2012 Girl Talk Elizabeth George

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I wanted to go ahead like it last weekend introduce our speaker this morning or this evening to you because I don't want to interrupt the beautiful flow of worship and we'll just go right into the message and we love the demos and we find them so informative and helpful and fun and all the rest but we're really here because we're here to talk about our lives as women and see them in the light and the priority of God's Word if you know anything about harvest you know that's the reason why we're here and that's the reason that we have a foundation to stand on as women and I I so appreciate the fact that Elizabeth George has written so many amazing books but when you pick up one of her books you're going to find them chock-full of Scripture that is going to instruct you and help you in your life and as a pastor's wife there many times when young girls or or other women come to me and they want to know how to grow and they want more information about what it is to be a woman of God and I have found one of the best books I can recommend to them is Elizabeth Georgia's book which is a woman after God's own heart and it's really really a special evening for me because last what you know just last Wednesday we celebrated our son Christopher's home going to heaven it's been four years and it's it's been they it's been a journey and a hard journey but I will tell you that as as a wife and as a mother of a mother-in-law God was so faithful to put into my life the scriptures and the strength found in the Word of God that helped me stand on that day when you don't know what's coming at you you don't know what tomorrow holds but you know where you can go no matter what comes into your life because you have his promises and you have his word and Elizabeth had a huge part in our lives leading up to that day and even on that day and it's just such a pleasure to say that when my son Christopher married Britney their first Britney okay she was a branded Christian and she wanted to be mentored and after we went through the UM the new believers Bible we went through the first steps on the cornerstones of our faith after we did that we the first book that I picked to go through with her and with her mom was a woman after God's own heart and after we finished that book we dove into the book of Philippians and that day that Thursday morning when we were gathering together to go through the chapter that we had designated to study that morning we had no idea what we would be facing that God did and it was in her book on Philippians which is called experiencing God's peace that we were supposed to be studying the passage in Philippians that says that I may know him the power of his resurrection and the Fellowship of his suffering little did we know how God was going to use this book in our lives how he's going to put his word in our lives and ladies if you're faithful to so into your lives the Word of God on a daily basis investing in that he is going to be there for you no matter what life throws at you but I had to say that because I want to introduce Elizabeth now so when the worship team was going to come on out here right now comes and leads us in worship you will know how much this speaker has meant to to me and to our family and continues to minister to us to this day and she's going to bring forth a message it's just going to help you so much she is just amazing greetings in the name of the Lord and look at you this must be Girl Talk night I was going to say welcome ladies but I'm gonna say welcome girls instead and I want to thank Cathy Lori so much for inviting me and Jan Vance for taking care of all of our needs and working with my wonderful husband who's out in the for year and for Tiffany I know you're here thank you for also working with us to bring us here to your wonderful girls night and everyone we've talked to we said we were coming down to do the girl girl talk is oh I know all about girl talk is on the radio everybody's seen it online and I'm just so thankful and grateful to be a part of Girl Talk well tonight I'm going to be sharing quite a bit you know this is a Bible teaching Church so I'm going to be sharing a lot of scriptures but I wanted you to treat it like when Jim and I go to Costco now we live in a little cabin in the woods in Washington state where Costco and Walmart both are one hour from our home so for a whole month we keep our list going and we put everything on the list we need we're out of it we don't want to get out of and in case we have an emergency or company come and we keep this list and we salivate all month long and dream about this trip to town and so finally the day comes and we're in adrenal and flow you know and we go to Costco and we got a his list in her list and we got two carts and Jim goes in one direction and I go in the other and we go down and we just pile those carts full of stuff things that we think we need and we go down every aisle looking for the special if was or something that we missed my need in the next month and so we pile that those baskets hi checkout load the car truck the truck and head for home and we have never gone home and eaten everything we bought at Costco that day and I'm gonna throw out a lot of scriptures and I don't expect you to grab them or get them or necessarily remember them tonight when you go home but if you'll just jot them down as a note so that sometime maybe on the Lord's Day you can put your feet up and review your notes or a woman comes to you she's got an issue or a problem you could say oh I know I have a scripture just for you some of the scriptures will look up but a lot of them I'll just refer to so