2013 Bengals @ Bears

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[Music] [Music] because bears on CBS Cincinnati the first shift Otto receives the opening kick Jim Nantz Phil Simms and what do you thinking here is this season is about to begin yeah first game of the year the old phrase let the game come to you in other words don't get emotional don't go out there try to make a play because that leads to a big mistake does that means devin hester will be touching that football first in all likelihood he did not have a return touchdown last year but what a magnificent career he's had in the return game second-most in NFL history total returns just one behind beyond Sanders 19 total as five kick returns a missed field goal returned for a score and 12 Mike Nugent tees it up sorry about the sentient down mr. will not even have a chance to put hands on it and a touch Bank will bring it out to the 24 Jay Cutler now in his fifth year in Chicago offense that a year ago surprisingly was 28 in the lead should be quite a difference this year garza the only returning starter on that offensive line with a pair of rookies on the right side long and mills and marshals numbers last year were just staggering 118 catches in over 1500 yards are actually going to come out now with two tight ends Martellus minute where they picked up in the offseason from the Giants and Steve Maneri free agent signed by way of Kansas City one wide at is Marshall my penance Cincinnati's defense led again by Mike Zimmer the defensive coordinator six best in the league last year there's Adkins who signed an extension on Monday how about James Harrison stays in the division signs with the Bengals and Leon Hall who had two picks the last time since then adding in Chicago max four years back by forte and he's done a quick gain of eight maybe nine Matt Forte bursting up the middle it'll be third and one you talked about Cutler and how this could be a difference for him with trestman as the coach how about for port a fill now listen I think we saw when waters Weston is with the Oakland Raiders had great success with rich can there's a quarterback and running backs he knows how to give me the ball and opportune times and get the most out of them remember that incredible year turned admirer had trusted local coordinator that went to the Super Bowl your honor making a prediction about protein maybe I'll catch lady balls this year he's always quite a good receiver see one of those bozos on the Bears side first search timeout Chicago a 30-second timeout we'll find out whoever is the same before anyway today there's no foul on the play it's really kind of a good break I think for the Bears because I thought they did jump mats Lawson talked about at the the energy mint stamp the ball let us hit somebody one thing trust been really implored to his quarterback no wasted place well that's a big talking point for this offense of what they're going to do today in other words this year when you look at Jay Cutler we always look at the stats of quarterbacks but make sure you get them in the right plane every time because the NFL you don't get as many as you do in college and you can't waste one running the play into a defense where you can't walk it's third and two they brought them good luck he's here at the bottom of the screen a backup tight end lined up wide good pressure and the Jeffrey rabbit no he did not now Sean Jeffrey the second-year player from South Carolina again high expectations for him this year but it was Dunlap who was then on the quarterback what did we see you look at this offensive line you said it it's inexperience on the right side and the Cincinnati Bengals they have pass rushers trying to pressure jay cutler into passing situations already where that was pretty close to a catch 404 real punch finally twisted down at the 27 a black back at the 36 Tim you understand by Marvin Lewis last night smiled when you said to name Adam Jones because if you kick it to him I can't wait to see what he does with it [Applause] during the return illegal block in the back number 30 ability center chairman with a block in the back it was a 50-yard return off a 49-yard punt but it'll come way back on the side gets the hand pyramid on the right well that was close just a little push it's in the back just a little shove there on era Queens and they flagged them for it so Cincinnati comes out for its first possession of the season after 26 at penalty costs the bangles 47 yards again of notre-dame ifer targeted on the first snap and Eagleton with a total of 47 touchdowns over the first two years of his career and again back-to-back playoff berths Anthony Collins this is something to watch Woodward out with a knee the knee is just not ready so he's a scratch and there's the backs and receivers led by Ben Jarvis green of us and of course AJ Green 97 catches a year ago they may bring it back the officials are waving back at the 35 we jumped in front of AJ green they may rule them down back there veteran corner they're going to say AJ Green the contact sends him to the ground and I think that's the right call but when you have Federer in corners they read the quarterback they saw the quick fake everybody NFL is running these types of plays you see in practice what a jump what a great play the ruling on the field and really on the field is there is an interception but the receiving team the intercepting player was down by contact Chicago will have the ball at the 35 yard line and Jim love to say this real quick a quarterback expects his receiver no matter what the situation is is to go in front of the defender but Tillman so aggressive AJ Green couldn't get in front of him that time there was contact clearly the green on Tillman and ball spotted at the 36 took him to the ground bears defense and how those pics many defense in the league last year it's an interception of the second staff 30 and another run of eight for Forte running behind Jordan Mills of rookie now you talked about this opportunist to defense last year they have a plus 20 and the total take aways it still missed the playoffs 44 total take aways instead did not end up in the first season the Jeffery stepping line in front of parents Newman well you know you can't judge everything off of one meeting but you thought you saw a difference with cover in the meeting on Friday yeah well you had a big smile on his face and I think he really believes in Marc Trestman and I said you better believe they start their meetings at 6:30 in the morning but the system reminds him of when he played under Mike Shanahan in Denver that's when I think we all saw that he could be a great player and a lot of responsibility on Jay Cutler's shoulders after now more than the defense on first down Cote was in the area but a flag is thrown with me linemen down field inside screen timings not good an eligible player downfield number 68 of the offense five-yard penalty repeat first down again another one of the pickups 68 being mats Lawson the former jet guard and there's only one returning starter here you see in Garza there was named offensive co-captain by his teammates along with copper just this week to come on Bushrod left back no 74 one of the best in the NFL Jimmy scented cow along Jordan Mills rookies ready to go no reservations from anybody with the Bears they believe in these two and they should first down Quartey quickly for a loss of two well Marvin Lewis's team of course under the microscope featured all season along the preseason along the Hard Knocks and they've been down that road before and Lewis seems to have you said it last night this guy is complete control of what he's doing with his franchise is there any doubt you watched the Hard Knocks you just watching me to talk to him he's got his finger on the whole football team he wants his team he it comes down to this we just got to out hit the appendix it's old-school coaching that's what he believes in we'll see if they can do it second and 17 to 30 it's knocked out of my hands and Matt Forte trying to fire it in there it's always tough I'll tell you wide receiver are Matt Forte font of your screen playing like a wide receiver which is a big thing for this bears offense and Jay Cutler can stick it in some tight spots and as Tim as you watch this they respect the Bengals pass rush everything is quick screens get rid of the football he has not targeted Marshall to this point at last when broken up by Leon Hall third and 17 he's got the first down surged ahead that final yard looks like he's got the first buy a good yard watch the anticipation right down the middle there's the linebacker you think he's got coverage perfect but no Jay Cutler takes a little off the fastball and throws itself to them where Brandon Marshall can catch it and protect themselves again Marshall with an offseason hip procedure timeout looks like it's been called by the Cincinnati Bengals first charge timeout Cincinnati and the Bears why haven't you set it down at the Cincinnati 12 out of the break man off a dalton interception by Tillman bears have the first down as I go we gain about three is Leon Hall stayed with him we talked about Matt Forte he talked to him on Friday I said to him little ole NFL players are in great shape but you he looks at lean like a running back body hasn't changed and he told his wife he's been running uphill seven days from Walter Payton and LaDainian Tomlinson been working on power going up those hair and speed by going up hills a natural steep in it it shows his pre c4a did show seven yes to start the game but that was a tremendous catch back in the endzone throw it high does he get his feet in yes does he have possession he took it right off the back of Iloka and they gain possession and time while he was still in the field of play he's got he's got possession right there Jim does he hold it to the ground and the answer is enough time has elapsed and I believe he has it there taken advantage of that's six six size of Bennett played last year for the Giants and came into the league drafted by the Cowboys that is an incredible catch building on the