2 Races, 2 Records, 1 Athlete - Kenenisa Bekele | Olympic Records
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Olympics
Views: 930,825
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Olympic games, olympics, IOC, Kenenisa Bekele (Olympic Athlete), Track And Field Athletics (Sport), Games, Gold, Beijing, World, Olympic Record, New Record, Olympic Rewing, Beijing 2008 Olympic Games, 10000m, 5000m, Long, Distance, Pace, Sprint, Fast, Fastest, Win, Ethiopia, Memories, History, Nostalgia, Sporting Moments, Speed, Adidas, Bekele, Kenenisa, Icon, Hero, New, Exclusive
Id: eZ1mOSZHjzA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 28sec (148 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 24 2013
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