20+ Developer YouTube Channels To Follow

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1.Chris course 2.Telusko learning 3.Programming with mosh Are three YouTube channel that are also amazing but it's not in the list.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/burns_of_life 📅︎︎ Oct 30 2019 🗫︎ replies

Ugh. 24 minutes. Someone report back if they include “tech lead”. If they do, it’s full of shit.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/DeusOtiosus 📅︎︎ Oct 30 2019 🗫︎ replies

A lot of beginner and tutorial channels in this list. Does anyone have any suggestions of favorite youtube channels for senior level developers?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/wllmsaccnt 📅︎︎ Oct 30 2019 🗫︎ replies
[Music] hey guys if you're a freelancer or looking to start check out the freelancer bundle from study web development comm and includes a whole bunch of resources to help run your business click on the link in the description below and use the code TM 25 to get 25% off hey what's going on guys so in this video I want to do something that I've been meaning to do for a while and that is showcase a bunch of developer related YouTube channels that I'm subscribed to then I'm a fan of that I think you guys can benefit from and there are all types of channels summer tutorials this tutorial base some are discussion-based some are live streamers so all different types of content that's I think you can benefit from and if you have any other suggestions that I don't mention feel free to add them in the comments so first channel we're gonna look at is dev ed and these are in no particular order whatsoever David's channel I found a few months ago he does a lot of cool front-end tutorials you know HTML CSS JavaScript but he also does discussion-based he does some really funny videos he has a really funny and entertaining personality and he actually did a video where he bought a website off Fiverr for five bucks and kind of documents the experience and the end result and it's just it's a pretty funny video he did this one recently I'm bad at coding where he says you know youtubers like himself and even mentioned me that we do a lot of research and you know planning before our tutorials so it makes it look like it's easier than it really is which is absolutely true and I've said this over and over so I can't really I can't hate on them for that but it's a pretty funny video you see them kind of struggle without doing any planning or anything like that or even looking stuff up so the next channel is design course which is run by Gary Simon who actually talked through quite a bit on discord just exchange ideas and stuff like that really cool guy he does a lot of UI UX stuff which is what I like because I feel like that's really lacking on YouTube you find a ton of of stuff on react or whatever but he does a lot of UI UX and design stuff which is really helpful especially if you're a programmer and you suck at design a lot of his videos will help you out and he does do programming stuff he does you know angular of UJS and so on but I really liked the design stuff and he does a live stream called the negative space or he takes his viewers portfolios and critiques them and gives them advice and it's just really helpful in terms of you know user interface stuff so next one is the net ninja who I'm sure most of you have heard of and are probably subscribed to if not you should be because this guy I think his name's Sean he bust his ass making these videos and I can tell you from from being a content creator and you can see every video is part of a series and these series are to me they're more valuable than a lot of premium courses that you would actually pay for and he does pretty much everything you know JavaScript graph QL WebSockets PHP even progressive Web Apps nodejs this is this is a series that's three years old and I actually learned a lot in terms of what I know from nodejs from this series here and then currently he's working on or putting out a flutter series which I plan on watching as well object oriented PHP so this is the most organized and dude on YouTube in my opinion and probably one of the channels I've learned the most from myself alright so the next channel is I forgot to click on it is free code camp and free code camp is a plat an online learning platform but they also have a pretty cool YouTube channel they're really getting up there and subscribers as well but they have videos on just about any language any framework that you can think of whether it's JavaScript Python PHP Java c-sharp just anything spell to react darts flutter whatever whatever it is that you want to learn you can find here now it's all different instructors it's not like it's one instructor putting all these out that if one instructor could do all this I'd be pretty damn impressed some of them you might not really vibe with and some of them might be great so it really you know it's hit or miss depending on the instructor but I'm sure you can find something that you like here there's just so much content all right so next is program with Eric so eric has a channel where he does a lot of like tips and tricks stuff like that he also does tutorials and he does a lot of UJS so if you have UJS developer he's definitely someone you should follow you know as videos on typescript and graph QL CSS hacks he does udemy course reviews I believe he even reviewed one of my courses where is it yeah right here so he reviewed my Python django course which needs to be updated by the way but yeah he has he has some really