field of the touchdown the previously play arena select review mom around the opponent's body but in similar fashion Iloka didn't have any idea where that football was happening the NFL on CBS he's sponsored by Southwest Airlines find our fares online only at southwest.com Verizon never be without football with NFL mobile from Verizon and by Bud Light it's this your sign of a good time here we go first he burns down-sized is a talent no doubt about it you've got a big tight in throw it to the back of the endzone that's one spot that's hard to cover feeder inbounds he has possession and the rule is changed you don't really have to get up with the football enough time and lapses you still had it clutched in the bearers of course led again the NFL and takeaway points last year they have seven more here off the Tillman pink and the Cutler touchdown toss into Martellus Bennett seven of it Chicago fantasy football pants you want to play with the best there's still time to get started on the most awarded fantasy site sign up now CBS sports.com slash football so it ends with touchdown pass from color which goes back to last season house seven straight games for the touchdown pass since the longest repairs quarterback that streak since Jim Miller back in Oh to set up by that man Tillman's interception watches it fly over his head for the touchback Jim let's watch the touchdown here is Martellus Bennett he's going to go in and make a move and then go down the middle but there's nobody to make a move on Vaughn says perfect they got the perfect defense on to stop it he just missed Hinds the jump tips it with his finger but doesn't knock it down and the third snap of the game coming up the Cincinnati huge mistakes brought back because of a penalty and then interception three novice for only a yard and we have an update let's go back to James Brown in New York hey Jim and Phil take a look at mr. luck I tried after ten plays 89 yards Reggie Wayne in the back of the endzone from Andrew Luck seven up in Indianapolis open Raiders sisterlove just grinds it out nicely Jim and Phil alright thank you guys that's coming off her - no prior interception getting the start at quarterback for the Raiders sick at a nine here for Cincinnati and again his green Ellis and that's going to be Lance Briggs plugging that one up after a gain of four and we'll see how Dalton now put in a passing situation will come back after his last row was picked a little hurry up offense here growing it the Bears can't substitute maybe get another pass rush an extra beep it's about 35 [Applause] that's James Anderson defending that one James Anderson got a lot of speed at the linebacker position number 50 here he is against Mohamed Sanu and that was a careful throw and it's a good thing it was that's around all NFL teams on defense they see constantly every day in practice and well played by Anderson nestor is back waiting for huber spuds by mister Jeremie miles back in on the tackle after the 53-yard punt [Applause] [Music] then return and personal foul face mask by the kicking team number forty fifty cards will be out at the end of the play and so Shaun Williams rookie flag seven nothing the NFL on CBS is sponsored by McDonald's I'm lovin it and by the 2013 Ford f-150 with EcoBoost mistake certainly by Cincinnati including a couple special team penalties very well defended by that Cincinnati defense and sent it back for a loss of about four that was Marshall with the catch right let's recover a little missile throw outside good anticipation militarily not going to like overemphasize it but fundamentally more relaxed in good position that gives you a cincinnati defensive front maybe the best in the league led by Gino Atkins it's one of them in it's gotten they had so many players that's the the difference is Devon Still last year's number to pick but on the defensive line he basically was redshirted last year and they got him ready for this year and the Bengals ones a few teams the league's him there's so deep in talent they can take rookies and just say practice hard learn what to do and you have a chance next year to play yeah of Lee redshirting them for a year right now the Bears have already converted on third and 17 that led to a touchdown on that drive now here it's third and 14 a timeout call by color nit first seven nothing off a copper touchdown throat a minute coming in two weeks to CBS Toni Collette Dylan McDermott the 15 episode thriller hostages it premieres Monday September only CBS so the Bears have used two timeouts in the first seven minutes of this game now it's a 30 to 40 of Engels protect that first down line that was up at the 50 and hold him to a gain of 10 yeah what it does so it changes field position so good play by the Bears and not forcing it thoughtless and that is not Jones this time it's Brandon Tate they got to pick your spots with Pacman Jones remember he is a key component to the defense too so they've been using all the time back there were returned so let's see what animal populace can do here Tate runs away from it bounces at the one pod was just sticks it in there at the one now yeah is listed sometimes it plays hard pays this is grass gym so pebble is a field turf field most likely that's going to hit bang up in the air and go in the end zone so this grass very receptive and a great job by the punter it bounced back out to about the free giving fifty-one guards on that punt that's why that last play Jay Cutler throws that short completion I know it means that it looks like nothing on TV but it's big when you talk about this this limits play calls for an offense when you backed up you set it right away will change field position they goes back up now to about the 9-mer major right is there to chop them after a gain of six they think of Ben Jarvis green Ella says that the inside run are gonna get the tough yards but what did Marvin Lewis say last year thousand yards and he had three plus forty ones form so that's big time when you talk about this league getting over forty yards on auto rushing attempting worse they were the first team to track the running back this year Giovanni Bernard who he will see as the best to college football a tight end picks up 16 on his second catch I firs made a nice block on the play before this is a good play call by Jane crude obvious running situation vote with the pass and he dumped her too good on the bunt throwing the football no doubt they loved his misdirection passes fake one lane road the other get the receiver tight Ian coming across the field when he give the quarterbacks the meaty throws especially early he said we would see Bernard rookie running back he's in for his first snap and he'd back and he's tackled by the linebacking core that includes DJ Williams taking over for but where's the position for 13 years that belong to Brian Urlacher Williams coming over as a free agent by way of Denver Williams missed the entire preseason did not say a single snap out with a calf injury steps right into the starting lineup today opening day energy you haven't played a full game anybody it's about conditioning near the 50 I major right in Charles Tillman and it's a 13-yard pickup in a first well we've seen a couple bootlegs a reverse trying to slow the defense down remember this drive began at the three [Applause] Bernard is the second ladder out of North Carolina picks up six and Eagleton his first two years in the league 47 touchdown passes all kinds of scrutiny just comes with the position but yet you look at the only two quarterbacks the first two years with more touchdown passes than Andy Dan Marino and Peyton Manning medalists to be on a course Jim we're going to have a few other second-year quarterback this year if they stay healthy probably get on that list but wonderful said success for Dalton in its booster universe snapping care is terrible and Thomas to the to outwrestle tilman for that catch that's what he does Killman is all over it it's going to be a little shaky goes down the sideline but AJ green switches position comes inside and catches it with one hand really catches that just with his right arm but it that's what you do when you have a receiver that's six foot five they can really run you're giving the chance it does again even though he's covered this chance gets him a football about 50% forty-two two green of us about halfway home in the arms of James Anderson Cincinnati trying to finish off it would be a 97 yard drive beautiful drive and you got to give Jay Gruden a lot of credit the play calling has really kept the Bears defense off-balance and of course the other one always give your superstar and that's what a great green is going to be getting away I look to the right green to the left green up us in the back bill they're going to go AJ's now so his head little hand fighting down here nice job by Tillman you saw that he got his right arm and extended it and hit a jade green and it froze the tiny dog just enough for a green cannot find the football now it's third and goal sanu and green to the left running back the line so they give the defense the to the right side which is also hosted by two and but touchdown Jay green how good was that you're down here you're expecting a throw to the tall receiver to back of the endzone nice little fake oh it's a fake inside uses the arms that could have been called when you extend your arms and put them on a defensive player but good aggressive play the victory goes to the most physical guy in that time it was AJ Green well AJ Green finishes it off set it up with a 42 yard catch he's changed up a lot of teams don't throw Dan outside quick route to the receivers enough down on the goal line you were on the hole Mark Harris came out and the game is tied at seven as the longest touchdown drive for the Bingle since the 2011 season and they tie the game at seven [Applause] continue from our table if you crime is not being knocked down finally back in buff again the life of times the story of Laurens table premieres Friday September 20th on Showtime in HD an amazing documentary on Casa tribulations of LT you know I'll say this