2 To 3 Week Urgent Warning - Please Listen To The End!

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hey guys welcome back to the fig tree today is saturday it's march 5th 2022. how are you i do pray your well in the lord praying that you're well rested that you're seeking first his kingdom number one you're seeking first his righteousness matthew 6 33 i pray your strength in the lord while i do have an urgent warning to give this is quite heavy i'll i'll go by the enabling of the holy spirit and i pray that this word resonates with you but i do need to share this with you feel free to share this with others who you feel will be able to receive it and understanding but this is an urgent one i do believe another crucial hour of prayer has arrived to be a bit more specific on this warning it'll be a two to three week warning so let me just open up my prayer closet it's difficult for me to use mere words to explain spiritual things using words to explain things that are rendered in the spirit very difficult but i will try to do that so this will be prayer closet conversation this will be for the mature not all wise virgins can even understand honestly but i have to be obedient because that's what i was told to do okay well last night and this morning and even presently just a very very very big shift a shifting uh a massive release and there are those of you who can feel that and no doubt you've probably been sensing it for a long time now at least for the past couple weeks this one was unique it was quite large last night again this morning easily the largest i felt this year we were only what three months now into this year and already uh just picking up and again for those of you who don't know those in the body of christ we all don't have the same gifts there are those of us who who can feel and discern spiritual activity the bible calls it spiritual discernment there are levels to it you know i can give you the verse if you need it but some of the stuff i've had since i was a kid and it's only been growing over the years so there's a shifting in the spirit all right and this was a big one and you know once i sense it i why now why not a couple weeks ago why not two months ago why not before all this ww stuff started to kick off why why not then why now i like to ask questions good questions you know so let me explain it guys i'm just going to relate to you what i sensed and i'll give it to you so that we can kind of be on the same page here i don't know what this particular shift means i'll just be be honest with that i don't always understand what they mean i just know i can feel when they happen and usually when they happen days to weeks usually days to weeks three four weeks later sometimes it's two weeks almost always something big manifests there's a manifestation into the physical world again you know prayer works that way you pray and sometimes you don't always see that prayer god is moving god is moving i don't know what this shifting means but when things move in the spirit you're going to see that manifestation and it can take weeks sometimes days um but this was quite large um too large for me to ignore and then i got the command to share it um and i and then a second command right after that and i'll try to break this down bear with me you're going to want to watch this video to the end just just so you can get all the information uh this one felt like it was going to ripple soon as in days two weeks all right and it could simply be yet another event you know there's a lot going on right now if you're not paying attention um and this could be yet another thing to pop off it felt big it felt dark too didn't like it at all not one bit and this particular vision did come with a command to fast and pray with our united front again we did that a lot last year time to pick up the sword for those of you who have wandered off into that or maybe you got busy you know life is busy right well time to go back time to get back into that at least for two to three weeks i heard a prayer window looks like something is about to happen well i mean if you're watching something's already happening but uh this felt different uh unique uh it came with a vision i saw a dam breaking okay a big one uh in fact i actually heard the word a dam is breaking a dam is something used to protect you know like this water being shown here uh i saw it in the spirit that there was a dam uh and you know it felt like a something that was a shield of protection was removed okay i'm trying to use words here to explain spiritual things it's very difficult but it was removed what happens when you break through a dam the water comes out water and it's a lot of water and water can be an extremely destructive force and i just heard and saw and felt that the dam was breaking and it was an ancient one like it had been in place for quite a while um this is the stuff that you know this is what i heard this morning so i'm just gonna give it to you dream judgments are coming uh they're already here clearly this felt like another one i don't know what it is i know some of you will ask what is it i don't know i don't know i simply don't know kind of right there in the same boat i just i i feel the shift it feels like a tsunami in in your soul and in your spirit a ripple effect this one was strong enough to it's overwhelming yeah i didn't get much sleep last night i was up praying and meditating on these things but so this was a big one i do not know what this means as it is in you know typically with with a big moving in the spirit i'm i'm on high alert and sometimes i personally go into prayer but this time it was to play prayer is simply massive it's underestimated and i do believe and i literally heard when i saw the damn breaking united fasting and prayer it seemed ominous um it could be the to push something back that is trying to manifest preemptively prematurely the bride is still here so we know things can't really ripple off in terms of great tribulation events i mean harpazo is eminent um so we're being