2. Already, Not Yet [Parables of the Kingdom] Tim Mackie (The Bible Project)

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some community life things as always let you know about there's lots going on be sure to check out your bulletin but three things we wanted to highlight let you know about one is part of the summer rhythm of our life here at Blackhawk our middle school students do this thing in the summers called Madison missions you know about this so great so instead of going to far-off countries there are lots of needs practical needs right here in our own community and so this week this is part a third rotation I think now sixty middle school students are gonna live downstairs during the day during the week then you're sleep downstairs but then during the day over the next week they're just going to be out all over the community serving in whatever soup kitchens homeless shelters these kind of things just being exposed to the needs in our community and also serving so please pray for those of you prayer warriors for our church here please pray for these students cool stuff happens in the lives of these students when they get into a new setting and are serving people in the name of Jesus so we please pray for them thank you second thing backpack Bonanza so we had talked about this last week this is our second for our kind of summer drives to be a blessing to our community and so we are purchasing backpacks and school supplies and they get connected to a number of local schools that we partner with especially schools that have a large population of under-resourced families that can't get this kind of stuff so get the information on the table out there you pick up a bag if you want to buy school supplies to pick up a card if you want to buy a backpack and you bring that all where and when I mean here next Sunday August 7 and then it'll be clear where you put the backpacks and school supplies and that kind of thing sound good great last thing to just kind of let us know about is Chris pastor Chris our senior pastors away on sabbatical this summer and it's two thirds over which he would not want me to say out loud so anyhow so some of you may or might not know he's kept up a blog this summer that he talks both about what he's doing but also about what he's learning so part of this was just to have a lot of time to be in the woods and to read his Bible a ton and so every week he puts up short little essays about things he's reflecting on that he's learning the web address or his blog is in your bulletin and go there Rita it's really some profound things that he's thinking through and learning this summer so keep him in your prayers as well sound good excellent great okay story time can I tell you a story I'm gonna tell it anyway haha yes matters but anyway there you go but thank you for responding so storytime um some of you know my wife and I moved here to Madison eight years ago so I could enter graduate school at UW and during part of our season of grad school was we lived at Eagle heights in student housing you know apartments Eagle has any you go hide since here today oh yeah one here we go video you guys in video ok I'm sure there's and maybe I'll come in the evening I don't know where they all go downtown anyhow Eagle Eye it's wonderful place to live love the international community there are people from all over the world living there and we also loved the huge community gardens that exist right on the UW force property right next you guys know about the Eagle Heights community gardens have you been there before unbel and ingress and it's just loads of walking trails along the lakeshore down there it's beautiful so here's an aerial photo of one of the Eagle Heights community gardens there's a whole other one and so when we moved in we got a little plot and you know April May we got busy so Jessica's dream come true she loves gardening this was my first experience I was free labor so has she paid paid me with lemonade and so on so this was our little plot and it was just a mess when we first got it so you know did the weeding put down mulch and leaves and then had it rototilled and then April May we got we got down to business and so my job she created this map and plant all the things peppers beans peas zucchini cucumber this kind of thing and my job was to like create all the rows and do all the digging and to create this little geometric thing you see before you and in my humble opinion this was the most beautiful plot in the row I was so proud of this it was like great pictures of it we thought this was such a great so it's a great thing so as we do every summer late June and we go visit our families which are in the Northwest Portland Seattle area and so we were gone for a little over two weeks late June and when we got back to our garden there had been much growth much growth in the garden and boy what's the problem of course that we didn't plant most of what we discovered that was growing here so here's at least just one of those rows what so again I'm naive green thumb this is my first experience and I was so ticked off when we got back I was like you have to be kidding me where are the plants like you can't even spot the plants among among the weeds so here's what I wanted to do can you guess what I wanted to do you see it underneath the piano don't you what I wanted to do was go purchase the Black & Decker grass hog string weed whacker okay now let's say let's say let's put the guard down all right so let's let's say I waltz into the garden just charge in we're Rambo I'm so ticked off and we'll protect my time and energy investment and I just go to town what's gonna happen will I get rid of the weeds what will I also get rid of all right like everything that's growing everything that's growing the cucumbers and so so let's say I charge in here Jessica's response will be to me you know of course