20 Advanced Verbs (C1) to Build Your Vocabulary | TOTAL English Fluency + FREE pdf

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hi there this is Harry and welcome back to Advanced English lessons with Harry where I try to help you to get a better understanding of the English language helping you with every aspect of the English language whether you're preparing for proficiency exams job interviews or perhaps you just want to improve your general conversational skills we're here to have any problems you have let us know so in this Advanced English lesson we're going to look at vocabulary we want to look at 20 verbs that will help you with your speaking and your writing so really here to improve your vocabulary to broaden your vocabulary as you know I'm a great advocate in having one-to-one lessons as the best way in which you can improve your English language skills so let me take a few minutes to tell you about preparing preply is an online tutor platform that have native teachers and many different languages including Spanish French Portuguese German and of course English in fact over 50 different languages 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to cancel so usually when we talk about abolish we're talking about laws or acts of parliament or something that have been abolished okay so it's quite a formal word and usually we are canceling or abolishing something that has been in place or in situ as they might see say in legal documents in situ for a long period of time so often if a law was very punitive then in the 100 years later or 60 years later they may abolish that particular law because it was regarded as too punitive okay so for example in 100 years or 200 years ago they abolished slavery in America okay so they abolished slavery where people couldn't use people as slaves so they abolished slavery or indeed in many many countries and states Across America they have abolished the death penalty so if people commit a capital a crime they can no longer be executed they can be put in prison for life of course but they will not suffer the death penalty so the death penalty has been abolished so two examples slavery was abolished many many years ago the death penalty in many many countries was also abolished okay so canceled but abolished being a much more formal word next verb to allege okay to allege and when we allege something we indicate or give the belief that someone is guilty of a crime before it has been proven okay so we allege that somebody broke into the Super market and stole the contents of the safe we allege it because there's no proof as yet or it hasn't been proven in the Law Courts he was or is the alleged robber and the police are collecting evidence so that they can decide whether he is guilty or not it is alleged that he killed a man in a crime of passion okay so somebody was found dead and the neighbor or friend is alleged to have killed him as a crime of passion okay so the robber is alleged to have broken into the supermarket and stolen the contents of the safe and the neighbor is alleged to have killed his other neighbor in a crime of passion make sure that you click on the link in the description below to get your 50 reduction and the first lesson that you purchase on preply.com arouse well when you arouse it means to evoke or to awaken passion for example in somebody or interest in somebody so something makes you feel more passionate or something makes you feel more interested in something to evoke so smells can evoke certain senses okay so he his odd behavior aroused the suspicions of his neighbors his odd behavior aroused the suspicions of his neighbors a visit to the Greek Islands aroused his interest in international travel okay so arouse means to evoke or awaken a passion or an interest so whatever he was doing his neighbors curiosity or suspicions were aroused when he was digging holes in the garden perhaps he was burying his wife in The Garden or a visit to the Greek Islands aroused his interest in travel because he really enjoyed enjoyed the warm Waters and the Beautiful Greek food to boast when we boast we talk excessively about what we own or what we have or what we've got or indeed what we've achieved so we're not just telling people I have a nice job I have a nice house or you should see my car or you should see my house oh it's got a beautiful garden so we talk excessively we boast about the things that we have he boasted for weeks about the big bonus his boss gave him and everybody was really jealous children in the playground always boast about whose father has the best or the biggest car okay so boasting talking up something or annoying everybody else when you talk it up in this case in the examples talking continuously about his big bonus that he got or the kids in the schoolyard arguing with each other and boasting as to whose father had or drove the best of the biggest car next to clench now we can clench our fists yeah or we can clench our teeth like that okay so when we make a fist we clench our fists so to make a fist with your hand as if you're going to punch somebody or to clench your teeth tight so you can't open your mouth okay so when I took my young son to the dentist for the first time he clenched his teeth so tightly we couldn't get his mouth open and the dentist couldn't examine his teeth I'm sure you've all experienced that and he clenched his fist in anger and was going to hit his opponent he clenched his fist in anger and was going to hit his opponent so to clench clench the fist trench clench the teeth he spoke through cleansed it yeah okay good next is to clutch okay clutch and when we clutch something we grab it very tightly okay so if you want to clutch something you hold something tight in your hand if you're standing in a bus and it's moving around you might clutch the support rail or the handrail so you don't fall over okay he clutched the young girl's hand so that she wouldn't run onto the road and get knocked over by a car so he clutched her hand tightly or the fireman ran out from the burning building clutching the dog in his arm so he ran out from the burning building clutching the dog in his arms okay so to clutch to hold on tightly to cram well we've