$200million in Jewels

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/ABitcoinAllBot 📅︎︎ Aug 05 2018 🗫︎ replies
so hi guys we're continuing our little walk around Beverly Hills here and we're now gonna go and see my buddy Peter it's a gorgeous day it's the same day as our last episode so let's go say hi to ever come on down not-not-not you are a very colorful gentleman knock knock yeah you mr. pizza Marco this is the famous Peter Martin is rather that's pizza man yeah I think your pizza market please with the jacket says Peter Mayer who's DeMarco who you I'm Michael Blakey welcome look at my shoes you too brother good good how are you oh good good yeah well as these gentlemen I don't know I never saw him before so we came to say hi we're we're shooting we were going to shoot one episode today tend up we were just in a sunglass store look Juliet aware again but yeah I think so man we wouldn't know longer than we anticipated so we said you'd break it up sure said you want to be in an episode I'd love to be in an episode can we close it off for five minutes yes let's shut the door thank you sir and then oh my god again without the teeth you know so Peter has the most ridiculous selection of marches now it grew about 500 percent since last time at least I yeah I have probably a good 200 250 really incredible watches a lot of the moon in the window a lot more coming line them up we'll never let something get watches let's get some ridiculously expensive things not to sell to me to show the world okay I'm talking hundreds of millions of dollars Peter can we do it yes of course because last time we did a hundred million dollars that's not good at but we did a hundred million dollars and everybody said there's like three million people that saw it said not enough money money let's beat that can we do it yeah we should so it goes down okay let's say and let's do with small individual pieces so the big ones when I say smaller meaning not thousands of different pieces I don't know what I'm saying this is a crazy stuff we took a gamble here it's an octagon which it's an eight-sided star cut it special I don't know of any other stone in the world like this right now yeah it's incredible an 18 carat stone Wow is that crazy that is insane now at first glance and maybe because my eyes are Dre around but it's not it's clearly not but am i holding it's a big old stone how much is something like this five million five million the dude with the jacket and the machine gun so I'm going to guess just because I know you so well Peter that each and every one of them has a certificate yes a hundred and fifty stones every stone is over one carat and every stone has a certificate so you get a hundred and fifty GI age with that good luck trying to match those stars let me take a wild guess it's 3.2 million dollars I'm guessing let's see that is what it is it is ready that sounds like cost o but truly when you have something like this you can ask anything within reason because right try to try to find it you can't you can't how much it's a crazy place oh well now we're selling it for 3.2 million how much was it and here's one with 75 point rounds well so pretty yeah it's like a silk ooh sorry see I could see I would wear this in Vegas like throwing the dice you do you should make a belt like look at that right seriously crazy compelte yeah how many dogs would you need to know that's gorgeous in this very game feel it actually lift it up and feel how smooth and oh wow yeah it's crazy this is special every diamond is d-flawless only and every Steinman is GI a certified default and their complete carats of Israeli 3 carats each 3 carats each every diamond is the flaw okay so if each diamond is a three carat D flawless I'm gonna guess that's 30 to 40 grand a diamond like a grand idea 30,000 calories yeah so so yeah like a hundred grand a stone and how many standards 25 2.5 million minimum and then most jewelers we charge a huge premium because try to find 25 perfectly matched thoughts good luck I would buy this from you except it's a little short it doesn't fastens I have the extent it's gorgeous the soup that's good for you when you when you say that these are all perfectly matched stones it's that because of the way that they've been cut or is that the way that they were just found naturally not the way we cut them okay yeah we have to match them to start they have to be flawless and the same color something that's very hard in the same yes you know it's one thing you want one stone it's another thing for a pair of earrings you need to perfectly match stones yeah it's a whole nother level when you say you need 25 match thoughts 5 million it says on here 5 now so we got 5 million 3.2 is how you said yeah but it's not written that is just you just yeah this kind of finger five five and five so there's 15 mil there but what about the big rocks yes well was I think this one there was eighty-seven dollars and thirty cents thank you I'll take you five five million to 