2009 IAAF Berlin 2 (100 Semi-Final and Final Bolt 9.58WR)

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you're watching NBC Sports expect anything different stands alone first to win six Super Bowl Berlin is a city of many faces shaped by a rich often violent past it's sporting history centers around this Stadium the iconic Olympic Stadium built for the 1936 games it is one of the world's most celebrated Olympic venues chiefly because of Jesse Owens an African-American winning four gold medals in the heart of Nazi Germany now it is the scene of the 2009 World track and field championships for Usain Bolt who last year had the greatest Olympic track and field performance since Jesse Owens hopes to write his own history in this Stadium he headlines the hundred meter final and his Challenger is Tyson Gay the reigning world champion from the United States [Music] anticipation winning by daylight history thank you Berlin's Olympic stadium is the home of sprinting Excellence past and present where today the American record holder races in the long shadow of the legendary Jesse Owens athlete it means a lot to me to compete in the same stadium where the world record holder looks to rewrite history you've done a lot for the sports I'm trying to do the same the Olympic champion the world champion in the place where the American Pioneer the sports stood tall the world is watching who will be the world's fastest man live at Olympic stadium in Berlin day two of the world track and field championships headlined by the men's 100 meter final but first the competitors had to go through the semi-final round it happened less than an hour ago Usain Bolt was the first to take the track for the semi-finals here's the way it went there's the man this big crowd came to see Usain Bolt it was a year ago today that he won the 100 meters at the Olympics in Beijing setting the world record of 9.69 and he looked so comfortable yesterday in his first two rounds but this is the only athlete maybe in the whole Championship you can never tell what round It Is by looking at his face first round final he simply does not look any different he's always relaxed we saw him giving congratulations to the young lady carrying his bags a minute ago but in Beijing if you recall Tom this is where he starts to separate himself from the pack he wants to lay down a fast time here and give everyone something else to think about for the final American doc Patton is in this heat second in the U.S championships and a finalist in Beijing [Applause] doc always finishes so well because of his strength at 200 meters he has a silver from 2003 at that distance but what he's never been able to do is to summon the right time in the right round and he was eighth in Beijing because he was unable to dip under 10. so he's learned his lesson and he understands now Pace herself a little better and save the best for the final round doc Patton's in Lane three [Applause] Usain Bolt will be in Lane six and in Lane five another American in fact the U.S Champion Mike Rogers there's a look at Rogers being introduced to the crowd and here's the introduction of Bolt [Applause] s he says he's ready and they better be ready to put him under pressure early because if you allow this young man to get to the front he TR he turns it into a stroll down this blue track here in Berlin well he was literally strolling the last time he was on this track yesterday in his quarterfinal heat with the training partner Daniel Bailey they were looking at each other with big grins on their faces they came across the finish and guess who's in this heat with him his training partner Daniel Bailey right there in lane four there's a look at Bailey and Bailey has run 9.91 this year yeah the fourth fastest time in the World Behind gay Powell and bolt and should he get to this final it will create history for Antigua and Barbuda as they have never Advanced an athlete that far in the world championships [Music] look how bolt Towers over the others six foot five I've said it once I'll say it again I am glad to be up here with you Tom because the young man simply does not have a weakness and the one weakness that he was showing was his start and he has come here to Berlin and proven himself thus far to be the best starter in the first two rounds we'll see if it continues today's a new day especially made shoes the color of Jamaican yams he says that's his secret I'll start I believe it might have been Usain Bolt yeah he started a little too well there and it's interesting that we have him fall starting because we talked a little bit to Lauren Williams about the to Moon Ali excuse me about the new fall start rule that comes in effect both says he never Falls starts but he absolutely did fall start we get a look here and it clearly is Usain Bolt that committed that false start and of course next year that would be disqualification when the rule will be changed current rule is that anyone now who falls starts would be disqualified anyone [Music] set and there is a false start somebody is coming out look at the runners all looking at each other and Darvis Patton has a premise on his face to eliminate the unbleed in Lane seven Lane seven so Lane seven Tyrone Edgar of Great Britain is disqualified and he really has had four start problems this year because we saw him fall start out of London at his home track meet on your marks so now for the third time bolt and his competitors will enter the starting blocks tend to have a lot of pressure this being the third start absolutely takes the pressure to its zenith top four to the final said and this is a Fair start Bailey came away and Doc Patton and here comes Usain Bolt bolt now just seemingly easing to the wire to win it looked like Bailey and patton hit it together Tom I really think I really thought coming in here no chance for a world record not a world record track after you see 9.89 look like that how can you not think that a world record is possible on this track I mean he stopped running right around 55 meters looked around picked it up backed it off he had a decent start second from the left is vote look at him at 30 he's in the lead 40 50. now he shuts this down he looks to the left left again and that's 989 I have to think this young man is in world record shape I didn't think it win these championships started but I certainly think that he's capable of bettering 9.69 here tonight to hear the official results bolts time 9.89 the fastest semi-final ever in the world championships Bailey Patton and burns move on to the finals U.S Champion Mike Rogers will not run in the final tonight now here's Tyson Gay the reigning world champion at 100 meters he didn't have to compete at the U.S championships because he had a buy into these World Championships but he does have the fastest time in the world this year 9.77 and after the semi-final heat of Usain Bolt one wonders what's going through his mind well yesterday he sent a tweet out on Twitter saying that his groin was bothering him and that is not good news he has not been starting well former world record holder asafa Powell is in this heat just next to Tyson Gay to gaze left and he is arguably the best starter in the world five times he's run 9.7 seconds for 100 meters but only a bronze medal at Championship level at last at the last World Championships in Osaka thousand Lane four gay in Lane five [Music] and it's a fair start and assafa pal came away first now Tyson gaze a step behind it's a softball in front here they come to the line gay closing and Tyson Gay closing in the final leaders to win it in 9.93 well good news bad news Tom the good news is Tyson Gay had the best start he's had of these championships and he ran down us off of Powell the bad news is I don't see how he is going to be able to deal with the form of Usain Bolt there's Tyson gave fourth from the left look at the deficit that he has to make up on this field he makes it up but I don't think that he is going to be able to do that in the final so it sets up a very interesting matchup in The Showdown that we have all been waiting for Bolt versus Tyson Gay and Powell also in the mix in the final foreign and here are the official results with Tyson Gay winning it Powell Thompson and Chambers will join him in the final and so The Showdown is set here are the lane assignments for the final which will bring you live tonight look at this bolt gay and Powell in four five and six it's about an hour and 20 minutes away from now and auto Bolden uh I think I know what you're going to say based on your comments in Gay's semi-final it's a tough job for Tyson Gay tonight it's a tough job for any earthing to take down what we just saw Usain Bolt do 9.89 jogging halfway down Tyson Gay is certainly the one that can do it but it's going to be a really tall order that is an amazing performance by Usain Bolt you'll find out live later tonight but in the moment a lot of other track and field Quran Clements will be up next he's the reigning world champion at 400 meter hurdles [Music] welcome back to Berlin Tom Hammond Otto Bolden joined Now by Lewis Johnson as we come up to the men's 400 meter hurdle semifinals there's Quran Clement the reigning world champion had the fastest time in the first round here in Berlin well Tom as he fights to defend that world title it's all about getting his steps right he struggled with the 10th hurdle all season long but yesterday we watched him get 13 steps all the way around which keeps his momentum going toward the Finish Line if he does that he should be a good shape to make the fun also on the semi-final heat 37 year old Danny McFarland of Jamaica silver medalist at the Athens Olympics finishing fourth in Beijing last summer and at 36 years of age he's running out of chances to win any more titles this young man will never win style points for his hurtling but as a former 400 meter Runner he always has speed to burn at the end hear the lane assignments Clementon Lane three McFarland in four Sanchez down in a tough Lane one the Olympic gold medalist in Athens and two-time World Champion now 31 years old when I talked to Felix early he said well this is pretty much a final for me and right after a tough prelim yesterday he said at least he's got Clement to his outside so he's not running blind like