20 Buildings That Violate All The Laws Of Physics

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thank you the world is supposed to obey by certain scientific rules or else chaos would Reign now I don't want to sound like I'm reading some kind of crazy sci-fi mumbo jumbo here but there are actually some Curious incidents when the world does not behave in the way Stephen Hawking told us it does so many in fact we can make a billion videos out of it and probably will do but today we are going to focus on buildings that baffles even the biggest of buffens these are 20 buildings that violate all the laws of physics [Music] number 20 the balancing Barn in Suffolk United Kingdom you'll love it or you'll hate it but we can all at least agree that the balancing Barn in Suffolk United Kingdom is definitely different the balancing barn by a small lake near the village of thorington in Suffolk has been designed to reflect the natural environment with reflective metal sheeting look at it and you seem nettle but you also see trees grass and other natural materials when you make your way to the home up a 984 foot driveway all you see is a tiny two-person home it doesn't look like much but that's because you're seeing the end of it is not until you get to the end of the driveway that you realize the barn is actually almost 100 feet long and boasts a 50-foot cantilever over a slope delivering half of the barn into nature as worried as you might be about the barn snapping in half clever engineering is at play the building structure is rigid allowing for half of it to be supported by absolutely nothing there is also a Central Concrete core simple from the outside it's deceivingly spacious and contemporary on the inside there's a large kitchen and dining room for double bedrooms a separate bathroom and toilet and a hidden staircase to the underneath Garden The mvrdv Architects really thought of everything now it's time for the odd topic this Mahan nakon is quite a curious building situated in Bangkok Thailand it simply has to be one of the craziest buildings in the world disagree be sure to sound off in the comments towering 314 meters or 1030 feet into the sky this colossal complex has more than 200 apartments and is full of everything you could want from bars to Cinemas to restaurants I mean it's basically the building from JG Ballard's novel high-rise a building this huge really should topple over but it defies all the laws of physics and continues to stand tall and proud its main attraction is a walkway that only the bravest can stomach because it has a glass floor imagine walking looking down and realizing you are 1030 feet in the sky it's enough to make you vomit think you could stomach it as always let us know your thoughts in the comments section down below using the hashtag oddtopic number 19 Paul house in Fairhaven Australia building a house by the beach has always been something slightly concerning we don't know what our oceans will look like in the future or whether our dream homes will end up under the water but the owners of the pole house in Fairhaven Australia don't have to worry about that they can have the best of both worlds Ocean View and minimal risk of losing them that's because this house is suspended 131 feet in the air looking out over Fairhaven Beach the renovated property was initially built by Frank Dixon in the 1970s and was redesigned later by F2 architecture architect Franco fiorentini for decades it has been a landmark and something you look out for as you make your way down to the popular Fairhaven Beach is easily one of the most iconic homes in Australia it sits on a concrete platform supported by pylon and is accessible by a narrow concrete bridge once inside the property you're treated to Sensational panoramic views over the ocean courtesy of the full height walls and frameless glass balustrades while the new owners undoubtedly enjoyed this 689 square foot elevated home they ensure others can too you can rent this home for a minimum of two days for upwards of 434 dollars per night number 18 takasuki and Tea House in Nagano prefecture Japan we already know that Japan is the master of Treetop architecture so you probably wouldn't be very surprised to see the tagasuki and tea house it's a unique Treehouse designed by Terra Nobu fujimori that has been built on family land in Chino Nagano prefecture it's small and compact at 29 square feet with only enough space for about four and a half tatami mats but I guess that's all the space you need to make tea but obviously the most unique feature of this tea house is that it's built on trees two Chestnut trees were felled nearby with the trunks brought to the family plot of land to be used as support structures once the Tea House was built on the top a tree-standing ladder was leaned against it for guests to climb up but they aren't able to climb right to the top in one go instead they have to stop halfway remove their shoes and leave them on a platform if you're scared of heights you wouldn't want to look down once inside you'll see that the whole house is fitted out with bamboo and plaster and three large windows it's a simple space the one that's somehow still amazes all who see it number 17 Museum of tomorrow in Rio De Janeiro Brazil when you think of a museum you picture rows and rows of old dusty artifacts with exciting stories behind them the Museum of