1995 Wild Card Falcons @ Packers

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as three linebackers in their five defensive back he was just sitting back there then two free safeties he was the free safety on the right side he read that all the way and he just jumped right in front at the end timed it perfectly first in Kent Green Bay at the Atlanta 22 morgen first down DJ Johnson made the stomping here's the Green Bay offense led by hot handed Brett Favre in front of him an offensive line that's been together since Game one Rutgers Taylor Winters Galbraith and Dotson Edgar Bennett the runner Dorsey Levens the blocker Morgan Brooks and shamora they go with wide receivers four of them first half are going to work in complete his intended receiver slipped down that was Antonio Freeman let's look at that's Atlanta defense few snow flurries begin to fall dolmen Gardner Pierce Holt and Chuck Smith upfront Darryl Talley Jesse Tuggle and play Matthews over a hundred years DJ Johnson Devin Busch Kevin Ross Darnell Walker the secondary second and 10 three wide reciever this time tied into the right side Venice is a deep bank hold it a second Mahan tack is the referee scuse me I was just gonna say it wasn't too much time because I looked at the clock and there was still time in the clock false start offense number 72 went to a three-point stance [Applause] yeah what the rule is when those offensive lineman when they get down in a stance and they set they have to stay set and here's Dobson here and what they said that he got down you see no three-point stance then he got up again see when he put his hand down you can't move your hand he put his hand down picked it up and put it down again if he had just left his hand on his knees that's okay right he could stay in an up stand for once he puts a hand down and has to stay fifteen street fans defenitely discovered in a hurry Chris Dolman played it well yeah that was a big penalty on Earl Dotson because that put him back instead of having normal yardage I'd put him in long yardage and they run a screen fast I don't know where that one came from and they lose again now they have 3rd and real long 18 and I think I think now they had their field goal here so I still think even though it's Gordon 18 this ball has to be thrown into the end zone here's where you take this up they go with three wide receivers Weston down he goes flag on the play as well Chris Dolman was there and that's gonna be in the area of offensive holding and I'm sure the I'm sure the Falcons will turn it down well clipping but it's the same thing and I'm sure that the Falcons will will decline that well maybe field goal if they push him back that might get him out of field goal right number 73 you're right yeah Bureau coach I would I would think so because even though it's gonna be a long field goal you're gonna see the clip it's going to be right there right you see when he comes back he gets beat right there and a line of scrimmage that was Aaron Taylor and then when he comes back he Clips him from behind just tripped jump togethers and jumpy gathers is a tough guy to block to get him any way you can but not clipping Chris Jackie will try from 46 yards out with Henry holding distance but not good he pulled it and the Falcons escaped it's still nothing nothing and we're in the first water at Lambeau Field [Music] on the way south [Music] [Applause] those kind of an ugly starts the attackers on a they had to penalties by their few guards per guard the tackle in the man's swinging past they lost three yards on they start for both teams Falcons got the kick off and got the interception Jeff George changing plays yet Haworth dysentery is stop by Matt mobility Matt labonte is a guy that is playing for Reggie White we talked to Reggie White yesterday we talked to Mike Holmgren and they thought that he would play about 15 plays they want to pick the spots and I imagine those spots at least early in the game would be second and long and third and long yardage situations and I don't think they're gonna play him a lot of end I think they're gonna plan more inside as a tackling position he says that the hamstring injury hurts in what he has to come around the corner Packers were in a three-man line again this is the defense that they got the picked in last time they showed blitz but rush for three men [Applause] he's going to score [Music] that's the Falcon this break on top and that's the thing about George he has a strong arm you talk about quarterbacks in this way and you take the strength of their armor one of the spoilers armed quarterbacks in the league is Jeff George here's Metcalfe here now he's in the slot now he's running a pattern here he's going to go out and up now when they see George at any time any time he scrambles he just tells him go deep because he has an arm that no matter where he is or where they are he can get it to him 65 yards from George to Metcalfe Morten Andersen now for the extra points so many great years with the New Orleans Saints the Falcons just couldn't really believe he was available when they got him 7-nothing Atlanta speed wheels and a good arm helps Malcolm's lead it 7 nothing nothing at Lambeau Field Antonio Freeman and Travis Derby back deep more than Anderson to kick it off very little wind which is rare for this time of year in this part of the country they were talking about five miles an hour at game time that's an Atlantic Club record just set from George to Metcalf 65 yards at completion Anderson's kickoff his short can be handed handled by Freeman he could fly returned by Antonio Freeman he gets into Falcon territory 42 yards he brought it back let's watch his touchdown again here fat well what happens is Jeff George comes here then he gets outside the containment here and then he has a rule that anytime that he gets outside the containment you see here they got him now he comes to the outside and the rule is when he gets outside the containment all receivers go deep so when he comes out and he got out to the right side all he did was look deep and the guy that he saw was Eric Metcalf two tight ends for the Packers Bennet the backs Remora makes the reception run out of bounds by Kevin Ross [Applause] did you see Eric Metcalf at the end they know how Robert Brooks when he scores a touchdown here he he jumps into the spam watch bet camp at here at the end he kind of fakes it like he's gonna do it now I'm not gonna do that maybe good form though but they did you know you're when punks wins when porch jumps in there they they throw him back out there barring Metcalfe jumped in they make keep them in there [Music] running strong down inside the 32 about the Atlanta 27 stop by X 49er tears hope you know I like what Mike Holmgren said about Edgar Bennett he said he's a great lousy field player yeah and they don't know why you know I mean here's a guy from Florida State in fact he looked like you got injuries coming out and that plane we talked to him yo and he said he doesn't know why he plays well on lousy fields and cold weather but it's just one of those things that he always does always have and a bad ankle all year long Dorsey Levens and the mole setback outside it goes the Robert Brooks Brooks goes out of bounds a packer first down at the Atlanta 20 he said in fact he said yesterday Edgar Bennett he said I can't wait until the season's over and I'm sure he didn't mean that he wanted the season to be over to get this ankle taken care of he said I'm gonna have to have it scoped he said but I can't do it and tell the season's over but all year long he's been playing with that bad ankle and playing very well ice for over a thousand yards [Music] first time that's happened in the backers in a long time third down Middleton right [Applause] yeah [Applause] the neighborhood of the Atlanta 15 make it the sixteenth video we're talking about earlier that the the Packers are going to be as good as Brett Favre it and you know they have a little running game but they're still not a running team the Green Bay Packers are a passing team and if they're going to win if they're going to move the ball they're gonna do it with a pass mo Gardner is down jumpy gathers is already in the game to replace him they don't lose much when jumpy comes in as long as he can last no they in fact they gather one of the the best inside pass rushers in football and has been for a long time with that forklift now he has a human forklift just picks those guards up takes them deliver some right to the quarterbacks lap and landon leads in this NFC wild-card contest seven nothing over Green Bay it's an anemometer yeah that's our reading on the anemometer took me two years to learn how to say it it's 34 degrees one of those twos doing there then I don't know that's - well that's the winds while the wind is - the windchill is 34 I don't know big wide receivers it's cold anyway I don't care what that thing says came back in the game just to carry gets down inside the Falcon 15 to about the 14 and a half stopped by Jesse Tuggle there's a guy Jesse chuckle we met with them last night he was ready to play last evening yeah and I think Jesse toggles the type of guy who's ready to play all the time he doesn't have a lot of interceptions he only has three all year but he's dead in practice he had three this week and when he gets them in practice he gets him in a game and he thinks he's gonna get one or two in this game his far gets it - flipped over the middle first ago and about the seven and a half there's an amazing guy Robert Brooklyn as watching him practice on Friday he reminds me a lot of Jerry Rice he just goes full speed all the time you see him here in fact that's that's a pattern that Jerry Rice runs is that crossing pattern where he just comes short underneath find a hole slow up continue on and and Mike Holmgren says that too he says that he has the same work ethic that Jerry Rice has when you put yourself or get yourself in that category you've done pretty well here's fine over the head of the intended receiver Jessie taco almost got that interception pat that he was talking about mm-hmm he says he doesn't give in in position for for a lot of them but he said he just feels good about this week and you see him the ball was dipped there and it was tipped right in the area where Jessie toggle was right there in fact he could have could have gotten that on a bounce Chuck Smith deflected it was intended for Levin's second goal with the egg [Applause] [Music] Japan with fruits they got a double jumper three a triple that three upman there's three government name Morgan's in there on how three came out - that's a good news [Applause] that your Benetton on that one oh he took the ball with him when Robert Brooks doesn't he doesn't take the ball with him watch his lead here good block by 11 but cut back there by Edgar Bennett and then when he gets to the end zone he looks back just to check no one's hurt there's no Flags and though he didn't take the ball to be left to death the extra point is good and it's all tied up at 7:00 8:17 left to play in the first water at Lambeau Field III babe it's a banker seven Atlanta 70 we're in the first quarter with 817 left Jamal Anderson and Eric Metcalf who scored the Atlanta touchdown back deep for the kickoff from Prague Henrik short kick very short - the 3534 stop by chirpy let's watch us touch that again pad here now here's here's that ger Benton he's going to start here but he's going to cut back to his right because of the job that are all Dotson and golfers do here watch they come and collapses whole line here so Bennet can cut right back there and that's supposed to go to the left but watch the right side of the line you see that look at that collapse got there they collapsed that whole line of scrimmage and then he was able to cut back that's wall I know I mean that's that's a collapse that's a collapse wall first down Atlanta at their own 35 [Applause] Joan Joan and Gilbert Brown but here you'll see the the receiver see he has three guys on one side that's part of the run-and-shoot he has a combination here yeah short medium and deep that was great coverage so there was no one open there and then that kind of flush Jeff George out to the left and Sean Jones was just out there waiting for him I don't know where the term coverage sack came from but if there ever was one that was it we just looked at it and we are anyway [Applause] right now for a McDonald's game break let's send you back to Hollywood Studios and James Brown and great moments in Lambeau Field history Pat is Bart star of Vince Lombardi discuss strategy aiming for their third straight NFL championship third and goal at the one with no timeouts remaining and Bart Starr takes it across from suck to complete the come-from-behind victory over the Dallas Cowboys 21:17 let's take it back to Pat and John I'll never forget that day I don't think anyone that's ever watched football or knows football history I'll ever forget that day I was standing right third down was a snap from center he loses a couple now he comes out of the pack but it's over after tracking Franta surprising the sneaker trap in there but they can't do it don't want to get iron head man I think George Teague is up there pat them on the shoulder in the head Gilbert Brown gets a little penetration here you see the exchange and Jeff George never got demoted that ball came up and went right up through his hands then you're going to see big number 93 in there see Gilbert Brown and then once big Gilbert Brown gets in there he weighs about 350 pounds you're not gonna go anywhere when you pat iron head on the head you got a handful eight the quarters worth Antonio Freeman deep for Green Bay dance Pierzynski [Music] never sicko fair catch Falcons wisely let him catch it but they were right there yeah that's the thing even though you don't fair catch you have to you have to give the guy the right to to catch the ball and then after