20 Musicians You Wouldn't Want To Meet In Real Life, here is why..

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when I started to meet my heroes for instance when I met Freddy King when I met Muddy Waters they didn't want to hear me play like them the world of music is filled with Larger than Life personalities who Captivate audiences with their talent and Charisma hey it's weird to me that you guys just put out one song and then didn't address the elephant in the room however some of these icons are far less Charming off stage you know perform this on stage like we got to pick it up like come on whether it's due to controversial Behavior run-ins with the law or notorious attitudes some artists have shown aside that fans might find off-putting or even shocking here are 20 musicians you wouldn't want to meet in real life let's get started number 20 Tommy Lee renowned as the founder of the notoriously wild and provocative ban mle crew Tommy Lee has amassed a reputation for his tumultuous personal life and headline grabbing Antics the band's biography the dirt Chronicles their outrageous escapades in Vivid detail revealing own share of controversies his turbulent relationship with Pamela Anderson garnered widespread attention particularly during the 1990s the infamous honeymoon tape which was recorded in 1995 was stolen and widely circulated in 1996 following this Lee was arrested in 1998 and a California Court sentenced him to 6 months in jail and 3 years of probation for spousal violence one notable incident of such spousal violence involved an altercation with Anderson while she held their infant son the reason the two disagreed over her parents' visit Le's pension for provocative Behavior also led to public incidents at a concert in North Carolina he and bandmate Nikki 6 poured beer on a security guard resulting in charges of inciting a riot another serious incident involved a drowning at Lee's home during his son's birthday party leading to a legal battle that concluded with Lee being acquitted in 2018 more recently Lee found himself hospitalized after a physical altercation with his adult son while Tommy Lee's life and career are marked by a series of tumultuous events and controversies this is only the beginning of the list and there's a lot more to share number 19 Mike love the beach boy Chief songwriter Brian Wilson revolutionized pop music in the mid 1960s with his pop Symphonies like Pet Sounds widely regard Ed as one of the greatest records ever made however his bandmaid and cousin Mike love did not share his enthusiasm upon hearing a sample of what would become Pet Sounds love ridiculed Wilson and said that only the ears of a dog would hear the sound this mocking remark inadvertently inspired Wilson to name the album Pet Sounds Love's contentious Behavior did not end there in 1992 he successfully sued Wilson for songwriting credits on dozens of old Beach Boys songs over a decade later in 2005 love sued Wilson again accusing him of shamelessly misappropriating their band by Distributing a Beach Boys CD to promote smile Wilson's solo album which had initially been a Beach Boys project in the 1960s but that's not even the worst part the only reason Wilson had scrapped the original album was because of Love's intense criticism Mike Love's antagonism wasn't limited to Wilson on the night The Beach Boys were inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1988 love lashed out at other iconic bands like the Beatles And The Rolling Stones he boasted about the beach boy performance schedule and tried to belittle other iconic performers present at that time number 18 Billy Idol despite his stage Persona Billy Idol often leaves behind the wild reputation associated with his name once he exits the spotlight known for iconic hits like white wedding and Rebel Yell Idol initially gained Fame for blending Punk attitude with pop sensibilities shaping the American Music Scene long before pop punk emerged Idol's edgy Macho image and energetic performances were both celebrated and criticized he introduced punk rock's rebellious Spirit to mainstream audiences yet faced accusations of being a manufactured Punk icon famously dismissed by Johnny Rotten as a phony recently Idol has solidified his legacy with his album kings and queens of the underground and his Memoir Dancing with Myself however not all aspects of Idol's life reflect his Public Image during the early 1990s during a stay in Bangkok Idol engaged in a notorious spree of decadence and excess over a 3-we period his indulgent Behavior caused extensive damage estimated at $200,000 to a penthouse suite this incident led to military intervention with taii forces forcibly removing Idol from the premises and restraining him if you think that was intense just stick around there's something much Wilder down the list number 17 Jennifer Lopez though she's a major actress and a mega successful pop singer Jennifer Lopez insists she's still just a normal person as she emphasizes in her hit single Jenny From the Block but is she really well there's a heap of evidence suggesting that Lopez prefers not to mingle with Ordinary People an associate of the singer revealed that Lopez doesn't speak directly to salespeople restaurant or hotel staff or flight attendants instead she only communicates with them through her assistance a flight attendant once asked Lopez if he could get her a beverage the attendant recalled that Lopez did not acknowledge Him turned her head away and instructed her personal assistant to request a Diet Coke with lime on her behalf similarly in 2012 a maid