tomorrow in hio De Janeiro Brazil is much different it's easily one of the most extraordinary buildings in Brazil but it's also a museum that focuses on science and art emphasizing sustainability and the changes required to prevent social collapse climate disaster and environmental ruin the 59 million dollar building was developed in what used to be one of the poorest and most crime-ridden Parts in Hiro de chanhiro it's now a sign of wealth if you live or work there and the Museum of Tomorrow undoubtedly contributed to that change the building was designed to adapt to changing environments and is also at The Cutting Edge of sustainability about 40 percent less energy than conventional buildings and nine percent of that energy comes from the sun it also has a cooling system that accesses water from guanabara Bay when you enter you don't you also don't see those expected Dusty historical exhibits instead you walk through a type of digital portal with nine projectors in an egg-shaped Cinema displaying 13.7 billion years of geological and natural changes the curator Alberto oliviera said the hope is for people to leave the museum feeling inspired and Disturbed number 16 the seventh room in harad Sweden The Treehouse business is already well known for providing tree houses in The Tall Pine forests of Northern Sweden for guests to stay overnight the seventh room in harat Sweden is one of their latest Creations built as a 55 M2 traditional Nordic cabin within a tree canopy overlooking the Little River and Lapland Treetops but accessing the seventh room is no easy feat guests have to walk up a staircase to get to the top fortunately there is a small lift to transport luggage so you don't have to Lug your suitcases up with you once inside you get to enjoy the authentic raw beauty of the cabin Pine boards have been used for the wooden facade and the surfaces have been burned to ensure minimal maintenance the flooring also features Ash wood while the interior walls are perched plywood they provide a light bright and beautiful interior that makes you feel like you're in a five-star hotel room not a tree house number 15. haberoscopian house in Madrid Spain the hammeroscopium house in Madrid Spain isn't what you would call an ordinary house it seems more like something a child would dream up when they're playing with Lego but somehow it just works at the bottom of the house there are a series of structural supports that seem to promote the look of instability but they are so cleverly placed that you just know that the structure is stable from the bottom up the glass and concrete house become significantly lighter and more evenly distributed providing peace of mind that this is just clever architecture not poor engineering the house isn't going to fall over at any moment the hemaroscopium house took an entire year to engineer but a mere week to actually build the structure much of it was prefabricated to allow for a very specific design the 400 M2 House was built in 2008 and designed by Architects of Ensemble studio and while you think it may look like a multi-million dollar property due to its complexities and weight it only costs around 2 250 thousand dollars to build number 14 upside down house in thrassenhage Germany when you see the upside down house in Crescent High East Germany you might assume it was a transportable home that was accidentally plopped down on the land the wrong way up but it's intentionally like this it's a special exhibit completed in 2008 that has drawn visitors from far and wide it's called devoutstatkopf translating to the world stands on its head in English two architects Claudius golos and Sebastian mikakiok were tasked with this interesting creation for a project called the world upside down visitors could enter the home and see an everyday home from A New Perspective Not only was the house upside down but so was everything in it okay due to the weights from the roof penetrating the ground the house was built on a steel frame but the frame as well as the upright stairs to help visitors enter the house are the only normal things about it once you're inside you can move from room to room and see everything upside down even the toilet is upside down where they comically placed toilet brush beside it it's incredibly disorientating but it's undoubtedly well worth a look if you find yourself in press and hide for any reason pay your 7 Euro entry fee and go take a look number 13. Beef and Tower in Manchester England the beetham tower wouldn't lock out a place in London any major U.S city or Dubai but it certainly seems out of place in Manchester England the 550 foot tall skyscraper was described as the very first outside London it was also the tallest building in Manchester and outside London from 2006 until 2018. the 47-story building was designed by Simpson Hague and partners and developed by beetham organization which it is named after however it often goes by the name Hilton tower because the floor pan is so elongated beetham Tower is believed to be one of the thinnest skyscrapers in the world with a 10 to 1 height to width ratio however a Canta leather is halfway up to Mark the difference between hotel and residential use the first 22 floors make up the 279 bedroom Hilton Manchester deansgate Hotel while floors 25 to 47 are residential Apartments architect Ian Simpson lives in the very top floor or Penthouse