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make sure this is pumped oh I'm bored hello and welcome back to 2 truths 1 lie I am joined today by Gus Johnson trending comedian extraordinaire his videos are and past it as I about to chew is this is very high budget these are all 3d cameras James cameras oh I gotta go alright the rules are simple we'll take turns saying two truths and one lie about ourselves the other person has to guess which one is the lie if they guess correctly they get to shoot the other person with a squirt gun they guess incorrectly they get shot with the squirt gun what a being boom hey you got a wall mark trunks on - fantastic I was a conscious style choice but I own ten pairs one of every they're great they're jailed really great they're comfy and what's awesome as you can ride a bike at night and you don't have to put on flashers on your bike Kyle just see that bright orange ass well I mostly just try to avoid swash during the day when I wear them but that sounds - actually yeah that's there we go are you ready I'm born ready my dad and my grandfather were both Air Force pilots I hate beef stroganoff I took a math help program called cumin when I was young come on with accuracy okay spell it kay um Oh N okay come on come on that suspect well the Air Force is right down the middle it's pretty safe oh I feel like anybody could say that like oh and that's pretty believable beef stroganoff does suck so I'm inclined to believe that but the cumin sounds like a thinly-veiled suggestive joke that I'm going to have to say he's a lie I did go to cumin I think I got you it cuz the West Coast thing it must be there's clothesline there's there's plenty in LA come on come on it's Louie come on it's come on it's a Japanese started program so anyways it sounds so bad it sounds so stupid ah well I made me smart alright so all right you ready Aki I love to us get lucky with so much go right for the nips I really love the West I actually do I love Goldwater see last time you voluntarily made your nips wet yeah this time I had to make up oh I get the 3d cameras now you get the audience there we're gonna see it we're gonna see it see it okay here we go I have only ever seen one single Disney animated movie I have not thrown up since the sixth grade at last October I was married to my girlfriend of four years I should have really read more than the first two sentences of your Wikipedia by Boyken PD yeah I don't know there's a sport that was a lie there's a sportscaster I know we made that joke yeah when you were coming on the first time and Keith believed it right before you show up to the shoot he was like so we're getting a sports commentator no I feel like it's it's a bummer if you haven't seen more than one animated film some I'm gonna say that cuz I just hope that's not true I'm so sorry cuz Milan is great well I wouldn't know because I've only seen one Disney only seen Oliver and company I've only lost a god that's crazy that's true I am not married only Oliver and company you and your wife have not watched Moana we've been dating for three months give me time alright okay give it to me well they don't have a site but I suppose I'll go got for you all right it's a nice little spread little trip through looks like a body like a body there's a head right there like a scarecrow or something that's like Christ himself am i all right are you ready for round two ready I was a vegetarian for one year in high school I have stared a wild mountain lion in the eyes I watched Beauty and the Beast so much as a kid I wore out the VHS okay well the VHS ones sound suspicious because I used to watch him movie called dinosaurs and I've probably seen it 500 times and it didn't wear out I feel like you as a high schooler wasn't hip enough to be a vegetarian at that point in time but that's because no high schooler I feel like is hip enough to be a vegetarian I don't know but then the mountain line is it gonna be an easy out like oh I went to a zoo and I it looked up at me and that glance was me staring in the eyes because if that's so then I've stared down a silverback gorillas Oh wild mount a wild untamed wild untamed was there a barrier between eeeh no bear no barrier was it a mutual respect or we just think so is passing by it was just like that seems like I think that's awesome I didn't know that they talked like that no I've never heard them talk ever they do matter for know that that's that parts of look yeah well you know what I think that all parts are a lie I think that you did not stare a wild mountain lion in the face I stared a wild mountain lion I was walking my dogs behind my house in Arizona yeah and there was a mountain lion in a you know like a wash yak where it was in the middle of the wash just chillin there and my dogs didn't see it thank God cuz they would have started barking and stuff oh but it was just it was just laying out in the middle of the open so weird we went back and I called like animal services I was like there's a mountain lion back there and they're like yeah they're around and I was like alright cool great awesome cqc the other cool animal all right here we go all right what do you what do you want where do I want it all right the face there you go oh cool where's the Smirnoff all right well I got some spicy next ones dude so it's like my favorite movies milada one time I wet every pair of pants that I owned all at once the determination your fakes I have been on tosh point-o twice and last summer I got hit by a car and I flipped over the car and the only thing that I broke was the six-pack of Bud Light Lime that I was carrying is that where the guy hit you I'm sorry that's that's actually very serious that you can sorry yeah that's that's rough yeah I'm gonna go with the tosh point-o when I think you're lying on the number I'm gonna say you were on it three times well I was actually on tosh point-o two times that was a viewer video of the week twice that's awesome so wait which one was the lie July was that I was hit by a car you weren't hit by a car no at all no not at all ever but do you really drink Bud Light long I do though I'm so sorry filled to bursting all right squint