$200,000.00 Buy In high limit coin pusher

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everybody welcome back to the coin pusher today we're doing a 200 000 buy-in i guess 50 quarters [Music] they got this thing loaded up pretty good what's in there nine great big old towers two of them look like they're gonna be really hard to get though i'm not sure we'll be able to get them at all whole bunch of gold oh my gosh it's going that ginormous tower way in the back kind of off camera there it is oh my gosh nice i never thought we'd get that that's probably a good million dollars right there wow it's gonna be really good payday so we got quite a few quarters back already dunn made 15 grand and obviously we've got a ways to go to make our money back this is a really good start if we can get that one on the left goodness it's all going real well [Applause] all right right there is the last of the quarters they grabbed the quarters the taillight up we'll be right back oh nice even that little tire right there just went nice but i made 50 grand but i still 150 grand to go to break even but it's a really nice start oh i forgot we're going to see if we can get this ginormous tower that's on the shelf i tried to make it basically impossible to get but we already got the right one luck is in our favor today oh yeah that center tower already went thing got paid out on that one nice look at all that 5 000 chips on the edge gold buyer is about to go wow almost didn't play this one when i seen they had them towers oh my goodness we lost over a hundred games it'd be all right though yeah i almost didn't play it because i figured those towers on the red shelf would be about impossible but we already got one of them [Applause] oh my goodness towers are leaning good [Applause] they're all hitting the glass where the front three are oh my gosh look at all those 10 000 chips on the edge now oh my goodness it's a good thing that that tower over there ended up going because we just lost a bunch that was the last of the quarters let me grab the quarters and we'll be here right back oh my goodness we just got 177 thousand dollars and seven ounces of gold so we've already broke even this is doing amazing it's our lucky day apparently my goodness coming she's on the edge it's outrageous it's pushing real good we lost a bunch but it'd be okay it's gonna be this one nice it's like some of that's gonna fall back off the red shelf oh yeah we even got a gold bar on that right one just fell off we get to push past the gutter anything falls into the little gutters it's gone forever we don't get none of that oh my goodness tire just went right on in there stay on this right side for a moment try to see that go abroad it's one ounce of gold goodness look at all that on the edge oh nice he's got two ounces of gold about to get all kinds of ten thousand dollar chips nice for a good 50 000 push right there oh there's 25 chips ripping out of that center tower going on the pusher the base of it the 25 chips are ripping out of it so it's going to be going here real soon maybe it'll give the whole machine a big shake and this great big old tower will fall find out shortly oh it's even turning my gold bar is halfway in the gutter right now it's gonna be real hard to get it back out i don't think we're able to i think it's a little too far in there that's okay we're making a fortune oh my that big tower is about to go the one in the center it's not going to hold on much longer [Applause] [Music] it's gonna be raining 25 and 10 chips and a bunch of ten thousand dollar chips it's gonna be glorious [Music] just twisting all right that's a nice push made 16 grand out there or something oh yeah gold bars on the edge a bunch of them nice almost got the right side cleared off let's get that last five grand then we'll focus on that left side that's the last of the quarters though let's see if this will do it come on almost i mean we've got some more quarters we'll tally it up we're out back oh yeah making it rain nice oh my gosh we just made a little over 900 000 on that last round 10 ounces of gold this is doing way better than i thought it was all this for 200 000 buy-in super impressive gosh never would have imagined we got that much out of it we're not even finished yet got a long ways to go i'm gonna stack up this left side and see if we can't get that tower that's on the red shelf hit it with some quarters and maybe it'll go sure would be nice there's a bunch there probably a quarter million dollars on that red shell if we can get it to go making a fortune as we're speaking goodness big tire in the center oh nice it's not going to hold on much longer really need to try to get these quarters stacked as high as we can on this left side oh my goodness wow wow making it rain making it rain oh yeah that big nice they did it nice we got at least half of that tower to go this is amazing [Music] wow oh it shoved it back further onto the red shell it's probably as much of that tire as we're going to get it's doing amazing that was the last several quarters let me tally it all up grab the quarters and we'll be right back oh yeah it's still going nice nice i made a little over 150 000 on that last round and two more ounces of gold this is doing awesome we got super lucky them towers on the red shelf i was able to get those [Music] super stupid so let's keep it going and see if we can't get a lot more of this there's still a fortune in there oh yeah there's a bunch of 10 chips right behind that's a bunch of 10 000. oh there's a 10 000 chip on the edge right there oh yeah now we're into the 25 chips nice [Music] wow that was a huge push getting paid by the push [Music] oh yeah it's moving on up real quick my goodness some massive pushes wow just keeps on going it's amazing oh yeah a bunch of 5 000 chips now goodness look at all those 5 000 chips on the edge just a tidal wave chips looks like we got about 20 grand stuck in that right gutter try to break that out of there oh yeah it's working out coming on out of there nice that worked out real well not home yet but still got a few pushes to go to get it to go where we want but it's looking pretty clear goodness right here's the last of the quarters let's get them in there they are going to go down grab the quarters tally it up and we'll be right back [Music] goodness i didn't realize how close we are to getting done we'll just tallied up at the end we're so darn close already we're making a fortune though there's a good i don't know what is it 30 or 40 grand maybe even a little more in there let's get it out of there if we can we got a bunch of quarters so i'll see why we couldn't this is a really good game i lost a lot of gold but all in all it's still a good game a whole bunch on the left right there on the edge it's gonna make for a nice push and it goes oh yeah it's almost there come on wow the right's catching up wow i jumped up there quick all right so i did oh yeah the left's gonna go any second come on you can do it nice nice oh yeah let's get that last five grand out of there [Music] this is gonna be a massive win 200 000 buy-in goodness never thought we'd win this much oh yeah we got it got it all cleared out i'm gonna go tally the whole game up and we'll be right back all right let's use this random comment picker to pick the winner of the video and looks like the winner is drone zone congratulations drone zone if you'll contact me at coinpusher100 gmail.com i'll send you over that 100 amazon gift card good luck to y'all in the next one nice all together we got one million six hundred and eighty three thousand and forty dollars we also got 19 ounces of gold all in all that's not bad for a 200 000 buy-in not bad at all pretty darn incredible well if y'all enjoy the videos do me a favor hit that like button and subscribe if you haven't subscribed and we'll see on the next one y'all take care
Channel: Coin Pusher
Views: 100,342
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Coin pusher, High limit coin pusher
Id: BUXrqQxq0OA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 31sec (931 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 03 2022
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