which is believed to be the highest residential space in the whole of Europe beetham Tower is well known for its many firsts but is also known for some of the incidents that have happened there in 2008 a glass paint cracked and the following year a fire broke out on the 31st floor leaving one apartment uninhabitable in 2011 beetham Hotel Manchester LTD went into liquidation and the hotel was sold to businessman Lucas Luca number 12. CCTV headquarters in Beijing China once you see the CCTV headquarters in Beijing China in person you'd be unlikely to argue with the statement Architects made they called it the greatest work of architecture built in this century and it really is no wonder it won the award in 2013 for the best tall building worldwide it's a 51-foot skyscraper in the Beijing Central business district that started being built in 2004. its facade was complete by 2009 and the China central television headquarters was officially inaugurated in 2013 but it's not just like any other skyscraper instead it's of a highly unusual shape with what some describe as a 3D cranked Loop two Leaning Towers form the building both with 90 degree bends at the top to connect and form a tube the skyscraper gets its support from the Grid on its surface as well as the bracing in the tube structure to withstand seismic activity with the two Leaning Towers were individual structures they were prone to wind and surface temperature variations caused by direct sunlight however the addition of the 90 degree sections at the top which seem to defy the laws of gravity removed some of those vulnerabilities however to ensure the correct Dimensions before joining the construction experts had to wait until the steel was at a uniform temperature therefore the towers were officially linked together on a cold Winter's day at eight o'clock in the morning number 11 Cube houses in the Netherlands space is a big problem in the Netherlands it's the 27th most densely populated country in the world so people have to get creative with how they build their homes and that's how the cube houses came to exist in helmond and Rotterdam architect Piet Blom designed them as high density housing with plenty of space on the ground level to optimize the interior space in his design he tilted the cube of a standard house so that it faced upwards and rested in a hexagonal pylon all homes were designed to look like a village with each house representing a tree people actually bought these unique homes to live in but as you might expect tourists were so curious about them that they started disturbing the residents one clever man decided to buy one of them furnish it as a typical house and offer tours for payments this meant that tourists wouldn't have to disturb homeowners just trying to live their lives they could see inside for themselves the cube houses have three floors a ground floor entrance a first floor with an open kitchen and living room a second floor with two bedrooms and a bathroom and a top floor with a small garden all windows and walls are set at a 54.7 degree angle due to the unusual angles about a quarter of the 1100 square feet of space in each Cube house isn't usable number 10 the Twisted house in Indianapolis United States you certainly wouldn't want to live in the Twisted house in Indianapolis Indiana but you would certainly want to visit it it's public art created by artist John McNaughton and forms part of the art spark initiative it's a sculpture featuring cedar wood made to look like a house resting simultaneously on its roof and Foundation the house roof balances on the forest floor and five distorted windows and one door are installed throughout the curved structure there are even flower holders inside each window with fake flowers in them John is well known for his out of the box drawings and sculptures he has been woodworking for over 37 years and has received two National Endowment for the Arts Awards you can also see his furniture and sculptures other Smithsonian institution the White House and the Indianapolis Museum of Art you can view the Twisted house exhibits at the Indianapolis Arts Center where it's housed Outdoors number nine the Lou rouvo Center for brain health and Las Vegas Nevada when you picture a medical clinic of any kind in your mind you might imagine a sterile looking and ordinary building that blends in with other structures you can't say the same about the Lou rouvo Center for brain health in Las Vegas Nevada this building which was opened in 2010 and is currently operated by the Cleveland Clinic looks like a giant sculpture it's nothing like you would expect the 100 million dollar building came to exist because of keep memory alive a philanthropic Department founded by Larry rouvo in memory of his father luo Ruvo who had Alzheimer's disease keep memory alive supports the Lou rouvo Center for brain health and has been a part of many events to raise money in the fight against Alzheimer's disease they have now raised more than 20 million dollars after the Lou rouvo Center for brain health was opened it operated as an outpatient treatment center treatment and research facility it spans about 65 000 square feet and has 13 exam rooms Healthcare practitioner and researcher officers a community Auditorium and a museum of the Mind number eight the vitra design Museum in Violin Moren Germany if you're going to create a museum for