on see if I can get you right in the mouth first right I have hugs Tilda Swinton I have pet a gorilla I played a demonic bird version of Jack Sparrow on the Disney Channel okay pulling out the big guns yeah cuz they're all crazy again the zoo theory holds up like are you just going to zoos and interacting with animals but I was wrong the first time I loved the choice of Tilda Swinton it seems so specific that like if you had been like oh I hugged like Amy I hugged like um gal gadot I'd be like okay well maybe some big premiere or something but Tilda Swinton yeah she's a very funny she's a rare find yeah where's yogurt well clearly around her torso I mean like location wise where were you moving from ah it was an audition it was an audition yeah she was wearing plaid great is that after she was doing the photo shoot for the brawny guy okay why would she be wearing plaid you didn't hug that's the lie no Tilda Swinton you did not hug her that's your lie that's why 100 percent final answer you're not questioning that I played a demonic bird version of Jack Sparrow on the Disney Channel dude who knows I've seen the Disney Channel you clearly assume I've been on it so yeah why not why not all right I'm going all in on that tillis win all right PS uh I have hugged tildes I where I got a couple callbacks for We Need to Talk About Kevin maybe she did a few years ago yeah and so I got to read with her in an audition and then I hugged her after she was really nice she's a great person I've never pet a gorilla I've never never really I don't think I don't know people who pet a gorilla before you didn't have faith but you know what I love what do you love Keywest it so much I love it sure how much it's like nice I accidentally spit a lot of mashed potatoes onto the Acting Governor of Wisconsin my cousin died but he's a really dark odds but he lived that's it but he came back to life and country singer Garth Brooks is actually my great uncle and my family spends the entire fourth of July weekend at his lake cabin in Nashville every year you fly to Nashville every year and spend it with Garth yeah was for the fourth of July my family does mmm these are spicy they're spicy I'm gonna say the mayor I don't think that actually happened Oh spitting potatoes on the coherently you actually spit well I spin a big old fat wad of potatoes right on that go that's true it's true Garth Brooks is a lie come on I know I don't know Garth Brooks you were kind of saying like you don't go to a straight like my family goes that's like you get left behind Kevin McCallister stop every single year like they forgot me again we got family in low places I'm gonna take out the big gun this wait so your cousin actually though he's straight up died not even if you witness this happened no I didn't kill him either I was not responsible I feel it everywhere all right we're tied tied up damn no time for a lightning round we will each say one thing it can be a truth or it can be a lie then we'll both hold up our guns and we will shoot the other person if they were right or wrong I've died and come back to life you have yeah you seem very skeptical when my cousin had yeah I'm gonna say that you did not die and come back to life now I want you to know that the 2003 action-adventure comic book movie Hulk as directed by Angley good Eric yes it came out on my birthday what day was June I feel like you're so good though that you did not end up your own birthday June 20th 2003 Angley I'm gonna guess Falls but I just think you're really good at lying but I'm gonna guess Falls and three two one died yeah I drowned oh and then my mom resuscitated me Wow you watched my cousin like crazy yeah you'll be hearing about that I can make fun of him cuz I've died and come back to life wow that was really well delivered that sucks did you go see it for your birthday Oh what movies do you like I really love the secret garden oh I got another one for you ready okay I have been in the car for different times when the car has hit a deer what you're saying is you were never drive he's never driving never driven and hit a deer no I've been a passenger and you only been a passenger when deer have been here yeah I've only been an accomplice to a murder I think you've murdered deer yeah guys murder dairy people ordered a beer alright so I'm just gonna say it's false I have one brother and one sister her name is Christina and my brother's name is Brian oh that's so vanilla that I can't even tell I love your strategy because it's so believable that it could be anything see I already pulled out the hug with tilda swinton yeah I gotta I already went nuts what were their names again Brian Christina Christina and Brian okay nice I'm gonna say that yours is false my final answer to what say you oh no D of Jessie but you've been a passenger for time oh yeah I've been a passenger for - that sucks yes yes the beginning of the movie get out I have two brothers and they're Chris and Brian ah well Gus wins yeah congratulations back from the brink of death much like my actual cousin and me and you Gus where can people find you you can find me on YouTube pretty much only you just look up Gus Johnson I make short funny sketches most of them are 30 seconds so they're very fuel-efficient go watch all of them yes right now guys it's been a lot of fun we'll be doing this more often so we'll see you next time hit that notification ballad like and subscribe and you know find me we should really find ourselves I'm gonna look for myself [Music]
Channel: Smosh Pit
Views: 1,835,332
Rating: 4.9518819 out of 5
Keywords: shayne topp, shayne, gus, gus johnson, gus johnson smosh, smosh, smosh pit, smosh 2 truths 1 lie, 2 truths 1 lie, 2 truths and 1 lie, 2 truths and a lie, 2 truths 1 lie smosh, two truths one lie, smosh challenge, two truths one lie challenge, 2 truths 1 lie challenge, 2 truths one lie challenge, 2 truths one lie smosh, challenge pit, challenge, 2 truths and a lie challenge, smosh challenges, show with no name, smosh show with no name, show w/ no name
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 59sec (899 seconds)
Published: Tue May 22 2018
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