here we go that trip to Costco are you in gear I guess you can go everyday right but God has worked in my life the number 28 stands out like a neon sign that's the year I became a Christian and by age 28 Jim and I have been married for eight years for five years we didn't have any children which means that was five years we did everything wrong a couple can do in a marriage we tried or we tried so hard we're such a good little couple and we tried hobbies and we took classes and you know we were in bridge clubs and Oh rotating dinner clubs where you go to one house for hors d'oeuvres in the next house for the mink we did everything finally after five years of a messed up family of two we added two that's pretty hard to do right we did it we added two children who became a messed up family of four and now we had two little girls that we didn't know what to do with so we did everything wrong as a parent then miracle of miracles and I just want to say I'm really cutting this short you know God works in our lives and our hearts there's a saying that there are many ways to Jesus but only one way to God which is through Jesus Christ and he said in John 14:6 no one comes to the Father but by me and so you know my history my testimony is how God worked in my life and I you know I get spent an hour on that but miracle of miracles by reading one book that was filled with Scripture about Jesus Christ I gave my life to the Lord and Jim already was a Christian he had done something the Scriptures very clear not to do he had married an unbeliever and if you talked to him he would tell you when he went to college he remembers the first Sunday that he decided he had too much homework too many papers to write too many exams coming up that he would just miss that one Sunday and then guess what happened the next Sunday now he already knows how to miss church and how to use Sunday morning for his schoolwork so he missed another one and before you know he wasn't going to church at all and guess where that's what he met me he wouldn't have had anything to do with me if he was still going to church right oh my goodness but I always say he met me down in the pit and we lived out the same if a child of God Jim marries a child of seyton that was me said child of God is sure to have problems with his father-in-law of the devil so oh we fought we argue guess what the one thing we could never talk about was was religion you know because he knew truth and I didn't I was toying around with every other anything but truth so it was a miracle that I got this book in my hands I read that book and the Word of God went to work on my heart which is why I'm so committed to the Word of God it is pure it isn't sweetened it isn't watered-down and it isn't yeah but you know that just doesn't sound quite right it is truth and so I gave my life to Christ and God put us two days later on the front row in John MacArthur's church where we stayed 35 years Jim was on the staff he was a pastor there he helped start the master seminary he was on the seminary faculty and God gave us such a rich heritage just like you here at this church you know you can just count on being taught the truth but it became true in my life what the scripture says in 2nd Corinthians 5:17 If any man or woman be in Christ he is a new creation behold all things are passed away because all things are become new because all things are of God and so I started realizing that if John 1:12 as many as received him to them gave he power to become the sons of God even to them that believe on his name and I believed and I had received and Ephesians two four and five I just want to read to you and I had not committed this one to memory yet but Ephesians two four and five but God who is rich in mercy for his great love with which he loved us even when we were dead in sins has made us alive together with Christ by grace you are saved to God be the glory and thank you lord praise the Lord so first day at church we had to be the only two people in the congregation without Bibles you know pastor says turn in your Bible dude all across the auditorium everybody is turning in their Bible so we went straight out to the little book nook and we bought our very first Bibles eight years after we got married and I went home and the next day started reading my brand-new Bible and I was looking for help and I didn't resist what I was reading because I was going down for the third time by the time God reached in and touched my soul and I just can't believe you know that there was so much truth and guidance and help and instruction for me for me as a woman and for me as a Christian for me as a wife for me as a mom and everything was right there in that book this is the counsel of the Lord that stands forever the thoughts of his heart to all generations there's nothing new Under the Sun God has already spoken to us in his word about every issue we will ever have every issue that will ever arise and so I just took it in I just took it in and I have to say I didn't resist what I was reading because I was so needy and I took it in and you know I meet ladies that say they read a certain book even a book of mine you know that might happen to be pink you know it might happen to be a woman after God's own heart they might be in the husband's action where you know God's says submit to your husband's day I read that I just threw that book across the room you know and you know then they'd said I drove around the valley you know I drove around the valley for three whole days I was so mad I was so angry I I knew God wanted me to do that I didn't want to do that I went back and I picked the book up and finished the chapter you know but you know just not resisting the truth taking