cool videos and he releases content pretty often as you can see right here Monday Wednesdays and sometimes Friday so definitely someone you want to check out and he actually does a podcast with the next channel here Dylan Israel they do a podcast called self-taught or not which is is pretty cool pretty informative and I followed Dylan for years now he used to it used to be called coding tutorials 360 and what I like about his channel is he's basically documented his entire career from when he was he started to learn from I think free code camp and like code Academy all up all up until now where he's a senior developer that makes you know six figures per year and he's kind of documented that whole journey and he does tutorials as you can see but he also does discussion based videos about the industry how to write clean code he does a lot of live streams which I tend to listen to like when I'm cooking or in the car or something like that a lot of the live streams most of them I don't listen to when they're live just because I don't want attention I don't want people to recognize me or anything and start chatting because usually I'm not even watching it I'm just listening to it so I watch them after the fact so if you're wondering why you never see me in these live streams that's why but yeah definitely someone you should follow especially if you are you know trying to get a job in the industry or you work in the industry alright so the next channel is coding garden with CJ which is a channel I found a few months ago and is probably right now my favorite channel as far as as far as learning more JavaScript because he's an incredible developer and he does I think he only does live streams and they're very long you can see through all three hours almost four hours but he goes in depth for people that complained that tutorials are too polished and it's not real life you know this is this is the type of content that you want to follow of course it takes longer and that's the reason I don't really do this and I don't I haven't live streamed yet I plan on doing it at some point but you know he he really like shows you his process his thought process of what he's doing he does note he does view j/s he does these code Coty's where he does code wars and algorithms which I've recently started to get more into I've always hated doing algorithms but I've realized how valuable they are and watching his videos really helps you get it you know see his thought process so the only is 15 thousand subs he deserves a hell of a lot more so definitely check them out and subscribe and you're definitely gonna learn something especially you know if you're a JavaScript developer so next is coding train who also does a lot of live streams he also has other you know tutorial based videos I haven't watched coding train in a while but he's very entertaining funny guy he does a lot of different things with like algorithms with api's with different libraries he used to use the the p5.js library a lot so definitely something for everyone here alright so the next one is fun fun function which is run by M PJ who was very entertaining guy I like watching him he also runs the Travis Nielsen's old channel dev tips which is a great channel as well although I don't think he's uploaded much on that channel but fun fun function used to do a lot of tutorials in fact I learned a lot of functional JavaScript from him a lot of like the high order array methods and stuff like that I can attribute to two mpj now he does a lot of live streams and interviews it seems you can see he has different people on on his channel as guests he doesn't upload as much as he used to it seems and he also talks about more personal things which I really like and I try to do on my channel yeah this one right here why I'm going to therapy this is you know this stuff most people don't put out content like this because they don't want to be vulnerable and I really respect people that that do put out stuff like that because it's real you know I respect people that are real and aren't just you know aren't just a character on on the channel so I really respect that he's also a fantastic JavaScript developer too to follow so next we have Stefan miss Chuck I hope I pronounced that correctly Stefan is he's a he's a veteran and he knows a lot is he's been doing this I believe since the 90s and he he comes from I hope I'm right on this but from what I've seen he comes from the freelancing and business world rather than the corporate world in terms of development and he gives a lot of great practical advice that is really beneficial to freelancers people trying to start their own business you know he talks about different languages and and what's the you know what's the most practical language or framework talks about you know how to scale businesses and stuff like that all types of different topics and he died he doesn't do two tutorials but I believe he has premium courses in fact like I took a course from him a long long time ago a PHP course on I think it was killer sites was the the website that he runs or ran and he's a great teacher as well but I don't think he does tutorials on his channel but there's a lot of a lot of great advice all right so next one is academia CH is an incredible Learning Channel max the guy who runs it is incredibly knowledgeable in fact he he does a lot of udemy courses as I do and he's one of the top instructors and I've purchased maybe five or six of his courses his courses and like react angular spells flutter the knowledge of this guy is just