2 Nights in Amtrak Superliner Roomette - The Empire Builder Experience

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so if you're just joining us it's will it's Mike the channels down he live we are in the middle of North Dakota our trip started at the beautiful Union Station in Chicago heading to Seattle on the famous Amtrak Empire Builder so far we've cruised across the prairies tried the bathrooms got stuck in the bathrooms I tried the beds got some coffee in North Dakota and now we're about to enter into stunning Montana cross through the Rocky Mountains and arrived in Seattle through the Cascade Mountain Range but I'm trying to find out how delayed these trains are over a two-day trip so we're currently a half an hour delayed it's 10:00 a.m. on day 2 we have 24 hours left on this train and I'm gonna show you the experience of riding with Amtrak tell you all about the food and show you a little corner of this incredible countryside okay now let's get back to what's important I need a shower let's go see what the showers are like so we're staying in the sleeper car on the train here if you if you booked a bedroom one of the bigger rooms they come with showers in them but we're in the little two-person room it so showers are downstairs also I'd like to thank the high speed rail alliance for sponsoring this video coming up my bags gonna get some fresh clothes for after the shower [Music] aha I was worried I didn't bring a towel and I thought I could be air drying here but looks like we got towels let's take a look spacious changing area here there's the shower a little seat for you surprisingly bigger than I expected nothing glamorous but definitely nicer than I expected this train is impressing me I'm showering here at 10 a.m. and most people showered you know 7 8 9 am considering there's still more water here I'm really happy with it and I'm not suggesting anything but I'm just saying there's two people [Music] much better they do have so for you if you need it I just missed it's by the hand towels it's all yours come on showers ready so I'm happy to report we have made it to Montana but I'm disappointed to report not much has changed in terms of scenery since North Dakota you know I'll call it like it is Amtrak is not the fastest way to travel it's not even the least expensive it's just more kind of this romantic nostalgia way to travel just if you have the time you have to have the luxury of time to be able to do it but if you do I recommend it I mean I never see this from the air and some people would argue there's no point in seeing this this is your country you live here how could you not want to experience it at least once one way across America this is the Empire Builder train this was a luxury a hundred years ago only the rich got to travel by train oh yeah what a day so this is what they call a smoke break I call it a fresh air break but really I think this is a perfect time to talk to you about the high-speed rail Alliance because we're riding the trains here in America their standard trains they ride on freight rails they're not high speed compared to Europe Asia kind of the rest of the developed world and the high-speed rail Alliance is fighting for us to bring high-speed rail to America so they're connecting governments with businesses with rail fans like ourselves they have a petition that we can sign to help bring it to America as well as you can become a member so your monthly donation will help them keep pushing on to connect the world look at this and I'd love to see them come to America so sign the petition down below to tell Congress we want high-speed rail here as well as maybe become a member to show your support that way the high-speed rail Alliance link them down below okay let's quickly talk about the Train two engines at the front pulling the whole thing then you have the baggage car then you have the staff quarters the staff on the train they're fantastic they've been very attentive but they ride all the way from Chicago to Seattle they're actually based in Seattle so they all they all sleep in this car here this is the staff quarters then we have the sleeper car then you have the dining car oh we're going back we've got the all aboard after the dining cart you have the coach car then we have the observation car the sightseer car with the cafe down below then we have another two coach cars after that so this train on the way to Seattle it actually splits in Spokane becomes two trains one headed to Portland one headed to Seattle that's be all the board you got it as I was saying before we boarded trace was it to half of it goes to Portland which is the half with the sightseer car and the cafe and the dining car stays on my train going to Seattle so in the morning I get split up about midnight in Spokane so when we wake up in the morning because we have a dining car we get a hot breakfast and the other guys got the sightseer car so I think I came out with the better half of the train in this case it's getting darker well there's no snow here it's very flat what I'm realizing about Montana is I thought it was very mountainous I'm learning it's very flat and I was kind of feeling disappointed like I'm gonna miss all the mountains and I wasn't really appreciating the beauty of the prairies just a flat flat ness of it I don't know how else to describe it other than beautiful sunsets that last forever amongst golden fields and for those