it by faith applying it to our lives but it was just such a joy to read God's Word still is every single day I just it's time with God your God the God of the universe you get to spend time with him when you read his word time and his word is it's like time that screws your head on right so for the rest of the day you're thinking like God thinks you're perceiving what's going on in your life the way God perceives it and you're just heating up your heart for the things of God and I just want to propose that that be done first first things first or the first issue of your heart the first issue of your day and I don't know how your day starts I'm sure not very well no is it an alarm clock is the baby crying you know is it in whatever is going on in your life sometimes I make it till the alarm goes off sometimes I start worrying about an overly full schedule or a deadline or commitment or problem and I'll wake up before the alarm goes off but whatever happens we hit the floor and we are running for the rest of the day and you may hit the freeway and go to work you may hit the floor and drive the carpool you've got hit the floor you've got a house full of kids I've daughter with five you know every day she wakes up there's five kids and then the big kid her husband is there too but just uh you know I if you're like me too I get up at oh no not another day you know I have so much to do I'll never get it all done and so you know wasn't that a great demonstration on time management and home organization where time managers we have to be because we multitask we have a lot of responsibility on our shoulders so our little minds go to work and figure out how we are going to make it through the day how we are going to get things done and if we're not careful we'll start saying oh no not another day I have so many things to do I'll never get it all done especially if I take time to read my Bible and pray and what we did was just lop off the two things that are gonna make our day happen and Jesus said John 15 verse 5 without me you can do how much nothing not a woman in here wants to be a nothing woman we want to be the all things woman the the everything woman he says without me you can do nothing but Paul says in Philippians 4 verse 13 with him we can do all things you know we want to be the all things person so just time with God we now live in the state of Washington on the Olympic Peninsula across from Seattle and you know it's the Evergreen State its evergreen because it's raining all the time look on the Weather Channel you'll that little corner up there's green but we get a lot of rain but that's perfect for two writers right and if Costco and Walmart and the mall is an hour away you're pretty much stuck there for a while but we live there in the midst of the woods we look at water the Hood Canal it's the fish hook on the the weather channel map so when you see that up there we're at the point of the fish hook and we live there and we see snow-capped mountains every day they're always white on the top and we live on a side of a hill in our house has six switchbacks you know half stories and Jim has his office on level two and my office is on level six and is so far away we work with walkie-talkies and all day that I have to go up a ladder to get to my office so picture that is really solitude but you know we work with walkie talkies talkies and in Washington we have our very own personal white-headed white-tailed american eagle and he flies by almost on the dot 5:47 every single morning and we just wait for him to come by you know and we're on patrol so to speak we're at our desk but looking out the windows and and whoever spots the eagle first goes eagle alert eagle alert 10:30 you know and I looking over at 10:30 and I scream and Jim is downstairs and we celebrate our Eagle sighting for the day and uh we kind of imagined him you know he flies by everyday kind of dipping his little hat or his little something to us but just being able to see this site every day cost me to do a little research on Eagles and we were if you want to look at Isaiah 40 in your Bible I'm going to read that but we were down at the local you know boat ramp where people put their boats in we were sitting on the dock just having a cup of coffee look in it all that was going on and we were there and suddenly everything went black and I thought oh wow we must be in the Sea Tac landing pattern an airplane just went over between us and the Sun and it was an eagle when I looked up with his wingspan I mean it blacked out caused a shadow to move over us but in Isaiah we read God is speaking through Isaiah and his voice is just incredulous that he just can't imagine and in verse 28 of Isaiah 40 he says speaking for God have you not known have you not heard I mean like how can this be that the everlasting God the Lord the creator of the ends of the earth faints not neither is weary there is no searching of his understanding verse 29 he gives power to the faint and to those who have no might he increases their strength even the youths shall faint and be weary and the young men they shall utterly fall but they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength they shall mount up with wings as an eagle they shall run and not be weary and they are the ones who will walk and not faint and so right there just God using the imagery of the eagle to teach us some time management scriptures of life management for busy women so an eagle has a wingspan of seven feet just imagine if you're measuring fabric that's three you go over here you got three bar then you add another foot defin feet when you see a person at 7 feet tall you're looking at a giant that's majestic flies higher than almost any other bird