1st PLATOON - December 3, 2023

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oh [ __ ] it we B let's go you want me to keep track of L give extra boy we ar after so you'll be taking yeah I mean that's what we'll do wor about that like when I get there I'll let you know I just didn't know what we're not of course you'll be on one side I'll be on you know to the middle probably behind truck I've told the just keep that radio on man I just told resp we just got to wait to all right I think they're W to get the show so I'm jum that's okay okay so no idea no it way are we facing it's Viking all right so we're going to go out we're going to have to hang left andang left who has the ambulance follow the Le vehicle going to all [Music] die don't crash yes crash don't go fast you no speed [Music] I'm think we not Bing I think I think hey this uh truck has Willie Peak can I take one no no a come on on CH there's the drivers don't need it take anything out of the vehicle 11 and 12 B us so I can oh no I do you guys all ready to go driver you got me on I'll find you some binos man'll find them if you ready to go all right Sunray 11 whatever ready to roll shut no back seat driving let's go he's bounding down shoot TI I want to drive the medic I want to drive the ambulance the ambo at that all right bro so a mini map Noe it's weird regarding like sexual stuff I know there's pretty much no limit of what you can say without offending anyone but this other stuff popping up in my head like you saying driving ambulances where I just know I shouldn't say what I'm thinking so anyone know that feeling where the [ __ ] is Chris yeah it's called intrusive yeah it's called schizophrenia schizophrenia no it's not like someone's telling me not to do it besides 14 vandals here we actually have 28 we all have [ __ ] schizophrenia I'm going to exclude myself from this okay fine 27 I have my indoor person and my outdoor person well I tried to explain a psychiatrist that uh when I'm trying to solve a problem I have these like two to three Voices Inside My Head discussing the issue so I'm I'm I'm kind of like trying to get to the solution but trying to see it from different uh perspectives right and uh she well yeah I was pretty close to just being well yeah diagnosed schizophrenia is I'm not bipolar ad80 that's that's another thing did you find Walking something SM one more time really be you doing better for your pneumonia yeah my was it last two months and then I got pneumonia and uh influenza right after yeah I saw there was a big outbreak of micoplasma in Denmark oh yes and uh [ __ ] D this morning I stayed up way too late so I went to bed like 15 5 or so and uh no don't 525 my oldest woke up with uh 39.6 why we going what's that in American terms 37 is uh is what you should have set speed limit so they just holding 34 okay if that's your a for person than you're [ __ ] culs man 37° is8 what it should be so it is 37 and that's 98.6 F and then she had 39.6 Cel it's like 103 102 it's nice to have well educated people in the squad somebody's got to balance out the skitso yeah all the above you can't tell me you aren't like you don't have like goddamn Humanity destroying [ __ ] viruses in your hand daily what do you have a master what what education level are you so I can weigh your worth in the squad getting I'm getting my doctorates right now he's he's men qualified this man has enough degrees for a couple of you who wants yeah I take a highly Highly Educated thank you I got I got six letters behind my name now contact contact right there lose lose left get out [Applause] right [ __ ] my God blue left got hit I'm I'm on him I'm on him I'm on the [Applause] back here the way stab all we need is the spacing from the others we're not firing over top of each other's head this is 11 give a oh from the cont from the other side bra you're frear to go pushing into the woods right blue team I'll walk on me weapons up green maintain I'm staying with Jade he's down just wait to check J stay with Jade s go with them that J just stay low yeah I got that's the stay with Jade I might be not all to move until at full strength right hold up oh yeah right let's fall back two trucks moving back looks clear that this is 10 reporting we un time critical wound going need a med back I'll go with him Jay he's mine 11 all right Albatross I'm with you I want to yeah I know we should bring that right behind uh the rear reporting one time F transporting anyone back we'll just the fix them there uh Open Fields consider not too often we get to we get a pretty good responsibility you know yeah a lot of plasma in that we can hook everyone up uh ity what's your uh theming today what what's on your mind um drinks American historical figures you got it 1800 00s you got it 1800s there's a lot of Y put down captain Perry didn't you wasn't the founding of your nation in the 1700s yeah but 1800 is a really important time yeah open the country stop having it be closed Dan daily yeah I'm F to it um so it's not Eagle it's ALR yeah yes it's ALR Albatross 63 we got a couple forces upgrade to status to warm uh bearing 26 where's lz50 M [ __ ] mik get me out of here all right I'm back yellow confirm greens watch that incoming uh slope True North I don't want any surpris from the birds coming in who threw purple on that [Music] end 10 2 10 2 this is 110 good we're good we're in one more I don't know if I saw purple whoever threw purple I don't know why but we're in bandal's in okay so we got all FAL wounded yeah there's only [Music] one straight into uh [Music] medical Jade this is last critical for you you only get one a game all right don't know I have to step you we are only allowed one one casualty [Music] game that's not going to make you popular with me mate I want to I want to make you sit back here as long as [ __ ] possible oh yeah thanks a lot get out of my P you hear that yeah I heard it next time you stick that uh sck head of it in front of your Barrel you may accidentally squeeze it okay it's already been done I I always fall command yes doc we going back with you then that's all in uh [ __ ] it was 11 wasn't it [Music] yeah 11 this El plus 6 uh leaving paas with [Music] re C that avoiding South Side a [Music] [Music] different it should be around here somewhere then the [Music] road [Music] sended cop that we'll hold on the deck he jents back [Music] up you know you would think [Music] right come bands identified as VC regular locals barely a click from base I'm I guess not stuck but uh oh watch out we got friendlies walking out there really out there I don't know I hate it when people say eyes on a swivel heads on a swivel SEL BR they rotate don't they you good hey by the way your truck looks ugly as [ __ ] the [ __ ] do I care they tell me to drive it they're all [ __ ] smirkus is driving the short bus B your ass what I have to ask people Friendly's coming in don't shoot friendly is coming in Friendly's coming in Friendly's coming in he to agree with there yeah but it's the way [ __ ] SP like a tower you like a piece of [ __ ] [Music] hey that's us that's us wow we didn't get too far far n love you all what does that say about our combat effectivess what's that truck's call sign short bus one hey that's got bit okay okay foster truck is Betsy that's got to be it the the repair truck is short bus one a I always call him Betsy fine we can call it bet say or if it's an m113 it's death trap whenever you go up a hill you go come on can can I be a Spam can so if if we yeah that's a good one you do you want to be spam can yeah let us be spam can okay if we need you spam can let's go like a Spam can what's up it really does the repair trucks call sign is now spam can spam can smirk vehicle who shot y you see crawlers and 314 wasn't that the body no that's not the body [Music] check [ __ ] wondering earlier and I don't remember bodies over there points L Southeast because we can't see over there but uh spot they can see they can see down the hill it's f up spam can yeah yeah we gotg there yeah mes you AFK L their old it uh it's available in the store but I don't know anyone's who's eating it it's in the IR taste I promise you find it baffling you eat [ __ ] straight from the can you can [ __ ] afford better spam spam spam SP to spam spam spam your daily sodium intake in aiz can isn't spam like government cheese yeah you can it's just not it's not particularly good uncooked okay I feel so loved I walk over the spot and everyone's hey I my I saw that just blew a guy up with his grenade that wasn't me oh that wasn't you [ __ ] somebody about that Hill I saw a guy and saw blew up yeah whoever whatever unit's behind us I don't know he's like I heard spam I'm coming okay it's good everyone's been informed like your name's spam can [Music] now well everyone put I'm pretty sure he'll figure that out pretty quick if you ever need [Music] thanks should be can you actually repair on this truck I think so yeah uh it's via a now oh my [ __ ] god we have to be in the [Music] truck yeah C I don't think so um you have you have a bunch of um wheels in the cargo so you can replace replace a bunch of Wheels quite easily hell yeah and I'm pretty sure Each truck contains one wheel yeah usually re let's go all right guys listen up there arep of the truck under oh [ __ ] this people in the or they're neutral do not shoot them only fire unless fire SP all right friendly armed oh I'm sitting next to Jay B Lu up 11 all mounted ready to go feel he he lost his his glasses you got a balance the they also made a using the [Laughter] same down pick back up yeah love it and I'd rather choke it yeah so my B got 45 on you oh I got I got something for him what do you need I can't remember maybe you should leave with my dad burp never mind it got it it got it back in back inid bread it's good for nice I'll get you drunk oh come on is that front vehicle actually like armed yes uh you saw driving that thing God there's a there's a person who's got left behind somebody's running back thereo can we just live around here uh The Finnish population will do a I'm not they meant to pull off to the right oh yeah this is uh you know if I was a VC regular I would Ambush yeah left CR on the right I know we right in front of us got a hill too it's be nice you guys readying over Illinois anything somebody told me to get check I was checking take off that's one no one heard from Bambi today uh no but I heard from him yesterday he's probably not going to be back for the rest of the year he said really so what happened to his computer what it turn out to be dead mile problem mobo yeah probably need a brand new one yep it's it's all right cuz last next week is the last stop of the Year anyway so not is it oh they're taking two weeks off it 17th was the last sh yeah holiday or what not yeah yeah I'm going to miss 171 the I'm heading out after next week ah yeah I'm going to miss next week too [ __ ] me well we'll have a skeleton shift uh Foster you think it's us worth doing a little uh fundme [ __ ] for bams I don't know let's not assume his finances are the problem yeah that's a little uh I didn't say it would just be a nice [ __ ] gift for the squad leader come on Christmas you know I don't know if he's bot one I don't know the whole situation I don't want him to have two other parts probably Ed one yeah exactly I don't want to have bought one then lo and behold also we need to know like the specs of like processors things like that I I was just suggesting we the [ __ ] buy the [ __ ] thing yeah that's a good idea Plantation it's a there's a house oh nobody up on that Cliff hey drink before step up oh yeah we did the Australian thing I forgot this Village shouldn't exist be a man good good [ __ ] suggestion SM maybe on the on the way back for so much for hearts and Minds yeah take Hearts lay Minds oh [ __ ] hell [ __ ] are we getting out boss get out get out justce he said lay mind man [ __ ] blew up I'm moving up I'm moving up pick him up here get them away from the truck first yeah get away from the truck if you can crawl crawl get away from the truck first get him away from the truck first somebody get Illinois over there got him I I dropped my lucky P38 man what about D inside that yeah my stabiliz stabiliz give you a few seconds to Che stabilizing Illinois give it a sec if you can roll n I'm no I mean send someone with a trap get the Trap we got behind us go for 10 zero okay we're our job is cover the front doing there Martin destroy who's left from the truck is it just me do you know where Mo no there's I got two guys over here I mean that's actually like just he's been in the truck since we [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is this I went for piss and now this oh [ __ ] oh he was out Mission why don't you guys isolate the crates from the multiple casualties Martin we crit I got I'm Not Dead [Applause] separ we're kind of kind of in a row I need to get like body bags I guess you're crit right they're getting hit from behind I'm going to land you two guys over your crit Y no please no leave me back yeah this is who the hell is this deor they're medic are you crit a you [ __ ] well at least I don't have to go back sorry about right okay sp sp are walking the rest of the looks like we got five no we got another walk throw the medic in the chopper and walk away the