1995 #1 Nebraska @ #10 Kansas No Huddle

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deep for kids this would be a song dismissed number six and June Henley number 20 the game is on 90 in a row they played in brown as usual is not fit beyond the playing field Shirley's starting lineup max and receivers feature number one for the Kansas Jayhawks Isaac bird he's a burner he's a big play man and they're going to need some today this is June Hitler he's been a very steady tough performer for the Jayhawks the offensive front for Kansas has to step up they've simply got to give their quarterback and their running back some time to pick and you can often see one has got to take care the defensive line afternoon the defensive front seven for Nebraska all good the feeder brothers inside the defensive ends but the man who flies around like a madman is Terrell Carly came out of junior college and that's like too strong to be true [Applause] Williams gets his pass away this wide open it's the tide in Timor and once again in June Italy is a single back on first down at the 48 yard line he asked the wallets a couple the art the defensive backs for the Cornhuskers anchored by Tony veal in the former quarterback at free safety who sets him up back there but the cover man and the real tough guy is number eight Tyrone Williams Wicky Big Eight newcomer of the year 93 he's a quality player second down Isak bird and he's going to have another Kansas first down and they're very unpredictable will you [Applause] Hedley hospital day offs number 10 good LT Levine third date number 79 throws the ball away it'll be fourth down and eight and they're out of the shotgun [Applause] he's got pretty good protection throw the ball hard Tommy Frazier the senior graduating in four years right on schedule is that he did before asking great field position stop this series right raise you're going down the line on the option play burns up filled with it and he has picked him down by dick hope backs and receivers for the Nebraska Cornhuskers Ahman Green the running back true freshmen number 30 needs three yards to reach a thousand yards rushing for this season second down and eight from the 35 here goes behind the line of scrimmage pounding in there is Beth McCoy Vasa the Cornhuskers as Fraser goes to the shotgun as all day to throw delivers the ball to the receiver but it is short of the first down [Music] hitches away it's a good high one going up into the slight breeze One Bowl and Nebraska's covered the ball is going toward the end zone edge it gets away from the Mitch touchdown Cornhuskers [Applause] Metro [Applause] [Applause] so at 9:15 to go to the first quarter special team [Music] kicking game always figures in the outcome simulator that's two yards deep in the end zone for Smith a Sunday Times a crack [Applause] before he art-line san 20 it's June Henley and LG Levine in the backfield behind Mark Williams close it off close the barrel cut by Levine will be as the ball is up the 49-yard the Cornhuskers levine the single back against the wall goes his way for the first down and first down for the Jayhawks Levine the single back williams little stand-up Campos Jose Friday joins born a double tied in alignment I was handed inside he is a senior third down and two [Applause] the that way is pummeled and taste all the way back here midfield nap is high and fast but he got it out of there and I'll see about the world it's finally gonna take a little Kansas bounce and go inside is anchored by Aaron Graham that a mere 275 pounds like my Aaron Taylor at 3:05 Aaron Taylor and grant pancake box the flat from the platoon the season the ball for a couple of yard he's to scope out the thousand yards Keith Watchers leads the defensive front for the Kansas Jayhawks he's a 210 pound and he use aggressive out of the shotgun there's a penalty flag use check false start offense Dorian brew is the cover man mo Gaddy is the big hitter back there who who takes the top receiver and generally does a pretty good job with that goes Tommy Fraser look at throws to the sideline the pass is caught by number five [Applause] this bluffing get to the line of scrimmage but his third down well here's me getting to the 30-yard line on that carry morrow here on ABC Sports now it is third down and nine pass complete the Fed row see if he gets a little gun-shy this time spinning [Applause] there Tex this time I have a long way to go you're giving the ball on or about the 50-yard line and shut it they're gonna put points on each and every time Brown did they call him down or do they call it fumble and all that bumble you don't beat Nebraska helping them now they have put the beleaguered and much celebrated Lawrence Phillips on the field but he does not get the call here Jeff makovicka called second down [Applause] about six Frasier keeps it he's tough are you kidding me that's your quarterback doing that on first and goal from the one raise your kids it'll be second I don't think anybody's going to take anything away from Fraser I mean they got me two four six forty you saw how athletic he is he just continues to work part said he's never played better and he can actually read defense they just called him a touchdown as the unstacked and down at the bottom they found he was over the goal line and we'll be back down offsides against campus they'll take the point and make it a 14 to nothing no press believe [Music] Elite 14 to nothing though of two turnovers by Kansas this is the Shante Smith 1500 what's the bounce outside can't get loosens take them down do you have it on the minivan hit the fibula Laettner buster here's that shorts lint fast is going to work for about six yards to a Shante Smith second down and two with June