2 Hours of Ceeday! (Season 4-7 Fortnite)

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[Music] as you guys know I already attempted this Challenge and yeah did not go good the first time this is without a doubt top three hardest challenges I've ever done when I tried it in the past and I already quit on it I had no intention of coming back but then they dropped this skin this flash looking ass skin is destiny that I try this challenge again I might beat it I might not you know what I'm not gonna Rage or stress too hard about it because that's what ruined the challenge the first time what was that ugly ass well that won't ever be unseen all right I need to go to my settings controller auto run all right we need to go somewhere safe where are we heading where we heading uh all right boys we're going salty all right here we go keep in mind if I do put on The Shield or look at a wall for too long my autorun will turn off oh someone didn't blow [ __ ] you got Shields and no guns we won't be running 100 of the game but as long as we're running as we're like fighting people oh my God oh God he's trying hard come on one pumping one Papa one pump all right we got a Wukong on our roof right now can't drop that chest boy you know what I'm gonna save these shields real quick because there are a lot of chests in here I might come across some minis hold up 450. I mean that works too we now have an RPG our chances of winning have went up so far okay try please don't be a trap please don't be a trap we are right in the middle of the circle which is perfect by the way because as long as I'm in tilted I don't have to get in build battles and all the time I spent doing this dumbass challenge I realized that build battles is the way to die it's so hard to out build someone when you're sprinting only and then if you do you have to try mad hard not to walk off your building this tree is in the way bro hit him no please don't build battle where you going boy the other guy's coming up on me you know what I'm a jump head he's probably looting my kill right now I'm mad all right round two let's go I heard that Zoe no I'm gonna die oh man I don't like the build I can't build in this and he's shooting me down [Music] I'm dead as [ __ ] someone shooter get the [ __ ] out of here I cannot believe I just got out of that situation it's dumb of me to go back but she has so much of my stuff you know let me Slow Down slow down how do I slow down aim okay there we go come on out Zoe here shots this might be her there's so many people here I'm so shook right now someone is right above me this guy with The High Ground you know what we're going up he got hit he's getting hit wait he died I already got looted I hear someone inside I think someone's in there he's in that room please open the door bro I need him to come out of there came out [ __ ] I gotta win this [ __ ] go no I'm dead I'm dead smoked don't do it you always do that I always go around hitting all the furniture and they put the chest on the bed I can't believe I actually just killed her I don't know who's up here but she about to die here we go it's Jonathan no no hey there little default skin what's up Tomato Man now there were two guys fighting over here I see he's on top of the house busted oh [ __ ] he sees me I I can't build I'm wasting my mats what the [ __ ] am I doing you guys have no idea how hard it is to build while sprinting busted come on four four four yes and he dropped the dual wheel all right I'm gonna drink this first and I'm gonna go pick them up yo this is the game don't even think about it I will prove Trump wrong from the looks of it the game might end exactly why I landed I'm sorry dual wields but I need anti-built stuff no man we have to move and it's in the middle of nowhere I'm just gonna hug this one for now because as soon as I get over there it's a wrap man I have nowhere to hide oh no should I go for the shot should I go for the shot nor [ __ ] it no I don't want to do it do I go for this job he's a [ __ ] he jumped down never mind good thing I didn't go for it don't mind me I'm just minding my business you know what I'm gonna make a one by one page no please don't shoot at me please don't shoot at me [Music] [ __ ] my life I'm getting dizzy [ __ ] get off of me oh storm no okay let me hit this med kit real quick no no no no no no no no no no stop stop stop stop stop thank you I'm shook as [ __ ] let me reload this my damn bazooka all right you know what I'm gonna get up to High Ground man leave a [ __ ] alone am I shooting right [ __ ] you one more I'm going in the wrong guy wait the worse [ __ ] oh my God I don't see him I know he's under me but I don't where is he oh my God busted yeah let's get off yo I had some dirty ass RPG shots in that game I can't lie I never thought I was gonna beat this hey man it's all in this game because when I was doing this with raptor I was getting five listen guys I'm sorry for missing so many days during the week the worst part about it is I can't even like begin to get into the [ __ ] of why I couldn't upload just so you guys know I'm doing fine things should be going back to normal soon today in this video my friend era and I go out looking for the Tommy Gun drum gun Speak Easy whatever the [ __ ] you want to call it the rules are we have to use drum gun only and every time we see one we have to pick it up the goal is to get like five of them by the end of the game this was painful don't get me wrong it was fun and all but this was painful I hope you all enjoyed the video and thank you for being patient with me oh my God I got a drum gun I got one no it's not meeting I got two of them oh don't you don't [ __ ] die don't you die I opened two bags back chests I got the same thing Minis and the drum guns oh my God another drum gun what's going on there's a team shooting in the backyard and he hit you you better not hit me kid oh my God I missed the roof everything's going wrong right now y'all no everything's going right do not change it around don't give me welcome give me he hated you I got someone y'all I got someone he's not going boom yeah I hear a minute what's up what's up [Music] he has one take that [ __ ] get the oh give it up I found another Tommy Gun this one's blue I got two yo there's someone throwing cleaners I don't know where from I don't see them you know I'm about to head over to the other I see him uh South they said there's one on top of the white building he has one by the way oh there's someone in the window by the window we can [ __ ] in there I need to stop shooting you I'm out of ammo I'm going in I got one yeah look at kill feed look at the meters boom oh poor guys your car will he dropped another jump gun we got oh another one and another one what the [ __ ] and another one what the [ __ ] oh my God oh my God these guys have mad of them I got five all right I got five I did it I did it we had to win this game and there's another one are you [ __ ] kidding me ever picked this up right now you know I'm just gonna drop these you can see like how draw dropping it looks [Music] now bro you're not stupid bullets bro are you scared I have five of them you know how good this feels can you be my Sakura please just in case I only got three minis yeah I hear them breaking things oh they're breaking wood over here I see him he's inside a little room in front of me he sees me here's a pump out be careful you know how that goes I need a mini Sakura that one Mega's building like crazy he's going umbrella I got him this guy's one shot got him okay that was not talking about it okay yo it's two omegalos on the mountain yeah I'm not trying to fight though you try to dip yo I'm not trying to like I don't wanna I don't want to lose this game they're building like right now [ __ ] no airfold phones I'm not losing this game don't full no trees don't leave no tracks to the [ __ ] even that little tier I'm leaving one shot because I'm that hey there's a shopping cart let's go oh my God oh my God okay no he looks like oh control is dead he definitely gonna see us yeah oh he saw oh he saw get off get off get off get off get off get the [ __ ] off wait he did he didn't see is he dead ass [ __ ] out he's weak he's weak he's weak a pump by the way in North North yeah take it serious show this guy's good Adam oh my god oh hell no oh there's such a scarcity in the world someone else shooting [ __ ] right now he's down oh my God that's his friend his friend is error don't kill him don't kill him what the actual [ __ ] [Applause] his friend's a bot it's