sounds right SMY I'mma pull Martin over with got you willly I'm going to keep watching South it's going to cost taxpayers yeah LZ Farm I'm just going to stack bodies Chris try to find where I'm not going to get shot in the ass going on I don't think the big from this [ __ ] show up don't they no going to go can I get somebody to to carry we got five crit over here needs some help yeah get him in there was it my fault that they hit the M because I was in the back seat of the truck makes sense to me it's up one of your critical is a medic so no Medics coming back one at a time one at a time one at a time [Music] guys Mo J Hit It come on not yeah y your medic is down and he's on board all right [Music] hold cover no I all right just need a one food one medical don't look like there's any others okay than the vehicle ones usually are pretty obvious on the road BR I believe it's time for you to have a of water my love hey BR yeah the vehicle ones usually show physical signs on their own don't they yeah they they're pretty obvious yeah the tank mine is super obvious drink if you need to guysle if you're half you might want to drink check your water I was pretty sure that you could uh that you could just the see yeah it [Music] looks gu that's why we normally take the Scout car about 50 to 100 me me ahead [Music] 15 [Music] see you got are they going to Chopper another hel uh a truck in for these guys or what yeah they're heav lifting one in yeah nice who are the the guys that made they hanging around I don't see [Music] any ones perfect use blue smoke if there's any more once we hit another one should tell them to save their blue smoke we need it um used it o it's the [ __ ] hook coming in a bit fast yeah it is I [Music] hope nice in the middle of the road though well that damage your truck from that that H they drop uh I don't think so but he did risk it yeah can smirky check it Russ I thought that was a pretty good drop it was you usually you meant to come down and slowly lower it onto the ground and then release it when it's on the ground more you but he he dropped it like 10 foot above the ground in real life that would just destroy the all of the suspension but Che de P maneuvering you still I'm sure yeah that's regular all right Jim's the dirtiest RAC I over met yes your truck is still on well yeah you get penalties but you know how he is yeah s in the sh blame it I don't blame you because my truck was still on long this time as well [ __ ] I don't even notice it dude yeah all of the sudden you just you know you hear the buzzing noise and you're like what the [ __ ] is that oh when you got to get out you got to get out least I didn't have to refresh my audio [Music] just hey hey there G than you this dude a better than me I [Music] why [Music] there sound blue team Blue Team [Music] out load up oh never mind Dismount out load up never mind cancel that El said we're mounting up and then we're still waiting for [ __ ] supplies to come in so all right so 13year old boy right too loud yeah so I guess I guess supplies that they loaded in their truck G canel again and then cancel so I didn't know what the [ __ ] no cancel the load order at that end of command all right so 13-year-old boy right Andy you silly boy waiting for supplies contact west from the right s keep your eyes left keep your eyes left blue keep your eyes left yeah I know that wasn't me shouting that that was me shouting to sloud oh you shouting [Music] time yeah Sur posible [Music] right blue team Mount up Blue Mountain up blue team Mount one of [ __ ] [ __ ] my eyes closed while thinking about school Crush come B you to make sure nobody finds a mutilated raccoon maybe a little bit this week I have finals oh yes they are what's in the Bible uh [ __ ] raccoons apparently dead ones B's got a lot of good story [ __ ] did I just hear the words that came out of your mouth correctly s you yeah he's over there talking about a cumfilled [ __ ] raccoon over there I don't know what no yeah this story this story ends with Buri it to make sure nobody finds a ComEd mutilated raccoon yeah that is how you actually get worms in your penis by the way I'm not even kidding one more truck I think left to move up so I bet you bot has a paper on uh yeah I shista hematobium if you want the your ability to remember all these names is impressive it's actually quite common in Southeast Asia get it um I countries with a lot of rice farming because all the standing water attracts the snails which are the vectors for the yeah those are little those are little [ __ ] that craw up the pee hole right boys they don't C actually they go through your lungs up your throat and then down your stomach into your bladder those any yeah yeah I know what those are they go up your feet into your lungs yeah but what the ones that when the water things like crawl up there I think that's kind of like old lives too there no there's a fish that can crawl up um you're dick no way yeah there is it has happened in the past but it's not a common thing it happened once that must be like an international thing scary everybody man it's a fish right it's not a that's literally like like that's that's why bot doesn't know about it he doesn't know fish know I'm sure that one time that's what the they told the guy at the the E he says oh no no man I don't know this fish crawled at my penis [ __ ] it's like I don't know how the just kind of fell in yeah I don't know how that gerbal got in my [Laughter] [ __ ] radi I woke up man that [ __ ] thing is calling around I wasn't going to tell him what to do seedson all reminds me of the guy who wrote on Reddit about how we had a cylinder a cylinder stuck in like an m& oh yeah that one yeah yeah hey I was for I would be here gentlemen eyes open I still think one of one of the [ __ ] just not even like the most horrifying but just disturbing things I read was a guy who somehow turned his own colon into a micro Brewer oh yeah Auto Brey yeah there you go that's a good one to know it's it's actually impressive science but also like that guy in Texas and his wife thought he was like secretly drinking he SCS in your intestinal track radi it's taking butt chug into a also a guy that had a shampoo bottle so he said he he fell in the shower something bad's probably happening I heard that one there was also there was also the guy who got his uh his dick pierced and then the piercon got infected um yummy and it hurt really bad so he beganing can you stop I just had breakfast man I'm about to lose my [ __ ] breakfast so so it hurt really bad just going to lose the $7 that's a no so he began sing naked right Green's right get out get out hit oh [ __ ] [ __ ] oh oh holy [ __ ] the road the hell was this I got Moses over here yep I unloaded him on you thanks all you're stable get wound we just kep moving I'm going pull you out of the way back move those are the ORD or stay still we moving get me to cover yeah I'm on I'm back over here contr I'm down yeah yeah R you well you're still you're stable got another one for you yeah dump him I didn't mean it like that where the [ __ ] did he go [ __ ] guys just throwing people all over the place I'll be right back WWE over here I'm oh [ __ ] I'm going to drag you up Clos the hill come on again Legend doc TR quick tapping with this one just feels like full auto bring all the bodies over to my pile is fre [Music] aw all get the te back the the left side of the road just just hold oh right there will just just stay yeah five right now that I can count not on the other side of the road Shing front there was no one up looking at okay the uh somebody do me a favor grab Martin and drag his ass over I have some bullets are close what I'm not sure that was a m but I'm not sure how they from the [ __ ] go Dam grenades coming somehow hey uh medic on Foster on the radio I'm going I think there's guys in the Jeep still all right I'm going hello hello hello assess to only one truck the elad Jeep is still uh usable oh yeah he's perfect we didn't we just took some fire in the non important parts got to go you're stable yeah get me out of here did you did you roll n I'm going to I'm going to I'm going to carry you back and throw you in the other body yeah try and do it uphill more if you can we don't roll away is there somebody else now I'm tring iny just bring just bring him back to my back all Blues pull back bring him back to my pile bles pull back pull back to Friendly position at least it wasn't a l this time was an RPG on your left on your left more left next to thee he bleeding out who is bleeding out up who is where's he at he's getting fixed you got to give me a name I don't have icons for you guys uh what' you ask Sean all right everybody if we completely lost the truck yeah we did one is damag two one is one is destroyed we went to the top clear there's nothing on when I decided to come to Vietnam and I said I wanted to stack bodies this is not what I was thinking this is vietn specification very important so only one Vandal down and two we yeah two vandals down CR how many crits do we have here we got two one four five six seven total looks like get that guy back here yeah I'm critical I'm either critical or I have the longest injury which is like I don't know I checked with Lopper a while over seconds we got another guy is he stable yeah everyone here stable just Dro hey I will say try spread it the [ __ ] out definitely critical other than the people who on the I'm down again so you don't need to go back cuz they'll have a medic on board on theide I'm 11 both T are here now like two go ahead and secure that forward ticket please yeah one more down I don't think they'll take you minimum go go secure our little truck I would suggest you load all the wounded into that truck and then you guys walk if we can oh yeah there's guys down I didn't see cuz they're not in my squad there's not [ __ ] seven there's like nine of us yeah it's not a b blues and T please move up to the front let's go let's get to LED Lincoln yeah let's move these bodies let's get let's get everything out TR to let's move these trucks too let's get it out we're going to move up a fire team and the remaining factors of 10 up to LZ Lincoln try to get those X fills out we're going to leave a fire team back with you with the they want you to go to LZ Lincoln all right who's wait who's staying back with the uh the eight well I think they need to get them up to the yeah where's Albatross s for 11 down the road a little bit some I see it all right this will be a slow loading process why don't we just throw in a [ __ ] truck and drive put him in a truck right next to us uh the Deltas are more reliable than the Bravos when it comes to loading for some reason one at a time Mo you do your yeah one at a time Mo first then me then one driver in the truck get one driver in the truck everybody else out we're going to get these trucks out of this area this is a bad spot this is going to take us a hot second uh bring it to a holding pattern we have to load them up into a truck eight times where we need people to ride with them to get them out to put them on the chopper 10 can you take control of that yeah we got it stuck yeah yeah for 11 big here come here hold up de hold up re go sorry touch up bring it to Lincoln it's down the road we have not popped smoke yet we're getting forc into that situation when we have medical wounded upam put them in the truck where you going we need to get these cars it's going to take it's going to take too long to get Jesus nah put them in and we can you can eject them all or they can all self eject remember damn it we can well when you're you're in if you double let's just somebody pick up that get yeah just drive get them down Road SM he purple Smoke's up go ahead and start driving go go go go everybody car [ __ ] we got two down here onic come on we got to get this got one more over here I'm carrying this one let's go I'm loading first you load next I'm just running them to the chopper at this point they're glitch the same fix as helicopters they're just going to get up and make the rotation it's going to take them a while to load the chopper anyway yep might as well just run them that's a cluster from hell yeah it's uh it's rough and I recommended grabbing the ambulance that was back at base I am me back up a little bit hold on I'm loading mine hold on back away from it a little he just well try that maybe I'm not in [ __ ] by now okay it's good to hear youing hold on boo let me load this guy and I'll try to I'll get you up and then put you on yeah you might have to stay stay can get me up and I'll jump on the Hilo I got you man I got you and we still got a truck load coming yep now you're good boo rough day on the trail man this is nuts hey yeah tell them to bring that [ __ ] truck [Music] up oh yeah they're taking shots yeah get around it sorry Green Team should be able to deal with that here comes com the yeah your rear your rear your rear left all right stop there stop there cover back here if you can just if you can double v and pop out yeah I'll real quick everybody grab it dude apparently I'm glitch stood up ow I'm onad I'm on loading genius guys let's get a few people out in front of this field to watch these Hills over here got a genius under here you got him yeah I got him is there a medic on board on the