2000 Lamborghini Diablo 6.0 VT Review - I Drive My Need For Speed Hero Car And Get A Bit Emotional

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[Applause] [Music] [Applause] uh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] food [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] five years ago i made the absolutely bonkers decision to commit myself to the cause of being a youtuber luckily it has turned out rather well and as a petrol head it's just been the best experience ever i have been able to drive so many brilliant wonderful fast expensive rare unusual cars it's been a wild ride yet there are still some cars out there that i've always always wanted to try since long before youtube was a bad idea and yet they've managed to remain elusive they are my unicorn cars and today i am a very very long last getting to drive my ultimate childhood dream car no it's not a lamborghini urus i'm sure this is somebody's dream car and if you're watching and this is what you dream of then please do remember that dreams can come true and that for me is what's happening today now strictly speaking my dream lamborghini is a diablo se30 in that shade of pink but this is still a proper lamborghini diablo and so as far as i'm concerned it is my dream car now this is a diablo vt 6 liter and it's a very very important car in lamborghini history because you see many people think of the murziolargo as being the first car where audi really asserted their influence but in fact that's not the case it's this in many ways you could actually call this a prototype murziolargo just a prototype that you could buy but don't think for a moment that meant lamborghini had gone all soft in terms of styling it's a real evolutionary step towards the mercier largo but it's still unmistakably lamborghini that one clear line from front to back broken up only by this rear wing which was in fact an optional extra they wanted people to get ready for the idea of lamborghini moving back towards sort of more classical styling more smooth bodies which then came with the murziolargo power was provided by a six-liter version of the bitzerini v12 up from 5.7 liters and made here 540 horsepower and 457 pound foot of torque that's just over 600 newton meters to give you some idea my ferrari 550 available at the same period for about the same price as about 55 horsepower down this would also do 200 mile an hour where the ferrari would not and it is still a very very quick car now on the inside you're going to find the most up-to-date and modern interior the diablo ever received what many people call the curvy dash and is more than just a little reminiscent of a lot of tvrs tuscan and the cerbera to name but two now it's a real feast for the senses in here you have acres of lovely green leather a black leather headliner you've got carbon fiber all over the place too we'll get on to that in just a moment you've got five speed manual gearbox the sole transmission option this bevy of gauges up here set in a big carbon fiber binacle and as you might imagine yes it's very very snug in here and if you're a fan of quirks and features oh boy does this car deliver headlamps there straight off a nissan 300 zx that little carbon fiber eyebrow that covers up the nissan badging practically every single body panel on this car is carbon fiber and that's standard you see some more here and even more below it there is shed loads of it in the engine bay including this gorgeous piece that forms the engine cover nowadays you're definitely going to be paying 10 grand for that this unusual rear bumper layout is actually a very clever way of being able to make a car that passes us crash regulations without looking horrendously ugly one of the early attempts to actually try and integrate that into the car's design looking for storage well there is a little bit behind each of the seats the carbon fiber also has a distinct blue tint to it and it's actually very similar to that i've seen in the audi rs2 also a car from about the same time period and just like mozilla go you'll also find your seat belts not either side of the seat but in between them the wheels are classic lamborghini style but at the back you'll find a pretty remarkable dishing on them and they're pretty chunky too three three fives at the rear so not quite as dramatic as the dash but like that fabled old car you've still got this amazing sort of two-part tread pattern very cool storage at the front is surprisingly capacious in fact i'm pretty sure there's more room in here than in my gallardo and not only that but it's chilled as well purple carpets are as per the car's original specification perhaps my favorite piece is this rear arch because you can see they started putting a radius into it and then realized sort of halfway through that actually it was going to be far too small an aperture so rather than starting again they just kind of straightened it out a little bit until they'd cleared the rear wheel and then went ah sorry we just bring it back in again that's that's so italian and on the speedo you have even a 55 mile an hour marking just for our american friends it was in 1996 that i became aware there was something called a lamborghini diablo and i instantly knew that i wanted one in fact in the intervening quarter of a century that lusting really hasn't dulled in fact in many ways it has grown yet over the last few years i've become apprehensive that perhaps it wouldn't really live up to the legend i've built in my own mind until today i'd never actually even sat in one of these cars and now i'm finally gonna get to take it for a drive and the one thing i can say about it is that after 25 years i am finally done waiting to find out what it's like so let's go [Music] this is i will confess extraordinarily nerve-wracking now visibility out the car is not actually as terrible as you might think cause you've got lots and lots of glass including that amazing swooping window down there it is a dog leg gearbox so you've got to keep an eye on that and remember that reverse is where you expect first to be however because this is a later car it does have power steering which means that around a car park it's not actually that terrible to drive officially i believe this is actually a little bit narrower than my own 550 but from in here you could have fooled me it really does