keeping track we're back on time I've realized that Amtrak is built in a buffer and a number of these stops these sort of fresh air stops so if they're running behind they cut out the amount of fresh air time you have so we could be on time which is a good thing Amtrak don't I'm not taking that away from you or just I'm just having fun nowhere to do nowhere to go just to sit here on the train and enjoy the landscape and the people around you here with my my friend this is relaxing I just can't I was sleep earlier and I thought oh man I'm gonna miss something so I came back here to see if I missed the mountain I'm just kind of surprised I thought I knew what to expect with Montana we've been in it for almost five hours now and it's looked like this the whole time I mean they say there's a lot to see in Montana I see why there's nothing in your way [Applause] you know what time it is time for training to Train welcome to Fabulous Fitness it's training on a train I'm your host Mike now this space here is our studio our gym space I mean it gets used occasionally for loading and offloading but that's only a couple of times the rest of the time it's hours per fitness and our first workout goes to our manual and a first thing we're gonna do is end track push you feel a bit perfect just use what's at your disposal these are luggage rack dips how about those stairs and don't neglect stretching it's just as important sport can help instead of kettlebell swings new luggage and the last exercises you're running late gotta catch your train exercise and this it for training on the train with Michael well when we finally get snow with my food train ride here so I've learned a few things but one of them is if you're afraid of germs I'm not I don't really care but you always have to press the door handle to go out unless hands-free everyone's in bed I'm finally getting bed I'm still smiling I love being on this thing I'm just just having fun but I can't help but feel like tomorrow morning it ends 10:30 a.m. if we're on time 10:30 a.m. we're rolling into Seattle the good news is we've been stopped here for about a half an hour and I don't know how much longer we'll be stopped it could be a while so fingers crossed I wake up you know a little bit of Bonus Time riding the rails tomorrow what what happened to the observation car so last night about 1:00 a.m. they split the train into two half of it goes to Portland half of it goes to Spokane and oh look at this since we come back from breakfast school has our our cabin attendant has put our beds back into chairs and because we don't have an observation car anymore ah which is normally my favorite car we will be enjoying the rest of the view from here and look we're right next to the river hang on lights out [Music] this is that folks we made it boom there it is the Pacific Ocean and we've now officially made it to the Pacific Ocean from the Great Lakes to the Pacific Ocean so let's talk about the food now look it's not the best food in the world you're not coming for 5-star culinary experience but trust me when I say it is better than any food you get on the airplane well what I was most impressed about with the food is the ability to make changes to swap out items for other items no problem whatsoever will here is a vegan and they have vegan options make some time I'm playing them they don't have been the big updates have news yeah they weren't very accommodating we'll see each other soon all right thanks cool this is it we've made it so one thing to remember big thank you to the whole staff but make sure to tip all the meals are included and your cabinet tenant has been taking care of your room and making your beds and everything so leave a little something for them because they do a fantastic job okay so the King Street station in Seattle it's phenomenally beautiful that just refurbished it redone it and it's now on the Heritage registry so it's definitely worth coming you can go to the second floor viewing area to look down on the whole station or look up at the ceiling it's it's really beautiful [Music] well Amtrak did it to be honest they actually came in about 3540 minutes early so I'm impressed Amtrak and and this is exactly what I expected of Seattle it's great it's damp it's much warmer than North Dakota I'm Mike the channel is Downey live don't forget to subscribe to will I've linked in here as well thank you to the High Speed Rail Alliance make sure to sign that petition become a member support high speed rail coming to America how awesome would that be I don't know where I'm going next but I know I want you there with me so subscribe I'll take you along then see ya
Channel: DownieLive
Views: 1,002,493
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: downielive, amtrak, roomette, amtrak superliner roomette, the empire builder review, Superliner, seattle, train, Empire Builder, sleeper, train travel, chicago, Business Class, superliner roomette, High Speed Rail, Amtrak Empire Builder, seattle wa, train vlog, amtrak seattle, amtrak chicago, train review, amtrak review, travel, train trip, amtrak trains, coach class, business class, amtrak business class, amtrak first class, amtrak coach class, amtrak sleeper car, amtrak sleeper
Id: kwmRDDswYbk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 53sec (773 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 01 2020
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