helicopter already there's I think there's a couple Medics that are yeah good yeah there's somebody down in there five he appreciate it up this the last one I am not sure to be honest I think it is he's in do we got everybody in everybody in just waiting for yeah everyone's in yeah everybody's in that's why I need a few people here with these cars Owen let's move up you want me to move the trucks into Convoy again just spin it around yeah but let's wait let's wait until the well yeah do it now before the heavy lift comes inance of control uh does anyone have funny uh color smoke yeah what kind you want we got a thing coming in whatever for the uh for the uh Chopper Landing right in front of us right yeah in Direction I threw yellow like audible on the other side of the Rock the Caro stop moving the car bring here if if they come they come here looks like Jade's already [ __ ] Ready to Mow him down oh yeah oh yeah buddying up in the left side just down the road let take the rear yeah check water drink eat check water check what's up where you at oh here you are everything sounding shit's digital right now sounds weird we hold on let me try again oh there's bad lag if you're talking Foster I can't hear [ __ ] Jak I can't hear you either you hear me can you hear me hello hello y the [ __ ] is happening bad lag bad bad lag dude was that a really bad lag right there holy just hit the dirt and stop moving someone [ __ ] my C all right El you want me to move the truck now at last I heard was people needed uh touching up uh yeah can anybody point me in the right direction I'll do it yeah I don't know there it goes I came up and Foster was and I I treated I treated you like five [ __ ] times and on a glitch uh internet's back gentlemen should we go foot before sending the car dire because half of Viking is like in Mobile me at yeah it's the same thatth voices South yeah you can grabic medic from dead enemies yeah PA there's apparently a bunch of voices down towards the South do you want me lead fire position it's it's Spartans yeah we're up front we're watching up front but I'm pretty sure they're down by the river yeah yeah maintain position I got to take leak but I got my earphones let me know yell if we're moving I got you SE yeah no will you probably heard that but we're not doing anything that's spot's job cuz they take the whole front element yeah but if you look at the map uh that direction there's something on the river that like sticks in there so it's probably there yeah we deal 200 me further down you can see there's something there understood the Lincoln is clear bring them on in what they really need to do simp is give you a double barrel double barrel and uh Willy pets uh he went to take a piss time to take a pace did I hear you're getting Fay wi no sounds like a great idea I he is the reason why white Fosters is banned it's not allowed yeah I know literally he's the reason I know he used to steal them out of the helicopters when they were moved hey man the white phospherous rounds on the uh on the tanks are a lot of fun though yeah yeah you can use those those legal they're legal infantry who's going to argue they're illegal when I remove your head with one you wish babe I mean I already [ __ ] got a direct hit in someone's chest with the tube I killed a guyers yeah they [Music] are back back I'm back I was Fring him welcome back and I heard that and the only reason that Willie Pete was bad because there's a a difference in how you want your enemy dead I think Willie PE way to do radius really just pick and Cho some days I agree uh hello welcome back are all our trucks right we got you're the head today so it's up to you we at strength don't know do a head count on your Blues Min I think the de should take a look on you fixing the truck nobody told me a truck needed fix they not this truck had back all right guys get someone else must have fixed it all right blue team Mount up blue team hey back here okay reporting that strength mounting [Music] up everyone is it only blue or no wrong that's dation when I say blue team Mount up that's just me talking to my team yeah but I only saw Blues in here and there so be outside wake Houston Marcus where's he at oh I don't know moving back out it'd be kind of awesome if we actually make it to a village with [ __ ] dying on the road yeah I was about to say ready to blow up again we need some better sping something yeah we we need the Scout 150 me ahead like we used to yeah that's true he should be a lot further up yeah he he has been told to stay this close to be fair to him so really all right what hearts in mines right it got it got told off for getting too far ahead when we first set out is smus in the truck behind us yes yeah it's driving it even you don't see press under my seat yeah one for you you know what I don't mind the radio back no try it for uh radio see how you feel I think I think the main thing was that [ __ ] sometimes I just could not get a clear picture and what B wanted it is sometimes yeah he does do that sometimes where he see a bunch of stuff in a row and won't actually mean anything or it'll get two contradicting orders oh my we all do that we're not [ __ ] professionals there well even [ __ ] professionals do it we're they doing the best you can on 20 FPS yeah contact oh my God don't hit don't hit get out Green's right Green's right so help me CHR if you're AAL and you're not GRE and not right I will [ __ ] I'm on I'm on I'm on Owen Illinois over here you better not be [ __ ] critical so far everybody is green sh right I'll try one give it give it a couple secs man carry me and uh I Dro me into the car throw me out again or something is somebody dead in this hold on yeah Moses I think sitting there I'm just I'm just going to drag you to this side yeah is it critical no I'm just dragging him this side at least we got one side to protect I guess Moses got cracked in there can IAD them or we got one here nah he's dead yeah where's where's that guy where's where's that guy that guy right here second try one time dead soldier and potentially wa for reinforcements mag to us so please just oh you driving okay don't stop short just keep driving okay close the road he justum I tried to shoot him before we all got out but of course it's okay don't worry just for the future don't just stop right in front of them it's not yeah I'm gonna go give me a sec I'm going to go a check on Band-Aids we got one times critical most likely to I haven't tried my third one yet but um I don't think I'm I was counting you as the one times critical all right no yeah so far I don't think we had any uh non crits yet third time now all right oh we got carrying somebody else who the hell is getting carried two yeah put me down deck oh you got crit I got a I got a doe over by my one let me try let me try yeah one more times two here's hop pray to God nope nope D critical I need making sure we're watching up front our job is hey at least I'm not done this is the first ambush where I'm not like on the ground irritated I hey deck you ever need ammo all the trucks have ammo for F4 sub AFK for don't be taking ammo out of the truck yeah I got you man I'll I'll I'll board you when it's coming thank you only two Megs yeah we're not allowed to take hmer out of the trucks yeah I know it's free you can just take them they're free I have a bayonet [ __ ] thought boy [ __ ] thought I would say do it you but you [Music] would I would the Cho is already too close all right picked up got it I hear the choer you want me to go for this one uh it's up to you if you want to go I'll take the ride if you I know you've already gone all right yeah I'll board him look at his dead body oh look take his tags take his tags for me stay with the truck unless oh God damn it I didn't take Reno tags I could have Tak ear oh there he is I was expecting to see the blow of the the purple oh wait we got TRS never mind that did make me hungry critical being loaded why did you say pretzel that made me hungry uh one more yep one more any more crits should be just those three [Music] loaded [Music] Mye sounds like a good marching song Seer SM smir us don't drive I'm taking a piss byot F Foster's in the back of your repair truck why cuz he's [ __ ] need to be uh I still think it's a short bus it's a Spam can so uh is he is he going to die when we start driving yeah he [ __ ] will he'll fall right out luckily he said he's only going for a piss so he shouldn't be that long should be should take the heal as long as get back kind of funny that a ladder comes out though I never seen that before okay hold everybody right there make sure they're just watching Dead Ahead don't them out any oh you close the [ __ ] windows don't close our Windows look you can open and close the windows holy [ __ ] watch we have armored window that's [ __ ] cool us anywhere [ __ ] field too uh scroll wheel yeah you need to be yeah yeah well we can't so if anything go ahead and pull back here probably more defensible back this way the reason this thing is so ugly is because you can just get in the back and shoot out the window I tried to pull them back and they all ran forward yep yeah Dam y did you see how much freaking we I cleared up yeah have any damaged Vehicles yeah let me know time get like this your cut good yes yeah our vehicles are good well this wheel appears yellow where where we going to find a room spread it out until it's flying the only way only way to tell is if you're a driver right you're not allowed in there anymore stay out of our repair truck sit there again boy I'm going throw it on your [ __ ] windshield sh I didn't I know I'm an engineer I know it's all right it's always never been bad yeah I know I'm justu okay I thought it was I thought it was damaged by way you went about it I don't know who's hit who's calling vehicle but he's not checking I'm asking if vehicles are all right I misunderstood you no somebody else said vehicle sounds and then a bearing and I didn't hear what they said these back two wheels are a little bit yellow sounds I don't hear anything should still be good I guess yeah just we we'll we'll tell you when the Flop so this front right and the back to the back we'll tell you if they go flop I have eight of them so can you check the headers yeah give us a bit of a tune SM give us bit of aune I repaired what I could fuel tank was busted body was busted oh boy 15 1 15 Z top of the hill one he's still [Music] alive a good shot we got hit Behind The Rock it needs to go a little further up it that shot came straight for [ __ ] me then it zipped past my head has uh has anybody looked at the uh the public Lobby Channel today and see who joined why who joined we have the entire verbo that has joined oh they've probably been banned already uh I haven't seen a ban they's still a member of the server hello who the hell are they they've been banned trust me I'm sure they'll get banned but I don't know if it's happened yet no no they've been bned hey Owen if you want to move out a little more to your Northwest there's a big gap between us and who is the wmart or whatever the they've been Bank Chris yeah now they have you're fine right there he's going to have trouble with that number trying to get it up that hill so we we don't allow Nazis in the clan oh very acceptable wash my hands and I don't think anybody was uh contesting that it was that they were no I was just asking who they were or what what they were oh yeah you guys are weren all necessarily Nazis but it's Nazi adjacent still called it got it what was that are they not still called warm up no they're called the [Music] bundas what they call those The bundes Bu yeah the bundes from above [ __ ] sping giv hand huh that's show off just show off doc is with his Man helicopter maneuvering show off do I can see in the ginormous text on my second screen we in the playoffs baby for reason has we a talking about practice this is game we talking about game not not not not practice [Music] game why do I feel that see fing chares when're looking down at us from uh above in the sky I was spacing right now yeah spacing is very poor I know oh both the vehicle bacing but also us we would all get blown up by one RPG to the car yeah can't really do much about it when we we get up yeah and should we be should we be Deb busting every time we get a little bit of contact or should we just power through this [ __ ] cuz we had a long way to go I've I've told the Spartan guys now that uh if we get contact that close to the um trucks again we're not to stop right in [ __ ] front of them that would be a good idea can we not fge we should have more this is the longest bus ride to work everal the opposite side we'll move in and clear that Village second part of it we split into normal fire teams because everyone's just going all over the place we never doop that stop do that yeah we do this side of the village Le um at least all I can say is if if there's machine gun is here they can [ __ ] rail any shots and whatnot simber yeah yeah do you know how you circumcised a guy from Arkansas no h give his sister avut that sounds more like a West Virginian joke okay start getting ready and all squs we going to start boarding to get ready to move out down the road [ __ ] oh [ __ ] hell that right in front of me move away from the trucks that from the road