20 Things Only Nerds Will Remember About The 1980s

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Lisa from Apple so Advanced it puts us right back where we started D who longs to be alone with her very own BBC micro were you a nerd in the 1980s if so you may recall some pretty iconic stuff that Define the era from groundbreaking gadgets to Unforgettable pop culture moments this video is all about celebrating the quirky and the cool antiques of that decade so get ready for a fun trip down memory Lane and revisit 20 things from the 1980s that only true nerds will remember Lisa from Apple the future today at w Apple Lisa launched in 1983 Apple Lisa was a Trailblazer being one of the first personal computers to feature a graphical user interface and priced at a whopping $9,995 its innovative GUI was re evolutionary setting the stage for future userfriendly computers despite its high cost which limited its popularity Lisa left an indelible mark on the tech industry by influencing the development of Apple's MacIntosh and other future Computing systems today Apple Lisa is a collector's item cherished by vintage computer enthusiasts and seen in museums dedicated to the history of computing it remains a symbol of the Bold steps taken towards making technology accessible and user Centric from early Computing with apple Lisa we'll now shift on to the gaming Evolution with the vetrix arcade system fantastic presenting the Revolutionary vectrex arcade system number two vectrex arcade system released in 1982 the vectrex arcade system was unique for its built-in Vector display offering crisp and precise Graphics unlike the raster displays that were common at the time this made it highly appealing to gaming fans who had craved that arcade style Gameplay at home priced at around $200 it didn't only play games it brought a brand new visual technology to the living room setting it apart from its competitors although it's high cost and the video game Crash of 1983 limited its Commercial Success vectrix has since become a cult favorite amongst collectors today vectric units and games are prized items in old-fashioned gaming circles often showcased in gaming conventions and online collector forums celebrated for their pioneering approach to home gaming technology after exploring the unique display of the vectrex how did Max hedro redefine digital personalities Am I Dreaming no where am I in number three max headro this character burst onto the scene in 1985 a fictional AI person personality known for his strange stuttering speech and distinctive digital Aesthetics originating from a British television Movie Max quickly became the symbol of the burgeoning cyberpunk culture representing the blending of technology and human personality his popularity soared as he starred in his TV series and appeared in various advertising campaigns becoming an icon of the 1980s media landscape despite not being a product for sale Max's influence was felt across various merchandise and media making him a cultural commodity today Max hedro remains a beloved figure in old-fashioned television memories you can find his episodes and appearances preserved online celebrated on platforms like YouTube and within discussions on nostalgic media forums from digital icons we rewind to an Era of physical media with the laser disc who cares what the picture looks like then Pioneer gives me their laser the dis player number four laser disc this technology debuted in the late 1970s introducing consumers to a brand new era of Home Cinema with its Superior video quality compared to VHS and betamax as the first commercially available Optical dis storage medium laser disc offered a significantly Sharper Image and clearer sound capturing the attention of movie enthusiasts who valued High Fidelity in their home viewing experiences despite their Advan vantages laser discs were initially expensive often costing hundreds of dollars for the players and about $30 for each disc which limited their widespread adoption today while laser discs have been largely replaced by more Compact and efficient digital formats like DVD and Blu-ray they hold a nostalgic charm for collectors and Cinema purists you can still find laser dis players and discs through online marketplaces appealing to those who appreciate the Vintage quality and unique of the format laser disc offered quality but what about interactive Adventures up next the adventure game Turbo graphic 16 is about to knock video games back number five the adventure game interactive fiction games like Mystery House released in 1980 captivated players with their unique blend of Storytelling and gameplay the games were the precursors to Modern adventure and role-playing games offering players a novel way to engage with narratives where their choices could steer the story priced at around $24.95 they were accessible to many fostering a strong following amongst those who loved puzzles and storytelling Mystery House and similar games became popular due to their ability to immerse players in a narrative driven Adventure a stark contrast to the arcade Shooters of the time today these games are valued antiques in gaming with Originals being prized by their collectors and enthus enthusiasts alike they can also be played through emulators and on websites that are dedicated to Retro Gaming preserving their legacy in the digital era interactive fiction captured minds but the BBC micro truly educated them the BBC micro computer system is a world leader and it's still growing number six BBC micro this computer launched in 1981 was more than just a machine it was a pivotal education tool all across the UK designed to make learning about Computing accessible to everyone with a price tag that started around 235 British pounds it was a staple in schools and homes fostering a generation of programmers its popularity stemmed from its role in the BBC's computer literacy project aiming to educate the public in the burgeoning field of Home Computing today BBC micro holds a place of honor in Tech History while no longer in commercial use it lives on in museums and through the collections of enthusiasts online communities and retro Computing forums also keep the spirit of the micro alive sharing software and experiences that celebrate its Legacy from Educational Tools to actionpack Adventures how did GI Joe Captivate so many he'll fight for Freedom wherever there's trouble GI Joe is there number seven gii Joe A Real American Hero these toys relaunched in 1982 transformed action figures by offering an extensive lineup with intricate details and engaging character backstories each figure came with a unique file card describing their skills in history enhancing playtime with a narrative depth that