1992 U.S. Open (Final Round): Tom Kite Breaks Through at Pebble Beach | Full Broadcast

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[Music] ABC Sports and the United States Golf Association proudly present the final round of the 1992 United States Open golf championship [Music] Pebble Beach ever since we arrived early in the week the sky has been a flat Battleship Gray the sea at times as still is a pawn and the golf course itself after lying in wait for days snapped its jaws on the world's greatest golfers yesterday however within the last half hour there's been a big change the sun has come out the first time we've seen it here all week long with that the wind has come up so it's going to be a beautiful afternoon for us that a very testing afternoon for the golfers in the final round actually as the final round got over underway this morning in other ways it suddenly seemed like the final round of every U.S open there was that feeling of anticipation in the air who will win can Morgan hold on the crowd actually began to fill the grandstand well a long time ago at about 8 30 this morning hours before the first golfers would arrive there [Music] they are now well good afternoon I'm Jim McKay and it heads at long last come to this more than 6 200 golfers tried to qualify for this year's championship after local and sectional qualifiers have been established and the exempt players had been invited 156 people came to Pebble Beach to play 66 made the cut after the second round and now the remarkable thing is not how few are left with a chance to win on this Father's Day Sunday but how many as play began this morning 27 were within five Strokes of the lead and certainly any one of them couldn't this afternoon however the man on the spot still is Gil Morgan the doc as he is called because of his diploma from the Southern College of Optometry he squatted a seven-shot lead yesterday then had the grit to Birdie the last hole and beat regain the lead by a single stroke so for more on that story we're going to bring in my abc colleague Brent Musburger you know it's the 27th U.S open for ABC Sports and that was one of the stranger rounds of golf we've seen here in all that time it certainly was Jim but isn't it lovely to see the sunshine the curtain goes that the great lady is ready and perhaps Jim Indiana Jones could have warned Dr Gil Morgan because just as the Augusta National features famous Amen Corner Pebble Beach will forever be known now is the course that slaps you around with the Cliffs of Doom an innocent Dr Gil Morgan met the cliffs after his tee shot at the Magnificent eighth hole from the top you peer across that deep Chasm at a small landing area Morgan took a six and the great ladies smiled The Cliffs then continue alongside two more treacherous par fours the March is three quarters of a mile long and for Dr Gil Morgan it seemed like a lifetime yesterday he gave back five shots in three holes and now those haunting Cliffs of Doom await their next unsuspect victim the graphic tells the story of those three holes in this tournament 140 over par at the eighth 155 at the ninth and 84 more at the 10th Curtis Strange today was 300 through seven he bogeyed 8-9 Jay Don Blake was four under through seven and today Jim he bogeyed eight and ten I'll tell you it's going to be tough there's no question about that of course uh what you showed of Gil Morgan was yesterday today is a different story and things have begun to happen already let's take a look at Ray Floyd for example this is the man who six years ago became the oldest ever to win the U.S open he's lost that title since to hail Irwin but he birdied the first two holes today was in trouble on the third and almost holed out his Bunker show shot tap that in for a party still two under he's within two shots of the lead Jim by Paul azinger off early he has birdied two and three this is at the third hole he is now through four azinger at two under oh okay so here is where the way they stand right now Gil Morgan by a single stroke as he was of course he hasn't started his round yet over Tom Kite Ian woznum Mark Brooks none of them have started this yet neither has Nick Faldo however Ray Floyd threw five holes is as we said two under par within two strokes of the lead and Paul azinger after four holes is also two under par Joey sindelar hasn't started uh Tom Lehman two under Craig Stadler there Gary Hallberg still standing by Payne Stewart the defender at one under only three shots off the lead Jeff slowman former PGA champion after three holes has gotten to one under and there is Scott Simpson always a danger in the last round of the U.S open well Steve Melnick has seen all of this and the danger is the word in the last round of any U.S open isn't it there's nothing like it no there isn't Jim in fact this is an amazing leaderboard I can't remember more players who genuinely have a legitimate shot to win this Championship as Jim said at the beginning of the day there were nearly 30 golfers still in contention for those who have won major titles it's an opportunity to add to their greatness for the rest it may be their single most important round of golf now let's take a look at our pairings Masters title who can handle the heat he is paired with our leader Gil Morgan if Gill can overcome the Demons of yesterday's round and go back to his old trusted swing he should be there at the Finish and here we are on the first Fairway with Nick paldo of Britain far for hold Nick has 169 yards back to the hole it's just 150 though the front edge and the wind is coming at his back there's a look at the first hole the course starts off somewhat quietly with this Par Four then it's supposedly easy far far in the second one all right right whatever you said go right and you see why going off the back in an area that's been mowed quite close to allow shipping to come back into the game not to have that real deep rough around every College Ray Floyd now 200 for the day here's his fourth shot on the six which is a par five hole he's got to get it up and down [Music] okay he's got to make that boy the par Bob rosberg with Gil Morgan Gil even though he didn't have the greatest of days yesterday you still drove and putted well and those two ingredients really help in an open course I would think your confidence should still be up well sure Rossi I I think uh you know I feel pretty good about my game overall I've played pretty well all week especially you know TD green had a few obviously follow-ups yesterday but you know the wind's going to be a factory today and I think it's going to be very critical just uh just the whole round today would be pretty tough won't do anything different than he did the first three days well as far as basic strategies you know I think you know obviously there'll be some other things as far as ball control with the wind and everything I think we're gonna have to look at that a little bit harder than we we have in the last three days but basically I'm you know my same strategy is probably going to apply oh best of luck Gil now let's go to Mark Rolfing with Ian woosnam all right who's here about 10 minutes away from your first tee shot here any particular thoughts well I think uh today is going to be a very patient day because the wind's getting up quite strong now and it's going to dry the greens out even more and it's just going to be just try and play into the sort of below the pin as much as possible and just be uh just be calm you started out birdie eagle yesterday I know you think it's important to get out to a fast start here at Pebble Beach good I'd like to have that started today but uh you know if I could start parability I'd be really happy with that uh you know just to get to one under part after three holes or something like that I'd be happy all right good luck today thank you very much sir thanks now the defender Payne Stewart at the second hole he's gotten it to one under three shots off the lead and this is for a birdie second the par five many of them can reach this in two so the par will keep want to hear is Ray Floyd not making that bar at the sixth hole spinning off the corner so it'll be a bogey that'll drop him to one under again thank you here we are on the First Tee with Mark Brooks young Texan 31 year old touring Pro this is a one iron off the First Tee headed toward the right side of the Fairway markwell Lane will be with that group until the early part of the course in the exit the other ball saw there was Tom Kite playing with him today dunk height at 42 one more money than any player in the history of the game but still looking for that first major right oh oh it's good to get off that First Tee no matter who you are and that was a good one let's bring in now Peter Alice who will be my companion and commentary here for the next hour and a half or so Peter good to see you as always thank you Jim and it's going to be I think a splendid afternoon's play this first hole 373 yards the wind coming in off the sea the sun's come out the wind is driving the incoming tide up against the cliffs and from this sort of sheltered position with the lodge and the houses all on the right hand side the start looks fairly simple one thing to remember here the greens are very small they average out at about three three and a half 3 900 square feet it's a tight course in and out of the buildings and the trees and then suddenly out into the open air and Ballesteros here made it a good start but in trouble at the fifth this is the part three well that wasn't too shabby he's in trouble no more I think he might have put a bit of chewing gum on the ball before he played that one it's going to be a very difficult day the wind as I say is brisk and strong the rough is that poor lazing has made a good start but he really is into you've got to just maneuver it round the course onto the Fairway try not to three Pat and I think the winner is going to definitely win today although some people will miss shots Drop shots have their own particularly gold particular golfing disasters but I think today we will see this Championship one gym take a look at the USGA course setup the way they've done it here the fairways are 35 yards average that's a little bit wider than they normally are in the U.S open intermediate rough two inches today so you can you know you can usually get a club head behind that that's not too bad even you and I could probably do that see that's all right but the uh the other one the primary rough four to five inches depending on where you are and someone was saying that who played today that it's clumpier that you get even worse slides them before and that it's dried out a bit this was yesterday with Gil Morgan for example and Fred Couples you can see how tough it is but apparently the ball is going down further into it today as for the greens well they try to get them to measure 10 and a half feet on the stimp meter so-called because a Mr stimpson invented it uh which gives you an idea of the speed of the greens there it is if you see the little brownish tinge there that's because these grains are a poinua grass tends to look that way now Tom Kite he's got exactly 150 yards back to the flag the pins cut in the right hand corner today at number one and with the wind coming off the water it's coming from the right this will be a very tough pin placement to get at they filed apart the first hole so he's in two under Two Shots Out of The League this is an eight iron he'll need to land it on the front part of the green because he won't be able to make it spin coming out of the rough good shot there okay we're on the Green now here's Gary Hallberg up on the second hole we mentioned earlier that a lot of these drivers players can get on this green on part five holding two well he's done that so this is for an eagle a lot of the pins are up front today apparently too Peter we'll get to that later huh well I think I think it really is a day for just finding the green today it's easier said than done but that's got to be the game plan and Hope three but that would have put Gary Harbor in a tie for the lead but to tap in birdie put him to three under a shot now Mark Brooks he got a little unlucky here his ball rolled right up against the first cut of rough so even though it's in the Fairway the rock is gonna affect the shot 146 yards yeah that's all right you see where the flag is today very tight on the right hand side of the green as they come up the winds from that side from the bunker side so anyone who's going to fire at the pins today is taking an awful lot of risk tremendous risk here's Raymond at the seventh shortest hole in major championship golf playing at 112 today that's a seven iron and the hole is playing extremely difficult here today A lot of wind oh a player like Ray foot hitting a seven iron 112 yards downhill he'd normally be hitting him very easy wedge right four five six amazing his third good punch up and over the hill and leaves it out catches the trouble and every one of these holes is going to have its own personal problems today the