was going slow de godam I think they got him go ahead go ahead was that the in front of me somehow I'm Not Dead all right let's go ahead and board up let's get moving down the road oh you good lucky ass bastard we're Mountain up take his [ __ ] ammo one M hour y gu got bels on him load up one side and one side here but we're going to follow is J AFK J okay he might be there where already in the [ __ ] tr n we're still in a c how about you I your life decision we're doing the thing that we just discussed you're going to take blue and you're going to follow Spartan over the bridge Crossing nice blue will be you'll be behind Spartan tell you what I hope Uber does uh it yeah we're going to be taking the north side of the village you and me and the rest of the greens H Fu H in group Channel everyone we're coming up on our first objective look for your markers now let's keep our spacing between these trucks yeah they [ __ ] slammed on the bricks yeah I know I need more speed trying to e bre that [ __ ] I don't know which of that line you'd like to take most bro but have fun with it GRE we have a marker on the map that we're going to be forming up on to t uh form cover on I do believe that that very Northeastern [ __ ] side is just Mountain face it might be then we'll have to watch the river and the road and we'll split up a little bit they may be friend should be grad shut up there may there may be friendly people in the village with weapons so check your fire do not fire unless we're fired upon For the Love of Christ do not fire first I expect you to die wholeheartedly before you fire backs in mind okay is Australian right Green Team hop out blue team St with the truck now we go green blue team stay on Blue Team stay blue team back side of the road are we staying on or staying with he said stay on sorry I was seconds I didn't hear that hold on I he said stay with it meant to me in that audible out there come with us first part of the operation um news help help clear some of [Music] that if you can Team moving teaming blue team moving Blue's on the Move May well so watch watch shooting into the buildings hey bad we're holding we're letting Vandal move through ahead me yeah once I get the words we'll move inse exra I'm supposed to go with you and help fix the [ __ ] that's after they G in the village Buu that's they off the village you'll come with us okay if you coulding is hard yeah no buku you'll come with you'll come with with 10 when we go in so right now we're just holding this position until I get word that they've cordoned off the front and then we'll go ahead and stop moving and I can tune you up oh am I hurt yes oh I didn't even know I was hurt don't be what you got your medic for communication that's the keyer really really watch those watch those forests I make sure nobody comes through that way to get us dude it's the bu it ain't the bad it's the bad Bush I think we're moving up the forest with yeah on the jog on the jog on the on the J this sucks that I don't have binoculars why don't you they they I got to talk to the server people that for some reason they're not giving it to us all right team let's [ __ ] go back all right going back going back back double time it double time blue no I don't I havep I want these I want all these buildings checked completely as well so peel off as we get by one y yeah all up there you're going to stay with spart in the village I'm going with these guys yeah SP right good luck theob Martin I'm with you for now I want you to take I want you to take animal Illinois news Sean go start move working your to the right let's take one of the Medics go as well hooku go with them El I'm with you too okay yeah go clear that out everybody else come with me everybody behind Sean we shot where's that from behind us keep moving that's behind us they'll take it let's keep going don't cross the bridge we're going to turn right right here hold the bridge right before the bridge you want to hold it Martin grab grab one at least one other guy gu in Owen wanted to breach sure yeah Owen would be perfect how many Medics do we have who else do we have you got me and S and buku is already off with the other group all right let's get two people clear this building yes sent me over to you um yeah let's take a couple of you guys come with me while we push towards the West here to clear out everything else I'll clear the [ __ ] I'll go with you rest is clear Martin so far so good I'm pushing left going right next door back's clear you have a medic with you really all right have him have him heal that person yep building's clear some about wounded somewhere I'll do it sunr this is uh cleared a few buildings we have uh found one injured civilian we are currently healing them up we'll do we'll give them the good stuff yeah all right let's keep clearing this who's moving down okay scared me saw somebody moving all right J yo I know Bre Bre told me to come with these guys but Foster told you to come with them too right all right I'm going back with blue with uh with our guys you stay with them there's only supposed to be one of us going with them from what I know I figured there was some misinformation cuz they also have their medic news yeah I think they just need an extra medic so I'm going to go back and find those guys cool okay clear man where's some goddamn brass I'm back it Foster already sent JQ okay so I figure you don't need both of us in there no we we discussed it and I said I'll send you and then apparently hasn't [ __ ] listened to me so yeah is what it is at least one of us are there right yes gives me a chance to get another I don't know if it's just a glitch or something but 230 about there uh about 34 up the hill there's something that looks different from everything else but I don't know if it's just a rocks all right I'm not getting everything is it on a tree like right on a tree up there a bit further up and to the uh let's see at 233 exactly hey Chris take a look at this uh yeah it's some rocks mate hi I'm just getting uh I can't see what it is it just looks different than everything else hey bro you have binoculars what we found a funny looking rock at the other side of the bridge the middle okay Roger uh I'm going to need spam can before we yeah make sure yeah make sure you guys eat and drink then we're going to move you guys want to go first or do you want to follow M across the bridge listen to me there is okay I just heard yeah SP there's mine across the bridge well we have't engineer so I can call for one it's that spam can's job any a tank okay well I mean it's we haven't cleared I don't know if sunr is going to get unhappy about us pulling a truck in now he's going to walk across and check that mine I'll swim if you want gonna eat some pound cake real quick [ __ ] hot as [ __ ] out here man I'm not an engineer man I send an engineer up to get it don't don't touch my truck I can go Martin Martin or Reno you guys have any of the engineers with you we got a mine on the bridge just shoot the [ __ ] mine can't you shoot it and blow it up it's G [ __ ] up it's Bridge oh yeah don't blow the bridge yeah don't blow the bridge where is it it's on the bridge they they spotted an object I is it a bike yeah he said it looked like a rock so I don't know what it is get away from it covered I move to cover without balls I am nothing without me my balls are nothing the quality of the steel there are many like them but these two are mine spread out guys there are many balls our oh God I'm Gonna Keep walk looking 2 I need stop looking closely at this bridge it gets worse Sun ra this is 10 uh we got a looks like landmines at the end of the bridge Engineers out to try and deal with that watch those buildings in case somebody comes out to try and cap him One S I have a medical question yeah it's not good hit me red pill I'll take any I have the stomach a and I think it's because one of my balls is hanging much lower than the two others yeah bring back that se oh try using your left hand you'll knock the other one down too got I need to knock all of them down there's only one out of the three that's hanging it doesn't sound good man no really bad hernia when it looks like you have third ball there bring it over here bring it over here okay BR you guys want to head across first to cordon off or do you want to follow all right we're going to be right behind you so we can move into the village you'll need to try and [ __ ] hernia man and [ __ ] it was like a third ball inside that wasad yeah it feels like you're a nut crawls up into you and PPS upt we're just going to start moving in so I need you dude you probably do have a hernia then and Jesus no no no I don't have a hernia here man it's uh that was just a joke yeah third Ball but I did lift the freezer and then I while I Wasing I'll send you up front my my my intestines are dropping into my sa yeah that was not fun all right we're moving in we're moving behind brass you want him on a double C SE yeah staggered left and right just like them on the edges of the Bri Sean's going to be in Sean's going to be brass I got Sean in the middle to watch just for extra mines we're heavy on the right I'll shift left don't worry Brothers taking care of do you want to get your engine P off the road then the bridge blows up one of you Spartans pull the truck off the road yeah grab that somebody in the back grab that truck animal pull the truck off the road pull the truck off the road I yeah behind just just back it into the dirt somewhere all right dare come with us okay Martin Martin and uh ranco grab like half the guys and start clearing these buildings my line you're with me you're on the right or the left re I'm on I'll go uh left that's a funny looking box let's get these buildings over here cleared you will stay away from that box Jacker come with me be aware of the funny looking box on the left grab grab multiple people we got we got 11 watch the East and Southeast watch up the since we're close to the village and we got the other group with us do you want jaku back with green cuz he's kind of tailing in is just going to stay here it sounds good all right I hear you I okay check the pack to next to the road there yeah should we keep pushing down the road build completely all the way down to the end all right okay all right start clearing the left side guys it's an unknown I can diffuse it explosively are you having a stroke no surprisingly empty yeah nothing to see here nothing to see here my God this is crowded yes a village the stroke out what stroke it's got to be somebody here there's [ __ ] 30 laund a lot of people here don't mind us we're just civilians looking for rubbing the tug oh [ __ ] speaking of I need to drink some water hold on yeah make sure you drink water guys if you're below half drink I literally just said they're not eating they're not drinking yeah I I seem to notice like I got a sliver of water water in me yeah I just noticed that oh it's bad got damn it somebody hold hey that's my personal Farm don't be touching [ __ ] yeah J far oh this is not weed no over the other side oh that's weed over there brother oo uh R this is 11 111 oh yeah can I get a KN at that single Hut out there you got biners up front lighter no brass they both ran towards the weed yeah do you need you need eyes up here yeah that all right hold on hey BR yeah uh snail needs eyes up front Pinos 11 yeah that H eyes on let show you there's nobody there that single Hut all the way out there yeah I see something black underneath the Hut I'm sure there's a guy or something very cool I think we've been in this weed farm too long maybe SM if he has on him but doc made the joke anyway line yeah line line facing south line facing south I wasn't on Yelling you're right uh let's let's do a like a a line facing south battle Line south South South Southwest I guess yeah up the road yeah facing up the road battle line facing up the road closer to the Village so we can support support Spartan a lot quicker if we need to you want start digging BR no no we're not going to be here long oh man it's a long drive toward the next drop did we drop supplies at the last Village this is our first Village oh yeah this is the first Village never mind I know it's Spa well I assume we're going to pull the trucks across the bridge first oh uh inform smirkus that his spam can is down at the bridge so there's no point him going back to the rest of the trucks where's Chris oh yeah I left him with Moses down the road didn't I what the [ __ ] was that in the backround it was my boyfriend playing fortnite shut up yea or some [ __ ] he was shouting Peter cuz they added Peter Griffin to fortnite oh yeah they did that he's he's a bit [ __ ] leave him alone your boyfriend or Peter both yeah right I'll be right back I'm going to go for a piss good luck good luck I usually say have fun but yeah good luck yeah I have I got to hop off early today maybe in like 15 minutes girlfriend want to go to Disney Disney yeah I live close by Disney War got anual path you Florida or California uh Florida ah nice us I one behind us red what's happening one behind us yeah he got a weapon on that was shot who the [ __ ] that up the hill they're friendlies yeah keep an eye out for friendly down there but the guy on the red Shir who's behind his fence right here by the clothing