20 Things You MUST DO After Installing Fedora 40 (RIGHT NOW!)

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while fedora is awesome out of the box i'll be showing you how to supercharge your fedora experience with 20 things we'll be boosting your computer performance the internet speed making your computer look splendidly gorgeous with some add-ons and so much more every time i install fedora i spend the first 15 minutes tweaking some things up things that make fedora even more enhanced linux is extremely powerful and with some tweaks here and there it all gets so much better so let's get started fedora is a strictly open source project it does not ship with any proprietary code nor does it have any proprietary software available in its official repositories while i respect and support this open source principle using some propriety software becomes necessary for many people and while federer official repositories are huge even some widely used software are absent here fret not my friend rpm fusion to the rescue rpm fusion is a third-party software repository for fedora and other rpm based distros like opensuse with rpm fusion you can install proprietary software like nvidia drivers steam multimedia codecs and stuff along with that rpm fusion also gives you access to a free software repository that contains a very large number of software not available in the official fedora repositories this improves software availability on fedora significantly you can install any of these individually or both if you want the commands to install both these repos are given in the description below as i said earlier fedora ships with only open source software and this applies to drivers too amd and intel integrated gpu drivers are pre-installed in the kernel itself and you'll be getting max performance right out of the box but for nvidia users we'll be getting open source snow drivers which are good enough but the new proprietary drivers are way better with regard to performance nvidia made significant performance boosting improvements with their 400 series drivers and here we are getting the latest nvidia 465 drivers i highly recommend everybody who has nvidia gpus to install the proprietary drivers as the performance gains are simply hard to ignore and if you'll be gaming or using software like blender this step is a must we'll be installing nvidia drivers using rpm fusion if you turned on rpm fusion non-free repositories in the last step then you can go right ahead and install them with these commands if you didn't enable rpm fusion non-free well you can do that or enable just nvidia drivers using the software store here click here and in software repositories enable the nvidia one then you can update and run the install commands nvidia drivers can be installed directly using the software store too but i'm installing some additional components that run with these drivers so better use the commands after the drivers install just reboot the computer to fire up the new drivers a side note since nvidia doesn't support whale and at fedora will use x.org by default if you install proprietary drivers but this is not a problem at all nor does it change how you use your computer just letting you know another thing nvidia users should note if after an update you are unable to boot into the graphical ui select an older kernel in the group menu and you'll be fine now it's time to enhance the functionality of your brand new fedora installation with some fantastic applications you can open the software store and browse fedora allows you to install flat packs as well as rpm packages from the software store and the collection here is quite good of course this library can be enriched hugely by rpm fusion free repositories we can also install software using the terminal which is my preferred way as the gnome software store can be weird at times to install software on terminal we'll be using the dnf command simply type in suru dnf install and the software name for example vlc we can also install multiple software at the same time by simply naming multiple software here let's get vlc g parted bleach bit and kit and live hit enter and press y and enter when asked for confirmation now make sure to check out the top 20 linux applications you must have which you'll find really useful fedora uses the gnome desktop in its purest form and stock gnome is great this new desktop especially is mind-blowing while gnome has its own workflow and it expects you to do things in a certain way it is also highly customizable gnome tweak tool is a fantastic application that gives us access to some fairly advanced modifications you can change pretty much anything here with the gnome tweak tool the theme the icons there's just so much more here that's not available in settings open a terminal and run sudo dnf install gnome tweak tool to get it first things first we'll be enabling the window controls that is the minimize and maximize buttons you can also choose the orientation of these controls i understand gnome desktop creators have designed gnome to work without a minimize button but hey the heart wants what it wants there are many things here like animation switch font configuration keyboard and mouse customizations and few other things you can play with these settings here as i always say there's no excuse for not having a backup and time shift backup is something that every linux user must have timeshift is a very powerful software it has the capacity to restore your system from the worst of crashes and mess ups it can even destroy your operating system even if you completely delete your system it's that powerful and having this enables us linux users to tinker under the hood and play with the inner workings of linux without having to worry about breaking the system and now that we have our system setup it's time to make a backup install timeshift using the commands given in the description below once it is done open it you have two options in the backup type keep rsync checked if you install fedora with ext4 or if you want to backup to some other partition or a usb stick which i recommend select btrfs if you install fedora with btrfs which is the default then click on next here select your system partition with btrfs you can't choose any other partition except for the system partition many people are having an error where timeshift is not identifying their root partition on btrfs if that's the case with you go back and select rsync in the second screen select the location for the backup click next here you can setup automatic backups you have various frequencies we are backing up a completely setup system that has all the drivers and all the software we need that's enough i think anyway let's go ahead and check the monthly backups too i want to make it clear that timeshift does not back up your personal files like your documents photos and projects by default but you can let it back up by selecting this radio button here click next here and on this page click on create this will create a backup of the system obviously which you can roll back to any moment you want in case you break your operating system or future updates break your systems you can restore your system to this particular moment with time shift it's a great tool and it has saved my system innumerable times and if you back up to a usb stick even if you delete the os you can get it back alright this one is my favorite everybody has some favorite applications that they use more than other