design you can almost guarantee the building itself will be of a unique design that's certainly the case with the vikra design Museum in Vile imrine Germany the museum is privately owned and was founded by rolfelbaum the chairman and board member for the furniture company vitra it's now an independent private Foundation at the Vitara Corporation provides it with a financial subsidy the architectural Delight that is the museum itself was designed by architect Frank gehry it was his first building in Europe and he created it with the help of architect Gunter Pfeiffer they opted for a sculptural deconstructivist style for the construction and used just white Plaster and titanium zinc alloy as the materials Frank also Shield away from his regular angular shapes in favor of Curves the sloping white shapes look very similar to the Notre Dame duhau Chapel in Ron champ France according to architecture critic Paul heyer the general impression of the museum is a changing swirl of white forms without relationships with each other number seven binoculars building while the binoculars building was originally known as the shiat day building the giant pair of binoculars at the front certainly help you see why it goes by the more common name binoculars building it's Google's Venice campus in Los Angeles California and was constructed in 1991 for an advertisement agency known today as tbwa shiat day architect Frank Gary was responsible for it and it's easily one of the most prominent buildings in the area the giant pair of binoculars on the front of the building covers a car and pedestrian entrance you might spot the parking garage entrance between the two binocular telescopes the binoculars also form part of the 75 000 square foot building which has more buildings which more buildings were added to as part of an expansion project Google has been the tenant in this Prime spot since 2011. if you want to see the building for yourself you can visit here at 340 Main Street in Venice Los Angeles it's of course easy to spot not only does it have a giant pair of black binoculars towering over the parked cars below it but it also has a stark white curved building to the left and a dark contemporary edgy building to the right number six the Louis Vuitton Foundation Building in Paris France most people visit Paris France to see the Eiffel Tower but it's also worth paying a visit to the Louis Vuitton foundation for creation building in the 16th arundissimant of Paris this beautiful structure is an art museum and Cultural Center and was designed by American architect Frank Geary it was finally built in 2014 and now more than 1.4 million people visit it annually when Frank Gary visited before it was built he imagined a building with inspiration from the grand Palais and the palmarium where is the results of his inspiration was a two-story building with 11 galleries spanning 41 441 feet with an auditorium seating 250 on the ground floor and multi-level roof Terraces for art installations and events Frank faced many challenges in his design particularly related to the fact that he had to build within the same volume of a bowling alley that he used to stand on the site anything up high also had to be glass so he opted for the building to have glass that looked like the sails of a sailboat in the wind with those glass sails encompassing an iceberg of white flowery Terraces number five the dancing house in Prague Czech Republic at first glance the dancing house in Prague Czech Republic looks like it has sustained some damage but get it close and you'll see that it has been designed to look that way it's the national Netherland and building designed by architect of lado melonic with architecture Frank Gary after the nine floor building was designed to sit on a vacant Riverfront plot it was built four years later in 1996 and has been piking passerby curiosity ever since originally Frank Geary gave the building the nickname Fred and ginger after Fred asteri and Ginger Rogers two dancers this was because the building kind of looked like two dancers however he discarded the name later saying he didn't want to bring American Hollywood kids to Prague the building style is called deconstructivist which basically means it's of an unusual shape it has 99 concrete panels supporting all the different shapes and dimensions and his feet and it features a twisted metal structure on the top called Mary there are also two main parts in the dancing house a glass tower with curved pillar supports and another Tower with unaligned Windows and moldings the goal of this design was to make it less evident that the building had two more floors than the adjacent buildings even though it was the same height Architects Eva jinsana was responsible for designing most of the dancing houses interior all commercial areas are in the lobby and on the first floor while the six floors above are all primary offices there is also a restaurant on the ninth floor as the building is split vertically into two parts Eva uses clever elements commonly used in ships to integrate small hallways into the building number four auditorio de Tenerife in the Canary Islands Spain if you're a fan of architecture you're going to be a fan of the auditorio de Tenerife in the Canary Islands of Spain this Auditorium next to the Atlantic Ocean on the Avenue of the Constitution is truly spectacular it was designed by