clothing yeah willly about to run up to a dead body yeah this is not good he has a ma but he didn't shoot oh at least he got a weapon at least he has a weapon that's the main thing no we were told that nah hearts and mind don't the magazine is the magazine is not full I [ __ ] car he he has a full magazine in his inventory yeah but he doesn't have a full he doesn't have full magazine in the in the gun shut up not anymore it looks like uh Freddy Krueger screw him yes he does indeed all right let's get back to where we were oh for [ __ ] sake you got a weapon didn't he I don't I he had a pistol on him but I don't know what the deal was oops oh yeah Seer yeah yeah next Village make sure who you're healing is actually a civilian and not a [ __ ] VC yeah I didn't I didn't touch that dude yeah I know I've just been told that I need to tell the Medics that cuz you're going be in the next you're going to be taking the next Village and uh yeah I'm not healing no [ __ ] VC I'll check their inventory first so R what's the official story did we hear him shoot the ma or not doesn't matter you had a weapon I heard no we were told that there was friendes in the city here that could have weapons he had a weapon he was wearing his he was wearing an an enemy uniform that's that's that's a clean shoot he had a VC hat on he did oh yeah he Insignia on his I heard a shop I'm pretty sure I heard a shop and I turned around and saw him could have been a souvenir maybe he was a [ __ ] well we just cleansed that Village yeah killed 100% of the population in this Village just one guy hello Owen hello hello Illinois hello BR My Little P course doesn't say hello to me here it's my guts hell watch out for your balls Illinois get my ball I like a little Range Rover okay hold hold it hold it right up here yeah hold it right up here we'll wait hello all right hold here Sean stop car good lord it's a gentle stop I was going to say we're on a down slope I'm transporting offic look the brakes on this thing they're a bit old all right and we don't want to damage them I've also looked at the suspension models on this it's um make sure make sure to pick up Chris and Moses as you pass them they're inside the village I wonder I want VC CU I didn't see somebody healed a VC by the way so make sure you guys look at who the what the bodies are or what they injured are cuz appar do if we find a VC snail you happy that's a good question yeah no investigation on you don't worry about it bro bring the machete for then I have no I don't why ISO go ahead and pull the transport up to the south end of town yeah oh okay no problem well nobody can run away if you take their feet huh that's not going to win as hard to Sean all right pull to where Martin and them are up ahead blue team get ready to mount up who's it why is there a friendly in that truck proba AF ja what why yeah come on get out no get out ja you with us gonna happen know what you guys are going to get into right blue team M up yeah you Bab you got to for for what can't believe we leaving all that [ __ ] behind bro he hey smiry doc said he's going to come requisition it all hell yeah up hey don't touch my farm our bunk is Right weird with all the Dil there is you can't use a light over there BR you're in charge my dog outside dude look the ma Got only n out of 10 Rounds he shot one yeah that's what I said there was one shot missing in that one really good still at 30 right just didn't hear that one go off I heard that I turn around it's I only heard the uh M60 no of course I I heard the mro first a lot gab bang here you go got to leave it here it's evidence be right back grabing some all right when they hold right notar yet though damn h got that paint on him he's ready to hide in some concrete I'll blow up again I'm trying to think of a comeback but I just don't have [Laughter] any bro is made for urban combat but there are none out here Urban combat in the Wilds of Vietnam yeah I'm I'm a predator you need a ask what of that face P that face paint he's wearing is actually quite good camouflage on night camouflage for a black [Laughter] person that is that is actual night camouflage for a black person night camouflage for a white person and a black person is two completely different things are they no way definitely it's isn't both of them just dipping yourself in like a like a bath of of tar black tar no then you stand out more really might break you need to break up the from the fields keep going they're in the r keep moving moving the [ __ ] driver's dead oh [ __ ] in the also from above R blue left blue left let's go Jak watch behind I'm unloading right oh greens why do we always get the [ __ ] side pushing High I need someone with me down sold dress right test Dr right fck get low when you can smoke oh [ __ ] run right you're too close J J you stabilized all right I'll try to roll let you know yeah I'm roll over to uh I'm getting over to uh who the hell is down there there got him bring him back to the truck if you [Applause] can you can we'll send the medic up yeah he's bringing them back here now 10 yeah [ __ ] reloading real quick my bad need a medic up here drop who wants a medic we're good over here someone just took one I'll be honest I seen anybody be non crit yet I was earlier from that truck explosion but I'm pretty sure I got third Dee Burns all over my body agreed snail let's pull back down the hill you have any that funny gas no funny guys he yeah leave him there leave him there bring him to the truck bring him to the truck I roll I roll they roll son of a [ __ ] awesome where is Teo I dropped a few of them LZ that was a bad all you're good they're all spread out in the bushes yeah stabilizing test yeah still all right give me a sec brother y are thanks are they clearing grass up there or is that enemies uh clearing grass all damn they can do that fast Chris is being lit up from some I think someone just shot Chris I think they're from the other side I think it's sniper no I think that's friendly fire Chris canwest up here you did brass get killed outright not to push out too far together all right yeah I was wondering why I couldn't find his ass yeah if you clear out bushes but all right good I carry a ton in my pack can yeah sure but have we looking Jay I'm up here you too all right this is pretty oh [ __ ] oh snails rolling where the hell is snail I'll yell if they St go front check what's going on with 10 oh my God your legs yeah I got two down J's down yeah Jak's down he's crit so is a test who's this me you rolled right uh no he was rolling down the hill that's what I meant all right all right so I'm going to leave you here test yourself when you get your set on fire in the southwest it's shot still in that elep West I couldn't tell if it's friendly Jade hit you said this is 11 we've only got one Med if we can wait for the combat to be over we'll send them over but uh until then going to to hold out yeah I think I'm I'm going to hop off got a all right one uh he's going to hop off three wait me I have a question if he's going to hop off can I revive him and he can D his GE so anybody can take that [ __ ] is that all right all right I'm going to revive you you're jumping off drop your gear pull me down and stabilize me Soldier I need you up here the started rolling down the hill yeah dump your gear and then you know see you next week thany brother I'll see you next week I cover I got them brass you don't have to touch them thank you baby so bra snail uh had a bounce early he's I got him up early and he's droing are you critical yep uh y well we need to load him up on the bird then and snail's dumping his gear into the truck we have three crits down here we need to Lo hey s when you can't patch me up you might want to tell ALR J are you pick up Tony and go 11 pick up this wounded all right we've got three times critical wounded if you can bring that bird for a loot Jade I got a smir I got to go back uh I don't have to go back enemy shooting at the H on the map from over there which houses there in all right guys see you guys next week I dropped my butt plug come on sorry we bigger one back Sean go pick up my blood plug okay where'd you drop it by the truck on the hillside somewhere it's the one with the furry pink tailed at the moment I why is he Landing over there come on Cor the way we came be careful that was quite hard oh [ __ ] shots still coming from the top of the hill one at a time Lads one at a time yeah I got I'm going to put J on first I'm loading a medic he's down you don't need anybody to go with no no don't unload anybody just Chuck them in I will deal with it Y no I was saying Jak is uh one of the critical he's on don't go with me all right one more to go all in you ready hey [Music] lifting I see shots uh okay it's it's West 287 Foster far it's 10 it's probably outside of our field over fire well I mean you probably caught a straight from there can't do any straing I want I want a couple of you stand for 11 Z confirmed good pickup out I want to copy you looking Southeast and Southwest as well so they don't come up behind us yeah going to take some of this [ __ ] brush away okay all is good in the world once more just for a little bit no uh I've got eyes on VC inside the next Village certain VC yeah if um they've been engaging helicopters up here uh that we can see from here and they have the and stuff is that friend a bunch of SP already moved up there and I think we're clearing them out I think they're moving a bit too fast I don't yeah just a bit but that's the Lan's call I guess oh that's not the actual Village that's fine but it is not good hey are all your trips good don't a [ __ ] Viking better care [ __ ] 50 m away from oh that's not the actual Village yeah you're right yeah yeah hello hello I'm just doing truck checks since I'm a driver I want to next to my vehicle I don't get to have no fun where's spam can spam can should be over here in the valley it's right here where's where's where smok that sh oh how are you on food and water if you're not already go check all the I was thinking [Music] about smirk water brass oh that's good you died water think about calling the water I'll repair my truck don't worry smirk how are you in who said they were almost out of water I forgot me where you at on the top of the hill I accidentally brought the two lers so I'm going to be [ __ ] at there two cenes in this one as well 0.76 L delicious yeah you can have C let me throw in your just don't grab any illegal items I'll just give you the that I have no I don't worry about it I got a full one for him I got a full okay yeah chill out gentlemen resume Duty two and a half so yeah um snail bailed and he he left like I think one and a half so he said had to go I yeah I took them both who else rocket coming downtown from Northeast where the hell that come from Northeast Northeast missed the truck good good I'll check the wheels I guess another one second rocket that was near me uh can we move these [ __ ] trucks out of the roadway I'm seeing tracers going up to 5 Z visual visual he's down 57 he's did we hit him yeah he's [ __ ] no that's a hell of a he's doing an RPG too at that range who else is out of water anyone no I got it from was it five six a good way to check suck still collecting empty uh I don't know if I have any room actually but I've I've got a bunch of full ones still have a half [Music] one we the engine right there if you if you need to drink drink the half I'll give you the full no never mind [ __ ] me that's 400 and then I'll take your empty but you know Big Shot for c yeah let me know they're barely little guy rocket really short just a little guy he just a dude just a little big guy little on again do van oh sh right next oh we got are a critical your truck still fine yeah he's a crit okay we got a critical to transport out stay with these Lads while I watch the trucks D hello this is 11 uh in that forward position if you got the time of this down without any engagement right now could you check that bridge may have some mines on it probably serve to check it now while we can these wheels good man yeah they look good much [Music] obliged had a little bit of fuel thing damage you do I had but this thing you just go interactions and then it'll show a repair option hostil Northwest Northwest hostile H Northwest 11 [ __ ] either where's Sean I'm right here go up front right [ __ ] um contact one 317 a filot should up his Wings N is seeing tracers at 323 behind all the trees 342 I know he is yeah knew it knew it knew it I knew he was from the way [ __ ] Squad [Music] that's an upgrade of forces those are no longer VC dead what's next rabbit rabbit coming in wiggling oh wait don't no loading issues uh do we have Tony on board uh yeah okay n just drop me Tony can get me upop myself on the other side than I don't know what they did to me it was such a light shot but still cont contact front I not in pain what oh okay bet there you are Oopsy Daisy was for [Music] you the way h there proba left we're not right in the front so right High got leg Ball's eye there's one behind him to the rear more he's behind the tree now oh got him one to his right [ __ ] rocket rocket oh [Music] [ __ ] hi I'm on where they another rocket coming from the tracers over there my tracers 357 North me [ __ ] crit again I can't see the rocket though I'm