rough is high that the weather forecast was as per the last few days rather dull and heavy and suddenly a bit of Breeze has come up clear the clouds away and it's made the course well it had teeth before now it's got fangs inches long well here's your man Faldo Peter he's been lurking all week long and is well positioned right now well he chipped very close at the first hole made it an easy paw and now he has 239 yards back to the hole in this par five he only wants to carry the ball though about 210 or 215 the way the wind's blowing probably a three iron and he's pulled it a little stuff remember four to five inches in that cut of the rough we're going to move back now again to The First Tee it's time for the next group to go off nearing the end of the starters Ron Reed ladies and gentlemen this is the final pairing of the United States Open championship the referee is Mr Stuart block of Wheeling West Virginia Mr Block is president of the United States Golf Association [Applause] the reg Murphy of Baltimore Maryland Mr Murphy is Vice President of USGA the special Observer is Mr Joe Carr of Dublin England Ireland excuse me [Applause] an ancient Golf Club of Saint Andrews Scotland oh for those of you watching Ireland and England take it easy England and Gil Morgan of Edmond Oklahoma [Applause] Mr wisdom has the honor play away please well Peter it's a long list there's a quote from Ian woosman first 67 holes trying to get yourself to three or four of the bar ends that try to hold them on that's certainly the story today easier said than done seems pretty reasonable and uh Wales is not in England I'm sure there are those of you thank geography there is England Ireland Scotland and Wales thank you very much foreign together all the way today well he's a good player in the wind and he has power too so that's two things in his favor his cutting stroke gets a bit suspect when the greens get a bit slippery and shiny so there'll be so many games to watch today so many players to watch including this man still in with a great chance of victory you're going to see some gorgeous pictures today from the Goodyear blimp overhead from all our cameras around the course on all 18 holes [Music] [Applause] well a good start for the good doctor words of encouragement to heard from the gallery [Applause] back up on the green of the first hole this is Tom Kite for a birdie this is an extremely fast putt down the hill downgrade [Music] who's never won a major is tied for the lead in the U.S open Nick Faldo of Britain looking at a birdie putt on the second hole the par five he went for the green and two caught the rock but came up to here with his third shot what's up that'll be a par putt Gil Morgan that was from 165. downwind even downwind came up quite short Ian wozman has the same distance it was uh very closest to who was away has a little better angle than Jill had coming from the left-hand side of the Fairway wind a little out of the right but almost solid behind the players yeah it is pretty strong even on the first hole here which is England right it's it's blowing definitely harder on the Inland holes and I've seen it all week all right hold your line hold up the far distant corner of the green you know Bob rosberg is out on the fair the way with them played this course first when he was 14 years old he shot 68. he knows of course here's Russia as is always the case at the U.S opened tee shots are very important and that will be the case here at Pebble Beach the fairways are firm and the ball can easily bounce off into the heavy roof the outgoing nine a wonderful combination of four Inland holes and five along the water the front nine is the easier the two nines and one of the shortest the pros will play all year at 3284 yards the driver will not come into play very often except at the par fives now for some specific tee shots let's go to our colleagues on the golf course first to Mark Rolfing at the third hole number three is the first real difficult tee shot of the round the USGA has installed a new tee for the championship this year and it's added just enough length to the hole to change this shot dramatically there's a huge dip sometimes called a Barranca that crosses the Fairway and meanders down the entire left-hand side of the hitting area the tee shot here has to carry some 230 yards to get over that Barranca and that means most of the players in the field are going to have to hit a driver off this tee additionally number three is the only real dog leg left at Pebble Beach now let's move forward to Judy Rankin at number seven this is the shortest hole in major championship golf the par 3 7th measures at 107 yards this week playing from an elevated tee though it can play even shorter than that it's a small well-bunkered green that perches farther out into Carmel Bay than any other point on this golf course and if and when the wind comes up it not only plays havoc with the golf ball but also with the Players Club Choice there can be anything from a sand wedge to a mid-iron but in the event that it is a wedge it's not an easy hole a birdie becomes imperative when you're facing the tough par fours ahead now let's go to Jerry paid at the ninth the ninth hole 464 yards is the longest par four here at Pebble Beach but it's not necessarily a driver for these competitors the player has two options he can either take a long iron and try to lay the ball up on top of the hill with a flat lie leaving himself a two or three yarn to a very very difficult green or he can take his driver and try to drive the ball over the hill leaving himself a short or a middle iron but the most difficult part about that is he has a severe downhill lie tough thing on number nine is to make the decision do you hit the driver or do you hit the iron now back to Gil Morgan on the first hole from 45 feet the leader but now joints leader with Tom Kite yeah that was a good cut from such long range he can just get that little Putt in that that's a good nerve steadying opening hole nice tee shot on the green two flaps that'll be all right back up ahead is that beautiful the famous second shot at the eighth hole hitting over the Waters of Carmel Bay Raymond hit a perfect Raymond hit a perfect tee shot has an eight iron from 167 yards and the wind is really whiffing out here to make somewhere between 25 to 30 miles an hour that's got to get up now you heard Ray say oh no and Carrie you don't want to be long here though that's all right in the bucker or short of the green okay read himself too happy about it we're going to go back now to little woozie five feet four inches tall this man is and he can drive the ball 300 yards how does he do that it was in spot is about 35 feet break some of it is right [Music] that's not the opening fact that he wanted everything will be all right and the wound will heal if he can nudge the next one in but before yeah now Tom Kate drove into the left rough on the second hole so this would be his third shot laid it out to this point 140 yards for Tom Kite third shot after a very poor drive here at number two had to lay it up short of the parade trying to knock down an eight iron into the limb get through today yep earlier on the same hole this is Mark Brooks the sweaters are disappearing 251 yards back to the flag of three wood with the ground conditions as they are very good playing indeed now back to the first hole give Morgan's full car he would be the oldest U.S opening championship 45 years that's one car secured well actually Wilson has already putted I believe and this was it the tester to start with foreign [Applause] did look a bit bumpy by the way we'll be checking that various Halls Nick Faldo well he lost his T-shirt a little bit to the right as the wind came left is left in a much longer shot into the screen almost 170 yards into the wind the flag stick in the front and let me tell you the front half of this green the target looks very small it's been one of the hardest Greens on the golf course this week look how far up front that bike stick is Peter you don't want to be above the hole when most of these cars I'm sure certainly done and I think I think the uh the sudden wind and the velocity of the wind May of may have pulled out the officials here because yesterday I thought was watering on that slightly big unfair and today uh well we'll have to wait and see but um this is very difficult you just say he's going to hit a three or four round or something like that to a very small town maybe today for pitching at 30 yards short and just sort of letting the ball fiddle then we may see him to use style of gold the British Seaside guy well I'm gonna guess it was a four or five iron but he's hit it way right Peter got that on the bunker anyway it's better than being in the four or five inch rough alongside the boat it's known as small solace great Floyd [ __ ] today remember Raymond really got a bad break this ball did not go into the bunker yeah absolutely had no shot almost looked like someone had stepped on his ball he called for a decision and they decided that it was not embedded looked like it had run into the bunker but it didn't hung up on the edge there right Joey Cinderella we haven't seen him yet he's 200. well he started with a bogey he made a 25-30 of two this is 107 137 yard shot he really hit the perfect tee shot [Applause] fourth shot and a most difficult shot it is has to push it up along this Ridge here is a park by hole bad kick off the side reasonable cut through a car 502 yards this second home and again you've got the rather tram line effect of the Fairway line down the left-hand side which looks a bit tame I think although the rough is certainly not tame and then up they go the problem of course as usual with the things that are finding the Fairway and then this bunker probably under these conditions catches the poor old handicapped the flare more than the golfers of this caliber the again a smallish green bunkers left and right but it's been playing fairly easy 10 Eagles easiest hole on the course just happens to be the length of the hole and the way the wind has been on the direction of the wind today has made that the case but uh so you'd have been plenty of sixes Mark Brooks has an eagle attempt now this putt for Mark Brooks at the second green is going to be a very fast one second shot ran all the way to the back of the green and he now has about 35 feet I'll tell you he's putted very well all week long one of the best Putters year round on the PGA tour but particularly this week certainly a Pebble Beach under these open conditions the putting very important they're playing very well all winter and all spring thing I like about Brooks is he's a very consistent putter over the first three rounds he had 26 putts on Thursday 27 Friday and 26 yesterday he makes a lot of these we saw him make two long cuts for pars yesterday at the end of his round where they gave him a lot of momentum I know going into today I take it the oranges for the University of Texas parate Texans here you would think they'd do well in the wind today all right that's for the birdie so right now Faldo at the third now this must be very difficult Judy it is he's got the downhill slope Peter even though the ball sits nicely [Applause] if it was difficult to see but everyone 's difficult here today Ray Floyd running for another bogie now remembered six okay but for a fast start but uh back again now Tom Kite needing this for a par on the easiest Hall statistically on the golf course the second down you know that was a confidence but now Mark Brooks can try to believe I think you're pretty fast yeah there's going to be a lot of touring and praying today and oh it would it's an impossible task to pick the winner it's quite impossible Towing and throwing and you might get someone we're in the middle of the field come through hold a couple of putts chip in over the closing Hills and Center targets that they can't match only two players out of 22 24 players in and uh only two scores under 17-71 the Mark Brooks goes for four under and ties to the lead in the U.S open say China had a 17 his first match out this morning Nick price so it's kite Brooks and Morgan tied for the lead but there are only a stroke ahead of Ian woznum Gary Hallberg you see it Nick Faldo at 200 Joyce cindelar is two under those are the leader Paul azinger lurking there with Jeff slumen and Tom Lehman and Craig Stadler now quebecia McNulty Albert all of these people very very much in the fight at this point Morgan he has 226 yards win straight out of the right wants to carry it about 215 . I got for that tree with that but he's got the rough for us we know it's windy out there is it getting quite warm or is it still kind of chilly well no it's nice and warm it's a temperature-wise it's a perfect day yeah it's nice for you roving reporters going to be the fourth hole Gary Hallberg second the better kick that was a winner Gary hallberg's game had shown not very much this season in the PGA Tour and suddenly he just seems to put it all together this week woozy that was from 224. he's