the omegas era the bat the low ground is the Omega is from tilted oh hell no and they see us they see us they see they see oh my God they're looking for us oh no he's coming down actively coming to Tomato you ready to jump him he's by himself it looks like he's here he's here he's here he's here he has higher ground I put down the jump pad dumb [ __ ] where is he I don't see him he's one shot well he's one shot I got him oh never mind you got him his friends his friends outside the wall I started shooting on you bro I don't want to talk about it I went to them I just don't follow you oh we're right behind them they have no idea wrong he's so [Music] oh hell no I'm literally hiding under the stairs from people walking above me oh [ __ ] [ __ ] some music how do we just lift that [ __ ] okay how I'm getting high ground yo that was my mistake got one he jumped on my building fight that [ __ ] up I think he's Rising I got him oh my God the storm storm what a woman's one shot stupid how dumb they feel right one chance and there's a team out there waiting now I'm tight should we just jump head hey guys yeah yeah light them up getting shot from another person bro I think it's in the one by one it's a default with a scar I wonder why he got me so one shot like a real life default I'm going for him yeah look at this hour you got to see this You Gotta See what the [ __ ] yo because he'll get you one shot don't do it what the hell what happened I'm getting gravity crystals y'all and now I'm gonna jump out again how many jump heads you have ER I'm here to make it man I can't help with this okay I'm done it's pumping bro he's gonna follow me I had no man's [ __ ] I gotta get him before I die please die where is he oh my God I'm gonna get this one for you what the [ __ ] is going on out here yo what is okay Luke palooza yeah they're all the way up top yo one down never mind he's eating okay I was on a different team a goddamn scarf that sounds so [ __ ] terrifying oh my God look at this come and look at this [ __ ] is that everything seriously just gonna stay there yo oh my God they actually think we left well [Applause] oh thanks ass wipe what's up do you have any cleaners oh my God where's that from up to you one shot got him I thought he was living holy [ __ ] bro oh my God I'm dead we're good we're good double pump bro that's so ignorant bro another people that hard what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] don't shoot at me I was like this wait there's another one yeah you're over by me you like the belt huh it's going down holy [ __ ] hitting Band-Aids he's one shot though he's gonna fall remember that there you go he's got to make it I don't want to carry on man stop hiding oh my God the Trap oh my God that trap came through after all oh my God good oh hell no oh [ __ ] what just happened I don't know yo it went for me winning to me folding so fast serious oh there's oh [ __ ] just build battle okay okay the shocking news to everyone my favorite fortnite streamer ninja has passed away of ligma yup I don't upload for a whole month and I come back with a poorly timed ligma joke anyway I'm officially back this was like the longest most painful month of my life I've seen a lot of people tell me that moving does not take this long and you're right it really shouldn't have but I've had a lot of [ __ ] ups let's just put it that way I could have made videos during the break but I didn't want to leave for like two weeks to make one video then leave for another week then make another you know what I mean it's Monday and the move is basically done my setup is pretty much up too I need to make it Echo proof I'm sorry about that I haven't uploaded in so long and I think I can finally say that I have no more excuses in front of me I can finally Focus now and get back on the grind and I think that we should be able to get back on schedule America well anyway my goal today is to get one win I just want to get my first win of season five [Music] definitely not the smartest idea to go somewhere new for my first game what is I said surprise oh wait what are you doing [ __ ] [ __ ] what are you doing my sensitivity feels so [ __ ] fast and I think my game volume is too loud I feel like such a bot right now oh [ __ ] I hear someone I feel like such a bot [ __ ] give me that scar oh [ __ ] what though why is he shooting up oh stop what are you I swear I don't pay for my lobbies I honestly feel like I've never played this game but can you get the [ __ ] over there oh [ __ ] what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] what happened to this game no no no no he sees me oh not good he got shot by someone else oh my God my life saved why is there so many people here I know you're still there I know you're still there I'm actually really happy I'm coming across Bots because it's giving me some confidence like I'm already sweating I don't know why I'm so nervous right now hopefully I win my first game so I don't have to do a bunch of editing I just want to get this video up and start grinding like I feel so what is that sound I feel like that man Thanos about to come out of nowhere surprise carrying a burst by the way I'm sorry man first video back and I'm already trying to trigger people question is is it real or not okay this guy's about to [ __ ] me up I can feel it that actually hurt my hand so [ __ ] bad I got a new desk I don't know if the bang sounds the same for you guys or not [Music] [ __ ] this oh this is just spraying all people do is spread your Milly Rocky as a default wow hope you're dead bye-bye [Music] okay I finally get to use a P90 [Music] wow what the [ __ ] I hear you it's default oh my God this one might be real I don't wanna it's nice in one shot I'm sorry [Music] that one's by the way it's a real default skin building a one by one late game are you [ __ ] me dumbass you heard me look at this guy he did all that he got some footsteps oh my God someone tell this guy to relax such a [ __ ] nerd oh you're mad don't be lazy like that guy it's always when you think that no one's watching you is when someone's watching holy [ __ ] is he gonna build or Oh no just spray your gun okay cool I'm curious does this guy like not have mats or does he just don't care sir can I help you sir do you need some mats do I look oh God yeah just just keep doing that oh there he goes there he goes yeah Matt's all along you can just tell that he loves the spray meta spray [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] he saw me let's type this that guy got absolutely [ __ ] upon what is it with people's bodies folding every time they die is he like actually dead ass right now you're just gonna stand there and enjoy your low ground he hit me what how did he just hit me oh still peeking you got some balls stay there one more time give me one more shot he gave me one more shot spraying you better come down [ __ ] better come down are you [ __ ] yeah how'd that feel huh how'd that feel huh we might actually win a game come on please I've been playing for so long is he in there he can't be that weird no way he's that weird I know exactly which one he's hiding into I know which one he's in oh my God I'm actually scared he's in there he's in here I knew it I'm getting so lucky this game oh my you're so bad how do you miss that this is making me sick this is honestly making me sick please let me out [ __ ] die already I'm so nervous right now why is the circle outside the circle what happened to this game stop metaphor I heard the other guy where is he well we got 15 seconds oh [ __ ] it's about to go down I'm so scared right now look at I'm running come on am I this garbage where you going come get you Oh I thought the circle could keep going by the side come get this ligma where's my slow-mo what the [ __ ] was that if I'm being completely honest from my first day of playing season five I think it's s we got the double barrel shotgun coming soon I don't know when it's gonna come out let's just hope that it's tomorrow for content's sake I just remember that it's a whole new season which means I have to make a new outro welcome back to another video first of all I want to say thank you for the explosive response on my last video you guys have no idea how Shook and nervous I was to uh to publish that video as soon as it went up it has like 50 000 views in one minute and like 20K comments and like bruh it feels really good to be able to come back and just like see a response like that so thank you guys all right so I know I'm really late on the new