called to prayer again some of you have clearly wandered from fasting and prayer some of you are busy you know life well it really is time to join our schedules back together again this will just be for two to three weeks this is a two-week united investing prayer push i have some other information to share as well that i'll try to communicate that with you guys as well in just a bit um but yeah wise virgins from different time zones and this will be maranatha prayers praying maranatha which is come lord jesus come come now come today it's a prayer without idolatry um very important there's no idolatry present and this makes it very very rare very few people can pray maranatha successfully some just can't pray it at all this or that or you know i can't do it over here or this one's not safe that one's not saved or i haven't gone to the beach yet or i haven't gotten married yet i mean look it's idolatry and it's it's overwhelming it has soaked and saturated our culture so much so that they cannot pray maranatha let alone want the lord to return so yes if either be that find it if you're a wise virgin who's longing for your groom join us please you're exceedingly rare and we need your prayers especially now to pray together i will be opening the comment section i'm going to craft out some time for that time is in short availability these days along with my health but yes i will open the comment section so to take down your prayer requests if you plan on joining this two to three week prayer burst that's what i'm calling it we need to come together and really go all out here in prayer and fasting okay and if you want to join that feel free to write your name down in the comment section if you need it if you need that accountability some people it helps them for accountability purposes to have your name down uh some of the others wise virgins learn it and skilled in prayer you don't need that you know but if you do need that accountability feel free to let us know and that way i can have your name and we can pray for you as you're going through this two-week period of fasting and praying i'll take your name down and i'll be praying for you as we join together as well and that is good just give us your name in the comments section if you want to or just say hey i'm praying maybe it's just your youtube name just let us know if you need that and we'll definitely hold you um not just accountable we'll be praying for you as you go through that and these will be 24-hour water only fasting okay uh 24-hour water-only fasting this is great for those who are able-bodied um some of us are not able-bodied it'll be a bit harder for you and of course i know people who are very ill myself included we're not able-bodied and uh god still calls us to 24-hour water only fasting and prayer so if you're getting that nudge feel free to join us um this is quite urgent i cannot express to you the urgency that i felt last night and then i said to myself wow okay well lord i want to need some confirmation if i you know if you want me to to really talk on that and then i got it first thing in the morning boom again and it's afternoon and it's still present so we're going to start tomorrow we're going to go sunday monday a two-day event if you can go three days straight feel free to join us but i'm you know we're gonna some of us are gonna go the three days here some of us you're gonna break on tuesday and then start up on wednesday break on thursday start up on friday this schedule will also be in the comment section okay so yeah we're gonna start tomorrow united fasting and prayer very important for a time such as this rapid fire events eminent the last drop of sand could really trigger at any moment we don't really know wow we just don't know how fast things can go but it's not for us to know what we're told to do is to stay in prayer and to seek the lord right and what i heard was a prayer window a prayer window okay and there's many reasons why i feel like that this is now uh why now you know why not a month ago or two months ago you know i don't always get the answers to that i just know obedience is better than sacrifice and one god comes knocking he's looking for people to call and to pick that up to pick up that mantle so that's the prayer window for two to three weeks we're going to be doing this united fasting and prayer this will be a push together let's see here make sure i get all everything that i heard and you'll get the nudge you'll also get the nudge um you know there are those who you know if you don't really know as to whether you want to join us or not you will receive that gentle nudging in the spirit kind of like a pulling on your heart that's him sometimes he only asks a few times and then if you say no he moves on to the next one he wants to pick up the mantle of prayer few can do it because few believe in few you know they just they're distracted and well life is busy and it's you can it's easy for you to kind of lose it lose focus but if that's you it's it's a good opportunity now to come back in because now it's getting quite serious it's been serious the whole time but if you're a bible study group leader if you have a group that you're meeting with maybe it's a prayer group have them join in on this fast things are serious probably far more serious than the world is paying attention to there's always an underlying current there's always something else going on um and that's what it really felt like something dark and of course you don't have to be afraid perfect love casts self here and god has a plan for all of this it's called the rapture bride isn't appointed to the wrath people want to argue that soon they'll be with us on the same page you know but um while he's cleaning a bride too so yeah if you have a bible study group feel free to have them join in share this with your friends uh this is urgent i felt like it was urgent and i did get that confirmation to share it which i don't do often if you're a church leader try to give out an invite for your groups to come and follow and to get