applications your favorite browser the ide used for development and many more now preload is an intelligent daemon that observes which applications you use the most and keeps them in memory even before you open them let's say you use firefox browser a lot when you click on the firefox icon an ample amount of time is needed for the application to be read from hard disk and loaded into memory with preload enabled your computer already knows you use firefox a lot so it's already kept in the memory click on the icon and bam there it is preload makes your computer very responsive just think about it the computer will have to read and load the application from your hard disk when you click on the icon anyway why not do it beforehand itself if you have 8 gigs or more ram preload will do wonders for your app startup times all you need to do is install it open a terminal and run sudo dnf install preload that's it you don't need to do anything more no configuration no tuning up everything will be automatic continue using your computer preload will need some time to learn which apps you use the most so you'll see the result after some time remember only the apps you use the most and more frequently will become faster not all apps now it's time to bump up your internet speed with an optimized dns when you type in a website url and hit enter you might have noticed that there is a short gap before the website starts to load during that time the actual ip address of the website you requested will be getting resolved this might take a short time medium amount of time or a long time based on the dns that your internet provider is using for you by default now you might have a very high speed internet we are not talking about the download or upload speeds here simply put we are talking about the time it takes to connect to a website and this can be improved significantly by changing the dns we are talking stellar noticeable improvements here let's get into it open wi-fi settings and on the connection that you use click on this gear icon here in the ipv4 section turn off the automatic toggle and in this text box paste the numbers from the description below we are going to use google dns which is really good it's reliable and resolves ip addresses very fast i've used many custom dns and google and cloudflare dns tend to work the best i prefer the google one apply the settings and turn off the wi-fi and turn it back on enjoy a faster connection we spend so much of our time on our browser while i love chrome firefox is my default browser because it's awesome and i'll show you two tweaks that make it even more awesome and faster the gpu in your computer will be pretty much idle most of the time gpus are extremely powerful for certain kinds of tasks like rendering far far better than the cpu but by default browsers on linux use the cpu to do most of the work while this is fine it's not the best possible web browsing experience you can get you paid for that gpu let's put it to work you'll see significant improvements first let's enable hardware acceleration open firefox and type in about colon config and hit enter click on accept here paste this line from the description below and toggle this from false to true this will enable hardware acceleration on your computer which is set to false by default on linux this alone will give you much smoother animations and scrolling your pc will handle larger websites much easily now you can check out the performance difference by playing some online games or just scrolling on youtube but that's not all let's take it one more step ahead by turning on web render paste this in the about config page and toggle the value to true just like you did the first one copy paste this here and toggle it to true you need to restart your browser to see the improvements of course if you get any kind of negative effects you can just turn them both back to false research has shown that staring at screens later in the evening and night significantly reduces your sleep quality and quantity this done on a regular basis can be detrimental to your health and mental health looking at bright screens and lights at night confuses your circadian rhythms while absolutely stopping screen time near bedtime will do wonders for your sleep quality and your mood and alertness the next day it's not always practical but science has the next best thing with night light your computer screen starts to change to warmer colors as the sun starts going down this significantly promotes melatonin production in your body trust me you gotta try to feel it i enable night shift on my computer my android phone and even my bedroom light i kid you not the difference in my sleep quality is astronomical i cannot go back definitely try this one fedora's dnf package manager is not the fastest package manager when we are talking about the time it takes to install software or handle updates that's no problem as these tasks are meant to be background tasks anyway we can speed up dnf by a good margin by modifying some defaults open a terminal and run the given commands copy them from the description below with this we are telling dnf to use the fastest server to download software this is very important because without this dnf might download software from servers that serve software at very low speeds when i say low speeds i've had download speeds of less than 10 kilobytes per second this command fixes that then we are telling dnf to download multiple packages at the same time this will also significantly reduce update times as multiple packages will be downloaded parallelly fedora uses gnome software store gnome software store is application oriented and not package oriented in how it allows the user to interact with it this means it has certain limitations which are too big to ignore all the packages in fedora repositories are not shown here for download we cannot search and install so many packages like themes and icon packs here even when they are available in the repositories we cannot install software from rpm fusion you have to use the terminal for that we have less control over our system and we are shown very less information while this simplifies things for linux newcomers makes it less intimidating it also means we'll have to rely on terminal commands to install many software and software from rpm fusion cannot be downloaded from here you'll need to use the terminal this is not convenient for browsing and searching packages to overcome this we'll be installing a much more powerful gui package manager called dnf dragora install it by running sudo dnf install dnf dragora once installed launch it and give it few minutes to download metadata you can notice that dnf dragora looks like synaptic package manager which is yet another powerful tool for debian based systems here the packages are organized into groups you can search for software from all the repositories installed on your system including rpm fusion this search feature alone is just invaluable you can also batch install and uninstall software from here dnf dragora can also be used to handle updates dnf dagora is a powerful package manager which gives you advanced control over package management dnf dragora is a must-have for intermediate and advanced users gnome has a very different kind of workflow when compared to cinnamon desktop plasma or even windows the super button is your biggest ally here wanna switch between apps super button workspaces super button wanna open an application with