like stop you fool what are you doing you're gonna destroy everything you're gonna botch the job and she's right of course and well here's what else would happen what else would happen is I charge in and yes I would be vigorously like whacking at the weeds but then I would see like the lima beans and I hate lima beans you know how convenient how easy might it be you know it's like no lima beans this winter you know and so what so I am I'm not qualified for this job you can certainly say that it's not what Jessica asked me to do it's not what I'm good at no I mean she asked me to do which she told me to do that's what and that's my role in in assisting the the Master Gardener I'm not qualified to whack the weeds with this thing I will botch the job and ruin / ruin everything the kingdom of God is like this little garden scenario that I've just described to you how many of you have ears should listen should listen I invite you to get out your Bibles and turn with me to Matthew Matthew chapter 13 we are continuing on in this series can I put the grass hog here for display we are continuing in the series called parables of the kingdom and we are exploring this kind of core main message of Jesus if you were to hear him on any given day if you had to summarize all of Jesus's teaching in one sentence or two what would it be what would it have to do with the kingdom the kingdom of God so this broken record we're gonna do this every week because this is like the core of what Jesus was all about so mark chapter 1 verse 15 this is the gospel of Mark's way of summarizing everything Jesus taught about and said the time promised by God has come at last he announced the kingdom of God is where is here when it's not something that you go to that's far away it's not far off it's here now and so how should we respond to the presence the dawn of the kingdom repent change your ways adapt to this new reality turn from your sins and believe believe in the good news and so we've been I using this image to depict what Jesus is getting at here about this overlap of the old creation and the new creation this is the biblical story the Jesus is announcing here so we live in this old broken world we have lots of old broken sin and selfishness inside of us and God's on a mission to redeem that and so this new creation the kingdom of God the world as God intends it to be as come shingen to our old broken one gods birthing a new creation right here in the midst of the old one and it centers in Jesus in his announcement of the kingdom and in his activity and in the movement that he started and so in this series we are tackling each week different parables that Jesus told little short stories to unpack the implications what does it mean to live in the midst of this overlap the season of overlap of the old age and the new age because this is where we live and so this parable we're looking at today is another angle on being a follower of Jesus in the season of the kingdom let's jump in verse 24 chapter 13 Jesus told them another parable the kingdom of heaven is the same thing as the kingdom of God just two ways of saying the same thing kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field but while everyone was sleeping his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat and then went away when the wheat sprouted and formed heads then the weeds also appeared and so the owner servants they came to him and they said Sir didn't you sow good seed in your field where did the weeds come from an enemy did this he replied and the servants asked him should we get the grass hog out the weed whacker do you want us to go and pull them all up no no he answered nope because while you are pulling the weeds you may also uproot the wheat with them no no let them grow together until the harvest at that time I will tell the harvesters first collect the weeds tie them in bundles to be burned and then gather the wheat and bring it into my barn and that's the story now Jesus will explain the story in just a few verses down and we'll turn there in a second but that's that's the story that he told that he told to the crowds what is going on here so we can pick up at least one main idea big picture here right now is the season of the kingdom that's all about growing wheat all about growing wheat but there are also problems as the wheat growing project moves forward right there are weeds they're weeds Jesus is speaking to this reality God is up to something he's growing something new in our world and Jesus claimed that it was happening through him his announcement of the kingdom but then there's there's also immense good and life and grace coming into the world in a new and fresh way but there is also a lot of weeds growing too there is still evil in the world and tragedy and violence and what is God's response what does Jesus's response to the presence of weeds Jesus and his followers go around stirring whacking weeds everywhere they find them no no no no you botch the job you botched the job your responsibility if you're associated with this farmer is to grow wheat and to wait for the farmer to sort things out that's that's the story so what does this mean why would Jesus need to tell a story like this he needed to tell stories like this and there's a backstory here so Jesus when he goes around announcing the good news of the kingdom like what he said here in mark chapter 1 this is not news to people a lot of people already have in their minds what the kingdom of God is all about this is the cherished hope that the Jewish people derive from the Hebrew Bible the Hebrew Scriptures and the hope of the kingdom of God and most of Jesus's listeners if you were to create another drawing might look something like this so yes we have our old creation here that's kind of it's messed up it's screwed up full of sin and dysfunction and you have God's new creation the way he intended