in on the fasting and prayer for time such as this that's if you get the nudge okay if you're getting that nudging of the lord it's an invitation to join in fasting and praying maranatha and seeking the lord's return if you want more information on that visit our playlist we have a whole section just on prayer and there are those who can't do it or won't do it look i don't know what to say to you to those who do not pray cannot fast and pray don't feel like it's appropriate you just cannot draw closer to the lord you know he tells us draw near to god he'll draw near to you well look jeremiah 3 33 tells us to call to me and i will answer it's a beautiful again this is throughout the bible but prayer is the machinery as to how god unleashes his will his power into human history he always raises up an elijah or or caleb or joshua men who are different women who have a heart for god all right it's called the bible it's filled with these stories note that he says call to me and i will answer he just doesn't say i will answer there's always a calling this is throughout the bible and i have taught on this i've tried to at least i will answer what happens first you're calling and then he'll show you those great and mighty things the answer is always predicated on the reality that someone a group of people sometimes it's just one person who was it he called for the sun to stand still all right who was it who threw that on the staff and it turned to a you know all the miracles it's always with a person calling acting uh you know raised up by god and sometimes it's a group of people okay our generation does have a pride issue i believe that's an issue there where they feel that i don't know maybe it's maybe it's a weakness to pray you know you christians just want to get out of here you're escapees he told us to pray that we're counted worthy you know pray you know pray that you're counted what what do you say you know the verse right so it's there pray that you're counted worthy to escape he said it i didn't say it and that came from the general of the armies of heaven christ is the general to the armies of heaven so he said to pray that you're counted worthy not just that but there's there's many forms of prayer there's biblical prayers prayer is written down for you in the bible some call it weakness the bible calls it power you want that power you want that unleashing of god's will all right bible prophecy to move forward i firmly believe and that just said in the past that prayer is simply massive there is a calling all right that is involved anyways the bible says in luke 18 that men always ought to pray look at the always here and not lose heart in other words your prayers without that loss of faith all right without faith it's impossible to please god shall not god avenge his own elect who cry out to him day and night here what's happening in the crying out it's a it's an outpouring of your thoughts your tears your your prayers this is praying okay it's day and night so just wanted to refresh our memory because sometimes you can forget that when we get into this macho pride and material where oh you don't have to pray prayer has nothing to do with god's will and uh and i heard i hear all this stuff before it is repulsive and based on ignorance so for two to three weeks we have this prayer window two to three weeks that's what i saw when i saw these visions below the trumpet and zion consecrate a fast call a sacred assembly for what purpose for crying out to the lord turn to me with all your heart with fasting weeping mourning this is all throughout the bible too many verses to give but i do believe and this is the second half of the video i'll try to make this short and not too long here so that you guys can keep up with us i do firmly believe that ww3 has already begun i do believe it uh they're just not officially announcing it yet i don't think they will announce it by the way wwe i mean that would crash everything on the markets the the money would be a disaster if they went large with this they might who knows i do believe it's already begun just simply pay attention i'm not going to get into all of that but look uh this stuff is beginning whether you like it or not they are bringing the world into this whether you like it or not some people are putting their head in the sand and snoring through the whole thing that's not going to save you okay we told you to get ready all right get your heart ready with the lord for many years now okay what i wanted to say was the following some of you have noticed this some of you have not but have you noticed that no one is talking about the cindy and this word which i cannot say openly they're not talking about it anymore it is overnight gone poof this is gone they are not talking about it as much it's like a 80 to 90 drop they're not talking about it okay heard about this from from so many even in the even in the local community here okay suddenly overnight it's gone no one wants to talk about it because they're talking about something else something else has arrived to take its place right i do firmly believe a new deception is here okay it's called that that's what it's called ww that's what it's called that's the deception and not just that but it's also real they're going to use this as a pretense to shut everything down and it's it's real this time it's not going to go back what you've seen isn't going to be it's not going to scroll back you know that is coming soon as well and they're telling us that it's coming soon very interesting i believe this this that word is very real i also believe that there is literally a five-layered great deception that is being rolled out from so many angles you can't even keep up with it all right it's creating more hatred that is the first goal to this five layered deception it's it's deception on so great a scale i don't think i've seen anything like it we've been warning i've been warning since 2017 others have warned even longer all right uh this the deception the lord told us see to it that you're not