was previously unseen in toy lines priced affordably at around $22.50 each these figures quickly captured the imaginations of children everywhere becoming musthave items for young fans of of the accompanying cartoon series today original GI Joe figures are coveted collector's items often fetching high prices on the secondary Market they're celebrated at conventions and remain beloved icons in the collector Community with many adults seeking to recapture a piece of their childhood after GI Joe's action we now travel through the rough Trails of the Oregon Trail [Music] number eight the Oregon Trail first launched in 1971 the Oregon Trail became a staple and educational gaming teaching school children the harsh realities of 19th century pioneer life developed to make learning American history interactive and engaging the game challenged its players to manage resources and make life ore decisions during a simulated journey across the Oregon Trail its popularity soared in schools Across America especially once it became widely available on the Apple 2 in the late 1970s originally part of a school curricula the game was not sold directly to Consumers but has since been re-released in various forms and formats today the Oregon Trail can be found on Modern platforms like iOS and is celebrated for its educational value and nostalgic appeal from surviving the Oregon Trail how did the Speak and Spell make learning fun with Texas Instruments speak and spell Rain r a number nine the speaking spell introduced by Texas Instruments in 1978 the speaking spell was groundbreaking as one of the first handheld electronic devices using a visual display to enhance learning this Innovative toy captivated children by making spelling and pronunciation fun and interactive priced at around $50 it was accessible and became a popular tool in both homes and schools the speak spell featured a keyboard and a speech synthesizer that could vocally pronounce the words that it displayed p a l k that is correct offering immediate auditory feedback which was revolutionary for the time while the original speak and spell is no longer in production its influence persists in various educational apps and games that adopt similar interactive techniques for learning languages collectors and vintage Tech enthusiasts alike still seek out the original models appreciating their impact on educational technology learning to spell was fun but how did early BBS systems connect the techsavvy space so that all the people in North Wellington that have a computer or maybe not even have a computer number 10 the bulletin board system it was a computer server running software that emerged in the late 1970s as one of the earliest forms of online networking allowing users to connect via a modem to a server in order to exchange messages share files and play games pioneered around 1978 these systems became highly popular amongst Tech enthusiasts for fostering a sense of community long before the modern internet while BBS systems were free to access they required a personal computer and a modem which could be a costly set up for the time today the original BBS networks are mostly obsolete overt by the internet however they're fondly remembered and preserved by enthusiasts worldwide with some systems still operational for Nostalgia sake maintaining their legacy in the evolution of digital communication hit the Subscribe button and we'll keep going I run from the line of scrimmage I start in a backfield and follow my blockers blocker number 11 kco Vision released in 1982 kico vision would be celebrated for its revolutionary capability to deliver near arcade quality gaming right to your living room on its launch the console cost approximately $175 a competitive price that positioned it favorably amongst other systems kico Vision was popular because it offered an advanced gaming experience with Graphics that closely matched what was available in arcades a big draw for gaming enthusiasts of the era today the consoles are cherished collectibles found mostly in the hands of retro gaming fici in AOS and through online collector sites they represent a landmark moment in home gaming history showcasing how far the technology has come and remaining a beloved memory for those who experienced its games firsthand kico Vision brought the arcade home but up next how did Quantum Leap mix sci-fi with history then lead me to action with Dr s Becket the time traveling cruor in quantum number 12 Quantum Leap this show launched in 1989 would swiftly Garner a claim for its innovative mixture of Science Fiction and historical drama the show's premise where a scientist leaps into the lives of people in the past in order to correct historical mistakes captivated a diverse audience particularly those with a penchion for intellectual and philosophical musings its unique storytelling approach which combined educational elements with entertainment was a key factor in its popularity today Quantum Leap remains available on various streaming platform platforms allowing new generations to discover its profound narratives the series continues to be celebrated at Fan conventions and an academic discussion highlighting its lasting impact on popular culture and television storytelling Quantum Leap may have cross time but did the Sinclair ZX Spectrum expand digital Horizons just as widely this is the Sinclair zedx Spectrum plus 2 it's a fully operational computer number 13 the Sinclair ZX X Spectrum released in 1982 the Sinclair ZX Spectrum quickly became a Cornerstone of the home computer boom profoundly influencing the gaming industry priced affordably it made computer technology accessible to a broader audience fostering a generation of programmers and Gamers the Spectrum was celebrated for its vast library of games which pioneered many of the techniques in graphics and gameplay today it lives on through emulation software and dedicated ated retro gaming websites allowing enthusiasts to play classic80s games its lasting Legacy is also evident in the numerous Specky meetups and conventions that celebrate its contribution to the tech World ensuring this iconic machine continues to be celebrated at decades after its debut from computing's Impact we now explore the controversial charm of garbage pale kids are called the garbage pale kids among the pre-teen set they are number 14 garbage pale kids launched in 1985 garbage pale kid trading cards stirred immediate controversy for the grotesque parodies of the Cabbage Patch Kids dolls these cards initially sold for just cents each became widely popular for their edgy humor and unique art style capturing the imagination of a rebellious youth parents and Educators often criticize the cards for their sometimes