up to 10,000 feet in the air that's two miles high how awesome is that and glides easily up to 2,400 feet in altitude and Oh for the ability for you and me to rise above life's demands and life's difficulties moves up to a hundred and fifty miles an hour now that's a NASCAR and OH for the ability for you and me to speed through our daily work and can carry objects you know just think of it objects equal to its body weight see no task is too daunting so we want to be women who wait on the Lord we don't want to be trying to walk and falling on our faces we don't want to be trying to run through the day and we can't make it we want to mount up with wings as Eagles and so in spite of all the busyness of your life we must look to God each new morning so what's that going to require the thing we never have enough of time and second Timothy 3:16 gives us a fabulous time management principle just jot that down put that in the Costco shopping cart because you know this verse all Scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable how many things in your life can you put the profitable stamp of approval on probably very few and God is saying if you're spending time in his word you can know that is time well spent excellently spent profitable for you proverbs 3 verse 9 tells us this honor the Lord with your substance and with the firstfruits of all your increase and you just think wow you wake up God has given you a fresh new days increased your life for another day he's given you 1440 minutes to live and he says honor me with all your substance with the firstfruits of all your increase and so I remember hearing an art 'land whose husband ray used to minister in the Southern California area sharing about a friend who read that verse and was convicted that she needed to give God a time tithe and so she took her 1440 minutes which equals 24 hours and she subtracted 8 hours because every Christian woman gets 8 hours of sleep every single night right but it's easier to do the math if we do that we should get 8 but so let's say we're 16 are left over and she said her friend gave God 1/10 a tithe of that 16 hours which do the math is 1.6 hours and then I was just so grateful she's such a lady she was just standing there when she was talking to us you know and perfect posture sis now I'm not asking you to give 1.6 hours of your day but I am asking you to give something you know and I was just struck in my heart you know first things first some time with God honoring God with the first fruits of our increase of our time for our day and then there's a blessing that comes the next verse says so shall your barns be filled with plenty and your presses shall burst forth with new wine and these verses have to do with the blessings that followed on the people's lives because they offered the tithe to God of the first crops see you'd be afraid well if I gave the first of my crop you know I might not have enough to feed my family are enough to sell to have income and he's saying no it's the opposite you know your presses are gonna burst forth your barn is going to be full because I promised to bless you for giving me the firstfruits so the way to have a good day you we hear it all they'll have a good one have a good day the way to have a good day is spend time with God in his word and make that early time if you can you know somethings better than nothing sometime during the day spent with God is better than no time in the day but so many of the Saints in the Bible speak of early devotion to God we read David in Psalm 63 verse 1 it's probably familiar to you oh god you are my god early will I seek you my soul thirsts for you see he's been asleep all night he's in a desert land he wakes up he he's thirsting we thirst for water he's thirsting for God just like he's thirsting for water Abraham in Genesis 19 verse 27 says he rose up early in the morning and stood in the place where he met with God so here we have a time early in the morning in a place where he stood and met with God David wrote of morning worship with these familiar words in Psalm 5 verse 3 my voice you will hear in the morning O Lord in the morning will I direct my prayer unto you and will look up and the thing I love about this verse he says I will direct my prayer David the warrior sifted around in his vocabulary bag he came up with a war word for prayer I'm going to lay out my battle plan for the day in prayer and then I'm going to look up and see how you God are going to take care of this the victory you are going to bring how you're going to work this out and then in mark 1:35 we read that our Lord Jesus rose up early in the morning while it was still dark departed to a solitary place and there prayed Jesus our perfect role model Jesus our perfect example of prayer showing us how it's done so I want to encourage you and me to follow the Eagles flight plan and gather our spiritual food for the day that's what he's doing he's fishing out there over the Hood Canal he goes with the Sun in front of him toward the sunrise so there's no shadow that the fish see coming or they'll go down and he comes against the tide so that the fish is coming toward him so gathering our spiritual food before the day before life presents its daily demands on our hours and our energy there are two things I feel like I never have enough of time and energy I have so many dreams and things I want to do for God and God's people and their books I want to write in time I want to spend with my kids and grandkids and and that takes time and energy let's gather our spiritual food before the rush and the clamor of the day begins before the brief opening for obtaining our necessary spiritual food is gone and before the Sun rises and before the heat