20 pronunciation mistakes even my advanced English students make.

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hi i'm lisa in this video i will teach you to fix some common pronunciation mistakes that even my advanced students of english still make i will show you how to pronounce 20 words that are commonly mispronounced and you will have a chance to say them in natural sounding sentences you will repeat the sentences after me and you will say them in a good clear american accent and finally at the end of the video i will give you a little quiz a self-test to make sure that you have fixed the pronunciation mistake permanently [Music] okay let's get started with the first word look at this word how do you pronounce it why don't you say it first did you know that the second o is silent we don't say broccoli we say broccoli broccoli and the first o is pronounced as an ah ah let's say that again broccoli broccoli repeat after me i cooked some broccoli i had broccoli with salmon you say it i had broccoli with salmon wait a minute how did i pronounce salmon were you paying attention to my pronunciation that's another commonly mispronounced word listen again salmon salmon the l is silent have you been saying this word with the silent l let's say it again salmon and pay attention to the way i pronounce the o did you notice i didn't say sa mon i reduced it and i said salmon salmon that's because the o is part of the unstressed syllable let's say that again salmon i'd like some salmon please i'd like some salmon please i had broccoli with salmon and let's say this sentence i covered the salmon and broccoli with aluminum foil did you notice how i pronounced the word aluminum aluminum i didn't say aluminium i said aluminum in american english the ending is spelled u-m but in british english it's i-u-m listen to the difference in american english it's aluminum there are four syllables and we stress the second syllable aluminum aluminum in british english this word has five syllables and we stress aluminium aluminium listen to the difference aluminum aluminium let's say that sentence again with an american accent i covered the broccoli and salmon with aluminum foil let's say it one more time this time naturally i covered the broccoli and salmon with aluminum foil look at this word how do we pronounce it the meaning of this word is complete disorder or confusion and we say chaos chaos the letters ch are pronounced as a k sound chaos and then we say the a k and then we open our mouth for the ah so the o is pronounced as an ah chaos chaos after the party the house was in complete chaos chaos is a noun and the adjective form is chaotic chaotic repeat after me the airport was absolutely chaotic let's say that again the airport was absolutely chaotic look at this word do you pronounce it correctly do you pronounce it with a silent b we don't say bomb we say bomb bomb bomb can be a noun or a verb to bomb and if we use it as a verb and we add the e d how do we pronounce it then the b is still silent you can say the building was bombed now let's add ing once again the b is silent we don't say bombing we say bombing the building was destroyed during the bombing do you know how to pronounce this word go ahead and say it this means a group of people singing together and we say choir choir did you know that the ch is pronounced as a k once again just as in chaos and then round your lips and make a w choir choir she sings in a choir let's look at this word how do you pronounce it how do you pronounce the s is it do you say close or close both are correct depending on if it's a verb or an adjective listen close close the door close the door that's a verb but close close that's an adjective the supermarket is close to my house it's close it's close it's closed let's say that again it's close it's closed so how about this word how do we say it we say it's closer it's closer let's go to this restaurant because it's closer how do we say this word you say it the meaning is very unusual or amazing or more than expected or very special the a is silent we have the word extra and the word ordinary but when we put the two words together we don't pronounce the a we don't say extraordinary we say extraordinary you say it extraordinary you did an extraordinary job let's use it as an adverb extraordinarily extraordinarily and that means extremely repeat after me he's an extraordinarily talented musician she's extraordinarily beautiful let's listen to how some other people pronounced it working extraordinarily hard clearly extraordinarily successful it's the story of an extraordinarily gifted young man can you pronounce this word correctly you say it the e and the i are reduced so it's going to be foreign for n and the g is silent it kind of sounds like this for n or foreign and let's stress the for foreign foreign don't say for rain let's say it again foreign foreign language do you speak any foreign languages i feel like a foreigner or you can say it's foreign to me and that means i'm not familiar with it okay let's go on to the next word do you know how to pronounce this one the meaning of this word is a person who has the legal right to receive property or the title of another person when they die so we can say he's um how do we say it air exactly like the air that we breathe air so the h is silent air air same pronunciation an heir is a male and a female is eris eris she's an heiress repeat after me he left his fortune to his heirs let's connect that to his heirs he left his fortune to his heirs prince charles is the heir to the throne prince charles is the heir to the throne can you pronounce this word correctly you say it hierarchy hierarchy in organizations where people are organized in levels of authority that's called a hierarchy and you can say john is above bob in the hierarchy how do we pronounce this word you say it we say lis lis listen to the difference in pronunciation between this word and this word lease please that's why this one is confusing lease please please sign the lease a lease is an agreement or a contract to use something for a specific length of time usually you lease an apartment or a car and you can say we signed a six-month lease for our new apartment and let's use it in the past tense i leased a new car i leased a new car are you pronouncing this very common word correctly you say it we're gonna say it like this pizza pizza so we're gonna hold the tea pizza and then we'll release it pizza pizza repeat after me let's order some pizza let's order some pizza i'd like a large pepperoni pizza how about this word you say it we're going to say protein that e i is pronounced as e as one sound not as two sounds it's not protein it's protein protein you need to eat more protein fish is a good source of protein how about this word how do you pronounce this word for example you can say that show is my favorite tv series did you say it with two syllables it's not serious it's series the common mistake is to pronounce it like serious so the i and the e are pronounced as one sound listen to the difference series serious that's my favorite tv series but we say that's a serious problem look at these two very common words let's look at the second word the adjective how do we say the oh you listen southern a common mistake is to say southern listen to the difference south southern southern that oh you is pronounced as an uh sound southern repeat after me he lives in the south he has a southern accent los angeles is in southern california here's another commonly mispronounced word how do you say it which syllable do you stress listen thermometer thermometer we're going to stress the second syllable so we say meter meter but then we say thermometer and then the meter gets reduced in the word thermometer repeat after me let's check the thermometer let's check the thermometer how about this word do you sometimes confuse it with the pronunciation of this word listen to the difference of off the f in the first word sounds like a v of of and that o sounds like this uh uh don't open your mouth when you say that vowel sound of and then for off you can open your mouth off let's practice pronouncing of of course kind of bank of america i'm proud of you so one has a small vowel and the other one has a big open vowel off turn it off let's say them both again of off how about the next word you say it did you say it with the silent p receipt don't pronounce the p receipt repeat after me i can't find my receipt and this is the final word you say it when you cook something but you need to read the instructions to know how to make it you need to read the how do we say it recipe recipe can you give me the recipe you can also say what is your recipe for success and that means what is your formula what is your secret okay now let's review all of the words so here is a little self-test when you see the word on the screen you say it first and then you will hear me say it and that way you can see if you learned to pronounce it correctly from this lesson if you only make one or two mistakes that's really good okay pronounce this word and then i will say it broccoli how about this word salmon say this one aluminum chaos choir close if it's an adjective or close if it's a verb extraordinary foreign air hierarchy lis pizza protein series southern thermometer of receipt recipe how did you do if you made one or two mistakes you did a great job if you made more mistakes watch this video again and practice a little bit more thanks for watching and keep practicing your english [Music] to get the two courses the american accent course and the 400 advanced words you must know for fluent english go to com
Channel: AccurateEnglish
Views: 320,851
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: english pronunciation, how to pronounce, fluent english, accurate english, american accent, Lisa Mojsin, speak fluent English, difficult english words, pronunciation mistake, correct english, ESL teacher, English teacher, TOEFL, IELTS
Id: -s2hzlO6-ys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 12sec (972 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 02 2022
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