1v1 vs Aoe3 DE's New "Extreme" AI

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hello everyone and welcome back to age of empires 3 where i'm going to play against the extreme ai i actually added a new difficulty here like they did in aoe2 yeah so we'll just pick great planes because i played that with oil the other day so i know what the map is and it seems like a fairly standard land map i'll play the british because i set up hot keys for all of their buildings and i haven't done that for the other civs yet and they're also kind of you know in aoe 2 when new players ask what civ should i start with the answer is it doesn't matter because the civs are all the same but for aoe 3 from what i've discovered the answer seems to be the british and the french are the simplest to start out with but anyway we'll go extreme difficulty against some random ai and let's go great planes wide open spaces large herds of bison to hunt and gustafus adolphus [Music] so you shoot the herd it runs towards the tc and then 12 seconds later you can shoot it again and it'll run again ready that is not the hotkey i wanted to jack to it i hope that's within the twelve okay that wasn't within the twelve seconds oh well all right we're the britons so we should build some houses to get more villagers because when we build houses we get villages that's our bonus so wood is very important because what lets you build those houses villagers what is that uh i don't know if that's worth it but the coyotes are weak so we'll fight them [Music] [Music] [Applause] and you can shift click you onto that treasure all right so that is towards the tc we need to find more of them oh there's some lights in here okay next villager you'll come down here and start hurting them towards the tc and shipment i should have selected a deck earlier take some settlers ready i think the general general tip is if you don't know what you're doing send settlers what's that 80 xp i don't know how much xp is worth it uh cows don't know if they're worth it the other thing i've heard is that rot on the food doesn't necessarily matter too much so it's better just to have your villagers working efficiently yes and we can wait 12 seconds and then fire again ooh 95 votes attack you and i don't know these are like the flow cutters where we want to fight them in melee range or not but we'll find that out okay i'll just shoot you every 12 seconds or so come on yes [Music] yes this might be uh an awful tactic maybe we're supposed to shoot him from range i don't know and you can probably shoot these bison again there we are getting closer after this i don't know if we made too many bills or not uh what do we want to do uh outpost and coin sure i guess we can do that and open with some musketeers i probably have one too many villagers that could be up by now but yeah now that we're up i think we need to go back to wood ready right okay there's some more bison and i think i want to start hurting these towards the tc too keep hurting yes that was almost towards the tc and if you press alt you can see the hp bars so you want to uh try to keep them alive yes yes and because i have oh we can get that coin too because i have the coin i can do hunting dogs and it's not going to uh i want to mine coin before doing it all right you just take that one and we want you it's worth nothing in the hands of incapable leaders yes all right we have some stuff being created towards the tc we'll open up with the uh hey you guys are kind of near the tc2 i don't know if that's worth it right now i feel like i have lots of idle time on my explorer don't shoot them away at how far they just ran away how come we don't run that far towards the tc let's give him a few seconds and give him a shot in this direction [Music] i've seen that we kind of build barracks close to the tc i don't quite know why that is but we'll do it right oh and we want to send wood yes okay there's their base let's see if we can hit their explorer you won't [Music] and musketeers i think the limiting factor that [Music] let's see if we can get that musketeer and get in the food for a villain time not quite yet okay i'll get more wood what i've seen from the britons is that you want to ship lots of walls lots of wood so that you can build these houses to get your villagers and i think we want to heard those towards the tc again we probably want to be hurting these two something there's some more wood for more houses uh push that to the tch that is a light artillery all right so they have some artillery i think we'll want to then maybe add in a stable to attack that [Music] we can shift let's do maybe some food then if we want to move into stable units [Music] let's just make maybe add some longbows just for some variety yes yes i can shift you like that ready let's get a full group there there's some food with everyone they won't help you against my mighty army all right thank you okay and i guess you guys can get a coin after that you should probably be looking to do some upgrades if i trained exactly one unit there that was good yep come on oh you have a pikeman there interesting okay he's not going to attack us all right let's get some musketeers then we have a shipment of villagers let's try that maybe pick off yeah cavalry and get some stuff training there ready yes that enough i want to keep upgrade i'm like yes yes let's go for that yes all right good job sirs let's keep stuff cued yeah we need more wood now cool [Music] out there [Applause] for that or for that let's uh buy food i think the buy and sell resources are backwards from the locations they are in aoe too so i'm all confused when i go to click them all right uh maybe we go forward with a artillery thing i can't feel too close to the tc artillery factory let's get more guys out okay we are overflowing on coin now this coin will probably wrap up soon come on it's just standing there [Music] uh coin will probably help me click up faster let's try to do that i don't know if i can take a tc i have no idea how strong pcs are let's do that i should have some coin coming soon right palmer villagers [Music] you can probably just sell some ward and we're about ready to click up uh seven longbows that'll be nice i need some more gold it's just several hundred food cell hundred wood almost there there we are i totally was not paying attention to anything while we did that but it's fine okay we'll just go up we have any idols now and when we get up we'll make some cannons because cannons are fun we'll need some more wood for that upgrade though lots of gold for cannons i think we've basically killed them ready come on come on yes uh he would yes [Music] [Music] do log log flume for better wood income let's forces so i think when you get to the next stage the first shipment you want to send is 1 000 wood and that will let you build the buildings don't collect any wood out there hit you with our long bows all right now it's cannon time make some falconettes you can also sell all this food let me buy some wood just make five cannons at a time i don't know if it's good to make these or not oh wait what's that a torque wagon oh but these are the swedes at least so they are the new civilization well your torque wagons are not going to be torping [Music] and there's our cannons [Music] oh let's do this here get the camera in a good in a good spot you know i can't control the control speed when i zoom in now you get a bit closer so you're right there oh there we are yes let's go slightly to the side right there there we are boom go kansas take it out that's boom fun part of ao3 just the cannons yeah that angle right there and there it [Music] goes all right where's the cavaliers kill their villagers and then hopefully they'll resign [Music] typically they should have asked your design by now which oh well we shall fight again another day but for now i request to resign yes you can there you are [Music] oh yeah i get a whole bunch of shipments for beating them that i then can't use in the game so that's the new extreme ai they did seem to do a pretty good job of clicking up in the early game and kind of managing their eco but they didn't really manage their army to attack me or harass my villagers or take advantage of the fact that i wasn't hunting these uh he's bison and hurting them near my tc that well so yeah definitely seems like it was better than the aoe 3ai used to be but still not much of a uh a challenge in terms of actually controlling its units but let's check out the post game oh yes look it i got the most resources he got the least resources are very very useful to display both of that in a 1v1 if you saw i had the most who could possibly have gotten the least ah thanks for telling us see all this stuff here one of these most treasures most resources and least resources makes western center for before and i guess it's good just to be consistent on both menus most improvements highest score see most units lost most units most units killed i like how they did the medals yeah they were keeping up close with us for a good time then i guess i probably built some houses mr british or took a good fight i'm just gonna snowball it from there so there we go that's age of empires 3d the extreme ai with their new suede civilization as we noticed at the end so thank you all very much for watching actually thanks to everyone supporting me on patreon and i'll see you next time you
Channel: T-West
Views: 66,084
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: aoe2, aoe, aoc, de, aoede, aoe2de, age, of, empires, two, ii, definitive, edition, steam, trick, tip, guide, walkthrough, twest, t-west, kanye, aoe3, british, swedes, swedish, new, civ, civilization
Id: 4c-bZfXS7oU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 35sec (1115 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 09 2020
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