he was yesterday but it is a tough order being in Lane one [Applause] and in Lane seven jehu Gordon of Trinidad and Tobago Your Home Country Auto and this young man made a little bit of History he's only 19 years old and ran 48.66 which is a an age group world record so he certainly is rounding into form just at the absolute best time this is the first of two semifinals with the top three advancing to Tuesday's final plus the next two fastest overall Tom this is a stacked Heat this is the heat you don't want to be in I mean even the world leader L.J vanziel from South Africa is in this heat he's in Lane six finish fifth in Beijing there he is and so again Felix Sanchez talking about the difficulty of trying to negotiate getting to the final this is why because most of the bigger Talent are in this first semi-final so van Zeal will be in Lane six and there's Clement again the gold on the front of his bib there and signifies the defending world champion that's so much of his preparation this year has not been so much for the hurdles Lewis talked about that tenth hurdle but he has gone back and worked on his flat speed because when he said his personal best a 47.24 a couple years ago he was running very very fast flat 400 meter races so he's gone back and attacked that part of his 400 meter hurdle strategy so I'm at the former Florida Gator two-time NCAA Champion Ronaldo to that point uh having the buy not having to run the 400 hurdles at the Championships he chose to run the 400 which again was working on that flat speed and uh if he can really negotiate that last hurdle and not lose his momentum chopping steps and not think so much coming up to that 10th hurdle he has a great opportunity to not only defend his title and maybe do something really special here in the fire countdown is on to the showdown between Usain Bolt and Tyson Gay Olympic champion versus world champion on your mark and the runners called to their marks in this 400 meter hurdle semi-final we talked so much about his 10th hurdle but yesterday he did seem to solve all of the issues that he has with that 10th hurdle which is just 40 meters from the finish line and there's the start running up onto the first hurdle and Clement over it safely karon Clement is going to measure these 13 steps every way trying to piecemeal his energy just make sure that he's on the attack so that when he gets to about 150 to go he can really kick it in and have something left for hurdles eight nine and ten climate looking good making up the Stagger on McFarland Carlson to Puerto Rico running pretty well Sanchez is also doing well down in Lane one here they come to the top of the straightaway Clement is in front Polson is there with him McFarland between them Sanchez and Lane one here's the final hurdle Clement over it Sanchez on the inside coming up here comes Coulson and McFarland it'll be Clement Sanchez Coulson McFarland I believe guys this looks a lot like the Quran Clement that won the world title two years ago no difficulty with that last hurdle Lewis the Quran Clement was absolutely in control of the race out of the lead as Javier Coulson the youngster on the scene came up on the outside there in the white headband but as he came up to the final hurdle again it was being able to get those 13 strides and not losing momentum that was so important that look at Felix Sanchez on in Lane one who also qualifies for the final how difficult was that such an even race pattern for him we talked about how good he is flat speed but no momentum loss right there for hurdle 10 and he is able to cruise through and put himself in the final to defend his 2007 title and qurans with Bob newmeyer and out of breath but was this the kind of race I know you were looking for for the speed and the technique that you wanted you know is there yes thank God every day that I'm having a great first three rounds I can't wait for the finals you better more accomplished shirtler than you were even when you set your world title um I'm growing no stay young money 23. you know that's great for the finals can't wait will the title be speed technique or guts when the finals come around is everything they have gut speed technique to lay down the line in the memory of Jesse Owens he's a great athlete man this is happy to be at the same Olympic Stadium where he ran I live in his tradition blocking the fun thank you all right Bob and he's peaking at the right time Ron's best 48 flat Sanchez the former world champion twice and Olympic gold medal has shown he's not done yet at 31 years of age and coming up the man who won the gold medal at the world championships in 2005 American bershon Jackson the German reichstag opened in 1894 to house the first parliament of the German Empire the building burned by the Nazis in 1933 remained in Ruins until the reunification and by 1999 it was once again the meeting place of the modern German Parliament back inside Olympic stadium and uh thinking of the football season coming September 10th the NFL regular season kicks off the Super Bowl champions Steelers in the NFL kickoff then Sunday night is football night the Bears take on the Packers and one of the oldest rivalries in the NFL football night in America at 7 Eastern on NBC thank you [Applause] and here on the track at Olympic Stadium which by the way has been the scene of a couple of NFL preseason games in years past there's a look at prashawn Jackson Batman part of the U.S sweep and the 400 meter hurdles at the Olympics last year taking the bronze in Beijing he won the World Championship gold medal in 2005. and Rashawn let us know yesterday after his first round that he's got a hamstring that's bothering him he said it's still hurting a little bit and even though he didn't show it yesterday in his face or the way he ran he said he was a bit nervous but having gotten through one round and now in the semi-final he feels like it should hold up but he's going to have to push it here to get through yes sir Phillips the Jamaican national champion is also in this semi-final heat Isa has had his most consistent season ever already set a personal best and five times right around 48 flat his one weak point he will come off of that 10th hurdle and his form does tend to break down he can overcome that he has a very good chance to get into the final Isa Phillips of Jamaica in Lane six and in the women's shot put final tonight we'll be keeping track of that let's go to Dwight stones for an update all right Tom this is Michelle Carter the daughter of Michael Carter not only the pro bowler and Super Bowl winning lineman from the 49ers but also a silver medalist in this event the shot put back to the 1984 Olympics in Los Angeles his daughter making this final from this morning looked very very good just 23 years of age spent his 15th in Beijing so she did not contest that final and a foul on for her on the very first throw of the competition it's a great accomplishment for her to be in this final so back to the track and the man's 400 meter hurdles the semi-final round and for Sean Batman Jackson air the lane assignments he is in Lane five Isa Phillips in Lane six and out in Lane eight from the United States young Johnny Dutch he's just 20 years old he'll be a junior at South Carolina and Dutch had an unbelievably long season Collegiate season indoor outdoor and then on to the U.S championships but so far has not shown any fatigue from having 46 plus races getting to this point and he really showing that he's got some mental strength to deal with this world stage says he's honored to have the jail on his chest and for the United States the future is now because at 20 years of age the fact that this man was able to climb onto this team speaks volumes about the depth of talent that the United States has at this event but sometimes you get here to a world championship and you're a little too happy to be here so we'll see how he goes no experience at this level for Johnny Dutch you mentioned that Jo on his left shoulder there that's what all the American athletes are wearing the initials of Jesse Owens you competed at a very young age what was it like well I went to Barcelona at 18 for the 92 Olympic Games and did not Advance out of either event out of the first round so I know what it's like to be here on a flight for the first time some of them you're in a new city and you get caught up in all the trappings of being at the world championships and not the 10 hurdles and the 400 meter distance you have to cover still it's an experience to build on isn't it it certainly is because I then got some medals in Atlanta so even if Johnny Dutch does not come away from here achieving all his goals the experience will serve him very well in the coming years and back to Jack Jackson Batman Jackson see if that hamstring injury which he told us about yesterday bothers him at all top three Advanced to Tuesday's final plus the next two fastest overall Tom to be in this second semi-final because he won't have to hit it as hard probably stands the same for Johnny Dutch as the lesser of the experienced in this 400 hurdle semifinal but and there's the gun and the first hurdle rapidly approaching and Jackson's off to a pretty good start yeah he looks good Tom he's got a his attack on there as Isa Phillips is also moving well now on the back stretch Phillips is rolling down the back stretch as a matter of fact Jackson and you have a caucus of uh Greece as they also moving up and Omar cesaros of Cuba Phillips looking good as they come to the top of the home straight away and Phillips has the lead Jackson trying to close on him now running three across the track and here is David Green a Great Britain to contest it but Jackson will win it with green second Phillips fading badly to Fourth as of Greece came up to najim for the third spot now Marshawn Jackson is just flat out tough he must have a problem because he did get out well he bought it this time down the back stretch didn't panic and and isil Phillips had gotten out there but he trusted his speed as he came down the home straight away but look at Johnny Dutch there look at the disappointment in his spaces he was hoping to advance to the final and he did not do that good experience for the youngster but you can obviously see he's disappointed but back to bershawn