deceived and of course you know people are running out there for this indy they they're excited taking selfies can't wait to get more you know and now there's another deception on the on a scale that is simply massive it's this it's extreme what's happening here people are taking sides which earth leader is the best oh this one's the best no that one's the best okay now they're arguing about it now they hate each other okay this side is good no no no no the other side is good uh no this earth prince is going to save me you know this one is look more people i mean they were already divided prior to this but now there's a hatred that is just it's hatred on top of hatred on top of hatred that is simply massive and while people are sitting here arguing all right what's happening this is happening all right while the whole world is being shut down while people are arguing this is really they can't even they don't notice it no one notices because they're too busy arguing and hating each other all right it's a five-layer deceptive scheme it is extremely comprehensive and very divisive and look the bride doesn't belong here we have a marriage supper to catch meanwhile the world is arguing while the whole world is being completely uh that word literally this could have been the shift i think something bigger is coming while people are arguing about which earth leader is the absolute best in their god because that's how they're behaving ascribing praise and worshiping publicly mind you i told you before and i'll tell you again no one is good period you must be born again the bible tells us repetitively do not put your trust in princes nor in the son of man that's a human being okay and it tells you there is no help there this is idolatry and people ascribe praise and worship to these sons of men these leaders what does the bible say cursed is the man who trusts and all you have to do is put your trust there who you trust is who you worship okay you put all of your trust in mankind your heart will always depart from the lord you can't do both your heart will depart well it's okay well you've got the wrong god it's called idolatry you can't trust in mankind what does god say about this the lord says it's right here i'm not making any of this up he who loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me he who loves sons or daughters more than me is not worthy of me he who does not take his cross and follow after me para kalathio follow me follow me follow me i can't follow i can't i can't i can't okay you're not born again you're born again to follow the lord period i mean again if you're if you're with the lord you already know this okay if you're not you're doomed if you're not following the lord you're doomed okay you're no victim either you made the choice to not follow him he said he's telling us right here if you do not take your cross and follow after me you are not worthy this is so significant that he repeats himself three times you're not worthy of me one you're not worthy of me two you're not worthy of me three one might think that he honestly means what he's saying here and look you can love you must love by this my father's glorified he talks to us to love one another to love one another right you just can't love more than me you can't do it you cannot love anything more than me you need to love anything persons and places and things more than me that's the curse you are you are elevating persons and places or things more that is called textbook idolatry you have idols i got news for you he's not going to accept your ten men the groom and the bride are getting married and the bride calls ten men to walk down the aisle with her to marry lord you don't mind if i marry these ten other guys uh get married right along with me because they're not leaving god uh you're gonna have to accept me with these other idols it's not gonna happen he's saying here that you're not worthy you're not worthy says it three times in a row and is connected with more than me more than me and what is it sons and daughters children and spouses and parents and things and places it's idolatry it'll send you to the lake of fire okay your heart departed a long time ago it's not his fault he told you to stay put on the narrow road and you couldn't you wouldn't all right so i won't make this long you know a curse resides on those who worship and praise the leaders of men only christ is good he does have a plan the great tribulation is it could trigger any day now some of us are blown away that it hasn't we were waiting for this to pop off last year looks like it's being pushed through what's coming is called the harpazzo it's in bible prophecy we're running out of time these ambassadors could leave any day now okay the shifting was big something else is coming all right it's overdue great tribulation it's the grace and mercy of god for those who are rejecting him okay he could wrap the whole thing up right now boom all right those who go to heaven go to heaven those who go to hell no he's got jacob and he's got other gentiles to save it's going to be the world's largest revival that's when the party starts along with the great tribulation you don't want to be here for it okay you will be if you're not following the lord now if you're not born again washed in the blood of the lamb i don't know i do not know why souls choose darkness all right but it's time to pray that's what i got with this and uh i beseech you to join us therefore i say to you whatever things you ask when you pray believe that you receive them and you'll have them there's something called faith there's the prayers of haste i made haste and did not delay to keep your commandments it talks about this i won't get into all of it all right so for those of you who are just hopping in here again this is going to be a two-week prayer window a two-week united prayer burst of fasting and prayer some of us have never left the prayer closet that's very good this is a united prayer so this is there takes some coordination with it so we're going to try to