught their credit grand header kind of throwing it up and give him a little bit of a chance so the 43 yard line into Aztecs territory Boise State having the answers here in the second half between the interception the fake punt certainly gives on the better into that penalty the joy is strength stringing to the outside Monique Smith had a great chance to make this a short game but a giant shook him off here he is getting better as the game goes on running power again he can cut puts his shoulder pad down little stiff aren't working and Davey's like all the good ones you've seen over the years man the game wears on he gets better he wears you down as the game wears on now he sees a good gap and there's a good example huh of the patient style you talked about he picks up five there brings him down Mike Sanford comes back with the same play running power back over there worked before a lot of teams around the country doing that now one play works come back and run it again it was 21 carries for him and 96 yards we have up here using Sanford the visor up there the offensive coordinator for the Broncos one more time this time a pitch-black Ajay he stands at his feet touchdown Boise three [Music] Aztecs had a bottle of that straight record right there going down a Lone Star State get you stuff a big-time back Plano Texas the redshirt junior coming back with a toss play of their own you can see there's players here you got to get the head across make the tackle get off the block and a good one down there from Chaz Anderson to the receiver number six that was the last box and Joey needed this was a 20 to nothing game for the Aztecs led in the second quarter both our thousand yard rushers have not disappointed tonight Donnell pumped free over 100 yards a giant out over a hundred yards and three scores the 32-yard touchdown run the night and this will be penny at the for crease we'll get dragged out of the 30-yard line of 26-yard return welcome to the lower part of your screen in the three the instead is the doctor and I've got a pump tree he'll pick up three to the 33-yard line a hit made there by Chancellor James and Blake Reno second down at 7:00 coming up when San Diego State gets and then two back one tidy and said Boise State essentially ends up having a nine man front cuz you got the safeties down in there as well this is where he gotta go throw the ball on the perimeter and win one-on-one matchups the barley swung on the perimeter two yards short of the first down as Mills took I hit completion page please Sean page has the inter sender that really helped turn this game around nice catch just running the hitch against off coverage got to get that ball out a little bit sooner good hands [Applause] two yards to go here we play green on one of the Broncos better fenders it's imaginary issues last week against New Mexico and instead of going to pump me they throw it down the field it's a first down Eric judge with the grab run around the midfield and maybe even in the Boise Territory he doesn't know da yeah just getting outside of Ben Weaver right there pretty tight throw that I was fully expecting the handoff to pup tree as is probably everybody else here 13 of 22 137 a touchdown and a pick garbage at the top press coverage down here at the bottom those are the left he took that in a tiny window that Mills first down Wow he's met a couple of really razor-sharp throws now Bob Toledo again I think is seeing the same thing again that 21 personnel you're just out man in the running game you got a bill to win outside kind of going away from Dante Dion prefer to work over here against police on page til the two halves of the aspects on top test but they're moving the bomb out Humphry until getting to the 34 yard line pickup dream on Toronto on the stop checking out him seven on Toronto's had a good game for the Broncos been in a lot of please he gives them a lot of athleticism that linebacker position pulled back checks in that's Adam Roberts number 44 he lives up inside the unites of other full-back Dakota Gordon Pichai they run that way with a two fullbacks eyelid pepper [Applause] boys he tried to delete from the backside obviously not enough here you see the volt value of the full back right there Gordon with a kick-out block toss doesn't always have to go outside good dip up and out breaking a tackle Tyler gray unable to come up with a play they don't lead guitar here chase price at the tailback they fake it on the drill press let's get there when Bootsie will hang on [Applause] Dowdell Humphrey 24 carries hundreds 47 yards at his second long touchdown run of the night he will cave the decision to go P - yeah I like it you know your your only two points down you might as well go ahead and get yourself in range if you can don't how many times you're gonna get back down there anyway McNichols makes it a cup of attack that was missed so get to the 30-yard line and it'll be Boise and grant Henrik coming up Dan Hawkins on Dave Lamont they'll be hid its going to be a je a lot she gains four months in the on the style interesting that San Diego stays sort of backed off in that formation run-heavy look you would have thought that crowded it which they did earlier in the game Mike Sanford but they wanted to kind of slug it out with the Aztecs but they crowded extra people in there early he with a hundred and ten yards now at about four more maybe five more months in yet again number 54 in white on that stop it's going to be third down and a yard to go this is where a really good football team step up your conditioning your strength and conditioning coaches get involved here all your practice reps you've got to be able to finish a game you got to execute think your body's fatigued a little bit you got to produce and put a rock on the gas pedal the surprise at first dad a job everybody summit ignored that little push from his line he's dropped at the 43 Malik swept off his nine first down Broncos trying to steal the Aztecs will straight power play San Diego seize it and practice everyday Pumphrey runs it as well the force Rocky long to get extra defenders up in their inbox crowd those gaps it's Williams roads in motion they go back to a giant you'll run into a lot of contact maybe a hard-earned yard there for the fruity to that's going to be all before Cody deliah brought it down my sweep action with Williams Rose did pull nobody might come back to that see if you can stretch him out horizontally under five minutes in this Mountain West matchup Boise State needs this to maintain pace at the mountain division San Diego State can take control of the West if they can come from behind here we'll fight outside the forty or inside the 40 I should say to the 39 for Meredith brings it down here's third down and six now the folks in Fort Collins will be rooting hard for the Aztecs because right now Colorado State owns the strength of schedule theoretically could have the advantage in that group of five selection but Boise State has the tiebreaker over them and Colorado State will not get in the championship game with Boise State wins out it's gonna be a great month West championship game December I'll tell you that tank top and shorts of course the 31-yard on the grab me but it's a gain of eight in the first down Sacramento he's reliable long time football family to