all experienced this when we're going on holidays and we want to get the last piece of a towel or a shirt or shoes or suntan lotion into the bag so we cram everything in very tightly we squash it into the bag so when you cram a bag you pack it very tightly okay so you get as much as you can as much as possible into a very small space when there's really no room left so he crammed as many clothes as possible into the bag so that he could bring it on the plane as hand luggage so he didn't want to pay any extra charge to the airline company so he crammed as much as possible into his small bag so that he could carry it on as hand luggage he crammed three chocolates into his mouth so that no one else could get one he crammed three chocolates into his mouth so that no one else could get one the next verb is to devise yeah now just be careful here with the spelling d-e-v-i-s-e in the pronunciation to devise and when we devise something we come up with a plan or some something Innovative yeah so to devise a plan would be good a good expression to use he devised a clever way to increase sales in the company he devised a clever way to increase sales in the company who is going to devise a plan for the launch of our new product who is going to put forward themselves or to volunteer to devise a plan for the launch of our new product so to devise is to come up with a plan or to come up with something innovative to dwell next one to dwell now this can have a couple of meanings okay so we can dwell when we're talking about living somewhere but we can also dwell when we're thinking about something when we're thinking for a long time okay so to dwell in the countryside he likes to dwell in the countryside away from the big city yeah okay so it's quite a formal way to to say to live right or he's been dwelling on the past too long to dwell on the past means to think about what happened in the past perhaps he misses the old way of his life okay so we can dwell in the countryside means to to live there to enjoy the peace and quiet okay or we can dwell on the past where we think about something that happened in the past and perhaps our present life isn't so interesting or Isn't So enjoyable okay so to dwell on the past or to dwell in the countryside next to eradicate now when we say eradicate is a very formal word and it means to wipe out to wipe out completely okay so we often use it and say when we're talking about wars okay so the enemy were eradicated after days of fighting to be eradicated to be completely wiped out the Health Organization in many countries work really hard to eradicate some key diseases for example like measles so there's a campaign carried out in many countries to warn and make parents aware of the dangers of measles so they carry out inoculations and vaccinations to eradicate those countries from the effects of measles so we can eradicate an army through fighting and bombing or we can eradicate some really serious diseases like measles of TB through some program of vaccinations and inoculations to eradicate next to evolve evolve okay and evolve means to change gradually okay so it's not suddenly or overnight it's to change gradually or to develop okay so lots of things evolve he has evolved into a handsome young man the has evolved into a handsome young man the business has evolved over 20 years and is now the leading provider of those services so the business has evolved over a period of 20 years and is now the leading provider of financial services or consultancy Services next verb we have is to fumble fumble it's quite informal to fumble and it means to handle something in a clumsy way so maybe you're just dropping things or breaking things or you fumble around trying to find something that you cannot locate so while trying to use the new mouse on his laptop he fumbled around and made many mistakes in his emails or his presentation okay so he fumbled around with the mouse trying to get worked correctly she fumbled in her handbag trying to find her car keys she fumbled in her handbag trying to locate her car keys okay so to Fumble to handle something in a clumsy fashion or in a clumsy way to intimidate the next verb to intimidate well when we intimidate somebody we usually frighten them into doing something that we want them to do okay to intimidate somebody his boss always intimidated him used to stand over him until he finished the work so he intimidated him by standing over him watching and waiting for him to finish the work that he had given him don't be intimidated by his voice he's really a kind gentle person don't be intimidated by his voice he's really a kind generous or gentle person so somebody with a big deep voice might sound very intimidating what are you doing but in fact he's really a nice guy when you get to know him so to be intimidated by the sound of his voice or intimidated by the fact that somebody stands over your shoulder watching every move you make jettison okay this is an interesting word and it's really more associated with modes of travel like ships and airplanes okay so ships and airplanes and it means to get rid of something okay to get rid of something is to jettison something okay to get rid of or to throw away okay but as I said it's usually used when we're referring to planes and ships plane had to fly around in circles over the airport and jettisoned some excess fuel before it made an emergency landing to jettison some excess fuel before it made an emergency landing so perhaps there was a problem with the plane it had to return to the airport but before it could land it had to jettison some fuel in case there was an accident so it flew around for an hour overhead and then made its emergency landing the cruise ship jettison's waste water into the oceans as it's traveling from one continent to another so the cruise ship jettison's or dumps or throws away waste water into the oceans from showers and toilets and everything else move okay so it jettisoned all the dirty water next to ponder to ponder and to ponder means to think about a decision before you come up with some action or before you reach your decision so you're thinking about the decision carefully before you reach whatever decision you want to