shotgun coming out but hear me out man I spent five plus hours yesterday recording trying to get like five double barrel shotguns dumbest idea I've ever had by the way this gun does not drop for [ __ ] so I have a better idea for today okay so the plan is to go shotgun only and every time I see the new double barrel I have to pick it up I doubt that I'll get like five double barrels at once but if I do man that'll be a bonus for this video you know what since I'm shotgunning only thank you oh my God [ __ ] are you doing is someone in here what do you I don't think he knows I'm here okay he knows I'm here come on I can't even be mad he finessed just spray by the way baby girl you know I'm behind you oh that would have been 10 times better if she was a defaults kid oh I'm dead hopefully they fight each other yes oh God why is he just sitting up there what is he doing up there got him who's throwing that oh come on in Susie you know you want to oh my God she's actually gonna kill me I don't want to talk about it you thought come on down oh [ __ ] where is this guy die in a [ __ ] fire [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh oh he is shook right now he knows oh we got off the rip where you going boy oh this thing is brolic you can't compete with this thing you honestly can't a little bit closer that was the biggest dunk on I've ever done why is this guy running towards the storm did he really just try to snipe me wait there's a guy behind you wait what the [ __ ] are these guys teaming or okay so they are fighting oh my there's three people another one what the [ __ ] what's going on man we have to go can you stop out of here are you is she just gonna stand there and take it okay cool [Music] poor little default skid this door is his only way out I just heard the new shotgun I don't know exactly where it was but it was somewhere in this direction who has it cough it up I don't want to talk about it have they evolved yet [Music] oh my God he's resisting you're not a default holy [ __ ] it's right here I can do double barrel only this game I just need to get somewhere safe wait is that a 50 up here yes he's still coming for me man stop please drink drink he's about to come to that door look at him look how hard he's going look at this bazooka in my hand open that door and you die oh [ __ ] he's a [ __ ] [Music] um is he dead ass uh did you see him buddy is he out there Daddy's get three what the [ __ ] flying defaults and she has a scar of course you have a scar why wouldn't you have a scar early game oh my God this thing is a [ __ ] Cannon there's another one coming oh my God can you relax out of here anyone else wants some huh that's what I thought [Music] this Lobby is throwing everything at me right now to stop me from doing the shotgun only I love how oh my God there's another one I was just about to say I love how I have one slot for a gun and like four for meds wait hold up oh hell no no get that [ __ ] out of here I'm not no way and every time I see the new double barrel I have to pick it up oh [ __ ] I just remembered I said in the beginning every time I see one I have to pick it up oh my God this hurts I really want to keep that 50. wait someone's here surprise [ __ ] oh [ __ ] I gotta go I'm not fighting this he's supposed wait where's that 50 I dropped oh thank God well it all worked out in the end someone's in here should I go for the Trap kill or what it's a default oh scary little head ass what the [ __ ] did she just jump that why should be a trap on the ceiling no I'm good I really don't see why people are calling this shotgun bad this thing is honestly the king of shotguns and I like the fact that it's balanced because it's mad powerful but it comes with that risk of the long ass reload thought you were slick he has one too just open my door again somebody better tell him yes it's that serious here he comes oh my God can you just leave me alone come on yo [ __ ] I'm just gonna chill in there I got my spikes down hopefully they fight it out oh [ __ ] I've never been so scared of my entire life how many people are out there yeah I'll be taking a loot by the way it's gotta be so [ __ ] tight did he not hit my jump head these guys are fighting over here let me interrupt did you guys fired it out now that he's nice and weak oh [ __ ] he saw me coming doesn't matter can I hit a good shot oh [ __ ] this is the last guy out of my [ __ ] face wait what wait a minute what happened to slo-mo why don't I ever get slow-mo am I like missing a setting or something like that I have no idea why I'm not getting slow motion if I'm missing something can you guys please let me know in the comments anyway that's gonna wrap it up for the video I hope you guys enjoyed it and I'll see you tomorrow you know what I'm just gonna nice there we go I needed that I feel like the wings have been giving me bad luck now the new sniper came out today and it's basically the verification the bear is my all-time favorite sniper out of all the Call of Duties combined would you just look at it we're on sniper shootout and I'm gonna be using every single gun it's just that every time I see the parrot I'm gonna have to pick it up is this a default you know what I'm not gonna test it okay I'm gonna hit my chug chug in peace please don't snipe me [Music] she doesn't see me hello [ __ ] default [ __ ] God I love this game mode oh my God no oh my this game mode is [ __ ] awful peekaboo pitch foreign [Music] anyway that last clip kind of broke my headset so this video is going to be a day late um new headset though who's chasing the guy with a pickaxe oh that's my bear the biggest deriders in the world uses skin by the way [ __ ] off I hate everyone in that skin I don't think I've ever came across someone in that skin that did it right there I need to find that guy with the bear he's still up there no way I said oh it's not him probably died this guy probably has my bear nope I heard that it's him [Music] I think you're going oh God flying the ball watch this I had to reload no it ruined it oh you thought did she go back to the same spot okay now watch this [Music] but you are safe leave me alone literally so [ __ ] annoying did I seriously lose him is he dumb he's dumb well then I'm disgusting oh matter of fact I'm coming up there now tough guy watch this dude absolutely fold me it's Jonathan wow I'm talented and I don't have mass to get back up there so I have to come back round two bro are you dead ass please don't stand me please don't stand me please don't snipe me round three right now [Music] how am I missing John we're both Ash and the storms on the way can we stop um keep on aiming Bud look how hard he's aiming Jesus Christ take the shot he just gave up you just gonna give up bud you done yeah is he dead ass no yes you will not kill my friends you will not kill him jackass I got you bud don't worry about it I'll hold it down up here hey watch out man what the [ __ ] will not hurt my defense game hey watch out man no tea bag near my default that's my default get your own default hey where'd he go good no you got hit buddy yes [Music] hey man I saw you pick up the gun yes [Music] it went on long enough I had to make a stop how do I feel wait I got hit okay man I don't have mats for this can you stop hey who is shooting that oh what are you doing up there oh this guy's a Barrett yeah two of them let's go now where did that little default go busted um [Music] oh so that's what we're doing [Music] kill him first now you that was so clean oh my God oh God oh he had a gold one I need one more to go you don't leave me alone matter of fact I got something for you I got something for you you know what you want to keep on bothering me have fun and my fifth one let's go let me drink this first someone's coming here's someone it would be a default can you leave me alone no you're gonna come here so bad come on dumbass and now you're dead dunzo gone now where are you going I gotta run this [ __ ] if you don't let me drink this [ __ ] yeah before that storm hits me I swear I know she is not sitting in here [Laughter] oh my God and she's about to whip my ass and then I die oh you want to be here so bad we want to Barrel stuff so bad bye-bye again [ __ ] you won't thank you very much [ __ ] too hey what are y'all doing down here [Music] [Music] yep four I got one more to go [Music] oh you [ __ ] who did that that's what scaring me like that you little default now you're gonna die Exquisite huh come up here he dropped two gold barrage leave it to a default man I swear listen