work working at a hotel in Germany told US Weekly that she asked Lopez for an autograph during her stay the request was denied by Lopez's assistance and the maid claimed she was fired the next day after Lopez complained this isn't all though in a 1998 interview with movie line she described Cameron Diaz as a lucky model who's been given a lot of opportunities and expressed a wish that Diaz had done more with them she remarked that Winona Ryder gets nominated for Oscars but claimed she had never heard anyone say they loved writer work perhaps the harshest criticism was reserved for Gwyneth paltro about whom Lopez claimed she couldn't remember anything she was in so she may not be as down to earth as she portrays herself to be number 16 Dave Navaro Dave Navaro stands out not only for his musical contributions to bands like Jane's Addiction and Red Hot Chili Peppers but also for his polarizing Persona known for his distinctive style complete with with eyeliner and painted nails Navaro has cultivated a reputation that transcends his music his debut solo album trust no one offers a glimpse into his personal struggles and inner demons presenting a raw emotional Journey his controversial reputation reached a peak during a notorious visit to Hugh Hefner's Playboy Mansion in the late 1990s here he indulged in extravagant excess Navaro allegedly engaged in provocative Behavior fueled by illicit sub substances he even marked the mansion's walls with his own blood and this was captured on security footage following this Hugh Hefner banned Navaro from returning to the Playboy Mansion later on he was also fired from Red Hot Chili Peppers number 15 Tim Lambesis the world of metal isn't exactly known for subtlety or gentle persuasion but many growling metal frontmen are surprisingly thoughtful and caring people Tim Lambesis of as iay dying however is not one of those people in May 2013 Lambesis a popular Christian rock singer from carlbad admitted to hiring a Hitman to wife offering $1,000 in detailed instructions he sought to have Megan his wife of8 years and the mother of his three adopted children murdered notably Megan had filed for divorce the previous year the Hitman as it turns out was actually an undercover police officer and Lambesis was subsequently arrested he later pleaded guilty and was sentenced to 6 years in prison but served just under 3 years gaining release in December 2016 despite his heinous actions Lambesis returned to fronting As I Lay Dying With the band supporting him during his trial and imprisonment whether these bandmates are Compassionate Friends or equally flawed individuals is Up For Debate number 14 GG Allen GG Allen's real name was Jesus Christ Allen and this is perhaps the biggest irony of all about about him while he gained notoriety for his frequent performances with various punk rock bands he is better known for his shocking and indecent Behavior many of alen's shows were cut short due to their extreme nature often resulting in police intervention and accusations of indecency and assault at multiple instances he made threats on stage underscoring his chaotic and self-destructive nature unsurprisingly Allen's life came to a tragic end when he overdosed shortly after embarking on his not torious career his story is a perfect example of how such extreme behavior Can often overshadow any potential for positive influence number 13 Eric Clapton fans of rock music hold Eric Clapton in the highest esteem when it comes to listing the greatest guitarists in history after all he's written some of the most timeless songs and is known for some of the most classic riffs and solos ever it's when he talks out loud that things sometimes take a turn Clapton has usually been the first to admit that he's greatly indebted to the black blues musicians who came before him but if they had been privy to his Outburst at a 1976 concert in Birmingham England they might not have been so Keen to let him fly their flag during his Outburst a drug and booze addled Clapton shouted to his concert crowd to keep Britain white he also announced his backing of a racist political Member of Parliament while chanting racial slurs he made it very clear that he did not want people of color in in what he thought should be a white country the years since have seen Clapton very apologetic blaming his addiction for his behavior but even in remorse he can't avoid putting his foot in his mouth instead he comes up with excuses like how half of his friends were black and that he dated a black woman but at least he has apologized for it number 12 Kanye West Kanye West's presence in the spotlight is often overshadowed by controversies despite his undeniable Talent his inflated ego and erratic Behavior have frequently alienated both fans and critics alike one of West's notorious traits is his chronic tardiness for performances often leaving audiences waiting for hours or abruptly cancelling shows when he does show up his fans often have to bear his unpredictable behavior on stage where he might engage in Rambling monologues take extended breaks for impromptu rants or even indulge in drug induced highs in 2014 during a concert in Sydney West halted his performance demanding that the entire audience stand up when he noticed a fan in a wheelchair unable to comply West publicly shamed and insisted that the person should rise oblivious to the physical impossibility this naturally sparked widespread criticism so did he learn his lesson well days later at another Australian event West doubled down on his demand for audience participation this time requiring those not