is on and the tide turns and before other predators come along to compete for our precious time and energy and before it's too late and before the small window of time that was ours for the taking now when we were alone when all was quiet is closed until tomorrow so you never have to worry about wasting your time when that time is being spent in God's Word it is the best use of time you will make all day long so here's just a few little ways to make this happen refuse to miss a day and Cathy asked that I speak out of life management for busy women I just want to share with you that in the back of every book I wrote this book I give you permission if you have a friend that owns this book Xerox 100 pages of that quiet times calendar give it to everybody you know if you have girls teenage girls teenage boys give it to them you know if you're mentoring a girl that's what you do on the first meeting with her I'm going through this now with my little 7 year old granddaughter you know teaching her to color in the box for every day she reads her Bible and then she's gonna see how she's growing in the Lord so I give you permission you don't have to call me or write the office or anything butchers so job said and joke 23 verse 12 that he treasured the words of God more than his necessary food and we would never go a day without food so why would we go a day without God's Word next is be a woman of one book be a woman of one book and I read this fascinating memoir by George Mueller who you know by prayer he prayed every single day that food would show up on his doorstep to feed the orphans he was financing for one more day and in his lifetime through fervent prayer he cared for all of the needs the food the clothing the health the education of over 10,000 orphans in his lifetime and he wrote this the vigor of our spiritual life will be an exact proportion to the place held by the Bible in our life and our thoughts exact proportion the strength and power and vigor of your life he said I solemnly state this from the experience of 54 years the first three year years after conversion I neglected the Word of God since I began to search it diligently the blessing has been wonderful I have read the Bible through 100 times and always with increasing delight each time it seems like a new book to me great has been the blessing from consecutive diligent daily study I look upon it as a lost day when I have not had a good time over the Word of God I tell you that just stirs me up that just makes me want to run home right now and read my Bible but being a woman of one book and you know you will be a blessing to others you know when you open your mouth you'll have something fresh from the Word of God you hear somebody this downhearted you got just the verse you know Sharon was sharing with us that she found that wonderful verse in Deuteronomy this morning and her devotions and here she is tonight sharing it with us in 1500 women are being blessed because she put her head in God's Word so you won't be gossiping you'll share it be sharing God's truth you won't be talking about the news you'll be talking about the new verse you found in the Bible today you know out of the heart the mouth speaks so fill your heart with the good things of the Lord then you're going to have to beat the family up and I know that sounds like fun but I don't mean physically it may be tempting but I mean get up before the family gets up beat the family up I learned this the hard way as a new Christian ah I would you know scream at the kids kick the dog yeah throw food on the table throw the kids in the bathtub throw them into bed you know all day long and then I would get my Bible out and I would read it and I would go to the third heaven and back and I would go to bed every single night filled with the spirit I had all the love and joy and peace and patience and self-control a woman would ever want then I realized who was getting the benefit of my time in God's Word just me myself and I so I flipped that I started to beat the family up and I would get up and I would read my Bible Aang in the morning go to the third heaven and back you know and then my kids would get up and I was filled with love and I took joy and being a mom of two little girls there were thirteen months apart and I had all the patience in the world and I had the self-control that was needed and the gentleness and my family began to experience a miracle in the morning oh but just beat the family up uh we read in proverbs 31 verse 15 about God's ideal woman the excellent woman in Scripture that she rose up early while it was still dark and prepared food for her family and her servants and she had a little little tiny oven that she had to get up during the night and fanned the flame so the coals wouldn't go out so that when she got up and it was time to make breakfast she had could make the bread and I believe that she was not only getting up in the night and early in the morning to fan the flames of that little stove that I believe she was Fanning the flames of her heart for God and so beating the family up getting up early and spending time with God you know and I would be wonderful to have an hour it'd be wonderful to have 1.6 hours and I'm like she said I'm not asking you to do that I'm asking you to do something because something is always better than nothing and I'm asking you to do it first because you know it's something you want to do you benefit from doing you need to do you know you you know you should do and if we don't do it first all day long this dark cloud follows over our head that there's something really really important we're responsible for and we haven't done it and then sadly we put our head on the pillow at night and we