default don't do it we both gotta go oh my God a whole bunch of people another one oh you're smoked hey wait a minute wait a minute defaults is someone in here hitting bandages [Music] oh my God I am [ __ ] [ __ ] up this game might as well hit this one bandage oh out of here man how did that make it though thank you very much 12 kills all right get ready for 5 million IQ oh I'm actually really really glad that worked the first try Jeff hey why you calling my face bro why you have to come and bother me breaking my base hope you learned your lesson if I had to face cam yeah I would have saw me Dodge that bullet in real life man I was at the [ __ ] Matrix you [ __ ] bro please stop please stop bye-bye come on trap are you kidding me please leave me alone no no [Music] [Music] hey it's me again with another monthly upload I'm sorry I shouldn't even be like making jokes about this at this point I swear to you guys one of these weeks man I'm gonna come out of nowhere and just upload like every single day I said one of these weeks by the way don't think I'm gonna do that this week anyway today's video is kind of all over the place so I gotta let you guys know what's going on okay so first of all I was just gonna do a video with me testing out mobile lobbies foreign [Music] that's me by the way AKA might take it into default heaven no don't do it come in here and you die simple I'm getting jumped right now [Music] why won't you thank you if this Bush play works I swear to God I swear man it's just like zombies but with default skins [Music] do not judge me for this next play [Music] it's working [Music] that night someone just got knocked okay that's game and then I was like my little sister plays mobile already so I might as well pick her up for the video right I pick her up boom all right device say hi hey no say hi to where I told you to say hi do I have to yes we play a game boom Oh my God yeah what the [ __ ] um we got our [ __ ] washed boom don't move don't move stop moving stop moving come on stop moving and then my cousin gets online we pick him up at this point I have my little sister I had my cousin my little brother was already online so we picked him up and became one big happy defaulty family all right now that you guys are all caught up I hope you enjoyed the video oh he's on a default skin oh my God you know what as a family everyone get on default come on Christian hey everyone big happy deep faulty family here wanna do a video sure okay this is the this is the video okay this is what we're doing we have to win a game without getting any kills okay I tried to do it with the Maya only but she sucks so we can I got the couch okay hold up all right I'm ready all right team default hits on three one two three oh let's sit together please stick together what house are we going to no it's crazy and we've never played with each other until now yeah it's kind of weird just take the door you default what are you doing hey you all yeah we're gonna loot this right house got someone's here hey should we just should we just pickaxe him do pickaxe only instead my friend Jesus um something tells me no one's coming let's leave do you guys see this guy you see this guy over here get ready get in the room get in the room okay get away default [Music] [Music] someone was coming already okay let's go to this guy who has a skin and let's convert him to a default oh surrounded do it do it I can't you can't read this he's staring at us as a default shooting at me never mind I'm right here I'll try it tomorrow laughs no way on the road come on take it guys the boys got cars you see that okay everyone landed up we're gonna do a nice race all right all right okay hurry up hurry up nice in the middle okay and it's across the bridge how do you mark okay here we go okay thank you my heart feels slow yeah so far back because my car is broken and it's getting dry I mean let's slow down for these slow pokes okay hurry up hurry up where is she bro what are you doing okay thank you so many tests they could be Aiden roll out roll out yeah Savage defaults okay everyone move stop billing [Applause] carry on I think so I don't think he has a gun let's jump him guys no he doesn't have a gun he has a [ __ ] gun s I found them how do you know he's mobile he plays like the Maya okay [Laughter] okay oh my God he's actual mobile he's gonna [ __ ] kill us all yeah a mobile player let's just shoot everything kill everyone and then pickaxe the last guy and act like we did the challenge thoughts hi guys where um almost done [Music] okay there's one more left don't kill him where is he this is a purple star everyone gets a big X out oh my God [Music] thank you [Music] pick her up pick her up I'll build I build don't stop picking her up okay don't shoot it don't shoot her zombies zombie yeah Shields [Music] Wiggins [Music] foreign [Music] first off I'm gonna start by saying I'm as sick as a dog so if I sound different in this video you know why how did I not see this coming after they made the impulse 2.0 this video right here is kind of special to me because the port of Fort failure I don't know how but is the most viewed video on my channel it's sitting at a clean 10 mil I don't know how by the way that video is complete [ __ ] I remember when I made that video I made the title portafort failure and everyone in the comments was like yo you missed out with an opportunity I could have just made it poor to failure but you know what in that video's honor today's video is going to be portafort Tris failure thank you look who just got online Mr Maya yeah you're garbage and they came up with soaring solos today how come all these default skins got some type of tool like look at that [ __ ] like what are they trying to fix yo the Cube's about to hit tilted there's someone in here what are you doing he might have just lagged I don't care I'm taking a [ __ ] he had two of them oh my God you know what foreign [Music] what the [ __ ] wait how am I alive God gave me a second chance I better not spoil it what did he just bet you won't pick again oh why does every default skin have some type of tool what are y'all trying to fix you [Music] wow oh yes nine bullets wait a minute did I just see why is this sitting there why is this literally just sitting in the open camping ass defaults oh hell no you know what I'll meet you with that portafort with this portafort That was supposed to be a lot cooler I guess oh my God we're literally neighbors hey how's it going neighbor neighbor where is he Cool Pops a bass like this and Folds do it stop open my door you know you want to bro open my door I'm not gonna say it again I want to all right don't wow that worked out perfectly really how do you die from Fall damage in this game mode why did you just get knocked oh I know why I'm in this mode I joined Amaya's Lobby and left and now it put me in soaring squads what what is this what what am I playing what I love that this video started with the cube coming to hit tilted it now completely went through tilted and is sitting at loot Lake now you can understand just how long it takes me to make these [ __ ] videos and I'm not even close to done wow wow and I'm still a piece of garbage piece of garbage that's my luck right there I look for the new one and I get the Mayan I can why are you I'm dead did Maya help out top 10 worst places to land and tilted and I go here like every time I don't know why well you're dead [Music] here thank you do it to yourself well the default skids landed here yeah that's what I thought what are you doing here clapping please tell me it's someone default dancing where is where's that coming from where is that coming from where it's such a default dance too I know it's a default dance he's on the roof it was a default dance I knew it foreign contribution ah you're too cute to kill come on Katie come with me there together we'll conquer this island [Music] listen you [ __ ] no let's go come on listen man stop playing with me nah you tea bag all you want I know what you're up to I know you're kind oh you [ __ ] up now do it oh yeah you know you [ __ ] up oh [ __ ] it's every type of defaults her him him and him oh never mind they're missing two more the blonde guy and the uh the redhead girl he got one please don't pop it please don't use it land no oh he's a scar too that guy has some crazy good luck with Lou no way are you serious give me that okay I'm gonna head to the middle of the circle and I'm gonna stack them I'm gonna pop it right here wait a minute was that a dumb idea it was