yeah he's had some troubles great teammate every time we scored the giant offense Lord is always the first time to feel that loaf II was just shocked when we scored but you know he was into the game again no chance for a return for Hester as Cutler and the Bears come back out tied at 7 come in his throwing motion tell us well this looked in the past here's the things I love what he does one his arm angle he keeps that I call that 2j his left foot is left of a target he's racing against his right leg so now Jimmy's got power built up and once he month course walk he can just let it go there is no doubt today watch me he's very balanced he's hold the football a little higher and marked I open those little tidbits is gonna change this before time the line for no game by Carlos Dunlap you know Cutler is talking about how they hit the ground running every morning at 6:30 Trestman is in every meeting with the quarterbacks yeah I like it I said everyone and he goes yes all through the day every day Marc Trestman met Kevin all the quarterback coach and the quarterbacks are in their meeting going over everything and we talked about it take Cutler now has to ID them line back from who they're gonna block one pass protection change plays he's in charge of to the defense so Sammy territory second and ten and the toss Luga holds into it just the yard Cincinnati defense that came alive the second half of the season last year as they went seven and one over the last eight games to make it to the playoffs oh well James Harrison number 92 used to see them in a Steeler uniform rate against the run and all the linebackers what do you do you learn from a player that's had success and knows how to work out prepare all that stuff 55 gonna boost into the linebackers on the right in front of the nikah Adam Jones simple play that time Matt Forte comes out if he's covered throw it behind him and that's a big target Jake Cutler has three big targets it's that front shoulder in there this is another tight spiral and the fact that you know Jim that had spins so hard and it's a spiral it really makes it a lot easier for receivers to catch the football crowd Marshalls converted on third and 17 and third and nine in this game he spins it as much as anybody the league does note no doubt about it here in this weather the wind he doesn't care it doesn't matter who dives for the catch at the forty right in front of Leon Hall it kind of comes to this should we head to my ass with Marc Trestman because there is a fine line you talk about a quarterback with a strong arm the lady looks at people are they ever covered it could fire it in there that's going to close out the first quarter seven seven after one and you're watching the NFL on CBS Gainesville Sims back here in Chicago nice bear oh my god directing good to be back with all the views game since Super Bowl xlvii on the Orleans second down and four take for the first down picks up five while he loves this offense you talked about a gym he Charlie garner wasn't success he had but it's a zone scheme and what I mean by that the line just kind of comes off in unison and it's up to the running back to pick the hole so he could be patient when it comes to your instincts Matt Forte of course has great instincts well he talked about trust and coming in here and he described it as being now mentally stimulated by all these new schemes he's got to be a receiver it's got one ball so far in this one contends he told us our anthem the line of scrimmage Brandon Thompson coming up for today in his sixth year first five years over 5,000 yards over 12 o 7600 total yards you said that he's excited about the fact that he like it gets more footballs this year and also Thompson 98 fingers defensive lineman second-year big and good out of Clemson thank you 58 made that stop for no games with 1710 reflexive almost a bolt Oh wriggle free for a first down but he's about two yards short gain of eight look at these receivers for the Chicago Bears Brandon Marshall Alshon Jeffery both of them big strong can rip the football out of the air you love that this league because there's so many contested closeness to Cincinnati closing in a hurry all yeah it was one level too far outside if he could have cut it up a little before it had been great but there's James Harrison knocks the blockers back in the backfield and Forte loses his footing just a little but it was James Harrison that let Leon Hall come up there and make the tax really good Bushrod and Marshall so an accomplished putz trying to down another near the goal line and that's going to be a touchback was that moment trying to run it down but they get there in time just a net of 29 as a stop birthday in the Bears so since Anne a little better than the average drive starts going to be at the 20 off the touchback Green's going to move over to the left side you help take them down to field 97 years by the Bears it was stripped by Jennings and I think it hit his foot went out of bounds on the state was Cincinnati right first off they bring him across the formation and they get him wide it's spread it spread the defense so it created a hole for Andy Dalton who just ripped it in their head so Andy Dalton though some confidence and letting that football go Jennings script it was unaware he had knocked the ball loose was still making a play on green and he kicked it out of bounds and it comes back to where he funded early which is near the 39 and it burns down power ahead for about four Jennings of probe over a year ago at nine fix trying to create another take away they are awesome and stripping the spares defense when you talk about defenses Jim it's always these rankings to me by far the number one component to a really good defense is turnovers hit people when they're not expecting it again they led the league in that department last year second and six he breaks two chapters his first catch goes for about five maybe six near the first simple play everybody in the NFL runs it the old Roger Craig throw it to him going right to Gruden a West Coast guy guess you would say but thrown into Jermaine Gresham and Marvin Lewis said he's more focused get the done and Briggs well he just can't express him now he's a big tight in you got to wrap your arms around the hill when a bricks came flying in there didn't he to talk about these tight ends of the Bengals you got Gresham they drafted Tyler Eifert who has got some kind of talent [Music] Lewis said digression his dude so far so good got about an inch to go third down coming up this is where last year they were so successful with that Jarvis green LOC was best in the league on third and one conversions but he trots to the sock line on this occasion and they bring in Giovanni Bernard even though Geum is not but I would call big NFL running back he is built Stucky and his speed can allow him to plow it up in there we see this formation like this you think quarterback sneak and it's there Caesar it rhymes ahead for the first the formation gave it away and if they're not going to put three defensive linemen right there in the middle run just run the quarterback sneak look at this you hit one them right here like this since you have that gap that's free just take it double-team the right side bowling good job going protected an adult and he picks up an easy first down Dalton with that shaky start including a pick that's led to a touchdown has now hit on six of his last seven including a touchdown throw maintain just good balance Willie mixing it up wall never a clean exchange they always hear the term quarterback friendly what that means is this call plays keep the defense off-balance and let your quarterback have some easy throws you know don't always expect them to go back on third and 10 and go we'll throw it past the first down marker not that easy Jay Gruden so far he's really in sync with the Bears defense and he's definitely keeping his quarterback his quarterback hoping to do something that has never happened in franchise history they've never gone to the postseason three consecutive years they're 45 minutes anthro to Mohamed Sanu that they haven't won a playoff game talking about the bagels in the last 22 seasons as they last one in the postseason Detroit has spent 21 years and then you got the Chiefs with 19 consecutive seasons without a playoff win Marvin Lewis said the team whose focus last year we expected to win that playoff game he had no doubt and that just drives him more for this year second of nine once again it's a new he's an impressive looking young player out of Rutgers in his second year with big expectations and the breakout season possible for Mohamed Sanu picked up a he rounds out the receiving core they got AJ Green they got good tight ends and Mohamed Sanu can make the tough pitches and get tough yards in two quarterbacks Andy Dalton he trusts him more than one and here they go with green Ellis again master conversion is 14 out of 15 times last year converting on 3rd and 1 and he does it here for the first time this year little simple thing I love this they fake left he runs right watch Andy Dalton that's all you need is an edge nice cutback inside he saw it and really good on the offensive line two hands on the ball but you look at sight lurk I'll cook offensive line we haven't said anything about Anthony Collins taking over for Wentworth and left tackle without with an e first down and but his should have been caught by Green Tillman again he's got to mix running it out past the forty star on his feet the 50 Charles gentlemen with the interception off the rebound is tackled by eyford and a 39 yard return should have been a catch instead its effect - for tilman the NFL on CBS is sponsored by Geico 15 minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance the Home Depot more saving more doing that's the power of the Home Depot and by DIRECTV if you call yourself a sports fan you've got to get DIRECTV officially a 41-yard returned by Tillman and it should have been Cincinnati set up with a first down deep in Chicago Territory we saw AJ Green took his eyes off the football at the last second