stabilizing then I'm going to touch oh we actually got him holy [ __ ] test one of you I got himly [ __ ] I'm touching you how uh I'm going to grab you carry you back to our area all right Co getting shot R you have ammo test now [ __ ] I got I got a I got a box hold on I'm going to dump you one belt behind you [Applause] test and I put another belt in your backpack all right Tess that Hillside into a once we uh win this fight mouning up all win I love how I'm like down but I'm still smoking a cigarette you got to love that I don't even cannot see [ __ ] up there ATT l l [ __ ] trees you hit him but he's still up Busey one to his left all right are we crit yeah all right I literally just got back [Music] sucks hey Foster hey I got a jq's crit is this a drop off or what pick up um Albatross we got one more critical wound for that bird on the deck go yeah I think that thing is I'll just have to ride back with I don't know how they're doing there I know it it's going to be like each platoon has their own but [ __ ] it yeah it's okay let's get him out while it's kind of cool and we're not moving it's not a terrible [Music] idea all right the medic is down I just loaded him I don't know if somebody else is coming I am too but so is jaku and he's he's crit I think that's everybody I'd get the bird out of here [Music] that's what I that's what I call Speedy I don't know I think we took the chopper for somebody because we didn't call that guy in all of a sudden he showed the [ __ ] up pretend to do a drop off he wasn't actually doing a pickup oh well he got one now it okay okay what 10 11 Z right inside down we're doing your jump you went from six to 24 though really quick don't forget Blue's on the top yeah they're coming down just Mountain go once you get in check your water if you need you drink drink when you get [Music] in remember I only shake it twice three times you're playing with yourself I shots again from over there but then again there's nothing wrong with that unless it's in public yeah just get in Lots get in let's move quick yeah they're coming out this we are loaded yep brass I hope you didn't step your own head while you got in the [ __ ] truck I think I did you someone's dead by truck yeah they're dead yeah it's my dead [Music] body right now run over uh don't run over test is that test test your driving he can't talk get out it's fix you can talk get the [ __ ] out of the road hey just tell him to Bumper hop man you can [ __ ] drag his ass we're not we're not Marines we're not Reckless leave but re Reckless with a purpose usual greens to the right BL to the left yeah let's down these SE go make sure the road [Music] clear how do you take these how do you how do you do the bush thing again uh equipment and then clear Bush self interaction equipment all right there is also a hot key you combine yeah yeah did I not turn off the truck again yeah Seer you'll have to stand more in the middle like I am right now yeah screw that that's too much I maybe I'll assign a hot key somehow later I think we have I think we're all here I heard somebody say you can yeah we going to get on the not sure how only missing uh is it Apollo he's uh coming up the road now gring him I'm just having there's some buildings uh across I'm just having to make sure those buildings are clear once once I find out it's clear we're going to mount up and start moving back down the road so help me Christ if they get critically wounded I'm going to kill myself Chris I'm sure laying underneath a truck is not the best spot I got cover from above yeah but RPG blows that truck your [ __ ] ass is cornhold yeah well I'm used to as well because I sit right here at the wheel it's true too I'll just turn on my Hulk strength and just stand up and flip the truck off AC the road where we were taking fire from I'm just making sure that's clear stay with the truck unless specifically told to do otherwise we're Miss we're missing a medic okay that was that was uh I just wanted to get you guys out of that area that's why we moved down the road some Vandal missing America Got Away not at full okay okay and we got to wait yep all right we'll be waiting for them while they're clearing those buildings up ahead I he went crit and he's on his way back did I saw I called the bird I'm waiting for him to come back look at this why is he not here yet what he got nice oh don't you touch that it's mine [ __ ] you oink what did you take the grenade I took the Hat obviously [Laughter] oh oh sber I think I I took watch go Albatross yeah you got a little boo boo yeah just so I have blood over over my face uh I was going to say it's a vag problem but up the road it's the other end but I'll move everybody up there oh and you're an anti personal line wo at least they found it and not a truck hey everybody die or you got smoke you want to throw some smoke over with me El should ha come Al is 10 who the [ __ ] threw that smoke did you smoke is out me and are going to go check and swe for more mines can you get someone on the machine gun totally not okay they're both the same no still trying to find that out reinforce our medic isn't down B news looks like we have two crits that's what that big boom was okay that wasn't 11 don't blame 11 that was the [ __ ] the 12 go ahead and hold give me give me uh One mic I got two incoming yes how do you called the smoke [Music] grenades shift g i is that while you're holding it or before you thr it did you see any more landmines on the way before you hit that [Music] one on I didn't see any but all right once you I want I want to move this up uh you might not have to okay I can't remember what it's called you're going to drive for me we're going to move up the road a little bit here in a second go for 10 get some ass weapons yeah uh prepare SL change throw is what it's called oh I see it now in front of me now but shift G is like how I change [Music] grenades we need to get rolling yeah yeah I all right sh you want me to head up there I got a radio yeah [Music] please try out I I'll do it you want me with them uh breast with who those guys run up the road uh no that's not a proper Village out oh all right positive on great PR oh I accidentally dropped it on the floor whoops what was that diffuse it okay let's get everybody let's get everybody mounted up I want to get across this bridge and at least up down hill just lost it's left click throw it Vandal mount mount up vand upill get out of you walk over to it pick it up if you use your interaction you can I just didn't want to use other one stay up there to truck go for [Music] 10 yeah sound like a French all of a sudden I have a present for one of the trucks whenever we're ready get rid of that put in the yeah put it in that [ __ ] thing oh there is a bomb look in the truck it goes all right rock on jump in here Sean jump in here okay oh you won't even make me walk you're so kind sto our truck no I cleared this road why are we stopping again a don't don't Dismount stay in the truck I will Dismount cuz I'm a Spartan so I need to get up lay that down yeah so nobody else leave with me all right get back the TRU we're going to keep moving good that Foster [ __ ] out of luck Foster is bisexual by the way [ __ ] boy [Music] load friction friction next side sure guess I'm straight get the truck I'm trying to move all right however he does have a wife no faster than that I got dick a message for me I sure hope so bro follow those tire tracks the best you can yeah keep distance you're really good at up going for Lucky a day so for you guys in the back of the van and andrex said uh I keep telling people I'm straight I just like [ __ ] men and I can't remember who it was but someone responded to that so your dick's gay Ralph Ralph responded to that so your dick's just gay we get it does have its own mind AB I don't know if I'd call it a mind but yeah reminds me of that uh SVU episode where he's like I'm not gay I have relationships with women sex with men he's like I got or the the Legends movie where Ronnie's like um uh I'm not a [ __ ] I'm a giver not a taker from when you think about it he's like I'm homosexual not a [ __ ] well I'm sure you I'm sure there's something out there you can identify that you like sex with men but you're male and you're not gay so that's okay gymnastics sex cares self-actualized I don't care either but it's the term now I'm sure if the Greeks can do it we can do it to go yeah [ __ ] if the Spartans could [ __ ] little bo about to say they had a tast boys though what the [ __ ] I'm I'm not going to finish that mind your own business your own business you [ __ ] yeah we'll see if this YouTube [ __ ] upload [ __ ] gets classifi to 18 years old I yet I'm still a minor oh [ __ ] worse wow so he's he's the go around at spot okay oh he's learning a lot he I think learning is a stretch but yeah welcome to the world learning new words inantly late be fine in Texas the on Texas I would not yes you would Sean you've said it before okay only the SLR in my hands right now faing these guys so slow oh oh we got animal up front driving he's not not as good I'm going to need some new censes at some point cuz I accidentally brought two lers uh yeah brass I'm going to pop uh I'll pop one into the actual truck okay take take take the Cante and I pop in the trunk I'll take it when I'm not driving yeah there's a full canteen full canteen in the inventory thanks man ammo check LS ammo we are actively Trucking we don't have one currently uh T if you can find us a place the plk bunker down for a hot second we got to reinsert from Albatross here seems a good place of anywhere right next to a [ __ ] never mind let's go I keep going keep going [ __ ] don't get out just move it for now homie's running he's done just move it for now don't worry [ __ ] C just as piss as the rest are good on other we are not having a good place to land yet we're currently invading artillery fire we'll let you know call the Jungle Run shut that dog up can't control this is the spot oh God I because of you I told you 63 might have a job to do a out get out our Hey where's your tire you said you had an issue watch the right side like H ke at Illinois go to your controls and then go to your addon options H Judas you [ __ ] coward who needs who needs water from Vandal I got extra [Music] canteen the wi team yeah get back in the [Music] truck up you have back in [Music] hang on one more uhoh rock good OK doy let's not linger why there not speed like figure the guy in the back of that [ __ ] truck keep going out of render for me I don't know why kind of kind of cool vehic custom name on this vehicle like on the side like the Volkswagen [Music] nothing wait why is it she that fromont why is it Che [Laughter] Spartan Trail has been noted you have been Dem merited 200 social credit points up to no oh I noticed since anything why the [ __ ] are you in that truck he wants to get blown up remember now of the vandals in the lead vehicle that vehicle shall explode that the rules pal mes he might actually blow up if they hit something he just wants to feel something there's better ways to feel something know I agree right in the fields itch's not going to feel anything in his legs after he's done with that landmine boy smell got that nice cold fresh air in your face the windows open plus I want the dust of the truck in front of us oh look at that uh tree down there pulling up yeah go ahead and get the left should I have a feeling this going be bad there's always a naughty Village in there you know and we're going to do the same as last time where you take this side of the village and we take the other side I drew it wrong yeah am I going in with them this time yeah you are s nice you're staying with the squad this time remember our supplies are being unloaded when we're done we unload our supplies yall need a repair yeah do you want Tove trck up on us I don't feel like uh you guys want to start moving your guys to cording off this Village yeah we're moving time with you words are hard today try some uh try vodka and orange juice man it's doing well for me SC yeah man yes we got to wait for Vandal to corn off before we can go in what's up we're going to move through the village with you again across side of it up at the okay you going to have a is one of your groups going to off the first side yeah Green Team Dr sounds really good right now west east never mind okay oh that does man really does what a CL right blue team on me I got some cracken room let know you guys are pretty much in position and we'll go what do you want as Medics to do Medics it'll be the same thing uh one medic from each Squad comes with us always like the I'm froming spice man it's kind of like cream soda uh Reno you I had I was spiking but I ran out of egg I'll drive it got actually is he on helic clear rum and then I was using a little bit of chocolate Bailey like cinnamon R AFK theu nice okay yeah so just hang out we'll just we're just going to go as a as a column down the road Medics will be in the middle what's what's for me uh this is 10 go Roger that I'll re remind him uh Medics when you're healing uh injured civilians make sure they're not VC that last Village somebody healed a VC nice and if you do just [ __ ] shoot them or why can't we arrest those guys who's that over there call the MPS or oh they're checking