a dumb idea that was a really really dumb idea if this where it breaks the whole thing goes down so I'm gonna connect it at the bottom um I don't know if I should do it like that or if I should I feel like I should put it there [ __ ] it all right here we go just so it doesn't get broken I'm gonna connect it a little bit I got the highest of The High Ground and no sniper you know what there might be a sniper down there and I want to see what this looks like from a far south oh that looks [ __ ] epic oh my wait someone's up there you [ __ ] it took my spot when I left and now I'm getting lit up and someone's landing on me leave me alone why am I getting jumped it's a default skin I'm getting folded by a default what the [ __ ] why am I getting jumped depressed today here those games were like a few days ago I'm not really sick like that anymore it's really gone now but for this video I played one more game and I just now figured out at what um 11 22 p.m after like six hours of editing I didn't even record the game the game you see now is the game but it just comes from replay mode I might not sound like it but I've never been this angry before like I am so close to Breaking something these monitors almost got body them telling you this game was honestly the best or one of the best games of fortnite I've ever had it was so funny because I had the Maya in the game and the luck that I got with loot that game you you don't know the half of it I'm just gonna show a little clip of what I mean and then end the video there as corny as it sounds this was a true or the Fortress failure [Music] laughs hey hey Sick me thank you you said something was gonna happen that's what other people are saying maybe something did happen it's moving it is yeah it's moving oh all right I know it's happening it's happening look what the heck yo y'all about to die why y'all standing there like that no what is it doing what is purple [Music] what's happening wait what the heck wait you're not Edge Lords you gotta call it lean late but we're all on the same page here 10 news like get it right this might actually be the perfect time to put Close Encounters in the game [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] bye are you [ __ ] come on hit it yes perfect hey pick me out oh Jonathan I'm not your friend get away from me okay you can do it he's one shot oh my God she actually did it okay though you were so close matter of fact go ahead you didn't see yourself do it I gotta catch him did I get him oh my God you actually it's a default oh poor idiot hey leave me alone are you freeze huh he didn't even turn around oh stickies I wanted to do this for so long all right gotta aim it perfectly it'll bounce and hit him ready [ __ ] our first attempt how are you not dead catch don't do it to yourself walking so slow if this isn't the setup I don't know what is got a grapple and a jet pack yo I need to go straight back to Thanos like I'm like Spider-Man and Iron Man in one where are you going boy man oh you're so dead one more hit knew it oh you messed up why would you go on land that's where you messed up Spider-Man and Iron Man where you going he has a jet pack oh I'm dead I'm so dead stop don't mind me what we doing over here huh getting jumped out of here we think you run into that delay takes too long five Health jetpack but I don't have a gun oh [ __ ] please don't hey hey bud come with me Just a Little Closer and hear that I'm so sorry um you okay oh I hurt your feelings I'm sorry my guy hey hey we hey we can make let's make up let's make up come on with me [Music] he's actually following me still hey stop [Music] you [ __ ] what's the plan I need to land tilt it and get three things a heavy shotgun a gen pack and a Grappler that's the best combination for handling anyone in thanosleep what's going on out here huh holy [ __ ] what is going on so much due to in one area [Music] well I got all three the circle is cutting the lake off [Music] one of the best things about Thanos lake is at any point in the game there's always people here holy [ __ ] it's a team coming out of the storm come on let's get it out you're dying first you're dying first is he rezzing oh hell no what makes you think you can rest huh night night okay there's one more where's the last guy and he's going for a raise I'll just killed the whole team y'all better have some meds Thanos like it's been real I already got my 13 kills I'm playing the rest of this game like a complete [ __ ] [Music] really going got it don't mind me I'm so [ __ ] garbage I think this is it everyone's here hopefully they're all weak oh is it meds oh [ __ ] I'm dead come on oh [ __ ] leave me alone leave me alone you [ __ ] they're so thirsty oh my God I'm so dead I'm so dead please don't check here please don't come in here they're looking so hard for me oh my God they're looking everywhere for me oh my God you guys are so [ __ ] thirsty what is wrong with y'all why are y'all so thirsty they're breaking the tree y'all was so [Music] so where the [ __ ] is the other team at well I'm out of that time of the fight I can't run anymore [ __ ] [ __ ] foreign why you folding boy nah he's at the mat tough a second ago what's wrong tough guy I married my Jetpack the last team is in the sky are you kidding me I need to kill this clown now get out of here thirsty ass team and you guys are butt cheeks it's a 1v2 situation I think I can handle this they're coming down do they not have jet packs why are they building down no way they're just dumb they don't have jet packs you guys are so [ __ ] any less words any last words oh no you did not uh oh the storm's here goodbye it's nice knowing you it's nice knowing you man laughs oh my God [ __ ] the decor came out of me right ladies and defaults we're finally done with the worst season of fortnite so far I think we could all agree season five was hot steamy ass before I play my first game you guys can see I already maxed out the battle pass I'm not gonna show you every single thing but I got you with what you need to know okay first of all DJ Yonder Heat season 6 default skin also known as bitties [Music] I love this back bling but come on bro who wants to shoot this guy defaulty boy with a llama fetish new face filters on Instagram today no comment we got pet ninja the [ __ ] you say I'm not even gonna show this emo it's so ass season six Zoe I haven't even played yet and I already hate this [ __ ] every streamer and one of these streamer TV by the way head ass boy is going to be wearing this laziness wiggle V2 Dying by her is gonna piss you off more laziness tomato thought why are you epicana dead ass the one good thing from the battle pass yeah more dragons and tofu now that we're all caught up it's time for my very first game of season six we're obviously going to loot Lake like what can they just leave loot Lake alone what is this I'm so scared everyone around me has a gun already [ __ ] my first game what the hell what was that who turned the lights off yo turn the lights back off that was sick they still exist guys people still exists guys we're gonna Pretend This is the first game oh my God can I get a [ __ ] gun oh God why would you back up into here are you dumb is that no I got distracted by Bitties no epic I knew you had an end game with them things which look at that old defaults in the new defaults I will Master Lake can't be getting distracted by tickle Bitties like where am I supposed to land please be a test bullets really oh thank God's chest um uh but I'm kind of behind you want some I'm the king of loot Lake I'm the king of loot Lake who's in here I'm the king I just got the best idea ever you probably see where this is going it's a stretch but it might work don't shoot yeah you like those don't you [ __ ] pervert why are bombs so doo-doo I think I figured out how to win Loot Lake it took me like an hour and a half to figure it out we have to land on this roof and get this chest boom I won it's honestly that simple who popped that are you serious really come on dude you're better than that wait there's two of them oh you better not going to oh get him out of here and that guy's about to have one salty ass right back to the home screen it's safe to say I'm the king of loot Lake right now I'm leaving then I was like was so much better I'm not gonna lie this looks cool and all but it's ass I haven't seen anyone in so long wow as soon as I open my mouth what and now I'm getting shot from two angles amazing stupid oh my God you're [ __ ] doo-doo never again am I gonna say I'm