Marine Campaign w/ 1st Platoon (Wolverines) 5-5-2024

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okay well all right would you let me know when you want me to move it or have a war boy go ahead goad me radio yeah go ahead and move out don't don't worry about it War boy you can move the you can move Channel watch it you scraping the [ __ ] put your gate up [ __ ] Rook Joe you need to let War boy in front of you Roger oh Jesus C destroy the [ __ ] that's going to be released from your pay y'all suck at driving God damn it don't worry about it just got to get the cobweb though brought you that give me direction Straight Ahead yeah keep mov keep mov mov I you first per2 on the right you see the road the road be right Joe ory there go continue to the right next then straight all the [ __ ] down to [ __ ] I see them I see them now copy back on comms uh it will be really helpful if we have the left uh gun G great what's the uh vehicle what do you mean the vehicle Channel it mean where we talk to each other in the vehicle oh contact contact left keep going yeah keep going keep rolling recommend you turn in if you're not on a gun just be fish to the left there got B thank you the old bunker behind the gra o p we're getting shot at audri Key moving contact from the V taking engag from the other side hold hold hold okay I heard a Dismount yeah you don't listen to them you listen to me W in here forward yell on me yell on Me on the left side hold here hold here going to cover them3 till we get into town Roger all right spread out yell spread out blue team you're with Meine [ __ ] yourselves boys there we go good all right blue team let's move across [ __ ] in the N yell mic check copy [Applause] rage copy that moving up blue team we're going to hold here hold here hold 113s Rog hold them where do you want my team B just our left at The Blue Team stay where you at stay where you at yeah yeah rep let's just hold back and let Spartan and Vandal push forward Roger that yeah we got we got enough [ __ ] friendlies in this [ __ ] to make a goddamn sausage fest yeah find legal see one for insert copy that you can drop them on the at the Village of C high you're on the village when the Navy asked me if I wanted to be a Corman they didn't tell me I was going to be attached to a ground unit I got cheated man they told me that you were going to be part of the ground unit they didn't tell you the helicopter behind us yeah it's friendly they're dropping off they dropping off that thing taking some Tracer fire [Music] your squad's at the front user left your channel us joined your Channel user joined your channel Spartan can you ask your m113 driver to turn his lamp off on the gun is necessary Matia turn your turn your light off your gun well do but I think he's Channel One I think that was my 113 Gunner you got it Eagles SP send it to Eagle got one for d stff one time d well that was good spread it out spre outl the fu out one grenade what y like recording thing still one us to hold yeah yeah we're hold we got a I'm going to be taking a man out of here broadcasting on one copy that all right shut her down for sound man if you want to let us know that you're happy that the uh area around us is secure we get mounted back up again I can see that youru fell are the furthest out of the mall hey does anyone have watch over that road at around uh bearing 285 y solid solid there was a small attack that came that way I just cleared that Hill pulling back we're not moving I got a question so are we still going to continue to take our 13's behind that house inbound on the we're going to move up the we're going to drop one of them off there saw jxon jump off point yeah that's the farthest he had planned everything north of that we had to plan as Squad leads oh okay cool all right all right everyone load up load up there's one of mine we're in the back in the rear one yep got you yep back off spot on the deck user left your channel one joined your channel no more contact my guys found a dude with a radio though so uh our approach has been spotted copy that we'll get everyone mounted up and we'll uh we'll keep moving uh once the last vehicle is passed the jump off point uh we we'll move to our goal markers on the map as previously discussed in uh break off onto our attacks copy copy all right bandal's all in and ready to go Spartan mounted Viking mounted H great where up here you're going to be the second 113 yeah you're next in line someone hop on the gun moving out uh darl you in here nope all right I'm on it contact Flor guys you guys hopping out godam it you go and hop out just 100° seen okay going to South Side all right on your bellies yellow I need someone to take out this grass I need a PO Field view so I can light these poor boys up blue team right of the road Spartan Spartan is Eagle 63 come in inbound uh with your reinsured uh copy uh drop him off within the walls of fbai fob one uh copy that dropping off in fob1 and uh let them know to wait for us at the gate all right we got friendlies in front of us yellow so don't [ __ ] P your [ __ ] Eagle Eagle this is SunRay send it for Eagle I'm going to counter man order so you don't warn the all of way that we're coming drop it uh where the uh platoon is at the moment Charlie right user SP this is BND onean requesting your engineer to be S forward we've got uh a suspected vehicle ID in front of us uh Vandal doesn't carry trap kits I can't take the risk of blowing uh the column up before it gets to the the jump off [Music] marker uh copy forward light [Music] going to be [Music] back now yellow I don't want to see any of you [ __ ] lingering out in the rear with that nice white fine nurse [ __ ] back in the rear you all are going to get through this unscathed Hey listen man matter what happens I still got the swori to get back to [ __ ] in your dreams bro in your dreams you got all them sorority sisters with their pretty pink panties they are [ __ ] gone them sorority sisters unless it's Tri Sigma that one is a why we call him try big why you why you in the N college boy I had to come back you didn't get the F nope that don't matter in the jungle man nothing matters in the jungle except for crotch rot and [ __ ] mosquitoes and goddamn Victor Charles hey I got myig any news up there gray com again J never mind sorry Martin I think we lost a v I don't think we did they were supp be going up there looking for traps uh I honestly will do if I could find some okay I wasn't sure what any conation it was very quick Copy are we good it was their engineer that was looking see certainly are unless you want to wait for to come back was he not your driver we manage at least it wasn't me this time copy that yeah we'll get mounted up and we'll wait yeah we haven't got to the city yet War boy no Flame Boy this time us join your channel boy every single bomb in [ __ ] Vietnam is looking for you son War boy I God you manage to get me killed on this I will haunt you for the rest of your days I'm [ __ ] short load up [Applause] user disconnected from your Channel Are We There Yet user joined your channel you is that a scout jeep that bow up I guess they found it this is V first we're going to start moving to our goal marker feel free to break column and move to your goal uh go positions sped peeling off what that's a mine oh weing shop RPGs moving I direct me it's hard to see in this thing War boy hold oh that's a Spoto come in one for howy railroad Hest [Applause] Dead all right everybody debus out out out out out everybody get the [ __ ] out get out get out get out get out all right yella online 30 seconds yeah blue team 320 blue team 320 right a yellow team moving at a walk or moving at a let get the [ __ ] out of this open field come on blue team move it up move it up right or yellow user left your channel user joined your Channel bring the 113s up keep them about 50 meters behind us I gotjust on my left way I can see the Bears again watch that snake stay online yellow stay online hey I got buildings coming up you want us to clear them yeah Roger that all right uh gray what what do you have your view distance set I'm having a hard time my computer 600 Roger all right blue team on me guns up blue team 3 4 Z taking fire gun coming up gun coming up voices left war war boy bring your 113 to me on the Right Moving blue team let's move up Pace come on on get in here clear this we got a Ammo Depot right in front of us Roger just let me know when I'm clear to move Roger you can bring it up stay behind War boy all right you got a man down on the left man down on the left Roger it's over where yellow team's at contact store left contact store left Gray's down over here to our left I'm de busing help out on the ground guys pull back pull back now I had no for [ __ ] sake I had like five FPS there I cannot see anything crispy pull back crispy pull back throwing smoke I'm throwing smoke woohoo that was fun man War boy hold where you're at hold where you're at trying to TOS smoke pull the wounded back to the 113 pull the wounded back to the 113s come on D come on cover me inle jump off uh get some fire support up if you position and you are ready begin your assault by all means uh begin your attack get everybody else back down here copy attacking both Medics down no uh well I don't know Rogers was up I don't know where he wenter joined your channel Joe what the [ __ ] you doing get me back there and put my ass down get some other people back I'm just don't want to get shot going on on this Ridge that's why I'm worried about all right just throw me down on the just throw me down back here go get somebody else oh [ __ ] I'm dropping you here drop me drop me drop me war B pull it back 100 met pull it back to the rail road I got you Toms crispy pull back pull back pull back come on get up get up the other wounded tombs come on or not tomb I know sorry I meant uh Rogers oh they took a lot out taking fire from our left War boy suppressed to our left taking fire great you have contacts All the Way South I know suppress it I'm under the vehicle now where the hell's War boy in the map War boy hold right there put some rounds into the tree line to the West copy crispy get back here and take the [ __ ] radio bugging out today my bad M transmit oh [ __ ] Jesus where's where's Rogers at for [ __ ] sake pull back Dam it [Applause] [Applause] oh seriously for [ __ ] sake Andre Spartan Eagles SP send it for Eagle got one to load on LZ railroad uh copy that we got one ship inbound at any moment and you can put them on there come on guys [ __ ] already are we Viking load up get in we the Marines actually never had this version of the Hui till the 80s not nope no D's never had the D in Vietnam I cannot hear a word you're saying we're not all going to the same place oh yeah I'll know I'll just do a quicklit I'll just split drop it go ahead SP three uh there are no grease guns in the placement box for weapons atos that's not my problem and nothing we can do about I'm having to go back because we're not respawning with weapons rco for [ __ ] sake yeah same here to grab something out of the Arsenal yeah done [ __ ] up yeah we just had boxes CU we don't have your LZ uh Landing Zone crossing crossing yeah it's the same for Viking can also uh right so Viking V in first and yeah War boy just hold where you're at we'll be coming back soon we still got wounded up there so just keep suppressing you get craned man it turned into a [ __ ] really quick to do the attack that we shouldn't have done and we've been forced to attack over a wide front with half the men we did this with last time that's why we're getting [ __ ] pasted back into a very lethal for I plan yeah I figured it wasn't your guys's problem well it's a rough attack that but we'll do it I wish I could Nal them for you but alas we could probably get away with there poing all this [ __ ] it's just [ __ ] jungle anywhere they took last I heard was a no fly on cast yeah they took my tube so I got 20 FR that's my just dump us down here on this road R I won't go any further down there's a big heav weapons in placement around that bend wow the frame rate is dog I'm try to [ __ ] fighting it all right Vandal Deb Viking Debs Viking vandal Viking West Viking head [Applause] West yeah Roger we took some grenade fire had to relocate the other APC is just getting grenaded cuz it's not manned anyone from SP on the ground we attack from our right flank that's what no's on the ground uh underst spot one that's a good point with anything for Spartan in real Road oh where you at War boy have you taken any fire from your West from that tall grass might be some I they affirmative Roger all right possible Northwest blue team is everybody here yeah okay all right War boy you're going to stay about 50 m behind us we're going to move west first clear that little village and then move to the north Roger copy all right on me line facing [Applause] west let's go Jog and pace War boy hold right there on that Hill user left your Channel all right let's move Crouch guns up all right you see these buildings to our front on the map we're just going to move up to them make