$20 TOOL = new legs! In depth, detailed +2022 color trend #furnitureflip #homedecor boho bedroom
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Black Sheep House
Views: 148,810
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: XO MaCenna Vlogs, Lone fox, Glenda chavis, XO MaCenna, Christina Muscari, Loving life as Megan, House of Valentina, Kristen mcgowen, Till vacuum do us part, Thrift diving, Do it on a dime, Lauren Romanick, The sorry girls, Alexander gater, Taylor made style, Valerie aguiar, Cloudyhills, Allison mcphail, Cara lanelle, Living to DIY with Racheal metz, DIY wife, Carissa cleans it all, Jenna pierce, Posh pennys, Kinwoven home, Robeson design, Diy boho bedroom, Boho dresser
Id: bWRZo8jTsaY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 57sec (2037 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 13 2021
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