20 TOP Things To Do In SEVILLE Spain 🇪🇸 Full Travel Guide

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guys we're currently on a giant mushroom in seevilla Spain look at this insane I feel like such a fun guy right [Music] now all right what's up dvw fam we're at the plaza espa right now you guys could probably guess what type of vibe this is where we're at but if you guys have not guessed this is one of the main areas to visit in Sevilla right now it is beautiful so yeah in this video we're going to show you guys all the top things to visit and see in seevilla espa starting with this one so yeah this is one of the first the plaza espa a lot of things to see here architecture as you guys can see is stunning so yeah we're going to show you guys around s Spain and the plaza espo just let's [Music] [Music] go [Music] oh [Music] so here in the plaza espa they have like every region of Spain this alete and this is alante and I'm sure they're in mirical or alphabetical order so Amelia alvia right here so they go all the way down there till you get to seevilla I guess and then Madrid and all the other stuff but too much to capture really cool though all right another area or Landmark you could visit in Sevilla the pente sand delmo it's like this little bridge that connects uh both sides of the cities and there nice little river here I see some people on paddle board there some little boats so I'm assuming you could uh hop on the river but yeah pretty nice views from the city with uh this river right here from this one this little Bridge right here there's also um other Bridges as well so yeah check out a bridge if you guys want to see some unique views of Sevilla another land Mark here right next to the river the Thor De Oro kind of looks like a little medieval Tower here looks pretty cool see some people on top but just a few this area in general is pretty nice area along the river to take in some fresh airs and take a little walk with the breeze salude so it's a little bit past my second week here in espia and I've been to a couple cities and provinces and each one is so diverse and has its own Vibe but only a couple hours in seevilla and I'm already catching the feels here it's in the south of Spain very sunny summer weather so got to pull out your flowy shirts and your shorts but one of like things I think is a really cool thing to do here is just walk around don't have any plans and uh really feel the breeze and see what there is to do in the city CU it's just beautiful all around with the weather atmosphere and sunshine it kind of reminds me a little bit of Cali [Music] this is the Alcazar the most popular and famous landmark in Sevilla Spain let's go inside and check it out let's [Music] go [Music] all right guys good morning we just entered Alazar of Seville one of the most popular landmarks and attractions here in seevilla we're at the courtyard right now just entered so going to give you guys a little tour around this Royal Palace so yeah let's let's go check out the alkazar as you guys can see the alkazar is beautiful but when you take a look over here it's not all rainbow and sunshine cuz they're actually still doing construction of some of these parts so this is the real tourism of [Music] Alcazar [Music] [Music] guys it's the details in the walls and the architecture even the ground is crazy look at this it's like there's a story within every little piece of [Music] detail all right so we're in The Gardens of the alazur right now if this looks familiar to you guys it is because they use this set for Dorne and Game of Thrones so it kind of has like that you know really cool colorful yellow orange Adobe just southern Spain architecture type Vibe and they capture that very well in Game of Thrones obviously they use like CGI and post production and all that so it looks a little different but the familiarity definitely see it from Game of Thrones crazy guys I've just spotted a peacock look at that you see him over there that is beautiful I thought at first it was Statue or something and it started moving that's crazy there's peacocks here oh there's real fruits in this Garden guys looks very [Music] tasty [Music] look at the ceiling are you kidding me that's crazy insane definitely getting dor vibes from Game of Thrones in this Garden I feel like I've seen this scene too many times in the show so I'm getting a little bit scared cuz I feel like someone's going to pop out and like slice me up or something guys this Palace is huge you can find a bunch of hidden gems we're just walking around the gardens and we took a couple steps down and we stumbled upon this dungeon with really ancient looking bricks and walls this is crazy I feel like a dragon is about to pop up out of nowhere you think they used to keep dragons down here comment down below if you think dragons even existed or not [Music] C [Music] there's a bunch of ducks here I saw peacocks now some ducks so it's definitely Wildlife out here these ducks are very vocal [Applause] guys guys can you believe that this is one of the garden in the Alcazar I feel like this is a whole park feel like I'm in a city's park right now and this is just one area in the alkazar palace so that just says enough this place is enormous I definitely won't even be able to scratch the surface of you know showing you guys everything around the alkazar cuz I'm getting hungry hope you guys are too cuz we're going to transfer back to our seevilla food tour but yeah I encourage you guys to just get lost in these surroundings cuz that's what I'm doing and I'm having a lot of fun if you guys are visiting the alkazar look at this guys crazy if I had to use one word to describe the alkazar it would be extravagance from the bricks the stones the tiles to even like the caves there so much detail to this place whoever used to occupy this place must have been spoiled but yeah guys really colorful love the vibrant patterns and colors it's beautiful here [Music] you [Music] I'm 100% getting Dorne and Game of Throne vibes from this Garden right here this Garden wherever we're at definitely screams Dorne all right this is the Alazar version of the shot versus reality right here as you can see see this whole hallway is taken up by photographers and for great reasons cuz this is a beautiful [Music] area [Music] all right this Vlog just turned to National Geographic I'm going to do my best Steve irn guys right behind this bush right