20 million okay so this is every stone is one carat and every stone is GI a that's a crazy bracelet yeah it's a big bracelets necklace necklace actually wear this bracelet like a necklace how is it is a big mirror behind me this is cool is that listen there are necklaces out there that were half carat each maybe 60 70 s one carat and again every stone is GI a so in this case seventeen million dollars 1.7 million whichever I mixed up the decimal point and then of course all famous oh there it is then we'll cut bracelet this is spectacular gosh this is the one that started it all yeah this is the four and a half million dollar bracelet that's the one it's five million now it went up oh so this is a different one yes we sold the other one and this is now I quite a few people asked me about a bracelet that they've seen I said it was sold children a photo and so we went to production on we made another one to put that in perspective I'm a big dude like six three or something and this is as big as me look at this so I'll tell you what can you pull out a ring that like let's say a nice engagement ring it that's relative of course but I'm just saying like a visual comparison like what you'd see in a lady having wearing on her everyday type of hardworking person like one of these Conor yes okay that's way bigger than the averaging game this is a three carat that's wasted I know a little twisted but let's compare with that for the camera he's a little twisted by his own admission yes so but in comparison his the residual way bigger than the average right engagement ring just just to show people just how enormous that thing is so if you saw a woman if like let's say the girl went to share her girlfriends she just got engaged she's freaked out with that she shows her friends that her friends would be like oh my god somebody really loves you yes and then you pull out this thing that's so ridiculous so this is what sizes three carats recur of this team no this is 40 40 40 40 40 40 and then this is a 30 carat cushion and again alright just crazy crazy stuff so again being a big dude that's my fingernail yeah this is a huge boys okay so this is a huge watch it's crazy it's totally crazy so we have here how much is this pizza please that I mean eight eight and a half nine million that's it yeah I thought it would be more and this one this one's a better color so this one I would do for probably 17 million seventeen so that's more carats yes the other one is more expensive right yes twenty thirty is seventy calories no dollars dollars so there's twenty five million dollars dollars it's a - Wow can we borrow his fingernail again yeah in comparison oh my word okay this just became insignificant City I don't know if we want to put this on the camera but I [Laughter] used to be the world together that's just stop is this the one that we saw in the last video is this a new one this is a new one I've never seen a big is this Lucy the side of that it's a seventy five carrot and cook it's heavy and so who's this for peach is this man's woman's like what this is an amazing piece of jewelry so what I did was right now the ring is a size six-and-a-half okay it means for a woman okay now the way I made it the top part comes off and I have another ring that I made which is a ten and a half for a man so it can attach to that to be a tendon is very clever and then if the woman wants to wear it as a pendant it also converts to a pendant interesting yeah I can't believe it he went to stop one cup he went your rectum resolution for that else that's very sad that's okay how much is this we do that for about let's see I do that for about twenty two million and would that include the accessories yes so twenty two and twenty seven forty nine million dollars and three three stones and it becomes it's a little credit uh that's because you know there's no point sitting on here's a 20 his authority you know look at that 2030 but this is a deeper color this is more money yes probably double the price much more rare how much is this is two grades better this is a vivid where then you have intense and then you have fancy so this is a fancy and then you have light below this yes so fancy it's handsome that because this little guy this little guy we would sell for about five and a half million that's nice so I just completed this set we have a Saudi princess coming and she had a budget of about ten to fifteen million and she wanted a Burma Ruby sweet and so we just created this absolutely you can see it's very princess with the matching earrings yes absolutely just like it's literally three or four inches drop it's just all handmade just everything matched every single step Ruby is certified and we're talking how much this would be 15 million it doesn't always have to be a diamond there are you know Ruby and sapphires that are very rare stones different origins of the world which makes them makes them much more valuable and rare and that's the case here so what's the value comparison of