standing to provide proof of disability this callous request was widely condemned as discriminatory and offensive despite his musical talents Kanye West's career is marred by incidents like these where his behavior not only alienates fans but also perpetuates negative stereotypes and insensitivity towards marginalized communities number 11 Sebastian Bach the frontman of the 80s and 99s hair metal veterans Skid Row Sebastian Bach holds a special place in the hearts of music fans despite having a dicey history off stage Bach wore a t-shirt in 1989 that mocked the AIDS crisis that same year he Chuck a bottle from the stage breaking a woman's nose but it's been a long time now hasn't it maybe he has changed well in 2010 Bach was visiting a bar with live music in his Ontario Hometown he asked the singer if he and his buddies could come up and sing a little bit and the musician directed them to the Pub's manager this didn't go over well with Bach not sure why a local Entertainer wouldn't want the singer of a world famous rock band to join him Bach and his group began to loudly Heckle the artist even throwing ice cubes at him from their seats the staff at the pub understandably grew more nervous and eventually asked box party to leave the skid R singer wanted to take his wine with him and when that request was denied box smashed the glass the nervous owner was forced to call the cops unsurprisingly Sebastian also took offense to that and when the owner put him in a bear hug Bach bid him if unhinged was a person Bach would be it number 10 50 Cent Curtis Jackson better known as 50 Cent often appears perpetually angry most would say that this is because of his rough past including surviving being shot nine times one might also expect such an experience to foster a more optimistic outlook on life encouraging kindness towards others especially one's own family however 50 Cent seems to Harbor significant resent affecting both close relationships and strangers alike his strained relationship with his son mares Jackson is a prime example their Feud has been ongoing for over a decade with public spats making headlines in 2018 after seeing an Instagram photo of 21-year-old mares 50 Cent shockingly commented that he wouldn't mind if his son got hit by a bus 50 Cent has extended his ey to the broader public as well a notable incident involved him mocking a teenage airport employee on a live video the young man simply trying to do his job and avoid eye contact was accused by 50 cent of being high on drugs based solely on his behavior and dilated pupils the video quickly went viral drawing widespread criticism especially after it was revealed that the teenager had autism and social anxiety not a drug habit following a public outcry including from the boy's parents 50 Cent issued a rather insincere apology number nine Vince Vince Neil if you thought we were done with the mle crew you were wrong Vince Neil the charismatic frontman of the band is renowned for his wild Persona both on and off the stage Beyond his musical career Neil's life has been marked by many controversies in 1984 he was involved in a tragic car accident while driving Under the Influence his recklessness caused the death of his passenger Nicholas razzled dingley drummer of Hanoi Rocks despite the the severity of the incident Neil served a brief jail sentence of only 15 days and was placed on probation for 5 years one might think that such a harrowing tragedy probably taught him an important lesson far from it over the years Neil faced multiple DUI charges including incidents in 2007 and 2010 reflecting ongoing struggles with alcohol related issues he was also notably involved in an altercation in Las Vegas with actor Nicholas Cage in a misunderstanding during a fan encounter Neil mistook a young woman's approach for aggression and forcefully pulled her by the hair causing her to fall to the ground Nicholas Cage intervened pulling Neil away and trying to diffuse the situation both individuals were reportedly intoxicated at the time despite Cage's intervention Neil was charged with misdemeanor battery it's clear that Neil is nowhere near getting rid of his troubling alcoholism which has resulted in so much harm to those around him number eight Peter buck while rock bands often navigate scandals and Public Disgrace Rim has managed to build a solid career with a relatively clean reputation however back in 2002 guitarist Peter Buck's misbehavior threatened to overshadow years of good behavior during a flight from Seattle to London Buck went on a drinking spree he ended up consuming 15 glasses of wine and becoming increasingly agitated the situation escalated when he was cut off from further alcohol Buck's Behavior spiraled out of control he tried to take a bottle of champagne from The Galley punched the plan's wall and attempted to remove a knife from a serving cart he even splattered yogurt on fellow passengers and wielded a spoon and a cup of yogurt as makeshift weapons he then attempted to open the jet door proclaiming he was going home in his disoriented State he mistook a CD player for a serving cart and bizly claimed a stranger was his spouse well for all this chaos he was charged with assault yet despite the overwhelming evidence and the severity of his behavior Buck was ultimately found not guilty while the law may have let the situation go fans were shaken to the core and the band's reputation naturally took a serious hit number seven Boy George George oow better known as Boy George Rose to fame as the androgynous lead singer of the iconic 80s band Culture Club known for