he catches it then you can really level him he was there to smother him look at mark Sumeria there you see the you see that tattoo he has on there so here that right there yeah Superman Brett Favre has one of those too but Brett Favre's was higher up that you can't see it Jumeirah who's Brett Favre's best friend and one of his favorite receivers and going to the Pro Bowl said if he wants one of those on me I'll put one of those on me and he goes and gets in his phone boom first down Atlanta showing blitz bar for Brooks [Applause] Davis was the defender and they were bumping all the way down the field Pat Brooks was out there Ron Davis was buckin defense number 28 Hillary is declined first down Brooks caught the ball after all that and you're gonna see him at here and you see that he knows right now Ron Davis knows that he's going to go to the poet and the bumpin starts there I think the first bump was Brooks's plop and I think was Brooks's bump all away now I don't know why they decline the penalty was he caught it oh yeah but he didn't catch no he didn't I don't know I don't I think he thought that he caught it he didn't catch it that was an incomplete pass so they better take the penalty and be happy that they got it because I think the guy that pushed for us was Robert Brooks first down inside the Atlanta 42 about the 38 Chris Dolman made the stop that was a a 35 yard penalty on that play that I think they did say decline but if they declined it then the ball would have been back here it was so it it had to be that they accepted the penalty they did say he declined but I think I think Ron Davis really played that pretty well and he was off there he knew it was going to be opposed by Robert Brooks and he ran there [Applause] pack her first down stop by piers hope from his defensive tackle position that must have been one of those zone blitzes that was one of those zone blitzes and you're going to see Pierce hold is in the middle and he starts out 95 you see him and when they rush a linebacker or a defensive bat and then they can still zone by dropping a defensive lineman out three wide receivers for the Packers Edgar Bennett the lone back snow flurries start to fall near the 20 [Applause] yeah we we hear the word zone blitz all the time and we and we talked about it and to show exactly what it is is is you're going to have a blitz and usually when you blitz if you bring five guys then you have to man but if you drop a guy like you drop a defensive lineman out then you can pick up seeing this lineman here takes the place of a linebacker so you can still play zone so what you're doing is you're blitzing on one hand but not being forced to play man-to-man second it gets the first down [Applause] finsihed lion is doing an excellent job well and Mike Holmgren is doing the job of calling plays we we noted that he scripts the first 15 plays and if you look at him he ran the ball seven times pass the ball nine because that was a sixteenth play there now he goes to his adjustments now he's already called as fifteen plays and he goes to his adjustments off those fifteen that was Falcon head coach June Jones and his quarterback Jeff George two tight ends now Keith Jackson and shamora there's five [Applause] now we'll jump again 14 yards to Robert Brooks and that's the second play by Brooks the first one was that deep one against the Blitz and the penalty here you're going to see him right up here you just see he's going to drop like he's going to the pub then he's going back to the corner and and Walker the corner who was covering slim and that's the thing that we talked about earlier than that it may be slippery but it's a pack of slippery it may be dirt out there but if the packers dirt if it's their field the extra point by Jackie is good you wonder why Robert Brooks does that that jump into the stands after touched him he told us what he had in mind yesterday I tell about from the rod Butler in 93 how to pitch for a rigid white and just continued on through the end zone and jumped in the sand I thought it was great so actually I we were if I could borrow it because I thought I was gonna be intends on a lot more than he was and I mean it's something that I think the fans love and we love for a metric want to score a touchdown and indeed they do love it because he does it after a packer touchdown and it just kind of goes with Robert Brooks and me Green Bay Packers and Lambeau Field and this whole setting but he really made a move on Darnell Walker because Walker started to go in he went in like he was going to the post we call that a post corner where you sell post then go back to the corner yes crowd loving it Packers lead by a touchdown this watch the move again you see how he got that move and Walker when he started to go in to that post he split that's why it may be dirt but when it's your dirt you understand it and the other guy has to adjust to it [Music] [Applause] for another short kickoff [Applause] he gets out to about the 26 Jeff Thomason made the stop there the other thing you get into playoffs will always talk about this but you can see it you can see it in the in the pictures you can feel it in the air you can feel it understand the city and the intensity rises a level and I think you have a preseason level of intensity a regular season and into the season level and then another jump off when you get in the postseason play no question about it you've been through it as a coach I've been through it as a player and it's another level I loved it it was the best time of the year but if you weren't here that you didn't have a successful year George gets the halyard George Teague and Leroy Butler make the stop one thing they know about iron head is you have to get him you have to get him in the backfield you have to get penetration you can't let him square up because if he gets squares up and he gets started and he gets a runner if he is tough to bring down he doesn't look as big as he is he goes about 255 256 he doesn't look that big but he used to go to dining remember it was really pop that he said you take his hand in his stomach he said that's a lot to carry over your feet George back to throw quick stringing the Heil Brett Strickland and make the reception Strickland is right there we talked to the Packers yesterday they said the two things that they have to stop are the screen in the draw and they were worried about that there's iron head here he's coming out on a little screen and Fred Strickland is right there they are they were worried about this play it because fringe server says if you take away the screens and the drawers then you can handle the other stuff Reggie White moves to the outside on and of the Packer defensive line this is where we didn't he didn't think he'd be they run a star and George has to come out of the air deep to Metcalf Manette damn aside that's a pattern it's the same thing in Jeff George when he starts to scramble he's going to come to the outside that's not Matt cab that's Mathis I saw the one that's Terrance Mathis and you're going to see he's in the in the slide here he's coming right across in the bottom of the screen now you see him turn up right there he saw Jeff George at the moment that he saw him scramble or get outside to his right Terrence Masson just turns up the field scene that starts out as a roll left there's no one open Jeff George comes out here Taryn samantha's sees him comes out there and it's done he turns his press off the mingoes team as a gain of 55 he's tied up running at the line of scrimmage Gilbert Brown see the snow starting to fall now there's some other stuff coming in here Pat I don't know if this is fog or what remember that playoff game in Chicago the heels the knee and the Bears when they played that flock ball there's something else coming in here besides snow flurries I don't know when it starts looking gray and stuffs like that I don't know around in this place I'm not a weatherman set kidding hide and you can see stuff coming in though jay-j burden made the catch and and slipped down and I also know that if you're a packer defender that anytime Jeff George gets outside the containment you better run deep because all those Falcon receivers are running deep I'll tell you they got that play down well that's been that's been their best play in this first quarter that just about the only successful play George hits for the sidelines he's gonna let the first corner just expire Mathis who made the long reception and Metcalfe who scored the touchdown it's 14-7 Green Bay leads Atlanta after one 65 yards 55 yards those were the two scrambles six yards and -4 yards third and three at the Green Bay 13 yard line this is where I think the running shoot has problems not inside the 20 but in this short yardage type thing they squeeze the field down so you can't you can shoot but you can run as far jay-j Burton had it they only lost him he was working on Lenny McGill and this is that one that that spot spot fade where he's going to throw it to his back shoulder and he doesn't look and burden doesn't look and they throw it to his back shoulder you see he stars like he's gonna run a fade and then he's going to throw it short now they that's not an accident the Falcons practice on that I watch him practice on that pass one day for an hour just on that fade stop Anderson the field goal attempt exquisite morten andersen puts more points on the board for the falcons from 31 yards out Anderson's success makes it 14 to 10 Green Bay over Atlanta by the accent Elantra and Sonata from Hyundai's some of the best ideas on the road and by Hertz for business for pleasure nobody does it exactly like Hertz there was a little snow overnight here in Green Bay leave that for coming in that's outside there if that gets in here you wonder what's going to happen here because it looks like it's coming in right now Anderson's kickoff sales day it's hit hard at about the 33 kicking weather it looks like it you know anytime they say well it's not that cold or sunny you know blow knee cold is cold and cold affects the game makes the ball hey well yeah and the balls get hard and the balls get slick in there and they're tough to handle and then the footing gets hard and the footing gets slick and that stuff so yeah you're you got the Falcons playing the Packers but you also have both teams playing the elements brett favre on first and ten has three wide receivers Edgar Bennett deep far back to broad Aska mr. Shimura [Applause] do they have to work those cleats all the time because you know that that mud and again the only grass on this field is really in the middle of the field and then the sides are just all dirt see with a windchill it's 28 degrees and getting colder but here's a field here that all this stuff here is just dirt so then when that gets wet then that turns into mud then that gets in your cleats then you have to have a guy like chip it out of there so you can get your footing we go guys need your foot second and 10 at passes incomplete [Music] the Brooks that ones complete he doesn't get out of mouth so the clock continues to run that forecast you saw a minute ago was for flurries and fog that's the forecast it's here leave that this guy's a cold weather player and doesn't figure to have their 32 degrees or under he's undefeated he says he doesn't know why he says well maybe it's because I don't maybe because I got big hands maybe it's because he's from Kill Mississippi he doesn't know [Applause] the Mark Ingram who's cut down short a first down yardage that was third and looks like it might be about a half yard short now this is going to be an interesting call here and if it's not a first down in this situation - Packers are going to have to punt like home just just hoping they're yeah I know as a coach you're going you know don't don't leave it short don't leave it short don't shoot me one of those decisions I have to make yeah you get the idea you look at Mike Mike Holmgren he's a guy who appears to be enjoying his work he loves coaching he's enjoying it this year he's enjoying it all the time but he said that this has been his most fun year boy this is a tough one this is really tough you have to punt but it's only inches when it's right in front of that you know with a quarterback sneak you could probably get it but in in this game in this situation you have to do what Mike Holmgren just did there or is going to do here but you don't want to do that and you just wish that your receiver Ingram in that case had just gotten a couple more inches or known where that first down stick was we run his pattern the yard deeper it was only about a foot short and took place right in front of him and you know in most places if you didn't go for it as a coach you'd be booed roundly and loudly but here you don't hear anything this is special build a shrine or if there is a shrine to pro football to me it's right here Green Bay and Riggs kick makes it at the 20 take over at that point first and ten at their own 20 after a 37-yard punt by Henry the Green Bay Packer Hall of Fame and you look at see some great names sure Baddeley Willie wood you saw a minute ago it all began here in 1919 Vince Lombardi of course in 62 our o PL Curly Lambeau 1919 was when Curley first became involved with the Packers Vince Lombardi 59 through 67 yeah we played him when I was at Oakland and his last game that was Super Bowl - in Miami the Falcon Geste who was on that team now I could see why we why we lost when George going deep intended for Berta Manuel and again let's send you back to Hollywood and McDonald's game break and here's James Brown Pat here's one you know about this Lombardi's first NFL championship New Year's Eve 1961 that man Paul Hornung MVP in that contest with 19 points including this touchdown run in a rout of the Giants for the first title game ever in Green Bay back to Pat and John he had to say it was a round I played in that game then you said that was one of