Jackson who is really poured on the speed at the end to win the Heat and I was really shocked to see Batman run this well because I had a lot of doubts after his first round run yesterday but he certainly got the better of iso Phillips who absolutely clobbered hurdle 10 Batman was clean all the way around so Phillips knocked down the hurdle lost his momentum he will not make it to the final but Marshawn Jackson will and let's go down to Bob newmeyer who has Batman and a smiling and confident Batman Jackson after that run you were talking yesterday about the hamstring injury how did it go it went great um you know I couldn't baby it yes they had a great Sprint coming home nothing happened so like you know I'm gonna go out I'm gonna go out with a bang you were so concerned about it yesterday now do you have the kind of relief over your face most definitely um you know Jesse Owens rang him many years ago got four gold mirror this is a legendary I just want to bring home one gold medal and if it takes me going out there giving all I got leave out on stretcher I will Quran Clement looks great Angelo Taylor is out how do you size up this phone you know it's gonna be a great final got the Great Britain kids had two personal best back to back who knows who's up in the air it's a great field and I'm gonna try to bring home to go hopefully American Sweden if um Jane Dash made it back I don't know yet thank you thank you hi Shanti well here are the official results Johnny Dutch did not make it he finishes in sixth place Jackson 48.23 uh with green and I have a caucus of Greece automatically moving ahead Phillips finished in fourth and coming up next we'll see Sonya Richards in the women's 400 semifinals [Music] that's Tanya Richards brings it home the symbol of Berlin and one of Europe's most famous landmarks the Brandenburg gate was finished in 1791 topped by the goddess of victory symbol of Triumph and during the years that this city was divided the Brandenburg gate sort of was the mark between East and West the wall ran just very close to the Brandenburg gate the symbol of Berlin and we're back in Olympic Stadium built for the 1936 Olympics renovated a couple of times most recently in 2004 that bear the symbol of the city of Berlin next to the Olympic flag or the Olympics were held in the stadium in 1936. and earlier the women's took the track for the semi-final round in the 400 meters and here's how it went thank you there's Debbie Dunn who qualified for a first world championship team when she finished second at the U.S Nationals a place in both 2004 and 08 Olympic trials finally made it onto the team and now trying to advance to her first world championship final and in her semi-final heat she'll be facing Sharika Williams of Jamaica silver medalists at the Olympics last year and when Christina urugu the Olympic champion at this distance made her move by Sonya Richards this young lady on your screen went with her and almost pulled off the upset settled for silver in Beijing you're on the lanes with Debbie Dunn in Lane three Sharika Williams is in lane four and out in Lane six keep an eye on Nicola Sanders of Great Britain who was the Silver medalists in Osaka and she followed when she won her world title and came up just about five hundredths of a second short but she has been nowhere near that form since injuries and been underperforming since but she will certainly be relying here on her experience as a silver medalist at this level two years ago they'll be done won her heat 51.13 native of Jamaica it's like Sonya Richards but Sharika attended high school and college in the United States she went to Norfolk State and she really has worked her way through the ranks because she may be a relative newcomer but she has toiled for so long at 31 years of age to make her first world title she does not want to make this chance slip out of her graph she wants to scraps she wants to make sure that she makes this appearance for the USA in the 400 meters count she has a good Lane drawer because with the Olympic silver medalist to her outside if she can hang on to her and go off of her pace he guarantees that she will come off at 300 somewhere in the lead that and the gun sends him on their way the top three will advance to Tuesday's final plus the next two fastest overall and Debbie Dunn you see her keeping a very close eye and in fact making up just a bit of a stagger off the Stagger on Sharika Williams and a very very nice back stretch here she has already formulated her race plan stick close to the Olympic silver medalist and you guarantee yourself a chance at a spot in the finals so it is done and Williams running together Sanders has made up the Stagger as well as they approach the home straight away and they come off the turn with Dunn in front and Williams on her outside and it is Prevost of Russia as they come down to the line Sharika Williams and Prevost of Russia and Debbie Dunn in third and Sharika Williams really showing her class there because she ran more even Debbie Dunn went out well but did not save enough to come home with and Sharika Williams showed the class that made her an Olympic silver medalist because at this point Debbie then had positioned herself well but she had spent too much energy to get there now watch tarika Williams go to the front she takes the Russian with her and Debbie Dunn Fades to the back and we'll have to rely on time to qualify for the fight so the top two automatically Advanced to Tuesday's final and Debbie Dunn will have to wait to see if her time will be fast enough to get her in and up next we'll see Sonya Richards on the track in her semi-final Heat [Music] Community NBC's new College comedy is joining Thursday's comedy lineup this fall Joel McHale heads a great cast in community Thursdays this fall on NBC and here in Berlin the countdown to The Showdown is on 54 minutes away from Usain Bolt and Tyson Gay in the world championship hundred meter final but first let's return to earlier today and the semi-final round in the women's 400 meters [Applause] and there's Sonya Richards five-time U.S Champion number one in the world the last four years but she knows she still lacks that one major championship gold medal in an individual 400 meters [Applause] [Music] when I reflect on my Olympic experience I've been really blessed and fortunate so every time I go to a major to leave with some Hardware so to have a bronze and a boat is exciting for me and this is a new opportunity to come to the world championships and be in the shape that I'm in this season so I'm just having fun and looking forward to running my best race and hopefully winning my first International gold medal relay gold but no individual gold in the worlds or the Olympics Tom she reminds me of Kevin young the world record holder in the 400 meter hurdle sometimes it takes a while to learn your event and she showed last year she had not yet learned her lesson Clyde Hart restructured the way she runs this race she used to go out very very fast to 200 that left over the deficit at the end she has changed that and you will see it today she will move in the third hundred and come home strong and she'll be facing Christina huragu of Great Britain who won the British national title back on July 11th and she won the gold medal at the 2007 World Championships and last year in Beijing at the Olympics this is the young lady with all the titles that Sonya Richards wants she comes in the Championships typically with slow times this year is no different she's only run around 51 seconds but she came into Osaka with a 53 seconds seasonal best and still pulled off the world title so the gold on a hurry Goose bid signifying the defending world champion she's in lane four and in Lane three is Sonya Richards and Sonia Richards says she fears ahurugu's power and when she refers to that she talks about that last hundred uhurugu will be nowhere in the picture but look at the move that she will make in that final hundred Sonya Richards entire race structure is set up to combat that advantage set [Music] on their way and Sonya Richards down in Lane three and ahua grew just to her outside and Sonya Richards can't worry about how fast the horrible goes out because she does not go out but she's content now to go down the back stretch strike for stride shoulder to shoulder with the defending world of Olympic champion so Sonya Richards stride for stride with a huragu looking very relaxed at the moment the top two automatically Advanced to the final to be held on Tuesday turn for home and Sonia Richards grabs the lead home straight away now and Richard starting to pull away opening up a lot of distance now Sonia Richards sprinting down the home straight away she's all by herself a herogu can't close on her here they come to the line she's going to ease up maybe too soon no she had a little dip at the end to get there to win her heat but she built a big advantage in Costa doe and Sonic did not make a lie out of me you saw a graphic example there of the change in Sonya Richards race pattern she was content to go with the hurugu to 200 but you saw that move with 150 meters to go she came off and now she has so much left in the tank she starts to look up at the big board where's the huruku she's back there and she's coming Sonia shuts it down and I can tell you I think that not only will she start as favorite and win but she is going to be hard-pressed to be beat in years to come she's with Bob newmeyer all right Christina huragu is obviously the champion and you've now met her in both Heats what does that meanie is it a measuring stick for you well I mean Christine's a great competitor she's proven that she runs well at these meets so I was happy to have her in both feet I'm feeling really strong so I'm looking forward to Tuesday so what are your thoughts now on this elusive global Title for you the same as always I'm really focused this time I feel better prepared so I really want to get it good luck thank you love you babe I feel like I can so here are the results with Sonya Richardson 50.21 finishing in second place and as Sonya slowed it down there toward the end of the race that likely helped her American teammate get in the final here the finalists in The Women's 400 meters it'll be held on Tuesday Debbie Dunn is