lost it to the right too much whether they seem to be losing it both right and left there Rossi they're just not figuring the win right or as well both with irons to the green you'd think one of them at least would have would have put it on yeah [Applause] but on they trudge long way to go Faldo needing that for a Parr whoops that was on tape now the bogey foot Supply all right but Nick drops to one under three shots on the third the wind right in his face right now here at number three [Applause] I would say so foreign [Applause] [Music] didn't take a great kick for him man also while we were away we take a look at the in wisdom's shot this was a tremendously difficult shot downwind out of the bunker to try to land it just short of the green but it carried on the downslope oh boy you don't have to see players of that caliber missing uh getting close to The Home Fire as much as that sound coach second or the circle 113 yards he's trying to knock it down here well he did a little short well that wind is coming right into their face here a good 25 miles an hour right now it's gonna make a lot of difference today up on the fourth floor we have Gary paulberg now he could uh tie for the lead with a very long putt but it would time for the week [Music] not that way that way it means as we said running at about 10 and a half feet on the step meter that's very fast in woosing them now [Applause] it doesn't want to three fight this uh you know the power would be okay we'll have that then for the par he was hoping for a 30 or eagle now Gary Hallberg part three damaged his side rubber on both difficult hell list to judge today Jim with this wind is stronger than it is swirling through the trees uh very hard to get the right Club selection but the wind and the sun if anything are going to dry out these greens and make them even faster now at the fourth hole about them the wind whipping across this hole from right to left 125 yards back to the hole if he tries to hold the ball into the wind at all he really hasn't hit a lot of Clubs it's going to be very very difficult today these are the supposedly easier holes on the front line wait till the back by the sea no game over there [Applause] he's right in the middle too thank you fourth hole the second shot of Joey Cinderella he's just two shots out of the lead just a couple yards made Eagle at this hole yesterday knocked it in from the Fairway on the parkway yeah that's absolutely right they're not supposed to do that here that's right okay let's move back now to the third hole third shot of Tom pipe Ian woosman did make his part he's chosen to put this ball from off the green and did it well it was a good one he wanted the boy getting the ball up in the air and he gone okay so Tom [ __ ] will remain at four under and a tie for the lead with Mark Brooks of Texas and Gil Morgan of Oklahoma two Texans and an Oklahoma and a Welshman there a year in woosman Gary paulberg Joey sindelar Nick Faldo at one under shape up here but gosh so still so many people who could win this sluming and Layman and Stanley Cup quebecia Montgomery of Scotland playing very well up ahead Peter right losing them at the Third I'll get down at all right there I'm surprised a number of eyes watching that nobody gave any warning for those boys perhaps it's like the Cobra and the Mongoose they're mesmerized and the ball comes to awesome I think also people in the gallery trust these great players you know somebody they think they're always going to hit us perfectly Mike Brooks this long dirty attempt would give him the lead all by himself it's a very treacherous putt though the wind is right at his back right now so once this ball gets rolling there's almost no way to know when it's going to stop he's got a good 35 feet [Applause] the trains are very faster but almost seems like some of them are being overly cautious with the beaver coming up short yeah well it's uh I think it's going to be a day of attacking when you can which won't be very often and defending when you play some good shots is fouled out fourth hole very much of a Seaside type hole now look at this one how short this is go away from yeah I'm not sure that greens were meant to be that quick and stuff Gary Holberg uh he's faced with a very difficult shot it was a a wayward t-shirt but he's uh to the side of the green where the spectators have been so it'll be dry and trampled and not very inviting so once again the game plan Premiere is just look at it get a clear picture of what you're trying to do and accept the fact that it looks very dodgy that you take a call if you can you see that was lying very tight he's skinned a little bit thinner it may have caught the side of the hole or the flag or something because suddenly that ball took spin it looked as if it was going to Scuttle right or through but it didn't Morgan at the Third [Applause] all right quite a number of these Fairways and when the grass is cut so tight it's still his books required [Applause] there's the same hole with Phil Nicholson the other day remember made seven most of it with his putter for a bogey oh my God [Music] this is the way championships disappear and they're tapped it for a double bogey when tied for the lead and the United States opened in the final round he's dropped down the two under he's two he's two shots behind just that quickly it all happened with the putter uh Missing the great gym really is the killer here that's why we see a lot of conservative play that kite through par he's going about his business [Applause] that's pretty much Tom kite's game he can par them with the best very consistent player there now now we have a two-way time Philly Tom Kite and Gil Morgan but still it's always Gil Morgan in there looked like he had blown the thing wide open yesterday when he lost nine shots too far in seven holes but he came back 32 of the last three watch Montgomery level par he's even after 14 holes he's only got four holes left if he can finish the last four holes in par he could set a very good Target so there's so many permutations here Jim it's that's just the fascination of the game third hole now wisdom in trouble from 55 not a bad lie not deep but it's sort of in a pocket and from that angle it's an extremely hard shot because he can't land it to the right and show the hole if he lands it short the Green's going to kick straight left wind blowing very hard into it right into him Jim [Music] he's going over well it might have been in a lot worse a spot it looked as if it sort of settled but it's there it's it's uh it's settled but he's got a long way s right in the middle of the Fairway take a seminar and play a little knock down shot I don't think he's going to take an eight and let it get up in the air how possible is it uh well if you were just sort of fooling around on a practice stage see the shot Landing short right of the green and using the ground you know a real picture run with a say a five iron and a chip and run would it be possible it would definitely be possible Peter all right well they dropped up a little bit so what happened it's fascinating really that uh nobody even those that are way behind and with no chance of winning don't see the possibilities of taking even a three iron and just chipping it along along the ground perhaps they've long forgotten Arts of sort of strange funny little fiddly shots like that but sometimes they're worth a try kite at the fourth foreign [Applause] here we are back again what's been happening to Ian was doing well this is what's been happening to him his third shot on the third hole [Applause] that bull came off very high on the blade it really didn't have any uh sort of drive through the door this was Morgan from the sand again video tape organ type of thing go there it's just impossible to spin the ball out of the donkey for the first time a long while he may be out of the there's kite fourth 103 yard second shot didn't cut on the right wind coming from the right and that is not going to be a very friendly spot back there seagrass whipping there in the breeze Gil Morgan who comes from comfortable home or where the wind comes ripping across the plains just for a party [Applause] that was a mighty time that was a mighty packaging oh time after time it looks like the man is going to lose the lead and every time he sticks cut it beautifully sure has been now before Morgan this was Ian roosman for his part he hoped [Music] It Off so Russian drops the two under Two Shots behind the leaders before his Mark Brooks coming off a double bogey [Music] [Applause] apparently all those putts in the previous hole so there it is it's still kite and Morgan middle let's check the others Brooks and Hallberg down uh two shots behind swollen and symbolar three shots back it's the way it is at the moment and here is Jack Whitaker with a man who knows what it's like to win the US Open well Tim we want to make one last word about the beauty of this place you're seeing it in sunlight today and the reason it enjoys such great health is due really to one man Samuel F B Morse he was a tough nose Yankee from Massachusetts an All-American fullback at Yale who came out to seek his fortune in the west and he worked for the All-American backfield of American Manifest Destiny that would have been the four railroad tycoons here in California Huntington and Crocker and Leland Stanford and Mark Hopkins they owned the Monterey Peninsula and they told Sam to come down here and liquidate it well he liked what he saw so he got a bank a friend and he bought it and for 50 years he made all the decisions here put in the golf courses and ran the place with an iron hand he should be remembered for one heroic decision and that was when he took over The Meadows that swept down to Carmel Bay and Stillwater Cove were set out to be real estate lots and he said no no no no we're going to put the golf course there fellas and we'll build the houses up on the hill and you'll imagine high rises on the 18th and condos on the Cliffs of Doom Bing Crosby said without Sam Morris it would have been Coney Island now I accept Coney Island as a great piece of Americana but it would have been an insult to Mother Nature to put it on the shores of Carmel Bay the ultimate mattress size so if you ever come out here to the Monterey Peninsula to play golf or just to wander through Del Monte Forest say a little prayer thanks to Sam Morris he got it right the first time and a man with me now that got it right several first times Jack Nicklaus Jack are kind of day reminiscent of 1972 here jackets exactly the same kind of day we finished up in 1972 And as I recall that day I don't think anybody built part of that day and uh I think I shot about 74 the last round to win the golf tournament what do they worry about most Club selection in the wind or the greens drying out and I think they've got to worry about everything Jack I think I said at the beginning of the week and everybody sort of laughed at me they said I said what would you take and I said well I'd like to have even par and sit in the clubhouse well even par is going to be a pretty good score today it may not win the tournament but it'll be close all right jack let's get back to golf and Ian wisdom right there Two Shots back 30 right about now [Applause] Gil Morgan is already hit we'll take his shot a moment ago [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Montgomery is one under par with two holes left to play so just imagine being two holes away from perhaps making a real page of History Tom Kite no things are really turning Clayton Morgan tied for the leave it doesn't look like it was kind of in that hole woosing them two strokes back still with Brooks and Wahlberg here's some of the others will send alarms have won Under with Tom Lehmann Fowler's dropped back to even ronaldi's still there sevi's at one over Payne Stewart the defender you saw Mark Brooks as the wind whips his sweater for the birdie at the fourth he's got about 18 feet up the hill [Music] pretty slow putt right now right directly into the wind and he didn't play nearly enough break oh look at that yeah fine comes to rest that'll be for the par the last Soul missed a couple shorter than that he and Tom Kite are both shaking their heads right now I'll tell you kite's bunker shot was next to him possible Tom Kite will not be time for the leader holds this eventually and he books first it really is hard to describe just how tough the conditions are out here right now Tom kite's third shot was played for about 25 feet from the hole and then he putted the next shot from about 40 feet from the hole if Mark Brooks's ball had not stopped right where it is now about four feet below the hole it might well have rolled all the way back down to the front of the green obviously very difficult to settle with the wind sort of blowing around and you think your Hat's going to blow off his whole bird five five six [Applause] should be his third shot now back to the Fort here black books for the park yeah right and this hole together fourth hole again a cracking little