that's what causes the interception the Bears were in a defense where if it's tipped in the middle they are going to intercept at the middle linebackers they're both safeties are there and Tillman so Andy Gump nobody's going to care Jim you know how it is tomorrow it's two interceptions no right now need water I thought the bear start with a short at the 42 and a gain of three well the hottest hit of the summer under the dome has two episodes remaining don't miss a minute of this hot show tomorrow at 10:00 9:00 central only CBS and the Bears are gonna hurry up like an ensign okay just a very small opening there gains only one people modest on the defensive side and more trust Minh I thought they might take a shot that first play but he's just trying to make it where he's not putting too much pressure on the offensive line third here in six or seven they got a chance take Cutler could get rid of the football quicker third and six not giving the Bengals defense much time to set more so hurry up offense doesn't work this defense because they have so many reserves what we would stop right there on the spot short of the first anyway but it might have been enough to be in field goal range instead now they'll have to go with Polish well I think it would have been in field goal range once again it's the old saying took his eyes off of it worried about who's going to hit him trying to pick up Lexi yards and you run the field the wind is blowing behind the back of the Chicago Bear yes it would have been favorable he felt the presence James Harrison down there picking he was trying to see if I still got it [Applause] generally severe catch at the nine [Applause] Delaney Dalton come back out after a second pick goes against him - up made the Bengals now with their fifth possession coming up a punt two picks and a 97 yard touchdown drive for the second time Adam publish has pinned him inside the 10 [Applause] he's able to get a little more room out to about 112 a gain of three [Music] well Jimmy did grow up wanting to be a running back in the NFL my answer would be the you and I are we answer that no too much punishment but VIN Jarvis green Ellis you talked about it excellent inside runner protects the football second and seven nibble too soon the quarterback and the Bears were there to stop it for a loss now that was a pass believe it or not will you throw it forward like this well I wish I'd have had about 50 of those in my career okay I could hit those yep helps the percentage that's not not the average yards per reception though as that one sets him back for a loss of three mark to go sideways in this league players are so fast they recognize when you go sideways like that you don't make a lot of tackles for loss it's third and ten the Bears defense wants to come up with the play got near the goal line Green with two players around them right between major right and Zack Bowman and that's good for 21 and a first watch how they come down the field out here watch the corner you got two people out there low and high and AJ Green sells it inside they know it's coming but it's such a perfect role by Andy Garman an aggressive throw - that was tight but he put it right in there perfectly Bernarda at running back and a gain of seven Bernard well so much talked about with an adult gym and we kind of talk people want to see make dynamic clothes I love this one is under pressure raises his back leg turns back and look at the extension with his arms his shoulders at the perfect level and he just smokes it in there or touch them and I think so far today verse 31 and we brought it up I said to Andy Dalton I know there's a lot of talk about you and it's just the way it is and look I'm ready to shut him up yes yeah it was great numbers they're misleading should be better than it but very iCard wicked with the football today decisive with is this and just let me go no children out there in the secondary for the errors for the first Walton come out they will him down nevermind the pickup by Wooten as Gresham he's got a first out of the 41 it converted their last five third down attempts Charles Tillman that began to come over we're unable 41 mudbank my Tillman that list the place fast over there Isaiah Frey is in the secondary port so first he's tough to bring down he's got a first down on the Chicago side of the field there these players on the Bengals they line up everywhere tight in split out if seen AJ Green inside the running backs are in the another big throw by Andy Dalton good decision get rid of the quick it's hard to match up because I don't know where the guy you're gonna cut here he's gonna line up hey first down rather touchdown he beats 10 Jennings for five yards on a Bingle touchdown in the lead cornerback made it all happen that time of course the talent of AJ Green they're in a safe defense that stopped the big play but watch the fake the little pump fake by Andy Dalton and then the perfect trajectory we've heard that a lot but right on the pads of AJ Green well that was beautiful they got the coverage they wanted an ambulance that little pump fake opened up AJ Green to the outside his fifth catch for 129 yards and two touchdowns get it to the big guys what they're doing well they had a 97 yard touchdown drive this one's a 91 yard drive both innings with AJ green in the end zone the NFL on CBS is sponsored by Bose the official home audio sponsor of the NFL and by the US Postal Service schedule your free package pickup today well AJ Green he is an incredible talent yes he dropped one that led to an interception but he's caught two four scores you know what I could if he was my receiver I I could put up with a couple trophies yes yes based on cut up all the caches because it listen all we heard from the Bears what Woodson what's the plan on being a top number 18 18 18 so that's her only thought and he's still catching him good game plan say that Papa Jonathan his Huskers coming out with it that history met near the 30 Jennings is a Pro Bowler at corner but he got beat that time well he got caught watch major right when there's a pump fake by Andy Dalton tight in down the middle AJ green down the sideline as you look watch the pump fake what's the safety all he comes inside now a lot of Defense's what's this watch Andy Dalton here nice pump fake and boy he lets it he relaxes got a really flexible arm this is gonna help him throw the football for a long time in this league but touch the bush in the backfield with that one intended for Marshall 243 to go in the half of the Bears have only one timeout all eyes on Syria Charlie Rose sits down with Syrian President Bashar al-assad for an exclusive interview tomorrow morning only on CBS this morning that was basically a throw away by Jay Cutler because he determined the buyer could have been tried wait wait up second attempt but he's doubled up perfect is there mana luga as well who's a little slow to get up holds him to a gain of three now Lugo is gonna limp to the sidelines Harrison is over there with his helmet off so they've got de launched out there Vincent Rey along with Montes perfect near the two-minute warning and his leg got caught underneath Geoffrey we've got the two-minute warning in Chicago coming up Verizon halftime report JB Dan Shannon Gober coach power all the latest scores and highlights and a preview of the US Open women's final Azarenka and Serena Williams all coming up on the Verizon halftime performance at 37 this is the blade she worried about two linebackers will one is Maness about the center in one blitz that is dumb laughter maybe some plays and here's another guy that did not have a single snap of action of the preseason sitting down because of concussion symptoms boy what a presence he's made in this game Marvin Lewis said fresh legs on the right side we got Kyle long that's a nice job by him and then you see Jordan Mills so they're in position jay cutler moved because of the blitz didn't have to and then allowed Dunlap to get free and knock it up in the air that's the fourth time the Bears had failed to pick up a first down on a drive knowing that Jones in fact they're in danger he shines away from it my last one and it'll be down to actually it'll be a 55 yard punt for publish Bowman downing in at beloved we've seen a 97 and a 91 yard touchdown drive by the pingle so they like starting back deep in their own territory and they will once again the Bears knew that so they kicked it outside the 10 yard line this time yeah there you go yeah yeah 180 dog is off to a wonderful start here so far today 10 13 to 17 192 but they're spreading the flip ball around really hard to guess what play is coming Tillman is back on the field at the top of the screen he's off please brakes in on the play with paya Lance Briggs seven-time Pro Bowler and defensive captain along with Julius Peppers good read one thing about Lance Briggs he was so happy they'll tuck her new defensive coordinator new coach they did not change the defense same terminology Willie the same defense and still make it work from quiet half row for Julius Peppers is co-captain on defense second at 14 [Applause] that's Briggs in on that one preventing the completion I would have run it JB Dan and coach Cowher Shannon boomers are all getting set to bring you all the highlights of the Verizon halftime report as you look at the guys everybody had a good off seats and even Boomer Esiason is in shape though last through the season Davy's night the trim three-piece suit third and 14 56 seconds to go I would have said I'm gonna run at the last play Jim to make the Bears use the timeout but Cincinnati being aggressive they go dry before 9:00 he's tacking to the 15 and the Bears again with one timeout they take it here see the run last time would have taken at least book it would have ended the first half you got to really be careful about plate calls sometimes I was getting ready say the Bears I'm not gonna they didn't waste two timeouts in the first half do you use them in the second half you guard them like your goal some working on AJ Greene's left hand shaking up a little bit on that second