incredible so definitely check his udemy courses out as well but on his channel you'll find I guess shorter videos that are you know discussion based is PHP dead but he also does like crash courses react native flutter crash course Ness js7 steps to learn new things so his channel is kind of similar to mine in terms of the content ionic for crash course so if you like my channel you probably like his and you know his udemy courses are fantastic they're they're very they're long but they're very in-depth and you learn a lot so definitely an educator to follow online so next we have real tough candy so we're going to break out of the sausage fest for a minute and we finally have a female's perspective on web development real tough candy is is definitely a channel that you should follow regardless of what type of developer you are or what skill level you're at junior developers can really can really benefit from this channel she has a lot of really great advice and it's entertaining as well she has a really unique style and editing you know editing skills and she does little skits little funny skits she does you to miracle reviews course reviews and stuff like that so definitely someone you want to check out really cool girl all right so next we have coding phase and what I like about Joe from coding phase is he tells it like it is he's very real and raw and unfiltered and I like that I don't like when people are just you know like I said just fake characters and he tells it like it is and and he also really seems to to care about his audience and his community so he tries to help get people jobs and you know get them to learn what they should be learning and he'll also you know rema out if they're not if they're being lazy or stupid you know he's unfiltered and I like that so definitely someone if you like that kind of style that you should follow so let's see where are we next we have Chris Hawkes so Chris I've been following Chris for four or five years now we've talked through email and stuff like that and in one of my recent videos I think it was stressing over frameworks video I talked about negativity on YouTube and a lot of people immediately said that you know oh this is a response to Chris Hawkes or whatever and it wasn't a response to any single channel or video it's just different specific videos that I've seen lately and I mean I will say that some of Chris's videos like the ditch react one time I wasn't a big fan of but that's just my opinion and that's just you know a couple videos that he did I mean 90% of his videos I agree with or of his viewpoints so I mean I've talked with Chris through email before I think he's he's someone that reminds me of someone that I would have hung out with growing up and we're the same age we have kind of a similar background where we started programming later in life did like construction and stuff before that so really cool guy really like him and I like his channel all right so next one is Joshua fluke josh is another one that people pointed out when I talked about negativity and yes maybe a couple videos were on the negative side but I would say you know 98% of his videos are encouraging and positive what's unfortunate is that it seems like the ones that were more negative are that get the most views and that's that has nothing to do with Josh that's something that disappoints me in general is when someone makes a negative video that's what people flock to which is it seems backwards but anyways that has nothing to do with Josh he's a great guy he hustles hard his company's called grind real for a specific reason that's because he's he's a hard worker and you can tell through his videos as far as coding I mean you know he talks about code but he doesn't really do tutorials and stuff he does you know talks about the industry talks about making money and in bettering yourself and and also calls certain things out but yeah he's he's entertaining and and has some some unique topics but yeah and I've talked to Josh a couple times too he's he's a cool guy and someone that I'd suggest following so next we have Caleb curry so Caleb I just found his channel I don't know maybe a month ago maybe a little longer he does different languages than most of these channels so as you can see Java he does and he does discussion based videos and some some other unique videos as well like this one right here I watched the other day Network guide for the socially awkward so I like stuff like that I like getting you know getting into personal stuff and then he has this long Java series where he actually pulls out a whiteboard and explains things and something you should check out if you're interested in Java Java is still really popular in the enterprise world in the big business world c-sharp he has I think he even has some see yeah C programming so now we're getting into really low level stuff so someone you might want to check out if you're interested in any of these languages and just you know programming discussion in general so next we have sent Dex sent Dex is the I would call him the king of YouTube Python tutorials and he does just about anything you can think of with Python he does machine learning AI does web development with django and flask just building little tools he also just does javascript stuff as well but he's mostly known for his his Python stuff he does data visualization and data analytics and a lot of stuff that is just over my head he's definitely you know a hell of a lot better Python developer than I am and I've learned a lot from him so definitely follow him