the world to be what's the transition between the old creation and the new going to be like between the brokenness and the healing of our world the coming of God kingdom and so you read the Hebrew Bible you read Jewish writings from Jesus's time period and this hope was alive and well Messiah is going to come the king from the line of David he's going to march into Jerusalem he's going to establish a new Kingdom we gather all the scattered people of Israel he's he's going to run out all of those tax collectors first century if mafia you know I am the sex workers and the sinners and and unclean and he's going to form an army kick out those Romans for sure kill them all and then establish the King to a peace and justice over all nations and so on that's the basic hope and Jesus comes on to the Satan this is no no not so much yes I am announcing the kingdom of God but it's different it looks different than what you thought it looks like this it's this slow transition it's the season of overlap where the old and the new creation exists together where the brokenness and the healing exists together in our own lives and in our world and right now in this season of the kingdom it's about growing wheat God is changing people into weeds and God will bring final justice one day where the weeds are sorted out but that time is not now the time is not now Jesus says what does this mean what are the implications of this for being a follower of Jesus let's turn back to the parable it's unpack a few things here look at the question that the servants come and ask ask the owner the farmer look at verse 27 the weeds appear now what's the first question that they ask verse 27 where did the weeds come from like where did they come from didn't I hold on I thought your intentions were to grow wheat where did all of these weeds come from has anyone ever asked a similar question before right so this is Jesus hitting nail on the head here so if God really is in charge of the world if the kingdom is really here why is the world still full so such evil and tragedy and pain what is God what is happening here where did it come from and Jesus gives a very simple answer what is this answer in the parable an enemy did this and that answer is almost totally unsatisfactory to most of us right so what do you mean what do you mean like let's hear more about that to which the Bible says all right so where where did evil come from why is it here and you read the biblical narratives and the Bible Arthur's are just not concerned to answer that question for us the core biblical insight that Jesus gives here and that the Scriptures give elsewhere is that evil is an invader in God's world it's not part of what he wanted for his world that it's a parasite a corrupting force and that evil is not just the sum total of all the horrible things that we do and think about each other though that is evil that there's a darker deeper mystery at work in in evil in our world that it's a personal reality that transcends any human or human institution in the ways that we perpetrate evil this is a core biblical inside there are unseen forces at work and we say tell us more about that Jesus and he says nope nope that's not the purpose of the Bible the purpose of the Bible is to tell us not where evil came from or why it's here is to tell us what God is doing about evil in the world that's the story of the Bible and that's the next question that the servants ask the next question they ask so okay the weeds are here what do you want us to do can we get the grass hug company get the grass I'll gout right can we get this thing out come on come on you can bear like salivating say do you wanna let me go palm up palm up why would why would people be so eager start whacking weeds right well you know I got this neighbor and I'm pretty sure he's a weed like because he lets his dog out late at night in his barking I got this co-worker definitely a weed right so come on Jesus you're the Messiah let's do the cleanup job here right you and me you and me can I be party captain in your army you know it's kind of it that's Jesus knows that's what people are thinking when he goes around proclaiming the kingdom you tracks crowds and they're saying oh I probably want to get on this guy's good side because this is Messiah he's gonna bring the hammer right it's gonna start whacking weeds and Jesus says no it's not what I'm about right now and that's not what I want my followers to be a ballad don't up root the weeds why why there's a little detail here that we miss in our English translations Jesus's listeners would have got it really quickly so the word that the Jesus used for weeds is we think of dandelions or something like that that is not what Jesus is talking about the word that he uses is a word Zhi zhonya zhonya it's a good tongue twister I don't you say it with me Susannah this some pictures of zids Anya here's the zhonya is known in english as Darnell or Old English tears it's called false wheat so you look at wheat on the left there this is kind of early wheat I think I'm not a farmer but at least that's what I think is early weight and so it so grain these aren't amber waves of grain yeah thanks so so still green and the heads of grain are still kind of new on the wheat there you would have come I don't know two weeks a month earlier and you would see the wheat but - the heads of grain they're on the on the right you see the the darnell or the false wheat now a month ago without the heads of grain on the wheat how similar does the wheat look to the weeds very similar very similar almost identical in the early phases of growth when can you tell the wheat apart from the weeds look at verse 26 when are the weeds exposed for what they really are not when the servants go around saying weed weed weed you're weird you're weird how do you know how do you know what the weeds are when the wheat brats