search super button gnome desktop has a very powerful search this search right here has been built to highly accelerate your productivity you can search for installed applications files on your computer your calendar entries and so much more all through the same search but i'm sure you have your own way of doing things i sure do for example i don't open files and folders through search in fact i never search for files even in the files app so i don't need the search to display files and folders every time i type a letter in the search in fact it's actually slightly counterproductive for me so i can just turn off the files and folder search from being searched and displayed here you can even reorganize how the results are displayed the same with pretty much everything else here i'm gonna keep only applications and calculator active here you can customize it according to your needs gnome 40 looks stunning out of the box but it can be made even better on fedora we get to choose from an extensive list of themes and icon packs there are so many polished gtk themes like arc adapter flat remix new mix and paper many themes are still getting updated to gtk 4. open dnf dragora and search for theme and download and try as many as you want you can also check out how they look by clicking the link here you'll need gnome tweak tool to apply these themes let's try flat remix because it's got so many variations and it looks very premium icon packs are another great customization opportunity that can make your screen an absolute show stealer you can search here for icon theme and browse on preview the icons by clicking on this link you can mix and match any theme with any icon pack and create unique desktops of course don't forget to get a matching wallpaper gnome desktop is highly customizable with gnome extensions and these extensions well they have the part to change the way your desktop looks and the way it behaves at a very deep level these extensions improve and add so much to the experience of using gnome desktop both visually and functionally let's enable extensions by running these commands then open the browser and go to extensions.gnome.org and there install this browser add-on refresh the page and you can install and manage gnome extensions right from here there are hundreds to choose from user themes dash to panel open weather blur my shell are some cool extensions you must try use blur my shell to get this fab looking blurred wallpaper effect here now since gnome has recently received a major update many extensions are in the process of updating so many more top extensions will pop up here soon you can manage all the installed extensions using the extensions app kde connect is an application that lets you pair your android phone with your computer and allows you to text using your pc share files between your phone and your computer very conveniently it also allows you to control your pc using your phone on your android phone install the kde connect app and pair it with your pc you must be connected to the same wi-fi once you start using kde connect you'll just love it it's so feature rich and a necessity today actually both the desktop app and pc app are fairly simple to use and self-explanatory there's an extension called gsconnect which is the full implementation of kde connect app for gnome desktop you can check out that too gaming on linux has become better than ever a good number of fantastic games are available natively on linux now and now with steam's proton feature a majority of windows exclusive games like the witcher 3 gta 5 doom eternal and many more are playable on linux that too without any wine or playoff linux hassle you just enable steam play and click on install the games install and run without any tweaks like their linux native so yeah steam is a must-have for both gaming enthusiasts and for casual gaming you can install stream from the software store and get gaming make sure your enabled rpm fusion non-free if not you can enable rpm fusion for steam from the software store check out proton db for which windows games run fine fonts on fedora are not the best looking ones and on firefox the fonts can look kinda low quality and jagged of course how fonts look can depend on a lot of things like the screen viewing distance the lighting and even the viewers themselves you might absolutely love the phones on fedora or you might hate them in any case there is an improvement available that makes the phones look very polished mainly while browsing the web on firefox we'll be using the better fonts package which is available on copper repository with rpm fusion enabled run the following commands then reboot the computer you can also tweak font rendering using the tweaks application slight hinting and sub pixel rendering should give good crisp looking fonts fedora has been created to suit everybody's computational needs and preferences while the optimized default settings are great you can make your system more to your liking open settings the most important thing you should be doing is changing the wallpaper manage your notifications adjust the privacy settings connect your system to these popular cloud services for a more utilitarian experience there's so much more here just take your time and explore everything by default few applications are pinned on the dash for quick access you can remove the ones that you don't use and add the applications that you use the most you can also rearrange them by dragging and dropping quick tip you can launch these applications by pressing the windows button or the super button plus the number of the order for example super plus 3 will open the file manager along with that the app grid is now highly customizable you can directly drag and drop applications to rearrange them you can create buckets to organize or dump away applications you can also easily drop applications to the next or previous pages in the application grid alright now that our system has been set up and optimized in pretty much every way it's time to clean it up and start using it although linux systems don't need any kind of housekeeping or maintenance cleaning it a couple of times every year can be beneficial not necessary but definitely beneficial for this we'll use the good old bleach bit install it by running sudo dnf install bleachblade restart your computer if you applied any updates before you run bleach bit open bleach bit as root using the terminal open a terminal and run suru bleach bit and check the entries here if you get any warnings on any tick just click on cancel and once it's done you can preview the junk on your system and clean it you can also run bleach bit without root and delete application and browser junk run this every 6 months or so and you feel your computer get more responsive instantly with these 20 things the experience of using fedora will be better significantly well that's it for today guys if you found this video helpful if you enjoyed this video do consider subscribing to my channel also connect with me on instagram next up check out 15 fantastic linux applications that you must have installed on your computer that's it for today see you guys in the next one
Channel: Linux Tex
Views: 236,430
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fedora, gnome, kde, linux
Id: a3ePEjpg3lU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 37sec (1357 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 01 2021
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