he'll be the single back and he's got the ball I owe that's a leader first passes the first path Mark Williams goes to his back Levine he's got something on the phone [Music] now generally that has come when it hasn't mattered so much on first down that is granted to Lavine kake's we tackle picks up about five yards on the carry that is the end of the first quarter of play with the Nebraska Cornhuskers number one in the nation leading Kansas 14 nothing do the 35 36 yard line goes Jun Henley teen domestic 3rd and 2 that's good for the first down as Isaac Byrd made the catch Kansas ball first down LT Levine single back now the ball is near the foofy of Nebraska Jay use Bukit pretty well they throw it out to the back Levine Levine is knocked out of bounds at the 31 yard line now it is second down and one into the middle those LT Levine the 210 pound senior Henley is your single back now [Applause] William steps out himself now he has to pull it down and take off and does and the youngster from Congo bonia gets down to the 10-yard line all started the hospital defense swells up a little bit they're now looking at second down and 13 [Applause] Williams is back has a little time down the middle it goes who Isaac bird and bird we'll get down to the six yard line third and goal from the 6 Williams has a man in the end zone doesn't see it he had his tiny in Tim Moore wide open he Jeff McCord sophomore out of the spit Texas the Texans have a corner on the 50 all over the country you find them old is good the kick is good so at 11:23 to go in the first half of clay Jayhawks get on the scoreboard Nebraska leads 14 to 3 [Music] Nebraska's only picked up 34 yards rushing so far in this ball game remember they came into this game averaging 426 balls bouncing around the house McCord's gift is quite short picked up and about line by Damon Benning Brook bérenger is the quarterback for the rascal rages got on the field the Cornhuskers leading last ball praise your little gimpy the tale backyard so far today Phillips is minus 1 and green plus 2 inside however there seems to be a little daylight for the full-back Jeff makovicka [Applause] Fraser look at it going on it's very good back into the traffic so drip berenguer six-foot-four having that much size to haul around negates somewhat your agility that's sex on the ground it's a live ball it's recovered by Kansas number 41 dick oh so it's a lateral Asbury there is him trying to deliver the ball back wall did not reach the target and Tom Osborne warned everybody coming in it's hard and Lawrence Williams on the run throws incomplete out of half a second down and 10 LT Levine the single back Marc Williams looks he's got his tight in hiding down there again can't get it to him as the shunned a Smith makes the grab he got four wideouts now go at the top two at the bottom of the picture pressure coming passes away [Applause] on his hip loses his out of bounds well short over his head and the rest is in business first down at the Kansas 23 yard line Ralston grasscutter picked it up and screwed on that one Tommy Frazier is back [Applause] play inside with Lawrence Phillips and the you and Frasier looks around second down and six and comes this way Phillips caries gets a couple of yards happy birthday everywhere and the years Tommy Frazier looking around he's got all day to throw it finally does throw complete the Sheldon Jackson and dr. Frazier sets him up [Applause] raise it back into the middle is cool Jayhawks Jam the middle Mike anklets troops it's been Kansas now Mark Williams a little quick slant good after the 25 bird to a Sunday Smith is the DFAC as the law [Applause] traffic closer to the first down at about the 27 yard line that widened recruiter though UCLA monitor but then he got hurt missing the season laid back he went to the Apple Valley junior college in the amount of your Kansas at 238 years Williams now 13 of 18 for a hundred and twenty yards he's throwing again he's got a man that's Isaac bird and he's got the first down caught it Nebraska leading 14 to 3 and all out of turnovers a mistakes Kansas at ball pins of the intended receiver and Kansas gives Nebraska a hard time they quickly in first place moon comes up it seems to be the way it works these days mass has completed LT Levine and he has about four yard it is third down and five did he catch it he got it as he back away there's a little bit of a delayed action out of the backfield as they work out of the shotgun low beams back there right now whiteouts Williams looking around Froese he's got him and Smith can't hold it he might have had a touchdown a third down and nine all on the Nebraska 44 pressure coming pass away passes complete good for a first down the June Hindley talked with him this week Williams passes away to the tight end and he's taking down at the 33 Jim Moore LT Levine the single back and finally possesses it now that the 31 yard line he's still in the backfield on third down and six and it's another completion it's another first down inside the 20 yard line to June Hindley josè Friday the white man to the right side the other way [Music] the breasts the interception pointless football 22 yard line 14 plays intercept that's a will breaker the Nebraska Cornhuskers take over first down [Applause] he could beat back right now maybe phrases going through it it is incomplete it is intercepted ricochet watch the pass is not a well-thrown past it's actually behind it now watch caddy 24 see if he gets under it that is a catch that's an interception interception he should have gotten credit for it yep he intercepted the world he was clearly under the law absolutely that is a terrible break he rolled over in the back judge good to see it because his body blacked it