here we have a peacock it's very beautiful look at all the colors and the feathers and and right over here we have some little ducklings crossing the street it's pretty crazy beautiful Wildlife that was probably a terrible impression I'm sorry but I did my best I really want to see them uh spread their little feathers I wonder when they do that dang it this guy is mad chilling over here cannot be bothered look at him yo I cannot miss sight at the Alcazar is the BOS de Maria right here one of the reasons why I even came here cuz I really wanted to see this there's a very interesting story to this place it's called the B de Maria which means the bath of Maria the king of this Palace built this bath right here it doesn't even look like a bath because how extravagant it is but if you can see there's water down here and you can throw like coins into it to make a wish but really wanted to see this the architecture is crazy this was in Game of Thrones but it can also be a scene from Star Trek 2 look how insane the patterns are kind of resembl something let me know if you can uh spot or what it [Music] resembles [Music] [Music] all righty I've thrown in the towel I've been exploring this alkazar for like 4 or 5 hours morning start at 10:30 it is now almost 3: and I'm starving so canot see all of the Alcazar but very happy to see what I could have so make sure you guys bring water eat before and we're comfortable shoes because there's a lot to see here and yeah amazing experience give a spot like a 9 out of 10 right up there with the alumbra really cool spot to see in seevilla uh haven't seen the rest of seevilla but definitely think this is a top hitter all right so on to our more Sevilla Adventures let's go another thing you guys must see in seevilla you honestly can't miss this it's huge it's going to take me a while to surround the perimeter but this is the cathedal de seevilla it is a Gothic Cathedral right here as you guys can see from the architecture right next to the alkazar so a lot of the main attractions are in a like this little square here and walk around here great sights and Views all [Music] around [Music] the video doesn't do this Justice it is humongous you feel so tiny next to this work of art right here the cathedral Sevilla this is what Kanye was talking about when he was talking about that ultra light beam look at that sunset this that ultra light be right there y'all so if you guys can see this little colorful Dome or circular building behind me on Google Maps that it's a bull fighting ring I don't know if it's historical or if it's still uh active but yeah it's a bull fighting ring right here my first time uh seeing it so this is right next to that bull fighting ring right here just like any other major city we've been going in Spain just uh walking around to the next destination is like a tourist attraction all the buildings are and the architecture is really nice and these are like regular hous it's crazy but yeah onto our next destination in s yeah guys definitely one of my top five things to do in all these cities in Spain is just walking along these narrow colorful intimate Alleyways that you can find in almost every city really cool pretty cool photo op too something so basic but so awesome I'm standing at the largest wooden structure in the world and it is in seevilla Spain laet deeva let's check it out so we have just arrived at one of the most popular for attraction in Sevilla Spain the de seevilla right here s this little square there a bunch of people congregated here there's even a nice I love Sevilla sign up there as well but uh lucky for us we book ticks in advance it 15 and we get to go to the top of that but we only get 30 minutes so I chose a time where the sun is about to set so we can get some views of the city for you guys so let's uh go up and visit the set this guys this is absolutely crazy one of my friends told me that this is actually 100% made from wood it's almost unbelievable because it looks like metal but I can kind of see some like pieces of wood up there from afar you cannot tell it's made from wood but yeah I don't know don't quote me on that you're going to have to fact check me but it kind of does look like uh what's the word kind of like pallets really thick palletes put together it's crazy it's bigger when you get under it than seeing it from far away obviously but yo this thing is humongous also was supposed to resemble like a mushroom setas means mushroom in Spanish and this C that to day s let me know if you guys see it I don't know if I could see it maybe like a fungus but not like really big mushroom this insane this is definitely a feet of architecture right here for me I bought my tickets but if you didn't there's a little ticket line right here so yeah so this little mushroom thing is what we're currently standing on right here there's a little replica right here it's crazy so this pretty cool right here we're on the mirror door of the set to day Silla and we had to walk on top of this little mushroom thing there's like a little Isle Way and it kind of Curves and kind of moves around if you guys are fans of Dragon Ball Z it's kind of like that Dragon Tail Road where you can like walk throughout but not nearly as long but yeah guys you get 360 180 views of seevilla from one end to one end from the top of this little mushroom Monument right here pretty crazy views and I chose this time because it's Sunset and CA is just beautiful with or without the sunset but adds a nice [Music] touch guys the views on this mushroom are completely Immaculate look at this you can see a bunch of cathedrals all the architecture with the sunset views right there wind in the hair these are vibras Vibra shones Vibes right here on this set de Silla I'm actually craving some mushrooms now being on top of here I'm not going to lie so this is the peak of seta de Silla where you can get a panoramic view of the sunset and the whole city so guess like I'm not the only one who had that idea but it's all good that seems like the most popular area which makes sense cuz you can see the sunset but I actually think the behind looks better cuz the sun is shining on like the rest of the city and the cathedrals are behind here yeah guys this is a Viewpoint what we came here for 15 year olds say it's pretty much worth it this uh little Monument is really really neat I think the Highlight no pun intended cuz the sunlight um is definitely