in so she had to get in on time and she did Sonya Richards and Debbie Dunn the two Americans will be in the final on Tuesday now for an update on the women's shot put let's go back to Dwight stones [Music] all right Tom moments ago in the first round this is the local favorite German nadina kleinert this is her sixth World Championships seventh in Beijing does she want a silver medal in Athens and she unleashes a huge throw on her very first attempt matching her all-time best 65 nine and three quarters and into the lead in the very first round and the crowd loved it you see that PB personal best that equals her all-time best in the second round Michelle Carter her first final ever World Championships just 23 years old she got a nice throw there out to 62 one and a quarter a big Improvement on her first round throw and up to fifth and the countdown is on can anybody beat Usain Bolt who is a wildly popular hero in his home country of Jamaica Usain Bolt lightning Usain Bolt it was wonderful for me going on back to Jamaica because I got a parade people came out supported they came just to see just six hours it was a wonderful feeling all right and I keep doing good to just bring Jamaica up and just for the kids to have somebody to look up to so I feel good in proud of myself [Applause] we're back at Olympic stadium in Berlin with a sunset approaching we're about 10 minutes before nine o'clock here in Berlin and let's go back to Dwight for another shot put report the third round of Michelle Carter she's in fifth currently she must be in the top eight to get all six throws and right now she's in good position to do exactly that son of Michael Carter who was a silver medalist in the Olympics in 1984. her sister is an NCAA Champion The discus Michael Carter of course her father her brother is also a great shot putter in high school and she improves a 62-2 and a half she is currently in sixth looking good to get the last three throws Tom all right Dwight did a little live report there from Olympic Stadium on the women's shot put and earlier today on this day two of the world track and field championships the women 100 meter Runners were on the track for their quarter-final round here's the way we called quarterfinal number two so there's Lauren Williams the 25 year old American who finished third at the U.S championships to make her third straight world championship team she won the World Championship gold medal in the hundred back in 2005 and took silver in 0-7 and we're not for a couple of thousands of seconds she would have been two-time defending champion no athlete benefits more from running rounds you put her in a one-off race and she does not run well but put her where there's rounds and she absolutely excels Aileen Bailey of Jamaica is here she won a gold medal in the 4x100 relay at the 2004 Olympic Games in Athens and a former NCAA champion at the University of South Carolina and this is only her second Jamaican team simply because they have arguably the bet the hardest trials on the planet fifth in the hundred in Athens and fourth at 200 meters and hear the late assignments with Lauren Williams in Lane five and Aileen Bailey in Lane three this is a quarterfinal race with the top three in each heat plus the next four fastest overall will advance to tomorrow's semi-final round and Lauren Williams said this morning she took a whole lot off of her start she had a fall start this morning and she said she did not want to do anything that would take her out in the first round she knows that she's a championship Runner she was able to qualify very easily this morning but the quarterfinal is the round as we said yesterday you run it as though it's the final for just about two-thirds of the race control if you can and then begin to shut it down that's what Lauren Williams needs to do to qualify to tomorrow's 75. Lauren did win her heat this morning 11.36 [Music] there's the gun and Lauren Williams away in the middle of the pack Here Comes Bailey up now and Williams has a slight lead Bailey Gainey coming to the line Lauren Williams wins Aileen Bailey is second and it looked like tahisa Harrigan of the British religion Islands finished in third and Tom this race is going to do a lot for her confidence simply because sometimes she struggles throughout the rounds but this was really a great start for her not so much a great start but a great reaction once she found herself behind look at her cerse to the front you see her get to about two-thirds just about 80 meters now she shuts it down at 1107 puts Lauren Williams into the semi-final round and she's the Bob newmeyer all right Lauren everybody wants to know about the Rivalry with Jamaica how do you and your teammates feel about this I think we're just taking it one step at a time everybody's healthy everybody's been we're looking to get online get to that final and show our stuff using this as motivation for what happened in Beijing I always want to come back with a big bang so we're looking forward to that good luck thanks they always well spoken Lauren Williams with a smile on her face as she wins her heat in 11.06 Bailey's second Harrigan third and let's go back now to earlier today and the quarterfinals in the women's hundred and see quarterfinal number three on the track and there's American Muna Lee she made the U.S team in both the 100 and 200 after finishing second in both events at the U.S championships close second to Carmelita Jeter in the 100 meters and she finished out of the medals in Beijing so no lack of motivation this year got beat up a little bit in the early European season went back home and the word out of her Camp is she is absolutely ready and should be a real threat and also in this quarter-final heat will be Veronica Campbell Brown the reigning world champion at 100 meters she won the gold at the 2007 World Championships in Osaka and Tom she's the only Jamaican that can say she has a better collection of medals than Usain Bolt because she can match his Olympic gold medals times three but she also has that world title from Osaka and what a threat she's had an up and down season a lot of injuries she had a toe injury but she says that's all behind her and with her experience very very dangerous as she starts here healthy and uh on the front of her bib she has a gold stripe indicating there it is indicating she is the reigning world champion defending world champion and Tom we remember how long it took them to separate that photo in Osaka we went to commercial came back and they still hadn't figured it out hear the latest sandwich with moon Ali in Lane three Veronica Campbell Brown in lane four and in Lane six Debbie Ferguson McKenzie of the Bahamas 33 years old one of the Bahamas Golden Girls there she is the 2001 World Champion at 200 meter so you know she's able to come on in the latter half of the race in a 33. this is her fifth World Championships and she's kind of running out of chances to get that hundred gold but she has looked good this year and certainly capable of mounting that Podium here in Berlin already one false start and this is a fair start with Veronica Campbell Brown shooting out of the starting blocks Campbell Brown has the lead Muna Lee trying to stay with her here comes Ferguson McKenzie but Veronica Campbell Brown across the line first and 10.99 the difference between the novices and the ones who are experienced like Veronica Campbell Brown is they are able to get better with every round that 10.99 for Veronica Campbell Brown to win that second round is already a seasonal best for her but more importantly look at her start not known for her starts but immediately she goes to the front seizes control relaxes and runs a seasonal best this looks like someone who has come to Berlin ready to defend her world championship you see the contrast with moonly gets out just a little bit behind on the right side Veronica Kim [Applause] on her left leg and she really made light work of this field let's go to Bob with Muna Lee and Muna false start again it's happened to you several times you're getting bugged by this yeah I can't wait but a new rule to come out and stop a lot of it well not this year but yeah how are you feeling I mean you had some rest you had some races how do you balance both going into the world um I just execute all my races the best I can try to get a pattern down so maybe easy couldn't find them all right and the new rule that we'll go into effect next year at one false start and you are out but not this year Veronica Campbell Brown wins Debbie Ferguson McKenzie and Muna Lee and the countdown continues toward The Showdown 37 minutes Usain Bolt and Tyson gave and we have another quarterfinal in the women's competition to show you we come back to Berlin [Music] Checkpoint Charlie was the name given by the Western allies to the most well-known Berlin Wall crossing point it was the U.S sector into uh in West Berlin to enter East Berlin you went through Checkpoint Charlie once a symbol of the Cold War now a tourist attraction only and here at Olympic Stadium we're reviewing the women's quarter-final round in the hundred meter dash let's go back and see the last quarter-final Heat there's the U.S Champion Carmelita Jeter she was the surprise bronze medalist in 100 meters at the Osaka World Championships she had the fastest time so far in the first round 11.22 in that first round heat U.S Champion's been looking good all season long and she had a great start to the early part of the Season as you said won that U.S title and then came over to Europe and things did not go as well as planned so she kind of had to go back to the drawing board worked with her coach John Smith on her start as well as staying relaxed all the way through 100 meters Shelly-Ann Fraser of Jamaica is in this heat in Beijing she won the gold medal at a hundred meters and she is the best starter that you will find on the women's side she always puts everyone she's running against Under Pressure because she immediately reacts to the gun and gets the lead she had her appendix out back at the beginning of April losing some training but here she is in the quarterfinals and she is in Lane six with Jenner in Lane five and rebounded some of that surgery to win the Jamaican trials Carmelita Jeter Fraser side to side to get a