spent a whole day without getting into God's Word so just how important that is so purpose to get up make a schedule just like I used to tell my girls and and all the girls that I've mentored through the years getting yourself to church on Sunday morning or whatever morning you go to church starts the night before you know you get the kids ready you get them bathed you get them in bed you get everybody in bed so you can get up and get everybody to church getting up in the morning starts the night before you've got to figure out when you need to call it a day so you can spend this sweet priceless you cannot put a price on that time with God before the day gets going so purpose to get up and open the book of God and read a portion there that it may hello all your thoughts and sweeten all your care time and God's Word okay life management for busy women that was my assignment I want you to know there are seven areas that God asked us to manage versus your spiritual life I'm not gonna do seven after the first message Jim my husband Jim he said well you might tell him what all seven are because you know you're only going to get to two so managing your physical life you wake up in a body every single day God has a lot to say about that uh managing your home life you wake up every day in a bed in a home and there's people sometimes in the home managing your financial life you wake up every day and you deal with money managing your social life we are created in God's image we are social beings we just love people especially our girlfriends managing your mental life you know ten thousand thoughts a day flow through our minds and wouldn't it be wonderful if every one of them was worthy and truthful of him and managing your ministry life so those are the key areas for a woman of God but I just want to touch for a very few minutes on your home life you know if you wake up every morning oh I did an exercise once where this man said before your feet hit the ground every morning identify your number-one problem well sometimes you know you wake up you're number one draw a line in the matter perfect or you know your number-one problem is in one of those bedrooms down the hall where the kids never open their doors and speak to you anymore but you wake up in a home every morning and is filled with people and if you are married you have a husband and he's your number one priority Titus 2 verses 3 to 5 where God tells women in the church that they are to teach and train and mentor and disciple the younger women guess what was number one on the curriculum there to teach number one love your husbands and I just want to quickly say how do you love your husband you know God gives four words you know I do a lot of counseling and when it comes to marriage there are only four things God tells a wife to do and all you have to say is Genesis 2:18 were to help so whatever comes up your behavior whatever you however you spend your time you just ask what would this help my husband or hinder him submit to your husband Ephesians 5:22 and let the wives see that they submit to their own husbands there they're following his leadership and there's some exercises you can do to learn how to do that that's not a fruit of the Spirit that is learn respect your husband Ephesians 5:33 and let the women see that they show respect it's visible by all people that you respect your husband and number four love your husband that he's your best friend of all the people on planet earth if you could spend your time with anybody it would be him because he's your best friend and some ways to love your husband are definitely to pray because you cannot hate the person you are praying for you know it takes too much from us um to admit our sin that hurts to go before a holy holy holy righteous God to pray for anybody and so it's so costly that by the time you go through all of that and you pray for your husband you're investing your soul in that prayer and you cannot hate someone that's why Jesus said in Luke 6:27 and 28 love your enemies pray for those who use you so we pray for a husband's and you cannot neglect the person you are praying for you know you don't wake up in the morning say I think I'll put on my to-do list today to neglect my husband no we just wake up and we don't even think about him you know so if you're pretty you know he's a big boy he can take care of himself we just you cannot neglect the person you're investing that confession of sin to come before a thrice holy God to ask him to bless your husband and all day long you're wondering how he's doing you're wondering how God's answering those prayers you're wondering how his sales meeting went you're wondering how his interview went or his whatever he's doing on his job that day so praying for your husband then I want to add pamper him there's a lot of things you can do you're your husband but you know how we pamper our best friends your best girlfriends or your daughter you know exactly what they love or collect or what would make them happy and you never have every time you go out you find something you want to buy and give your best friend or share with your daughter and and so we pamper everybody so why not pamper our husbands I had a friend well first of all I have a habit um when I go to somebody's house or a place where they're serving something and there's a beautiful paper napkin I get the napkin and I make a point to not use it and I take it home and I have a napkin collection because they're works of art you know it'll be Monet's Renaissance paintings or you know just something really outstanding and I've already taken this one from Babel back in the green room I'm taking this one home but I have a friend that everywhere she went when she