2000HP 2.0L Honda Civic 212MPH on 85PSI - World's Fastest FWD & New AWD B-Series Record

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] my name's Kevin Kemp from speed factory racing we're here at 2019 World Cup Finals and we've brought Jason oceans four-door sedan all-wheel drive B Series and the competition clutch wild street car Jason Owens car we have a Bullitt b-series engine block so using a factory LS crankshaft vme rods and pistons and then cylinder head we use a four piston cylinder head outlaw with web cam shafts and all the manifold the turbo manifold and things like that charged by the interval is all done by us in-house for the transmission we're using a PBE all-wheel drive billet housing we're using a PPG gear set transfers transfer gear we've upgraded the driveline and u joints and stuff to withstand the power wave track diff DSS axles pro level a lot of stuff we've had to do on the car throughout this year to get the B series drivetrain components wrong enough that's what we spent a lot of time with still a couple parts that we still need upgrade but changing the settings here to make it work for us so we get through this event and put some records on the board so the speed factory we're using a tubular manifold with a titanium up pipe something that we probably gonna end up changing next year but we've had that on the car since we built it three years ago we use a precision we're on a Gen X 60 785 dyno made about a thousand to 1050 and at about 50 pounds so here we're probably to see about sixty pounds out of it which probably get us around twelve thirteen hundred horsepower so we'll we're really excited to see that go and for the drivetrain we're also using a complex triple of off-the-shelf and then my brother James that drives the outlaw car is our tuner Tunes both cars they're both on ammo check em eight hundred as far as weight for these classes this car weighs 2,700 pounds and the other car is twenty three hundred pounds for it's a turbo size and for the class that he runs this year for suspension components on Ostrom scar we're using strange dual adjustables NRG of top hats so we had to make some of that stuff work but they're a lot of guys are using the same stuff but with all-wheel drive looks like we have a lot more control with that instead of just laying the car bounce wheels and tires use we use M&H components this car we run weld wheels on the other car the comic Lashkar we run a Belak wheels the 26:10 slick on that car at twenty four and a half the competition clutch car also has a bullet block but it's also it's a dry race block so we don't run any water in the bottom in 84 millimeter less crankshaft pretty standard with a lot of guys run we are using bullets firing system on the head gasket which is a copper gasket for the heat use a like a brass fire ring that holds it in we've been able to see 90 pounds of boots with no issues honestly just talking about the bullet stuff I'm super happy that we switched two years ago and they helped us get it done because we've had a lot of our issues that we're chasing for years went away once we did that which is really helpful zarbor's we can look at other things and Crake other stuff and figure out a weak points in that with that car the engine program is identical to this car smash our components F wet versus dry block transmission were actually using a new Alvin sequential box that were testing we love and send it down the truck yet we still have our Alvin's box which we always ran for many years might be putting back in by tomorrow we'll see which one we get to work but promise as far as that car still front-wheel drive still chasing I don't know if we're ever gonna give up to run a six-run wheel drive with that that car we're gonna keep pushing as far as we can but the newer stuff eventually we're gonna do something all-wheel drive with a car like that or that car so we did we ran 215 last year we started playing a little bit of nitrous we kind of haven't really done much in the car this year so this transmission is gonna be a huge thing we can always go back and just the air here always makes more power so I know that we should be able to back up last year's past let's not go a little faster and so the quickest and fastest cars went was last year here went 747 at 2:15 [Music] [Applause] and then we went back out when the DEA got a little better I think with a little bit hotter on the tune-up and we went to 14 detonated the motor inventor odd but that's the bat fastest fastest gone we've got a couple 750 s I believe so we're definitely trying to go a 7/32 720 that's definitely the goal in reality and I think that might be possible weekend most rooms car we definitely went last year we were going to eight 182 here went home do the Hubble drive conversion now we got a few passes out over at 780 I don't know the exact but 7/8 we did two five two of those at home on the 72 mil [Music] so we put a little bit smaller bond this year but with precision and there here we can always see different moves oh so that's exciting and I hope that we can do a 780 here like we did at home which sounds easy we have already done it but the work on here well the Kama clutch car everybody knows it as we kind of went top in charge because the announcers here said it year after year and you know it's a it's a real everybody gets out of the stands to watch because obviously most of the cars you run in our class are gone they can they can get to a date or you know a lot faster so it's all in the backend you never know when it's gonna end so top in charge and that's what we're known for on that car because we just can't get out off the line as fast as these guys but once we get it going and now that here we have traction so we can put a lot in in second and third and always super exciting for us to watch the back half so if we're you know here we've gone 155 to 160 at the 8th so that's the 1 to 15 out the back is that's kind of anybody's looking at slip knows that just is crazy and the car does still weigh 20 weight 2266 last year 2300 this year so people think that it probably weighs 2,000 pounds or so but we are close to 2,000 horsepower we made 16 on the 1600 on the dyno at about 60 60 to 70 pounds I believe we were able to hold One Bowl last year I think so plus you know we sprayed 100 shot of nitrous on it on the 215 pass and wait he's the bass adds up that we're about 2,000 horsepower that's exciting so speed Factory was started me and Ricky started in 2004 my brother joined us to do the tuning and stuff like that and then we brought Matt on to take care of our sales we generally didn't do that all of racing's we put all the profits kind of into the business to build a racecar and travel a little bit and that's kind of what started us to be here this is I think our eighth or ninth year yeah over here the racing scenes a lot bigger than it is on the west coast so there's no races even a quarter of this race over there unfortunately so that's why we come out and it's a big ordeal for us you know to put on and it's cool that we come