do this together all right wise virgins from many different time zones we can do it together again let me just show you that calendar it should be in the comment section as well sunday we'll start tomorrow sunday 24 hour water only fasting in prayer sunday monday tuesday wednesday as the lord leads you choose as many days as you can to kind of jump in here go by the leading of the holy spirit but most importantly it's important to do that together some of us will be doing a sunday and monday some of us will go three days some of us will just go two days go by the leading of the lord and then some of us will just go wednesday friday and monday but what's most important is the next two i'd say the next two to two to four days honestly it's probably within the next two to three weeks we're going to keep this up but go as the lord can lead you if you can do two days do two days if you can do three days go three if you can only do two days break one day stop start up again on wednesday break on thursday start up again on friday there's many different ways that you can do this but the goal is you have wise virgins from different time zones all covering the same week during the same day so sunday very good some of us will go these two days but the goal is to do it together i hope i'm making sense here um yeah serious times uh i had i've been waiting to see what was going to happen i haven't really gotten anything for a couple well a couple months now at least january and february and i've been you know seeking the lord just on things and i don't go public with anything until he actually tells me to just because you know that's my personality and i just don't talk about subjects that i don't that i'm not guided to talk about so the comments section will be open we will be taking prayer requests if you need accountability to help out in your fasting and prayer feel free to give us your name and i will take that down for accountability accountability purposes and we'll be praying for you throughout your two to three week fasting and prayer window again this is um it's a prayer window okay it is a two to three week united fasting prayer window this will be a prayer event i figured i'd get this out so that you can all know it the damn is breaking and no i don't know what that means um i don't know i don't know that's why i'm sharing it okay i just know what i'm told and uh to go into prayer and to share that okay so that we can pray together because this manifestation of trigger events while they're coming some of them are already here but they're they're going to be domino domino effect one after the other all right and what is approaching well is it's the promise of the lord's wrath he said to come out of her my people if you're reading revelation 3 he i think it's 2 revelation chapter 2 he talks about a sick bed and throwing jezebel's kids on it here in revelation 18 he's saying come out of her lest you share in her plagues who's he talking to he's talking to my people the very ones who call him lord lord do not want to come out it's not good there's going to be a partaking you're going to share in her sins whose sins the spirit of harlotry all right uh the of babylon she's called the of babylon fornication is mentioned multiple times okay it's not good uh you know fornication it's it's not a spiritual idolatry okay there's a repayment coming not just that but it also talks about for in one hour in one hour such great riches okay says it again one hour one hour the sound of harpist and musicians and then it says the voice of the bridegroom and bride shall not be heard any more even in revelation 18 this is not in chronological order the book of revelation and uh the voice of the bridegroom she's gone she's not heard anymore what happens that's harpato tucked in right here in revelation 18 just a little tiny chapter actually a sentence just one sentence the voice of the bridegroom and the bride shall not be heard anymore she's gone right she's at a wedding and this judgment on the merchants goes forth it's profound of united fasting i will be doing a bible study on prayer just to help renew our minds on what prayer is how to do it effectively we have it on our pro or our playlists if you need to have some refreshment and prayer today uh but that should be coming up tomorrow lord willing by the strength of the lord but uh feel free to join us two to three weeks united praying uh with wise virgins from different time zones uh that is the schedule it will be in the comments section as well and again if and so if anything happens like this word if this happens i would go right into fasting and prayer okay as well just to shield you and your family in prayer align yourself with god's power again look for a teacher on prayer to renew your minds that should be tomorrow lord we want to just be ready for the lord at all times all right maranatha is the prayer of fire and uh that's what the bride is praying stick with your fasting schedule if anything does happen like this or you know just stay in prayer it's always a good thing men always all to pray and not lose heart the bible says and again if you're a bible study group leader feel free to give this out to your group or your or your church as well just to stay tuned with the lord okay be well in jesus name maranatha
Channel: thefigtreeministry
Views: 3,166
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: repent, repentance, repenting, Rapture, Maranatha, mature christian, remnant christian, fasting and praying, praying, psalm 91, wise virgins, Fasting, Mature Christians, Wise Virgins, Bible Study, Prayer, prayer, pray, obedience to Jesus, obeying Jesus, bible prophecy, Bible Prophecy, the fig tree, fig tree generation, 5 Wise Virgins, bible study, Foolish, Fasting & Prayer, fasting and prayer, Dream Vision, dream, vision, rapture, Dream, rapture dream
Id: 65OXj7VTdZw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 40sec (1840 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 05 2022
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