hole only 327 yards and I expect the mightiest of hitters will have driven this hole when the conditions have been favorable but the great thing out under these conditions is to first of all find the Fairway from the T leaving us over 100 100 10 120 hours whatever it is but again a narrow green and you saw what happened to Tom coat when he went beyond it just very impossible to get closer you've got this through ability only to drop one shot two minutes by the wind and the conscious of the wind blowing and we're going to see an awful lot of Errors today and that's why uh Colin Montgomery up ahead I mean he's now on the 17th if things go with him and he well if you finish 4-5 he'd still put in a good show yeah what's interesting I think too is that Gil Morgan now suddenly has a two-shot lead again over kite and woosen Brooks and Hallberg now here's Colin Montgomery 28 year old Scottish touring professional who's an unlikely combination he is from Royal true Scotland and attended Houston Baptist University yeah at least 13 holes ahead of this man that was from 135 out of a decent lie in the rough it's going left though Into the Bunker [Music] so no one's moving forward except Colin Montgomery right now just about they're all going backwards you wouldn't lose them has 135 yards also the wind just howling out of the right really that's strong it's blowing 25 30 miles an hour now you can see the flag [Music] foreign Montgomery on the hall that has been playing as the most difficult on the golf course the whole probably were more history's been made than any other at Pebble Beach the par 3 17. he's got a wooden club or something out if he needs a couple of good shots and he could well be the champion and of course the great thing is he might be fairly relaxed here because he thinks well I'm really not in a position to win at this moment so he this could be in his favor okay this is a little bonus coverage we're getting we uh yes I don't know whether he's found it yet but we haven't Kyle Montgomery by the way has played very well in Europe for Peter he's won what 132 000 pounds it says here he's a new Pro yes his father was the secretary at Royal Troon where Cal quebecia won his uh Open championship and he was brought up on links courses and he's been very good they're very good as a young pro well from the final part three on the course we go to the first one which is the fifth hole dummy does not played well over here he's been in four American tournaments missed the cut in three and was 37th in the Masters 169 yards at the fifth today up the hill for Tom Kite well Neil Morgan third shot at four very difficult bunker shot you leave it short 99 times out of 100 because you don't want to put it past the flag everyone backing up backing up to Colin Montgomery perhaps the hair flowing neatness won't count by the end of this one either great shot there look at that little expectations and if you look at the sea you can see the waves of the engine whip up the white forces are visible in the bay it's a little tranquil in that particular corner sudden Thames tonight but this really is as it's we've said often have a magnificent setting for gold well you know when the sun comes out it ruins everybody's spirit inside it makes you feel better we haven't seen two until uh with Tom Kite and Ian Wilson and Mark Brooks Gary Holberg and Montgomery there at the bottom with just two holes left to play we're not sure where he is at the 17th the last of the par threes and then at the 18th well who knows he's three under on today's rounds he's having a fine round the Cup yesterday shot 77. yeah finishing with three uh two burners in the last three holes which uh suddenly from nothing he's counted up a chance of perhaps being perhaps in this year's Champion playing in his first U.S open is Colin Germany would that would that be something but back here on the fourth ball we have woozy little woozy Ian wooden of Wales okay is that for the car three minutes two under well so far Morgan's playing even so far kites won over for the day I'm talking about who's been pulling over for the day Brooks has won over for the day now this is a little while ago on 16 Colin Montgomery's second shot from the rough apply for a hole big man willowy swing a lot of the sort of wide old-fashioned sort of swing from yesterday really but he's very powerful and he's he's getting he's getting the brakes look at that that can't be too short yeah things going on I remember I remember Jack Nicklaus hitting the pin once at the end of Israel 17th was nicely done now this is the 17th with The Hourglass the famous hourglass shaped green he hit his tee shot to the front of the green one birdie here today that was by Mark McCumber good overhead view of it now you see what Colin Montgomery is what about this shot well there's worse places you'd be at this moment I mean I don't know whether he's gonna he looks as if he's gonna heave it right up in the air and smash it right at the pit now if he puts it close it'll be a master shot there it is we're strong but to get over that hump he almost had to hit it maybe two parts for a four and gets a no worse than a five at the last he has said a very good Target Tom Kate bunkered again on the uh [Applause] for a car remember he's falling back to two under he's two shots behind the leader man that's it Gil Morgan however this for a par at the fourth hole you'll have that for a bogey now we're live should we miss this he dropped back into a tie for the lead with kite wisdom Brooks and Hallberg he makes it he still has a one-stroke whoops Bob is the wind affecting the the uh the players not not just the speed of the green but it is it buffeting them about are they suddenly conscious of the wind more than more than ever out here on the cliff that is definitely the case and the greens have gotten a little rough with the with the Sun out and everything that ball bounced quite a bit we now have a five-way tie for the lead and this man is one of them Gary paulberg it's kite who's the book Morgan Hallberg no it doesn't work at all dinky indeed Sandy here's Colin Montgomery now for the par at 17. he hasn't won on the European tour this year but he was third and Khan he was second in the Italian opening fourth in the Irish open most recently [Applause] no it's only two strokes off the lead now but the great thing Jim is he's got one hole left to play and they've got three parts of the course still to go you'll be sitting in Muslim all right [Applause] out of Tom Kite however leaves this for a part five to stay in that that will this is not an easy putt kite Scott it's very fast I'm gonna break to his right [Applause] [Music] indeed Tom Craig getting it down for a par to stay in a tie for first place in the U.S open at age 42 still looking for the first major championship although he's won more money playing golf than any human being now or earlier there's a good look at the seventh hole with the waves and the rocks and the Blue Sea Under the Sun now Gary Hobart doesn't see any of that the only he sees is this ball in the sand you see the flag with him yeah [Music] uh Jack Jack Nicholas his company were here renovating and titivating and from this high shot it really is a dramatic little scene that corner and then the the next tee going up and over the hill just take the two men who designed this we're not golf course designers but they sure had us a stroke of Genius you don't see many very good golf courses particularly these days Jim you've got the big earthquake less tears and some wonderful facts of Nate years from the last game I've just plotties where have this battle alone [Music] started left yeah at least he doesn't look discouraged well that started well I think it had a big bend on it there goes into the right rough spot her moving toward us someone's got me his own problem he's 200 for the day even for championships on the seven iron downwind for 169. this is a very difficult because the players know the rims behind them because they don't feel it on the tee and they can't see it up to the green here was Jack Nicklaus 10 years ago in the U.S open at this hole he had birdied three and four took a six iron on the par three the days when we were all wearing our hair a bit longer and look at that [Applause] let's set him up for yet another birdie as he birdied five in a row it's younger now than he did then well yes takes care of himself yeah that's what I heard there you see it four in a tie for the lead now kite wisdom Morgan and Hallberg yes Montgomery way up ahead singular and Layman Mark McNally's dad or easing us and having his trouble he got into it for a bit but now he's back in two over all those will have to get going if they're going to get back into the fight well they need something here's Tomcat at the Sixth bar five big Chasm on the right doesn't come into play him he shot us really bend it and eventually off that hill to the green [Music] [Applause] very well is that even in the Fairway now yes thank you it's actually going to be a tough shot to get it up on the hill now Montgomery was his second shot on the par 5 18. it doesn't look to be lying too badly and it appears as if he can get a long iron at it sort of three iron but it's still going to be faced with a long-ish third shot with the wind left your right coming off off the ocean they want to have know how difficult this is technically to do the US Open our cameras now are having to cover everything from the fifth hole to the 18th hole all at once here we are right there it's still 120 yards or so from the flag but in good shape meanwhile on the 15th here was Gil Morgan kicking off the side of the Hill quite a tail indeed Jim and it's beginning to look like we're not going to have so much a winner of this U.S open as we'll have a Survivor at the fifth here is Gil Morgan foreign [Music] yesterday Gil Morgan was one of the best lag Putters on tour but this is absurd right he's made a number of fights now over 25 feet well there's no heat on Northern now Colin Montgomery this is his third shot at 18 and he would be delighted to go into the locker room and sit down at even Parr blowing hard from his lift but it'll be tough up and down right there look at that flag stick flapping in the breeze just a couple of hours ago the wind began driving the Mist out of here and drying up these greens at the same time now it's Ian using them for a par at five yeah your next time to the Rocks off the eight t-box there that's how treacherous that wind has become Steve well if you get it turning the wrong way in the wind you can't stop it if Montgomery has a clean lie he can possibly get it close because he's playing back into the wind [Applause] Jack Nicklaus I want you to tell the public what you told us just a few moments ago when Montgomery was striding down the 18th Fairway well Brett I mean I'm maybe a little bold but I said if Montgomery parks this whole the tournament's over and what I mean by that is that uh it's obviously not over but uh you've got on 14 holes of golf by the other players under conditions that are just unbelievably difficult I mean conditions we've had the first three days have not been difficult and nobody has been able to play it but here it's just going to be very very difficult to finish Steve here now is fouledo at seven he's just in Hazard that able to play the ball actually it's a fairly decent live but a very awkward stance and going back with the wind hurting him his first shot he played with a very long club either a four or five on tried to play kind of a half boring little uh long pitch and the wind just threw it away it's really been struggling knowing the greens [Applause] still in deep trouble now it is Gil Morgan and uh only one unflustered by it all at the moment [Applause] I wonder if this these conditions don't begin to play into Gill's hands he's an incredibly long straight drive of the ball and he grew up in that win in Oklahoma and our deal has been through that position of making all his mistakes he's he's been through what he thinks is his embarrassment in the golf tournament and you know he just he may just hang in there I don't I it's he's I tell you whoever's out there has got a tough way to go now Montgomery for Park and attachment will take it in at even and wait and see what's happening uh similar amount of 72 Jack Nichols have 292 over par to win there was not a single round under par in the 72 open final round remember we commented about the scoreboard being littered with red numbers we're down to five now kite number six is third shot [Music] foreign and just try and put it in the Fairway above the hill it's kind of interesting that woosing as long as he is was out driven hit a good one and was out driven by Gil Morgan here and shot there still rolling well done we gotta hit two pretty solid to get it up this hill today Steve well what a deceptively difficult hole this sixth has become with the wind blowing right into the player's faces what was a reachable far five for three days as anything but that there you see the Steep drop from