sure they're all clear try to stay in cover voes left user joined your channel tombs on me tombs start clearing This Tall Grass hey watch it we heard voices in This Tall Grass stay down zelter how those how that Village look I can't hear you you sound like you're own Whispering are you on Yelling no I'm not okay how what about the village the the the burned out buildings start right okay but you didn't see anything over there no I'll look yeah take a look if they're not just Mark just X them out so I know they're clear still want us to hold here yeah just hold there we're just clearing this little thing then we're going to move uh to the north everything's burned out Roger all right come back to me Joe tombs that's enough tombs that's enough come back to me all right War boy you see that white tall white building to your Northwest I think so all right we're we're making our way there yeah I see them Joe all right Joe we're going to move north Viking on me line on me all right let line up also driving the other APC got wounded onard May Roger a freck okay never mind they're critical yeah just tell him to hold there for a minute tell hazy to debus and make his way to us all right we're going to get in this white building we're not going to stay outside it we're going to get up here and get in it as fast as possible that way we don't take fire from the outside a friendly Roger well that's why we're moving up who who's the driver of the other uh tell hazy to move up to us clear this all right I need someone to my right two people to my right guns up V receive send it inbound load search for you both copy that V inserts at Landing Zone Crossing please forking clear this building clear this building building clear Roger us your channel user joined your channel War boy did you say you had a critical back there affirmative crisy Roger Joe user left your channel us where you at second floor okay make your way back to the 113 and or gra one other person H don't take anybody else I ain't got enough people all right I'll try to get make your yeah make your way to the 113 when you get back there get that critical lifted just take him to LZ Crossing or Hell set it LZ enemy behind us Roger what direction North behind us let to our front all right direction please face North Face North Joe where you going Joe the other way for [ __ ] sake Christ him do not go out there war boy hold where you're at War boy is the Wounded on your vehicle are they still at the other 113 they're still at the other M13 I tried to unload him but I think he got bugged crispy Roger here in the compound tombs get off that [ __ ] wall going to hold right here we just lose our first choer uh yes we do Roger yeah my uh my shotgun was no longer on me I had to pick up permission to send Maria to the other m113 to bring it over with Chrispy I lost my I'm carrying a Kong weapon Roger where's rep at I think rep had to go back because his gun he lost his gun missed the chopper he's coming okay yeah same happen all all right all right all all right all right all right all right all right all right I know okay everybody got to hold on Joe get back to the other 113 that's in the field and get that critical lifted there's a there's a bunker that's not marked on the map there's people coming out of I know I I know get back to that other one 13 and get that critical lifted make a LZ back there at the railroad go back south go back south take yeah take tombs with you right come on Toms I just trying to figure out where it is on the map that's all all right [ __ ] it all right we're going to move north we're going to push down this hill fast all right Medics at the back space out guns uple this SP two War boy if you can bring the 113 up against alongside this wall we're getting ready to push in three crits needed at LZ railroad we're heading there now all right Viking let move north move slow slow push there's contacts down this hill War boy be careful we're pushing in guns up watch these bunkers make sure you clear them there it is I found it oh [ __ ] I wish I brought my satle charges now I could de that Supply thing once you get to the Rocks over there hold War boy you said you don't have any satchels no you said no worries what Joe I have a exra crispy at the 73 me bring them to you orical wait one Jesus [ __ ] Christ Joe listen [ __ ] listen God damn it yeah I confirmed yeah all right set an LZ at the railroad and get his ass out of here and once you get him out come back Roger I thought we weren't playing CL criticals today no we have criticals today they've got to be flown out up any further Viking e this is Viking one for uh Roger do LZ Hot Box we've also got one crit building is not cleared behind you guys which building building where all you guys are in front of the wall all right Matia get off the radio what' you say War boy I said the building you guys were out at the wall it's not cleared the white building yes we just took fire from our rear clear out Viking pull back south pull back south we were just in that [ __ ] building no clearly not back south building in the white building I'm going to go clear it again go back south now clear the white building building again clear the white building again friendly coming in Friendly coming in yeah yeah window my [ __ ] gun down again you want take back the M13 to you over yeah bring it bring it to this white building [ __ ] yeah watch your frags Friendly's in the building Friendly's in the building on me somebody on me Mark living room going upstairs Roger I'm in the in the bottom floor too check your fire how the [ __ ] did somebody get upstairs we just yeah where how the [ __ ] here and cleared it one down I a clear he's down let's clear now up here there was nobody up here what the [ __ ] all right everybody search the perimeter check and see if you find any spider holes now check the perimeter for spider holes on top this hill you crit no I not crit all right cool get him up do we have any crits all right M1 13's in the White House Roger War boy there's satchel charges in here set satchel charges on everything once you get everything set let me know is perimeter been cleared buku was hearing voices 331 Roger 331 there were uh infantry coming from that bunker at 331 there's a bunker right there that bunker I went in it myself I was in this house myself I don't know how [ __ ] infantry got back in there but they did yeah I don't know either it seems like they're coming in out of the woodwork that could be the guys that were in the trees behind us mines mines we got on of my position oh uh no no no they not mine it's it's yeah Satchel is yeah yeah get get away get away from those Vehicles everybody away blue team blue team yell get away from the veh yellow yellow on me Joe get away from the take blue team Dead Ahead like north of us when you get down this little Valley there's a little gate down there take them to the gate and hold it the gate Roger blue team on me you heard it right let's go War boy let me know to do boss we're going to hold here War boy let me know when you get those charges set all right War boy setting charges satchel charges on all these vehicles set rigged set get up in the 113 get down there to Joe there's a gate down there at 012 they got a lot of coiless Raffles here that's probably in town too Roger we're moving we're moving to you ANP when you got rid of the 40 mm no you know when I got I'm heading to I'm holding out this skate I'm going to have blue team cover a half moon yellow team on me let's move down yellow team on the boss let's go I can't blow until you guys are far away we are don't don't blow yet move up behind Jo he's to your right where all those guys are moving all right blue team's holding what the [ __ ] all right why is demo Joe and Daryl still up there I don't know I don't know I'm trying to handle it nobody's [ __ ] listen re take your men over there to Joe there's a gate over there just going to hang around I know I [ __ ] know just hold the [ __ ] on I will tell you when to blow it copy you okay Daryl darl like hurting cats what watch it War there's some like turrets and stuff down here so try not to run them over CU I don't know what'll happen if you do all right blue team push forward push forward into this graveyard one all right you can did it War boy e watch left TOMS yes move upam move up hit him shoot him get out of the [ __ ] gate move cover move move move move move out the door move out the door all right yellow team let's yellow team hold here hold here hold here hold all we got enemy heading towards that church and enemy sounds to our right contact our left taking out Roger what are you firing at War boy oh the gun mines all right got mines yeah there's mines all right War boy we're going to let's see know what the [ __ ] we're going to do I don't know how we're going to get you in here all right let me take a look just killed the guy on top of the tower grade there's a sniper on top of that Tower Roger stay where you're at War boy it's Zeus controlled it looks like it's Zeus controlled he's ducking down and everything we're getting lit up by something it's explosions I think either mines or Grenadier user left your channel user joined your channel contact at the red Church contact red Church Roger War boy where take take your 113 back and take it left around where Spartan is and try to come up the road don't come up too far just come to where Spartan is so you can support us while we push to this graveyard Hey Demo martys artillery incoming get down oh for [ __ ] sake hold hold second demo pick you up yeah yeah yeah yeah stay awake man talk to me okay well now I'm traveling in think we just lost everyone they're Ming the outside of the city user yeah stabilized team get on the wall all right on the wall yeah get see that little Gap right there across the Rocks we're going to move fast all right let's go let's go all right let's go Blue Team watch left guy left guy left all right through this Gap through this Gap through this Gap all right blue team on me get [Music] push Sun this is one go Ahad my darling I know you just in front of us on a trigger or where they L down and you st them off BR up behind these rocks right so while we were in the road no they were already they stood up watch your SPAC watch your space you are correct but they stood up get cover get cover get cover War boy where you're at this wall as I'm sure you can see back down all right Steve stay where you're at World boy I'm not not crit negative cannot fit through that Gap I don't want you to fit through it I want you to back up so you can see through it and I want MAA to spray the top of this [ __ ] Church hold right there hold right there hold right there Maas spray the top of this [ __ ] Church Rogers you non crit crawl over here crawl over here I'm also non I can't get to you though yeah stay where you're at stay where you're at Steve once you get a chance get him up well Steve yeah I know you're working on it Steve all right there's still more voices right above me you guys can spray it if you can I'm 11 13 yeah I'm waiting to get people up so we're going to charge across to go get it who tossed a frag I'm still over here guys be careful about tossing frags Joe's over there [Applause] than all right everybody stay behind this big [ __ ] wall helicopter got taken out our reinforcements all di Roger yeah spot AO come in still ra gr before you guys move towards me there's a lot of vehicles Landing in front of the that close to Vehicles frag out mayday mayday mayday check it out okay hold here hold here hold here all right listen this what we're going to do can you C Joe are you critical hold on the radio hold on the radio hold on the radio Joe's down up there and he's crawling don't forget to tell you guys check your water levels you see listen listen listen listen listen to what I'm saying see that staircase 038 we're going to push to that staircase we're going to hold at the wall right there okay MAA suppressed the top of that [ __ ] build I know suppress the top of that building now we got enemy on the left everybody get to that staircase move move move move move um where where's the other m113 of ours contact hold here hold here hold here we just got some enemy on the plank no worries I just wonder oh [ __ ] yeah it's still it's still back there I get somebody to bring it up but right now we're handling this that's all good Rog exactly what we want stay alive yeah move slow move slow shot Joe once you and Rogers get up come around to me Ro all Ro stay behind me cover in [Applause] okay anything behind you let me know Eagle Eagle is is not that we know Hey listen L to me listen to me there's infantry your dog on a manay down just so you know so if you go around that and get your helicopter Anil oh sh Joe you got him stay down who the [ __ ] landed Chopper right there go ahead it's hard to hear you Joe just keep your men right here right now keep them on this church planted a chopper right there Viking this is B this is Viking requested a medic to my position must multiple noncritical wounded Roger on it Steve Steve to me zelter