feel as wide as a bus and you might notice that i am kind of slightly kicked over i'm not that tall i'm 510 and yup no i'm i'm touching the ceiling here the drivetrain is actually quite docile it's not at all what i expected i was thinking it was going to be a lot more vicious and sort of well pinikety but it's not it's fine it's lovely now i like the xj220 that i drove because there are only the five ratios the gaps between them are quite large so i'm doing 40 mile an hour 1500 rpm and fourth on the car will pulls actually it's quite happy the xj being turbocharged if you went in the wrong gear i remember that at 30 40 mile now if you tried to go into third it didn't really like it all that much i'm also on entirely unfamiliar roads which isn't helping rear visibility is not actually as entirely terrible as everyone would tell you in fact i've driven a few cars that are a lot worse than this this is actually okay i can see what's behind me it's a car i'm taking plenty of time to get this car warm through now it sat on the garage for a little bit idling while i was taking some shots this morning but i'm still impressed at how easy the gearbox is the 550s certainly isn't anywhere near this when it's cold it's actually reasonably comfortable too now as i may have mentioned already this car does have adjustable suspension and it's also got a lift kit on it this is standard for the time i have been told in no uncertain terms do not press any of those buttons that apparently is the passport to leaky shocks oh the car is really tractable from absolutely nothing i mean i was just gently prodding the throttle there it's got immense pull i mean real serious shove [Music] i'll be honest this is just total fantasy wish fulfillment stuff from me i'm gonna try and do my best to deliver a somewhat you know decent proper review for you but um i may fail i i really may fail quite spectacularly on that front this is absolutely magnificent i mean i'm happy that i can fit in here and i've also had to wear extremely narrow shoes because yeah the pedal box it's pretty darn tight and everything is basically on top of everything else and then into first not reverse james not reverse what's the turning cycle like oh not too bad there are very few of these in the world in fact in viola ophelia there are apparently five vts this is probably the only right-hand drive one there are some others in japan but the japanese do have quite a thing for a left-hand drive car so we believe those actually are left hookers let's press on a little bit more oh yeah so exhaust on this is a sports exhaust but a factory original one this car is pretty much as it came from lamborghini steering really quite light not masses of texture coming through the wheel not the same as say the murzialago sv that i drove but it's also a lot more comfortable than that car in fact in general ride comfort is really quite impressive as you can probably tell these are not really the sort of roads you'd normally expect to take a diablo down it's very wide and the roads are quite narrow but i'm rather enjoying it and once things open up a little bit i do intend on enjoying myself i know it's very easy not even as a youtuber but just in general now to get very very blase about big power figures but trust me 540 old school horses that's a lot it does have an all-wheel drive system but i'm gonna pretend that it doesn't i think that's the easiest way to live actually i've looked down and you can pick up some fair speed in this thing pretty quick because you've got that dog leg box as well you always think you're in a gear higher than you actually are so i think i'm in third right now but actually i'm in second the fact it is also fairly long geared too doesn't really help that feeling oh it passes the scoreboard test that's for sure i did honestly think this car was going to be a lot more difficult to drive so i spoke with one of the techs earlier and he told me that the the six liter really is a completely different car to the earlier diablo chassis wise are very much the same but just about everything else totally different all the body panels carbon fiber all the electrics completely different this dash totally different layout to what else you had let's let our rev just a little bit more shall we that's the tiniest amount of throttle you could imagine i can see this road winds a little bit let's just give you a bit more throttle when it straightens out a little bit yeah okay not yet all right so what's she like in a bend like i mentioned very light quite direct really supple actually really surprising me oh this is quite tight dropped down a gear through round in a real easy car steering just feeds back just a little bit it's nowhere near as hyperactive as the mercy sv actually so i'm kind of surprised about i thought this being an older car it would actually feel even more raw again but i suppose the sv is the sort of the nutty one so it's just one of these things the air conditioning also works note the rover 25 eight track panel as also seen in the pagani zonda i'm relaxing in this car much quicker than i was in the murzio lago that's for sure that's probably due to the fact that these roads are just much much better than the ones i drove that car on a lot of people said to me that i probably find the car actually be a bit a bit crap and i really don't i feel like it's a much much better resolved better sort of put together machine much easier to drive less daunting than i thought it would be sure some of it's a little bit unwelcoming the driving position is very italian my knees are all bent my arms are stretched out even with the wheel in the best position i can find for it and yet it sort of just works okay i'm ready car's ready thank you for waiting let's enjoy this lamborghini shall we [Music] [Applause] [Music] for a big car this really shrinks when you get on it it feels tiny it doesn't feel the weight it doesn't feel the size things in here are rattling a lot that could just be stuff in some of the cubby holes of which we keep finding more there's loads of stuff that the owner kind of forgot he had that we've discovered because i've been digging around in the seats and everything trying to find spaces to put stuff it is an experience i mean a proper real experience this car i'm not frightened by it actually now sort of got on with it now