down throw where Briggs steps in front of them and defended it Devin Hester is on the field and we'll be looking to feel this around his own 40 Marvin Lewis he talked about it situations it's not the second half but to begin a lead you'll have to be careful into the wind I would kick this out of [Applause] got no distance with it and a flag comes out it comes out up that little skirmish a Punnett gone out of balance near the 50 Reggie Nelson was in the middle of that tub whole log jam talking a little bit maybe too much [Applause] personal foul unnecessary roughness number 27 of the kicking team for selling a player who was out of bounds the 15-yard penalty will be added to the end of the play first town Chicago going against Drake Kirkpatrick we've had a dreadful performance in the preseason down in Dallas he got pushed in the back there by Weems and then responded and got called for it the retaliation he was blocked in the back but you heard the call out of bounds can't push the player he did it that's the third special teams penalty against Cincinnati with 42 seconds ago and no timeouts in the half the Bears were set up at the Cincinnati 44 [Applause] it's gonna use up a lot of time for only 40 yards perfect was there to bring him down you only need a few more yards really to get a good field goal attempt because who your kicker is and the wind [Applause] and the clock now stopped at 23 seconds the longest made field goal by Robbie Gould at home and his career is 54 yards and we're talking about 58 or so from this point right here he has made his last ten attempts from 50 and beyond field goal team if this ball is inbounds if it's completed in bounds they better hustle yeah you better be ready to go I don't see anybody ready third and six Prada Marshall in good position that was pressure from perfectly on cutler now this pressure and the other thing is I do not see anybody open down the field with the top on Jay Cutler get those feet off the ground launches perfect is we call him the finisher for a reason he is a tackling machine they're gonna go with gold his career long was in the rarefied air of Denver 57 yards again the longest ever at home 54 this will be 58 for a career mark again he's got some favorable as God [Applause] with room to spare good decision if he didn't make it it would have looked the Bengals in position yes they could have made a play they had a timeout but they would have been kicking into the wind so it was a good risk by Marc Trestman look at the pot unless doing a good job to this whole group of specialty Murs manually polish and gold they've been together a long time the best buddies and they know how to work together picked it so easy and it just went way through I thought they'd be getting over the top by a yard or two career long for Robbie gold [Music] keep the fans happy because they were starting to rumble a little but the Bears not able to get the football down the field flow in it boy did you see how much that cleared it fine from that angle it looked like it could have been good from 65 hit the net [Applause] with exciting first half absolutely and for Patrick and his retaliation move put the Bears down there in field goal range that penalty Boston and a touchback with 11 seconds to go in the half play look at this first half the Bengals we know their defense is good the offense is shown against the good defense that they can make big plays that's what everybody talks about and they did it the first half of the opening game of the season for the Bears we got to look at it this way they're feeling their way around a little bit Marc Trestman worried about blocking the defensive front and rightly so so I think they've managed to football game pretty well too Cincinnati's going to take a knee here and they did defer they will be receiving the second half kickoff the Bengals that's the end of the first half here in Chicago with the score Cincinnati 14 and Chicago 10 we'll be back with a Verizon halftime report after this message and a word from your local station [Music] we start the second half Cincinnati will be receiving the second half kick with the 14 to 10 leave and let's take a look at the DirecTV ultimate picture cam and it's dolphin with his second touchdown of that first half both of them going to AJ Green green with five catches over a hundred yards total two touchdowns and by the way the two touchdown drives over 90 yards the last time that happened for Cincinnati the quarterback is Boomer Esiason back in 1991 two touchdown drives over 90 yards of the same game just not surprised him holy man can throw it there's no doubt about it huh I have what are you looking for here in the second half well here's the thing that the Chicago Bears got to be happy at 14 to 10 they got two turnovers which helped them out a great deal but they have to get the football down the field they need some big plays on the offensive side so they got to find ways to get Brandon Marshall or somebody down there to get those big plays against a very good Bingle's defense Trestman and the Bears scored first coming off a interception for first of two by Charles Tillman led to a circus catch touchdown by Martellus Bennett did I catch you off guard when I said something nice about Lou yeah yeah yeah okay now you've done it hit him trim you're not surprised because he could throw it and he really could yes he could over 27,000 career yards and there's AJ Green what a star he was in that first half sure was it just as you can see it I always tell people this you can watch it on TV you can watch it on film but when you see some of these players in person you can see that they have a chance to be something special that's AJ Green this makes it look easy graceful so fast and a huge target to throw to it and by the way just to add on to Robbie gold's great kick the 58 yarder before half-time that's a bears and that's a Soldier Field record Tait will take a name and the first half submarine Cutler through 470 yards and a touchdown but there's bolt 192 say this about Andy Dalton just getting the chip getting the chance to talk to him last night in good spirits to talk as a Marvin Lewis about Andy Dalton this is look his third year everybody has handed the leadership mantle to in in other words he is the guy seize control of the team be the leader which I think he has taken over and he wants Andy Dalton just to keep pushing all the players to strive to be better so that's what of us a nice pickup probably the best run of the game to this point they have one reversed by Jones Dillon for 14 that--what's though pretend the green of us look at the comparison between these two quarterbacks regarded by most to be two of the top five in the league especially when it comes to the fantasy football both with five catches they may want to work on that one game a little bit more in the setting that bar that telling us last night coach Lewis how important that is to him this season how hard he works for a first down this league we've seen it the Patriots kind of started a trend everybody wants the two tight end formations watch 84 going up the field he just big got long arms so you can throw away from the defender now you got Mike really talking about it Gresham looked like he looks like he's up for the challenge and so many things you can do with the two tight end situations you get the throw against linebackers that's about as good a matchup as you're gonna get on an NFL field Dalton's over 200 coach Lewis said that high firts arrival has made freshmen butter freshmen coming off of back-to-back Pro Bowl appearances and green of us as it's hiya to meet him head on for a loss of a yard for the Bengals like to run inside they have a better the veterans they're tough bowling at left guard Kyle cook Kevin Zeidler the second-year first-round draft picks so running up inside something they want to do and that's what Ben Jarvis Green L is probably a better inside than outside runners now you see Collins not a good first half something play Whitworth of us has to pick up about four awesome protection for Andy Dalton is his uniform dirty yet it might be because he ran the flip I don't think is even dirty so this is a grass field that it's out that is a white uniform they got on their zoo so you said it columns at left tackle down at eight snack to receivers to the right see new slips into a slot got wicked right shot for the Chicago side at the 45 in a gain of 11 so many things they're worried about the two outside receivers three defenders covering to nobody there for the tight end and the strong accurate throw I got a short but you got to stick it on and an allowed aggression to turn up and beat the defenders city first snap so a lot of good stuff for the Bengals to bring in Gio Bernard and we'll wipe out the 7-yard pass play to bernard holding number 71 offense 10-yard penalty remains first down as the right tackle Andre Smith it's not too late to sign up and play nfl.com fantasy football with the free mobile apps and exclusive instant highlights sign up play for free nfl.com slash fantasy Nidalee will bring him back to the road 45 making a first and 20 [Applause] any dirt on those pants got a little he spilled something on his jersey yeah coffee at halftime they're gonna drag back AJ Green Tillman wrestling Willam holds into a gain of three you know Jenna I'll say this we you look at the lead all the quarterbacks so many guys have a great success and putting up these numbers and really if you want to win the Super Bowl you got to be dynamic on the offensive side that you need to plays and I know what's a half and a little more but I can see a difference in this Bengals offense they're trying more more versatility and more talent out there and it's show second and 17 [Applause] Jones with Jennings dropping him out set up the third and 11 but you talked about it's like a college team you said that at the start on Cincinnati's like everybody's back but they did add a couple of weapons with Bernard Sanu maybe they'll get a whole season heaviness down because it is limited last year and were ciphered hyper do this the last