taste of what may very well be to line up in the front razor comes away on top but Jetter now overhauling her to take the lead Baptiste is also running well here they come to the line it's Carmelita Jeter Fraser second and Baptiste in third 1094 is about as well as Carmelita Jeter has run in a long time but more importantly psychological Edge because she was able to get the better of Shelly-Ann Fraser from the start we're going to take a look at that start right now side by side Jitter and Fraser Fraser is a great starter but look at Carmelita Jeter sees the lead as the better part of her race is the finish and because she was able to seize that lead she controlled and dominated and she's on to the semi-finals finally the Jitter has gone back and worked on being patient in the first 30 and when she's patient in the first 30 it pays off in the latter 70 and gives her the win and she's with Bob Carmelita doesn't mean anything to you to beat Frazier as you did in this heat you're in very fast obviously in heat one this morning and a very fine race today does this set you up for a gold medal try in these worlds so we'll see how he goes very cautious but looking very good 10-9-4 Carmelita Jetter wins her quarterfinal heat Fraser second Baptiste was third and so here are the key qualifiers for the semifinals tomorrow Veronica Campbell Brown Shelly Ann Fraser of Jamaica and Americans Lauren Williams Carmelita Jeter and Muna Lee now for a shot put update here's why all right time Michelle Carter is in the final she sits sixth she's the first American woman finalist in the shot put since 1997 12 years ago Connie price Smith finished fifth at the 97 World Championships the same place she finished in Atlanta that is not an improvement for Carter but what great experience for this 23 year old it's a foul no improvements Tom back to me still Valerie vealy it took her a while to get going she had two poor throws early she's won everything in the last three years the Olympics the world championships the Commonwealth Games and in the third round after seeing a big throw from the German she throws 66 five and a quarter to take the early lead [Music] all right the countdown is on 31 minutes away from Bolton gay but first let's join Craig Hummer in our New York Studios [Applause] back live in Berlin and a big crowd at the stadium tonight looking forward to that men's 100 meter final Now 26 minutes away and tonight also marks the conclusion of the heptathlon event that's the two-day seven event uh competition that began with the hurdles the high jump the shot and the 200 yesterday and then concludes today with a long jump to Javelin and the 800 meter switches coming up and uh at the end of the competition on the first day it appears that Jessica Innis of Great Britain had command is that right Dwight well that's certainly true Tom she is having a great meet making up for how poorly she was doing last year where she did not make the British team due to an injury to go to Beijing she was in the first heat of the first event the hundred meter hurdles and the 24 year old just five four and a half has great hurtling technique and excellent speed you see their third from the right in Lane six third from the left I should say and Ennis blows the field away recording a time of 12.93 seconds a very credible world-class hurdle time for Ennis then in the second heat a couple of Americans in in the field second from the left is Sharon day a converted high jumper who's also here in Berlin on the U.S hydrogen team and Betty Wade in the middle of the track fourth from the left she was third at the Championships ice she was third in the NCAA championships when she ran for Michigan and she noses out Jennifer isser for the win in heat two and it's had a better than half second lead on everyone in the 100 meter hurdles that's how dominant she was this is panko of Ukraine she is a 6-2 high jumper and here she clears 6-1 you see that strap on her knee she's having a tough time trying to fight through injury here in Berlin now I told you Sharon day is also on the U.S team in the high jump she has jumped six four and three quarters former NCAA Champion when she was at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo that's her clearance at six two and a quarter but she would go no higher this was her best event in the tap off she's just really picked up this year seriously Jessica Ennis is the British record holder in the high jump besides being an outstanding heptathlete this is her clearance at six two and a quarter and she missed three times at tying the British record at six four and three quarters but she finished first first in both the hurdles and the high jump here in Berlin on to the third event the shot put and this is where German Jennifer urser started to make her move an excellent thrower and of course the home field advantage with the games here in Germany she was 11th in Beijing seventh at the last World Championships in Osaka but on her very first of three throws she gets it everything behind that ball a personal best 46-10 and three quarters and this is the Olympic champion Natalia dobrinska of Ukraine and she's been struggling both in the hurdles and here though she posts 51-11 it's almost five feet below what she threw at the Olympic Games she was seventh or eighth I should say in Osaka two years ago here's Sharon day again learning the hathon event she was second at our Nationals and on her second throw she gets out to a personal best distance of 44 feet a half inch a one and a half foot Improvement and then Jessica Ennis I told you she was only 20 24 years old five four and a half 126 feet but she proves that technique is where it's at in the shot but she gets out to a personal best 46-4 and three quarters and extends her lead then the final event on the first day the 200 meters and Jessica and a second for the left she will make up the Stagger very quickly out there in Lane seven she had great speed on the 100 meter hurdles and she managed her way all the way through the events today I should say the first day and it's lifting nicely in the home stretch Jose panko a distant second place in this heat and as for the 23-15 personal best misses that Personal Best by just a tenth of a second there then in Heat number three Luis Hazel of Great Britain second from the right she's on the British team because Kelly Southerton the Olympic bronze medalist is injured and she's leading this group off the turn in Lane three Jennifer urser of Germany on the outside making a move trying to capitalize on her big throw in the shot put and dobrinska next to last in this heat the Olympic champion really struggling through the first day so after the first day Jessica Ennis with a 207 point lead over dubrinska only 21 points set for rating second through fifth and first event of the second day the long jump and the hometown favorite Jennifer urser he was in fourth coming into the second day first attempt and she gets out to 21 feet three quarters of an inch just three inches under her personal best and they had tough win conditions over in the long jump with swirling wins this is the Olympic champion Natalia dobrinska second trip down the runway they only get three jumps in the heptathlon and she's more than eight inches off her personal best then Ennis her third jump was not jumping well had to take all three third one was the best just six inches off her personal best and four inch Improvement on her earlier jumps then here is the Polish heptathlete 22 year old Camila hoodzik we're showing her because she's an excellent Javelin thrower and with this very good long jump she puts herself in the mix with 21-5-3 quarters which equals her all-time best then the sixth event the javelin and back to Camila I told you she's a great Javelin thrower she's thrown 180 feet 11 in the Java but she struggled here on her first throw it was her best one 20 feet under her personal best but still the best throw second best throw of the whole competition 159 feet 10 inches then Ennis her first throw and there were some tough wins that they had to deal with as well with the newer Javelin they would like a Tailwind but they were throwing into a headwind she gets out to 142 feet 10 but that's 10 feet under her all-time best foreign the Olympic champion this is where she needed to make her move she's an excellent Javelin thrower normally but she's having a tough meet here in Berlin she throws 142 feet so she loses 10 inches to the leader that's 17 feet under her best then user the German the excellent thrower and a very good long jump earlier today her second throw of the competition she was in the second group so she threw an hour and 20 minutes later than all the other leaders and on her second throw she gets out to 153 feet two inches a seasoned best but still six feet under her all-time best puts her in third place and very few points separating second through fifth but look at the huge lead that Ennis has 129 points she basically Tom have to fall down in the 800 several times to not win the gold medal and the 800 is still to come with that silver and bronze still up for grads so we'll be back to Berlin for the 800 meters we'll see Jessica Ennis and the metal contenders when we come back for the final event in the hip Teflon [Music] my first goal is just to win the 100 meter dash I think it's going to be a good show there I mean that's what everyone's waiting to see people are really anticipating it so I just want to be big I predicted I won't win 15 minutes away Usain Bolt and Tyson Gay and out of Bolden after looking at their semi-finals you of the opinion that uh it would be pretty tough to beat Usain Bolt he won his semi-final heat in such easy fashion nine point 9.89 for Usain Bolt this young man simply has taken away all the weaknesses that he has had all season he's starting better than he probably ever has he got down the track halfway down he starts to glance to the left he starts to back off now and it turns into a cancer at this point I thought okay maybe he'll run about 10 seconds flat instead the clock says 9.89 seconds just about the easiest semi-final and maybe even easier looking than was his Beijing semi-final all right let's take a look at Tyson Gay and asafa Powell in their semi-final and for Tyson Gabriel we're