his distinctive voice and flamboyant persona George became a symbol of genderbending fashion and pop culture Revolution however behind the glittering facade of success Boy George battled a crippling drug addiction that plagued his later career throughout the 80s he faced several incidents related to drug possession openly admitting struggles with the most notorious incident occurred in 2009 when his private life collided with Scandal while having a naked photo session at his home with a male escort cocaine use heightened the tensions suspecting the escort of attempting to access his computer George reacted impulsively handcuffing the man to a wall fixture the situation escalated further as George retrieved straps adult toys and chains using them to physically assault the escort the escort managed to break free and escape and Boy George soon found himself sentenced to 15 months in prison though he served only four due to his Celebrity Status Beyond his legal troubles Boy George's career has been marked by artistic highs and personal lows reflecting the complexities of Fame and personal struggle number six Billy Bob Thornton known best for his acting career Billy Bob Thornton also moonlights as a musician with his band The Box Masters however he is notorious for wanting to keep his two careers separate and gets quite hostile if they overlap in conversation this was starkly evident during an interview on a Toronto radio station with host John gesi who mentioned Thornton's acting background thoron responded with palpable irritation setting the stage for one of the most awkward and contentious interviews in recent memory despite gumi's attempts to focus on the band's music thoron remained evasive and dismissive when asked about the band's formation thoron bluntly replied I don't know what you're talking about even when gesi brought up that the Box Masters were touring with Willie Nelson Thornton unconvincingly claimed I've never met him the interview became heavy with ridicule and hostility later Thornton defended his position by saying that the host had been explicitly instructed not to mention his acting career but things did not end there the situation deteriorated further when the Box Masters were supposed to perform live in the studio Thornton refused to participate claiming he didn't have his drums and then abruptly left the studio this public public display of arrogance and unprofessionalism had immediate consequences the band's Toronto shows were met with booze from the audience displeased with Thornton's onair Behavior two subsequent shows were cancelled underscoring the Fallout from Thornton's inability to handle the duality of his public Persona gracefully even years later Thornton has not expressed any remorse for the contentious interview with Gian gesi he continues to blend his dual careers but remains sensitive about the the crossover between his acting and music his dedication to both Fields has kept him relevant in Hollywood though the 2009 incident still casts a shadow over his public Persona number five CEO green renowned for his Soulful voice and charismatic presence C green faced a dramatic downturn in his career in 2012 and 2013 following serious allegations that rocked the music industry green was accused of providing a woman with and subsequently assaulting her this cast a dark shadow over his previously successful career in response to these allegations green entered a plea of no contest to a drug felony charge he was placed on 3 years of Probation and required to complete 45 days of community service however the assault charges against him were dropped due to insufficient evidence but he found a way to make things worse for him green took to Twitter to express his controversial views on assault sparking widespread outrage and condemnation his remarks particularly suggesting that an unconscious person could still give consent ignited a firestorm of criticism from the public and advocacy groups facing vehement backlash green swiftly deleted the tweets and issued a public apology asserting that he would never condone harm against women despite his efforts to mitigate the damage caused by the controversy the incident severely tarnished Green's reputation and credibility within the music industry and Beyond number four Afroman widely recognized for his 2001 hit Because I Got High afran initially presented himself as a laid-back and humorous artist the song was a mix of Celebration and a cautionary tale about the pitfalls of marijuana use and it resonated with audiences for its playful take on the consequences of neglecting responsibilities in favor of getting high however this image was shattered during a 20 15 concert in baloy Mississippi while performing a female fan Haley bird got on stage and began dancing near Afroman in a shocking and violent response afran turned and punched her hard in the face without warning bird crumpled to the ground crying and bleeding to make matters worse Afroman continued his performance as if nothing had happened however the concert was promptly halted by police who arrested Afroman and charged him with assault the incident captured on video in widely circulated shocked fans from all over who had known a totally different Afroman Birds subsequently sued both the concert ven's owning company and Afroman she claimed that the punch caused her significant physical harm potentially including a concussion in court the judge ruled in Bird's favor ordering Afroman to pay $65,000 in Damages this violent Outburst highlighted the unpredictable and often destructive behavior that can lie