I want you to take I want y'all to load up in this 113 on the bottom floor to our left I'm you're going to send you to Vandal they need a medic actually zela you stay here zela you stay here cop War boy yeah listen I want you to take the 113 to Vandal you've got Steve on there let him get him up they need the medic now de bust it now now now now now go go go go go all right zelter with me push up got listen there was a guy laying around this church he was laying at 356 he's laying on the front steps so let's get him copy watch The Village to the left we start taking fire I'll run back around this corner take some cover Joe how's it all right there's was one more landing on steps right here he might be over 3 F I got to reload he's still on steps he's still on steps reloading get down is he down invisible wall invisible wall oh for [ __ ] what the [ __ ] what in [ __ ] there [ __ ] I took him prison what taking press what what oh for [ __ ] sake for [ __ ] sake Roger Roger Roger Roger Roger go ahead son you're breaking up but go ahead uh Vandal all guys who have died we've lost all of so do we have per to use theay trying to get the other3 I'm sorry I didn't understand a word of that you just completely garble yeah they got hit by a grenade medic down yes I'm not critical they might not Roger tell where you at saying something about lost equipment and being able to use the late Arenal all right medic not critical I don't think any of us are critical we'll just need a medic Roger oh did you really call you call that in call that in I know I'm trying to help freaking the th needs at us yeah don't tell I know don't tell me stuff to know Rogers you're down okay all right are you all stabilized where' the grenade come from I find a med kit for you uh through that through the wind through the window I think all right zelter yeah what's pick him up we're going to get him behind the wall back to the road together Focus stabilizing you [ __ ] some shooting at me somebody shooting at me I'm going CW down okay I'm back in the spare 3 I'll bring it up Roger I have a prisoner on the road so don't shoot him copy i' also got winded just bring it back to where you were before was Steve still up or was he down I didn't see him Roger yeah Cris with me on myun oh my [ __ ] how die all right zelter just keep the wounded here just get everybody here he's coming back I'm going to go see what the [ __ ] going on with Steve oh no they're headed back they're headed back come this way come this way I need a medic now need a medic need a medic good where the [ __ ] is half my squad don't know I don't I only have three members I swear half the [ __ ] Squad is missing no um there helicar came in got shot down and blew up so they had to come back again and whoever was in the helicopter with me from our Squad got shot on the way in so they take back out they got shot back 26 on the crossroad that's who's killing them Roger you see over there get it I recommend you stay off the road if you're I don't orades Boy watch out there's a spider hole right in front of you it's a scroll option yeah scoll God damn it uh the crossroads all the way to the east well no one one Theses okay Selter let's see if you can get that wounded watch your head if you start taking fire on this way you hold the edge of those rocks one time well no one one3 for [ __ ] s the 113s are all down they're all down one of them hit a mine and the other one I think also ran over a mine I don't know why they [ __ ] sto there I don't know why theyed stop behind the [ __ ] rocks a't nobody [ __ ] listening all right we're going to push back do not group up so we don't take another frag like that what the [ __ ] was that they're they're getting they're getting hit by car bombs that's what killed the other M13 let's get F out of here God damn yeah all right let's move to this church all right let's get in everybody move to the church yellow move to the church let's go another car right there all right blue team blue team clear the top yellow team clear around to the east blue team on me on me us behind me chel yellow team on me yellow team on me I got to wait for the wait for rest of blue I just got two guys yeah yeah these doors don't open rep we just got to clear around this church just clear the back of it blue team if I don't die [ __ ] it'll be great yeah blue team over here watch that Village to the Northeast I don't take fire from start getting a thumper where's where's the thumper at oh that's right I send them back to get one that sounds like there's voices in here watch the second floor I think there's troops on the uh Northern side can't get in the church right you can't but they can they there's a top four that can send F get down what about this vill to our [ __ ] uh West we're going to move into it in a minute I want to clear this church first all right let's go up these steps Joe we're coming up the steps from the north side watch towards the Northeast up there I think we heard voices up no no no stay down stay down stay down there don't come up here bad decision contact Village 296 296 guys zelter get back zelter get back there's a guy to your right a guy to your right zelter got to your right zelter you're right to your right copy copy copy I mean oh come on he's right there shooting [ __ ] this look no zelter to your immediate right up there with you up there with you got him hle down all right Joe pull your men back to the other side the other side of the church to the other side of the church we're taking fire from the V taking fire from the V pull back pull back Rogers come on yeah Rogers pull back your medic Rogers pull back come on Rogers Rogers I don't know Rogers pull the [ __ ] back on me guys behind me Selter you stay here you got green smoke come on I've already ran out all right I only Carri two Joe Joe yeah pick pick me up pick me up zelter pick me up zelter and take me over there Steve pull around to the other side of the church South side of the church just over this Ridge hey I know pull back to the South Side we're going to go around to the West get keep going keep going to the back side of the church guys don't don't stay up here oh Squad SEO F receive send it C team down here is closed Jo I think I'm Roger that cover this site stay on this side of the wall cover the side Joe I'm CRI Joe get up here to me now all right Roger friendly friendly friendly all right Joe listen listen what I want you to do I want you to take the men down the road to the west and I want you to take them through that see see the map where I'm working yeah yeah I see it yeah I want you to clear through the rest and then come around that should give you cover from this Hillside from this little area right here clear these buildings first take my team or everybody take everybody but for all right oh okay apparent I'm not all right Rogers get him get him up z z Joe Daryl go on that wall to my 225 stay away from that truck cover that area what the [ __ ] are they still doing on the north side of the [ __ ] Village I keep telling people they're not [ __ ] listening all right get your get your ass no Joe get your men to the road everybody get to the [ __ ] road on Jo all right on me on me on me guys follow me follow me Blue Team let's go yellow when you can make a video of the hardships of grade now I swear to God I'm going to start executing people getting pissed nobody's [ __ ] listening I'm having to argue with people3 I didn't expect him to last long we're moving follow mine Roger all right we're pulling around I hang back some you AFK there was a machine gun but I killed rer over that Ridge that's what got them just barely all right gr we're in the vill there just hooches they're not a lot of cover here Roger see if you can find a place to get to some cover spider [Applause] Hall let's hold here oh sh don't group up don't group up user left your channel [ __ ] God damn it they got heavy machine guns C in the town trying to pull them back now Roger I got the machine gun user joined your channel I don't know I think things are coming my game crash behind you behind wa my game crashed wait that was [ __ ] Jinx God damn it get back come on man get your [ __ ] together Focus everybody pull back to this God they keep [ __ ] bunching up you can't do that [ __ ] keep all right stand by user joined your channel you stabilize them or do you need help te I can barely hear anything yeah I'll let him know I'll let him the pull back behind the Rocks don't have enough men I need to plug that artery otherwise he ain't going to make it got you think this the other guy get you Z I'll be back for you all right I I told everyone to pull back towards the Rocks over Roger Viking vagle hey we got one guy there friendly coming in Friendly coming in confirm there's an active SPID hole in the uh more infantry are coming my frame rates are taking a meaning feet into this go to uh enem and we're in a city so that's why want me to dig in on the I'm going to dig in on the other side of the road they're coming to take me alive I got a one grenade can take all you [ __ ] out spread out let's go spread the [ __ ] out if you need to if listen if you're up if you're up except for Matia and tombs get across the road behind that wall gotcha come on guys wall Joe get over there I'm coming how's everyone on ammo fine solid all right yellow team on the right opening a landing Zone Landing Zone R are y both seconds uh copy that LZ r road is opened get back Eagle this is Viking I'm going eag uh I have two crits I need dust St [Applause] please dust off uh both those dust off on LG field negative times one for R Field Steve see if you can grab two grab Rogers One R Field first ship in where's the other met going uh LZ Channel please LZ Channel tombs Matia pull back to Joe MAA we got a fire hole set up here for you hop on [Applause] in what you got on you take zether there's an LZ right behind us called LZ Channel I once you go with Steve there's going to be a chopper coming in I want you to load him up when they get here right the LZ Channel if you look it's right through those Gates they're going to land on the other side okay you need M demo are you listening yeah where he at what's that or actually never mind never mind demo you stay with me Joe Joe take zelter take him with Steve back there LZ Channel there supposed to be a medac coming in get him on got another up right everybody space only fit one all right yeah what are we doing all right this is what we're going to do so you see these buildings to our left and right or to I mean to our North yeah all right what we're going to do is one team's going to push here the other team's going to push along the road and try to hit these buildings we're Spartans out alongside their flank that way they'll give us some support and we have some support that way we can clear these out so we're not getting hit from the left then once we take those we'll try to curl around and get these buildings to the Northeast but I want to secure this flank first cuz we're taking fire from both flanks it's not working we're going to wait till that medac gets back so we have Joe and Steve cuz Steves are only right side is isn't in place either so we're taking it from both like you say both planks we're getting [ __ ] well this is this is why we wanted to work the platoon together but this is what we got so yeah no worries in myag in my bag 15 rounds you want me to call in for is it already it's on its way it should be on its way Joe Roger need ammo resupply you need ammo resupply anybody got anybody got 40 mik mic ammo I do he's taking some but we're going to need more Roger [ __ ] hey we got right I know I know watch it we've got friend we got friendlies down there too so check your fire eagle this is Viking send can I get times one ammo box times one grenade box at LZ Channel please uh one times ammunition one times grenades LC Chanel all right they're in thatw guy over go to wary hey boss how are we on strength we've got ready to move out uh we are as soon as Steve gets back I want a medic so he's our only medic right now all right we're got to go through this this where the [ __ ] roof are Roger the ones that were just on fire we're going to actually move uh we're going to move down the road to the left pass that and go the next Village up right next to where Spartan's at all right I didn't have Steve go with him we only have one medic all right yeah I know I know bring Steve down here what's the plan now all right Joe look at the map you see this road right here right beside Spartan yeah we're going to move up and clear those buildings first that way our Left Flank is secure then we're going to move right and try to take these Villages that way we're only being shot at from One Direction uh the the one's right across from us no not the one not the ones right across from us we're going to run down the road and the ones right here look at the map look where my little things going up and down that's where we're going to go clear those I can only see that half the time yeah so are we heading to um on the map here Viking on me now Viking on me both