looking to see how would he start he started very well but asafa Powell on the right in the yellow and green of Jamaica had a better start we expect that from asafa Powell Tyson Gay was then able to summon that top end speed that he relies on so often he pulls even with a sofa Powell at this point and actually is able to shut it down just towards the end but look at the strain on Tyson Gay's face he is flat out you have to think Tom that even though he had a great start he is not going to be able to tackle Usain Bolt the way he wanted to win these championships started so the the most anticipated event of these World Championships and people have been talking about it for the entire season as a matter of fact and Louis Johnson is up in the stands with some of the fans who came to see The Showdown yeah Tom I'm up here in section 34 at the East End of the stadium and I can feel the tension building here as they're all waiting for this hundred meter final now Olympic Stadium holds about 74 000 people and it's pretty close to the capacity and really there's been high anticipation up to a year ago when tickets went on sale everyone here hoping to get lucky enough to get that boat game matchup and they've got it now I talked to a couple from Jamaica just a few moments ago and they said that after both broken three World Records gold medal fashion there in Beijing they booked their ticket right away thinking that he'd be here in another big Showdown lots of American fans here supporting Tyson Gay but then there was one German fan a moment ago that said simply we are honored to host the World once again top all right Lewis as we return to Olympic stadium in Berlin 1936 host of the Olympic Games and the first time since that date that an American team has returned to compete here in a major championship and look at the big crowd that is on hand here in Olympic Stadium [Music] and some for some historical perspective let's go Trackside to Bob newmeyer well Tom so much has changed since Jesse Owens took to this track on August 3rd 1936 at that time there were no starting blocks believe it or not in the and the runners they use tools or spikes or whatever they could to dig a hole to get attraction for the start of the race on this day it was rainy it was muddy it was a heavy track and Owens ran on the inside it was able to win this race by just three feet it was the first of four gold medals for Jesse Owens under the watchful eye of Adolf Hitler in Epic performance and now we've come full circle with so many stars like bolt and gay who have spoken so openly about running in the name and the glory of Jesse Owens Tom all right Bob and there's Olympic stadium that blue track of course wasn't there when Jesse owns it was dirt and cinders at Blue track composite track put down in 2004 in the colors of the soccer team that plays her thing that plays here at the stadium well we told you we had the final event of the heptathlon coming up it is the 800 meters with Jessica Ennis with a big lead in the standings about to take the gold medal the 800 is the final seventh and final event in the heptathlon the two-day grueling competition for these ladies and Jessica Ennis who was fourth at the 2007 World Championships and then missed the Olympics last year with two stress fractures and her right ankle put an early end to her season after her family had already paid for their tickets to Beijing and she has the best personal best in this field and this is the finalist the leading athletes that are in position for the medals she has the only time under two minutes and 10 seconds so I mentioned before she pretty much have to fall down a couple times for her lead to be overcome but it is a spirited competition for the medals in second place Camilo Hood said also a very young athlete 22 years old from Poland is only 37 points ahead in second place and she is a lousy 800 meter Runner she needed a better javelin throw in order to put it in position to really dog this 800 which is what she normally does in third place this is the hometown favorite Jessica user who had great throws here and put herself in this position to win a bronze medal because of her long jump and her Javelin today and her shot from yesterday and the Olympic champion is in fourth and has really looked lackluster and as though it's sort of breathing her air to even be here she's the Olympic champion but she has not done well in the world championship competition and her Marks here have all been off her season best it wouldn't matter really if she even run a personal best in this competition she would have a tough time getting on the podium and Dwight High lease Fountain of the United States not here uh would have been one of the metal favorites I would think that she would had a great competition with Jessica Ennis highly spouting the silver medalist from Beijing hurting herself a neck injury in the last next to last event foot took her out of the national championships see the lane assignments Jessica Ennis the leader in lane four Tom I just expect her to sort of hang near the front but not necessarily control the pace she's having a great day she's gonna have a great score but she also doesn't want to make any mistakes she doesn't want any problems she's going to keep herself out of trouble and if she decides by Leading that'll keep her out of trouble she will do that but you really want to watch the battle for the other two medals keep a close eye on Camila Hudson the Polish athlete she should be near the back and then between user the German and dobrinska the Olympic champion the Ukrainian it should be very good there'll be three ukrainians in this race so that'll make it a little tougher [Applause] I see and Usain Bolt Towers over everybody as usual Dwayne Chambers I see doc Patton so all the hundred meter Runners are gathering about to make their entrance as soon as the competition in the heptathlon is concluded Usain Bolt is always loose having fun throws us off at the moment the camera on he's going for it isn't he he's got an awfully good personality he's great for track in the field and the confidence that he Zoot is really what is remarkable when you look at him we expect that this is the most pressure practice and he's going to be in it all year and just like in Beijing he tweeted it as though it was something he was so well prepared for that there was just no way that he could be beaten [Music] Meanwhile we're awaiting the start of the final event in the heptathlon the 800 meters and I wonder if it would be Redemption for Jessica Innis whose career was nearly ended with those two stress fractures in her right ankle and to go from that type of a disaster and a disappointment albeit she was only 22 years old at the time itself be tough to be terribly disappointed when you have a great career ahead of you but the the prospect of being physically unable to compete further I'm sure was daunting and a problem she's going to be feeling very good to be here she's had a great performance almost every event saved the javelin has been at or Beyond her all-time best so barring disaster she will claim the gold medal [Applause] they're on their way in the 800 for the heptathlon another stay in those Lanes until they hit the top of the back stretch and Ennis has decided the best way to stay out of trouble is to lead she does have the superior personal best and to run way differently from what she's used to probably is not what she thinks is the best situation so that's the best way to stay out of public and thank dobrinska the Olympic champion has got herself in third right now she knows that she must really pick up time on both Hudson which she's sure she can but user the German and she have very similar 800 meter times so that is really who she has to separate herself from and if you can expect this crowd to try to lift Ursa along as she uh foils in the 800 meters now remember this is the last of seven events over two days which takes its toll on you but Jessica Ennis of Great Britain leading the way trying to claim that gold medal and there's a collision and a fall 61 seconds for the first 400 and Esser is the one that fell and now this becomes a problem first of all she must not try to get all of that distance she lost back there's no way to know how much of an injury or certainly fatigue has been made more extreme because of that fall but she's made a nice move to just slowly but surely move herself back in a lot of that's adrenaline right now as Ennis continues and well look at the crowd Dwight and the crowd trying to lift her she's trying to feed off the crowd here she is moving up I think 800 meters is an anaerobic threshold event she can try and get back into it but she has nothing left in the tank she's gonna have a problem she's worked herself back in the third but it's starting to take a toll on her dobrinska is right there behind Ennis and trying to make the separation the bridge can now has passed Ennis she's on her way to an all-time best and she may need to do so in order to get on the podium the Olympic champion passing the leader and his comes back Ennis reclaims the lead the brinsk is there second and also trying to gut it out with the cheers of the German crowd after falling at the back of the pack she'll cross the finish line in fourth place they run of course against the scoring table now courageous performance though in front of the home crowd for a German Jennifer Esser will have the final results of the heptathlon and CF Esser will get a medal when we return to Berlin and also coming up five minutes away bolt and gay Jennifer Ennis the Great Britain on her Victory lap with her hip athlete competitors she has taken the gold medal at the World Championships Jennifer Ennis of Great Britain and here are the results in the heptathlon and Jennifer Orson with that courageous performance in front of the crowd here at Olympic Stadium gets the silver medal which it gets the bronze wow well that brought the crowd alive as if they needed any help because coming up it's the men's 100th Showdown are you ready [Music] [Applause] [Music] Usain Bolt on the right Tyson Gay on the left two protagonists in this hundred meter final one that's been talked about all year long especially after Tyson Gay reported the fastest time 977 in the