20 FL Studio Tips & Tricks That I ALWAYS Use

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[Applause] [Music] what's going on YouTube raus here and today I'm gonna be giving you guys 20 tips and tricks that I always use in FL Studio so I'm not totally sure if other does such as logic and Ableton have these same functions I don't know I'm not too experienced with them all these tips and tricks are gonna be based around and used for FL studio' if you don't use FL Studio and you're watching this video stick around because you might be able to get some inspiration and look up how to do the things I'm gonna discuss today with in your dog or you could use resemble so you couple Susan Bessie a B who said that what about me what just kidding but without further ado let's hop right into it also quickly before we get started I have a new song coming out that I'm so freaking excited for I'm so stoked for it Hardwell is premiering it on Friday so I'm uploading this on Wednesday so Friday hard was gonna be premiering a new song of mine be sure to tune in number 1 setting up a template to open up every time you open FL so in my case here my template I just have the BPM set to 128 because that's the BPM I tend to work in the most and then for the mixer I just have a bunch of empty tracks routed to the master with just a limiter on so just for examples sake we'll open up the parametric EQ from FL Studio will say and for some reason we want our tracks to have this giant notch at 600 Hertz so now this is the project you wanted to use as your default template what you could do is click shift ctrl s that'll be your save as and what you want to do is you want to navigate to your FL Studio folders and it all depends on where you install FL Studio so in my case I'll show you right here so I installed it in the Program Files folder so it'd be Program Files image line at those two 228 data and then you'll see this folder here templates click on that there should be a user folder here if not you can create one just call it user and then in here you'll see the project so we'll name this we'll name it test template so now what we'll do is we can close FL Studio we will open it back up and then what you can do here is actually go new from template and then look our test templates here we can open that and here it is our EQ with the limiter that we have set up so now that our file is showing up under the templates what you'd want to do is click this button right here this is change default template go down to the bottom right and it'll give you all the options here click the one you want and then from there on out you're all good to go before we happen to tip number two I made a quick idea just messing around having some fun and what I wanted to do is actually utilize tips 2 through 20 and I want to utilize them in this project so you guys can see exactly how to use it in a real producing experience thing I guess alright so for context I'll show you the song [Music] so that's a song so tip number two tip number two is actually to duplicate your arrangement so that you could work on other ideas within the same project the way you would do that is by going to your playlists up here and you can click clone and it defaults of doing arrangement underscore two we can name it you boy and we can actually flip flop and for example let's say in this project here for some reason we wanted to try with no base and no leads now that's all duplicated separately so that we still have our original idea it's something super helpful that I always use when trying out multiple drop ideas or something like that in one project so it doesn't get too messy and hectic tip number three you could actually quick color all your channels at once using a gradient you guys know I'm a big advocate for being organized and the way I color code quickly is by going to your channel rack here going to all actually quick bonus tip you can actually sort by track number which is something super helpful that I always do now what you can do here is select all these channels by clicking them and dragging them down you can go to the drop-down menu hit color selected color selected gradient and pick two colors so I picked that light yellow one and then we can do let's say pink now it'll color code everything in your channel rack and it's a really quick way to get the colors that make it look pretty and from now on you can just organize your sounds using these color scheme tip number four using FL studios chop tool to quickly change sustain notes into rhythmic notes so for example we have this piano if we wanted these sustained chords to play a more rhythmic pattern or whatever instead of chopping it up or redrawing them in what you can simply do is click the drop down on the piano roll go to tools chop and then the screen will pop up and you can adjust the time multiplier so however fast you want it and that's all you have to do super quick way to chop up your MIDI tip number five making a reverse reverb using Edison let's say you wanted to take this brass sound and you wanted a reverse reverb to sweep into it what you would want to do is you'd want to go to the mixer channel add the reverb of your choice in this case I'm going to use FL Studio stock you just want to make sure that the wetness and the decay are turned up very high and then what you want to do is open up Edison by clicking the scissors you want to click a record and solo the sound that you want to be reversed after it's finished recording you can just simply drop it in well insert a new track all you want to do now is double click this reverse it and you want to just time it right say like right here and now you have a reverse reverb tip number 6 using the save new version function so for example let's say that this project I have here let's say I was done working on it for the night I would file export it as usual listen to it whatever now the next day when I go to work on this again what you want to do is go right up to the top and click file save new version before you start working on it now let's say you work on it let's say you have a long day whatever and let's say you want to Bruning well now you'll have