the longest plane ride all basket yesterday did you ever have a long plane ride home after a rout I sure did that [Applause] chase get Ritalin [Applause] in ketchup ass in this Atlanta offense and Lions got nothing out of that perception George Teague read that all the way the one thing that they're going to do is they're going to get on them and if they're going to throw that short thing in that dump thing they're gonna make them pay for it they want to put the quarterback on his back then they're going to have someone on all those short receivers the Green Bay defense is really played well today the only problem they've had is when they've lost containment let Jeff George get to the outside and let the receivers get deep Reggie White in the backer defense now the second man in from the top of that defensive line which the burden and burden appears to have a first down Leroy Butler now you just watch Reggie and he has that torn hamstring you watch him right here and he just can't push off of it and you watch the minute that he meets his contact there even though they do double him he just can't get a push on no strength in his left leg when Reggie when Reggie Wyatt is strong he would just take that guard and just put him right back in Jeff George's lap first and ten [Applause] good defensive play by Newsome and there's a heck of a play by the rookie Craig Newsome that's a throwback you know what they do is is in this running shoot the quarterback always role now here he's going to throw up here but he was rolling left on this time this was roll left then he's going to throw right to Byrd Emmanuel but Drake Newsome was with Emmanuel all the way an excellent play by the rookie and that's that's a tough one we'd like a free Shermer that was the one that he was worried about his head thrown back throw back and that's the thing that Jeff George can do rolling one way and throw back deep all the way across the field and that requires a strong arm [Applause] yours gets rid of intimate they have a screen time Metcalfe gets about seven yelling you want Jerry Metcalf in this offense you you just feel that this is the perfect offense for Eric Metcalf he was a guy who was a running back but as a running back was a great receiver and this is kind of what a slot is and to run and shoot he's kind of a half running back and half receiver and you can do things like this this is a running back play here it's a screen fascism's to give him the ball behind the line of scrimmage then that gives linemen get out in front of them one with them 33 Metcalfe says he doesn't have a complete grasp of it yet get the first down on his own Oh Sean Jones upset Sean Jones got in the backfield and Heyward got away from him John Jones had Heyward for about a four yard loss but I ain't had a so strong once Sean John he's going to get right back here and Heyward does something to him to get by him but watch him he's free they don't even block him well he was just too strong for him you're not gonna tackle Ironhead Heyward with one arm but they didn't even block Sean Jones wouldn't a flier head it just lost weight he's gotten control of his whole life everything is much better intended for Metcalfe bounced off of him the Packers almost intercepted as Butler [Applause] he just threw that ball behind Metcalfe and then it bounced off Metcalfe's hand Butler makes that die that's about as close to a tip interception as you can get you know John Jeff George hasn't been able to wear a helmet all week long and practice [Applause] you can hardly hear out of it and he sprained his neck and his job Sheik's away from one shakes away from a couple and gets a couple annoyed but fire the other thing about Ironhead hate where two is he loves to play yeah he's a tough guy who has fun and he'll hit you or you'll get him and he'll get up and smile yeah and if there's anything that really frustrates you see that smile right here yet anything that really frustrates you is when you give a guy your best shot and he laughs at it and iron kettle do that to you you just a joy to be around Jeff George down the middle apply the pass was complete to Metcalf but there's a penalty marker down it's going to be against Atlanta therefore Sean Jones is putting his hands up kid fake come on bring him back it's against a falcon was that was another throwback though that was that you run and shoot every plays a role that time Jeff George roll left row back offense number 70 10-yard penalty repeat the down third down Bob Whitfield is number 70 now watch Jeff George here this is a little roll here now if he throws to this side he's thrown to the side roll if he stops and drums back here he's throwing back away from the roll see him roll to the left here then pivot and turn and throw back so that's roll left throw right and that is the toughest one to defend is not ready a roll out of these sort of steps in that direction but they call it a roll yeah he just gets behind the guard they really want him out during that inside of the tackle if George the time this time firing deep good coverage it was intended for Bert Emanuel he knew something yeah the thing that you always do is you say let's work on the rookie deep now that's an old NFL rule forever but by the time a guy has played preseason 16 regular season games Craig Newsome who was the number one draft choice isn't it rookie anymore there's amity both back there good coverage yeah tee beep was closer to a manual but Newsom was closer to the ball was in ski back to buddy [Music] return this one it's lost in the fog tonio Freeman took makes the catch he got some Bremen is gone he can make some things happen and he jumps into the scene 41 yards 76 yard return by Antonio Freeman jumpin industry have to pack the teens understand Sonia Freeman a rookie from Virginia Tech Mike Hulbert is saying that this is a guy with speed this is a guy we have to get in the game this is a guy that can make things happen he's your dinner that boy he's going to get a wall to his left you see the wall right there the wall is the wall of Packers now the only guy left is going to be the punter right there and he just misses him [Applause] Mike Holmgren was saying this guy is gonna works this place in the slot one of these days [Applause] [Music] did they get the they got a good start right here and they just they just keep the outside guy from getting there then the wall form the extra point was not good so it's 20 to 10 [Music] get off bounces out of ass they'll bring it up to the 35 [Music] andrea is having a little tough time he was the holder on that missed extra point then he goes to to kick off and he kicks a ball out of bounds the extra point hold was juggled he couldn't get it down so the Packer lead is 10 20 to 10 the snap was a little bit high he juggled it on the way down and the attempt was never made Falkon ball at their own 40 I said 35 40 yard line that's what happens if you kick the ball out of bounds was a 35 chap was the bull band first attempt George Kunz after about a five yard gain let's dance presents kz is the guy who who punted that ball you see right there he was he was the last guy if there was going to be a tackle he was going to make the tackle he missed the tackle and ran into the pole second his or she's been a nose tackle anyway yeah since give those tackles George Pass complete to Metcalfe healthy enough for a falcon first down this is what you love it when you can watch football and you can see and breathe yo you got good football weather and when they get up and they have to pull the mud and stuff out of their helmet before the next play and they got mud on their Jersey now you're talking football and you got snow coming down it's like turning one of those glass things upside down around Christmas time seeing that snow come so what could you have in this first-gen Atlanta at the Green Bay 48 [Applause] gets away from one man and the Packers have a shot at it or scramble Falcons came up with it [Applause] as a flag on the play back at the line of scrimmage George was under pressure it's going to be against the packer yep and one thing about Jeff George he's a strong guy because you know they don't they bounce off him and he can stay alive number 93 five-yard penalty Gilbert Brown is 93 down second down first out because see Gilbert Brown is number 93 right in the middle here and he's going to grab a face mask as that arm comes down Jeff George he got by the house paint just got him right in the helmet in the facemask that Jeff George came out of that even then got away from a few other things and then he getting away from those few other things he fumbled and Robbie totebag jumped on it because of that facemask penalty they get the whole play again see here here he is right there there's those go around watch 93 you see grab the facemask right there Jeff George came out of that and ran right into Sean Jones it's a first down Atlanta back at the original line of scrimmage the 48 yard line Packard and George back to Fort Myers outside [Applause] dropped it on the ground and scoop it up quickly but it's incomplete thing about Jeff George he does move the ball around to in this offense I mean yo it's Emmanuel and it'll go to you know Bert and then it'll go to med cap go to Mathis you see I mean he just doesn't throw it to one guy that time to Packer slap and he did throw that ball whoa I think the thing today AB son Emmanuel is a defender on his side fell down and Jeff George gave him any kind of pass in that situation that could have been a big play for Atlanta second and ten three [Applause] Bigfoot's outside people [Applause] only with the bottle is really good that's the second one today remember the the early one he had it was a it was a tip here you see trips here yet one two three wide receivers and he is going to throw to this side Butler is number 36 he's just playing his own he's playing right out here he's playing the outside guy then he reads a guy coming in behind him reads the quarterback throw got a good move on it and just dropped the ball than Jen backers again show three men down two on the outside [Applause] the pocket good containment on that one fat they were trying to roll - Reggie side never and he's fired up now but they got the team Reggie and he kept his containment he's the outside guy and they're gonna roll the his side see his regimen he gets here Ironhead comes in here he just rides him right out in there and he darn near rides Jeff George right to silence him take on the double team keep containment keep containment get upfield make Jeff George throw it away a good play for Reggie white in that situation presents key back to Papa Bremen bunny dere was Mike prior prior signals fear cats it makes it 33-yard kick the punter is upset with himself [Music] game is or question who on the first ever NFC wild-card game question who won the first wild-card game [Applause] it's a defendant then it goes left for three or four yards you know what's interesting pad is the you know that the the Packer defense is is using nickel five defensive backs and sixty offensive back but Atlanta is doing the same thing against the Packers if you look they're using four defensive linemen they're using two linebackers and they're using five defensive backs so what they're doing is they're playing this pack or offense as a passing offense no matter what the formation Henderson by the yard shy of the first down stop by Kevin Ross that's the second big hit by Kevin Ross remember that time Nate earlier the deep the Packers had to go for they had to punt on fourth down when there were a couple inches short that was Kevin Ross that made that tackle to set up that situation and this time he made the tackle to stop Henderson about a yard shy of the first day the tough guy has always been a tough guy remember we played a Kansas City here at the corner here in Atlanta he's a strong safety but he was always a good pack one two tight ends [Music] [Applause] let's adapt to keep Jackson and Saxon we'll get a packer first down and about the 33-yard line Darryl Talley how in the heck did he get that ball over Chris Dolman because he was going to the same side as Chris Dolman and he was going to throw to Keith Jackson and Dolman was what was right in him he had to get that ball over and we threw him somehow just watch your ball here I watched Keith Dolman right there jump up and how did that ball got through her beyond keep the Dolman I have no idea like it went right between his fingers at least somebody had keith jackson out there but Dolman was between he and Jackson are such an Atlanta blitz picked up it's Brooks as could be another first down should be it was one of those zone blitzes there were crisp Dolman backed out again the Aflac trivia question who won the first-ever NFC wild-card game the Atlanta Falcons December 24th they beat Philadelphia by a point and did those Eagles ever look good yesterday well when you can say that you a lot of people thought Detroit was going to beat it but who would have fought by that score 31 points in the second quarter seven turnovers committed by Detroit Pass is deflected far looking in the middle to Bennett that's a big obstacle to throw over you know because he just collapses the puck I mean he just brings everything back at you see that's jumpy gathers her he was double-team but you know he just takes us the center and the guards that are blocking him and he'll just put him I once jumpa gathers right here he's double-teamed but he is so strong and he has so much leverage and he just pushes the two of them and as he pushes him he's six foot seven he gets into the right hand up wide receivers for the Packers yes the placards in Atlanta territory at their 45 Devon Bush made the stop on Edgar Bennett during today's football as West Coast offenses Mike Holmgren football you don't have to be a big running team but you have to run just enough to keep him off-balance and hear what he does