20 ways to use a Multi Tool | Dewalt

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all right guys thought i'd just do a quick video on one of my most used power tools this is the duo dcs-355 um oscillating multi-tool and obviously i do a lot of renovations and home improvement type work so a lot of different trades i cover and this this tool just comes in so handy in so many different situations so i thought we'd just do a quick video showing you a lot of different situations that i would use this machine for right so firstly you've got a huge a huge array of blades for these uh these tools and these are the ones i use you can go bananas with these blades and get 20 different types but i i tail the blades you know for my specific situations or specific needs right there's the tool there's the blade now we'll go on to the 20 most common situations where i would use the blades [Music] starting with number one okay so here's a common use that i would use this for it would be your standard just a single gang electrical back box [Music] yeah it's fit the black box now it's ready obviously you know whatever electrical plate you want another thing i would use this for is when you're fishing cables down a wall whether it's behind the tv or just generally fishing electrical cables or aerial points down behind plasterboard walls just use your electrical fish rods you know to fish cables through the walls and use these little holes as access points obviously it's such a neat cut with the multi tool but once you're finished you know you can just place that you know your off cut back in and just simply fill it over and no problem at all another thing you can do on this theme is say for instance you're putting in i don't know hdmi cables or something like in behind for a tv and you need to make this opening bigger in the back of the back box the dry lining box sorry you can quite easily just use this blade and cut the plastic you know yeah something like that obviously would file all the enough edges and that off but um just shows you how you can cut into plastic very easily just to open this up slightly a quick use if you're for instance laying plywood in the floor uh before putting laminate flooring down or whatever you just level off the floor and you need to cut out a section you have to get around a pipe or whatever it may be just you know notching plywood again this tool is ideal for that just [Music] as quick as that you can see how quickly it does it um you can be really precise if you take your time with these as well so another use so it's from plywood another used i've found this this tool extremely useful for is when you're doing laminate flooring or vinyl flooring and you need to get the scutting boards off you know to create a neat finish you know to slip on the skirting boards i'm trying to replicate a radiator pipe here so this could be a pipe to a radiator and a lot of times the pipes are hard against the scuffing board so you can't get them prised off you know to get the flooring so you know to get them out and then up to get the nails out so typically sometimes you would find a you know fixing in there for instance with a nail so you know what i would use this tool for is get the blade on put it at an angle like that slip it down and bind the squatting board and you know and just back and forward and cut the nail [Music] you know once that's cut you could then lift the float the scrapping board up without having to take it out yeah so that way you don't need to mess about any of the plumbing near the heating system you try to get the scurrying board out um but you know well i've got this set up as well another another thing you can do here with skirting boards um we'll just replicate we'll say there's pipes inside of a unit or something a kitchen unit or a vanity unit going against the screen board now without having to take the skirting board off what you can do is mark a line down the skirting board you know and then just cut it in situation you know and stitch you so you just cut that straight up there remove that piece and put your your unit in without having to take the scrapping board off again it's effectively a plunge saw you're plunging in and cutting without without the need to remove trim or anything like that so brilliant okay so we've got our metal cutting blade on now when you use one of these obviously you can cut metal with it so one of the ways you can use it is to cut copper pipe [Music] so you obviously it's not ideal but um just showing that you can't do that so if you had a pipe under a floor or something with difficult you know you're ripping out difficult to access just plunge this in and cut it okay so on the plumbing theme another situation where i would use this a lot i'm not a lot but when you need it you need it if you know what i mean when you're trying to get a cistern off a close couple toilet you've all been there these bolts are rusted solid underneath you just cannot get them off to get to get the cistern away from the actual toilet pan so this tool comes in really handy sometimes you can just slip it in in between the pan and the cistern and you know just just cut the bolt using this um years ago i used to if i had to do this it would use a grinder and try and cut the wing nut off that's just it's not ideal okay another one still with plumbing is obviously plastic waste pipe can be cut really easily with the multi-tool um you know i'll show you demonstrate quickly let's see how quick that cuts you know just cuts obviously if you take your time you can do it really neatly and then deburr the pipe there you go another obvious use for this with a metal blade is cutting nails out obviously it's just a loose nail you wouldn't do it in this scenario but um if you can imagine something nailed to you and just couldn't get a grip of the nail you could slip the tool down the back of the material whatever it was and cut the nail you know and they won't get off just quickly as quick as that just flush cuts the nail straight off there's one time when i use that similar scenario to that is when the fence panels are secured to fence posts somebody's nailed them on instead of using brackets you can just slip the multi tool in between the the panel and of course and cut the nails and just take the panel out it's just so much easier another one quickly is acrylic wall panels so these are the panels that you fit in kitchens or bathrooms just thin acrylic sheets you know to act as a splashback a lot of the time when you're fitting these you need to notch them around you know sock outlets things like that this is where this tool's brilliant