that road just hold a very hasty exactly no I'm waiting I'm waiting till I pull that vandals in position get the machine and clear [ __ ] no I want I want to have some action though I've been sitting at the back all time oh I get where they're in position we'll move up hey you got yourself an RPG too ni uh this was yours what I took it off your body [Laughter] oh yeah I'm I'm swapping in for Sean so I can you know see some stuff instead of just sitting on that truck the whole time me and him are just swapping places hey Sean yeah uh do we have any anybody watching the trucks no one's watching the trucks are they oh we got a couple um what I'm going to have you do uh jump in the driver's seat when we start moving up you're going to roll to the top of this hill and then stop I want the machine gun up there but wait till we move because you know if you're going to use a machine gun we might as well use the machine gun yeah go for 10 Roger 10 moving in all right guys let's go Callum up let's make it staggered stagger I have the right to the left watching everybody go right just make your decisions it's that's perfect good job it's not freaking B moving up wa we are faithful we are not F yeah can you see down the road to the Northwest too got that yes yeah stay up there we'll clear the village all right start clearing those houses houses to the house right I'll sweep the road I'll take the white whoever's you three guys we got with I'll get the other boarded up okay that's quick and easy there any doors in this one it's just a placeholder I think got an injured one here Decker noted oh I want to heal him I want to heal my okay guys's got a rice hat does what kind of outut you wearing check them white shirt it says treats civilian 8 yeah this guy's civy I'll cover him you guys keep looking I can castrate him just to make sure is that a way that don't make more VC huh well that's how Vandal does it so I don't know how you roll he's good and that was a mine I'll go check it out you guys keep sweeping all right they got yeah they should have uh some other steeve somebody over there right not many Huts here yeah there's a hooch up here on the left on cool Claire noted hello oh there already got Jak up here so they've already got a medic okay nothing else uh you guys took care of it here we're good wasn't a very big town noes in it s so we knew was one of them there's always one Village full of Mines yeah I found one these they uh cilian yeah we got one up here we took care of him already with Jac yeah we we weren't sure if he was VC or not and I offered a castrate them just to make sure so I healed him I just told him it was the Vandal way yeah check their hats they got a VC hat on his L and rice hat they should be fine yeah we're good up here we all good up here come back Spartan yeah y okay have fun someone's burning a dead guard hi buddies these are clear uh there's Mr dang in this house he's been helped yep I was here all right let me help we got another mine we got another here we're just going to clear that hey stay back don't over here [Laughter] boom stay back back don't come over here go ahead and let go ahead and let it start falling back we're going to clear these last few houses on the road he's just straight up atomized huh no one to say my there's nothing to say can't even tape that [ __ ] back together he did say he was going to clear the mine so I guess I give him there's the second M thank you for the patch Sly actually still alive drag him back it's it's it's CU I uh not everybody Decker stay back Illinois you go get it back renco back up trying to get back I was come back he's our only medic I'm here too guys Steve you don't count you're you're a for let's drag him back let's go back to the cars Oher there's nothing here there's nothing here did somebody check that that that Stone House over there stabilize him yeah Dro check that Stone House house that had two mines did y check this one sacrifice hey guys did you check that yes we checked that one is there a house all right news is going to go look at it that I'll come with him um those Min are real hard take take the injured take the injured back unless he rolls over cuz we got to get I tried once yeah carry him and then let him try he's got a couple more to go take him back everybody go back with them head back head back we're getting out of here all right illo let's go the m on I'll all right now I'm heading back to my group sh the [ __ ] 10 all squads so this is clear we're heading back to the cars we're going to load up and get onto the next one quickly adios American Soldier SKS through rice fields M casualties go up by 50% so keep it there I did it Foster we're going to pull in the center V Village unload the truck field I did I skipped yeah uh what we'll do is we'll pull in I'll get it to the ARs to the end of town we'll stop real quick you can unload and we'll keep moving yeah yeah yeah where is Andy to give him a SM needs a smch he does Jesus [ __ ] Christ there's still mines it would look like what the hell is that the third yeah en oh no that was that was BTR apparently get away from it dnad load up load I was about to jump the spot there that's why get upset all right hang off what if I want to go munch on the fire go to the Jeep ASAP animal I don't need or not anim Illinois I don't need help yes you need Spartan you don't see any hear any more btrs coming on the do you that was fun oh it was a motor vehicle uh wasn't one of ours sound like you're on the [ __ ] urge of killing yourself Jesus Christ man I guess I guess I'm driv these guys why you okay sure they're all going to pass through the village come up just keep going hey keep I don't want to double wide and then both blow up I'm spe I'm specifically driving slower I don't want them to hit something bot you're a human humanist type of dude unload it disembark what do you want me to do the one that speaks or Jade Jade say nice things as well yeah you want off supplies at this unload the trucks at the uh this truck at the Village we're just unloading the supplies all right back on back on back on just unload the supplies first yeah sound like we're getting out we are all right where do you want it into the village uh nearby the well over the fence anywhere over the fence will do drop it down below up in the through the hills you go yeah we [Music] yeah there is don't go too deep I guess cuz uh yeah that's good enough don't drop them into the wall Oh I thought it was just like a bunch of bath bombs theic where the [ __ ] are all the spots they vanished they went poof yeah that's gun fire at the next Village back in every you need to unload the other cargo there's two boxes oh sorryy around what are they shooting us probably villagers probably killing the other villagers then just leave that [ __ ] at the door that sounds like their problem yeah it's our problem it will be once we get close enough it's ours but just drop it inside man just drop it right there good yeah that's good man let's Mountain go but are we waiting for resupply all right all right we need to move let's let's uh we need to move killing the villagers up there let's go get them back go go go go who's killing the villagers probably the VC not us cuz we're not there the Americans so let's get up there and kick these [ __ ] guys [ __ ] and then we can kill some as a Tre yeah and stop them from killing our friends man [ __ ] that yeah stop them from killing our prey yeah these are the people we're going to exploit for years later let's do this people I keep going let them go past go past yeah that was the plan just going to go there and go in with Force mhm I guess sounds like you know they're over there [ __ ] our people up or the people the need to help them out right we're not going to move into the village if this is happening I want to set up a on a Hilltop and see what we can see okay I agree get oh they see us now this Bend here seems a good placees in right here no cover though 400 m out good view of the village yep let's do it hey SM watch that lead foot that was green stay on let's go up the hill BR enjoy being at the bottom [ __ ] you come on green Blue's to the left going up the hill to see what we can see check this hold on uh hold on Chris let me touch it you gota be close you're good B let's go following brast blue following brass get up here as soon as you can we're going follow down the middle while they go left and right let's go Foster beware yeah beware give it brass give me uh tell everybody to just get into a position right here till I can get rest span up so we for a line behind me for line behind me line onass staggered colum between us and our blue counterparts you want a line in the middle bring Spartan up to we're going to we're going to move in our head our head going you got your team on the left let's get the other people on the right Spartan will be in the middle we're going to move up as a group move forward I got all you guys ready let's let's do this we don't have time right now ready brass go ahead and head out who's on the right we have anybody going left right moving I don't okay this is all shambles no no why are we whatever uh why don't we your guess is as good as mine should we break guys down off the left of this hill all we guys got coming from the right I guess all the vandals are in the left lane for some reason all vandals left lane and spting on the right [ __ ] it let's do it [ __ ] it we're staggered call with another unit there were civilians in there getting killed this is our village we're going in yes we are vand vand go to the uh oh [ __ ] me okay alland are going to the left of I heard I heard vandals left all vandals left of Spartan I see something in this Grassi right side green left side blue there's a basket in the rice field stay out of the grass field go left Perfect babe okay fine greens are going left then let's go greens left side of Blues we're going to [ __ ] with everything okay [ __ ] got injured civilian here Med on my way on my way we got Min on C Min on civies civilians are mind beware civilians are mind checking the civy bodies that guy's a go leave where's the engineer can he do that no it's a [ __ ] it's a [ __ ] lighter mine those are impossible to diffuse I don't know for 10 that guy's alive is he VC he looks like he's got no yeah yeah yeah yeah no cap badge what's up he wounded civilian here he's still alive I got one here one right now I they're they're they're calling out a civilian over there mined yeah very careful yeah but can't can an engineer fix that dude uh engineer trying I'm on behind you br come in the village you're fine you're fine Budd all right drop him right there behind you he's dead he's dead avoid him you just drop that drop him right there is he a VC here and one that's sticking out the middle there stay out of the houses we're not that's not our job I got it sweep leftand I don't see here yeah he's dead here yeah he's dead you got a A Barrel like right to the left of you yeah it's a civilian no talking about a little there's a oh all right never mind could see it over the grass shots from behind seear not us wor it got dead civilians over here see anyone alive this is a very Caucasian NVA I got a live one coming over hold there hold there don't don't approach him do not approach him not yet I need I need smirky over here which one on the right on the right right oh so Engineers checking us civilians first yeah right sound good I'm pulling back what's going on I need you to come check this civy and see if he's mind which one the one on the right far right of all these dead bodies here well everyone get away from it then back the [ __ ] up Chris everybody back away from that one Hut is there a land mine up there no we've got an check it okay yeah we're cheing sections and houses should be interesting yeah let me get far away does he look clear I'm here all right I'm on him I mean you can pick him up and drag him away and I can fix him here yeah he's a civilian all right What's your deal dude over here you booby you booby last part yeah I mean if it's a bounding mine I can't really do anything against it anyway except for Set It Off on myself he's I healed him me she still alive no [Music] he this guy's G [Music] willly you're all better here a sucker sure this one clear 10 seconds a [ __ ] me man you guys check the rest of the houses I not sure sh houses yeah yeah I don't think we did any houses okay check we got a few on the ground though okay this one clear they screamers got live one here where uh yeah I already are you talking about this guy I see it yeah man the Kong for where the [ __ ] the call water they they didn't like these civies I see movement at 245 247 all righty I'm back another one yeah right in that area couple guys out of my line of sight yeah what the [ __ ] I was thinking when he said why he forever to get home yeah the still movers 206 voices voices 247 don't shoot at me 172 yep 263 26 oh there's [Music] sh I can't save that all right cigarettes let me throw a [ __ ] you don't go in Far Enough press press press eight I think you're throwing them high what I think you're throwing the nap High you down one truck you have different uh no I was doing normal I know I know how to do it I was doing normal disengage Vandal disengage fall back get back back P back single