squads let's go let's go let's go all right you guys see those buildings across at 300 yeah we're shooting an enemy there let's go yellow let's go let go y yellow team set up for suppressive yellow team we're going to move after blue team gets across one Squad Joe get your men in those building make sure someone gets that spider hole to our right cuz it's going to get hit us in the ass Roger all right blue team or yellow team let's move move move move all right let's go yellow team move oh God oh God oh God um I saw it right over here should be in the P the center Roger stay in this rice Patty clear it out we're going to clear these buildings stop all right don't the keep moving keep moving keep moving hey clear these build clear these buildings to our right clear these buildings to our right yellow team bur them bur them to the ground Joe make sure everybody's marking the buildings when they're cleared make sure the buildings are clear marked when they're cleared hazy on me hazy on me where at right here let's go on you yeah we're going to grab ammo in a minute actually maybe not hold on just a minute what the damn re what the [ __ ] man he moved all right hay just stay with me cuz we're about to run back another fire hole Roger clear it this is Viking inbound to LZ Channel with ammunition and resupplies uh Roger can you divert to LZ church it's just north of LZ Channel LZ Church hey me let's go on you I V legal [Applause] sucess we're doing fine we're clearing buildings [Applause] all right spider hole was a ditch it's dead neutralized Roger all right snipers on the rooftop keep it be advised Roger Joe once you clear those buildings to your Northeast just hold right there here Roger we're we're pinned down at the moment by the rooftop sniper you got any better cover from where you're at I got a giant rock that I'm using I'll take cover behind it you got somebody coming uh coming to pick up that ammo yeah me and hazy are over here we're going to get it off already coming in down take cover hazy wave that bird off we got already coming [Applause] in yeah just uh take it to LZ Channel take it to LZ Channel out it's G us a little cover at least re are you down [ __ ] a I'll be up in a minute Roger at least I think [Applause] so I am [Applause] not hold here come on it Chopper okay is it down where' my LZ go it disappeared what the [ __ ] [Applause] hey yeah I don't know somebody deleted my marker so you got ammo on yes yeah I got everything on the hey boss can we move up uh yeah if you think you can move up move up but I've got ammo I'm getting ammo off chat okay Logistics inventory I've got the supply Crate all right you know how to do it hazy scroll wheel Logistics no no no you get use your scroll wheel go to Logistics inventory okay Ms rep there's a little bit of a BM you can get behind here on me how's everybody doing on ammo spot an eagle we're okay we're just getting smacked by artillery Roger rap you still up no [ __ ] grenade reinsert LZ Villa still viable CH there's bu uh Tri just take it slow to the area is secure all right move back to those clear those buildings make sure they're clear working on these criticals give me a second Roger copy that Joe when you get a chance send buku to me tell him I've got ammo who the [ __ ] is landing a chopper right there they're Brave oh hazy be careful about touch any of these things with this box cuz it might detonate might yeah the Box don't let it touch any of the like gravon or anything I've uh fall back we're going to try to clear these buildings behind us now I'm here we go go and have them throw smoke and fall back to my position Joe when you're pulling back clearing those buildings falling back Joe why you're clearing those once you get them cleared pull back to me so everybody can re ammo before we push forward Roger is that church clear I don't think it's marked yet yeah the church is clear did we clear that church well we did if it hasn't been [ __ ] remanded I don't know how I don't know if he's remanding stuff if he is I don't know how the [ __ ] we're going to clear everything thing cuz you can't I swear that voice sounded like it was to the Northeast all right once you sit that on the ground come with me Joe I'm pushing to you hezy on me let's clear to these buildings make sure they're clear on yeah okay that's to our right that voice sound like it was at the [ __ ] Church sure did I wonder if they're respawning all right on me guns up right clear left clear all right rear is clear Roger there's ammo marked on the map pull your guys back to it and reload up [Music] that might be the voice we heard all right gray I'm pulling people back to the ammo correct Roger pull them back to the ammo uh all right I think that was I think that was the uh the other guys CLE there was a guy that was down to our Northeast down there I shot him across if you got to much uh copy that yeah I am too they sound farther off though that's weird they could Far East where Bambi section is grenes guys I'm I'm going to move around this church Vandal this is Viking VES yes have y'all cleared that little village that I'm marked on the map with the circle uh no we haven't managed to clear a [ __ ] thing mate we've been getting pasted from one location to the next Roger Viking might divert over to clear that Village cuz we're taking some fire from it so I'm afraid to push forward do these rice patties with it y by all means how about it the lines are just gu lines do not borders this is three yeah I'm going to the Northwest Ville great I'm back you see those three buildings in the northwest of our AO yes yeah I'm I'm taking a couple guys going over there try to clear that [ __ ] out uh wait one wait one on that pull back pull back pull back to me and get everybody ammo up first what do you mean switch to Global build Roger uh uh before we clear that rep I want to move uh to our East and C that Village to our East cuz clear yet we're taking fire from it I hear voices they're coming West and reoccupying these buildings can you drop bombs on Fire have a good position from the church where I can see the entire yeah just come to me R just come to me good many crits do we have well if I could roll over to my stomach well damn I'm good as useless as a get me okay get him up I was trying to put the marks the map but I guess people can't see I'm not I'm not crit I ain't crit all right everybody hold up hold up hold up doctor all right everybody get re [ __ ] ammed up Eagle this is Viking where's everybody get am let's go I need one dust off please at LZ Church 40 mik mik for LC chur first ship inbound put you know Jinx is going to put on us yeah everybody space out actually re you said your team's ready go ahead take take your team East just hold on these rocks so don't push around them yet just take them East West Blue hold West then for now on me good great I was trying to Mark the map but I guess people can't see it only I can see it all right yell let's go yeah I'm critical I might be on like the wrong who's critical you're blue brother you stay wait didn't we have a critical here he R over oh he Rog am I injured Eagle this is Viking eag yeah you can cancel that dust off everybody get water if you need it where's that you don't have water you bring any cantens yeah yeah if you need water you if you need water get it now East if if you're not the medic and not getting medical attention just keep going east if you're yellow all right Joe did you hear what we're doing yeah we're going to go we're going to go up to the right yeah we're going to clear that we're going to clear that building yeah that's what we're going to do cuz we're taking fire from there and they're reoccupying these positions I want it cleared all right blue team we're going to move East blue team East now we're going to Cle this Village I circled it on the map y okay you want me to lead do you have a trap kit yeah you can whoever who has a trap kit here demo Jo demo Jo demo had one and oh crispy had the other one they're both in the same Squad no Krispy Krispy has it where's Krispy May yeah up front crispy you got the Trap what what leave the ammo we need yes leave the ammo leave the ammo okay okay I know you're stressed calm down yelling different [ __ ] at me you want to well we lost demo to Eagle SP everybody watch your spacing going into this V Space the [ __ ] out uh I need an ammo box and a grenade crispy has it crispy has it crispy up front understand one ammo one grenade LZ get out get out get out get out get out get out everyone out everyone out now all right everyone out now space the [ __ ] out right here facing Northwest crispy up with rep rep crispy has a trap kit I'm sending him to you all right start taking out these [ __ ] uh hold on Rogers don't go into that vill we'll bring the wounded to you that Ville has traps build crispy you got a trap kit get me get me to the wounded get me to Daryl go grab Daryl bring him back fir outside all right clear these building let let crisy get the other get the other wounded guy out of here all right it's marked I don't know about the the anything outside the circle though Roger go to these two go to this building across the street real quick Rogers he's crawling go get him I hit it it's burning outside the bille I think it's in the race P [ __ ] at the next bille I hear him all right gray we um I see the small beginning parts of the suburbs at 351 enemy is occupied in buildings I got eyes yeah we're not going to push up from here Joe I don't want to go across these rice patties we're going to push back West and go up and hit those three B rep was originally going to hit I just wanted to clear this so they wouldn't reoccupy behind us Roger that um of the church clear back to where we clear we're going to go back down the road around the church we're going to go back that way I'm not going across these [ __ ] rice patties where everybody in the city can shoot us we got we got crispy crispy get that other wounded guy out of [Music] here all right the Daryl you can only try to get up three times after three times you're did you hear that Daryl darl man I'm bleeding too much he's not listening okay Jo go ahead and start taking your squad West bring them back down the road and start heading westad behind us yeah there's a voice behind us I'm yellow team Southeast southeasteast [Applause] Steve Daryl just so you know you can only try to get up three times after three times you're considered yeah that was my second time requ both medic are down the whole s is non wounded Roger that uh gray um vandals been crit they lost Bo both Medics are down they have no medic Roger where they at I see them to North yep yep they got hit by a massive mine there took out all right Joe take your team I want you to take your team up the road north towards them stay the [ __ ] off the road stay off the road team on me take your team do take them take them take them yep I'm trying to get them freaking follow blue team blue team on Joe now blue team come on let's go right one uh this is Viking 2 the one send it I'm sending my team towards you with my medic copy that thank you Joe push North now push North here don't go all the way [ __ ] around he boss yeah why is it [ __ ] Vandal clearing their own godamn sector I think they were taking really heavy fire and I think they ended up pushing East and going up the road around all right is it clear up there where you're at rip yep all right push back to me all right SP one yes you can take it all right bandal one this is like two we're head we're pushing towards lb LP Fubar is that clear for us to go from there feels like everywhere we go we're just getting shot well that's why I wanted to come clear this area cuz Tak [ __ ] everywhere you should be a to little to problems I would adise you don't through Roger that we're going to FL e all right clear this Tall Grass clear this [ __ ] Tall Grass to Northwest there's something in this [ __ ] rice PTY I keep hearing it cop that up as well this is vand I know it's Vandal area all right there's something over here in this [ __ ] can me the BL shut up all right yellow clear this [ __ ] Tall Grass I keep hearing somebody talk over here space out that's one I heard another one that was over here it might be in this building but it there was something over here in this [ __ ] rice pad everybody space it out one frag will take us all out hey I got eyes on a uh see that Brown building 34 I see possible contact in there Roger that Roger all right bandal one this is Viking 2 we're approaching your position we're about 200 met south of your southeast of your position all right hold here hold here hold here do not move up Get Behind these rocks everybody Behind these rocks let Ste there Rock right here in front of you rock right here let's see who has our trap kid on this team demo and he's dead Jesus man you're leaking all over me get up horsey my leg dude my leg go is he crit do we know me not crit not crit all right get your [ __ ] together Focus don't worry you'll be back we' got five body here I'll get set up in a start that buing no no no no wait till he gets you up