and forms heads then the weeds also appeared it's when the wheat becomes fully wheat that's when the weeds are exposed from what they are in the early phases you have no idea and so Jesus is saying good and evil a lot more complex and intermixed and intermingled in our world and we'd like to think right the line that divides good and evil goes down right the middle of every single one of us none of us is wholly good at none of us is wholly evil and so am I going to be a good judge of whose a wheat and whose a weed in the world am I I hate lima beans yes I say I'm gonna take him out you know cuz I just don't like him so it's not a weed but I don't you know what I'm saying that's what he knows this he knows that if he entrusts his followers with the responsibility being weed police that it will go horribly wrong horribly wrong that's not the responsibility and the role of the kingdom right now in this overlap of the ages right now the kingdom is about growing wheat it's growing wheat okay what is what does this mean there's a metaphor of course growing wheat so what does this mean let's let's unpack this I think the implications are actually really vast and staggering if we are willing to go there so what Jesus is speaking to was what is the role of the community of his followers in the world what is the kingdom of God's response to evil in the world at this time is it to whack weeds is to grow wheat what what does that mean so you can read the Gospel of Matthew and you what does this look like for Jesus to grow wheat so he goes about announcing the arrival of the kingdom right that the God's new world is here the way that God designed us to live God's taken an initiative and is offering the opportunity for us a whole new way to be human is this good news well it depends on how steeped you are in your old creation ways right it depends on if you were mind and heart is so shaped by sin and selfishness then the good news of the kingdom is actually bad news because it will expose all of the brokenness and junk inside of you but the moment it does that it there's also good news at the same time because it says if if you're willing to respond to repent to turn God is right there to meet you in your brokenness and to convert you into wheat change you from a weed into wheat this is the announcement of the kingdom so Jesus goes about announcing this this message and everywhere he goes every little town little village some people respond to the message and their lives have totally changed by their encounter with Jesus they form little communities and you read chapters 5 through 7 of Matthew this is how Jesus wanted his followers to live in these little Jesus communities and they go and share the message of the kingdom with their friends with their family and some people listen and they're changed and transformed and it begins to spread and it begins to spread the wheat grows people's lives being changed and transformed by the grace of Jesus and so here we are 2,000 years later on the other side of the planet I'd say the wheat has been growing yeah wheats been growing and so this is what Jesus wants his followers to be about how do you respond to evil in the world as a follower of Jesus what did Jesus say not the way of the old creation and the violence and revenge know you love your enemies you pray for people who are opposed to you you create communities for forgiveness and generosity and share the good news and this thing just because viral the spreads just spreads that's the mission of the kingdom right now which doesn't mean that God is doing nothing about evil in the world so the scriptures are very clear that there are institutions in place ordained by God to keep evil in check in our world Paul in Romans chapter 13 he calls these the governing authorities right it's the responsibility of governing authorities to keep evil in check to bring order and injustice and do all human governments do an equally good job of doing this no some do a better job some do a worse job some don't do that job at all but those are the institutions in place right now to keep evil in check in the church the community of Jesus is not not one of them our response to evil in the world is to be very different is to be determined by the teachings of Jesus and Jesus says my followers are about the wheat-growing program right now in the world it's about the message of the kingdom people's lives being transformed spreading spreading Jesus communities spreading little outposts of new creation going spreading spreading spreading that's the mission of the kingdom right now because just imagine what would happen if the community of Jesus followers took upon itself the responsibility to become the weed police of the world oh wait maybe that's happened a time or two right and so what usually happens especially in periods of church history where Christ's followers begin to use force or violence to enforce like the teachings of Jesus are you kidding me but it's totally happened this totally happened and I think in our cultural setting it takes a different form where it takes the form of Christ's followers just criticizing people who don't follow Jesus for not following Jesus and so it's like we expect there were people who don't actually follow Jesus to live according to the teachings of Jesus and that's what we're going to talk to them about like well it seems to me we're supposed to be announcing the good news of the kingdom and have a different kind of conversation Jesus didn't appoint his followers to be the weed police of the world he he doesn't want us to focus on who's a weed and what's a week is here's the fact we're bad judges of determining wheat for weeds aren't we the story's not over it's not until each of us is on is on our death bed before God that that story is fully told we can't look into people's hearts we don't actually know whose wheat and