2 YEARS LATER Savage Wilds, What's Changed Since Then? | Conan Exiles |

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2 years ago one of the best modded Maps came out for K and Exiles the name of that map is Savage Wilds back then when I did my original videos on this and it first came out they had a bit of the map done a lot of it was very fleshed out and they've been working on it for a hot minute now and at some point they added this whole new section in the South and a ton of new Dungeons and things to find across the map they've pretty much completed it nowadays and it looks spectacular I cannot believe this is a free map on the uh steam store absolutely amazing either way today I'm going to have a look around and have a little Tour on things I have missed because I have not played this for a year Savage wild Springs bustling towns terrifying volcanoes and one of my favorite things was their instances this is where you'd see somewhere on the map that you fought looks amazing and you'd be like yeah let me just go ahead and climb up this mountain and go through this and oh my goodness we're in a whole new world in a different place this is something this map did incredibly well and I really loved every moment one of the Great Moments about this as well the great things about these instances is that you could build in a lot of them so this is something unique that Savage worlds held to itself as well as the Caravan system either way you can't deny this is a fantastic map so I'm really intrigued to see what is new just a quick announcement I have started a brand new channel called Kiron Ark it'll be much appreciated if you could go over there and give me a sub and have some support I'm hoping to make it a cool thing so yeah there'll be some work going in over there as well as on this channel so thank you so one of the biggest changes I cannot ignore is the one in the South they added a whole new island to this sucker so we're just going to float over I'm checking this out creative because I just want to have a look round quick and see as much as possible but we have this what is this brand new pirate ship oh someone's had a really bad day um oh no I think we'll move over to the right hand side of this island and we'll have a look at uh what we got here so far I want to check out the camps that's always my favorite thing to have a look at cuz I love seeing the little designs people do what's this thing then oh this reminds me of the uh place on sipa where there's a little ship building thing on the beach near the a of dusk yeah look at this dude see I always find with uh Savage WS they always decorate their camps really well I going to move over cuz I did see something else like what is this like what excuse me so there's a really big looking is it going in the water no it's like a broken bridge and the pieces of bridge are down in the bottom of the sea I wonder what this was then is there something in here I can have a look at cuz it certainly looks like so I have a little nosy excuse me the dead Gates got lots of chains on the roof prison damn explosives and a angry boy some nice money oh there's like a little oh they got like full on stairs is this a cave let's have a little wiggle in here oh like a little int I rat hole type dealio I like that and another place really good for base spots this new expansion area is absolutely huge I don't know when they added it I'd have to double check but look at this dude look at this look what's going on here I love a little base down here what is this like a little town in in like oh wow okay another sip to reference it feels like when you had the uh lost men in the w walls what we got Crimson Tide Pirates so yeah they even have their own guys and stuff so creative oh a diving boards oh yeah I got to do this oh I wasn't expecting that you know I would have done that in survival and totally perished all right let me see if I could do that again I want to I want to see if I could jump yeah there we go that's better second attempt beautiful oh that's fantastic no wonder there was a giant pool of ketchup oh that's really I love how they added that that's so funny this is the thing you kind of need with maps that I feel like some people do miss out on it says landmarks landmarks are really important whether that just be camps of people or things to look at I think landmarks are extremely important when making a map because it's what makes your map really because you know you have lots to look at lots to explore and I think that's one thing that I've always loved about conam is being able to explore things and find out what's what and then you know just see areas you can go to get Loot and feel rewarded you know all of that good stuff so it's one of my favorite things about this map they always have a lot of landmarks there's tons of camps I don't know how many in total but there is a lot okay and it's not just obvious landmarks either it's like landmarks you wouldn't expect so like hidden secrets and all that is definitely something I really appreciate W they have a treehouse oh my goodness look at this oh wow this is so cool I've been missing out dudes I need to play this again I've been playing too much exod lands because the chapters have been promoting to play on those cuz the new updates but honestly guys I need to play zipor again I need to play world again especially there's probably so many things I haven't seen here that I'm missing and I'm going to miss cuz just oh it's beautiful oh look at this they got a whole h of a ship look at that look