is he gives them that look he gives them the four wide receivers so that spreads everyone out and then and then they take all the defense out so you only have five guys in that box so if you can get a helmet on those five guys there will always be a running area far hit the receiver right in the chest it was Dorsey Levens could hang on that was one of those deals for some coaches going to say hey catch a ball before you start to run Favre throws the ball as hard as anybody in the league it was like Robert Brooks says yesterday especially if he comes late you know if you're the first receiver you know it's not that he said if you're late and he's gonna come out you see how he looked to the left look the left now he's coming late to Lavin's and that ball is zipped in there but Lavin started to turn his head to the left to say he started to turn his head to make that move to start running second and ten again [Applause] the Packers read it and Edgar Bennett gets the Green Bay first down before you stop by Ron Davis you're talking about Metcalfe being the perfect back for the Atlanta offense Bennet is the perfect back for this office I know because you know he's a pretty good longer he's a real good receiver and he's a good runner you know he lost a little weight and he's quicker now is watching her practice the other day and he was running like this and practice and I said to myself I've never seen it you're Bennett just quit nine carries 68 yards one of the Packer touchdown his backfield coaches is Harry Sydney remember the old 49er special dean's guy [Music] [Applause] hey that's where really we were getting it really fires this one watch I think this wood comes outside arm like hillside armor the defenders during the Nissan national clearance we're teaching all our salespeople to say yes so just about anything they you want a Nissan Sentra or Altima with 0% financing with enthusiasm yes and let's say you also want zero down payment anyone zero payments till spring on any Nissan Sentra or Altima yeah and you want to take your time oh right the Nissan national clearance ends January 2nd put on your helmet you could win a Wilson football pool or even 1 million dollars you owe me yeah look it's 1st down and one of these six plays will score now gonna turn and around that's easy pick up your million-dollar play card were you by Bud but light and he's fine [Music] I got it even if you can't sing the bigmack song you can still get two for just 2 bucks the irresistible taste of McDonald's Big Mac 2 for two bucks for a limited time sing it say it or just ask for a Big Mac this Fox NFC wild-card special is brought to you by Nissan it's time to expect more from a car the frozen Fox River and Green Bay is that Tundra that was around the river yeah yeah because you always hear Green Bay and frozen tundra and I don't know what tundra is I think it's a field or something tundra comes from Russia desolate frozen is it before the treeline must be I think it's before a tree line you don't see any cactus in Canberra you're Bennett - about the 20 Ron Davis made the stop coming up the Dockers halftime report with JB Terry Howie and Jimmy first-half highlights and analysis the Colts and the Chargers play later today a preview of that game in an interview with Rodney Peete you have such a hot day yesterday is the Eagles advance in the playoffs for that big tree over the Lions a very impressive victory railroads and [Applause] first down Green Bay four wide receivers Bennett the lone setback [Music] far pump fake [Applause] the one that Brooks was talking about too far really throws live when he comes late and you see on that one he's going to come late because he's going to now he has great pass protection if you're gonna throw late look he pumps to the right he looks to the middle he runs to his left and throws to his left and he said when he holds the ball that task is as hard as Brett Favre's throws the ball Antonio Freeman does a heck of a job retention it really does you know I keeping both feet inbounds and doing all those things that are wide receiver has to do first and goal they're at the six motion bar he hit Chmura and the numbers hit him hard in the numbers and the ball bounced down that was coming late again yeah he's gonna throw fastball and Brett Farve did the pump before he went to Samira but she's gonna bring the ball he pumped it first and then he put the mustard on that one then they oh that's a perfect throw well he mark Segura has to catch that I don't care what that's all about like it knocked him backwards there's an injured Packer on the play one thing Brett Favre does have big hands and then that was normal speed there so you see you say he has to catch it he should catch it and all those things but you don't have a lot of time to think about it injured Packer player [Music] the timeouts been called [Music] not know people keep asking me how does it feel to be Steve Young frankly it hurts give me my advil nothing is showing me that works better on aching muscles or proven that it lasts longer that bills the one for sore muscles more doctors recommend Advil than any other pain relievers advil advance medicine for pain Aaron Taylor is the injured Packer player and he was he was blocking against jumpy gathers on that play you're gonna see jumpy gutters tried to give a Mack that that forklift his jumpy gathers right here here's Aaron Taylor they're blocking him here and Taylor says this guy is a tough guy to block you said I've seen a lot of guys better than me that he's lifted up you see how he lifts him up yeah he just bent Aaron Taylor's back and then bent both of his knees just buckled him but what he does is his jumpy gutters has that move where he gets his right hand in behind you and drabs your back and he pulls toward you and that will lift you up and then he starts walking you back and collapsing it and on that play he did all those things there and Taylor his knees just buckled underneath you know anyone that ever blocks any guard in this lake first Center were you always talking about who's the tough guy to block who's the best tackle they always tell you jumpy gathers and they [Music] every time you see a boat for an all-pro team or a Pro Bowl team you never see jumpy gathers there but you're right know anybody you talk to they pick him out because those guards don't have enough votes but if they had enough boats they would and Aaron Taylor knows that he's been talking about it all week and he said he's seen that move he said he knows that he's gonna get it and he said he knows he's gonna do it damn he's there because he I've seen him do it against guys that are a heck of a lot better than me they still down Aaron Taylor was having a pretty good year - he missed all his rookie year last year with an injury so this is really his first year and he had played well yesterday scores in the event you might have missed him Buffalo over Miami 3722 Marv levy what a heck of a job he's done and so is railroads at Philadelphia happened you know like you say Marv levy then a job that you can never you can never count the Buffalo Bills out know he's done a heck of a job this year but all his years there they're bringing the cart out for air and Taylor Aaron Taylor again was a number one draft choice remember a year ago injured his knee in a mini camp without all last year came back this year has been the starter all this year this looks like it might be well you don't even want to speculate but the way his knees were bent like it might be an injury to his knee with just the thing that he kind of got got bent and collapsed all the way [Applause] is right here this is where he is and you'll see again he just gets lifted and then after he's lifted and straightened up he just gets bent and you can see his back bends and both knees were bent I mean that's the strength and the power of jumpy gathers [Applause] Adam Kim ermine has taken his place he doesn't want to leave but he's also in pain [Music] there's no way he wants to grab there's no way that any player wants to leave a playoff game especially on a cart I've known him for a long time I watched him he's from De La Salle High School in Concord California he was a great high school player [Applause] darnelle old walker herded them out of bounds no game here we saw that shot at brett favre over in the sideline and after march Miura dropped that pass on him in the endzone all Brett Favre did was laugh so the only thing I could think that Brett Favre knows that there's a lot more where that one came from third and five [Applause] wide receivers just outside the five they are to throw up fake [Applause] tonio Freeman the intended receiver djay Johnson either defender and I think they're gonna call pass interference on DJ Johnson because he did get his hands on him you see I can see from here he got his hands around his middle before the ball was thrown big hand tack says it's against Atlanta holding defense prior to the pass will penalize half the distance to the goal line first down that's the big part of the penalty first down here it is right here and there's DJ Johnson right there and you'll see it right there you see him grab him right there around the waist that's where I got him in that and because it was grabbed around the waist before the ball was thrown then it's a holding penalty if that was while the ball was in the air it would be interference and the ball would be at the one-yard line first and goal at the [Applause] thrown quite as hard I think that's right Favre was smiling the first time like I said he knew there's more where that one came from and he was going to get it right back and not only did he get it back but he got it back to the same guy who had dropped it earlier [Music] [Applause] five you gotta love with my music football player my love's the game loves to play and he does play and it is a game but it is fun that he goes out there like he's out some part playing on New Year's Eve day I got the feeling that he loved to play that way too in the park any game yeah with no shoes yep eating some crawfish fun start offense prior to the snap number 93 five-yard penalty one try now in the heck in 93 have a false start that's big guilty around out and if you use that stuff up he probably just got it moving a little yeah I mean he weighed around 340 350 and you can to get it moving you just you'd like to stop it but but you can't get it stopped Chris Jackie will try to kick the action for Henry and Japanese extra point is good [Applause] that makes it 27 to Jim with less than a minute to play in the first half 49 seconds I don't care what it takes you get media are you ready help us born ready cowboy [Music] [Applause] dang if I had eleven men like that I could rule the world Pat Summerall John Madden back at Lambeau Field the Packers leading Atlanta by 17 there's Mark shamira fat on that on that touchdown to see he doesn't fake or anything he's just gonna run out he has a short guy in front of him Lavin's and he's the deep guy of the second guy Brett Favre closed a bootleg you see him fake the run then he bootlegs to his right the same way that shanira's going and as you say he didn't throw that pass as hard that was a nice soft touch Brett Favre passed there was Pro Bowl fight in March the Mira from Boston College kick-off bounces back to Eric Metcalf [Applause] Travis chirping the third tackle but he is made on special teams there's a fired up guy that Travis jury huh he was he was my Coleman was tell us about Travis Gervais that he wanted to buy a lion and my corset says you can't buy a lion he said yeah but it's a little wide lion the Lions do grow don't they that's what older and older Jeremy made a good play in practice and he congratulated him for it he said coach don't make a scene use pat dry the backside good go to me that's breaker to give him some conferences [Applause] [Applause] clock running with 33 seconds left before the half Lana has all three of their timeouts left and Lana's gonna have to get some of that stuff going where Jeff George breaks containment again and then throws deep because that's been their most successful thing George gets it outside the burden steps out of bounds that'll stop the clock with 15 seconds left Packers leading 27 to 10 first half the thing about this this running shoot they do have four receivers they they have them spread all over the field they're tough to cover and if you don't get a pass rush on Jeff George he's the type of guy that can come out and complete 15 in a row it's the Hayward Gregg Hayward stop by Wayne Simmonds sure about that one you would think that you would like to have gotten that you know a couple completed passes here and maybe take a shot I mean you have more than Anderson on your team no surprise that run that drop way they didn't take a couple of passing shots and try and get into position where Morten Andersen can take a shot before the half ends next weekend catch the excitement of the NFC divisional playoffs beginning Saturday when the 49ers take on either of the Packers of the Eagles coverage begins at 3:30 Eastern 12:30 Pacific then on Sunday the Cowboys battle either the Eagles or the Falcons coverage begins at noon Eastern 9 a.m. Pacific check your local listings for the game and times in your area [Music] if the Packers win they go to San Francisco [Music] you know one thing I do know is the the 49ers practice last week and the first I didn't know who they were going to play it could be Philadelphia it could be Detroit it could have been Green Bay but they chosen on Friday they practiced against Green Bay's plays so if they had a pick who they thought they were going to play they picked the Green Bay Packers if Atlanta wins we're going to Dallas leaving 2710 those charred [Applause] there wasn't if some was wrong with that pattern because they had to two guys in the same area I think you're gonna see the Eric Metcalf was in the same place there's