couple weeks of pre-season that we've seen his impact already here today a better an offensive line with backups which were seen in Anthony Collins playing left cocky we'll call the third and ten - paddle looking for a stop beautiful catch thrown to the outside for green and another first down good job by the offensive linemen and the offense picking up the Blitz here he comes around they stone it it gives Andy Dalton time to throw it down the field and nice adjustment by AJ Green one on one outside against Tillman that's the fourth conversion for the Bengals that was third and six for longer that one was third in ten talked and complained a lot about the third down call bits of last year in Strasbourg so far today they go behind the line on first down green of us is pushed back three yards and that was Stephen Paea and again the fairs going into the season after 13 years of Brian Urlacher and there's DJ Williams who came over as a free agent from Denver but missed all the preseason huh Bonner lacquers retirement well it really just caught up to him such a big physical player your body can only take so many hits so last year we saw the knee couldn't finish the year and good for him he's going to the Hall of Fame without that and astronaut not able to hold on of course they did not elect to resign him and then Urlacher looked around the league and just decided you know what it's that time I'm gonna finish my career with the only plating for the Bears and that middle linebacker legacy about from George the Butkus to Singletary and now joining him in the Hall of Fame you feel certain 28 will be Brian Urlacher just so big so brains eat fast to do everything on the field the Blitz could cover stop the run third and 13 Tillman's going to be flagged for interference green looked like he was positioned to make another touchdown grab fastener fairness number 33 defense automatic first down they were not ready on the defensive side Andy Dalton gets the quick snap and I gotta admire this right away he sees there's got double coverage to the outside so he loves it up one more time for AJ Green in a easy call yeah no question about that 34 yard penalty game and first and goal at the 1 everybody in tight five tilman after giving up the interference cool right he's in on that tackle for a loss of four forget the last lame move on number 33 hits up the field blow assignments by the Bengals offensive blockers nobody boxing but the quick stamp by Andy Dalton that is going to be double coverage on AJ Green they couldn't get it accomplished because he and the football for the first seven minutes of the half and its second and goal [Applause] put a touchdown and give Jermaine Gresham some credit for a key block to spring him for the five yards and the score inside running they're good at it good blocking on the left side that time bowling Collins and also Jim go back to an AJ Green caught that little short touchdown throw that time they put three defenders to cover two receivers not enough people there to stop the run now Nugent Nady 91 and an 87-yard touchdown drive on today set up by that interference goal green Ellis closes it out from 5 yards away [Music] well plays over seven minutes green Elvis NASA touchdown almost three scoring drives Walton is 14 out of 16 and will come out to the 20 Cutler and company will touch it for the first time of the second half but Dalton and the Bengals have put together three impressive touchdown drives the NFL on CBS is sponsored by Southwest Airlines find our fares online only at southwest.com Chrysler imported from Detroit and by Bud Light it's the sure sign of a good time here we go well just a reminder next Saturday the Home Depot SEC on CBS Alabama and Texas A&M the defending national champ two-time defending champ Alabama taking on Heisman Trophy winner Johnny Manziel with that matchup last year that really made it for him all starts at three o'clock in the studio Marc Trestman been away from the NFL for five years coached up with Montreal head coach of the Alouettes went the three Grey Cup finals winning two of them aerosol with them enough to pick up the first down gain of 11 then up there in Canada he had a a quarterback who was one of the real stars in the history of Canadian football Anthony Calvillo MVP of that league over and over again he's thrown for a film like 80,000 yards and he brought him down here to talk to Jay Cutler sure showed him the offense it's the same offense that he ran in Canada they have 12 up there of course but he made it work I would take dim others say this about mark trusting a couple things you know one is how who's practicing with his football team they go they're starting offense against the starting defense once against once and the practices by NFL standards are much quicker and and I agree with what he's doing it it makes sense keeping the players special giving them better looks because the competition is greater when you when you do it every day in practice like that we kept talking about intensity over volume in practice I mean it's down to the minute how long did 78 minutes play right in his face since Dunlap again and the pass incomplete number 96 Carl's Dunlap top of the screen oh boy Marvin Lewis even laughed and smiled he goes look he knows what to do he's got fresh legs because he missed the preseason on the ground running today I got Ryan around Michael would his third down coming third and seven from the 35 read downline they'd like to do something different out of this look Thomas Bennett hurtling over to the Fingal's 35 yard line wonderful job blitz is coming from the outside he's not sure so he steps into the lane that's vacated did he go past the line of scrimmage I think he was just at the line of scrimmage and he left the football goal gain of 30 and his first play of the day for the Bears that was good for 20-plus they took advantage of the Blitz timeout called by the Bengals [Music] coming out of the Cincinnati timeout by the Cincinnati defense bears having just gained 30 on the last play back down from the Bengals 35 [Applause] that's a good word for it that was a slashing run it through the hole kind of turned sideways and showed you the nobility just to run full speed as it turns but the Bengals on defense be patient Mike Zimmer they haven't shown anything or ability to make plays down the field the Blitz opens up that running lane for Jacob in the main coverage here yeah on second and four slam down right away by Adam Jones but it's a first down for Chicago Bennett's first catch Cutler his old Vanderbilt teammate finds him another big receiver on the outside and Jay Cutler Jay colors really he's on the mark also here today course it's warm summer day football grips pretty well on hot humid days that leather expands and it's a much easier to throw it cool breezy day [Applause] first down and he makes the catch right in front of reggie nelson first and goal to go for chicago that's what you do your quarterback is trusting number 17 in the slot jay cutler is going to throw it to its back shoulder so he doesn't lead them into trouble ray mal looka inside so make him stop come back and catch it nice job by Jeffrey Jeffrey to the left Marshall to the right in the slot to the left [Applause] one that could have been stopped for no gain that was all for today not giving up on the play Kerry perfect with him do all the defensive linemen were connected they couldn't get off the blocks to stop it watch the right guard Kyle long hits Burfict and they just keep pushing looks like rugby those extra yards those were huge for this man's offense second ago looks like a water forte is very deep [Applause] it is put a touchdown could have been a middle linebacker you can see certain tales the depth of the running back how close she was to the quarterback course I couldn't never made the tackle but it's kind of a giveaway and when you're down there like that you've got to see it you got to take that chance and try to stop a play from one yard out but drive by the Bears Jay Cutler made it happen on the Blitz the flag out 12 against the Bingle's [Applause] defense 12 men in formation at 5-yard penalty will be enforced on the kickoff will try from the 2 yard line during Simmons oh my gosh sprinting out there each team with an 80 yard drive to open up the second half that's the point goodbye golde previous long drive of the day of the 36 yards 80 this time for the touchdown but forte the NFL on CBS is sponsored by State Farm for auto home life and banking get to a better State and by Pizza Hut make it great back here at soldiers field in the first half the Bears managed five first downs they had five on that last drive alone to match the Fingal's 80 yard touchdown drive to open the third the extra five yards off the penalty gold still this goes ahead and knocks it to the back to the end zone Dalton will be set up in his own 20 yet again with the lead at 21 17 possession of the day for Cincinnati eight of those nine have started or worse still they've driven it three times aggressively here they go first down with the pass play to paper in a gain of eight [Applause] look at this game so far there's taking advantage of their opportunities and it's been rough discussed this other offense but they finally got that drive together and here hanging that one score by nine firts fourth - seven - he's got a first down but a flag his house [Applause] holding number 80 office 10-yard penalty repeat second down takes away a 14 yard run by Bernard inside you there was the time it was Charles Orson tight in moved to fullback that give him a little more flexibility at that position Marvin Lewis upset because he knows that was a big first down get the crowd out of it and now you have second in law [Applause] new Jackson right there - former Raider coach vote for the bingo second down as well close it in a hurry on gresham we've got another update let's go back to JP in the studio zoo breezes second of the day right here 12 yards I'm excuse me 8 yards to Jimmy Graham right in the flight after a play-action fake they take the lead on the Falcons 22 17 middle