2008 F-150 Gas Tank Removal. Part 1

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got a 2008 F-150 and we're removing the fuel tanking tank and exhaust to do uh chassis repair I think it's pretty common on these three right here have both sides I'll show them better when you fuel tank out and up front but you gotta Jack her up you need to get underwear I did this use the two three-ton trolley jacks and jacked her up and put her on huffle wheels on a six by six blocks so she's five inches five and a half inches off the ground it gives you a lot of room to work huh foreign part was the bolts for the fuel tank they didn't they didn't seem like one company came and they're they're longer bolts half inch or 13 I believe sort of fuel tank up here is a this is a clamper here there's a clamp in there on the rubber for your listen to your fuel tank there are seven mil you get your top one here and if he does if you have to drop the exhaust the best thing is you drop the exhaust and you don't don't have to uh you don't have to drop your your drive shaft this is the fuel tank it's easier to plug into the top this one here press down like that take out this one this one here is similar just press down on this one this one here's the tricky one you gotta pull your lock out I'll take it all the way that hauls out you can press down this and then you slaughtered it here and this is the easiest time to get your uh your filler knife hose clamp that's the top of the tank get there and your delete connection for evap is right there and this is what I did for my straps like that you don't have to remove the drive shaft in the front similar over here that's for your fuel returned into digit that's the damage on this chassis some here and can't see it right up up here yeah right there and some up front but this is the best way I've seen yet to go about it you don't have to remove your drive shaft just block block out your trunk and it's only easy to get your your takeoff these are connections up front for your return and going through the engine in the the yellow one is he's stiff but he's not too complicated all you gotta do is pressing on yellow straight in and pull back but he might be too he might be he might be stiff because it's hard plastic so I didn't know if you use any but small pair pair pair of channel locks would be perfect and this one here see I'm gonna wait now a little bit better this little clip he presses in you gotta Holly Hollow this clip Holly this lock comes out towards me and then pressing on the inner enterpiece and pull off and there's what's under this one right here make sure you got a container or something because you're gonna leak some so you remove that and there's one more connection on the back once you get to that one you could drop your tank and this is the one on the back he goes from your tank to your Evac canister and he's the same on the front all you do is press in on the yellow and pull off like so he's a little bit stiff how to use channel locks here connections are off the top and she's ready to be dropped you motorcycle motorcycle drift so I'll show you what's it I almost forgot to show you how the uh steel vent tube comes off your filler neck and comes down he plugs in right here and he has the same type of fitting his I'll address those you just push in on blue and when you remove the blue it moves the grooves inside and it releases it from there it might be stiff so usually a small pair of channel locks it's underneath now that's the that's the whole when the holes are going to patch up here it's pretty thin there some spots we're gonna get some dormant Dorman makes big patch panels he slips on from here to back there on both sides and you see the damage here too and there's more damage up front but over overall it's not too bad
Channel: T Temple88
Views: 3,465
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 2008, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, F-150, Gas Tank, Frame, Repair, Chassis, Removable, Remove, Rust
Id: UAeGDa69REk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 17sec (497 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 15 2023
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