not getting enough action that guy had so much help either that or I was missing all my shots what the hell is going on over here pull up in the gunfight [Music] oh [ __ ] the [ __ ] is that even if I win this game I'm late in the next game and I'm dead already come on the bus put us right on top of the castle all right let's go if they were to make a portafort version three this would be it how's it going bud yeah we kind of don't have weapons oh my god oh come on I don't have a gun sight [ __ ] I'm dead can I get some help oh there's some bandages over here no too far almost too far I should not be alive right now is there a chest above me something good come on yes we are nice and healthy now someone's in here need a better angle [Music] who's he shooting at oh [Music] you're next come on out bud oh [ __ ] hey I thought y'all's gonna jump me yeah the same skin on and everything this man is folding foreign oh my God I'm sorry man [ __ ] he wants me dead so bad I'm sorry man it won't happen again why are you oh no you're not about to fold me I'm gone have fun I can't believe I'm about to do this I've lost all signs of humanity that's it come on come on [Music] you are so dead oh I'm so dead too we're both gonna die man come on yeah we're both gonna die you gotta make it I might survive and he's gonna watch me die come on I can't give him the satisfaction of watching me die it's sticking two come on oh I'm so gonna make it no what the [ __ ] yeah [ __ ] you thought I was gonna die what you doing up here you better have some meds for me [Music] he had six Minis and three big pots oh my God and he had a scar knock knock [ __ ] [Music] yes double barrel I'm scared some bandages or make it the [ __ ] was that what's going on in here huh hey she had a jump head coming to me huh she knows her hair she knows I'm here [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] not good no I'm so dead come on no you don't [ __ ] what's wrong I'm not about to get fooled by a season six default yes they're fighting the last two guys are fighting I'm coming you know what what's good what's good oh hell no now you gotta be I'm gone it's her again sniper from all the way over there Mighty business [ __ ] oh my God she's so annoying wait wait a minute maybe this is her they both got the season six default I don't know which I don't know who's who though I'll tell you one thing I'm gone oh I'm playing this so sneaky oh she's by me where you going boy oh he died in the storm last guy has high ground and an RPG really bro stop with RPG come on what's good hey my first season six to win baby let's go ladies and default it's gonna have your attention please [Music] for a long time now default skins have been harmless these creatures can only take so much torture before they break when I come back that afternoon y'all remember when I said defaults were evolving I tried to warn us okay now you're probably thinking wait a minute that had nothing to do with Thanos default you right I had it going a certain direction then I [ __ ] it all up so y'all know the Galaxy skin that came out a while ago while I got some good news I don't actually got him I mean I got them but it's not my account though [ __ ] is that bro what is this it's multiplying what the what the [ __ ] what is this what someone [ __ ] kill it is that titties is that titty we're just gonna ignore that okay all right we're on Thanos default the challenge today is that I can only use purple weapons because Thanos and because I'm kind of like the king of defaults I can't harm default skins wait wait a minute I take that back I can't kill defaults can we make this stop what what I don't even care if I die wait I can't use this I I don't care this Lobby was so messed up is that a scar oh hell no game over baby is that a default please don't be a default please don't it's the default wait that's not a default what skin is that I can't tell if that's a dude not no please stop oh you do dude what are you gonna do with that oh [ __ ] is that a default was that a default skin stop they show it I'm sorry oh that man's angry okay can we not see something purple and a llama the hell is a llama doing there y'all jump in the Llama nah you're not about to kill my alarms I've seen him from that default what is this a double barrel I hate these things you're looking at [ __ ] Mighty business get out of here night night stop building and shoot back no is that a default skin why is he looking at the bush you know what I gotta get closer for a better look oh he's moving what the [ __ ] the default in this natural habitat there's someone on top of the blue house it's another default you know what I'm gonna get this guy killed yeah look over here look over here you stop ass default oh snap him yes my loot now kind of sacrifice my son for some bandages but you know what it is what it is no thank God Thanos Cannon and we got a minigun okay getting jumped by the way because my dumbass thought I was in [ __ ] solos he just killed him I thought they were teammates [Music] thanks for the help Bud every time I die and go back to the main screen Hudson's friends are there waiting for me because they know it's me on his account and then the game ends up putting me in squads [Music] oh that's embarrassing [ __ ] off why are y'all jumping me know what I want to jump me come jumping [ __ ] I ain't scared of y'all [Music] you know what we're gonna keep it on squads whoever landed in here is about to be really mad open the chest at it boy [ __ ] damn he was back in heat then I was getting an all what the [ __ ] [Music] oh my God oh [Music] y'all let's go [ __ ] upon I think that was the default again I've gone completely rope man I'm done with this challenge you guys have no idea how long I've been going I'm killing All My defaulty Children Thanos gone Rogue stop building where you going boy nah this man is really folded oh my of course I get 400 ammo for the garbage gun s [Music] I'm done with this challenge you guys have no idea how long I've been going I'm killing all my defaulted children [Music] um just so y'all know I can't use this gun it's the [ __ ] with a rocket launcher [Music] foreign such a [ __ ] [ __ ] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you wait wait don't you [ __ ] dare thank you [Music] oh come on man I'm [ __ ] dead dude I'm [ __ ] dead dude I'm [ __ ] yeah by the way that last clip is when I went full Summit on my monitor a lot of people think something crazy happened like I got 360 by default skin or something like that how I die there isn't what pissed me off is the fact that I've been recording for so long there was no talking in the video because at that point I was like you know what I'm just gonna meet my mic do no commentary and Go full try hard mode the plan was to like edit it in like a montage like an epic way to end the video but that didn't work my monitor literally caught these hands and apparently I hit harder than Summit a scoped AR you know what I'm not complaining does anyone remember the old Seasons when this was cool if someone dies today I don't know what to say there's a default skin just randomly dancing he broke it son of a [ __ ] put that down they don't know who killed them they're gonna loot my kill though I'm kind of mad there's someone behind them there's someone behind them it's two of them hit him with that flake boy they die but there's another team shooting the other team at this point I'm just spectating you guys might think I'm a [ __ ] for not getting involved you're right [ __ ] I'm not about to get killed I've been at this challenge for way too long to care okay so what's it what the [ __ ] it's another Titan don't make me have to kill a Titan to win the game it's the last two teams fighting right now imma Let them fight it out then I'm gonna go in he's a [ __ ] it's about to go down oh [ __ ] that's what the default skin someone got knocked missed [ __ ] kill the default so I don't have to come on [Music] well now I can go all out 1v1 baby come on Titan ain't no one scared of you I got a 1v1 to tighten to win the game come on boy I don't know where he's at busted I don't even know how I can lose a Titan the game is literally calling you up bud I'm so nervous right now the [ __ ] oh my God you're so annoying come on now got him where you going boy [ __ ] go and I completed the challenge I didn't kill no default skin welcome to seaweek day two y'all can keep thinking I'm a Fool by the way I'm trying to tell you this is the week I'm not playing honestly it probably won't be