make and we we refer to ponder he pondered his future over a long slow glass of wine okay he pondered his future over a slow or long slow glass of wine so he was thinking about what he had to do or what he wanted to do or what he was going to say to his boss or perhaps he was thinking of handing in his resignation or he perhaps has already handed it in so he was thinking about the next step in his career over a long slow glass of wine she pondered his proposal over the weekend she was not sure whether he was Mr right so he had proposed marriage on the Friday so she pondered his proposal of marriage over the weekend not knowing whether he was Mr Right perhaps he was Mr Wrong yep okay so she pondered his proposal to prompt somebody to prompt is the next verb and when we prompt somebody we give them a clue or a little bit of a push or a little gentle reminder of something okay so he prompted me that the meeting was going to take place in an hour's time just in case I had forgotten so he prompted me he reminded me that the meeting was going to take place in an hour's time in case I had forgotten just because I forgot the last one okay I struggled to find the correct answer but the teacher was able to prompt me and I worked it out in the end so the I was struggling to find the answer to the mathematics problem but the teacher prompted me I was able to prompt me and I worked out the answer in the end so to prompt give a gentle little push or a little reminder or a little bit of help okay so if you were going to a pub quiz for example the quiz Master whoever set the questions might make an announcement that there is no prompts to be given to anyone when he was asking the questions that there was no prompts to be given to anybody while he was asking the questions okay so the next verb is to repeal repeal now earlier on we spoke about laws that might be abolished so we can also repeal certain laws okay and it always refers to legal matters when a law is no longer necessary or no longer required it is often repealed or indeed revoked as another word we can use so the law relating to the public allowing them to graze their cattle on the city Square was repealed as it was outdated nobody keeps cattle in the city anymore so it was repealed because it was out of date the government have been approached by the citizens representatives to repeal many outdated laws relating to women okay so the government has been approached by citizens groups or representatives to repeal outdated laws relating to women and females okay so this again about laws and outdated activities so we either repeal the law or we revoke them and in fact revoke is our next verb so revoke and repeal as synonyms of each other but there are other things we can revoke for example we can revoke a will so if somebody writes his will in a month or two months or six months before he dies he revokes his previous will and makes a new will okay so to revoke means to a null a cancer or to take back so in this case he revoked his previous will in favor of an new will or if you continuously break the speeding limits and you're continuously getting fined a judge might revoke your driving license okay so if your driving license is revoked it means it's canceled and you have to take the test again so if you're repeatedly break the rules of the or the speeding laws then you might run the risk of getting your driving driving license revoked canceled okay or nulled next verb to quibble to quibble is an unusual word quibble okay and it's quite informal and it means to argue or disagree about very trivial very small matters my only quibble was the distance that I had to walk to the restaurant so I went to this wonderful hotel for a holiday and it was absolutely beautiful the rooms were fantastic but my only quibble was the fact of the distance I had to walk to each of the restaurants okay so not a very important complaint okay and the other example would be they are always quibbling about the smallest detail on the bills when they go out for a meal together they're always quibbling over the last two cents or 10 cents or 20 cents and it doesn't really matter at all but they're trivial matters but they're always quibbling or arguing about them to quibble and then to startle to startle means to surprise someone unexpectedly to start when the bird flew and hit my window I was startled as I was sleeping in the chair so I was having a quick 40 Winks in the chair and I heard a bang against the window so I was startled by the noise because a bird had hit the window while I was sleeping okay or when I returned home early from work I startled a burglar trying to break into my house so I came home early and there was somebody trying to get in through the front or the back window and I startled them I surprised him and he ran off and I called the police trying to to catch you okay so to startles somebody okay so there you have 20 yep 20 verbs they're interesting verbs some of them a little bit unusual some of them more formal so these are going to help you to improve your vocabulary try and pick some of them out try to practice them try to put them into your own sentences and as always if you need some extra help some extra examples or additional information just come back to me and if you do like this particular lesson then please like the video and if you can subscribe to the channel because it does it really really helps okay so hopefully you can practice those particular verbs and get ready for the next lesson so this is Harry saying thank you for watching this lesson and joining me and I'll see you the next time
Channel: Learn English with Harry
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Keywords: advanced english lessons, learn english with harry, c1 english level, advanced english learning, online english lessons, find english tutor, speak better english with harry podcast, english fluency, improve english speaking, become fluent in english, build your vocabulary, proficiency english level, ielts exam, ielts writing
Id: -cqsIYxF-Ds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 41sec (1481 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 20 2023
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