out nonetheless what John has done is what the penalty is a smash five more yards for the Jayhawks make another mistake Paul at 37 phrase your back airing it out down the middle is close behind - it was there but I stay here under the blocking on the corners of green that'll take care of a thousand yards the Huskers go to the shotgun give it to the up man green fumble the football Candace man has it in his arms and the Jayhawks have recovered [Applause] June Hindley is deep this is a new alignment Williams back the throw has some time gets it a little side good [Applause] Smith Welty Levine the big man Williams what [Music] get it off down the middle the pass is completed - Jose Friday keep no timeouts left to keep over the middle you have to go to the outside now he pumps it into the ground I need about 10 more yards P they have no time outs to get him only that 11 seconds to fool with and Daddy go Box Tops penalty personal foul 39-yard field goal try he kicked one today for the line teen yards he's 2 out of 4 from this distance this year holder is that Johnny Rock has one out you believe that time remaining that's not correct I didn't hear him blow the whistle put it back in play did he [Applause] the rest was leaving the field but he's got a whistle besides antigen leaving you can't end they can't end the half like that the officials seem confused I don't think you can end the handful of penalties number he didn't back in and they're gonna fall with the ham Oh Kansas got some bad calls in that course tastes funny I think we need to explain an explanation of that now Lynn Swann is talking to them so they are getting it from Steve use check and we'll pass that information on to you the Russell and now three two one the half is over there was no visible sign clearly made but the whistle did sound crazy way to end the half and good Glen Mason had gotten a break yet not yet his ball club trailing by 11 points will kick it off to Nebraska at the goal line it's Damon Benning on the return to the 25 to the 35 for the 43 for Nebraska and a third quarter they're tough remember that they hand it off inside the Jayhawks more Becca Becca Daedalus he was having a great season here's the option play the pitch back to Amman green so couple of tackle up to you Kansas has stopped itself alright the Cornhuskers from the first down at the Kansas 40 yard line Tommie Frazier looking around he's got all day to throw it wilted and the pass is completed ooh cluster Johnson been devastating in the third this is green over the left side he spiked as he gets to about the 20 yard line on second down and six the ball on the Kansas 20-yard line Tommy Frazier makes it keeps it looks down the middle left to go to the 5-yard line [Applause] Fraser still got it pumps it into the end zone it's matted away and it is incomplete Fraser down the line of the option hit at the five drags to the one-yard line he experienced old in the one [Applause] cuts down Gershon Jackson number 34 gets the touchdown [Applause] though the tight end slips into the corner of the endzone it's good 42 touchdowns by passing breaks david holmes nebraska school record Memorial Stadium my Brown a little short at about the 9 yard line at Smith [Applause] [Music] got feet tangled up he's taking over corner for rod woods and he's going on a lot of receivers to cover on Monday night Williams passed out of the backfield LT Levine [Music] [Applause] right of the way Rhonda Smith underneath the coverage as he turns up feeling about the 38 the beam the single back [Applause] all yards don't care although Jason bench presses 455 pounds on second and seven the passes looped to the sidelines June Hindley with little slant pass works again bird first down Nebraska 41 yard-line and Levine the deep pan in the backfield Williams gets it off that should have been tested therefore June Henley second down and ten from the 41 [Applause] nothing left big trophy about them they're down in 10 Williams Bennett hurry up that's an incomplete forward pass [Applause] wants to kill this one deep tinier catching and he gets away from him gets away from him quite quite they knock it out of there put it down at about face ball is on the 6 for the first snap [Applause] and the Jayhawks jump all over em on greed second down and eight they got to again third down and three [Applause] Fraser when the option keeps it first down and more Tommy Frazier what about deadlines and you can sort of just pick a guy who got her swath 21 three in the Baskerville eating raise it grunts back to throw look deep but there's nobody out there in football off to Lawrence Phillips they've got a hundred sixty-six guys they dressed for practice key this is where at school [Applause] is perception [Music] picked off by Moe Getty back he comes till a 41 yard line [Applause] absolutely lost over here Jose flight eight tied in me hit the ground of the well at first down just outside LT Levine will lose back to about the 25 as all Americans hold in Kansas funds by maksim out of the way makes the play mark williams his sack loses the football and it looks like the Jayhawks may have kept it as Jared Smith but the last trip they made here in Lawrence at 2120 game not very many goodies affect them to the Jay off today Williams as hit as he throws and the ball goes right to the Cornhuskers Phil Allis number 41 whispers come on over 40 worse down Lawrence Phillips the iPad Russell Whitfield first down don't give him the first time the yard short I know you like Tommy Fraser [Applause] do it [Music] [Applause] facematch inadvertent five yards who's at Hammonds first down at the 14 yard line [Applause] philipson who goes to the five are close to it and they're 34 season oops up the middle touchdown