here's Emmanuel that's that's who Jeff George throws to scramble but watch but watch Eric Metcalf 21 he runs in the same area so you got two receivers in the same area in the problem with that is it only takes one defender to defend two guys and the ball did hit the ground ball did hit the ground two seconds left 34 Jeff George has been having that problem especially flowing to his right where he's thrown low three or four times in this first half out of the shotgun with two seconds left it's took down jet George and the Packers hit for the locker room leading 27 to 10 Jeff George and his Falcon some work to do [Applause] [Music] Monday the stars of Melrose Place are showing up in the strangest places first it's in with the news and out with the olds marriage is over on Melrose Place then Stacy has a hot date with Thomas Calabro Monteria big slab of meat cake on Ned and Stacey then it's gonna be a wild New Year's Eve party we're gonna put our fingers Courtney thorne-smith guest stars on the kickoff returner about the 28th where he's not Shelly made the stop well excuse me John Glenn oh I was just saying Brett Favre was 16 out of 22 you see you've completed 10 to his wide receivers 3 to his tight ends and 3 to his running back and you know he spreads it out nine different receivers caught passes for the Packers in the first half first down Green Bay at their own 28 [Applause] bankers leading 27 channel that some role with John Madden this is Edgar Bennett this time stop by Chuck Smith it was Bennett the ball-carrier yeah big thing of that West Coast offense or San Francisco offense is number of passes if you put the line of scrimmage here and then ten yards number of passes thrown in that area and if you look you completed ten out of 16 and one TD in that 10 yard box most of the people you talk to say they're tired of hearing that term West Coast offense it's our here's far back to throw it which gun is to break down the middle to keep Jackson now that was two sides of strengthened by Brett Favre one the strength of his body by getting away from a rush because there was a rusher there and he got away from that net take some strength to do that to not go down and then the second was the strength of the arm and getting the ball to Keefe jack play magic what you see Clay Matthews is right there you see how strong he is he's able to move right through Clay Matthews that's the strength of his body and then of course the strength of his arm as the throw first attend Green Bay to tight end offense Ryan Massa Bennett the ball-carrier got a yard maybe no more with this Brett Favre or something I mean the way he he plays again I'll bet unit no matter what the game you know how as a kid you used to choose sides I bet he was either the guy who chose will be the captain or he was all his first guy chose first choice you know whatever you're playing I mean baseball basketball football marble marble pool hit the can I didn't go seek heat one foot off the gutter I bet you he was a guy he couldn't find [Applause] and offers again to Bennett who gets just a couple it's funny how you know this four-year thing that brett favre has been here for years Edgar Bennett has been here for years mark shamira has been here for years Robert Brooks has been here for years and Mike Holmgren has been here for years and that's a big part of their offense I mean that's that's you know the coach and these four important guys playing together for four years the real key scream pass coming in complete balance played it well Edgar Bennett was the intended receiver and a Hendrick comes on wouldn't a better first down anyone else you have to guard I think if you're Mike Holmgren don't you John I guess becoming too conservative or the at a point like this yeah and he's not the kind of coach that will become conservative yeah sometimes he may for a series or two but I don't think that he's going to be conservative with a 27 10 lead the rest of this half entering back to punt arithmetic man standing at the 20 which is excellent and to take over to 21 meant cat had no room a 38-yard punt a two-yard returned sure Moro is the man down to make this stop [Music] last year more than six million people got into a chevy truck this year it'll be even easier [Music] tomorrow policy diferentes energy in Joseon era the noble sauce well their economy today was Naaman was implementing your ass it'll carry me out Tom Hardy cafe sit no other razor shaves closer or with more comfort then Gillette sensor Excel no razor is better this Fox NFC wild-card special is brought to you by IBM solutions for a small planet by Chevrolet trucks the most dependable longest-lasting trucks on the road pepcid ac acid controller you could be heartburn free with new peps at AC and by beechwood aged Budweiser the gold medal-winning american premium lager at the 1995 Great American Beer Festival this Bud's for you [Music] you gotta have a snowmobile if you're in Green Bay temperature 34 degrees it feels colder than that wind negligible most unusual first and ten Atlanta at their own boy as soon as against the handoff Matt Labonte and Gilbert Brown grab the Norbert Brown got the penetration in there and if he gets penetration like that you aren't gonna be able to run the ball look at big Gilbert he's so proud of himself he's going from side to side on that one he that's what you do you can walk tall and then when you're really proud of yourself you can go side to side watch where he is 93 there it's just he just got the penetration he got old iron head here comes the bounty and everyone else he is big yeah but then you got that stuff going yeah I decide to see that that's when you really like yourself second down George the throat gets it outside [Applause] Manuel will get an Atlantic for Stannis to 35 Mike Pryor and him out of bounds you can look at Jeff George and and you see that the the Packer defense really did a good job on him of a mixing thing you know they sacked him three times they hurried him six times they knocked him down five times they forced him to scramble six times I don't know if forcing the scramble is a big thing to do to him but they really did harass him and mix them up with beverages and fronts and rushes that whole first half and you force him to scramble that can be dangerous right now they got that three-man line again you see the three line with three linebackers I got a blitz going George get rid of it tended for a manual incomplete [Applause] that's that's that's a tough thing you're when you when you have to draw and you have a linebacker hanging on you you're gonna see right here they got the three-man line and then the rusher here I think it's Freddie in fact they have two linebackers the first one comes and he gets free that was Wayne Simmonds then the second one Strickland was coming in behind him but they gave him three down linemen three stacked linebackers and then the Blitz two of the linebackers second and ten you saw George pointing saying who's got that guy madcap enough for ups down Atlanta Craig Newsome again made the stop 13-yard gain one thing with this run and shoot you know every every play is a role in you can see in the first half he rolled left nine times he rolled right 15 times now when he rolled left then he threw left three out of four and he threw roll left throw right three out of five first and ten Atlanta at their own 48 [Applause] mr. Craig Hayward and he gets nothing [Applause] hackers have defensed that very well and just to finish that thought you see you can roll left brought left and throw left and then roll left and throw back he did that three out of five and that's 138 yards were he rolled and then through bass then he could roll right and throw right here or he can roll right and throw left or backside so he was really the most effective when he threw the waste in the roll or to his backside second at ten this time i scrambling now he's looking [Applause] blade over the head of Terrence Mathis I'm sure that that's what the factors talked about at halftime is right there because Mike Pryor was was deep and he was with him that time and you're going to see the Falcons all come on now again George is looking looking now he scrambles now run deep you see Mathis run deep well Pryor has it now and Pryor was right there with him and the first half that was a touchdown and a big play for the Falcons and his hat was nothing Breyer just stayed deep yeah that's a sec Ward or keep getting deeper as he scrambles don't come up don't stop but keep getting death Shermer Packard offensive coordinator third down and I throw it backing up Terrance Mathis the intended receiver Reggie White's out there easy speed fired Nevada come on come on he was in there as an inside Russian that time Reggie White said he's never enjoyed a year or a place to play more than this Straczynski in to kick for Atlanta Pryor and Freeman deep whose eski hurt his leg in the first half but his banged upon it signals fair catch makes it at about the Packer 21 [Music] third quarter the Packers leading 27 to 10 coming up on HBO [Music] Oh Almighty the best part little caesars needs a celebrity no stuffed crust pizza combo they don't charge Allah so they can't afford a big name what do you say they don't charge a lot so they can't afford a big name you're perfect [Music] [Applause] [Music] Little Caesars large G stuffed crust pizza cheese stuffed crazy bread carried out just 99 or have it delivered every you've been holding back all year isn't about time you did something good for yourself like stopping by your chevy geo dealer during the hearing countdown and getting low 4.9 percent APR financing or an affordable smart lease on this fabulous chevy lumina it includes great features like standard dual airbags room for six adults and powerful v6 and that's just for starters don't put off till tomorrow what you can enjoy today Chevy's year-end countdown ends January 8 bogey-free o'clock space beyond tonight it's 76 central on Fox [Music] third quarter of the NFC wild-card game the Packers lead the Falcons by 17 Brett Farr sends Edgar Bennett in motion fires to his yes dance anymore get about eight DJ Johnson wrapped him up brett favre as that mufflon in front of him and he has like eight of those hand warmers in there you know those those things in fact I have two of them I lost Jack it off that's right behind you two of my answer they really work he puts eight of them in there and then sometimes would be rods and scrambles they just feel like as you see hand warmers falling out of his bunk second and two first down for McDonald's game break let's again send you back to James Brown in Hollywood all right Pat folks remember Bart Starr injuring his ribs being taken off in this game back in 65 here's a controversial field goal by Don Chandler that sent it to overtime looked as if it was no good led to a rule change lengthening the uprights by 10 feet and in overtime no controversy about this one that helped Green Bay advance to the NFL championship game at John back in Lambeau Field third and three Favre has just one back behind him Brooks the van in motion Bennett stop by Chris Dolman he will not get enough for a Packer first down they'll have to punt that was good hustle by Chris Dolman because he started on one side got all the way across here and got Bennett before he got that first down you're gonna see Chris Dolman he's gonna start off as a as a pass rusher he sees right down here then he started now the balls thrown instead of keep going after him he runs all the way through the field and makes that tackle before Benny gets a first down madcap back says get away from it and the Packer coverage unit is down another race to the 25 Chris Dolman 45-yard punt no return and Atlanta takes over Green Bay leading it 27 to 10 he's the guy that's starting for Reggie White at that left in Reggie comes in and out but Labonte has been playing more and he's been he's been getting in there but he's been around Jeff George he's been stopping some some run stuff and he's been he's been pretty active no part of it has been the four-man line a part of it is right here they just playing a three-man as you can see here they that good mixture against us George back to throw the three-man rice doesn't get them George gets it outside to Metcalfe who slipped down what you're talking about at the beginning of the game the middle of the field is pretty good yeah and it's it's the outside that is slick and you could tell it was going to be slick and and that is a big advantage to the Packers because it's their field now we see Reggie White come in we can see that he's lined up over the tight end twice over the tackle three times over the guards three times they said he would play about 15 plays he's played eight this would make nine he's lined up over the tackle this time in a four-man line [Applause] down changed by Reggie White can't run away hey that was a big play by Reggie because he read he did read direct Jeff George because Jeff George we talked about the whole game is more dangerous when he gets to the outside and he was trying to get to the outside here Reggie Jeff George is going to come back in trying get outside Reggie gets up the field and redirects Jeff George Alexis you see Reggie comes up here now get up the field gun to feel see right there that Jeff George had to turn around and go back and by that time he had no one to throw to no place to throw it and he was throwing it sideways anyway Antonio Freeman deep Rosinski will punt for the Atlanta Falcons [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the Falcons bait Shroff Ron George down to make the stop score remains 2710 Green Bay with 539 left to play in the third quarter water Budweiser game summary this summary brought to you by Budweiser as the Packers are ready to go Brett farm fires incomplete to finish the Budweiser's summary Favre is 19 out of 27 now two touchdowns Jeff George 14 out of 30 the 1 touchdown