at that sticking out the cliff oh it's a cave a see look look at this this is brilliant a look at this what we got on here then all right I've borrowed a torch from the red mother I promised to give her it back but what is this see I didn't even know about this I was just floating around and seeing what I could find oh my goodness gracious me and there's a whole thing here look at all of that oh oh what oh what did I go oh what is this bro I'm where where am I I honestly did not know this was a thing at all that's how what that's how non up toate I am bro what is this about then what oh oh let's see what this is I don't even I've never seen this in my life like I just what this is over here interesting okay so what is this eal plane or something what could you find here like let's just have a look look around I want to see what this is for is this the bit that I need is this the oh wow we have this guy over here look at this guy so stab him he drops a nice legendary he's on top of the loot all of that business it makes me wonder now what the other way went to like what is this all and then you can go into here where's this lead is this just a way out does this lead somewhere else wow wow oh my goodness that is so cool and then I'm guessing this just leads out of the cave so you have two entrances you can go into the actual plane area take me down to Pirate Land is this Pirate Land stigan Land the invaders for man's Camp look at all these people oh they're singing around the meat look at that what is that though that's what I want to know what's going on here oh what I feel like it's amazing cuz like I feel like I've barely been hereit 5 minutes and I've been recording for like 20 oh it's a quarry look oh that's so clever they got all the blocks and you farm here but you have to beat people up to farm here wow oh that's such a cool idea and they have the ship down there this this is what I'm most intrigued about though what is this is this literally an elevator cuz if it is you got to blow my mind what what what this happened how does that even happen like see I wish the lifts were that fast damn look at that polar as well I wonder how you resummon that maybe you just come into the area that's insane though you'd piss your pants if that happened to you IRL wouldn't it land on a stone and it frust you up in the air takes you to a dragon Veil over here and then this comes back down is this by the Tollgate we saw earlier what's this oh my gosh I feel like I can't fit this all in we got Brimstone down here what is this BR Barracks are the dead excuse me oh look at this they got a little hot tub and everything dude look at you this is probably where they go swimming you know they get their lapsing in the pool mean it looks pretty nice if it wasn't called Dead I would I would go in there for worries if I I would fall in there and drown but you know wow that's so cool what's this then is this another what is this this is cool they got like cranes or hanging baskets for the people oh it makes sense there a far here a I see this is what they probably lower it in the fire and they have a snack you know they're eating their dinner they detail things so well in this and this is just like one of the new area places I know there's supposed to be a citadel thing somewhere which I'm going to have a look for see if I can find it cuz I want to poke my head in there before we close off cuz this is just huge amount of land here look at this you could have a beautiful Hub here you got Shima Caravan where looks of it there as well this is a beautiful new area it's very very very big as well I'm having to look for the do Dar T cuz I'm not quite sure where it is but I've just seen this can you get in here is this it I don't know they have it all Halloween themed like in this area they have like so many little buildings you can go in as well it's so cool we got another one go there glowy door what's it there see you can head to this door as well so many you can enter I don't know about you guys but when I play original Conan on exod lands I always want to enter all the buildings and stuff and the fact that this is a thing you can do oh I just love it I love that that's a thing it's so cool right I don't know if I got time to fit it in for this episode but if you let me know where it is in the comments down below if you know where it is it's called The Citadel or the Lost Legion it looks massive I will check it out in another video cuz I really like there's a whole trailer and everything I really want to have a look at it but I hope you enjoy the little tour and the update ah just amazing Savage Wilds definitely going to have to play a bit more because they have been putting so much work into this baby and ah love it I hope you enjoyed the video and enjoy checking out with me thank you for watching I love you and I'll see you in the next one [Music] bye-bye [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: KiahOnFire
Views: 7,693
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: conan exiles update, conan exiles new update, conan exiles, conan exiles age of war, age of war, conan exiles chapter 2, conan exiles pc, conan exiles age of war chapter 2, conan exiles modded, conan exiles maps, conan exiles savage wilds, conan exiles savage wilds southern island, savage wilds, conan exiles modded maps, conan exiles map tour
Id: bQGhL42fD2A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 48sec (768 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 22 2023
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