of the third quarter competitive NFC South Jim Nantz all right guys here we've got a third of six [Applause] and affairs we'll keep him short of the first really good job by the Bears play in the situation and the formation quarterbacks not going to have a lot of time because there's no extra blockers and stop the pass rush and Jennings comes right off of this guy and helps make the document DJ Williams came over just at the end to make sure I / wasn't able to get free for that final lardo to so it's Kevin Huber [Applause] toward the Sun line keeping away from Hester lead in the second half don't kick it to him 46 yard punt you know not everyone can be a quarterback so get inside the minds of those who can't join Phil Simms Rich Gannon Steve Beuerlein and Adam shine but NFL Month a QB returns at a special time tomorrow 5:00 Eastern only on CBS Sports Network 24 hour Home of CBS Sports what would you have to say right now about these two today excellent they've both have done a good job managing the game but throwing the football [Applause] I snagged by Jeffrey reached up and pulled an end with one hand he'll be taken for granted now in this league Jim there's so many good quarterbacks who can really throw it and guys like this the receivers we expect them to make every Jess how about that one-handed reach out pull it in it's good for five of course the rules are helping them out but they're taking advantage of the final 20 seconds of the quarter with a [Applause] holding number 83 office and yard penalty second down hold on Martellus Bennett good across the field that was his job to look at number 83 and the Bears will probably wait and take the next snap with the wind to start the fourth quarter we're through 321 17 Bingle's you're watching the NFL on CBS [Music] bingos and bears going to the porch in the ants the mantra phil simms as Tillman's getting whipped at over on the sidelines digging into that hamstring course looks like a cramp hot day here playing a whole football game tough on these guys second at 15 to start the quarter rolling out to go team which side passport a at the 44 nice plane this is what they've been working on with Jay Cutler don't wait on the receivers in other words watch what happens he's going to go to the right there's nothing open get off up and he does he scrambles and then makes a nice roll down the field good decision by Matt Forte who saw him coming and then took off the defender has no chance because he not gonna be able to locate the football third catch for Forte also rushed for a touchdown Bush comes into the backfield forum really good no throw again no by Jane couple Paul let Scotty I'm out fares pick up a valuable first here early for downpour now we know Jay Cutler's got the talent and so far today just watch his body language and run across the field he's engaging with all the players engaging with the coach's chair guys on him plays buying in that's what you need your quarterback to get the tribe little-people teammates food first and ten to the arms bear insights right on cue as I say that about Jay Cutler eh like he was expecting Matt Forte looks watch the running back when he comes out oh well he's thrown across the middle I was Michael Bush coming out of the backfield [Applause] there's no flag for a little block first now in Cincinnati we pick up the flag we've got a player down and it is perfect who made the pick [Applause] not going to speculate on the injury but he got hit right into Bob many things that could happen hit hard like that it can whiplash your knee which is what the doctor is grabbed this kid what a story the second year undrafted last year led the team in tackles comes up with interception here cloudy day here in the great city of Chicago perfect picking off Jay Cutler and then helps to the bench injured on the return best starting drive position of the ingles [Applause] wide open and it's green able to shake free from major right and others picks up 12 beautiful play-action fake Ted time had everybody kind of going in different directions of the play I've not seen the Bengals run an adult makes a good decision goes outside gets the easy throw [Applause] don't ever eat items for this snap as green Ellis takes it outside to shut them down after two what happened on that interception fill you I think it's the pressure about Michael Johnson that comes around outside here and it makes J color just thought before he's ready on the back fields Michael Bush then he just flicks it and just off target behind him at ARMA we haven't said Michael Johnson's name a lot but boy between him Carlile's Dunlap that is too terrific outside Russians firm for a deep base I'll tell you who we also haven't mentioned on the defensive Chicago watch Julius Peppers well pinky [Applause] on him to the Blitz up [Applause] Jimmy's tried to pick it up and run with it I think he's still recovered it with car belongs to Chicago while Jennings did the right thing there's the fumble you're a small guy that the rule is little guys outside pick it up that guy's in the middle of the field Fraulein so it's the Blitz they got the perfect call on the helmet of Jennings just hits the football sinew on the catch and run just stuck his helmet right on the football not much you can do then he was trying to make it a big game-changing play but just missed the pickup two turnovers one by his side in the last 79 seconds Vincent ray is in at linebacker for the Bengals for birthday [Applause] go draw on forever four times hey perfect sout they're perfect makes the tackle this week don't miss the show that's an elite by itself the guys who take a hell little analysis look at each of the 32 teams James Brown Phil sets Cris Collinsworth while the artistry of NFL Films you're right you said I look good in that promo makeup day I just want to hear your comment there what I never said you look good which I believe perfect would be out there just the very next defensive series we did say I was hoping that was like a charley horse because he got a hit on the side of the leg but that's where big receivers come in to him it just gives a quarterback a lot of faith to throw it in there throw it high of course the receiver cannot be hit why he's in the air making those catches either anymore good strong throw by cutting and a third of two here nearing 11 minutes to go with Terence Newman finally dragging him down that was beautiful big time gain of 38 great balance by Jay Cutler follow-through and the ball is thrown hard but it it turns over quick because he has such good technique so it's up in the air drops right in there good job by Newman look at Mills how about that how about the rookies on that right so long and Bill's how long he grew into a man and then all season trying to take advantage of the public eyes to do putting that time flag is out holding number 83 offense 10-yard penalty first down I was just going to go back though the towel long number 75 I watched him in Oregon good athletes you could see all that goes to the Senior Bowl last year the bear seaming oh my gosh he dominated the competition down there they draft him in the first round to me he looks 2530 pounds heavy they did in Oregon and he uses a well on the field they'll doubt their first-round pick flanked by that her fifth round pick out of Louisiana Tech Mills and two rookies starting on the line week one for the Bears for the first time at 30 years to rookies that's a big penalty make size our game by forte called the heart Ellis Bennett Jeffrey unable to pull it down let's get an update Jean Brown in New York boomer as well when he had open with the go-ahead touchdown Jimmy I don't know about you but if the you have the Oakland Raiders in your knock out pull watch out here you go terrelle pryor already running for over 100 yards goes a touchdown to Denarius more right there 1714 over the Colts 713 left in the fourth Jim Nantz Phil Simms right you are boomer [Applause] the 27th where are those feets first hit the ground that's where you down that was not a penalty Montes birth pick number 55 it's close but another good job three times he's moved today two big passes in a big run really good job sense and this is where Rich Gannon and he banned this offense from arch wrestling was great at it nobody opened pull it down and run perfect is hurt again it was an 18-yard gain that longest run of the game for the Bears and the fans were booing they did not like the spot on the slide because when you slide piece feet first you're giving yourself up so when you hit the ground that's where it is there's the 30 boom he's down so I'd say though you know or inside that so they've got a good spot guys just say 28 and a half we Cutler quarterback the condition to look for a fly anytime they're hit walking together I would think Marvin's upset because they let him out of the pocket they've done a terrific job surrounding him making him stand in their draught for most of the day here's what - Jim Marvin Lewis is looking at gone we physically have been a better team so far and here we are we're looking at we could go behind 32 for 10 through the pile where are they going to spot this one he's reached out past the first down yardage but I thought he got - I did - they pull it back short of that by more than a yard but where I thought it might have been I know one thing I'd be looking at that board I want to see a replay they Marc Trestman can ask for a measurement because it is close [Applause] you can ask for a measurement to buy some time for the guys upstairs on the bear staff to take a look at it see if it's maybe merits a challenge not that I could see much in that replay but it did they do full mask for the measurement it looked like a good spot as you see that replay hard to tell you don't where he goes down but that's what you do it always asks for the measurement name to be short what are you gonna do here with 849 to go that's why you asked for the measurement so you have time to think all you go for it here this is a no-brainer 849 in my eyes that short lots of options they like to go up to the line of scrimmage with two plays