beneath the surface off of public figures number three James LaVine celebrated for his lengthy tenure as a conductor at the Metropolitan Opera James LaVine faced a dramatic downfall in 2018 amidst accusations of abusive and harassing conduct his career which spanned over four decades and included a pivotal role in nurturing young Talent through the Opera's Young artist program abruptly came to an end the Metropolitan Opera took decisive action after conducting an extensive investigation interviewing 70 individuals and uncovering what it deemed credible evidence of lavine's misconduct the allegations ranged from inappropriate comments to outright unwanted advances all leveraging his position of authority over vulnerable Young Artists initially silent in response to his termination LaVine later denied the accusations despite mounting evidence suggesting a pattern of abuse dating back to the 1960s the revelation of this history cast a dark shadow over his once illustrious reputation tarnishing his legacy as a maestro and Mentor The Fallout from lavine's dismissal shows just how common the issues of misconduct and abuse of power are within the Arts and entertainment Industries his case prompted widespread discussion and reflection on the challenges faced by institutions in addressing and preventing such behavior on a personal level though Justice was served at least in part number two Billy Corgan as the lead singer and chief creative force behind the Smashing Pumpkins Billy Corgan carved his path to alternative rock stardom in the 1990s with anthems of anger and dissatisfaction like zero and today he became a voice for millions of jaded young people however over the past two decades Corgan has also built a reputation for initiating and maintaining numerous feuds often with those close to him one of corgan's most publicized relationships was with Courtney Love lead singer of whole they dated before her marriage to Kurt Cobain and again after Cobain's death corgan's involvement with hle extended to working on their critically acclaimed album Celebrity Skin however he later publicly trashed the album his contentious relationship with love resurfaced years later when songs he wrote for her solo album were included against his wishes Coran took to Twitter to dismiss love harshly telling her to go away and live off her husband's money corgan's antagonistic Behavior didn't end there in 2011 he verbally abused a transwoman displaying a shocking level of insensitivity and bigotry his controversial opinions were further highlighted in 2016 when he appeared on the conservative Alex Jones Show during the interview Corgan compared politically Progressive social justice Warriors to 1930s KKK members and the maoists who led the Communist Revolution in China despite facing backlash for these incidents Corgan never apologized for his misbehavior however his legacy which he spent years perfecting will forever be tarnished due to his own tendency for indecency and rudeness number one moresi known for his influential role in the music industry as the former frontman of the Smiths and a standalone artist morisy has also garnered attention for controversial statements and behaviors that have led to public scrutiny throughout his career morsy has Express strong and often polarizing opinions on various social and political issues his comments on immigration for instance have been criticized for their xenophobic undertones particularly when he claimed in a 2007 interview that the British identity was eroding due to immigration when confronted about his remarks morrisy denied being xenophobic or racist on a more positive note Morris's advocacy for animal rights and vegetarianism is well documented but somehow the artist has managed to corrupt this cause as well his approach has sometimes been inflammatory during an interview with the guardian he criticized animal rights abuses in China but he did not end there he went on to say you can't help but feel that the Chinese are a subspecies this sparked significant outrage and condemnation from various groups and individuals including animal rights organizations and the Chinese Community but it gets worse in respon response to the Harvey Weinstein Scandal morrisy made ill-informed and outright hurtful comments regarding assault that were widely condemned while expressing his disapproval of forced physical interactions he suggested that some victims might view their experiences as merely disappointing naturally this Drew significant backlash from the general public as if this was not enough morisy also made controversial statements about various public figures for instance he blamed Kate mid for a nurse's after a prank call incident involving a radio station he also downplayed the severity of the massacre in Norway in 2011 and controversially expressed his desire for Elton John's demise since then he has become a fairly divisive figure in the music industry and Beyond well that's it for now thanks for watching make sure to like comment and subscribe don't miss this video you see on your screen right now it's truly unbelievable
Channel: The Ultimate Expedition
Views: 64,182
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 20 Musicians, You Wouldn't Want To Meet, In Real Life, here is why, musicians, music, larger-than-life personalities, controversial behavior, artists, ultimate expedition, ultimate, expedition
Id: Zvd6qOiVfZo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 27sec (1767 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 12 2024
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