offensive content marking debates about their appropriateness for children today garbage paale kids have transformed from a controversial collectible into a nostalgic item valued by collectors around the world original cards can fetch high prices in online marketplaces and they continue to be celebrated at conventions and in brand new card releases maintaining a cult following decades after their initial release trading cards to action figures what made He-Man a symbol of the 80s fantasy int battle armor Skeletor and He-Man figures each sold separately from the Masters of the Universe collection beastman figure also sold SE number 15 He-Man and the Masters of the Universe the show debuted in 1983 captivating audiences with its Rich Blend of fantasy and Technology the show featured He-Man the powerful hero in a battle against evil in the mystical land of Eternia it quickly became a cultural phenomenon accompanying the series was a highly successful toy line with each action figure equipped with elaborate backstories and futuristic Weaponry which became musthave items for children of the era initially priced affordably these toys allowed children to recreate epic battles and stories and today He-Man remains iconic enjoying a Revival through reboots and new Collectibles original figures are now prized possessions amongst collectors often fetching high prices on the secondary market and can be found in specialty stores and online hit the sub subscribe button and let's move [Music] on number 16 the handheld electronic game Revolution this era kicked off with Nintendo's Game and Watch in the 1980s marking the birth of portable gaming these devices provided simple yet addictive games that could be played anywhere making them hugely popular amongst both children and adults they became a common site priced afford and often gifted during the holidays and birthdays the charm was in their portability and the novelty of taking video games out of the living room today original Game and Watch units are considered Collectibles cherished by Retro Gaming lovers all over they can be found on auction sites and in vintage game stores often fetching prices much higher than the original cost due to their dreamy value after gaming on the go how did graphic novels like the Watchmen change comic book culture buildings in a single bound superan number 17 the rise of the graphic novel the 1980s marked a transformative era for comics with the rise of the graphic novel spearheaded by groundbreaking works like Watchman released in 1986 these novels reshaped the landscape of comic books by introducing complex storytelling and deeper character development appealing to a more mature audience while gaining literary credibility initially priced similarly to traditional comic books these graphic novels are now esteemed as collector's items and cultural icons readily available in bookstores and online often in Deluxe editions that reflect their esteemed status in the literary and entertainment Worlds the lasting popularity of graphic novels like Watchmen underscore their significant impact on both comics and broader pop culture graphic novels brought depth did hypercard bring similar Innovations to multimedia hyper card what is it it's not hyper it's not even a card it's not quite system soft number 18 hypercard this software application was released by Apple in 1987 and revolutionize the way that people interacted with computers Not only was it software it was a versatile tool for creating databases interactive media and various multimedia projects its popularity stems from its Simplicity and the empowerment it offered to non-programmers in creating software Solutions hypercard was included for free with all new Macintosh computers making it widely accessible and used extensively across various fields for education and business although it's no longer officially supported or sold by Apple hyper card's influence can still be seen in modern software and web development environments enthusiasts and former users occasionally share versions and adaptations online keeping its Legacy alive in the digital age from creative software to musical Innovation how did midi change the soundscapes of the80s but this little black box can also produce music it's a midi box a musical instrument number 19 midi the musical instrument digital interface or midi was introduced in 1983 changing music production forever this technology allowed El ronic instruments like synthesizers and drum machines to communicate with each other and with computers enabling musicians and producers to integrate and synchronize their equipment efficiently it was popular because it standardized the way that devices interacted making it easier to create complex music with multiple instruments without the need of extensive setups today midi is still crucial in music production with continuous updates that accommodate new technologies and it's used in almost every every digital music environment from professional Studios to home setups it remains integral for music creators all around the world midi revolutionized music but what celestial event had everyone looking up in 1986 76 years the return of Hal's Comet creates an atmosphere of excitement number 20 Haley's Comet in 1986 Haley's comet made a much anticipated return captivating both amateur and professional astronomers worldwide this Celestial event takes place approximately every 76 years making it a once in a-lifetime sighting for many its 1986 appearance was particularly significant because it was the first time modern technology could be used to observe and study the comet in detail the event sparked widespread public interest and was covered extensively by media Outlets bringing communities together to watch the comet Traverse the night sky today while Haley's Comet won't return until 2061 it continues to be studied all through the data that's collected during past visits and remains a symbol of the Wonders that await in the cosmos what did you think of this video and what other iconic things did we leave out be sure to let me know all about it in the comments below
Channel: Memory Surge
Views: 86,143
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 1930s, 1940s, 1950s, 1960s, 1970s, 1980s, 20th century, america during the 1970s, american nostalgia, baby boomers, gen x, golden age, memories, old america, old commericals, old hollywood, old movies, oldies, photo album, retro, rock n roll, things only baby boomers will understand, usa before, usa nostalgia, vintage, forgotten, usa, forgotten foods, foods, memory
Id: 3Nc096_IMYE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 26sec (1346 seconds)
Published: Fri May 17 2024
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