a simmer sized the highest quality diamond to the highest quality Ruby does that make sense comparable I would really go to say almost comparable because those even lost yes yeah it would be so rare and in such a large format that yeah it would be some times more expensive than a diamond because the diamond you gonna have D flawless mhm okay so we're good as it gets yeah and there's a lot of them yeah I bought a sapphire from Peter as an investment just to stick away probably what two years ago and that's quadrupled in value that was an expensive stone and that's just quadrupled and it's quadrupled because of its rarity diamonds there's millions of them I mean they're expensive but there's no shortage of them so as you say it's the rarity value yeah and the Ruby I'm oneself are certified just like a diamond Asst it'll be certified no enhancement no treatment of any kind no heat which makes it much more valuable rhinos are the origin right that's what comes from another oh yeah that's gorgeous that doesn't think that Princess Jasmine wearing Aladdin can you can you switch the camera off one second I want to ask Peter something real quick off camera because I didn't know what his answers because it's like an off-camera magic trick thing what it was not enough camera magic trick thing but it's an off-camera thing which we might come back on camera talking about okay so let's see switch it off [Music] yellow diamond bracelet booth you haven't seen that that's crazy every 17 stones all gix 200 carats that's about nine and a half million and then yellow gold yellow gold the gold in here is basically insignificant right I mean it's how is that okay I'm going to give up and just show you that the way talking about the value right because a pound of gold it doesn't match one of these I know so the settings free basically right yeah oh yeah you see the whoop on the buck back of this can you see it yeah it's pretty right sick Pete it's sick thank you what else we got what's the single most expensive thing you have in store right now that's a great question yes um honestly speaking I would have to say to me okay so so what's the answer to the question that's taking you out the question and take me out the equation okay what's the most expensive thing in there it would be my blue diamond on my pink diamond which I have one for 30 million and I have one for 45 million can we see No Oh check that that's that's something for private viewing can we turn the camera off from any shows and then we talk about how many yes yes I totally understand know why Peter didn't want to put this on camera I get it we actually had to get additional security in door as well as the outdoor that that's apparently there just to bring these pieces out so we really really appreciate that and also I think we've broken the record here there's like two hundred million dollars worth of goodies on this table these mental sapphires are as big as Peters head for the parts of his body I had to get my little big in there but well dig dig dig yes he's been digging at me that's right - back - auntie but yeah this is pretty I'm happy to inform you we broken the record I think last time was a hundred million so presently we have about a hundred and fifty million plus the 70 million ages so you know what it's 200 something with it we can't show that but this nineteen seventy million about a hundred fifty hundred fifty million yeah that's pretty amazing that's pretty not many places in the world can you go and take the little tiny bees of the inventory and it would be I mean that's the crazy thing I just want everybody to understand by look how much we have on this table and then look how much is still in every single one of these cases as well and the big stuff in the window that will shoot on the way out right so Peter and I had a little conversation that private conversation that you don't know about that we're going to be doing an announcement that everybody's going to love so please tune in on Thursday and you'll see what they announced it and then please tune in on Thursday and you'll see what that announcement is so always a pleasure thank you for the opportunity to showcase some of my specialized items and thank you again brother and again hit that subscribe button hit the bell in it to win it let's get out of here [Music]
Channel: ProducerMichael
Views: 2,697,931
Rating: 4.7900214 out of 5
Keywords: wealth, wealthy, millionaire, billionaire, los angeles, beverly hills, rodeo drive, LA, supercar, supercars, ferrari, lamborghini, maserati, rolls royce, aston martin, bugatti, porsche, logan paul, get rich, Business advice, hustle, earn money, luxury, luxury lifestyle, music, celebrity, jeweler, jewelry, peter marco, 90210, diamonds, rubies, sapphires, diamond ring, biggest diamond, huge diamond
Id: PjNd_KEzyYc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 8sec (1208 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 10 2018
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