the Fairway down to the Fairway and then the important part is the incline up to the green it's a 90 foot rise from where you play your second shot to where woozy just landed his Gail has a three wood [Music] that's a long ways to the right [Music] that's down the cliff Rossi well that's a killer that is really a killer there Faldo trying to scramble back for a bogey here at the shortest hole on the course [Music] how the wind has become such a factor putting I mean the greens are a delicate matter on the best of days today you can't hold yourself still over the pot the Wind Blows the ball around very difficult [Music] big advantage today to have a short tapping type of putting stroke as opposed to the long willowy one in the wind meanwhile Brooks and birdie putted six [Music] [Music] that's the sixth grain there um kites played three fine shots [Music] [Applause] oh yes and remember that one [Music] the center of it is big in golf here's a fine winner who has never accomplished would most try to do and that's when a major tournament and now he has a chance on this Sunday more incredibly Grant only two top ten finishes in 20 previous U.S opens it was down down after seven then you take that truck up and you're looking down from above at those Cliffs of Doom the ones that will bring such Memories Back hunting ones at that for Gil Morgan and at one time today no one was managing to solve the riddle of the tenth hole 14 of the last players to play ten three triples and seven doubles here's the difference in this we'll tell you the story for the first seven months more than two of The Strokes under par over the last 11 1 111 over par after three rounds today the front seven way more difficult but that was because the wind kicked up Rossi Morgan's problems well his ball is unplayable in the hazard he can't even get to it and now the question is as to whether it got up the hill before it crossed the outside at the last Point said it was so close he'd hate to make a decision and I feel the same way it was really close the ball did blow to the right but as far away I'd take a guess Brooks he's got a putt for a bogey here now and I would describe these putts sort of like putting down the windshield of your car except the difference is your windshield's a lot smoother than this Jeff slowman at 10 this whole plane as tough as any on the course today 10 is 426 yards Marshalls are waiting for somebody to make a car here [Music] that's an advantage for slim and being in the first cut of rough he can kind of get a jumper out of there and sometimes it'll it'll go through the wind a little bit better the one from the Fairway Steve I thought it was interesting that Peter Alice before he left us was suggesting a little bump and run game that they uh feature over at the British Open on a day like this some of the fellows might try to try to land it close and just bump it up and even use their Putters from out of the Fairway when they get real close to the greens they've got to thrive at the Fairway first that's the hard part the balance in the wind try to fit your tee shot in blood this is incredible slim we did not even try to go at this screen too long didn't he he actually laid up bumps it right to the front of the green you're not going to hold it on many of these greens right now from there are you now let's take a look at Brooks this is on tape for his bogey [Music] Brooks it even long now Morgan this was a big decision the players and David eager decided that the ball did get up the hill now if it had not gotten up the hill outside of the hazard he'd be looking at seven or eight right in the face now he can still get away with six if he plays a good shot from here so kite has moved to the seventh tape he's got a six iron here they've been hitting anything from three irons to eight irons this one's going way left out hit his only problem 125 yards for his fourth shot dropped it in a fair lie I'd say not not great but fair probably will take a little seven iron and try and bump it along the ground well that's the situation for Gill here his second shot went off the cliff to the right it's Gil Gill drove it down into here and they had a big slice over here so now he'd have to keep that lateral water hazard drop in play here but it's up on top of the hill foreign but all things considered not in bad shape Brooks at the 17th he's got a six iron also this one's headed to the left and Into the Bunker oh the plug that was from 120 little punch shot tied at seven he's pitching the ball back into the win it may help a little easy hit it hit it Colin Montgomery watching on you know heading inside here [Applause] you say [Applause] like that but keep in mind The Cliffs of Doom and the rest of this course are still ahead well he's hold a long putted number one another good one at five a long one back at six and now here that was caddy Mike Carrick wishing it well now Morgan just tried to save a bogey here at sixes kite goes to four under takes the lead no matter what oh six seconds yeah when the wind blows like that it adds a third element you know there's pace and Direction and now wind to contend with once you reach these floating surfaces [Music] foreign [Applause] Morgan loses two more he and wisdom at minus one kite at minus four and Brooks here for Parr he took his second shot out of Tom Kite and Mark Brooks hits similar tee shots here Tom Kite has made a two Brooks now putting for a bogey from about seven feet and he will fall behind Montgomery [Music] the situation kite with the most Strokes in hand right now as he approaches the treacherous part of this course wisdom for par at six yeah [Applause] that sound tells you the story of the day now for bogey Brooks moments ago this number seven I'd like to say there's the T high above the r37 apparently you get to that point and these great players simply take out wedges and throw it down there at the Green not today it's only 112 yards yeah losing him has a seven iron it doesn't really matter what you take it's just a matter of how you hit it 13 of the last 14 players have missed this dream go go go so don't you enjoy that yeah I wonder what Uzi thinks about that hole today [Music] okay the wind is actually so strong right now he played an iron off this date okay thanks looks like Morgan has taken a five iron [Music] Morgan's no stranger to the win as we said earlier he can play in the Wind grew up in Oklahoma he's got a swing that can knock the ball down as long as you don't curve it from here you're okay oh and this one's gone way left tight words although even a little bit further to the left but all the horror stories about the seventh have come true [Music] Colin Montgomery with a 70 able to smile he's with Jim McKay Jim well Colin first of all congratulations on a fine 200 bar round of 70 today what is it like to play Pebble Beach today it's a little bit different than the days before isn't it yeah it's not much fun uh I was fortunate I started off about 10 20 you know two and a half hours before the leaders went out and have managed to play the first seven six and a half seven holes with just a breeze blowing now it's a definite wind and uh it's a different golf course now completely tell us something about yourself your dad was the Secretary of Royal Troon is that right yes he still is yes yes he got the job uh but back in the 1840s which side when I first turned Pro and that's what we'd call Club manager I suppose that's right yes yes your secretary manager of the club being a golf director I suppose and uh so golf's in our family certainly you know my brother and uh another place so uh yeah you know golf's not family and uh coming from Troon Scotland you know as as I do I'm used to this this weather and uh I think it probably helped me you know my Swingman has been brought up hitting the ball very low very low and uh some people laugh how lower hit the ball but you know I hope it helps on a day like this no sure sure what is a fine Scottish boy from Troon Scotland doing at Houston Baptist University how'd that happen that's too long a story to go into it's a long story oh absolutely but uh no I I uh I was in the Scottish youth team uh back in what 1980 81 82 and uh I thought if I'm going to further my career the best place to do it is out in America and uh I managed to pick Houston Houston University out there and uh it was a great uh a great career boost to me you know to play out there for four years and to play competitively I got my degree as well which enabled me to go and turn pro with a sort of insurance policy behind me you know and take the pressure off a bit okay and that was four years ago and it's gone okay so far well it's gotten even better today both Peter Alice and and Nicholas think that you may just have won yourself the US Open there's a long way to go but there's only one man more than one stroke early at this point they've got to believe that clips and everything congratulations again Colin wouldn't it be a day they certainly would thank you back to you Brad thank you chairman Gilmore did not have quite the success that Tom Kite just had a few moments ago Gil Morgan has a horrendous lie he had he had the worst lie you've ever seen not to tried to get it up in the air the club turned over and the long grass went over the grain he was in an area where players Walk Off The Grain in the basically the grass is just laying into the player so all they can do is try to explode this thing out of here and the club gets wrapped up in the grass now he has no shot at all I don't think he has a prayer stopping this ball okayed in this great second shot here at number eight 176 yards from a perfect tee shot wind coming from the right [Music] glanced away solid man did he actually hit right at the base of the stick there Steve it was close but you really don't want to lay down this drain though you want to bounce it in you want to keep it down he's the leader but you'll never tough task here won't he let's take a close look at this ball coming in here [Music] you know I hit it right there in front you can see where it uh playing now but I'll tell you what that does show you when I thought it hit the flight Sigma it shows you just how rock hard the greens have become and uh let's bring in Jack Nicholas here and uh to ask what advice Jack would you give some of the fellas now as they try to approach these greens well I'm not sure what you get what advice you give them Brett because it's really not much you can tell them I mean you're seeing the best players in the world just having a horrible time you know people have talked about this golf course being an 11 hole golf course this is an 18-hole golf course and the first seven holes when you get into these kind of conditions are very very difficult and then you're following following up with 11 almost impossible holes so the first seven holes uh you need to be able to get a good score going out and that was what Colin had Colin had a bit of break with the wind going out uh he got he got off to a to a reasonable head start on the golf course he didn't get really ahead of it very much but he was uh one under par after eight holes and then he sort of be able to able to come home but this golf course we're finding it under the conditions that are that you just don't find in America you find a Seaside golf course that has bunkered well and there's no bounce ends to the greens and we're playing a golf course under European British conditions and you just can't play it with the type of golf that we're playing and the guys are just going to have a horrible time and you're going to see all kinds of funny looking shots all day long anybody who can persevere though is going to have you know it could be tough now let's watch Morgan here third shot watch a fine play going downwind having so little green to work with it's now live this is for a bogey foreign so as Morgan goes to even par I want you to remember one thing yesterday when he left this green he was 12 Strokes under par he had a seven shot lead at the U.S open now you have to wonder if maybe Jack Nicklaus wasn't right on target when he said Montgomery could win a U.S Open by parring the 18th it'll be Tom Kite against all the elements Steve this is a tricky shot here well you're just coming straight down the hill this is the firmest part of the screen and one of the fastest screens on the course [Applause] that is so good from there after Thursday's opening round there were 29 scores under par now there's just one you know that graphic will show you how it's dramatically the weather conditions changed now on the tig years it went so hard behind you can hit any kind of an iron out here ball is going to get in perfect position here on the left-hand side of the fairways where you want to be one of the wonderful things about what we're watching is that so many of you who are watching have been able to play here the only public golf course that the U.S open has ever been played on you've been here some of you in conditions like this some of you perhaps worse some of you better orders like to