till day four until you guys realize that I'm serious about this until then y'all could keep on talking that [ __ ] in the comments I see it now today we're going to be doing the One Clip challenge which is exactly how it sounds I can only use one clip from any gun before throwing it away I bet this is gonna be a three minute video because this is about to be mad easy wrong you know what one clip of a hand kid and not bad Zoe stop it just stop I'm not having no [ __ ] today Zoe what about you the only way that this can possibly get hard is at the end of the game so I know I got three shots but [ __ ] it little does he know I got Aimbot with the hand Cannon I lied peek again this [ __ ] did not destroy tomato oh oh someone's behind her where is she now I'm mad oh [ __ ] I'm dead [ __ ] you hold up to Eva and your black dog tomato oh [ __ ] you forced me foreign it's a default skin oh here it comes here he comes I'm not gonna mess like that calm down got him I thought she was gonna come closer if I don't kill her with this one clip I'm gonna die huh one more shot gotta Make It Count get rid of that um I'll take a P90 what the hell I'm dead I'm so dead I'm so dead stop oh [ __ ] really boy do you look stupid oh [ __ ] you're not gonna want about me you're bad no crap I don't have a single [ __ ] trap where are you going one shot one kill are you [ __ ] kidding me oh hello bye stupid please be a Band-Aid in here oh my God I'm dead if you're gonna kill me just I'm not gonna kill y'all where are you going uh-uh cut that out how are you how stop it you two will learn to live together in peace now I'm gonna drop the gun and let's see what happens [Music] oh [ __ ] do it damn hey man she had to go I understand [Music] oh he's telling me ain't no [ __ ] [Music] [Music] why are you running come on man stop stop I'm just trying to help you I'm just trying to help you yeah hey man we're cool really drink the [ __ ] shield no that's not good it's funny because he knew it was coming but he did not want to drink that Shield [Music] this building this building's so adorable he [ __ ] kills me no [Music] you don't we're gonna do now I reloaded by accident [Music] come on come get me stop it get some help can someone tell me what he was doing with the grappler oh you [ __ ] I can't get him GG switching ARS by the way come on I only got one shot left gotta Make It Count [ __ ] wait I didn't kill him who killed him there's people everywhere if I don't hit this last shot I'm gonna be so pissed [Music] killing the [ __ ] out of this kid this kid now who's over here Jonathan stop I got a long way to go I can't even stop to get Mets ooh this people fighting easy meds easy meds this might get me killed what's good oh [ __ ] got him really we going with that bitties [Music] how's it feel huh I got five shots here 14 and four I got nothing keep on spraying go ahead what there's another guy please handle it yeah handle that dumbass so you're gonna take your loot or what man [Music] I don't know what to pick up drink this now treat this now come on come on come on no I reloaded by accident [ __ ] I hear someone what what angle though I'm toast really no foreign don't waste your time with the comment asking where's Raptor 2.0 Breezy boy is dead and gone I bought wrapped it back for the whole 1v1 thing quick update by the way I told tifu to pick a time in the day and he said when should we do this should I set a date or some [ __ ] what the [ __ ] what should I comment Bring it on I I don't know what to do with that also I shouldn't have to say this because you guys already know not to take what I say serious and it's also in the description of that video but the symphony thing was a joke I know that he was joking first when he said Kappa and y'all are going way too hard on the man Symphony I'm sorry would you like to say anything Stephanie Stephanie you day [Music] oh and I almost forgot [Music] oh that's hot that's hot thank you thank you thank you so much to all the people that use my support to create a code I don't think I'm allowed to show the number of people even though I did it last time like an idiot but just know there's a [ __ ] ton of people thank you see they were two Wise by the way now you're probably wondering why I'm level 27 and that's because I recorded this intro already I went over the battle pass already I did all that stuff and um the audio is gone so yeah welcome to season 7-Eleven one of these spots better have the airplane ladies and gentlemen what the [ __ ] oh [ __ ] where do you think you're going there's a cooldown in this stupid [ __ ] what do you think you're doing what do you think you're doing wait did he just died who is lighting me up right now baby two games in the new season and I'm already back to Landing tilted by the way I'm gonna land somewhere new next game I literally just forgot getting chased by fake default skin and I don't have a shotgun nope and another one's here you thought fun fact I recorded a whole video with the shotgun but it took so long that I just never uploaded it I record a new video every time the new comes out it just takes me so long to finish those videos and it becomes outdated so I just never uploaded [Music] I've got you in my sights what a [ __ ] idiot I'm so lonely at Tilted right now no one landed here never mind oh I'm gonna grapple on him wait a minute come back [ __ ] I'm over here he's actually coming back hey gotta type it perfectly [ __ ] hey man give me another try all right coming back he's coming back I won't fail [Music] I got one HP analysis I think it's a plane oh no you don't oh no you don't let me go get out of here try me hold it balloons you're gonna fall what the [ __ ] he's trapped the balloon on hold up hold up how do you do that oh that makes so much that's so much better balloons are so much better now I'm about to go and full-on jetpack on his ass come on really why'd my balloon go yeah really did he really just do that to himself oh [ __ ] everyone is just third party guys this is so annoying stop can you just die what do you think you're doing I'm dead I forgot I had Boogie bombs nothing so gangster [Music] never mind I don't where the [ __ ] did he get he's shot he just [ __ ] disappeared and this [ __ ] shoots me down from a third part now I've punched a hole through the wolf you know what this looks nice I'll just park this here holy [ __ ] stop wait wait oh yeah take the airplane stupid I'll be taking the shotgun what the [ __ ] is going on and take two and I just broke a chest this guy does not be gone that guy's an idiot this guy's idiot as well [Music] finally I had a good landing and they gave me the same God oh never mind are you ready to go this gun is both both of them they're both [ __ ] garbage oh we got balloons again someone's about to get body why is this why did three balloons of safety so high and I'm gonna die because of it never mind [Music] take 247. oh come on man walking the entrance yeah you thought you was coming here yeah you thought you was coming here oh [ __ ] and you're dead not gonna lie to every shotgun is kind of garbage oh you think they're so good well guess what I think about that [Music] still stop a second ago by the way I only picked this up because it's gold and yes it will disappoint me again [Music] um sir sir sir I'm literally looking at you like are you that disrespectful the [ __ ] let's do this [ __ ] right there I'm not gonna lie hello [ __ ] so stupid balloons are so dumb but they're so much fun there's a clip of me doing like like literally trying 90s for the very first time without putting floors in and just completely choking them you know what I'm sick and tired of being garbage I'm done messing around we're going strictly for wins we're going on a big ass win streak and the video is going to end when I die fight starting next game stupid my house [Music] why are they there's so many planes what the he doesn't rip me over [Music] honestly who needs a shotgun oh [ __ ] it's going down over here [Music] this guy's an idiot [Music] oh my God I'm popping off this game with all the dumbest ways possible okay we got it we gotta switch goodbye you're sweaty we get it [Music] oh my God this guy is such a [ __ ] [ __ ] foreign [Music] [ __ ] try hard give me a Chuck jug [Music] come on Pokemon snipers only never mind really really [Music] where are you going George busted what are you doing what are you doing over there huh I wiped the ball so bad oh yeah why why would you do that the storm's Gonna Get You damn it I will kill him from the