whose a weed we don't know I I can't even tell us I'd myself off the time it's not our job it's not a job and so I so gee this is the program of the kingdom growing wheat announcing the good news of the kingdom Jesus sends out his followers into the world to be a part of the wheat growing project and how easy is it to grow wheat among weeds how many of you have attended a garden before is it easy to grow a healthy flourishing garden no it takes immense patience it takes diligence right and what's gonna carry you through what's gonna carry you through those times of hardship where it's difficult where you don't want to flourish as wheat where you don't even want to be we yourself much less help anyone else get there to answer that to give people hope and courage in the wheat growing project he explains the parable go down to verse 36 then he left the crowd and went into the house his disciples came to him and said will you explain to us the parable of the weeds in the field wasn't totally self evident Jesus can you help us out he answered the one who sowed the good seed is the son of man this is Jesus's favorite title to refer to himself the son of man there's a whole there's a whole like message and teaching series in and of itself is he gets this term from the Book of Daniel and the Hebrew Bible Book of Daniel chapter 7 and the Son of Man is a figure of the Messiah who comes to reign and bring justice to the whole world and so this one who sowed the good seed is the son of man the field is what the world the good seed stands for the people of the kingdom the weeds are the people of the Evil One and the enemy who sowed them is the devil that personal presence that evil in our world the harvest is the end of the age the harvesters are angels as the weeds are pulled up and burned in the fire so it will be at the end of the age the Son of Man will send out his angels they will weed out of his kingdom everything that causes sin and all who do evil they will throw them into the blazing furnace where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth then the righteous will shine like the Sun this image also from Daniel Daniel chapter 12 shine like the Sun in the kingdom of their father do you have ears how many of us have ears right now should listen remember this is Jesus's phrase say cookies are not on the bottom shelf don't be lazy think this one through think it through so there's a whole lot going on here let's link the two parts of the parable here first first off what's Jesus's point Jesus's point is he sending out his followers to grow wheat among weeds to be light in the midst of darkness and that is a very difficult task it's very difficult right so especially people who are sold out to following Jesus who were looking for opportunities to grow wheat it will lead us into the the darkest the most weedy places in the world or in our lives and so how easy is it to address the dark skeletons in our closets how easy is it to help a friend through a crumbling marriage or recovery out of in diction it's incredibly trying its testing it's difficult how easy is it to go out in the love and the grace of Jesus and to do something about about poverty or hunger in our communities to help people out of gangs to address domestic abuse or sex trafficking whatever that's what Jesus wants his followers to be doing go into the darkness be light go into the weeds grow wheat and if you're doing this you will be tempted to give up because it's difficult it's hard you will face opposition and Jesus in this parable is trying to give his followers hope and courage yes the world is full of weeds and retweet right now will it always be this way no the kingdom is here growing wheat one day the weeds will be removed entirely evil will be dealt with Jesus will have victory over evil and this is how the biblical story comes it has to give hope to people who are growing wheat among the weeds but here's the reality the reality is in our cultural setting we are not able to hear that message because we're caught up here at verses 41 and 42 with these images of fire right and blazing furnace and weeping of gnashing of teeth and we're like God's final justice and fire and and hell and woe this is all a bit extreme for me you guys tracking with me so this this is the issue in our cultural setting that comes up when we read this parable and we miss the point that Jesus is making all together and so this is an important issue this important issue the Bible's teaching on final justice and part of what makes this challenging is that most of the biblical authors use imagery and metaphors when they talk about the reality of God's final justice so you have darkness or fire or weeping and what is what does this mean so I can't I can't hope to address it here because that's not what this message is about so a few resources for you year and a half ago Chris and I did a teaching series on hard questions that come up when you think through the gospel and the Christian faith and so I did a whole message whole teaching on hell sorting through different Bible passages images and so on after that Chris and I did a live Q&A session where we just talked about even more questions from the audience and so on we're putting both of those our resources back up on the sermon page this week so I encourage you this is a real issue for you you want to think through it get set aside some time this week open your Bible and use those resources and I think I think they'll help you in our setting I think the core issue is this here's the bottom line in our Western kind of democratic rights oriented culture our highest values are equality and fairness and so we read these parts of the Bible and our biggest concern is is this fair is God going to be fair this seems unfair to me some of these images and I don't I don't get it and I think we can't speak to that question really simply really