2 Ways to Escape Rope Restraints

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so luckily for us as I said we spend a lot of time on duct tape because that is the vast majority of where you're going to find yourself it's cheap it's easy criminals have it they're not the brightest thing and 99% of people do not know what you know so they don't have people escaping kind of like the Israeli Special Forces gu is kidnapping people so next on our list even though it's low down is rope I'm going to show you two ways to escape rope one way is a very quick Escape like the escapes we've been using with duct tape another way is a longer Escape it's a 5-minute type of Escape meaning you're going to do it after you've been in some room and they're not watching you or maybe they've rounded up 50 people and they really don't pay attention to you in that group of 50 cuz it's going to take several minutes to do but let's start with the first one so one night sorry about that this is how I am meaning and that you can I'll do to the side so you see what he's doing they're not Boy Scouts they're not going to do any ninja fancy knots go yeah pull it tight yeah so it's not going to be anything crazy now here's the good news getting out of rope when you know what I'm about to teach you is very very easy and you can slide right out so there is a trick to escaping rope I'll have Richard come up and do again the trick is I'm sitting here with my elbows touching my rib cage I'm sitting here like this the reason I do that is my wrist curve out that leaves a little space that way when it's time for me to escape I can straighten out and I can shim me out so I'm going to have Richard tie me up again my wrists are together my elbows are touching my side and I've had guys when I do this they're like oh you're never going to get out and the strongest guy in the room trying and tie me up has nothing to do with how tight you are with that knot or anything because I'm purposely sitting here and it doesn't look like anything out of the ordinary meaning if you have Five Guys surrounding you with AK-47s and they're tying you up and me sitting here please don't hurt me please don't hurt me while they tying me doesn't look like I'm doing anything tricky doesn't look like I'm trying to do any type of evasive maneuver so I sit here they tie me please don't kill me please don't kill me whenever I have that chance to escape I flatten my hand like that and then I can shimmy out of there all because the curvature in my wrists gives me just millimeters and millimeters is all I need to eventually pull one of my hands out so a a very simple easy escape the Rope we use here is thicker only so you don't get rope earned so it doesn't matter if they tied you up with paracord the world's thinnest rope it works the exact same the only difference is as you're shimming and pulling out you're going to get some bad robe burn but who cares if it saves your life so Richard and I are going to pass around rope please take turns tying each other up you can tie it as hard as you would like to tie it let me know if anybody does not have any rope and needs me to give more rope we do not I think this is that one's here I'll do it so if we do it here oh okay got it yep pulling it hard and hold on let me get one more in there so just a bunch of simple single knots nothing nothing [Music] [Music] fancy to the world's best knot Tire what if for some reason even though you wouldn't cuz it looks weird you were like tie me up like this and your elbows weren't there what if you can't Shimmy Shimmy Shimmy out this is where the 5-minute Escape comes in Richard uh we can probably pull them out of the uh cases so what I'm holding here and they're over there Richard on that side the Paracord so this is paracord paracord called parachute cord they used in parachutes during World War II uh this is great stuff I love it I own a lot of it uh you can make belts out of it they have rifle slings out of it they have shoelaces if I travel overseas I have a shoelace that is made of paracord so paracord is great for camping tying things up but it also has some other uses when you are buying paracord you want to buy the americanmade 550 paracord 550 means it can hold 550 lb of weight the reason you buy the americanmade Paracord is it lasts for a long time so what we're about to do I can use this paracord for an entire year before I have to replace it where the Chinese stuff falls apart after one use so make sure you're buying americanmade paracord if I'm going overseas in addition to having this in my shoelaces I may have it in my backpack I may have it in my pocket I have it stuffed all over me just because you never know what's going to happen so let's say soon as Richard done I'll have him tie me up some of these are shorter than the others as I said let's say you ran into the world's best knot tire so I'm going to have Richard tie me up here but for now we're going to just pretend it is so try and tie two Loops if you can to make it nice and tight all right for whatever reason I cannot shimmy out of this I've tried I just whatever reason but I have my paracord now when I've had to do this in training it's been paracord shoelaces and I have to make these loops with my shoelaces you'll see why we make these Loops this is why I call it a 5minute Escape because you're not making these Loops quickly you're not taking them out of your shoelaces quickly once you get it and this is also takes part of the 5 minutes is I take one end of this parac cord I have to thread it between my hand once I thread it between my hand I am having the Paracord sit at the very very bottom of my hand see how it's not really touching my hand at all you want the Paracord at the bottom of your hand if not it's a very quickly self-correcting mistake trust me so I'll just sit in this chair it's also very easy to sit on the ground the reason we created two Loops is I take the first loop on my paracord I put it over one foot I take the second Loop over my paracord I put it over another another foot you can see again the Paracord is going right down the middle here I ride my bicycle for 10 to 15 seconds ride ride ride and eventually 10 to 15 seconds later it will go right through this will be hot so don't touch it so you don't burn yourself paracord in the middle will be hot but paracord since it is so awesome it can saw right through rope and that's the beauty of it so what we're going to do now you've done the easy Escape in your plastic baggie you will see this paracord we've already done the loops for you just to make it easy have your partner tie you up do not do the Quick Escape this time thread the Paracord which again this is why it's a 5- minute Escape because it's a pain in the butt to to get it between your hands pull it down with your mouth and then you kick back and forth make sure you're kicking back and forth CU sometimes we get people are like kicking up and down it's got to be a sawing motion kicking back and [Music] forth [Music] a
Channel: Jason Hanson
Views: 87,033
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rope escape, escape rope restraints, how to escape a rope trap, how to escape rope restraints, jason hanson, jason hanson cia, former cia jason hanson, jason hanson tips, jason hanson former cia officer, former cia officer jason hanson, jason hanson spy escape and evasion, ex-cia jason hanson, spy secrets by jason hanson, agent hanson, spy tips jason hanson
Id: eu7gGcGtq9A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 42sec (402 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 05 2024
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