spur backs in Sacramento that dick dad Marshall was a coach to Sac State his uncle Kid O'Brien threatened to buy the Jets back in the day that's right Kenny O'Brien UC Davis Aggies big win over Cal Poly today going hey nobody's running with me they fake it I've run about five miles coach on these face can I get one maybe now as a je understandably is a little winded most likely we'll see Dimas in the backfield [Applause] instead it's Henrik on the Cape Roberto Lee providing the blocking from the formula out there almost grabbed a face mask and the 16 yard line Sir Henry with his first carry in a 1 this is straight quarterback brother the first down yeah that's a wildcat without the Wildcat uses your quarterback running power lead back to Titian's so you got an extra gap anyway you got an extra blocker on the power look at the clock pretty impressive they call four minute drill and it's been longer than four minutes but just been Ella they've had the bones over six is a giant basket of the game was brought down by bullying together now I think San Diego thing's gonna take a timeout and they do rocky bringing pressure from the backside seasons on the line for both these teams really right here this is what it comes down to balls in the red zone although some are conditioning all those weights all that running all that grind in this whole season ten degrees out there San Diego State trying to stay alive in the West Division Boise straight trying to keep momentum going to capture that mountain division 13th play the drive coming up at 154 yards in 621 head Rick by the conservative label get inside the 15 and down to the 13 that'll gain three third and seven Christian Hayward's Topsham and now the second Aztecs timeout has been called same play nothing fancy so here's your third down and seven and hedrick's just going to keep it he doesn't want to get out of bounds unless he can get to the answer he does touchdown Boise State [Applause] well if you gonna stop the clock that's an acceptable way to stop the clock the old quarterback sweep don't see it much when you've got a guy that can run I'll tell you gran gran Hendrick has put up some pretty big numbers the past few weeks we talked about four touchdown passing two rushing last week that's a big PhD by the way and that makes it a two score Dean grant Hendrix in the end zone on the ground for the sixth time this year a 70 yard drive in 14 plays so the fans hanging in most of the fans hanging in and Boise State with a huge fourth quarter and Hawk that is a money-making drive 14 plays in 70 yards yeah that's just trying to steal another team's will that's Jeff Pittman the straight coach all that stuff coming into fruition for Boise State yeah I don't take that one out now San Diego State has only got one time out there a huddle team anyway you'll need a lot of good fortune to make this out since price the tailback number 22 he stays in the block there's a catch out in the 33 yard line getting out of bounds very quickly with state Russia trade dropping eight for deep for under coach eights is going to want them to keep them in bounds like a holder who picked up the cats still celebrating in that student and fans section and in some cases certainly section [Applause] Kenneth under some pressure here he sacked the play his first sack of the season its third down game Perez one of those other active members up front doing a twist job ends inside tackles outside when Kayla's gotta have the whole situation awareness there he can't take a sack this is price he's got room but he won't get the first down to her to be set up for her all or nothing for them on the stop the effects are gonna need to get in the dr. chase good job will have dump buys himself some time it's harder when you straight drop back you can't burn the ball because you got it make some earthing sure there's receiver in the territory if you roll out a little bit you're outside the pocket you can kill him Ben throw to the backs a lot of times in the third down this this territory the first Louis if he goes to back again price and the Aztecs are alive and more you get out to the 45 yard line James stop that's the nice 13-yard pickup and I'm wondering where Humphrey is got it going whew - Tech's gotta go you got to get lined up pressure up the middle good thing it wasn't a spear hit him right in the chest got to make that play big-time players Lloyd Mills had a chance this is Belle getting in a clean shot on Quinn Kaler second and 10 San Diego State out of timeouts we're ciliates got TD ends down three stand-up guys inside rush three drop a buddy a time this time the true complete 30-ton coming up play he was trying to get it to ezel rough and boy ever call that make dirty money tonight that way no I know this cuz a matchup issue typically gonna try to get a guy like that involve obviously hit the big play in the first half didn't really have opportunities in the second half you saw him downtown pump three not getting looked at by any of the training staff just I guess the coach's decision to go with price [Applause] protectors situation [Applause] voice down coming up [Applause] tough to fit that one zero wait a minute we have something happening after the blimp I apologize for stepping on you let's see this could be a critical call [Music] after the play was over personal foul unnecessary roughness offense number 56 15-yard penalty fourth down that's miko Siragusa and Brian Larson either shouting encouragement to his team I can't imagine them being unhappy with the official there so now instead of forced intent which was bad enough it's going to be for the 25 gotta maintain your poise one of the great things about sport one of the great things I love about football you poise under pressure it's it's not easy but you need in life you need in football [Applause] the clutch moments [Applause] and I'll run a hook-and-ladder a list on mills and he lost it out of bounds and pushing the hold of ever will [Applause] San Diego State had a 20 to nothing lead in the first half it was 20 to 10 at half time and Boise State is taking control on the fourth quarter [Music] trying to run coach Peterson's play from the Fiesta Bowl back in the day Boise State will need out from the 39 yard line the Boise State improves to eight and two and more importantly five in the oil on the Mountain Division of the Mountain West well the Aztecs are five and five overall and now there you see where they stand three and three in the West Division so Boise State has the run of the Mountain Division for the moment yeah and as we talked about Nevada losing today to a tough air force squad hats off to Troy Calhoun and the Falcons winning in a commander-in-chief trophy this year once again our final storage Boise State 38 San Diego State 24 for Dan Hawkins and our entire crew and thank you guys and ladies for hanging in that's gold I'm Dave LeMans now let's go to SportsCenter you
Channel: OHF MWC
Views: 1,140
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: San Diego State Aztecs, Boise State Broncos, One Hour Football, College football, NCAA, Mountain West Conference, Jay Ajayi
Id: oI1c8sLXKL0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 12sec (4812 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 14 2018
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