to Metcalf one interception Antonio Freeman has the 76 yard punt return for a touchdown Metcalf 65 yards from George scored the first touchdown of the game three wide receivers for Green Bay [Applause] Edgar Bennett dries the left side and picks up only a couple you know he has a tough job now is Adam Timmerman easy he's a right guard and they're the left guard and then it's taken Erin Taylor's place remember Taylor was was injured Timmerman himself as a rookie was a seventh round draft choice and he has to get in here and play and he has to play against jump togethers and then that's a tough play whether your that's not fun your run blocking or pass blocking and pass block and being much more difficult than run block four wide receivers he'll have to hand pass block on this play against jump together Ingram and the Packers will have to punt if George looks like a warrior there doesn't he was at Jersey and you know again you talked about how he was injured his neck jaw last week didn't practice all week with a helmet didn't put a helmet on until today Brian hear out of one ear Greg Hendrick thank you bye good kid Chase's pet camp all the way back to his own 16 there's no place for him to go he is down good coverage by the tankers mark Chmura who snaps the ball for funds again to make the stop again and Eric Metcalf isn't the same guy on this term as he is artificial turf enterprise to run a car company that picks you up presents great pickups this pass rusher wasn't chosen until the fourteenth round of the draft yet he went on to preach the gospel of quarterback destruction for 14 hall-of-fame seasons who is this great pickup enterprise hi I'm at the repair shop I need to rent a car sure we'll be right over this is great when you need to rent a car Enterprise will drive you to our place and get you on your way all at no extra charge pick Enterprise will pick you up [Music] David Deacon Jones gave his team a lift by knocking down quarterbacks twice honored as defensive player of the year Deacon was recently named to the NFL's all-time team Deacon Jones a pick up honey where's the remote just use the remote look with Magnavox you just push a button and the exclusive remote locator beeps telling you where it is at Maggie Lux we make technology people want thanks hun smart very smart at the beginning of the new year the world does be no end date movie back at Lambeau Field Atlanta's yards gained on first down the average 0.6 Green Bay 5.1 Havana struggling on first down this defense has a lot to do with that really stuff in that first down the shotgun is passes complete the JJ burden about five yards is all there one of the things with the run-and-shoot is you have to be able to get the full back and fall Ironhead Heyward has to be involved as a as a runner as a runner of a draw play and runner of screens and stuff and and Fritz Shurmur the defensive coordinator of the Packers caught that was the first thing that he had to take away and he has taken that away done an excellent job event that's fixed Sherman out of the shotgun wait glyphs complete to a manual that should be enough and is enough for an Atlanta first 350 left to go see now here you're gonna see zone and they just play off and they just let him manual just catch that little hook but I'm third down you really can't do that you see he just comes in underneath there's no one there and then if you're going to do that the first guy there Wayne Simmons in that case has to make the tackle clock running now three and a half minutes left in the third quarter Jeff George up under center this time back to throw and outside quickly to Emanuele he gets to the 40 do something we made the stop there's the guy it's had a good day Craig Newsome yeah and you know he's a rookie and he's one of those guys that you would think like we said earlier that you're going to go after but I'd like Craig Newsome friend remember we did a Packer game the second game of the season and I thought this guy is really going to be a corner because he's cocky he's confident and he has a bad memory has that whole package to the corner has that he's not a worrier second and four the manual for a first down you see what they're trying to do I think that a new servers are trying to get him up there because they're hitting underneath them they're hitting them a front see here's Newsome here now Emanuel is going to run right here short he's going to jump it and I'll bet you somewhere they're going to have a double move thing you see how he's anxious to get up there now because they've hit three passes in front of them and now is the time to run a slant and go a hook and go one of those kinds of things against neutral manual comes at the bottom of your picture to George's right [Applause] Metcalfe out of the slot stop by Leroy Butler he met camp on this surface is not quite the same bag Wow he's not you know he's the guy who you know should play on artificial turban in a dome and he's a heck of a lot quicker in this surface has really hurt Eric Metcalf today although you look at that he has six catches for 103 yards but that one was that big one on that scramble point now a 65 yard he's having trouble with those crossing things of after he catches his short one second and two Metcalfe not sure they have trips left this is Terrence mantis makes the reception on the short pass from George and he got hung up for a first down see George has been hitting on this on this Drive he's been hitting that you know that five-yard area from the line of scrimmage to five yards deep he hit three of them on the right side then that one on the left side because the Packers are really in a zone now and they're giving him at that area between the line of scrimmage and about 10 yards depth George is 6 out of 6 on this Drive [Applause] incomplete intended for Clark Craig Hayward George was hurried and Wayne Simmonds had good coverage on here at that time because they had been they've been loose in those zones and he'd been able to throw the ball to a manual and throw the ball to Metcalfe and throw the ball to the burden but on that one Wayne Simmons was tight on Ironhead Hayward makes it second at 10 35 seconds left to play in the third quarter like a show and bliss near the common halyard picks up the Blitzer men can't makes the reception from George stop by George T there's a guy who's played well today is George Teague I think that you know over the years the last few years of see if the Packers have had any trouble it's been up the middle you know it's been their their nose tackle their middle guys our middle linebacker in there and their safeties and George Teague but George Teague has been very active today he's been up there against the run he's been DP in fact that first pass he had an interception early in the first quarter George has already gone to the sidelines that's the end of the third quarter and at the end of three the Packers 27 Atlanta 10 beginning Saturday when the 49ers take on either the Packers or the Eagles coverage begins at 3:30 Eastern 12:30 Pacific then on Sunday the Cowboys battle either the Eagles or the Falcon depending upon who wins here coverage begins at noon Eastern 9 a.m. Pacific check your local listings for the game time in your area we're talking math now we're going to what we needed some good cheddar cheese heads and six pit down for the Falcons George semental incomplete good coverage JJ Burton the intended receiver and Lenny McGill there's a guy I think I think a fridge server was worried about a guy that he had to play today it was Lenny McGill I think McGill is a cover corner he was a free agent they thought if they're going to pick on someone it's going to be Lenny McGill but he's played pretty well and now I think the Falcons are going to go for it here in Dane and I think they have to win the fourth quarter now down twenty seven to ten they have to get something going here they have to get a sport here more than six George from the spread he has time he has his first down to Terrance Mathis oh did Leroy Butler give him way too much room I mean this is fourth down and you're gonna watch watch Butler is right here and again if you know it's fourth down you know that any completion when they get beyond this point here is going to be it first down he's zoning here and he just can't get up there I mean he was going back and zoning and by the time he's rented he couldn't get turned around so the field in that case helped the Atlanta Falcons and the offensive line help Jeff George they did a good job protecting on that fourth and six touchdown [Applause] we're talking about lending Magill when the guys that they were worried about that was Lenny McGill that got beat on that play and missed the tackle after that you can see his lend him a guilt right here here's burden here he's going to catch it he's going to beat him here then he's going to miss the tackle right here see all those lines that means miss tackle see him he catches a slant now that's okay bu got to make the tackle right there he misses the tackle burden has good strength for a little guy there and he runs through the target George was 9 out of 11 the touchdown pass to JJ Burton Anderson for the extra point and it's good as 27:17 the Packers up by 10 and burdened touchdown as he broke away from McGill planet by Honda who offers an impressive family of cars sport utility vehicles and minivans by Tylenol the pain reliever hospitals use most and by Miller life when you've got the great taste of high school Miller Lite life is good 27:10 the Packers Derby and freedom Freeman rather back deep I did that ice fishing once just to see I mean you know there has to be something more to it than this abundance man tonight for the hole in the ice [Music] fumble the kickoff [Applause] and gets it outside the 30 about the 31 we talked earlier than half about becoming too conservative and you said you didn't think Mike Holmgren was the kind of coach that would do that they laid by Jan the Packers and if they did become conservative they'd have to get out of it now I think I think part of the thing that makes you look conservative is when you don't get first down you know when you get mean you're still throwing the ball but but you're not throwing them and catching them four first downs and that's what's happening the factory first chapter on 32 times this far the throw wheels it outside they're too bad closed event failed a flag on the play but it's better than something is I mean he just looks like a different guy I remember when he was a fullback and you know it looked like he looked like the full-back and acted like a fullback and fought like a fullback then they moved him to tailback and now he acts and looks and moves like a tailback [Applause] you got more than enough for first down now the penalty marker is going to move it back illegal block on the offense number 80 watt 10-yard repeat the down low again there's more here's the here's the block right here for illegal block right there I mean if you're gonna be that illegal you shouldn't even do it I think it's food think so the ants think so there was a woofer yeah I think he went they hit him in the back and didn't hit him anywhere I mean they just two first downs in this second half I don't think he touched him at all oh no he threw Harry shot here at him but that's the thing Atlanta has seven first downs Green Bay only has two and that's why they look conservative because they're not getting first down first and eight dump set up forward to one of his linemen if he lucky if he doesn't get a flag here he did that a flag they didn't throw a flag and put the pressure on him you're gonna see Clay Matthews is coming good to see Jesse taco $58.00 see Jesse Tuggle and Matthews right they're both getting here at the same time and I don't know that there was any receiver there that he threw the ball I just saw lineman 2nd and 8th [Applause] maybe the official doctor one of those linemen was a pixel back [Music] is pushed to her first down here's something just looks quicker I mean I and I said that the other day watch practice on Friday watched him on Saturday and and and the way he moved and acted and reacted looked just like a different guy he's coming over for a little breather yeah you know he does have that ankle that we talked about then he has to have surgery after the season's over and I think that thing bothers them all the time but you know sometimes more than that I mean you go a few plays on it then you just have to get it straightened out get the parts back in order and then go back in and do it again receivers for Green Bay bar back to Joy tended for Dorsey Levens [Applause] Atlanta with good pressure on farm yeah by Chuck Smith Chuck Smith was right there on brett favre as he throws the ball here's Chuck Smith here and we're gonna see he's working whether you see he just turns a corner and just as Brett Favre was throwing that ball he grabs him from behind the shoulder pads that'll make it second and ten [Applause] their own 41 yard line [Applause] quickly to Jackson Jackson struggle [Applause] wrestle them out that'd be quickly because Chris Dolman that was a bootleg and they bootleg right into Crystal and watch dome and come here and this is where florrum is going and a farm doesn't get rid of that ball he's going to get hit right now by Dolman he's just throwing that one to get rid of it another one of those sidearm deliveries third and seven it had to be signage it's tough to make it bootleg into a guy that you're not walking it isn't going the other way [Applause] wide receivers for the Packers back to throw it's coming [Applause] maybe he's the other day and the third official the referee is going to come in you remember this is an all-star crew this crew has not worked together the past is real complete to join force out first a first down due to a force out here the can't act there's Morgan right there they said he's up in the air now