you could have a quarterback snake if they give you the right defensive front or you run it outside if they crowd the middle don't be afraid to run it outside [Applause] there we go you let the alignment of the defense Jim tell you what play you're gonna run first big decision of the one boy rest manera well you got to go outside Cincinnati the second time out leaving one warts down all the way after the break now they're counting ten people on the field that's why the bengals call to town now 184th and a player [Applause] Forte has the the ax men ax help them this pullback but forte made a great decision that time good job look at all the guys inside they're gonna make you run outside for Tet you said it Forte makes the right decision and Fianna the lead fullback helps him get out there forth on a foot and forte takes it eight yards and inside the 20 and perfect is back in he's been banged up a couple of times and Burfict calls timeout that is it for the Bengals [Applause] they've used all their timeouts yeah I've been there I don't know why they called timeout well somebody hurt did somebody come off the field for their 12 two four six eight ten twelve they got twelve people out there once again huh good thing hard knocks until that shows over because those coaches in the meeting room are going to be furious yeah this has been up Jim it's it's the most embarrassing thing that can happen to a coach to not get your team organized enough to get them on the field so Marvin Lewis and Mike Zimmer it would be furious over twice in the span of one the touchdown short what's the underneath the gym is he's going to the ground really good job by Brandon Marshall look at that football wait his kidney helped also bring it into his body well done by Marshall and Cutler man was that a fastball it's a home run hitter guys that can just overpower the football and jig cut was one of his quarterbacks the kid off the sinew fumble and the Bears have their first lead since the first quarter 14 unanswered for Chicago and the Bears are in front with eight minutes to go the NFL on CBS is sponsored by Nationwide Insurance nationwide is on your side and by subway any regular foot long is a $5 footlong at Subway hurry in this September subway eat fresh Marcille with the touchdown 81 yards in eight plays Marc Trestman said that Brandi Marshall had his best practices he's been here on Friday why next Sunday we'll have a national double-header it'll be Manning versus Manning for the third time Peyton and Eli Broncos and Giants - almost everybody in the nation in at 425 window San Diego Philadelphia headlines the early paetynn coming off the phenomenal Thursday night it's just not right it's not right seven touchdowns where's it all starts next Sunday with the NFL today at noon [Applause] whistle was already stopping the play but they've got a sack and it's hyah along with McClellan teaming up on the sack the coverage was there that's what causes the sack watch Andy Dalton he wants to throw it they read the play and they were going for the interception goat no proba and ease off first sack of the game for either side [Applause] give it to McClellan Boise State hairs will grow with justice short original line of scrimmage it's the five yards back with green and again Cincinnati is time outs and alas they cannot challenge anything because they have no time outs not only bad because of Oh at least ensure yourself if you need it [Applause] by Anderson they played the plane they flexed it makes this bingo sort quick and Anderson comes out and almost gets a game-winning interception really well done Mel Tucker the new defensive coordinator when it's a big moment you got to make the call and he did it Huber I'm gonna be able to keep it away from Nestor this time [Applause] let go boy is that a nice beverage tackle by Trey Kirkpatrick let's go to the update all right Jim we've got a fantasy update for you how about Adrian Peterson he has three touchdowns on a day two on the ground he's got 88 yards on the ground and this reception from Christian Ponder to close the gap between Detroit and Minnesota 27 24 whatever needs to be done a B will go at it Jim Nantz and Phil Simms boy that is a wild one Minnesota will be coming here next week as the bears open up with two home games my keys to road games will see Minnesota a few weeks down the line over on London taking on Pittsburgh here's a first down handoff and unable to shake off Newman for a loss of a yard that last drive by the Bears 81 yards eight plays boo come on today well this is the call if you have something on that play sheet marc trestman that the Bengals defense hasn't seen maybe catch them by surprise may keep easy Lea quarterback this is where you call here in the league a lot of years can still run and he has been aggressive making tackles on the outside that was a good call gold safe hope to pick up some easy yards or make it easy on your quarterback Terrence Newman Mike Zimmer is the king of reclamation projects with defensive backs Nance Newman leave Dallas comes here turns into theirs into a good player once again once Mike Zimmer was his coach down a guy's third and eight hit the front for Jim the chance now a timeout called by the Bears these timeouts today both sides in dreadful Bears have one luck five minutes ten seconds to go and Chicago with a third and eight what are the three point lead [Applause] yet with the catch and the first low away from the defender beautiful throw in a nice dead spot Martellus Bennett good shuffle in the pocket drops the arm down sidearm because he had to he's moving left and what's the catch go down and catch it with your body what a job then it looking like quite a pickup as a free agent by way of the Giants Jim you take Bennett and the two wide receivers it's got to be the tallest we see him felt Mariana van Gogh's can't stop the clock that first down a minute or more as Bush gets the carry well I would think the Bears will probably run it or do something when they keep the clock going and then on third down we'll see the Bengals come after Jay Cutler three the difference right now a 58 earth field goal if you will the three points go the franchise record soldier field record by Robbie Gould managing the game they did it well dealer the first half the Bengals didn't do a very good job at the end of the first half and if they can be bears like 83 points so what are you looking all the way down maybe just short well you always have to think in situations like this fatigue is a problem in Bush big strong and great Melaleuca not able to get him down with that first look third and a foot you start again they do get a new set of downs the only thing that can stop the clock at the two-minute warning [Applause] honey [Applause] he's gonna get the first down now we'll run one play before the two-minute warning Michael Bush another running back who's in excellent shape this year oh boy he's low and gets that little extra push that's why you have e4 to be a special lock or a situational runner course again Matt Forte arrests but he needs it but the pickup yards like we just saw [Applause] fourth straight married to the two-minute warning 24:21 bears you're watching the NFL on CBS the NFL on CBS is sponsored by frost brewed Coors Light the game's most refreshing beer FedEx FedEx does more than shipping FedEx solutions that matter and by CenturyLink your link to what's next we're coming out of the two-minute warning it again the bengals are out of timeouts second and eight goes to the 45 let's look back at the game real quick it's not about second-guessing it's how you do at the end of the first half giving the Bears the chance to get the three but Jim the timeouts changes the whole complexion of the play calls by the Bears and what the bengals do here and the Bears marc trestman his opening day of his debut as a head coach he has managed this game really perfect he never panicked I was getting antsy like make some plays Stanford his game plan Jim Nantz and Phil Simms when Walker and saw the Colts beat the Raiders on a tank they're tapping 6 here if two bodies are tangled with Jordan Mills and Raymond luga personal foul unnecessary roughness number 58 they have just made a stop two of them today they cook your life Boston the game or at least a chance taking the rookie lambing him down and denying his team a chance to have one last handle of the football and the personal foul they had to at the end of the first half [Applause] Cincinnati is going to see a game slip away in which it led by 11 in the third quarter head to ball in the fourth quarter with the lead driving to score and fumble [Applause] eight penalties for the day against Cincinnati AJ Green's great effort is going to be wasted nine catches 162 yards and two touchdowns so new with a costly fumble well Jim what we saw Friday you practice a team that was organized as Chicago Bears Chris nobody talked to practice and they carried it out here to the game today Cutler takes a knee Cutler who wanted to get ready for his coach Pressman by reading his book before he really started working with him trusts been five years ago had written a book called perseverance life lessons on leadership and teamwork entrustment going to become only the fourth bear coach out of 14 in their 94 year history to win in his debut joining George Halas Neil Armstrong and Dick Geron as the only ones to win their first game discipline is still big in the NFL but that's what won it for the Bears today Dressman a winner in his debut and the Bears erase a double-digit second half deficit for only the second time since 2009 [Applause] repec goals with a 58 yard field goal into the first half that was a huge moment the final score Chicago 24 Cincinnati 21 NFL today Studio is coming up after the break for Phil Simms and all the crew chief Nantz saying so long from Soldier Field you've been watching the NFL on CBS
Channel: Bart Simpson
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Length: 123min 13sec (7393 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 06 2017
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