for that just like this yeah acrylics notoriously difficult to cut and because it chips quite a lot and splinters but you find with the multi-tool you can cut that fairly well and it doesn't doesn't chip or splinter so for cutting around sockets or even plunge cutting into the acrylic you know if you want a square in there the multi-tool is absolutely ideal for that okay another situation uh you can put on the the carbide uh this is the blade i normally use for taking out between tiles but yeah you can actually use this for cutting tiles or shaping tiles you know just just as i'm demonstrating here so you could be putting this up against uh you know where a socket outlet is you need to notch out a little bit for the electrical screw to go through and to see if you're gonna lay down here your cutting equipment your tail saw or whatever you could simply use the multi-tool take your time and just nick that out but aside from uh nicking you know little small ears of tiles the main purpose of this blade is for raking grout out so if you can imagine sorry it's just some old tiles but if you can imagine grouting here it's all discolored black moldy or whatever you need to dig out to regrout and this is where this tool is invaluable you know you just run along there run along the grout lines take it out and then re-grout the tiles the scrap boards on here [Music] all right another one guys uh bear with me with the materials and the demonstration i'm a bit ill prepared here but what i'm trying to replicate here is floorboards so tongue and groove floorboards um in order maybe a section of flooring up um it's usually really difficult if there's a tongue and groove in there so what you can do and what you always do really is the multi tool slip it down into the joint and run along that joint and just cut the tongue off of the flooring a couple of runs along there and then you'll find you can get a pry bar or something in there and actually pry the flooring up so it's another use that's probably one of the most common uses for the multi-tool um another common use in the same theme whether it's floorboards or chipboard flooring is to cut out hatches you know if you need to get under the floor especially electricians or plumbers uh the multi-tools excellent for that you know just plunge plunge cut again and you can you can cut the area out quite easily okay there's another use that is really common for me anyway uh those terrible thin bath panels you know the cheap plastic bath panels they never fit those things so this particular blade here is great for for cutting those so you just run it up the really thin plastic really thin and flimsy but these blades are so accurate if you just take your time you can just cut some intricate shapes so this is the bath panel blade in my opinion for me just a great blade uh while i'm here while i'm discussing this um the reason i use the dewalt um multi-tool other than being on the wall platform obviously is the quick release option so the dewalt all you do is press a lever in and then the blade just simply pulls out like that so depress the blade you can depress it and you can you know you can spin the the blade in any direction let them let go of the blade in the it just simply locks into place yeah as i was saying these are the dewalt blades that just slip on but the standard or what the other multi-tools i've got another one here it's a cheaper ryobi one nice to use for tiling but you can see how you need an allen key you know to change the blades um here's a typical blade here um but you would need to actually you know undo this not put the blade on and do it up um it's just so time consuming and you know awkward you know when you're used to i mean i used to just using the lever system press the lever get the blade slipper on that's how it's done you know so it's a time saver so this to always if you're thinking about getting a multi-tool i would highly recommend the dewalt if you're going to do any amount of diy harder you depress it the faster the tool goes so there is great control over that so that coupled with the quick release system makes this the multi-tool choice my my opinion all right guys there's one other thing i use the the multi-tool for fairly often is when i'm refinishing um kitchen worktops i will use a sanding attachment a small attachment obviously i'll use an orbital sander or sandwich the worktops but obviously in the corners or you know in some intricate places you need to use the small you know the detail sander so these are the sander bars just stick on here without velcro and you can use these to get into any all the nukes and crannies so that's another thing i would use the multi tool for and that is good for that the dewalt's far superior to this and but again i'm not small when it comes to tools the rayob is perfectly adequate you know if that's if that's what your budget calls for yeah that's a good enough tool it's not really caused me any problems uh but hopefully i've covered a few things you can do with the multi tool uh i've tried to cover what i use it for but there's probably another 100 different things you could use it for the other people use it for but please guys them if there's any other interesting ways you use the multi-tool please stick it in the comments just to let some other people know what you can use them for be fantastic if you enjoyed the video as always uh give it a thumbs up guys if you can anybody new here please subscribe my channel by clicking the button there uh current subscribers as always thanks very much um sorry for the the variety the content on this channel at the moment i'm still trying to figure out you know what the channel is all about i'm just so new to youtube uh but we'll try and niche down into certain topics so you know impress most people but again guys thanks very much and take it easy as always [Music] you
Channel: Bacren Property & Fencing
Views: 707,031
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dewalt 18v multi tool uses, dewalt multi tool, dewalt multi-tool, cordless multi tool uses, multi tool uses, how to use a multi tool, multi-tool uses, using a multi tool, uses for a multi tool, multi tool jobs, what can i use a multi tool for, what jobs can you do with a multi tool, dewalt dcs355n, bacren property, cutting with a multi tool, dcs355n, DEWALT, cordless multi tool, best cordless multi tool, grout removal with multi tool, tile grout removal, MULTI, TOOL, OSCILLATING
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 16sec (916 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 14 2020
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