we're going to push we're going to push east of these next rocks up the hill sounds good boss all right let's go now hey boss I just got to say we are way out of sector here sectors we we chose them ourselves so you only go where I tell you to go sounds good sir Joe let me know when you're finished the Vandal cuz I need your help all right all right we're going to push up to this next Rock we're not going to fire in Village no okay be careful guys I just nearly got locked okay I check the building I Che everything well that or he's in the rice Patty but he hadn't started shooting so there's no way he could have take um where's hold where's the Sniper Tower at 212 23 in the three 212 213 can we engage no just hold here hold here don't engage do you see it Mata 212 uh yeah but it's unoccupied one 198 from my position this what's coming from just need one in there yeah it's not that the the voice I heard down in the rice P he's in that are 330 second floor that uh T red Hooch definely over there some hear him yeah I hear him I don't see him though maybe he's in the Rock he could be I mean he hadn't started shooting us I I keep hearing I swear there's somebody it sound like they're the rice Patty I wonder if they fell through the texture we're on the way back Joe see that that little village see that Village between me and you yeah I see it yeah we want to clear that Village there's contacts in there y'all come in from the north uh Northeast we're going to come in from the south all right we're going to hold here let me know when you're in position Joe we're going to hold here till the other team gets a position then we're going to clear this I'm out yeah well we're going to go back and get ammo in just a minute uh Buu Blue House 3 28 white smoke is hey guys hey machine gun hey we're holding here demo where y'all engaging at where y'all engaging at 307west far yeah don't don't be shooting that far don't be shooting that far you're just wasting ammo and you're going to make everything [ __ ] shoot at us don't engage that far blue hold uh hold m79 we're going to clear it R all right let's get in these buildings and clear it space the [ __ ] out demo hold on demo you're first you got the Trap kit all right moving in hold m79 Matia you stay here with Buu and y'all just look that way don't be spraying over there though we got a car in here Roger yeah hold your fire hold your fire Buu and M hold your hold your fire Hold Your Fire Viking Vandal too yeah I already know I told him to hold his fire thank you all right I'm back Roger we're just holding here R Roger Mark the buildings when you clear them Mark the buildings when you clear them so we know they're cleared spot send it uh pushing slightly out of our build so we knows at the end of it copies as I said earlier the phas lines are uh they're more guides than borders uh if you do need to cross them to achieve an objective by to Grass three one two the to Grass Roger everyone on me back here all right re Joe listen look at the map change your plans go ahead what's what's going on all right listen instead of moving back West we're going to move along this road up the phase line to our sector we're just going to clear these buildings and come in from the East side got it that way we got Vandal on our flank and we don't have to run all the way around I need I need someone to do something everyone in here that needs to listen Okay what they're having problems even like moving so tell them to lower their frame to like 50 I think some them have them way too high cuz they're able to see fur but they can't move they're like lagging behind badly how do you change frames uh H left control backlash everyone hit left control backslash go to like 500 600 met that's all you need yeah yeah drop drop your everyone's hear that I don't oh my God no one's say anything crispy hey everybody listening yeah just adjusted it okay all right I just want make sure that that'll help that should help out all right what was the [ __ ] what was the [ __ ] plan okay look at all right so on the map you see where we're at right now right yep we're going to move to this crossroads right here on the phas line we're going to move up the phase line to our sector and clear these buildings that way we got Vandal on our side we're going to try to move in and get into this area and clear these out Chris do you need ammo all right got you let roll Roger yellow on me yellow on me let's go let's roll Serge yellow on me yep Che vehicle R first out I got to drink water give me a second Roger if you need water or food get it now clear this [ __ ] uh tan building first uh uh Vandal already cleared it I mean other than the frames it's been a pretty fun Ops yeah user left your your channel I'm getting all right blue team let's move out moving Northwest many enemies in a [ __ ] biggest city on the [ __ ] map pretty much like I said as long as I can get 15 I hopefully that helps everyone with their frames a little bit it's definitely helped yeah rip we're going to move down this road to our West yeah I got it just double clearing this building we're done oh there's a mine in the road there's a mine in the road go around the mine around the mine what the [ __ ] was that that was me what were you what were you doing blew up enemy vle myob blue team left of the road blue team left of the road watch this mine in the middle don't step on it watch you step taking red Tracer there are no Innocents everyone must die beis we have friendlies to our right friendly to our right guys friendly to our right everybody watch your spacing you know what space out space out in case somebody steps on a mine or a grenade comes in I said kill kill them all that God sort out the rest here voice this door [ __ ] CE your fire passing you eag the building and move on yep yep yep we're checking this one Qui Eagle this is V send it to Eagle Z hardcore is [Applause] open copy that LG is open all right we're going to wait till yellow team pushes up on our right once they push forward we're going to storm over here and get these buildings to our front all right so just hold here anybody need a bandaid don't rip when you get to those Crossroads at our front hold no no no rep rep you can rep you can keep pushing forward but when you get to this major crossroads on the map where the three roads meet hold there we'll do all right blue team let's push up to these buildings to our front do not cross the road do not cross the road you stay on this side get in these buildings get some cover clear them mark them when they're cleared SP yeah I found [ __ ] uh ammo boxes in this building that I'm at Roger I'll send War Boy Over War boy to rep blue team on me actually War boy hold War boy hold War boy hold oh boy hey blay War boy I got demo here he's got a satchel Roger so we're we're clear to clear these buildings here Roger clear clear these buildings yes clear the buildings to our front but do not cross the road do not cross the road buildings got clear everyone clear the buildings do not cross the road on me everyone have a battle Budd okay here don't don't Bunch up don't Bunch up one [ __ ] Molotov and we'll all be gone space it out space it out every Mark the buildings as you clear [Applause] them I'm not sure if they know how so I'm just marking them for you Roger just make sure they're actually cleared oh what the [ __ ] oh the building we just blew is clear Roger [ __ ] you Charlie care if I'm around those uh those Vicks hey boss this is you might need to report to uh Sunray that we're finding weapons cashes inside houses we just blew one Roger hazy blue team CLE the blue building sunr this is Viking go Ahad Viking yes we're encountering multiple weapons cashes do you want them deaded that's an affirmative Viking Roger what in [Applause] the my location boss Roger just hold right here hold right here R [Applause] holding we're going to we're going to wait for we're going to wait till Vandal pushes up on our right hand side I may not have one demo is this building clear it's clear the oh this door doesn't open I all right there's a lot of voices to our 2 46 we're trying to I don't have a satchel Roger just hold where you're at Joe just hold where you're at we're going to wait till Vandal clears right they tell they're taking heavy fire all right demo do you have enough you have do you have enough stuff to De that [ __ ] [ __ ] Eagle 68 one reinert Vandal uh L okay hardcore [Applause] confirmed one one I'd get out of this building all right let's get unass this building boss Roger get out of this this [ __ ] building reip you've got guys crossing the street tell them to call back they're not supposed to be crossing the street don't cross the street all right everybody's clear Roger F this is Viking B one for LZ hardcore please not grit I am not found another ammo cash Roger blow it once you get finished pull back to us don't push any further south fire in the [Music] hole fire in the hole actually Joe how many men do you have yeah looks like you have six Joe Z Joe I want you to keep pushing along the road keep pushing South and link up with sparton I want to clear this side of the main road Roger if you can send any more blue yeah I've got Rogers Rogers head Southwest link up with Jo let's start clearing these [ __ ] buildings no no rep hold here hold here we're going to hold here you want to hold we want to hold here hold hold hold hold yeah I want to clear all the buildings on this side of the road so get Jo to clear South and we're going to hold here for the moment I want to wait to hold here till Vandal pushes up on our right that's why you're a sergeant and I'm a Corporal I don't know the big [ __ ] brass plans that's why I'm still a pride first class baby that's right the Army Rogers re Article 15 yeah head Southwest to Joe Squad times you make Sergeant zero just head head like 2 one 214 214 stay stay around the buildings to the left got you B what do you want us to do darl where you going watch your right I wasn't talking you I was talking to Rogers yeah uh yep we OCC building this explains the three Article 15 all right yeah we're going to move north and we're going to cross that little road and clear this little area right here you see it Mark we're going to move there yellow team North we're moving North on rep me let's go clear these [ __ ] buildings let's go not that road rep the road at uh to your Northeast Northeast Northeast Northeast rep Northeast re buildings who on me I got you R Roger Daryl on me yes [Applause] sir clear left clear yep right clear building clear hey firm marking it boss where do you want to all right let's clear this one little building right here cleared all right okay this what we're going to do rep you see this area to our West right now yeah we're going to move in that we're going to try to stay in this Crossroad clear all these buildings in this road I don't want to move across the road I want everybody to stay together so we're going to move to these buildings first okay you go first all right yellow on me let's go yellow on me on one this is blue team Viking com in we're we're work should see us you we're know we're clearing the singory eing yeah as we are we meet [Applause] eventually uh Viking 2 tell your guys to watch fire the street wield [ __ ] bra let's clear these buildings Joe yeah yes not you Joe not you demo I'll call you demo I'm not going to call you Joe Joe's Joe uh all right Joe once you get those buildings clear this is what I want you to do look at your map you see this area right across the street from you to your North West I need TCH up yeah I do all right once you get the area cleared I want you to move Northwest and start moving into those buildings just stay in that cu the saac in that that area right in there all right right here I want you to move Northwest across the road and I want you to clear this area I'm going Circle it on the map for you Roger I just circled it jail I want you to move into those buildings and clear them I got a dust almost done clearing this last two buildings Roger once you clear them do it make sure all those buildings on that side of the straight are clear before you do it though I don't want to have to backtrack we're going to slowly make our way to you oh by the way boys what do you think of the radio show if you happen to listen in lollipop time lollipop moving a bunch of guys West Side from here Roger oh we're going to clear this building right here we uh got if we can get in oh no we kind of we kind of we we staircase up here staircase got I know there's broken Windows upstairs so just be careful opening door opening going right right's clear going into the hallway eyes in the hallway opening opening going in all right one this two the rest of it for us over Roger move across that road clear that area you're stuck all right all right let's move back out the way we came uh great hardcore is mine what LC hardcore is [ __ ] mine they m in there already Roger R fall almost blew up Yeah marker [ __ ] get some cover if you need it light them up M holy [ __ ] yeah holy [ __ ] keep your head down he's dead he's dead did y'all