hit this ball uphill here at the eight [Music] Crosby here in 1983 needs this to save par at the eighth and maintain his four-stroke advantage [Laughter] [Applause] right this is a good key shot at nine down the right hand side [Applause] on the rough again at eight playing a second shot from 170 yards gonna have to land it just over the hazard and try and let it bounce up because this ball is Gonna Fly has an eight iron [Music] [Applause] [Applause] well the eighth is the first of the Cliffs of Doom the first of the three most dramatic par fours in golf the second shot played across this huge expanse here you drive the your tee shot really about 240 through the end of the Fairway and then it's kind of an optical illusion the green is really just 12 feet below the edge of the cliff it looks a lot lower than that prior to that it was wisdom it's from 177 . it would be easier to land and have a golf ball stick on I-95 so yeah tenth second shots Brian Bellinger who caddies regularly on the European tour he's very familiar with these elements I don't know if Hallberg is [Music] 10th hole 426 yard the last of the Cliff polls and major clip holes we saw slumen layup earlier made car by laying up foreign you call it the Cliffs of Doom that's where he's going Jack Nicklaus uh bring up any memories there not good ones Steve uh I've been down there a number of times we all have and if you've played the tense hole here at Pebble Beach you've been there 12T slowly that's a two iron from 204 yards a lot of wind coming from the players left needs to get out into the gallery green is extremely hard that's the 10th grain down below Gathering down there at the beach I wonder if that's for hallberg's second shot Beach is about 30 feet below the surface of the green Rusty was that a bellied wedge that's exactly what it was it's a very gutty shot broke second shot at nine he's got 215 Yards First Cut of rough here wind howling from the right hand side this ninth green looks like it's about a thousand square feet sitting down there right now all right shot is it Mark I'll tell you with a lead I might be tempted to lay it up here Jack such a such a difficult called approach you've only got about seven or eight yard approach to bounce the ball in from motion on the right deep bunker on the left let's just declare the golf course a winner and all go home boy the golf course is definitely winter I mean if you look at these greens the greens average about well maybe just a little over 3 000 square feet and their heart is a rock I mean that's difficult dolls Tom kite's got 200 yards to the front edge 213 in all obviously a very dangerous shot here she's got a good lie he's got it over on the flat part of the Fairway but does he have the nerve to take it out over the water and let the wind bring it back I think he has to do that to get it on the Green come on win he did but I'm not sure it's going to come back it didn't that is thick gnarly old kakuya grass down that cliff I took a walk down there before the tournament and it it's not a place to be Morgan today this is for birdie he's an even Par Four back of the leader yeah it's Hallmark Albert can get it up and down he's even far now still hanging around that what could be that magical number 288. [Applause] I just stopped foreign catch problems he's found the ball he can take a heck at it here oh this is a great shot here [Applause] he's gonna run to the back of the green but still he'll have a chance to make five maybe even four you begin to wonder if maybe this isn't kite's open to win he's hold the long puts he's pitched in at seven he gets lucky below the cliff here at nine well you know Steve he's got he's got the experience that not many fellas out there have he's had years and years of this kind of golf and he's been unsuccessful in Open golf on both this side of the Atlantic and the other maybe it is his time he's offered himself and pull it back together he's doing he's the only one that's doing it right now foreign is one of the dramatic par fours in Olive golf with a huge elevation change from the top of the hill it's only 245 but the farther you drive it the Fairway drops away from you from left to right drive it down the hill you have a downhill side Hill shot to a green heart against the cliff on the t is seeing oh my God an exclamation point on the problems as slumen is putting for par here on the 12th an exclamation point of the problems are encountering Davis Love right now is 11 over par for the tournament and of course for those of you who met with us earlier there will be no Grand Slam champion in golf this year Friday couples finished six over shot a 74 today was one of the earlier finishers now here's Tom Kite for part-time well this putt's for a par but I'm sure Tom would be plenty happy with bogey right now he's got nearly 30 feet the putt is straight down green but it's actually going back into the wind it's going to be tough to judge the speed on this one and that wind just held it up it was like it was dragging an anchor along that dream now this one will require some nerve owner mark as we take a look at Hallberg he has a double bogey here at 10. nothing is a given today and Montgomery passes another competitor [Music] they have all Fallen away from Colin Montgomery except Morgan slumen and of course our leader kite who's going to give back one this is truly an amazing story developing here with Colin Montgomery in early more incredible is the fact that kite has never won a major always something or someone who stood in his way well if he's going to win one Steve I'll tell you one thing he's got the toughest conditions for the last nine holes he's ever seen but Tom's a gutty competitor always has been a gutty competitor he's uh he stays right in there and works at it hard he's got the short game to handle the conditions that that gonna present themselves and of course that's what you're going to have to have as a short game because you're not going to knock it on the greens kind of a bulldog tenacity you know you're saying all-time leading Money winner in golf he has not one putted or two putted excuse me a green today's had all one putts a three putt at number four but he'd love to have a two putt here it's a great five the lead is three well slumen steps away from the clutch and he's at 13. he's even far remember he has 125 yards I tell you what don't count this little gutty player out he has made three fantastic cars on the last three holes and he's striking the ball well Jerry he knows what it is to win a major he's done that he's taking a wedge he's right that's a good looking shot there Sonic's looking nicely on [Applause] okay now Morgan at nine Gill is at a perfect drive right down the center of the Fairway has 209 yards into the hole sometimes you play that ball to come back Jerry pate and I were talking about this if you send it out over those Cliffs and something happens to that wind down over the beach and sometimes it just doesn't blow the ball back to the left well there's a Vortex that comes out from that Cliff well I see I don't think you want to hang it out over it today foreign [Applause] [Applause] walking up to this tee Tom gave me a little smile and said some bogeys are better than other ones aren't they foreign though and into the deep stuff it's the deep grass above the bunker so as we go from the furthest part of this course which goes outward we come to 18 and here's the golfer who was the People's Choice here this week Andy Dillard one time down at his Club in oak tree they Betty me couldn't swing the lake by the 18th hole in 35 seconds yeah and they said it was much easier coming here and battling the windy conditions he had a wonderful alternative winding up plus six five lovely while we're away here's Ian wisdom [Applause] these four back of the leader Tom Kite right now already attempt at 13 for slowman [Applause] live at nine years now blowing so hard now it's really hard to stand up well I see it's like Stu Miller trying to throw a pitch in an All-Star Game a Candlestick right now but he's got a low center of gravity that should help before that Morgan's third he's trying to putt it from off The Fringe and I'll tell you it's pretty risky shot he's probably wondering why he didn't become an optometrist full-time tapping in 13 so he's even par along with Morgan Montgomery who's in the clubhouse watching the activity kite who's three under he's drawn another pretty good line in the left-hand rough here and pitched it down just in front of the green smart play special after hit the hazard at nine there's a fine line between challenging the best players in the game and embarrassing them I'm not sure the scale has been tipped the other way today Brooks second attempt thank you down the cliff Hallberg moments ago now Brooks now Morgan so now Montgomery gains on another one now he has moved to the T at 10 he is plus one for the tournament foreign [Applause] he was the first player on tour to carry three wedges he kept his own stats long before it became fashionable to do so and out of that stat keeping he recognized he needed a third wedge in his bag we'll see on the 10th tape [Applause] foreign Mark Brooks normally one of the best Putters on the tour having all sorts of trouble with these greens right now and with a forefoot at three mark but is only four feet but it's very fast [Applause] meanwhile back in The Press Room this is live Carla Montgomery I've only played in an even part finish opens and this is uh four sorry uh two Bishop was in the Masters and this is my first U.S open so now I haven't been in this position uh starting out and going forward any kind of a tournament at all oh any time of tournament uh I don't think so no no out of a lead and here is kite fighting to save par and maintain that advantage [Music] [Applause] on the front side kite hit only two greens and shot at 36. he's been scrambling all day long that's what it'll take a gutty performance to rush to the way they will certainly test his nerve from now on now swimming at the 14th third shot on this wonderful par five he has 146. that's a nine iron needs to get down the screen is really hard going downwind just roll through I believe down in that shipping area and just a little behind the cut back there jury at this flag Brent just cannot shoot at the 14th flag wonderful view of the Fairway here in the 10th Cliffs off to the side Morgan has 198. when quite a bit in his face now and out of the right sure played a good second shot to the ninth played a great shot Steve and then I think his choice of clubs he tried to put it out of that first cutter rough and that is really dangerous probably a two iron I don't think you'll start it out over the ocean I think he'll try and start it right at the middle of the green and kind of holds it into that wind the wind's blowing so hard it's hard to hold it into the wind and if you get it Riding With the Wind then it won't stop on the Green the graphic told the story of the day is that Oklahoma background how about that there's a little Round-Up shot well that's not good that's brilliant Jack Nicklaus how tough is this tenth hole here at Pebble Beach red is really tough I mean you can see the shot that gill just played there and he just missed actually the hazard line by three or four feet and uh he's up there 15 feet from the hole that's just a very very difficult I notice after the seagull not even flying today that's wisdom from 195. [Applause] storyline at least the main one is Tom Kite can he hold on he's the only one under par and here at Pebble Beach it is Tom Kite trying to win his first major championship on the course as a competitor he's earned more money than than anybody else that's earnings and tournaments where he is finished he's the only golfer left under par but Jeff slowman here watches above here is at even par good work sir shipping area that the USGA put adjacent to three greens at the 10th Morgan for birdie [Applause] I don't think that Dr Gil Morgan will be out here tomorrow with his instamatic taking pictures now swimming for part 14. Brad he has made four of those now in the last five holes second shot for kite at 11. Tom's got 105 yards here the wind is right at his back and I think he really needs to be careful of a big Mound on the right side of the green good smart shot would be to play it toward the middle or left part of the green difficult shot even though it's a short one look at four games cars his aim on every hole now at 10 here's woozy for birdie yeah woozie finished second in the U.S open at Oak Hill to Curtis Strange here's the 11th hole and Uphill Par Four of only 384 yards playing dead downwind today can't see the Fairway from the T I spit it between two thick stands of rough from there today with the wind it's a short wedge second to this very small but firm grain [Music] tea at 10. make it 11. this is the 11th tee from Morgan he has really driven the ball beautifully today it just shows you how hard this course is five over par and it's driven perfectly foreign What Might Have Been is