clearly do we have reason to believe that the creator and Redeemer God will be fair when he brings final justice to our world answer absolutely absolutely that's why he's not going to give the job to us do you see that that's why he's not gonna give the job to us because we'll botch the job he's the one who can see into people's hearts he knows the story behind the story and he will do what is right and he sets all things right in our world and that is supposed to give us hope as followers of Jesus and so here's what I think is kind of the sad irony is that there's a lot of protest in our culture Western Christian culture against the idea of God's judgment or hell or final justice in this kind of thing there's a sad irony here I think is because these these images a parable like this is meant to give Christ's followers hope but well it will only give you hope if you're actually out there growing wheat and facing opposition and tempted to give up because if you're not well then this just seems also like severe in extreme right so here we are Western like Christians and like most of us are not persecuted for our faith I doubt you receive the death sentence this week for being followers of Jesus you know for the most part it's just kind of we're the most comfortable Christians in Christian history and we kick back against this idea but let's take a field trip let's go visit some followers of Jesus who are gutting it out and have sold everything sold out for the wheat growing program here's a picture of a couple Yousef and Fontaine another honey and they are followers of Jesus they live in town called rushed it's a few hundred miles north of Tehran where's Tehran it's in the country of Iran USF and Fontana their pastors of a church in their town and a month ago on June 28th they were arrested by a government police and they were tried by the Supreme Court of Iran for treason for treason because they had been sharing the good news of Jesus in their neighborhood fatahna has been given a life sentence in prison and Youssef has been given a death sentence death by hanging five days later on July 3rd I mean this is like not even a month ago the Supreme Court of Iran issued a condition that he will be spared if he recants and rejects his faith in Jesus unless the last anybody's heard and if you want to know more about their story go to the website their persecution calm and you'll hear dozens of more stories like this so let's do a field trip was visit Yousef and Fontana in the prison cell and let's read them this parable do you think the questions we'll be asking when we finished reading the parable are aha steam so extreme the God would bring and hold everyone accountable for their behavior the God is going to bring justice to those who oppose and reject what he's doing in the world do you think that's the question they're gonna ask no what they're gonna say is that's what I need to hear that will bring courage and hope that know however much they've lost however much they've given up Jesus has the final victory over evil in our world can I get an amen and I'm not the one who's qualified to say what that should look like I will botch the job but Jesus will we'll do it right he'll be just he'll be fair and that should bring hope should bring hope that's what this biblical teaching should do so this is one of those biblical teachings it's like last week where it will only make sense to you if you are actually following Jesus and growing wheat in the midst of weeds then the teaching makes sense and it brings hope but if I'm just kind of doing whatever with my life and I'm not really growing wheat in myself I don't really care or whatever Jesus yeah or whatever then of course this is gonna seem bizarre and extreme because you're not actually following Jesus and so I think this is the challenge that this parable gives to us for those of us who are more interested in our lives in building our own Little Kingdom this parable gives a challenge it's saying what are you doing with your life you know are you gonna be a part of the wheat growing project are you allowing God to deal with the weeds and a view that he can use you to grow wheat elsewhere in the world and in the lives of other people it's a challenge what's your life about there are others of us who are totally sold out to the wheat growing project and you're getting tired and you're tempted to give up because it's hard it takes a lot of work it takes patience and diligence and then this parable Jesus is saying to you saying don't give up have patience have hope I will deal with the weeds right now your job is to be faithful and to trust so I don't know how this is a word of God to you today it speaks a word of challenge into comfort depending on where you're at and what you bring in the doors but I would challenge you to let to let Jesus speak to you if you have ears should listen to what Jesus is saying we close us of the word of Prayer got we we just think of our brothers and sisters across the world who who truly are suffering who are being forced to give all to follow you and to join the wheat growing project we pray for Yusef and Fontan I even specifically God we pray you give them strength and hope and whatever their fate turns out to be God we pray that you would be doing a work of Grace in their hearts and God we give our own lives to you we want to have a broader vision of what you're doing in the world and of how you want to use us to grow wheat and to be a part of what your kingdom is doing in the world would you give us challenge and hope through your word today and we can pray in the name of Jesus amen
Channel: Tim Mackie Archives
Views: 39,244
Rating: 4.8876119 out of 5
Id: gdYMEl_h-lE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 32sec (2372 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 06 2017
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