the views of the city though this is the one of the higher points that you could get from the city [Music] so [Music] oh [Music] a lot of people complain about um having too many people in a certain area but I actually think these tours kind of adds to the winding you know staircase of this mushroom right here it's actually a sight to see in itself look at this it's pretty crazy excuse me so it's the largest wooden structure in the world so edit from what I said last time it's not made of completely wood but it's the largest wooden structure oh this is what I was saying I was saying I didn't believe it was wood but this is the reason cool perk about booking the time that I booked for the laetus day Seville is after Sunset the sun goes down obviously and it becomes night time and then the mushroom actually lights up and then you could kind of see this cool light show as we could see behind us so um that's pretty cool as well the mushroom lights up kind of like the Eiffel Tower another thing or activity you guys could do in Sevilla is the Terrace dining there's numerous restaurants here with Terrace ding because the weather in Seville is usually hot all year round but be careful where you guys choose to well not be careful but make sure you guys Choose Wisely where you guys eat if you guys want great food because not all restaurants are made equal obviously that's in Ed City so yeah guys Terrace dining definitely a thing you guys could do and there'll usually be you know Street perform Street performance like that one playing really nice romantic music while you guys are enjoying a night out or a lunchtime out on the town of the many Terrace dining squares or Alleyways you can find in seevilla another Main Street where there's a bunch of taverns and tapa bars we find streets like this all in the main area where you guys are you know doing your little tourist attractions but we're going to try to find really good one for you guys look at this guys taverns and tapis bars all down this street with the beautiful view it's like a party down here guys see the cathedral in the background all right so as you guys can see this is the seevilla tapa scenes for you guys we're on Main stre here right next to the Sevilla Cathedral it is called Alo Peril Taberna it is a little toas bar Tavern where they serve obviously svan andalucian Spanish top us for you guys so we're going to capture the whole food scene of seevilla in this video cheers cheers to DW family we are from London but in Seville absolutely they're like in Sevilla you just got to let the time pass and go with the flow and you know be present you know with the time and relaxing taking on toas The Vibes the weather the people watching the sights and the scenes that is you know the civilian culture you know just laying back and enjoying life so and I'm glad I was able to do that now as a YouTuber and an American I feel like I want to do you know so many things in a certain amount of time but I'm glad that I was able to experience that culture you know we enjoyed what we had here so that's Sevilla for you guys the south of Spain Andalucia Vibes all right so let's see more Sevilla salute [Music] [Music] all right we're trying to get to the plaza SP and we St F this park of Hines day San Sebastian I've actually been to San Sebastian I don't know if this park is modeled after that but pretty nice park if uh you guys want to go here another spot to check out in um Sevilla are familiar with Southern Spanish culture there is a tradition and dance called the flamco where the women dress in very colorful vibrant clothing so you'll see a lot of souvenir stores like that that sells those type of Trinkets and dresses so if you guys are interest you'll see a bunch of those around [Music] town so even at the local Bazar they have flamco Trinkets and fans for sale here also if you guys are new to Spain and don't know the Bazar markets they're like little like liquor shops uh compared to the American stores that are in every corner and it's funny because when I'm looking for them I can't find them but when I don't look up for them I find them but uh yeah I've been loading up on water every time I get thirsty and that's necessary guys cuz the Sun is hot here in the [Music] [Music] south guys I just walked by this cathedral in the daytime and now it's night time and it looks like something else entirely guys the sun really changes things and the [Music] Moon this city is literally littered with palaces and Cathedrals really nice architecture can't turn my head in the main area of the city without seeing one I believe this is the santelmo palace Google map says you foreign all right I showed you guys the real deal seevilla experience here of the tapa scene this is the local Sevilla scene right now so we're going to show you guys more on this video so stay tuned we are giving you guys the local seevilla tapa stour all right I hope you guys enjoyed our seevilla tour and our list of some of the top things to do in Sevilla we were actually here for 1 and A2 days and this is everything we did so keep that in mind there's a lot more to be seen But I think we covered a good chunk of seevilla in those two-ish days we were here seevilla is one of a kind really captures the essence of southern Spain and Andalucia great Vibes will definitely return turn so yeah guys we also did a full toas tour in seevilla too so make sure you guys check out that video and more of our Spain Adventures next stop is maora so click the link down below subscribe and follow us along on our adventures deuces [Music] [Music] sh [Applause] [Music] a [Music] he CLE the cathedral looks like right here you won't run out of [Music] sight
Channel: DanVsWorld
Views: 2,523
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: seville spain, seville travel guide, things to do in seville, seville travel, seville, sevilla, seville itinerary, seville spain travel, spain, sevilla spain, what to do in seville spain, things to do in seville spain, spain seville, seville attractions, Seville, Spain, Real Alcázar, Cathedral of Seville, Las Setas De Sevilla, Plaza de España, Plaza de Toros, Torre del Oro, Sevilla, top 10 things to do in seville, best things to do in seville, alcazar seville, alcazar
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 17sec (2117 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 12 2023
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