especially if you're a Python dev so next we have mm totes alright yea multimedia tutorials and he does mostly beginner based videos PHP lots of PHP stuff he does some JavaScript he does c-sharp so and they're they're very organized as you can see so definitely someone to follow if you're you know just getting into these different languages I don't believe he does stuff on like frameworks it's mostly languages which which is actually good because that's you know you want to learn the fundamentals that's the most important thing to learn and he's got a really good personality seems like a really nice guy alright next we have CS dojo so CS dojo I haven't really watched his channel and in a while but I think he was a he's an ex-googler so someone you want to listen to if you're you know looking to work at a big company looking to work in the industry like that he does a lot of computer science stuff data structures algorithms interview preparation which is really valuable so he gives you tips on getting a job at one of these big companies what else let's say machine learning q and hey like I said I haven't watched this channel in a while even he does stuff with Django build a Twitter bot with Python so discussions slash tutorial based channel he's got quite a few subscribers as well one point 12 million so the next one is level up tutorials or level up Tut's which is run by Scott Olinsky who is one of the hosts of the syntax podcast which is probably my favorite dev related pocketville definitely is my favorite dev related podcast and he co-hosts with West boss so his channel he does all JavaScript stuff react he does some graph QL Apollo view Jay s electron and he sells premium courses as well at level up Tut's calm which I'm actually a member of a subscriber whatever you want to call it and he does a lot of really cool JavaScript stuff there and he I think he does like a series every month on something different so definitely someone you want to follow and check out and then that brings us to the next one who is West boss which is the other hosts on syntax and Wes Wes his channel is it's great but he doesn't upload very much as you can see month ago six months ago seven months ago but I still wanted to include him just because I really I look up to him as a content creator developer content creator because with his teaching style he's able to explain things really well and fit a lot into a small amount of time so he has both free and premium courses and his courses are short relative to like udemy courses that are you know 15 20 hours long but he fits so much into it and explains it really well so I really admire him as a content creator and I wanted to feature his channel even though he doesn't upload that much but the videos that he does have are very valuable he actually put his whole CSS grid courses free course on his channel as well alright so the last one is the new Boston and actually let's go to his homepage here so the new Boston I'm sure just about all of you know especially if you've been around for a while he's kind of the pioneer of the YouTube tutorial you know programming tutorial world and was a huge inspiration for me to stop my channel and he definitely by far has the most subscribers as you can see here almost two and a half million and he hasn't made a video in almost three years so you're probably wondering why the hell I'm including him his channel here and name's bucky Roberts and I'm including it because like I said he kind of created this niche and he has over 4,000 videos now a lot of these are going to be out of date like anything that is a framework like react angular Django I mean these have all changed so much in the past three years that I wouldn't recommend watching these however he does have like Android tutorials and and Java and you know Python web crawler what else just trying to see what would still be relevant here he has c programming tutorials which i've watched back in the day PHP c-sharp so definitely you know c++ so these are still relevant because you're not going to find much changed in the in the core you know standard library of these languages and he just has a really unique teaching style and he I've seen some people say like oh he's not professional because he uses like tuna and bacon for variable names and he's just not serious but that's just his style and it's very it's it's easy to consume and you know he has a great personality he's funny and and it's just it's easy to learn with him and you know I had to give him credit because I don't think I would be where I am today without learning from him and also getting inspired by his you know his tutorials so that's it guys hopefully there's at least one or two channels here that you didn't know about that you will check out and you'll learn from and enjoy of course there's so many more channels out there I just can't fit them all in one video if you have a dev related channel that you really like that you follow that you think people would benefit from go ahead and leave it in the comments don't leave the link but leave the the channel name so people can check that out but that's it thanks for watching please leave a thumbs up if you like this video and I'll see you next time
Channel: Traversy Media
Views: 181,710
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: developers, youtube developers, devtubers, youtube programming
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 8sec (1448 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 28 2019
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