world this year and the talk then began about The Showdown which has come to this point Automotive of course has been watching them with a lot of interest not only today but all season long and you know Usain Bolt had such a great performance at the Olympics last year uh putting him in the class of Jesse Owens and Carl Lewis that you forget that Tyson Gay was pretty good winning the World Championship in 2007. what do you think about the matchup now well they've ducked each other all year but the last time they met in 08 we saw a world record Tyson Gay has improved everything it's 400 it's 200 and his hundred and yet he starts here as Underdog let's take you back to Beijing and that Olympic final Usain Bolt third from the right got out and they allowed him to take the lead early it became a walk he put all of them on his highlight wheel and if they do this again tonight it will be more of the scene you cannot let the tallest guy in the field the guy who's best at 200 and 400 get the lead or it will be a very long night for Tyson Gay and everyone else in this field that race became just speculation how fast could he have gone had he not been clowning around at the end of course Tyson Gay didn't make the final after being injured at the U.S Olympic trials in his uh 200 race and so go back to 2007 and Tyson Gay and tell me what you thought of his performance to win the World Championship in Osaka well Tyson Gay certainly set himself up in that final to win but everybody thought asafa Powell who was immediately next to him in the yellow would give him a real run Assaf is a better starter you see a Safa get off to a better start but look at Tyson Gay summon the top speed that he depends on so often he goes right by us off of power but a soccer power is not Usain Bolt and I don't know if Tyson Gay tonight if he allows Bull to get ahead of him is going to be able to pass him you cannot pass what you can't catch what will be the key to Victory the key to Victory is both has to have a bad night tonight get out behind gay has his best night ever and is leading and is able to hold him off do I think that's going to happen no I think you're going to see some of what was missing in Beijing we saw 969 and people thought there's more there I think you're going to see more well the world in American records whether they be in Jeopardy we'll see in a short amount of time as you took it look at Tyson Gay and Usain Bolt collecting their thoughts while the heptathletes continue their Victory lap now and there's a sofa Powell joining uh Tyson now what what does this do to your side to you Otto when you're so geared up and now the girls that competed in the heptathlon are just making a slow Victory lap here while they're there collecting their thoughts or trying to well you see four gentlemen on your screen they all have a chance at seeing the podium the guy on the left Tyson gate is going through his race plan esophage doing what I think he should distract yourself as best as possible don't think about all that has gone wrong in the last four seasons in Championship events he's been fifth in two consecutive Olympic finals and he's been bronzed when he should have been gold in Osaka so for asafa Powell do all you can to distract yourself Tyson Gay I think knows if I am unable to get a great start tonight I am going to put myself on Usain Bolt's highlight reel and there you see Usain Bolt on the right side of your screen who's been starting as I said better than anyone else in the field he's working on his start that certainly indicates to me that this is going to look a lot like Beijing if these young men are unable to put him under pressure early and Usain Bolt at six foot five you know it takes him a while you would think to get going that's why he was never such a great starter if he can add that to his Arsenal I mean it's got to have everybody wondering now you've said that asafa pal was the best starter in the world what does having him next to the two major protagonists dude is that does he pull him along with him is he gets a great start well in my world I'd like to see a software in the middle but the draw is what it is asafa knows the latter half of his race has not typically been strong in championships the only way asafa has a chance and make no mistake about it he does have a chance because he is built the prototype to beat Usain Bolt with that lightning start on a great pickup in middle the only way he has a chance is to get a great start keep going and then not panic when he hears the footsteps is there anybody else that could pull a Monumental upset well that guy on the right of your screen Daniel Bailey certainly has shown that he is able but now the experience counts and the three gentlemen to his right both gay and asafa Powell have the experience they've been here before bayley now is at a level he's never been at before lots of credit has to go to Usain both coach Glenn Mills because when both did not start well in the beginning of the year he took all the pressure off of his athlete by saying look we don't worry about the start because Usain Bolt is good enough to run down anyone and all of us all of a sudden Usain Bolt started to start properly and that's because psychologically his coach took that burden of not being a good starter off of him as I said he's been starting better than just about anyone else in these championships [Applause] and Tyson Gay who had the disappointment last year of being injured he didn't make an excuse at the Olympics he didn't blame his injury from the trials I thought that said a lot about the man and his character his family is here his mom Daisy Lowe with whom he talks every day his stepfather Tim Lowe his daughter Trinity has come from Tyson's Hometown Lexington Kentucky to be here in fact he's named his shoes Trinity in her honor his older sister Tiffany is here as well and Tiffany was the motivation for him early on as a youngster he just wanted to be able to beat his sister and he never could beat Tiffany and here he is uh the American record holder and one of the top sprinters of all time you have to give credit to Tyson Gay because he has not shied away from The Challenge thrown down by Usain Bolt in Beijing he's improved as I said his 400 meter personal best his 200 meter personal best and has tied his personal best at 100 meters however he simply does not has not shown thus far that he is able to start well enough to really put six foot five inch Usain Bolt under the pressure that will see him defend his 2007 World title [Applause] still loose Tom I've been in a couple of Olympic finals and a couple World Championship Finals I couldn't sleep the night before you think this guy didn't sleep last night he simply does not ever look like the moment is as significant as it is and he no Jamaican has ever won a World title in the 100 meter dash and you talked about him being a year removed from his world record I would not be surprised to see that clock say 9-5 and we've never of course seen a 9-5 we also have never had three guys line up nine six Usain Bolt 9-7 asafa Powell 9-7 Tyson Gay so this is history already before the starting gun even sounds it was one year to the day when Usain Bolt won the Olympics and set the world record in Lane one will be Dwayne chambers of Great Britain and this young man can start 6.42 indoors this year he certainly will lead if he gets a good start to the first 30. lane two Mark Burns Trinidad and Tobago very inconsistent starter his strength is towards the latter part of the race he was seventh in Beijing and he's getting tired of getting to finals and not coming away with medals Lane three Daniel Bailey of Antigua we talked about Young Daniel Bailey who trains with Usain Bolt there he is still on thank you there we go still on burns and there's Bailey now we talked about the young man who is as relaxed as his his training partner Usain Bolt but sometimes when you haven't been at this level you see what he's doing here you're gonna need this energy young man for the latter half of the race but he certainly is a threat to mount the podium here tonight [Music] and .91 seconds this year for Bill and there's lightning bolt acknowledging I have never seen someone Embrace a pressure-filled moment more than this young man this is exactly how he looked in Beijing this is how we looked in the first round the semi-final where we see that again at the end of the race well he has said that he already has a dance waiting for us and that speaks to his confidence he has no doubt in his mind that these other seven gentlemen are fighting for the Lesser medals Lane five is Tyson Gay defending world champion this young man has certainly had the kind of season that indicates he can challenge Usain Bolt but he has to have such a perfect race tonight that we will learn a lot about Tyson Gay very very tough I followed him since he was a Collegiate at the University of Arkansas and when I saw him and talked to him this week I have never seen him more serious Lane six asafa pal of Jamaica and this is a change in behavior for a software power usually he's the guy looking like he least wants to be in this environment you see the change now trying to smile a little bit a little bit of gamesmanship this is good because what he has done in the past has not worked nine times he's run nine seven or or better and yet no Olympic or World Championship goals doc Patton of the U.S and Doc had a great semi-final you see him pointing there that bracelet was flown all the way from the United States his own broke that is his new daughter Dakota Ray just about 11 weeks old now giving him his inspiration in this in this world championship final [Music] [Applause] foreign eight will be Richard Thompson and Richard Thompson last year was a surprise silver medalist in Beijing behind Usain Bolt has not had that kind of form this year but as the NCAA champion last year and the Olympic silver medalist he has the experience of former LSU Tiger and this young man is a gamer he knows how to compete he was the only man to lead both last year to 30 meters [Music] the three fastest men of all time former world record holder asafa Powell American record holder defending world champion Tyson Gay world record holder and Olympic champion Usain Bolt the gold medal