clear this building right here yet yeah Buu's in there and I've been in there all right what about upstairs can you even get up there hey boss Viking one yeah Hey listen looks like uh we're getting separated you want us to move to our South West yeah we're going to we're going to move across the road to our south soon I just wanted to clear this block first Roger that I want to move looks like there's a lot of [ __ ] coming out of that market too yeah there probably is that's why we're going to meet up with uh the rest of Viking but I want to clear block by block Roger that more am there I have one extra there you guys two mags on back up I have no more0 demo on me where you at come east I'm right back here I got you let's clear these two buildings right here first this garage is clear next building down lag yeah yeah I know so bad oh [ __ ] this one's got a fence around it [ __ ] Advan movement cuz I can't jump over Roger en all right yeah I'm going to move to them in just a minute uh if you get do you have a is there another LZ available [Applause] uh just LZ hardcore or actually actually do LZ Villa and come in that way and just come up Spartan's way probably be the best for you yeah we're going [Music] [Applause] there the RO ice SC re yeah yeah I want to push back across the road where we came from and push South and link up with the other Squad I'm going to make another circle on the map for the next area I want to Clear RO see that area I just circled to the north of where other Squad is Roger I Want to clear that but I want to move from where we're at I want to move Southeast and then head south and then come into the side of it copy take them when you're ready I'm going to move to the other Squad cuz they don't have an NCO yellow on me yellow on me [Music] I'm a bit care of these user left joined your channel gray we're out of Choppers so that's what we got hey boss do you want us to go into the circle start clearing Roger do it at your discretion Roger Viking everybody still up Roger your man to keep clearing these buildings in this circle oh hi F there's all right blue team let's keep clearing this building Circle we got some buildings to our North still on me all right here we we have a VC on this roof where at buing right in front of us yellow building up here gray there there's a ladder there's a ladder system to get up there I see it yeah I know take somebody up there all right take Z where is it right here Eagles is it is it this building here send it for Eagles got another dust off from uh one Rogers you stay with me the ship is One mic out right here Rogers stay with me let's Mo do War boy War boy where you at I'm up top the roof oh you're on the roof team is noreast all right all right blue team on me oh what the [ __ ] blue team on me we have to get further away to get this thing so is there not a ladder up there Joe I don't see it I think I got blown off got to go up the steps first there's no ladder for this one but it looks like there was but I got exploded or something Vandal Vandal this is sunr cominging the receive send it no I was just wondering if you was still alive B [Applause] one was extremely I to get kills in that [ __ ] field Joe send zelter to me here zelter get come to me now down here to me I can't hear you are you on Yelling sther are you on Yelling I got you got him I'm trying to get out here I get next bir and we'll pick your wounded up Selter did you get him I cannot hear what you're saying you sound like you're whispering over here here oh [ __ ] J we're taking fire to our Northeast yeah I can't see it though I see tracers I don't know where it is okay I recovered rtb be careful Roger somebody was shooting at me uh one two have the m79 hold on some of the buildings I think it might lad building farther southeast of it the next one down yes there's one on the next one down too okay but I killed the one that's on this building that you're under okay Rogers get me up damns a we have no ladder to get up there just all right thanks Rogers head back to J delter with me have pipes you can climb up like this one right here is what I was going to tell you this pipe you can climb up this pipe copy yeah iip uh hold on just a minute let me see if there's any other one yeah I guess you're going to have to climb up that pipe so climb up there see if you can get him here's opening I don't die yeah let's hope you not where hey do you know where he's at up there how close he is hold where you're at hold where you're at hold where at be right behind me c this building here I don't know if this is going to work but I'm G I think that was too far [ __ ] uh maybe [ __ ] it went on the other side of the building great I got a I'm grabbing blue team they've went off with the yellow team I guess Roger is uh rep up I don't see him I don't know where Roger just keep clearing the buildings in that sector you're in right now sorry zelter just hold a moment let me try this one more time oh I think that was also too far oh yep I think so and fell off I have eyes on one I have to climb the flatter too though oh can you shooting from where you're at no I can't I can oh is he is he on the roof to your left where's he at no there's a further higher roof here Ohad but is he up on that building that you're on yes okay um this is vand one send V one hold on where you're at Z is relieved SOG compound we've just made contact right so survivors here at this time yeah see if you can get get somebody on one of the roofs of the building where you're at and aim towards my direction we've got a guy on our our roof up here I found I got a whole squad on a roof with us uh gas grenades that makes jump off roger copy [Applause] that [ __ ] a I'm on the roof top but I can't I couldn't quite see anything around me other than that that one Squad all right just hold where you're at hold on zelter I'm coming to throw with you I could see the very tip top of his rice hat he's just under that window on the second floor above us yeah I see him got on second copy I think we can jump up here um I don't know if I can gas grenades make them like retreat and fly off the buildings that ability jump while sprinting has been removed from me again yeah just move out of the corner for a minute got [ __ ] I can't okay [ __ ] a um if you get shot up there I have no way to get you that's the problem oh he stood up I got him I got him get down get down get down yeah Chopper came over bir okay let's get our ass down here hold on I can't oh there's one more there's one more one more yeah I see him there's one more he's right there at top ladder he's down he's down he's down he's down get up there and see if there's anything else do you see anything else you see anything Z there I can't hear you all right get down get down get down we've seen all we can see from this roof top I think we're going to move all right start moving uh start moving West move west and clear the next back on Roger rip uh might have a problem there's some buildings behind us I'm going to try I got the radio going up hold on a second I'm just see if I can uh oh we got up [Laughter] all right I'm going to do something stupid Viking Viking I'm all right I'm 6 this is Viking a roundabout for me I got reur for you uh I don't think it's going to happen anytime soon can you bring them to let's see let me set up LZ for youl can you bring him to LZ back street please see you back s copy that send me a medic please I need one too yeah we're coming actually J stay where you're at we'll make our way to you yeah let's push this way I see the circle you put on the map you want us to go there another one on one of the other roofs I guess yeah I want y'all to start clearing that area next start clearing towards the culdesac or the the circle I got to drink water my character's about thirst to death Roger do it before we get across the street fin one let see sunr com in one so surviv being evacuated B one good job Corman need a Corman I hear voices Joe nice touch with the car bombs Joe you still got voices uh on these rooftops to your East there's still men over here get back in this area all right I see a ladder R up I need you to make your way back to us all right here Roger stand by I'm in the [ __ ] here hold on I need someone to cover me blue team on me hold on where's our Corman at Rogers right here got it we both need patch up all right gr I'm coming up I found a a ladder Roger thank you Rogers you welcome War boy this side of the stre Street this side of the street I'm getting shot at from the roof from a different direction stay down Joe what direction you getting shot at from the roof I don't know I just I just took some damage but I'm okay all right Joe hold your team right here facing west the building to the West is the same one we climbed a minute ago Z with me voice copy spot one spot one this is sun right com in yeah SP them one get your squad to relieve the aling comound compound then move to the rail yard spot one this one this one right here one right it's the same type of building though so we're going to take damage getting back down well I mean that is what it is we got to clear these [ __ ] rooftops cuz I don't want to get shot back I was told we need to clear them so that's what we're doing do you need an assistance with medic I was told not leave anything behind sweep and clear the rest city Northeast Northeast first floor yeah don't fire over there don't fire over there first floor oh yeah [ __ ] kill him all right hold fire I don't know how he survived well we Haven yeah I don't know little building right there across the street that we somehow missed it's flag is cleared yeah Jo this go ahead W you send your back to these buildings and double check them clear them we just saw a building across the street that somebody cleared and had squ we've linked up with the Arvin inside the compound anything shot it we just didn't we actually never cleared itot I mean Northeast of your position behind us there was a building that was marked clear that had troops in it Roger want us to go back there no just hold hold where you're at it's marked by replicant what the [ __ ] is war boy doing there war boy Shake It Up you've got about 45 minutes to complete your mission I'm okay re how many guys you got with you I got all of my yellow with me all right push West and clear how's it look there all neighboring rooftops in a immediate vicinity clear I cannot see that rooftop Northeast of the trees Northeast of the trees that's that's fine that's fine we'll hop down now Sun uh V one go ahead Vandal one uh hydration warning take a drink Jo send your medic to me I try he's moving all right s go way oh you landed on me apparently I to I didn't get my legs oh you [ __ ] me up I'm stuck oh no what the [ __ ] what did you do to me zelter there we go great we're getting off the roof we're going to move Roger Joe Joe I want you to push South into those buildings that aren't marked yet first platoon this is SunRay the rail yard is heavily defended by the Vietnamese and they still have strongholds in the city we need these places cleared out first platoon okay where the [ __ ] are uh Vikings SP Joe where's your medic at he's going the wrong way yeah Rogers needs back you want me to call him back to you going to Spartan Viking go let's go left go left go left I've adjusted the red line around our sector to show which area we have cleared uh we've been pulled off clearing towards the real yard now so it will be up to you to clear the remaining parts as well yeah we're clearing our asses off right now [Applause] Joe for [ __ ] sake pick up the goddamn radio Joe go ahead once you move your squad across the road to the north start clearing these buildings across the street to your direct North all right you don't want us to go south no clear those buildings first this is Viking inbound with re inserts your last no l back street please copy that back street doc did your cat just meow into the microphone or am I just hearing things uh yeah it probably did M there thank you man no problem it's why I'm here with Jo Squad calling for a meow got be that thank you Selter clear these buildings down here that aren't marked in this first copy [ __ ] Mark buildings it's just been one of those Ops it really has all right this building right here into our front we got to clear it I don't think we can get in this one actually yeah it goes to a dead end so we're going to call this one clear stairc oh you get on the roof of this right here yeah there's no voices up here yeah well we already killed them yeah like there's a bunch of oh [ __ ] where's rep Squad rip you up no I just got shot there's a major there's a major Force coming from my Northwest Roger for [ __ ] sake I need a I need a medic uh Roger Steve's still up over there ain't he I ain't seen him Roger I'll move your way all right selther building the building we're moving towards rep let's clear this upstairs make sure it's clear I don't think you can get in this you can't get in up here friendly friendly yeah darl move I want you to move to Steve okay on the map he's up here ahead be careful when you