over here and we're like small town but over here we're like kind of everybody want comes to see that car perform and so yeah but anything like the star was outlawed Karger that's been our car for a long time that was my car originally we sold my brother's car he always he was always known for a single PNC McCampbell Honda Tech and so we pushed the ceiling came really far stock block were made 440 back in 2008 went any you know the really simple setup so yeah me my brother had been working on cars together since he got a car and so it's a does 512 we've always with turbo single cam guys I finally got enough money and do b-series that's the same car I actually went in the first day with my wife in that car in 2004 and it turned into a race car and we sold his car off to kind of focus on that one when we started traveling and then I started my family had a couple I had my first kid and so I said well you know what maybe I should just do more the engine work like I always do and you can drive this and obviously worked out really well he's really smart and and a lot of data driven and I'd like to put my hands on stuff and figure it out so we bore a brother so a lot of stuff that we would fight about we don't ever it's just because we're our relationship as brothers is really easy and we have a lot of friends that have never seen us for a long time [Music] yeah I am the count Thank You factory racing I Drive the frontal guy of outlaw car competition pledge sponsor so down while car man running in the wild street classes here kind of took the risk we've been working on our new transmission project the pebbles which is a punch list of bunch of 16 undertaking the grocery get it done and get here so I actually had to had ships from Australia up to the airport over here and we went picked up Tuesday night around midnight and started trying to fit into the car and make all these defenses were needed to put that in spend a little bit of a struggle we've got some issues in getting a proper stall on the shifter and things along those lines we weren't able to get any good fast as where she missed the first two ball fires still trying to get the car together we've got attempted to make a thousand hit this year the clutch hanging up where she was overextending because we got those things adjusted and we're finally able to make the last fall fire got down the track first second overpowered the gear hit home the doors they had actually stuck about so I just plugged it into the next three years got it down and when 820 and 174 was just able to make it in the field number 32 spot so that was exciting after a long week of struggling to get things working in the dark but where show so about ready to head to the lanes and get ready for round one so one thing we wanted to share with people as drag racers we typically just pay attention to your time slipping to metal 63 38 smile and so on but there's a lot of other numbers a lot of people relate to more graphs or with other forms of racing that they wanted to share with this front will drive stock chassis car zero to sixty one point eight seconds sixty to one hundred thirty two point two seconds one hundred to two hundred three point seven eight 150 to 200 two point two seconds and one thing that start really known for is the top in charge mated hashtag top in charge manager down the car just for so many people talk about that and they love seeing the car do that it's really exciting makes exciting racing for people to watch having real people and all the top in so we need last year in the race with the last year was a good feels like feels like the race is over as soon as you leave and you're just starting to move off the line once at first second third you're still not making up any ground it seems impossible then when you grab for it feels like like when you're watching hyperdrive everything just starts to stretch you're playing it so hard and it actually kills it looks like the other car broke down in the other Lane the rate that the car starts coming out on the top end a huge brush you never know we clipped you at the line really good really fun racing at the stripe we usually back out 50 to 60 miles an hour in that range which is pretty pretty incredible what a typical balcony so we launched with this car actually leave with quite a bit of boost because the turbo so big it drops on the shifts really bad so I have to get shaft speed up it's a full a ton of timing out grab your first year we actually run sixty plus pounds through first which would normally be way too much power but because all the time he called out it's probably in six to seven hundred horsepower range actually going to the tire through first gear exactly and then we wrap it to about 1400 horse itself through second gear plug third fourth and then it's all in when we're not spraying it just plugging third the car has died note about 1,700 horse and a thousand torque on the dyno and it makes ten around ten pounds more boots in that typically on the track on turbo alone [Music] [Applause] [Music] so give you an idea of how much power is coming in and third then we click for can we spray it with a hunter shot on top when it comes in boots around 80 to 85 pounds along with the hundred shot little trail off to my ATM across the sky so yeah this weekend so far has been a real challenge for us and the whole crews been up most nights till 4:00 or 5:00 and morning working on the cars but you know staying staying on top of things we've been able to get through rounds this car at secret Street actually is our number one qualifier just got through the first round and said any seafood right there at 773 at 119 so that's exciting the outlaw car just barely got in the field but you're early unfortunately that puts me up against the grub worm first round here world's fastest stick shift for drive Messick so that's going to be a tall order for us and I have a little data from last night I heard butter going down so I'm taking my best shot at it the map hopefully we can get a grading run not hurt the motor have it go down in every gear and hopefully make it a close [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] with the new all-wheel drive car here we've had pretty limited time with it we actually came here intending to try to launch the car hard to 16 well and still have some stock parts the transfer case that are not holding up to a hard launch so we're having to kind of take it easy out of the hole but that being said we still put together some really good passes and we were able to Stephanie see the free record D Series all-wheel drive record and believe that the 67 Miller - with the 770 301 dark 27 Pig [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: That Racing Channel
Views: 602,029
Rating: 4.8593774 out of 5
Keywords: worlds fastest honda civic, world record honda civic, 2000hp honda, 2000hp 4 cylinder
Id: uIC3goyXFOI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 41sec (1361 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 08 2019
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