was shopping she would come and bring me a package of paper napkins say for your napkin glasses but we cut we gotta think about her husband's like that what do they like what would spoil them what would you know just a little tiny thing I don't know my husband doesn't play golf but a package of golf tees or I don't know just a God will lead you God will guide you sometimes it's just time it's a special time my daughter Courtney is married to a navy Submariner my daughter Katherine is married to a new vice president hired into Lululemon calm and I didn't know about Lululemon but since I came to Southern California I've heard that it's pretty popular she lived in Portland and moved to Vancouver British Columbia last week so we're going to be going up to see their new home and Courtney has lived all over the world because her husband's in the Navy that when he was on his first educational year you know he was just hired into the Navy he had to spend a year learning about submarines so he was in submarine school he had one hour a day off from school and he had a motorcycle and he would drive to the school on his motorcycle and then at lunch he'd come home have lunch and then go back took him 15 minutes on the motorcycle which gave 45 minutes to my daughter to have lunch with her husband to see her husband for 45 minutes that day and we were visiting for one week and we got to partake in those lunches every day for a week and Courtney spent all morning cooking and preparing food and setting the table and she took her baby and made sure the baby's schedule matched and she would have the highchair right there and little Jacob sitting there fully alert to spend some time with dad and dad to spend some time with him and when she left on that motorcycle she had a little bag of warm chocolate chip cookies that just came out of the oven while we were eating they were baking and you know I just thought how precious that time was just the gift she gave of pampering him I mean they could have gone and met at McDonald's or something or I don't Chico's in a sack lunch and have not even come home at all but you think that wasn't precious time and I really got a wake-up call in this pampering area so pamper your husband and I talked to a girl yesterday she said oh boy that just hit me between the eyes I see my husband two hours a day he works a night shift and he sleeps during the day and he has two hours awake before he goes to work and she said you know I've always said okay you're awake here the kids I gotta go run some errands and she made it for two hours he was the built-in babysitter and she was out of there but just pampering your kids Philippians 1 verse 7 says it all Paul said to the Philippians I have you in my heart and when someone is in your heart you are thinking about them all the time lifting them up to God all the time trying to better their life in every way because you have them in your heart I think I'll close with this story my husband he will be at the book table I never go anywhere without him he never goes anywhere without me so we switch roles all the time that when at one event a mother-daughter came through the line and the daughter mom tell mr. George what happened when you read Elizabeth's book and she's poking her and he said well finally she said I joined this Bible study on that pink book of yours a woman after God's own heart and she said my husband is retiring he went for his retirement physicals so that the company could sign off that when this employee left he was in full health and so one day he came home and he said to his wife he says has anything come in the mail of my blood work or the doctor's report or anything I had that exam a long time ago and I haven't gotten any information and she said well no and he said well I just need to know if I'm dying and she said well why would you think you're dying and she said he said because you've been so nice to me oh boy oh don't let that be your husband fam for him love him God calls us to love our husband and if we have to be taught here's the good news if we have to be taught by the older women how to love our husbands then it can be learned and then to turn around and teach others as well so just to close this out I wanted to share I finished the book in this way and now dear friends it's time to part ways and go our journey alone and as you go on to manage your busy life for the Lord and as you pray and plan and prepare to live out God's plan for the remaining days of your life you will find yourself taking flight in God's direction you'll surprise yourself as you mount up with wings as an eagle as you run and are not weary as you walk and do not faint you'll discover the power of eagle's wings lifting you and sustaining you and carrying you along and making your dream for a life lived in the center of God's will a reality the passion too will mount and mount and mount until the sublime passion to live out God's plan for your life is all-consuming so pray dear sisters pray each day pray throughout the day pray at the end of your day and pray every day and then without each day with all your might and may each and every one of them be blessed by delightful fellowship with your Heavenly Father along the way as you live your life after God's own heart with passion and purpose and God will bless you as you do that thank you thank you thank you you're wonderful
Channel: Pastor Greg Laurie
Views: 26,063
Rating: 4.8205128 out of 5
Keywords: Bible, study, summer, women, virtue, harvest, girl talk, christian
Id: lyU7E83HWAY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 51sec (3531 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 30 2012
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