20-5-2016 Timelapse A12 70 meter tunnel in one weekend under highway!!
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Channel: LapseSome Time
Views: 5,794,980
Rating: 4.7683196 out of 5
Keywords: A12 Ede Bennekom Heijmans
Id: btOE0rcKDC0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 20sec (200 seconds)
Published: Wed May 25 2016
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
This would take approximately 25 years in Boston time.
Time lapse of road construction in the US. http://image.nola.com/home/nola-media/width960/img/tpphotos/photo/2014/05/-57e2b03a9a487a68.jpg
The sudden burst of rain near the end was like someone threw a smokebomb! And when it cleared: VOILA! Pavement!
Meanwhile on the I-5: getting 0.0000000001% closer every day to being done.
During the weekend, they slid in a 70 meter long fauna tunnel under the highway. They also paved an 11 kilometer segment of highway (3 lanes + 1 shoulder) and all road markings have been applied.
In addition, they demolished the remainder of an overpass.
Oh and by the way this is how they build bridges
The Dutch don't fuck about when I comes to infrastructure. It's a fascinating country to visit, especially if you like transport and engineering.
If that was the UK, they would close one carriageway at a time, create massive traffic jams for months while taking an indeterminate amount of time.ο»Ώ
They're pretty clever with their prefab stuff. The cleverest one I'm aware of is the installation of a metro tunnel under Amsterdam's 120 year year old central station.
They just floated it in.
We're not in the top countries with the most efficient work-life balance in the world for nothing. Those guys want to get home to their children and enjoy a Grolsch while commenting on football.
Working on Sunday also pays really well. It's (depending on industry and the deal they made with the government this year) usually legislated at around 200% of your salary. Not to mention the holidays... 25 days a year paid leave if you're between 18 and 55.. more if you're above or below those. Noice for them; I get 24 days standard as a web developer.