Kansas defense is wearing up and the score builds to twenty seven to three that will hold hips [Applause] 404 to go third quarter Nebraska has scored 21 points off Kansas turnovers here's Lynn Swann Chris Brown gets it off [Applause] it was very short it's a from this back to the first way [Applause] between this Williams lets it fly he's got bird up there and he can't come up with it the coverage by Michael Booker [Applause] ashes thrown to the sidelines the other way and it's bird the intended receiver [Applause] the suit from the backside [Applause] way around I'll be all sized or up the kicker don't let the ball hit the ground don't clip [Applause] and they do they handle it that too hype : [Applause] oh the mere fact that he caught the ball puts it up somewhere around the 40-yard line well we'll hope better believe the kids played very well [Applause] where's our soldier bad patch [Applause] that's a completed pass down to about the 48 yard line that Custer Johnson before they after the bell x-1 up like he's put an exclamation point on his season but Tommy Frazier on the other hand when he would now and runs for another Nebraska first down 37 a couple of yards well it may be a little heartbreak involved there too you know right fortune ladies same button the button you had a chance to see him he will miss the championship game next week though because it's both young wonderful inside the Lawrence Phillips and the third quarter is over so we'll be back after the third quarter break after this and a word from our ABC stations [Applause] Fraser down [Applause] is inside the 10 first angola bresca he can tired people first and goal from about the seven Fraser pitches back to child he dribbles it down to the five and covers it laser will keep it touch them [Applause] 13:46 to play in the ballgame and it's now 35 the three Nebraska psychic background June Hindley back in the endzone we'll put a knee down he delivers those papers early morning he made sure everybody that house was working Marc Williams is in trouble gets away from it froze up field a Friday Friday is not about first down up to 31 we closed loading complete Eric van get up at once the dirted blue though is there to tell it got enough antifreeze in Wow vo football really coming back puts on the snap to the punish someone to get to the way on the rug and that about the 35-yard brook Barringer back in there at quarterback [Music] thirty five to three ball game that's John Petrov breaking no it is not it is Clinton child pull back Brian Shuster some starters back from injury who have missed the entire season I keep running the ball for Nebraska it's back to payment pinning losing the ball being a tailback now it doesn't give me much of a return the up the averaging but he knocks that mean all the way to the end zone we just rotation on a night spin then roots now is into the ballgame for Kansas at quarterback he's a junior out of Oklahoma City first two years of its collegiate football career at Nebraska they got game up there five or 1461 yards and says hey waves is playing well right now passes away passes completed it is Lavigne and its first down stay with the game as Levine you know it's 25 area van and then the way to the 45 of the Nebraska low center of gravity all has handed off again the man runs into a stack ashes thrown outside again it is completely shot they spent touchdown Kansas other miss come back home again it is in my Eric van is the single back down he's got the ball inside the 20 to the 19 [Music] intercepted it's a footrace birds touch game it takes birth is in the expo [Applause] [Music] older John federal never came up with it clean that's 27 points now rascal can just turn over 41 degree Rhett's left kicks off the mistress 7 yard line Smith searching around for daylight system this is as good as there has ever been LT Levine is a tough runner he's compressible Achilles all just outside the 35 yard line forty one two three and Eric man on second down beam Eric Galbraith is in there now [Applause] carrying here's the pass to high attend Exeter Sunday Smith from and they've done for that today this fight in the middle of certainly we take it is third down and nine whoops throws nice pass clock by Isaac bird and bird is held up just short of his first downs without Weddington both down they go forward with Eric van carrying the ball and it does not appear from the March that he made it so here the Huskers operating with Clinton child's at tailback and over on the far side the muscle home section at the end is all red this is Joel makovicka in there at fullback miss Nebraska has coordinator 60% of the strives this year talk about efficiency this is child and that'll be a first down associate director Bruce Clark production manager Robbie Weiss technical operations to fund the front statistician Dave Bernsen spotter Carberry here on the corner is Damon binning Matt is now in at quarterback for Nebraska here is another one of the youngsters that stepped up a year ago when Tommy Frazier was injured and guys can I run [Applause] this is bidding the spin will get him a first down for Kansas Mark Williams 27 of 45 242 yards two interceptions unfortunately in celebrating its 25th year of NCAA sponsorship Chevrolet will donate $1,000 Nebraska in this victory touches academic Cornhuskers win by a score of 40 1 2 3 continue undefeated their 23rd consecutive victory near the standings of the big 8 conference now the Kansas State in the number
Channel: SteelBuck 6
Views: 14,751
Rating: 4.8275862 out of 5
Id: MuwNjdIlpLM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 50sec (2270 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 04 2019
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