these up in the air and that second foot doesn't get in now that should have been an incomplete pass that wasn't a fourth out he was up in the air but he wasn't forced out see that is up in the air one foot comes down the other foot doesn't come down DJ Johnson was the defender yeah that was a gift for the Packers there he didn't push him first hipster Bennet Bennett to about the 42 now we're talking about this officiating crew and what they do that as they great um the officials every week and then the officials with the best grades get the playoff games so this is black an all-star true this crew has not worked together and I that never made any sense to me I mean I I let you know that the best teams go as a team I think the best officiating teams ought to go as a team I don't think you should get in big games and have all-star crew but I've always live and that's an old thing that's been sitting up there in the back of my head seems like I've heard that before yeah yeah [Applause] 35 yard line play real late and it was thrown right at her all Dotson the right tackle over the Packers so that means it's going to be holding and I'm sure it's on number 72 as you say that was a late one against a run holding offense number 72 10-yard penalty all done we meet the down second down it had to be rolled Dotson because he threw the flag right had hurled Dotson again you see it's run he has him back here and he tackled him yeah he did tackling that Datsun in complain and that's why I didn't complain the only complaint he wouldn't happen is that wasn't a hole that was a tackle you could see why the flag was late yeah good tackle second down and 15 you don't have to do that on a run note to save your quarterback you have to but not on the running play you don't have to do with that Dorsey Levens gets to about the 46 securing a Braun Davis made the stop the Reggie White says that he's never enjoyed playing anywhere in his life more than he has Green Bay and he got you know that knee injury then he got the hamstring and he's still gonna have to have the hamstring operated on because the hamstring was torn right where it inserts you know at the knee and it's starting to roll up and he's just hoping it doesn't roll up too much so that he can finish this season this [Applause] that's a big play for the and that's a big play for it for Brett Favre in the Packers you wondered when he was going to go back to Brooks you gonna say Brooks is the outside guy here and he's just gonna run the the hook in here he just comes under control and then a missed tackle there make some moves gets up the field understands the field understands where Brett Favre is see if Favre looks in once he sees number 87 Oakland he's going to put everything on that one Mike Holmgren said is only concerned when the Sterling Sharpe didn't come back and Brooks was asked to fill that place was would he be durable enough and he certainly has been inside the 22 about the 1918 maybe we said that the Packers are going to go as far as Brett Favre will take him but hey he's getting a lot of help he's getting a lot of help from Brooke she's getting help from shimira and he's getting a heck of a lot of help from Edgar Bennett really I like the job this offensive line is doing to this offensive line of the the Packers are giving Favre some time now and they're giving Bennett some holes to run in and I'm Timmerman doing a good job as a replacement to was playing South Dakota State number seven Bennett the other thing about Bennett is he doesn't fumble and now that the packers that you see now they don't look conservative now because there's going to get first downs and they have the ball and one of the things that is tough was when the other team has the ball all the time and that's what Atlanta did on that last Drive and now the Packers got the ball back and they're doing the same thing to Atlanta keeping their offense off the field which is one of the things that they thought they had to do run the clock down as much as they could every time make some first downs 12th play of this Drive coming up gonna throw it [Applause] made the catch was not that about eighteen yards [Applause] what an effort but don't see weapons [Applause] [Music] they say he was pushed out of bounds and it appeared that that was the case [Applause] back for Ben at that time when your mom makes a great throw now there's one where he was knocked out about now see if you're up in the air when you're in the air both feet are inbounds as they are right there then you get hit and knocked out-of-bounds then that is good that's a touchdown the Dorsey Levens was in at tailback that time Henderson was the fullback that's a good call Hancock just does get it down the extra points good by Chris Jackie [Applause] bay leaves 3417 [Applause] hey very clever you are worthy [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] did you want regular or decaf regular or decaf well at least you know how to keep it from spilling the powerful accord v6 from hund possibly the world's easiest decision it's gonna be the biggest wildest party of the year and you're invited to New Year's Eve in Vegas tonight right here on Fox one says who's Dorsey Levens here playing halfback he's gonna come flat and then swing up Henderson goes on to play bass and I'd say if Brett Farve gives him a pump on the flat and then throws the swing of him he pumps and then he comes back and then he just throws a perfect throw the Dorsett Levin top is going to be handled by our met cab campus down just outside the 30 Terri Mickens made the stop 7:34 left away the Packers 34 to the Falcons 17 [Music] and France and Italy Austria and Germany Spain and the Netherlands ever really agree on a single currency actually they already have gold MasterCard it's accepted at more cash machines around the world than any other card look for your gold MasterCard invitation in the mail and apply today I can't believe this this happened to me I mean I did the car tires are gone in the battery the battery everybody goes for bed drinks and you can see them change if you calm them down you explain to them when maybe they were feeling in a position of powerlessness a great feeling when something happens to somebody else I want to give them I think that's what this is all about really being in good hands is the only place to be so how's your headache that's gone that was fast so the Tylenol I gave you worked even on your really tough headache tylenol worked great even on my tough headache so you were wrong I was wrong more than aspirin more than ibuprofen for headaches doctors recommend extra strength tylenol the most like a guy can admit he's wrong I'm wrong a lot next we can catch the excitement of the NFC divisional playoff beginning Saturday when the 49ers take on either the Packers or the Eagles coverage begins at 3:30 Eastern 12:30 Pacific then on Sunday the Cowboys battle either the Eagles of the Falcon because it dude ensued 9 a.m. Pacific check the local listings for the game [Applause] that play the 49ers you said they worked out against him against their plays George and the Mathis the end of the game John and I'll select a Miller light player of the game by the way the attendance today sixty thousand four hundred and fifty three a new playoff record at Lambeau Field Jeff George back to Thoreau [Applause] Metcalfe made the reception 3417 Packers leading okay the the Packer defense has really done a good job today of you know because when you play the run-and-shoot you play with a group of defensive players that haven't played together as a group all year and they're your base people time the whole game that's not usually how you play so they present a different offense for you that you never play again and you play with an entirely different group of defensive people and the Packers have made great adjustments and they the Falcons just had to take a timeout they'll have to laugh then [Music] there's no place on this team for a Deion Sanders [Music] [Applause] they're gonna be all over you like got pants on a cheerleader you ready I was born ready partner [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah might not approve of that do-rag or fancy footwear but you're a-okay with me back there nike presents this week in peewee football down by seven late in the fourth the Wildcats were stripped of everything except their will to strike back fueled by the fiery spirit of veteran quarterback Jimmy Peterson number seven fins off a pack of marauding jackals only to watch all playoff hopes come crashing down on the unforgiving Texas turn sure you've got a car [Music] got a dog [Music] even got some fun-loving friends but have you got what it takes to be a mountain man all it really takes to the two cool beers of the mountain-man new bush beard and the easy drinkin bush light so p.m. all you got to do is head for the mountains tomorrow the stars at Melrose Place are showing up in the strangest places Thomas collabro guest stars on Ned and Stacey Courtney thorne-smith is dropping by partners that's too special New Year's Eve epitopes tomorrow starting at 9:00 8:00 central on Fox - cheese tie oh yeah they got everything they got cheese head cheese pies cheese caps first and ten at their own forty eight for [Music] 4:17 George the Berta manual manual is out of bounds on the far sideline by Craig Newsome that's one thing that the Falcons are having success with is that screen pass to the outside receivers haven't had any any success with a screen pass tire net Hayward but they just throw it out here you see the receiver starts out then he comes back then the line comes out and they form the screen out on the sidelines and usually one of the big screens that have is fire net Hayward the Packers have stopped that all day that's the one they feared his George [Applause] intended for Terrence Mathis or a McDonald's game break let's again send you back to Hollywood James Brown he had a familiar wintry look at Lambeau Field for the championship game of the 1965 season didn't affect the footing of Paul Hornung at all as he goes around the famous Packers power sweep in route for the touchdown and the Packers third title in five years back to Lambeau Field Pat Summerall and John back second at ten Lana ball at Lambeau Field that goes all the way back to knowing you feel Vince Lombardi Paul Hornung an advantage to the Green Bay Packer [Applause] George's passed a Tyrone Brown is complete this Jeff George has an arm he really is just amazing amazing arm you know he's at the end of his contract too in fact it's his rookie contract he's in his sixth year when he came into the lake he signed a six-year contract and he's going to be a free agent after this season Falcons field they're gonna sign him again George back to throwing shovels it and iron head barrels down inside the 10 it'll be a first and goal from that point for Atlanta hey when when iron head gets his shovel pass and he starts rambling down the field he said something that he likes to get the open field and just run down the field like he's on a commercial so then he forgets it's just gonna be guys hit what do you mean they're commercial he said you know these guys just run down the field no one ever hits them so that's what I'm looking for I want it I want to just get a ball run down the field like a commercial and here he gets some he starts running down the field like a commercial but somebody hits him they're gonna start hitting him down now he knows he hit slide over he looked George Teague he looked George Teague up and Teague is down I mean he got that whole body underneath him and that's you know you're going to go backwards when Ironhead hayward does that in Jeff George has a team playoff record they're plated 343 yards this game is presented by authority of the National Football League is intended for the private use of our audience any rebroadcast or other use of this telecast without the express written consent of the Green Bay Packers and the National Football League is prohibited now when we were last week we were in Chicago yeah hey the sweat contest there's no there's no sweat I don't think when it gets I would like to see sweat but I don't think there's any out there not today I think it gets a certain degree and you can't sweat well they start steaming then having your dad at the linemen cuz I just you're gonna find it you're gonna find any offensive lineman Whitfield now even with anything George he could win the dirt contest that is nothing there I don't think I don't think there's anyone winning the sweat contest I don't if we have to wait for dirt dialysis well know good dirt content it's not bad I think Jeff George wins that today look at him you never want your quarterback to ever have any on his back not even deserve attention pants person goal flags on the play George just handed the ball to decant act remember last week we were talking to Danny abramowicz well start prior to the snap Dave Richards jumped Daniel Bramblett sees the special teams coach of the Bears last week and he said Ironhead Hayward is a toughest guy he's ever known in his life that stuff that's a lot of guy first and goal at the 13 now pocket into play Malthus was in the area today's game is being produced by Bob Steiner directed by sandy Grossman the Associate Director is rich Russo broadcast associates Mike Roy and Fran Morrison stage managers rich Nelson studio was produced by Scott Ackerson directed by Bob levy and the executive producers of Fox Sports are ed Doren and David Hill about all the other technical people and everything that are here today and this frozen tundra doing a great job out in the elements can't beat the elements George Stream fast to Hayward taken down at about the four that's a that's explain again iron head he's wearing a glove now iron head has a glove on the right hand nothing on the left hand I'm not sure exactly where that came from but he got something going there because