20 tricks to finally master the Matrix visualization in Power BI!!

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so hello everybody how are you today into this power VA video we are going to talk about the matrix I'm going to show you 14 things that you probably wanted to do with the matrix but I think you didn't know it was possible or you couldn't find it so let's see we can master this thing once overall ok guys so welcome back this is what we're going to do we're going to talk about how to customize a matrix easy how to bring or remove total subtotals how to have a step layout like you know rows in column how to put values in column we're going to do everything ok so 14 things so let's get started we're going to start with this tiny here's thing here we have a matrix it has on the Rose product naming category name and then we have its we measure sales previous year sales and you over your sales and there you know the out-of-the-box matrix looks like Excel not very pretty is not helping me you know beauties and their eyes of the beholder but your mapping is not very pretty but you know if you have to modify everything yourself takes a long time but if you go here to style the power Betty must produce some like themes for matrix and for example a mini-mall I think is quite pretty you see it gives modern look of a table and you just click in there and then you're good to go is super super easy another thing that you probably want to do is for example change the text size and what happens you have it takes the size to change in the matrix after genuine columns on rows on values and those subtotals and totals which is not so how do you do that quickly you go here the text this is search and then it will appear all of the places where you can change the text height and then you can just you know column headers 13 row headers 13 that didn't change the routine you see right so it starts changing everything at once without actually having to go through opening everything and closing everything and all that stuff another tip that I'm going to show you I didn't know one of my quick tip videos now that you have all this open you want to close everything on reset everything just close this thing and then close baby I'm going to open it again open and then it will reset okay easy now another common thing that you probably want to do is alignment so things are aligned like in Excel but the pinyin way you're trained to do lying way this is like mint so you see it will show you all the alignments of the possibilities they offer like me which is actually very good so you don't forget and then here you can go for the headers if you want to Center them and then for the row headers this one maybe let's say that you want to put them to the right for example and then for the fields you have here you have to do column by column you can see here sales center and then you have to go to previous year centered you see any centering and so on is over it so it takes a little bit of high in but it is faster than if you have to you know just go through each one of the settings one by one and then again close this thing can you please close I'm gonna open it and then boom you get reset everything okay now the next thing I'm gonna show you is you know sometimes more often than not you have a space dedicated for your matrix and as you're putting things in there it out Assizes so you know it just doesn't look very pretty so here in column headers you have actually the possibility to say don't notice eyes I pick the size of you and then don't change it it doesn't very often and it tends to be annoying so there's a nice trick the next one is on the row headers the pass - right about you it took me a long time to get used to it because with me plus minus value I thought it was having values it's always looked for it I'm buddies but it is some rows so you put a plus on a road so it is in here row headers really have it plus - I wish it was turned on by default but it is no so we have to turn it on every time you can put it on your theme obviously but a lot of us have the pivots anyhow next one here on row headers as you can see I have a hierarchy here yeah product name I think category appropriate out the other way but if I want to have the category that is below you see here on column instead of below and drill down would you need to do is to go to step layout off and then you will appear you will appear only if you have expanded the rows and that was highly confusing for me in the beginning because I would say I would read an instruction it's just like turn off a step layout and then nothing happen but it's because you have to click on here and expand everything and when you expand it if we get them columns instead of rows ok so that is why nothing happens when you click on step layout okay the next one is I have my theories I don't forget anything let's see values to values let me go to values there is an option and this is probably not very common but it is you have the option to put these measures as if rows instead of columns let me show you if you go here put show on rows you see they like it um pivots the table puts it on Rose it could be very useful actually in some cases not such a bad setting this banded rows style with basically means is you know like the default you have a one color for each row so if you wanna offer every other row so if you want to remove that you do it here no we have a minimalistic layout so that doesn't have banded rows that's where you can't see it okay so now let's talk about where you're probably are waiting for in these subtotals and grand totals as you can see here for each row we get a total and then we get a final total and you would expect that there will be a turn on subtitles and turn all off Grand Hotel's but it's not there's only a turn on subtotal why because for power bi technically a grand total is a subtotal and I we have the power grid here were actually depreciated from both and even if it is not technically for any human being on this planet that is a grand total put it on grand totals put in that aside now that we know that everything is a subtitle if you wanna get rid of both did you just get rid of them uh known as you can see here there are no totals and no so totals that there is clean good I say like okay right but I want to have only this up the grand total like the canto so you have to go here no you have to turn this on first and then you have the total and you say when I open here I don't want to see these subtitles you have to go here to payroll level and then you have to turn it all off on product name because this is the subtotal for product so you have to turn it over there and then if you get rid of them but you still keep the total you see down there okay if you would have to the other way around well you keep product name you get rid of the category name because the total there is it a little for a category that's why they call it subtotals because it's a subtotal category right this is a total for each category name so nowadays let's turn that thing on again you can actually change these and then you can put total for a category and then it would change that I mean you can do it for the subtitles too which is quite nice something else that you can do you can change this to the top or at the bottom and that will work also under sub categories you will go up and down depending on where you're trying to do yes sometimes you wanna you won't have it on the top really real or not so that's nice I think we've done all the software just let me know you still have questions about any of the settings something else that I want to show you show you two more things is the field formatting so you have the possibility to change for every of the column column we are have one more thing that I cannot forget but we do it at the end so feel free man and you have the possibility to change to these columns and I'll explain you what worried me with column so dig in say for example I want to have thousands you see that it changes the thousands now alignment Center you see that it didn't change is because the apply to total for whatever reason is always all everything is on but not photos anyhow you put thousand in there and then if you want to change for the previous year to do exactly the same thing put it in there and then you say I 1000 and I want it pink why not where's the pink there is big hmm and then you can shape to say okay I also want the Heather pink and I want to apply two values subtotals and totals okay so you have quite a nice granularity as to what do you want to achieve and the conditional formatting it is conditional formatting it gives you greater clarity about how do you want to condition for my stuff so for example every year I have to date a virus in there and you see them you have the possibility to have fun color background color you have the new icons PC them in there right so now buddy why did I say columns here's the thing let me go back to subtotals if you go here to subtotals you see that there is row subtotals where it's not columns subtotals you can't see them anywhere and you probably wonder why if you wanna you know get the totals not only here but only slit here let me show you it is because these matrix has no columns in there so if I would put a column let's say that I would category name two columns and then I go back that drove me nuts or boys enough category so pairs I can wait for it subtitles there you have it column subtitles so this is dynamic if you're not allowed to change it it doesn't show okay so those are my top tips if you still have questions about the matrix let me know and I will try to find out it is possible and do another video okay but hopefully this allows you to do the most essential things on the matrix the things that you probably I wanted to do or try to do but couldn't so this is all for me have a great day enjoy your week stay home stay safe and we'll see you again on the next video until then take care
Channel: Curbal
Views: 74,251
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Keywords: Power bi, powerbi, Curbal, power bi desktop, power bi tutorial, power bi training, power bi for beginners, ruth pozuelo, 20 tricks to finally master the Matrix visualization in Power BI!!
Id: 58a2rIV2nYg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 2sec (782 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 22 2020
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