history [Music] and they begin to March away from the ocean but it'll come back at number 17. now it is Brooks third shot at 11. that's a little wedge from 105 yards knocking it down whoa [Applause] you know Brent uh as we remember earlier this year slumen got beat in the playoff here with Mark O'Meara very confident coming down this back nine and O'Meara didn't even reach the final two rounds another one of the Amazing Stories here now kite for birdie at 11. [Music] Tom Kite was able to win on the regular tour in Atlanta you might recall that that got him into the top 10 in money just at the deadline and I got him into the U.S open and our Franken had an opportunity to talk to Tom about that situation uh uh the wind helped you know winning cures a lot of a lot of illnesses uh you know obviously I was disappointed not being in the Masters uh uh somehow I think they need to to rework their uh and and the U.S open to I think everybody needs to work it around to where the top players are in the game I think it's a crying shame that Greg Norman is not allowed to play in the U.S open this week he's one of the top 10 players in the game I think uh you know for me not to be in the Masters was you know certainly suspect but Greg had an off year last year I had an off year last year and we're paying the consequences because of that well Greg Norman appreciates the cinema Tom but after watching everyone out here I'm not so sure Steve that he isn't enjoying watching what's happening rather than playing at it today well he'd rather be here Brent any player that caliber wants to compete in major championships I think the amazing thing to keep in mind is kite makes his turn into the back now he he and Fowler were the only two players this week to play The Back Nine under par from an aggregate total yeah again if you just joined us remember that Colin Montgomery who toured the course earlier today in 270 sitting and watching he is tied with Jeff sulman here both are at even par both are three back of Tom Kite gone boy I tell you that's a super pitch there you just can't imagine how fast the greens are here coming in he just barely cuts that ball with a sandwich at the 11th his second shot 127 yards up the hill with the wind I don't think that there's any way that you can get the ball inside where Tom Kite just had it you'd have to play a miracle shot up up and bounce it in the rough to the right but there's just no way you can bounce it in front of the green even without it going to the left that's what happens when you try and play that shot that's all you can do elevator he has reached the tier 200 yard par 3. trying to determine what the wind velocity is right now as you peer down at the 12th green the flag is actually laying limp on the flagstick you can feel it up here on the tee though Mark shluma just tapped in for par 15 so he stays at even the hole baby [Applause] it's headed toward the right part of the green experience play I'll tell you the gallery's starting to smell it out here right now too meanwhile here's Raven Floyd he's gone to eight over third shot at 18. foreign the great lady bottom of the screen the 11th grain Gil Morgan a little chip that's going to go quite a bit to his left I think we're in Arizona's gonna play first however [Applause] cruising shot will break to his right be very very quick he's a two over [Applause] when he wanted a Gusty really kind of captured the emotion of a gallery while there were some who perhaps protested the fact that he was an international player I think when all of a sudden done he was a very popular winner Tom Kite will not have to worry about getting into him Masters next year top 16 plus ties qualify for Augusta out of the U.S open surely be one of those [Applause] now Ray Floyd for his par here at 18. [Applause] Roman Floyd with an 81 in these conditions and he's already the first two holes [Applause] now was he [Applause] this is Brooks in the micro 12. it's not a very good line here he's got to take the club up very steeply awkward stance and made tougher by the fact that he's seven over for the day good shot from there though [Applause] yeah didn't he going there to the safe side of this green staying away from the flag stick and the Buckingham Morgan truck par at 11. foreign on the green at the 12th so in 1972 there was another veteran route of the smart play and then of course the legendary Arnold Palmer in his last open duel with Jack Nicklaus [Applause] [Music] almost the same spot isn't it oh oh yes oh what a big putt that is made is living on cool around just being able to chip in front and he became a complete player so he never forgot how to play [Applause] he would be a popular champion Tom Kite well liked by thousands of girlfriends that's a seven iron from 144 hanging out to the right things and got one there let's go to uh Jack Whitaker with uh with Jack Nicholas Jack do you think that putt kind of sewed it up he's got a little work left well I don't know whether it's sewed it up but Tom Kite is just hung tough they're coming down the uh that stretch of holes through the 8 9 10 he just played him really really smart and of course uh the smart tee shot as he played there at 12 and of course then made the putt I mean I just can't believe what he's doing I mean Colin Montgomery is still probably uh very close to being an even bet coming in the clubhouse but I mean the last four or last six holes for Tom Kite you know we're really going to see some golf because Tom's really doing well all right let's look at you on the 12th tee here about 20 years ago well the wind was not a whole lot different maybe not quite as stiff as it was today but very very similar Direction and I took a three iron and played uh you see I hit down on it and I hooked it into the wind and the ball lit right in the middle of the green and boom over the green it went uh Tom was a little smarter than I was and he played it to the right side of the green as did Arnold that particular year and I I struggled to make my four there but the wind is I believe even stiffer today than it was in 72 Jack it's uh they say it's a getting between 25 and 30 knots right now and increasing and if that's the conditions uh you know I think that Tom Kite has certainly uh played well enough to win a major many many times and uh I think all Americans would love to see him do it oh I'm sure they would he knows the win too coming from Texas but this wind is really some you know people said par would be a good Mark and after the first three days everybody was laughing at that and all of a sudden par is a pretty good Mark isn't it nobody's laughing at it now are they yeah okay let's watch this putt again Brett thank you Jack [Music] [Applause] he's reached the 13th tape he's got the driver out here at 13 and this one is right down the center of the Fairway just drifting to the right part now he's brumming with confidence if he can hold on to par here at 13 and then approach that tricky par 5 14 playing uphill even if he loses a shot there he would still be at least in decent shape now it is wisdom on the T ight here he is at this point tried to hold it into the wind but it's going way right foreign yeah before that it was Morgan over there that one's lost to the right also all right Brent thanks very much you at home you and Jack Nicklaus and I have a very big treat coming along watching Tom Kite play these final holes this is 13. second shot from 117 yards up the hill and into the wind and it's a good one still lying a head back with 14 with a third shot's been very difficult for everybody there's 16 that's been hurting a lot of people all week and then the toughest hole in the golf course 17 and the most famous par five in the world that's all yeah Jim but uh Tom's kind of past the real tough Mark has been killing everybody all week and the round of golf he's playing today is just unbelievable I think it is so that was Gil Morgan now we're back live that was on tape so he held that lead for a long long time this championship and now it won over is in fourth place five shots back that's amazing that these fellas look like they're not playing well at all they're really playing very well the conditions are just so difficult that it just makes them look like they're just playing terrible and it's just uh this people don't realize how tough it was but we got back and I just looked at the uh scores from 1972 And I mean there were 85s 86 87s and in the first 10 I think there was only maybe one or two scores below 74 on the on the last day and that's the kind of day we're having today and the Pebble Beach gets windy and it gets tough I mean this fella right here is Jeff slumen is just playing terrific too I mean he's just staying right in there both of these guys are small men they're not very large it helps to be under the wind right they both hit it very low both hit it very short and have terrific short games it obviously must be something to that just looman's five 735 Tomcats five eight hundred and fifty five this is Ian woosing them it's two over now just missed his spot but we'll go to three over if he makes this it looks very much like a three-player situation now of Tom Kite Jeff slumen and Colin Montgomery Jeff slumen's coming down to the 16th hole in the 17th hole in the 17th hole for Jeff is going to be like for everybody else for a few years the 17th hole has determined this tournament the last two times and uh good let's just see what he does we're talking about good players having tough rounds Peter Jacobson at 80 today Ray Floyd at 81. Dan forsman had 84. that's what it's like in the winter I think the thing you said earlier is the important thing to remember whatever shot you see remember these are the greatest players in the world they're doing the best they can Jim there you see Tom Kite five eight Jeff sluming by seven minutes very average height so this is not a game of pure power at all not today oh what a shot from the Goodyear blip overhead looking down the Del Monte Forest 17-Mile Drive Pebble Beach we're going to go from the blimp zoom in see that big bunker that's the 13th Fairway and there's the green on your left somewhere down there is Tom Kite that being only five eight of the Wilds if we see him there he is Tom's only got about 13 feet here for birdie but it's a very tricky putt it's not only a very fast putt but it breaks hard to the left what does it look like around the hole Mark Well Jack it looks like a punch you could play two different ways if he dies it up on the right hand side it could break as much as a foot right at the hole I think the only way to probably make it would be to hit it a little more firmly but right down below the hole there it looks very Brown to me and it appears if he misses it on the low side it could go a good five six feet by that's what I meant I meant how glassy is it it's glassy below the hole it looks very glass to me he is putting it into the window so that should help a little bit very smart car all right Tom knows it's glassy to hold up blow the hole and you do not want to leave yourself we have that putt here occasionally during the a t and if you get it by the hole it just keeps on going and now you're left with a very surprising five footer coming back well you know what it does around here Jack I can't imagine how many rounds of Garfield played competitively at Pebble Beach there's a lot I seem to learn uh know less about it every time I play it too I played over 100 rounds that's for sure plus as you saw all right now Jeff slumen on 17. the toughest hole in the golf course statistically play in 220. that's a three-wheel well this is the hole where Jack Nicklaus wrapped up the championship 20 years ago where Tom Watson snatched it from Jack 10 years ago his ball buried there though Jim yes Paul bird it's too late for for Gary got it going for a while but has lost a lot of Strokes seven over for the championship start at 3r news now five over he's eight over for the day that's the way it's been going well on the leaderboard and we only see two men among the leaders who have been under far today Tom Kite is one under for the day and Nikki price has shot 71 100. okay depart for Tom Petty moves on to pull under it coming up the big par 5 14th hole it'd be kind of interesting how Tom is going to be forced to play the 14th Jim the 14th hole I don't think that Tom can get home in two uh even downwind and even downwind I think it's a very very difficult situation Morgan in trouble again hit a terrible drive here kind of a duck hook and now he has a lie can't hit it at all I mean just uh they should have opted up the Fairway first real bad Drive he's hit all day the first time the wind's coming from the other direction on him Rossi that's right jack well the 14th hole is 565 yards the closer you can drive it to the right hand bunker uh you have a chance downwind today to sort of get through the dog leg a little bit and get yourself a chance to get home in two with the wind coming up behind your back if you don't can't get home until you have to lay it back about 100 