architect Santiago calatrava and was completed in 2003 after around six years of construction since its construction it has been visited by many famous people like the prince of astorius Philippe VI and former U.S President Bill Clinton it's easily one of the most recognizable buildings in the Canary Islands it stands on a 250 foot square foot site of which the auditorium takes up 69 650 square feet in two Chambers and it has a main hall with a dome an Amphitheater where 1616 feet and a chamber Hall there is also a Press Room shop Cafe and individual rooms for hairdressing makeup and costumes there are even two Terraces on the outside overlooking the Atlantic Ocean these are all interesting features but we're ignoring the most prominent feature the ark this was a first in architectural history with the arced roof supported by two points and the rest seemingly to defy gravity it definitely gives Sydney Opera House vibes number three the Guggenheim Museum in belabau Spain pay a visit to abando Bilbao in Spain and don't forget to visit down to the guggen High Museum along the navian Estuary you'll spot it from a mile away because it is a beautifully modern and contemporary Museum designed by Frank Gary and is easily one of the most admired works of modern architecture in fact the museum was even called a signal movement in architectural culture because the general public critics and academics were all United on this project what you'll first notice about this architecture are the curves they all look random and they are but they are for the purpose of catching the light the interior is also designed around a flight-filled Atrium that boasts views of the Estuary and Basque Country when it was unveiled to the public in 1997 it was nearly immediately called one of the most spectacular deconstructivist buildings it consists of interconnecting stone glass and titanium and is most impressive when viewed from the river from the street it actually appears relatively modest it spans 260 000 square feet 120 000 square feet of which are for exhibition space and 11 000 square feet of exhibition space is spread out over 19 galleries everything about this building is unique and rare but perhaps the rarest of all is the fact that it was built on time and within budget that rarely happens number two the Crooked house in soccer to Poland walk down Monte Casino or MoCA streets in sopot Poland and you might wonder whether you've got a problem with your eyes all the buildings look normal until you get to kaziwi domek kaziwi domek is Polish for crooked house and is definitely that it's a 43 000 square foot building within the raisedense shopping center built in 2014. it was built for suzoity nisky and zeleski who had been inspired by fairy tale drawings and illustrations on its own this building probably wouldn't stand out all too much but it's the fact that it's seamlessly connected to other structures that make it stand out even more all walls windows and doors are curved to offer the illusion that the house is being stretched or bent in some way alongside its warped walls it has Sandstone framed windows architectural stained glass and a concave roof with enameled shingles to make her look like a cartoon dragon not only is it a popular tourist attraction but the Crooked house is also home to offices bars restaurants shops and the Poland version of the Hollywood Walk of Fame number one the bio Museum in Panama City Panama the bio Museum in Panama City Panama is so brightly colored and edgy that it looks like a giant playground for children except that it's not it's a natural history museum of the outdoor Causeway designed by architect Frank gehry far out this man seems to design everything it spans 43 000 and 55 square feet and boasts eight galleries a public Atrium a temporary exhibit space a gift store Botanical Garden exterior exhibits and a coffee shop the first five galleries in BIO museum were open to the public for the first time in 2014 and the remaining three were opened five years later in 2019. when you see this bio Museum from a distance such as on the south end of Panama Canal it's hard not to be amazed by what you see there's a gray backdrop of Modern Skyscrapers and a burst of color in the foreground from many different lines and shapes making up the attract of Bio Museum after seeing all these unusual physics law-defying buildings you might think your own house is pretty darn boring if you had to live in any of these structures which would you choose and why also check out other cool stuff showing up on the screen now we'll see you next time then folks this is Jake The Voice pass signing off thank you very much for watching and have a good one
Channel: Factsopedia
Views: 3,796
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: list, defy the laws of physics, in the world, laws of physics, places on earth, that defy, where gravity, real things, principles of physics, never seen, caught on camera, zero gravity, blow your mind, the world, laws of physics dont apply, mysterious videos, caught on tape, mind blowing, actually exist, defy physics, defy the law, places that defy the laws of physics, walking fish, exact sciences, mind tricks
Id: ih-mFda0uBE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 47sec (1727 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 07 2023
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