that project untouched as you left it the night before the whole point of this is to make sure your export of copies and your project files line up in version numbers so that if you hear that you like version 2 better for example you can quickly open up that project and have that project there for you ready to work on tip number 7 automating a sense to get perfect delays now let's say you wanted to add delay to something but you wanted to just get a certain note or a certain section of that what most people would try to do is they'd add their delay to the effects chain and they would right-click and do create automation clip another problem with this is let's say you know we'll set it up so that the delay starts on the notes that we wants you so if you listen to that you'd be like oh that's fine but what happens is in the context of the song the delay will pick up the other nose listen so to get those perfect delays what we want to do is we want to route it to a blank mixture track we'll open up a delay plug-in that we choose I'm just gonna use H delay because it's my favorite delay personally now what you want to do is you want to automate the send here so you would right click and do create automation clip the important thing is when you're using it as a sent to make sure it's 100% wet and let's take a listen perfect tip number eight is controlling multiple plugins using one automation clip now let's say in this project for example we wanted to create a build up and we wanted to pitch up these three sounds typically what you would do is you would go to each sound right click create automation clip on the pitch and pitch things up individually but what we could do instead is let's say we go to the main base for example we'll right click create pitch as normal and then we would draw in the pattern that we want [Music] now what we want to do to link the other sounds to that clip now is do the same thing so go to create automation clip under the pitch but what you'll do different here is instead of hitting create automation clip under remote control click link to controller and then under internal controller you'll want to select the new automation clip in this case it's called aspire underscore x64 channel pitch so we'll select that and then after that if you see this remove conflict button highlighted just uncheck it and then click accept and now what you'll see is that it's linked to the one automation clip tip number nine copy automation clips to get the same curve so let's say we have our curve let's look at the drop base volume automation clip you see it's two bars on two bars off two bars on two bars off so let's say for whatever reason we wanted the base to follow the same pattern but we didn't want to use tip number eight and link it to one automation clip but instead create another one what we can do is we can go to our drop base group and we can get a new fruity balance create automation clip so now we have another volume parameter being automated just like the brass now instead of penciling it in and you know copying automation points and all that other stuff what you can just do is you can double click go to the top left hand corner in the drop down menu under articulator and then copy state now go to the automation clip that you want to copy that over to do the same thing drop down menu articulator and then paste 8 and then you'll see it copies right over tip number 10 is one that I personally use all the time and that's using the insert space function to create more room in your projects without having to manually move everything around so for example in this project let's say right after this bit here let's say I wanted like a really dramatic drop-off now instead of moving everything manually what I could do is just highlight the section that I want a space added go to file edit and then insert space now once you've clicked insert space it'll automatically move everything else without you having to touch anything and give you the space that you desire to work with tip number 11 use the data folder in each project to make sure that you never lose any bounce out tracks or any recorded audio so the way you would go about doing this is go to options and then under options you'll see project general settings click that and then you'll see data folder so as you'll see here we don't have anything under the data folder section if we click auto it'll automatically tell FL studio' to put any frozen clips or any rendered audio whatever into this location to take this up further we can click the folder icon next to it and create a whole new folder so that it's specifically wherever we want it in this case I'd wanted to be under YouTube I click make new folder I'd name that folder 20 FL tips and then click OK and then would you like to save the current project in this folder I typically do so now the pathway I said here everything that I render everything that I export will all get sent to this folders sometimes when you're moving things around with hard drives and saw things can get lost and this is just a good way to ensure that all your recorded and files needed to run this project properly are all within one location it's in there twelve make quick arpeggiators using chords through the fruity wrapper settings so open up the plugin that you'd want to make the arpeggiator that has chords already click the cogwheel in the top left and the wrench and then after that you'll see this arpeggiator section down here choose the direction and adjust the time as you want for a quick arpeggiator tip number 13 if you prefer to have a little bit more control using your Arps and actually prefer everything penciled in what you could do is still use cords and hit alt a with the cords open and it'll automatically make an arpeggiator for you and you could just some settings to get it how you want for a quick arpeggiator with more control tip number 14 automate the volume multiplier instead of the channel volume to get more control and more volume let's say for example you wanted to take this percussion and we wanted to automate the volume in a certain section we'll say this section right here as you can see when you automate