i've had a few miles under my belt it's not scaring me not in the least power comes in at about four that's where it really gets a wriggle on and it is really long geared second will take you right past the national speed limit no trouble at all [Applause] there we go now i feel like i can say i've driven a diablo oh okay brakes not a strong point not a strong point that's why i gave myself plenty of room and it turns out i needed it the car moves around a lot and they're not they're not particularly grabby they are brand new i should i should say had to be fair to the car oh my you get into a rhythm with this thing it's spectacular i'll confess to getting a little bit emotional actually i've waited a quarter of a century to drive a diablo in 1996 never speed special edition came out and that was one of the cover stars was the diablo not the vt success didn't exist then and since then that to me has been the ultimate i've never been a big f40 fan lovely cars love to drive one but it's just not done the same thing for me that this did xj220 was an amazing incredible experience but it's also not a car that i'd held in that sort of similar regard but this this is this is this is it's not a it's not a this is the hero car for me it absolutely is and i'm quite sure in a in a golf r or something i could be all over this car no no problem whatsoever it would be fine i could keep up with the easy half the power it's not the point it's just not the point i've got enough of a safety net in this car with the all-wheel drive the compliant suspension all that jazz that i don't feel like i'm in any real immediate danger or anything like that i feel very safe behind the wheel of this car in fact i'm driving it a little bit further than i intended to i've come through a little village it's tight it's narrow i'm feeling kind of comfortable with the car i'm getting used to it getting used to the position getting used to all the controls it's not a hideous thing okay i wouldn't want to sit in london traffic with it that's not what you want to do in any supercar but it really isn't actually honestly that much worse than the 550 in terms of ease of driving in fact i'd say actually the gearbox is a a little bit better behaved it's uh an absolute masterpiece there's no there's no other way about it it's a legend it's a hero car and it's not rubbish i am so so grateful to its very kind owner for letting me out and i was really nervous about these roads because i'm super particular about the roads i review cars on [Applause] and i spent all of last night scouting a good road i think we can agree that this is it i'm carrying way more speed than i thought as well way way more speed that's fine that's absolutely fine i'm having a good time i get a speeding fight today i'm framing it i hope they get a good picture [Music] even this the three-point turn this is the test where i should be absolutely bricking it in this car and i'm not nearly trying to keep reversing there there you go just about managed it all right one last go then home the car moves over those crests really quite well it's got a lightness a little bit of floatiness there's not the precision i thought it would have it's not like it's a lazy car at all but there is just this little softness a little you know lack of aggression on the turn ahead now i know the front tires are quite old that may be partly responsible also they're old-school tyres you know they've got a side wall on them you wouldn't see that in a modern supercar or you put your foot down you feel it wash just a little bit wide but the whole thing is super super intuitive this is not the scary will eat you for fun animal that people say it is not maybe if i put my foot down in the wrong place at the wrong time i'd probably find myself eating my own words and possibly a bit of hedgerow too but that's not how i feel right now not in the least i do apologize i feel like i've in in some way sort of failed you with this video it seems very very self-serving this is just pure fantasy indulgence for me but then isn't that what a lamborghini is really all about i mean they are the ultimate drama llama aren't they this is as nutty and as crazy and as outlandish as they come when i was younger playing all these video games and and stuff like this i just i never thought this day would come i know i've got to give it back in in 10 minutes and that's a shame i wish i could keep going but i absolutely have just fallen for this car i have to have one and i think the looks of the later ones the six liters are actually really growing on me too i actually quite like the purity of the shape i love the fact it's got a wing on the back they didn't want them to have wings on the back they want to be able to get used to the styling of a lamborghini without wings again but every single person that ordered one pretty much had a wing on it even when i bought my ferrari today seemed impossibly far away you know getting into the whole supercar type thing okay the five years he's not a supercar but who cares driving a diablo for the last 25 years has just been an elusive thing and then in the last sort of five years i've got to drive more and more cars i've become increasingly worried that if the day ever came the car would disappoint and quite simply it doesn't i love it i mean i really properly love it and believe me when i say that's not me making excuses for it holy hell it's still quick [Music] thank you to the kind owner you may never know how special this is for me well you might know exactly how special it is either way you're a legend so is the car thank you everybody thank you for watching thank you for making this kind of thing possible like comment down below subscribe if you haven't already and i'll see you for the next one bye [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: JayEmm on Cars
Views: 154,566
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Diary, VLOG, Car, Sound, Test, video, Review, Comparison, JayEmm on Cars, Lamborghini, Lamborghini Diablo 6.0, Diablo VT 6.0, Diablo 6.0 VT, Diablo 5.7 vs 6.0, Lamborghini Diablo 6.0 Review, Diablo vs 6.0, Diablo vs Murcielago, Dream car drive, Need for Speed Lamborghini
Id: kIpRBdeVy18
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 12sec (1452 seconds)
Published: Sat May 29 2021
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