in the footsteps of Jesse Owens Usain Bolt has the least on his first three rounds the gentleman to his right have to summon something great to be able to compete with Usain Bolt tonight [Music] there's the start and Bo got a good one and gay is right with him and sews us off a pile Bailey's there too but here's Bo charging to the front gaze coming but can't catch him Usain Bolt look at the time nine five eight world record I told you Tom Hammond we were gonna see a 9-5 tonight the wind is okay in fact ladies and gentlemen it is into a headwind there is no one on this planet or any other one that we know of that has ever run that fast and now we get an update on the win and it is in fact legal 9.5 is there no one on this planet Tom Hammond to challenge this young man goodness gracious well early on of the Season Tyson Gay said it might take a world record to win that world championship he was right and he gave it his best but this man as you said is in another world and so young and we have to give a little bit of credit to Tyson Gay who sets a new American record in 9.71 so he now became becomes the second fastest of all time but he still gets added to the Highlight relist asafa Powell who gets bronze again duplicating his finish from Osaka and the Jamaicans celebrate in Kingston and trelawny and here in the stadium in Berlin thank you you simply cannot let Usain Bolt get to the front not his greatest start throughout the four rounds but good enough where if you let this young man lead to 20 30 and 40. here comes the dance [Applause] I like the lightning bolt better use and you see just how fun-loving he is he seemingly shrugs off any kind of pressure to put up a new world record he'll only be 23 later this week and here's the scariest thought about tonight Usain Bolt is not in the shape that he was in in 2008 when he set the world record of 9.69 he has been through a car accident a foot injury not being able to train the way he has and now as the third most popular athlete in the world behind Tiger Woods and David Beckham he's all over the place making appearances and look at the time new world record the first human to ever run under 9.7 seconds and now he's the first human ever under 9.6 seconds what will he do for an encore and what about Tyson Gay who ran the race of his life I will stand and applaud Tyson Gay simply because he ran the race that he had to to attempt to defeat Usain Bolt he ran 9.7-1 that would have been just within a lien of what Usain Bolt did in Beijing but tonight it simply was not good enough there was no chest thumping from Usain Bolt tonight he ran all the way through and that's why he had that 1300 of a second margin of Victory they did we did find out how fast he could run this time didn't we yes we did and I had said in Beijing that I thought he threw away at 9.59 I might have been wrong possibly it was a 9.58 and for all the stat nuts out there the wind is actually 0.9 meters per second which is as much of a Tailwind as he has had for the entire year but you have to think Tom this young man has been running world-class Times best ever times in rain in cold and into headwinds for the entire year this is the first race that he has run for the entire season saved for his alert for his world championship trials where he's had heat and some sunshine at least some some some heat and actually a tailwind and of course the great competition you have to think that he knew the Tyson Gay he said to us that he knew Tyson Gay would give him a good run as he celebrates with his coach and family and Tyson Gay no shame in second in 9.71 the third fastest time ever run by a human popping his head on the right side of your screen but because they let him get to the front he was all business tonight looks to the right and look at the ease with which he runs 9.58 the chest thumping happens after the line and Tyson Gay hangs on for second in 9.71 I had no inkling that this would be a world record Tyson Gay stayed with Usain Bolt for longer than I thought but in the end more top speed and a superior start doing Tyson Gay's chances as Usain Bolt and asafa Powell continue their Jamaican Victory lap and Tyson Gay has stopped by to chat with Bob newmeyer Bob all right Tyson uh what are your emotions after this epic run I'm happy you know I ran a PR and listen to the world record to beat me so I'm happy with my performance did you run the race you wanted to to win tonight actually I did you know and I gave it my best you know considering all this stuff I've been through I gave my best I felt good it just wasn't good enough are you proud is there a little bit of disappointment I saw you kind of banging your fist against your thigh like you were a little bit disappointed that you that you didn't get the win I was disappointed because I know I can run that fast it just didn't come together today so what do you have to say about Mr bolt oh phenomenal no great competitor great race and I'm glad to be in it Tyson congratulations thank you what's up Chad what's up everybody Lexington thank you Tyson gave her the word to his hometown of Lexington as Usain Bolt poses in front of an otherworldly time 9.58 more on that great performance when we come back despite all the hype this one lived up to its Advanced building right now Usain Bolt being interviewed for the stadium here by the stadium PA and His Image up on the big screen before the crowd here at Olympic stadium and what a perfect setting to set that world record as we said in the footsteps of Jesse Owens it just came Perfect Circle didn't it as Usain Bolt wins the world championships with this kind of start look at Usain Bolt he is six feet five inches tall and yet everyone who is shorter than he is in this final finds themselves at a deficit from the very first step Tyson Gay is six feet tall Tyson Usain Bolt puts his foot down on the track first and you cannot let this young man get in front look at him looking over to the right to see if Tyson is coming Tyson Gay's coming but just not fast enough let's go to Bob newmeyer Hussein beating Tyson Gay tonight what does it mean to you hold on uh it wasn't being ties again I went to their company everybody else so I beat all seven guys in the race I knew I was ready I was prepared so I'll just come with you and did a lot to do they just set out to break a world record here tonight I felt good I knew I could do it so I just went out there and executed and I ran right through the line so I make sure if I run the good perfect race there was no worries you've talked a lot about Jesse Owens this win what does it mean to you well it's a great win uh I have 200 left I still going over in Tyson Gay so after you keep focused just throwing the great things I just did I just got one goal now so I have to work on the other one can we expect more world records in the 200 from you in Berlin you can always just put me going out doing my best time back to you all right and uh of course they do have a rematch upcoming in the 200 later in these World Championships and asafa Powell did run the race with ice I expected him to run only only third tonight but at least he showed that he is able to perform at a championship setting because that was about as good as I thought a soccer was going to run tonight but what can you say about Usain Bolt he's a meter and a half better than anybody else in human history the king of the Sprints still on his throne [Music] here are the official results of the man's hundred Usain Bolt with that world record Tyson Gay the silver an American record asafa pal the bronze and look at the times on the right and seven of the eight Runners 10 or under in that hundred meter final Usain Bolt never ceases to amaze us not so much with his dance moves but with his sprinting well Otto you've seen a lot of track and field you followed your whole life you've competed at the highest level if you've ever seen anything like it when I started as a sprinter we used to write nine low as our fantasy time my generation only got to 9-7 I've lived to see a young man run 9.5 and let's face it there is still a lot left he's only 23 World Records last year and a world record this year this is unbelievable and you can make a great case for him being the greatest ever already all right and uh perhaps another rematch in the 200 meters later at these World Championships between uh Usain Bolt and Tyson Gay and we'll be back for the world track and field Championship Saturday one Eastern on NBC Monday through Friday will be on versus coming up next don't miss all the high-flying action from the Ali do tour the Wendy's Invitational is next on NBC so for Otto bold and Lewis Johnson Dwight stones and Bob newmeyer Tom Evans sang so long from Berlin in the world track and field championships where we witnessed history some kind of History tonight so long everybody [Music] welcome to the ADT NBC sports update here's your host Craig Hummer hi everyone welcome back to our New York Studio coming up in just a moment live coverage of the Dew Tour the Wendy's Invitational today it's the BMX park finals but we start with track and field the world championships in Berlin and the race to determine the world's fastest man in the hundred meter final a great field that included world record holder Usain Bolt an American record holder Tyson Gay with the call here's Tom Hammond and Otto Bolden it there's the start and both got a good one and gaze right with him and sews us off a pile Bailey's there too but here's Bo charging to the front gaze coming but can't catch him Usain Bolt look at the time nine five eight world record I told you Tom Hammond we were gonna see a 9-5 tonight the wind is okay in fact ladies and gentlemen it is into a headwind there is no one on this planet or any other one that we know of that has ever run that fast what an incredible run by Usain Bolt shattering his own world record set one year ago today in Beijing he was the first man to run under 9.7 today he goes under 9.6 an amazing performance by Jamaica's Usain bolts
Channel: dpw181
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Id: mQiwi6LVrmo
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Length: 96min 39sec (5799 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 03 2023
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