the channel volume it's already set to 78% and I believe you're only given about an additional 60 B when you automate it to a hundred percent here now it doesn't get as loud as I want so instead what we could do is we could double click our audio source and then go to the wrench and under levels adjustment there's a volume knob you can boost it up or you can create an automation clip and you'll see here it's given to you at 50% and you can make it much much louder and I believe it's a 20 DB increase which is very loud volume warning so as you can see there it's much louder than automating the channel volume and it gives us much more control tip number 15 copying over effects chains to new tracks quickly let's say we wanted to take this sound here and we wanted to take that processing and put it on the sound what you can do is just right-click the channel that you want to be copied go to file/save mixer state as and click and drag on to the desired track and just like that it's all copied over tip number 16 auditioning samples using the scroll wheel so in this project I have the drums already laid out and I have this kick pattern if I wanted to try a new kick I can just drag and drop into the sampler channel or what's quicker is I can just scroll over the sounds that I want to try and hit the scroll wheel [Music] it's a much faster way to find the sound you're looking for tip number 17 every now and then make sure you guys are hitting f12 to close all your windows what happens is sometimes you can see here if we hide our playlists by hitting f5 you can see that we have all these open plug-in windows that I forgot to close but what happens is sometimes when we have a big project may have all these plug-in windows open it takes a toll on your computer and if you exit out for example your project and you reopen it sometimes it's such a stress on your computer that it can't open up because so many plug-in interfaces are open I've had problems where I can't even open project files anymore because I forgot to close all the windows so to avoid any project mishaps or project corruptions or whatever and ease the stress up on your computer just hit f12 and it'll hide all those windows and you'll be good to go tip number 18 switch on smart disable for all plugins so that it reduces your CPU load the way you would do that is by going the tools in the upper left hand corner going to macros and then going to switch smart to say before all plugins on and it even says it in the top left corner there you'll see it says this will spare CPU and then in the right corner you'll see my CPU meter is at 22 23 right now when I click switch smart disable for all plugins you'll see that drops right down to 4 or 5 and again it like basically turns off all the plugins when you're not using them and it'll turn on when you are using them so it's just a good way to reduce your CPU load tip number 19 this is one of my favorites that are probably on this list and that is grouping automation clips underneath their main tracks now this is a huge organization tip and one that I use literally every single day so what it is is let's say you have your sound in this case the drop brass let's say we want to just like organize and clean up this project a little bit what we could do is we can right click all the autumn click tracks and click group with a bub track and we can do that for all the automation clips and then there'll be this drop-down arrow under your main track now so we can click that and it hides all the automation in this case I have like a volume of pitch in a reverb that I did for an example sounds like this and then when I hide that now it's still doing that and you don't have to look at the automation so that's really good if you make the automation you're happy with it just group it with the above track hide it and you won't have to look at it it'll be so much easier on your eyes to see less craziness on the screen and lastly tip 20 use shift G to group things together so that you can move them in big chunks especially when things get intricate so in this project here I have some clicks and high hats and these clicks are placed very specifically like summer off some are on etc and then I have these high hats to follow along with it now what you can do is you could select all of these hit shift G so after clicking shift G you'll see this button I'm here highlights and this lets you know that the groups are now enabled you can see here as I move these along they move together as unit as opposed to over here they're not grouped together at all and they're separate and again it's really easy to accidentally move things off the grid etcetera especially when you take time to be intricate and place things in certain spots once you're happy with that group them all together and they'll be golden so there you have it 20 FL studio tips and tricks that I always use I hope you guys found this video helpful and enjoyed it if you did please be sure to hit that like button hit the subscribe button and hit that notification go because I am uploading every week if you guys have any requests or suggestions of things you'd like to see from me feel free to leave that in the comment section down below but other than that that'll be all for me today so I hope you guys have a great rest your day I'll catch you guys next time [Music] [Music]
Channel: Ryos
Views: 352,298
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ryos, EDM, Progressive House, Progressive, House, Music, Electronic, Energetic, Melodic, Melody, Big, Room, Big Room, Huge, Beautiful, Tunes, 2016, 2017, 2015, Sick drop, sick drops, clean, kaaze, allisa, rose, edm, revealed, recordings, proximity, 2019, 2020, best, up, coming, upcoming, producer, studio, tutorial, teacher, how to, fl studio, 20, synths, progressive, jonas, aden, hardwell, kshmr, session, huang, reid, stefan, big, room, famous, process, leads, nexus, FL Studio, Tips, and, Tricks, Profressional, Pro, Hacks, Always, Use, Workflow
Id: o-eGpIZUoXw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 14sec (974 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 09 2019
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