get to Steve tell him rep needs a medic got clear clear all right this purple building found ACC did you hear that that sounded like a voice to the Northeast yeah neighor is Hospital Road in low hey there's a there's a building up here I swear people either the buildings are getting re remed or they're not clearing them properly oh [ __ ] I almost oh that's you're in the direction of the voice that I heard oh that was almost that was almost bad I swear I heard that voice across the street and that yellow I found a large building with an interior and a rooftop Roger we're taking shots from a direction I don't know from now yeah I'm taking shots somewhere sounds like to our Northeast or Northeast from me I swear that voice sound like yeah the Northeast is where that crew was coming looked like a Park area might where're at zelter eyes on second floor Northwest he's down Roger oh he almost got me oh [ __ ] here right [Music] here right I'm going clear this building right in front of us we got to clear this building yeah right here let's clear it user joined your Channel first FL clear Roger second floor let's go well um I'm going to try to mark this building as gray because they blue team refuses to actually Mark the buildings and say they got better things to do is that what they said I guess you tell them that they need to start [ __ ] marking the buildings we need to make sure that they are [ __ ] cleared if they are not cleared we fail this Mission I will come over there and talk to them if I have to building clear unless get on the roof [Applause] all right so I'm on the uh the northern sector of that building I don't have shots on it but there's don't take from other building did you hear that voice that voice was behind us to the southeast oh I bet you it's I bet you it's the street across to the South that we haven't clear okay let's go down these steps go down building CLE I'll mark it you got it make sure you're marking these in global rip yeah now that the sections clear I want you to move across the road to the southwest and start clearing that next cold to sec I'm gonna move to Joe Roger Southwest got it all right gray we're in an Alleyway there is a sniper somewhere and I cannot find him Roger I'm moving to you right now sther on me there a [ __ ] that's not a build all all right we are going to move I got the marking thing set so de with apologies for breaking the coms andrex if you crash that bir now after I after the maneuver I just pulled off I'll be so upset you got this j w Is War boy off on his own Eagle this is Spartan 2 was he with somebody else or is he off by his own don't don't run out there and get it I'm right here Joe Hospital Road he wasy what the [ __ ] is he doing I don't know I all right what area y'all taking fire from so if you go in this kitchen area we're getting shot kind of like from the east and south or it's the Northeast I can't tell all right blue Squad ow me now is he crit no what the [ __ ] think we just took some fire from y That's what I'm saying who the [ __ ] is is landing a chopper in the goddamn City holy [ __ ] this is Spartan to change your uh Landing Zone to the helicopter pads by the Arvin compound all right blue team Hush Hush blue team on me now all right let's go where we heading where you said this building right here yep right here blue team in this building whenever you go towards the the have y'all cleared the upstairs in here yep yep yep we we cleared it me and uh and you said you think you're taking fire from the Northeast they they're able to see us zelter just killed the guy who was down to the east of us all right Z I got him then okay all right all these buildings every single one of them that's not marked on the map in this C AAC I'm going Circle it on the map I want everybody to look you see this blue circle I just put around us every single building does not have a mark you're going to go through it and check everything two man teams make sure when you place the mark that it's think global you got it all right go Ste are you're with me Rogers you're with me tombs you're with me make sure when you Place Your Mark it's in global chat okay yeah place your marks in global place your marks in globaly it's a little drop down box War boy hazy you're together along with Crispy all right all right all right selther we're going to clear the you're going to have two got two I know your team's are three right so two people will clear and the other one will cover this building looks clear gunshots it's clear I don't see a way to get up there's a pipe right here we can climb the building next to it yeah I don't really feel like climbing pipe so I can avoid it we haven't taking any shots or hear any voices so I think it's call it all right we're going to push to this next building right here let's check this one out one this is two this is one keep in mind the uh the uh little market areas count as buildings that's what they're that's probably what they're missing too I know they need to Mark those two just mark them so we know that they're cleared reinert Hospital Road yeah come from the southeast please take it low vend vend Roger excuse me uh your LG is still LC wet something uh Landing Zone wet Bend that's affirmative although you could probably put someone on the roof of the hotel if you were how do I get the brave but I don't know what kind of fight you'll take from the surrounding are so's definitely the safer one Charlie inbound one time three Eagle spawn send it for Eagle One to load on LG Hospital Road l hospital Road one dust 68 wait on the deck or boy these need to be marked in global he's fixing now I think Sor yeah just make sure they're in global so everybody else can see it all right we got one more building we got to clear all right let's keep going C yep we're trying to get in some of these buildings to take a second yeah some of them you can't get into Z are on me check the staircase yeah let's go there first you're right how you doing R clearing my egg my egg is cleared where do you want us to go next Roger I Want You to clear the next area to your South I'll mark it another egg we a little too far we got to go back got it Roger Z you on me yeah I'm on the Roof oh okay you already went up I'm getting left right here okay okay this building's clear was the building next to it Roger Eagle shut for eag I'm clearing uh opening up a new land Zone Landing Zone water once you clear that I want to push West Circle L on [Applause] you it up one time off all right BS yeah we're going to push West and clear that zone got it y all right let's go now all right blue team on me we're going to get this building right in front of me building on the left now oh okay this something's blowing up oh [ __ ] just took fire close shotgun fire what direction Northwest copy copy we're going to be pushing that way sooning Viking this is Sun come in this is Viking need to Squad back in the game Viking you're Dilly Doling far too much in empty areas of the city Roger voices from the neighborhood to the northwest got to the rail yard assist Spartan immediately by King we'll do all right R pushing to the we're pushing to spart left the main city is left to you one you've got about 15 minutes Joe we're pushing to Spartan confir bu's responsible for clearing the last of the city where [ __ ] Spartan hey affirmative they're at the rail yard they're to your West to your direct West Roger copy yeah we have not [ __ ] cleared this area I don't know why he's saying it's cleared it's not [ __ ] cleared nobody's been through here uh is it Global I don't think uh global [Applause] gr we been straight there there's some uncleared areas it seems like yep yep Viking Viking spot [Applause] user left your channel Viking Viking Spartan this is Viking copy I've marked a red line over the rail yard can you take everything on the south of the line I do not see a red line r over here remarked I see it we'll handle it yeah I see it too yep go south Viking on me send them to me send them South you re send your guys South send your guys South along this BM there's a blue line on the map send them to it I I don't I see it now yeah rep South Southeast Southeast [Music] yeah re just start clearing those buildings you're at right now the blue line one bring your guys West when they get here Joe start pushing into theard what have you been told about throwing grenades V [Applause] one you know you're not supposed to do that don't you do what throw hand grenades and that was the most explosives we were going to get who the [ __ ] is working on these buildings we haven't even [ __ ] [Applause] cleared the fact just BW is probably a good reminder why I don't carry them B all two this is sunr coming yeah please inform you squad leader I didn't understand a word of that gble shy just spoted at me c these buildings don't worry nobody else did either [ __ ] you boss user joined your channel find it funny how one he saying [ __ ] you it's fine but vend vend the eag 63 see you're speaking another living language I'm landing on your LZ f clear these buildings guys I'm behind you okay I'm opening this door there war boy got the second floor marking it all right these builds are clear move west move westest blue team push West in these big buildings right climb over over all right let's go around this building to the left go around to the left Blue Clear left crispy you and toms go clear that building right there to our South [ __ ] here I know I know we're going around that little building right there to the south at 1 go clear it got it Toms has got it here blue team on me I need help moving up I cleared all those buildings you cired I just killed a [ __ ] T in this building all right sprinting across four boy Z on the roof toop got him more in there more in there all right I'm going to rush himot I'm going to move around to the right I'm going left I'm going left I got voices to my North on on me Roger keep clearing the building work as a team left is clear do not open those big doors over there all right it's clear low on top ammo oh there's one in this machine look at his head oh [ __ ] stand up reload yeah Ain nothing we can do about it [Applause] reloading friendly coming up copy I cleared all those buildings you circled to the uh East Roger before we eag SP s it for eag got one dust from LC [Applause] copy eag 6 inbound re blue team keep pushing West Direction there are guys on rooftops start pushing your guys East through these buildings to your East I need a medic we got a medic I'll treat myself yeah we got a lot of people down here we'll continue to try all right we just stabilize position if you need to now we're [ __ ] we just uh I need Rogers up here Joe send Rogers over here yeah I hear it get some cover get some [Applause] cover crispy on me of the blis go in this door up here he's coming clear it you can't can't you can't go in there you sure I guess yeah I just checked okay okay all right come down here to me all right we're going to slowly move our way around here to the right keep your eyes up watch your left re you got friendlies to your East on top of this giant uh Factory there's enemy up there that keep shooting down on using one R smoke just po so I could get shot in zelter demo up there clear it yeah is Doc Wai on the deck for uh Roger I don't know anything about a Cass we have a [Music] crit Che the RO who's is Daryl are you crit uh me not so [ __ ] sure don't know the flight to extract the pl for a return to I'm back in it plon this sunr come [Applause] in this is for extract first platoon um is free clear reinforcements are on the way to a to come home all right yell prepare to unass this [ __ ] are we you heard them everybody get together we're getting ready to unass thank God we're almost out of here hey man hey you promised me now you [ __ ] promise me if I got out of this [ __ ] I'd get some [ __ ] RNR time you sweet well [ __ ] that I'm 6 weeks short God damn it get your r r six week get the [ __ ] out of here listen man brother I got people back to base dock no not now there's nobody for me get in get in get in get in hold on hold on I didn't say get in I didn't say get in get out of the chopper get out of the chopper did you wounded no we don't have any wounded I don't okay then I'm out of here all right um evil eag SP yeah I don't know who told you we had a crit but I didn't hear nothing about it we're going from L Bridge all right we're coming off the the Woodworks here trip you want the rest of us or just no just hold here they're not they're not taking anybody they're not taking anybody they come back to why did you make me come back what do you mean make you come back it's a [ __ ] show it's a [ __ ] [ __ ] show what a [ __ ] show all right Viking see gas mask coming off I need a cigarette smoking I you know I just put a cigarette in inside the you know what Jinx does when there's four of or five of us in one place good thinking all right let's everybody go to LZ Bridge head Roger getting some LZ Bridge head LZ dip [ __ ] we go let go Bridge head Bridge head let's go Spartan missed a bunch in the city I'm sending my squad