file through the village do not hit the unfound M avoid the village go around the village go around the go around the village around the village uh I'm issuing these guys the last cigarette oh the B's disappeared pleas all right if you're smart B and not a stupid [ __ ] round and exhale there you go back 400 m come on hi guys follow me guess I can pull my gun out now to put it away while this isue then the last cigarette you know that's what you do I I tell you what smirkus has the best run Cadence I would run forever with that Cal gentlemen forming the I'm waiting for you people to pass where the spart G okay Soldier when we get back I'm going to touch up all right all right thanks I mean I should have plenty of uh the thing I'm above to heal myself but I don't see an option to yeah don't do it because you'll waste you'll waste it and then it'll still show you is you know having an issue but the Medics always do that all right we don't run out no but I took like three so it should be fine yeah but you save it for like when it's really really needed not for a boo boo [ __ ] uh Southwest Southwest Southwest Southwest get back to the trucks though get back to the trucks leave it uh there there you an option hold there that includes you test don't waste all your ammo we're driving [Music] back yeah if you got a boo boo just remember find just find a medic let them heal you up cuz every time every time you get a little [ __ ] scratch you waste one first a kit get this get these last guys dead let away way yeah hold on I'm going to get in with you let's get this down [ __ ] fighting off the on the freaking wi the truck no one behind yeah where the [ __ ] is our truck all right get get get bober let's get these trucks turned around while we got people fighting let's get these trucks turned around while we we have people fighting I want to be able to get out here all right every up oh don't do it right now everyone's loading everyone's loading yeah just JP keep Fire Keep fire while you're not getting in turn the truck up [Music] it oh there he is [ __ ] meest I think we're mounted and ready to go all right let's get let's get out of here him up make sure we're not leaving any vandals it will be the shame of our [ __ ] unit if we leave a single Vandal behind everyone's in y there's still people top of the hill Andy you've still got a couple guys at the top of the hill up in the truck in the truck in the truck no one of is coming down there's still one more there en just tell them to get in any [ __ ] truck we don't want to stay here honestly listen to the [ __ ] Marine seriously I mean [ __ ] this dude just like sitting ducks we need sort that [ __ ] out later more voices we need to leave team SP to Mo I can't see them how how can they be that getting into the man it's all good we're rolling now baby interesting [ __ ] ordinance hey they still survived the L damn give yeah they're still there man [ __ ] them up man 244 just sping them on that Hill I can only go so fast people in front of users you getting more kills here what are we doing they were they were waiting for us just they're not [ __ ] limiting themselves they're just [ __ ] barreling down the [ __ ] road like we were told not to yep luckily armor never has any issues with the rubber banding lag or anything so what no is a perfect game I can tell by my 300 frames a second that I should be having for a 13-year-old 10 this is 111 are we going to limit ourselves all righty guess we're just barreling down the road like we it's never mind J told us to well it's 22 something man sounds like it's almost over this is a b ass to get back to you know yeah proba God the dust cloud we kick up moving this fast we're only going back to plank Willie do you have any smoke grenades I have press press shift G does the smoke grenade CH up in front of you why are you doing this I can't throw it from in here he supposed to hold it does it show up in front of you yeah yeah middle M hold on it yep make sure it's smok and not a frag make sure it's smoke [Music] oh my God what the [ __ ] my my computer froze up yeah we we nearly uh get rear ended are you going to middle Mouse smoke grenade will I tried but nothing is happening okay just press right Mouse button to cancel I mean it's I think it's in my hand so no your gun's in your hand I mean I'm Willie I'm looking at you from the third view you just have your gun in your hand yeah test can you do it with smoke we smoke ring [Music] but I don't know he back of the vehicle I just wanted you to deploy smok so [ __ ] Bush rine you where we were that would be cool for your like purple smoke just like flowing from the back of this [ __ ] truck as we cruise we got yellow we got red Yellow Smoke in the uh in the car try one of those no no don't worry about it will yeah only the they know they know where we are now so it don't matter unlessa call in in the radio VC Convoy it's just that they were having trouble finding us at first so this is one of the first stops I actually survived where I got to go back with my my original camouflage and not die we'll probably hit a [ __ ] tree or the truck in front of us and I'll die drink water to not die in a cringe and embarrassing way before the end we're going to rear end the car truck in front of us and I'm going to [ __ ] die I'm G to go out like chest p man [ __ ] it be too bad we have really few casualties today I think about how many times we've been blown up there were very few non crit everybody seemed to be critical yeah I like how all of a we don't have a roof Foster bit strange isn't it yeah it's cuz D [ __ ] Spartans stall our truck cuns Ram him do not we will die what do you care you driving with the windshield up anyway Point come on oh my I'm not doing it on purpose sh up did you know we're 6.9 km away brusso and not in a straight line well the 6.9 is a straight line and then the drive is not so we're actually longer I hope we find a myth mine that would be very enjoyable how many mines did we collect three well depends on if you count the ones will be picked up all this and it also it doesn't depends if the ones that that blew us up yeah no obviously I don't count the ones that blw us up because we didn't collect those ones but we accounted we accounted for of them that was probably due to mind yep no the two times we hit mines only well the vehicles hit mines only like one person died every it was TI to just be like [ __ ] get seven yeah yeah seven or eight critical I think we had uh n or 10 on One helicopter was if these guys [ __ ] hard to stop I'm summoning to the back of them because this truck does not stop stalling quickly even whoa we're running the same road you can go stagger wanted to go toen St pack of six I'll have to leave right after the got it babe don't let us hold you back do it de up why don't you play some r i mean like he also the reason I'm can still be here to be fair we're not going to be disembarking anymore we're just going to power through every contact pretty sure we're not going to have any more contact was that did you speak a little louder why why has this [ __ ] Squad said [ __ ] like that twice this all and it's happened immediately after keep pushing until something in front blows up yep you m you better not hope it's [ __ ] me because I'm going to slam into some if I die yeah makes it for the rest of us you're lucky last time we were driving pretty [ __ ] slow test your uh for me your gun is open I am lagging real bad now though I don't know why how how does test gun look for the rest of it's it's open okay okay we going to have issues with that t oh lagging real [ __ ] bad holy [ __ ] hey we've been here hey look St truck wasn't vehic truck though mind you somebody check the vent on that I'm pretty sure it'll say property of Spartan property of the truck we just passed oh yeah [Music] yeah we didn't lose the vehicle do we I'm Laing real bad smirky just keep space switch we don't have time stagger the [ __ ] out of this column A lag oh [ __ ] oh they go do uh do colum standing with shotgun shooting at the uh yeah they're trying to do some [ __ ] Bird shooting that's pretty optimistic sh back seat I sh a red smoke oh my red [Music] smoking what happened quite right on you have what the [ __ ] hi why do I have [ __ ] radio now the [ __ ] you have oh it's probably [ __ ] team speak that's [ __ ] up you know I I was so proud that I went through one [ __ ] mission without losing my Cami paint and dying and then I'm on my way back the next thing I'm respawning what the [ __ ] oh [ __ ] how right do you want him crows or what no they're no he's they're almost here they're above one for inserted base would you like us to bring him in or are you lot close enough to Bas yeah got you right you're only by a click out fandal coming around the corner uh right below us why do I have a uh a radio though uh it's probably a glitch either that or uh you're picking up uh the speaker see if you got a handh uh yep that was it for some reason I spawned here I spawned to Replacements yeah all [Music] right oh there he is well I'm just going to walk in with you cool guys that's true you mean you g you mean you got your gate all blowing up there at the runway right now I'm off you guys as coms see you NOP I've been here you going to smash the gate see why are they coming they coming here up the [Music] hill yeah down below the hill yeah there Spa down below J and [Music] everybody I [Music] downhill yeah one M this G the truck running oh oh s I've got a present for you in your back it is his day I don't know which one's yours I think it's that one smoke my cigar see if you do um is self interaction equipment check dog tag and then use the dog tag yeah battle dig is of first platoon all right we are late so we'll keep this brief um I know that kind of mission isn't everybody's cup of tea but I love them and I should get to do things I love once in a while I hope you enjoyed it Lads well fun I you were just superb and you followed your orders to the letter and got himself out of some pretty sticky situations as well so uh really well done almost aced almost aced the minds they just blew themselves up right at the end so close aen I want to say thank you to all the other groups for sticking in there with me um had a good time I failed everybody did a good job everybody was right where they needed to be thank you to Albatross for getting trucks in and out and getting our people in and out all in all I thought it was a good day andrex I believe disconnected had had to go uh somebody speak for Viking um yeah well there's a think we did pretty good today just followed orders on some notes MRI he said felt a little slow doing security detail but you know he did what we needed to do um he said um he like uh communication since we're all in a group could have been a little better but that can happen we haven't done the Convoy thing in a while but Viking did good um we just kept on security detail made sure nothing came behind us pretty well so not bad that's all I got FS yeah oh stand up uh yeah uh second kind of the Viking a little bit the bit of this organization is a platoon uh I mean we did lose to I one I's but uh pretty good all around from there uh can only speak for FAL side but we did pretty well good job y tell me uh from the air the Convoy look good there especially at the end I know you were hauling ass but you pretty well kept your spacing looking beautiful and I want to remind you guys that if you're not qualified for door gun uh only take that position if the pilots uh tell you to or get give you permission to otherwise hope you had fun that's all Andy Road thanks great great job today um Albatross as we are um thanks to Ralph for coming back in and helping us much appreciated uh F did a great job uh and thanks for theun for sorting LZ smoke Etc and so as normal uh great job every one I enjoyed every minute of that thank you for indulging me I I do love throwing a mission at you that requires a bit more thinking than usual um you took great care in The Villages and like I said it was only right at the end that you actually fell victim to mindes and when they did to be first him they were trying to disarm him yes so good job all around lad yeah so didn't have to with those like I said I know that that kind of mission isn't to everybody's um taste but uh let me relax and watch you lot fight and think and just generally be great which you were today so stand up please can I add one small thing you can darling yeah I don't think while I've been in this platoon I've ever gone so long without hearing Jack's voice so I hope he's doing well even though he has to work and hope to see him soon again yeah he's doing well I Ted him last week yeah it is work um Lads just briefly dismiss to your squad channels in case your leaders have got anything they want to tell you that was beautiful thank you very much boys thank you thanks everyone good job thanks guys see you guys see you next week
Channel: Semper Fay
Views: 186
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vietnam, yt:quality=high, aussie, Australian, medic, vandal, 1st platoon
Id: Vr54zsdaAko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 219min 53sec (13193 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 04 2023
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