he has that finger taped up in the left hand he probably couldn't fit the glove on there that little dirt coming out of his helmet Jeff George has some dirt on him where you don't want dirt on your quarterback golden goal the pass deflected he was aiming for the endzone knocked down by Simmons I believe ya Wayne Simmons looked like he was just standing on the line of scrimmage exam he wasn't rushing or anything he was just standing there and the ball front you see him he's right here he's just standing right there look what happened he jumped up and hit the ball with his right hand that's a tough thing about throwing knee you know that you have to get it you have to find lanes all the way not only at the line of scrimmage but even beyond the line of scrimmage and then into the second there's about three tiers that you have to find lanes to throw a ball in Falcons have decided to go for the field goal with Morton Anderson and they don't well they needed to scores and a field guide so they may as well go for it that was 22 yards from Anderson and it's Green Bay 34 Atlanta 20 with four minutes six seconds left to play dear - my wife's brake-light have been flashing on so we took the car to a repair shop they failed to properly inspect the brakes and solve the problem then we took the car to - rusted a proper inspection and told me Oh your brake pads are worn cause your master cylinder to use more brake foot and turn causing your life to go on then I got new pads and a guarantee I should complain to that repair shop but I wanted to congratulate you instead thank you Dave Buchanan back in Green Bay at Lambeau Field the Packers lead by two touchdowns 3420 [Music] largest crowd ever to see a playoff game here and they were here early they were here we got here like three hours early and they were here before us Atlanta has to set up for an onside kick now and you can see that the Packers are in an onside prevent other words they have their All Hands team in there Lauren Anderson of course has left footed so they're on that side he'll kick it to his right I would expect some kind of shift the way he's gonna kick there it is right there so they're all gonna go to his right here's all the Falcons over here that are going to cover it so he's going to kick it to that side [Music] to do that the guy [Applause] can come across and get the ball before it goes 10 yards the kicking team cannot touch it before it goes 10 yo because Wilson comes up with it but says it doesn't go 10 yards but the Packers come across and they get it now now had they fumble that ball and and the Falcons got it there then it would have been the Falcons wall but the Falcons can't recover it don't go beyond 10 yards or is touched by the receiving team so the Packers will take over first and 10 at the Atlanta 32 yard line and these fans are yelling charged bad they want more three wide reciever [Applause] about all the points scored this weekend in the playoffs is that to be some kind of record doesn't it I'm sure you get this a home team is average 43 points visiting team 26 I'm glad they're gonna be a record that has to be a wildcard record or maybe yeah San Diego has to play later and that won't be I don't believe a high scoring game Annapolis in San Diego I don't know where that came from these things brought yeah what do they call brats right where's big ol brats go to Green Bay you want big old brats chocolates I guess they belong here looks like he's big old brats he's at that cheese too long I think yeah if you if you wear your cheese on your head too long your face turns green that's something wrong with the guy with the cheese in sugar free wearing dark glasses you got patch of green face then it's getting very close to a postseason record flag on the play close to playing a great game he made one of the great moves that I've ever seen in my life yesterday personally yes [Applause] there's hope melena here's Matt Millen right there who works with us at Fox and he's working on the radio now but he had a fur coat and he wore this fur coat was a beaver coat and Edgar Bennett says he wanted his beaver coat so he came on the bus and Matt Millen inventor Bennett his beaver coat [Applause] gave Matt Millen his Green Bay Packer jacket but the coat that Matt Millen was just wearing a moment ago is your coat well that's my coat I may never get that thing that's a but Edgar Bennett made the best move of getting the Freak up a free beaver coat you may wind up the loser oh no I will never see God better see that Jack the Tangela that I most guard they're made to stop you know it happened in front of us and we saw the whole thing you I really liked that beaver coat I really like this and then look what he does the next day I'm in a hundred and six yards that's a new team playoff record and look at the guys that had the record before that Jim Taylor and Paul Hornung shared the record Edgar Bennett just broke now when you break a record of Paul Hornung and Jim Taylor you have done something these guys are in the ring on these guys are all time Packer great that was some backfield tandem give in it again inside the ten about da tempers are flaring frustration starting to set in you know we talk about you know playoffs and the finality of it and the Falcons are starting to realize or realize that this is their last game when two minutes and 40 seconds go down their season is over and everything they've gone through in every hope they've had to go on is going to be over now the Packers on the other side they know that they're going on and they're gonna play the 49ers in San Francisco next Saturday which means of course that the Eagles will play Dallas next Sunday [Applause] ban it again [Music] they were so fired up yesterday we dark iron had the whole group this group this Falcon group really did feel confident coming in here is it too late well they had the feeling that no one gave him a chance except them two minutes left [Music] [Music] [Music] somebody pinch me face it no other razor shaves closer with more comfort then Gillette sensor Excel no razor is better it could be the fastest way to earn miles on most major US airlines since the invention of the jet rent-a-car from Alamo in January and you can earn up to three times the miles you normally earn when you rent from Alamo or up to four times when you use your American Express car so for a faster way to a free ticket just ask Alan oil and start earning up to four times as many miles there won't be a faster way to earn them until they start building faster planes back at Lambeau fields it is cold but the celebration has begun and our Miller light player of the game is Edgar Bennett is not only swapped Matt melon out of a fur coat he's played an outstanding game yard field goal attempt by Jackie is good and the Packers increased their lead with less than two minutes left I'll on a day that the Packers came in here and you had to win a big game at Gerber's Edgar Bennett is our Miller light player of the game you knew that they were going to be able to throw the ball because the Falcons were xxx in past defense the even think was going to be a big running game and this guy here Edgar Bennett had a great running game this guy here had a great game too and a great season Brett Favre was watching TV last night as that Ervin was all over every every every stage that was there because all the Packers at curfew at 10 o'clock the Falcons were in bed and the only one they could get to talk was urban farmer he must be a quarter all over the place Brett and Reggie a match is that matin or Madden made in heaven though I mean those are those are the guys Reggie will say that that it's not it's not his team there's Brett speak he did say that yesterday he said he wants everyone to know that well it's his team to Edgar Bennett ok he made he was making move do I said flighty I was watching him practice and he moves so well and then I watched the movie made on the bus yesterday get me Matt Millen Bieber coke that's mostly made today you may be the play of the week Bennett we went to Florida State went to high school in Jacksonville you won't need the fur coat but I don't think you'll get rid of it they're good we get fierce old serenade we talk about the Falcons and you know they were nine and seven this year got in here and just wanted to get here you know get to dance and then and then get some wins here and go on but the finality you know hit you that there are a couple hours ago you were thinking of you know being in a plan maybe maybe going to a championship game maybe going to a Super Bowl game and now you're going home what's that statistic about a dome team a team that plays in the dome [Applause] outdoors relate Bendel's Super Bowl Burt Emmanuel was intended receiving a playoff fact is the last dome team to win outdoors with Houston way back in 1986 and there's something to that I mean I could just tell the way the Packers felt about this field before the game and the way the Falcons felt you know to obtain his shoes and slippery in this and that and Colton the whole thing that that part of the falcons were beaten before this game ever started second down we still throwing that pass is incomplete to Berta Manuel the frozen tundra we talked about it earlier it wasn't frozen today well that same must have either been made very quickly or somebody had what we were talking about in mind well you know this this place is so refreshing now I think when you see or hear all these teams moving and you know the thing that's been going on in Cleveland and just knowing that the Green Bay Packers are in Green Bay the planet Lambeau Field always have played in Green Bay and always will play gonna stay here that's because they're not owned by an individual they owned owned by the people of Green Bay share a stock in a barber shop bird yeah any place in town you and you and you drive down here and it's just a little town and that you know in the homes and the people out in front you know that mean there's there's something pure about that you know you you say to yourself yet now you're talking this is this is what it's supposed to be this is how it all started and that is Green Bay no then we that have been in this all our life this is this is our roof [Applause] first down has to scramble out of the picked off by the Packers intended for manual duck Evans came up for the interception hackers get out prepare for San Francisco I think they've been preparing for San Francisco for a long time because you know Mike Holmgren who's done such a great job here with his Green Bay Packer Dean where he was an assistant in San Francisco he's from San Francisco playing high school football so healthy this will be a homecoming for my phone this place is rockin now I think they're saying goodbye and thank you to the Packers for this year there was a chance they could play another game both Dallas and San Francisco weren't Lou then the championship game would be here but I don't think anyone is left to stay in power body when they know that this is here exactly team and they're going to enjoy every moment of it even the people who have standing Romer still standing [Applause] and Lana just took their last time out [Applause] you know there's no greater feeling I mean you get in to a playoff situation and you're only going to be able to enjoy it tonight because tomorrow or maybe even start tonight you start thinking about the 49ers there you're happy you get to go on I didn't [Applause] Louis and his brother Bert ow got out before it froze on him something like that could hit you then freeze right on your head get a freezeout out there but here they come they're getting together oh okay they got them pretty good they get hot when dad is back someone is in his right here watch and he goes for his right ear what kind of he grabs her right here now that is cold today well he got some of his mustache too because then what happens you get the wet and then went freezing then you get like icicles hanging off you I think these fans would just like to sit here the rest of the night and so they just might do that [Applause] a great job Michael [Applause] what a leader Reggie white spend [Applause] what a quarterback Brett Favre is been and let's now go down to Pam Oliver who has Edgar Bennett excellent job for you on today tell me how you ever spend that Falcon statements that way I just thank God you not give our friends a golfer bless me today and office of mine did a great job of blocking little blonde eyes off the bottom just tried to have to make the right ruse and dynamo shines that good setting a team playoff record - hey on a great day home and Lambeau it was snowing cold thank God you put a lot of preparation into your Christmas and tell me about that and are you seeing the benefits out that now I went out tears on it we're friends Schroeder on this by summer to get better as far for my speed and quickness and I think on there really helped me out I think on there's nothing to help me out down the stretch as far as accelerate and trying to hit the holes I know Matt Millen gave you a very hideous coat to where I'm you're gonna wear that thing home absolutely a great coat once again it I think because it's a real nice coat thanks a lot good luck again San Francisco all right Pam thank you very much so for John mad man tam Oliver I'm Pat Summerall saying so long from Lambeau Field where the final score was the Packers 37 Atlanta 20 be sure to stay tuned for the postgame report James Brown Terry Bradshaw Howie Long and Jimmie Johnson will be along from our Hollywood studio with a look ahead to next week's games you've been watching Fox Sports coverage at the National
Channel: Bart Simpson
Views: 19,764
Rating: 4.7714286 out of 5
Id: cg0xm4qmuSo
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Length: 156min 18sec (9378 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 06 2019
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