L Bri [ __ ] I've already been there son where you been at I was working on putting together the new chapter in Vietnam yeah trying to clear the bush to the strip no I was muted sorry I cleared some Bush at the strip club son it's my turn to flow the fields Hey listen man you got to cultivate the ground you got you got to do your crop rotations man oh my crop rotation is called a $20 bill yeah and that's why you and I'll ever get in a lifetime old man they said they needed some seed so I'm here with the seed so this is what it feels like to be at the US border jump over what the [ __ ] [ __ ] getu I'm set up spread out spread out you know he's going to come and [ __ ] us yep I'm setting up position you stay left go right hold on no there's another go go left of go left of yellow there's already people there go left of blue or left of yellow left side of yellow left side of yellow keep going keep going that way all the rest of them Joe yeah going off comms for a minute you handle anything if they need it okay I know that doesn't make any difference with L us a lot of advant bad combination of the low frames made me hit the tree and then the weird physics and low frames made me flip land go ahead and clear clear this grass the little the little Peninsula the little Peninsula over there there's also little why is there smoke over there die demo do you have fun why do you have an AK-47 I might shoot you let me explain how many times my M16 has gone byebye every time I yeah I've heard I've heard gray or not gray uh rep two left ground this is eag prepare for for E I'm back on comms hey Martin they can land in this at LC Bridge head uh you can just land on the road east to west hey like are you [Laughter] here I haven't played that in a while damn it find a legal Suite that too game still freaks me out are you Grandma oh baby are you are you pizza here comes the freedom burs to take us home are you French oh that' be hilarious we're going to be on the second [Applause] Chopper Viking Viking we're going to be on the second Chopper no Viking second Chopper the the field SP in the one that's close uh we are out of here I'm getting late tonight boys we'll see what do you mean we'll see get the [ __ ] out of [Applause] here no I don't think so we got a bunch to go you got one more or a couple more no more to go more to go AFK [ __ ] leave them one more All In All In I'm going to miss doing radio until August user left your chn user joined your channel we are going home no AFK yeah close that ramp oh the wind's killing oh what are you a [ __ ] [ __ ] Jesus Christ God damn did you just get out of boot camp son this is a marine doesn't work fa point wish this thing could fly as to sideon well this flight only goes to dang man oh [ __ ] dang I [ __ ] all the [ __ ] outside the [ __ ] gate and dang it's getting old you got to come to the college towns man them sororities sororities in the N you know no no he means those round ey round ey [ __ ] fres he's fresh out of [ __ ] College that's right he's a college boy that's right just say man he's smart exactly that's right why the [ __ ] are you here son if you so smart I missed y'all I got you're going to need a pen Ain shot after this helicopter with him here I only had [ __ ] three clips left three NS that was murder there you go Bambi I do want I do want myter back though sorry about that fell smok cigar if you want but oh it is a Str one day drinks there you go bre you can't light it but you can have another cigar lucky to get M today cuz there was n then again did someone run around with RPGs on their back during the mission yeah apparently from the stash in front the stuff in uh in front of jinx kind of says someone brought back did they have them on their backs during the mission yes of course yeah we're not we've been told we're not supposed to do that and I'm pretty sure I would have shot anyone I saw with an RPG on fine as far as you way out it's not for you to make an issue of all right I think first Str we've had for a while though the absolute rule with picking enemy weapons up is that you do not pick up an enemy weapon and use an enemy weapon that is out of your class range so if you're a Rifleman you don't pick up an lmg and use it if you're not a granadier you don't pick up a an RPG and use it you can pick up any weapon you want as long as you don't use them I'd love to see what our casualties are didn't you tell us really clear that we're not supposed to bring RPGs and uh ponchos and enemy head gear uniforms stuff like there yeah the the uniforms was the big one well but he just set it out about picking enemy stuff up so it's fine um I'm pretty glad we can't see how casual to list that to like because that would have been quite horrific yeah uh I does everybody know they've been in a battle yeah not at all was wasn't it AOW I've been on the wrong side of the gang R without [ __ ] L the correct side of that bamb usually I enjoy a game I think it ended in a draw gentlemen I'm G need a Natty light that was the best answer that's the only good answer I can only say first of all congratulations on clearing the city and secondly there was a time there around about 6:00 p.m. where I thought there was no way you were going to do that um I thought you could have been there from now till next Sunday and not got it done but you pulled your fingers out towards the end we got out the open ground is what happened you did not like that open ground at the beginning did you no no um andrax yeah that was electrifying my friend thank you yeah I'd like to give him the Preparation H award for that mission damn my brief to Andre X and no was pretty simple I said [ __ ] ruin them and I guess they did um I can't fault you for that City clearing you stuck to the task superbly and that really really was a tough day at the office lad um congratulations to everybody there was some pretty stunning fights in there um special congratulations to the to the few vandals who made it today um I would put a Terrain on all your squad mates who didn't show the faces but um true to the traditions of your squad you stuck to it like [ __ ] Champs despite getting your asses kicked over and over again Martin yeah uh Gotta Give a bit of honest feedback and that's that technically it was running like crap at especially the start which is why for us was such a slug Fest FPS at single digits means that uh you're trying to aim at someone you can clearly see and then your Crosshair goes left of it oh [ __ ] I have to correct overshoots the target oh it's right of it now and left and right and ah yeah now it's on it oh now he's moved uh so that's a bit of an issue so I do think technically we should do it differently next time because this uh was at the start really not playable uh but besides that uh good job everyone on clearing all the houses and uh I think all the squads worked well together thanks to Eagle to getting us in and out all those hairy situations me gr thought it went well um I saw [ __ ] war bot shining up a drain pipe guys's called me a VC to help grade from outside the city I took about 10 from the roof that was a uh testing Day at the Office uh be polite uh I do have to back Martin up that was uh in the opening stages uh borderline unplayable but obviously as we clear enemy out it got easier and easier to play as far as frames were going um the Miss was e exquisitly constructed so well done to the mission team for that um appropriately difficult is a phrase that we've used in the past before uh once the performance issues kind of eased up a bit it became appropriately difficult before that it was hell di a difficulty um it was it was it was great I I I had a lot of fun once I got past my rage I did hover over Al F4 more than once uh that's more because I don't have any tobacco at the moment but [ __ ] we did it um special thanks to outward Panic jaw and his fire team who came to rescue Vandal when abounding mind took all of us out by one or two going past the house on the edge of the city um he he came in with his fire team and managed to unfuck us in quick order to extricate himself and his fight team back to Vikings line um other than that i' I've no nothing else to add um I've walked away feeling Victorious but bruised I've got a question who is Viking who had Vikings trap kits today uh me did demo right whoever carried your trap kits today you need them to carry those forever you avoided so many [ __ ] car bombs it wasn't even funny I've seen those gas tanks it was like Ireland yeah yeah [ __ ] you and your gas tanks that's all I can say yeah when Irish starts up car we had one car bomb go off near us after that that one was [ __ ] didn't [ __ ] tone on the [ __ ] detector that was Bull that was Bull fast it's Ireland dude it it's a buff I barely got a tone on the car you really can't t on the cars you just avoid skill issue all right Tony H I'd like to have a little clarification on the Roe for door Gunners since we we've got a probably got several of them here that were trained we were told that are supposed to been trained that you only fire at a Target if they are shooting at the helicopter otherwise if you suppress you're supposed to have a a free order or told to suppress that area isn't that what we're supposed to be following yes it is dog Gunners on the helicopters threw so much fire to the Choppers today it wasn't even funny well I know we were drawing a lot of fire that's when I was shooting back at them and I I was I died several times including uh one time a double RPG went right right into my doorway I saw the RPGs hitting the helicopters they were quite professional with d today right now um doc yeah incredibly proud of uh the pilots that were flying today we had the Dutch trailers left and right RPGs there was a shitload of Fire coming our way uh LGS were tied and uh frames were low in the start but uh we managed to to uh get through that so uh yeah that's it for me all right now listen carefully please and uh act accordingly if you had bad FPS today sit down that's a start go ahead guys just engaging thing know was like I don't know man 20 I turned my sh got under whatever you think is bad FPS what it's FPS had cleared up and enemy were being killed yeah yeah I don't think Sur thing for any any second we've clear we've clearly we've clearly got a problem here because I had every single AI on that map in Zeus and I never ever at any point during that drop below 35 FPS I wish I was down between s and 11 90% I've got 15 right now I was down to like two or three got Solid 4 now seven 17 makes it a lot more laggy yeah all right on see yeah I run better with the I only got down to 15 and that's it so turning down view distance fixed it yeah we had uh no hc's today how many uh AI were 360 no I looked U I think it was 369 at the front Jesus yeah that's why I wonder you a good fight there was no AC to upload the AI once the AI was cleared out the frames got better the last time we did why we had more enemy on the map than that and never out a problem yeah it last way if I remember right it ran tough but it was had SE no more worse than any Urban fighting in armor always get low frames in urban fighting Urban fighting is always a tough call especially with so many um that's not beat around a bu [ __ ] excellent players because you have to compensate for that by putting down an amount of AI that will challenge those players because quite frankly you you just take the piss now if we put equal numbers on the field you just [ __ ] annihilate them um I'm sorry the FPS was bad at the start but uh I am glad it cleared up for you enough to enjoy it anyway um I had a blast um watching you guys Shin up and down drain pipes was [ __ ] glorious you really will call to L to get the job done won't you see that's just messed up I was on 35 FPS and they just connected and I've dropped to 28 I'm climbing yeah mine's from 30 down to 10 I'm still 17 I'm I went down one two or three I'm up two or three actually I'm up two or three as same no difference in it's a big shitty it's nor that you get a little bit more runs on [ __ ] black magic man it does particularly an up like that uh it's always going to be a big ask but uh you know we got through it um beaten and bloody but we got through it all right next week uh um you're going back to Hawaii next week right and you will be doing the sweep and clear combat patrols chasing the enemy who you've just chased out of the city and then for the final week you'll be doing the siege of kaan um I do hope despite the problem that you enjoyed yourself today boys um thank you to the mission makers and to the pilots but a special thanks today to the Medics who were absolutely [ __ ] outstanding as always gentlemen it has been a complete pleasure uh dismiss to your squad channels please we'll see you back in way next week user left your Channel all right user us Channel
Channel: GraydeOut
Views: 37
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Rrn2jH_dgoI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 206min 22sec (12382 seconds)
Published: Mon May 06 2024
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