storm or I will kill him by storm of all damage goodbye [Music] let's go anyway that's gonna wrap it up for the video I was gonna go for a big win streak but you know what I have to end it on this game it was too perfect ladies and default welcome to 2019 we are on a rough start and then did you see here CJ quit YouTube my channel blacked out his internet profile pic as soon as ninja got involved I realized just how badly this gotten out of hand like I said it was only supposed to last for one day but uh I'm just now uploading January 9th I think and people think I've either died and quit got hacked kidnapped by tifu or I was gonna start dropping music like KSI that was a dead ass comment by the way but yeah I really did want to revamp for the channel and this was the perfect time I'll tell you why in a second it's not a secret anymore Destiny's already dead to me a lot of people want me to go and check out the new updates and this and that and that and this I've played the game in its recent State and I'm not a fan of it so I'm obviously not gonna make videos on that game so basically to avoid confusion I no longer want to carry that logo but one of the biggest motivations for the new logo was to make it somewhat wearable ladies and defaults I finally after such a long time got myself submerged I don't know why I'm cursed to be late with everything but we're already at five mil and I'm just now dropping merch hold up I need to peep the back real quick I hope you guys can see it all probably not though [ __ ] okay I did not do the shirt Justice you gotta go see it for yourself on shop cday.com there's a few options out right now but you got to keep in mind that it's still just a start everything's in an early state right now but there's gonna be more stuff like every month there's gonna be there is some heat on the way trust me and lastly because my camera's about to die I got a lot of comments from way back then talking about default lives matter and how much I pushed that in my videos well this finally a thing only for a limited time though just this week go ahead and check out the website and if you're interested in the default lives matter hoodie go ahead and get yourself one okay I'm done that was a lot of talking happy New Years and I hope you guys enjoy the video oh [Music] all right ladies and gentlemen my first FaceCam gameplay oh and last by the way uh never again snipers only say no more it's squads I hate this game we're doing no fill oh [ __ ] um oh y'all didn't see anything oh it's a wrap this low gravity nah my in-air Snipes are too clean wait a minute first of all I'm gonna make some excuses real quick because today I might play like some hot ass first excuse I'm on solo Squad so I'm already at a disadvantage second excuse I am uh I'm like three whole feet away from my screen which is normal to some people but not me normally I'm like a solid three centimeters away from my screen I'm legally black I also like to lean in but I'm not trying to Nick marks my [ __ ] so uh good time I'm behind you I'm not playing this game ready it's a dead default skin out of here that's one down what are you doing hit those this low gravity shit's kind of annoying I'm not gonna lie I don't care I still hit those come on if all I have to do is go for body shots there's no way I can lose this game one two one oh this [ __ ] is too easy watch this ready and you're dead does he really think he can hide stupid I've got you in my sights come on open it up open up open it go ahead open it stupid [ __ ] the storm's coming but I really want to get this guy oh my God okay we're gone I got 11 kills right now I don't know how but we're doing it [ __ ] can we stop spraying get out of here my camera [ __ ] turned off why is it too the same so my camera decides to die as soon as my sniper shot gets warmed up here's the thing after I charge my camera I try to get um I try to get the defaulty family back together including the one and only nation there we go only took two hours wait why can't I hear will oh hold on come on do not leave let's just say it did not work out and that day got thrown in the garbage same shirt different day trying to sell my cheerlead so now the sniper mode is gone and uh we got unvaulted you know what we're gonna carry on our solo squads [ __ ] off what are y'all doing all right this is what's gonna happen you guys gonna come down here oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] try me oh my God ladies and gentlemen I now have a bush and a suppressed pistol we won the game if this isn't the kit for the biggest movie ever I don't know what is [Music] I want a camper there's just so much fighting going on over here oh [ __ ] do not turn around someone picked they mans up help me where you going me [ __ ] hold up [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] it's a default again he might be a fake one no that's a real default nah you're not about to build in my Lobby come on now oh my God oh here they come here the Bots come oh my God he's defaulty holy [ __ ] that man is a whole default skin oh my God [Music] why you default what do you want huh oh you can edit hide it with that weak [ __ ] I don't know why I said edit when he built the staircase let's not talk about it we fit the default motherload we're rich okay they come down don't look at me oh she's gonna pick him up pick him up get him get him Susie pick him up Susie okay pick that man up oh my God she's doing it oh my God [Music] Heroes never die hey relax relax go pick your mans up oh she's Rogue oh she's real angry where are you going what she's going back [Music] oh my god dude come on let me go come on kill me I'm here come on without even looking [Music] listen guys default skins and their friends need your help and all they need you to do is go to shopseeday.com and get yourself a limited time only stupid edit on me out of here he left me at one HP you know what buddy know anything about that wait let's do this got him oh you're so mad okay I got 200 Health a shotgun a purple AK and a sniper if I don't make it out of tilted alive I'm garbage come on where you going oh your friends are not saving you you're mad okay change of plans we're hiding hands off my loot [ __ ] ladies and gentlemen do it defeated give me the shotgun I need I need the shot well I'm an idiot try me [ __ ] [Music] oh yo Pierre you want to come out here oh my God I'm surrounded by default skins right now oh oh that's one down your friends forgot about you huh buddy wrong I started up the unvaulted mode I think it said the Duos right now I don't even care I just want to see some OG weapons and this they're saying it to you you know what in honor of OG fortnite okay okay okay stupid [ __ ] off the [ __ ] you do it it's playing oh no you did not they didn't tell you they didn't tell you not to open my doors you learn the hard way oh my God we got the tech SMG hold up hold up hold up we got the tech SMG and we got the OG sniper you won't I miss missing a thousand shots with this gun I'm not even hitting [ __ ] I'm having fun what are you doing and there's only one test to see if he's a default oh my God bro and the storms here yeah you look real dumb right now some help you won't you won't why are you mad I've never been so angry this game is so slow and boring without all the airplanes and cars and zip lines oh my God actual people the storm's coming though I don't think I can fight two teams with the storm coming [ __ ] it only for the video [Music] [ __ ] really and his friends here you don't have the adventure so you just have to avenge a man's time I am so dead messing with these clowns are you that ass you shot me and they're closer to the storm [ __ ] you well it's a 1v1 goodbye first win of 2019 baby that was such a shitty first win I swear
Channel: tendensz
Views: 426,202
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 1 hour of ceeday, ceeday, ceeday 1 hour, ceeday fortnite, 1 hour of fearless fortnite, hour of ceeday, fearless 1 hour, 1 hour of ceeday clean, 1 hour ceeday, ceeday for 1 hour, ceeday ninja, 1 hour, ceeday compilation, 1 hour of old ceeday, 1 hour of ceeday no swearing, 1hour of ceeday, ceeday face reveal, ceeday funny moments, one hour of ceeday, ceeday thanos, 7 hours of fearless fortnite, entire hour of ceeday, og ceeday, ceeday minecraft, ceeday outro 1 hour
Id: h6QVY4e22_8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 126min 20sec (7580 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 04 2023
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