yards so that you can play a shot over the bunker into a very very small section of green and hope that you can hold it I don't know whether you can hold it today going downwind you may have to play to the right side this is the whole where some years ago Arnold Palmer tried to fade a ball around the corner hit the tree and went out of bounds and then did it again hitting the same tree that night lightning struck the tree in those days it fell right down and we didn't have to contend with the next stage yeah that's right okay Tom Kite age 42 I'll tell you in the open in recent years it really does seem like experience counts with Floyd winning at age 43 Irwin at 45 Morgan leading at 45 in their time well what happens Jim is our Golf Course is on the tour are getting so perfect week after week after week we have the same conditions we have perfect green soft greens soft Fairways not extremely difficult rough and we get to a U.S open or British Open all of a sudden we get the old time conditions we get the hard Fairways the hard greens and the deep rough around the greatest all of a sudden we're forced to play a game that we're not familiar with and uh we have to adjust to that and the fellows who have had the experience of a lot of British openings and a lot of U.S opens Through Time have learned to cope with those conditions and Tom Titus had a years and years of that experience and he's obviously coping with it very well and the short game is the key to that you've just got to be able to get it up and down and have a lot of patience I noticed the other day Big John Dale he said it ain't no fun when you have to be conservative well that's the way you play Under difficult conditions came out of his pitch mark didn't it yes tape [Music] yeah definitely it looked like it was buried when it hit him like yeah what a wonderful bucket shot just a little even far for the day even far for the championship at earlier rounds of 73 74 to 69 yesterday under difficult conditions now here he is live yeah he really has to make this one any chance I could be about a left Edge cut I would think here a little bit more slope than grain I think [Applause] he's pretty gutty isn't he jack you bet Jerry it ain't over till it's over I don't know how would you make a par on 17 under those conditions about Morgan's third shot on 13. from 130. it was two over now six over on today's round by the way being wisdom also six over for the day [Applause] now here the classic car five the finishing hole at Pebble Beach possibly the most famous golf ball in the world and not an easy not an easy but you notice the fairways come in there Jim normally the Fairway is about 20 yards out to the right of that tree and gives you a little bit of safety off of the ocean and the wind's blowing left to right today which means that you're going to have to stick it out over the ocean and try to keep it up around those trees you get into that thick rough on the right and it's a very very difficult shot to get down to make to get your approach shot or your second shot in position for a good approach well I think it takes a little nerve to put that ball out over the ocean when you're battling for the U.S Open golf Shield well the one thing for sure though with the wind the direction is always good to help you it's going to blow it back at that right Jerry curious Jack and the wind is obviously big left to right Jeff has a three wood out just gonna as you said try to play the ball into the Fairway not thinking about getting home in two good hit that sliding right needs to get down quickly you know but I was in the first cut so yeah he's he's fine there very interesting here with Tom Kite Jim Tom knows he's played pebbling up he understands that he lays it up he doesn't have a shot yeah he's going to take a chance he's got out of bounds left he's got out of bounds right but he's going to take a chance to throw it up into that neck and give himself a chance for a third shot that's Getty play long shot par five remember he's probably got about 280 yards in there it's exactly 284 to the pin Jack 264 to the front edge headed left no that didn't help him much did it well it's not as bad as you think he's pitching right up the hill he moves pitching down wind he's pitching up the hill okay that's good swimming perfect second shot right you know of the last six players who have finished up here at 18. not one has broken eighties that gives you an idea how tough it is uh on tape now Gil Morgan long went for a par as it Slips Away [Applause] oh good butt but no and so he goes to seven over for the day three over for the championship Mark Brooks who also had dreams early in this afternoon but now finds himself at eight over for the day five over for the championship he's going to take a smack at the green also from about 275. so we would remind you that young Colin Montgomery of Scotland came in early he shot 200 par 70 even par for the day and we have watched all the players in the field fall back below him except for two Tom Kite who leads Jess Newman who's tied with Montgomery there he is the leader somewhere else but why don't we review his front nine with Brent and Steve Jim thank you very much and uh Steve here he is with three birdies on that front side [Music] [Applause] for the day with a putty one played his second Shot Through The Green in the short fourth [Applause] it was at this juncture that you thought well maybe kite's wheels are coming off early had this for bogey so Convention of Wilson says kite does what he always does in a major and that is maybe not content but then at number five Big Boost there when it was slipping away one of his birdies [Applause] struggle to reach a green three and a magical shot here at seven easy hit it hit it yeah [Applause] as much relief as anything else but then he was able to find his ball here at the ninth and watch his third shot hit a horrible second shot here was lucky to be able to find it and then play it stay on you stay on stayed on Todd tough but for bogey here at night [Applause] [Music] the front side alive in the back to Jimmy Jack so here he is now Jack you said this is not too bad but looks like it's fairly deep in that four inch rough hold it near the pin at all well he is in the four inch rough Jim and he is deep but he's got a better shot there than he would have in the Fairway he's pitching dead up the hill yes he's pitching downwind but the wind's not going to get it on a short pitch as much as it would uh back in the Fairway and he's got a rough he can play a little bit of a cushion almost like a bunker shot if he can just flop it on the top part of the green I think he can keep it on the green you think so Mark I think you're exactly right jack I'll tell you if you believe in fate you got to believe that Tom kite's going to win this Championship right now because he's drawn a number of good lies obviously he found the ball when he hit it right at nine but this is really not too bad a lie here the grass is sort of sitting straight up where his ball is so it's not laying down over it and I think he can probably stop it if he flops it up there they can get the club under it right right and if he does go over he's got that chipping area in the back rather than the long Tangled rough that used to be there but he's not worried about that right now Jim he's worried about getting the ball you know his first is not to get the ball over the green he's going to just just try to carry the bunker and hopefully uh try to keep it on the Green he knows you're right it's not that bad behind the hole Yeah oh boy perfect oh boy of such things are open championships made Tom Kite lies through three if he makes that putt he'll go to Five under and we'll have a five shot cushion with four holes again but that shot was made by the gutty play on his second shot with the wood and that was a really Getty play to play that second shot leading the tournament called course management or just plain thinking you're sloven now third shot on 18. needs to get up just a little bit okay what a gorgeous looks like we've got a new leader in the clubhouse that's right it makes that he goes to one under for the day and for the championship What a fine round of golf Jim I walked with him when he won the PGA Championship in Oklahoma and he has the same confidence going to go extremists with perfect 34 year old touring Pro looks younger than that making it flying against the blue California Sky Jerry his Tempo has been awfully good coming home but Jack he's a very very tightly maintained swinger and uh Miss win he can really play some shots he keeps his swinging total control that's terrific and so the pound side makes his cut he still may have only a fourth Century notified it's definitely true thanks [Applause] they're not pulling it [Applause] ran a long way from Rochester New York where he grew up now makes his home in Naples Florida Jeff schluman Gil Morgan's second shot on 14. throw it in the left-hand rough so he has to lay up does not have a kind of a lie where he could go at it yeah yeah Jeff fluman has been six opens before before missed the cut four times finished 60 seconds and then 14th in 1990. so far this year he's had a good year on tour though I don't think that's indicative of Jeff's Talent though Jeff is a very very solid and I consider secretary Jeff for a young player he's just coming into the prime minister's career and just I can't believe that guys can play as well as their plane under the conditions that we're seeing today I mean two rounds that Jeff slumen and Tom kiter playing are just unbelievable to me Jeff by the way did finish second in the atnt National Pro am here this year at Pebble Beach so he's been around here before looking at the 14th hole from the Goodyear blimp right now Ian woosman Muslim will play next muslim's gonna wait he's going to have a shot at the green so he's got to wait till they get off upstairs okay let's go back to 18 now Jordan Gallagher Jr playing with slumen Gallagher started but they even he's now 11 over at a round of 81 today all the way come on man please so that's seven players in a row that have shot 80 or over the last seven players that have played up here that will not be the case for Jess slumen we've mixed this it'll be 71 100 bar classic round of these conditions you know Jim when he finished second at ATT [Applause] he hold a crucial putt on the last hole on top of Marco mirror the guy has an unbelievable amount of courage and guts and he's played a great round today yes sir take a little credit for that one Jeff interesting he's only won one tournament on tour and that was amazing and here he is playing so magnificently again in the major championship [Applause] making his 30 on 14 he goes to 500. but still has a force for it please because of Stevens Birdie on 18. so this woman appears to be one of those guys who have to admire so much to whom the major championships are vitally important they're not just another God's armor I seem to remember a guy named Nicholas who felt that way wisdom try to hit a driver out of the rough but it didn't get up in the air it's just short of the bunker just on the left edge of the Fairway now Tom Kite has moved over to 15. I'm going to take a look at that whole Jack and tease it up 397 yard dog leg left the wind's blowing left to right the out of bounds comes into play under these wind conditions Jim there's a tree there on the left that we're just passing that you just have to graze and play a little hook to get the ball down the Fairway plenty of room left although there's very heavy left rough left uh Tom will probably probably play a three-wheeler driver and hook it around there leaving himself with probably a sever later into the green 's open in the front uh let's see what he's got on his hands he's got the three wood Jack he wants to play a club with a little bit of Loft make it easier for him to hook it he knows that that wind will Rush the ball away to the right if he doesn't catch it properly right foreign hooked it also but it did clear the tree and he knew where his big problems were big problems were right he had it right underneath that tree didn't he it went right under the tree you're exactly right pretty close to it oh yeah that's many balls hit that tree and dropped in that Barranca right there in front of the T ough Father's Day he was the father of poor and giving twin Tom Kite it's a couple weeks week off very recently to take his kids wave the whole family to Baltimore for the U.S gymnastics trials because one of these little girl is a gymnasts her to have a chance to see it while he was there he told several people he said you want to make a good bet on the open bet on me I think I'm ready this time Tom's giving him the opening good side of the green to play into here he didn't have a very good lie here 139 yards but a great play yeah just down in front I'm sure he'll be happy with that Mark 14 Ian wasnam playing it out now he's in a tie for fourth place with Nikki price who shot 71 today and Gil Morgan little woozy six over in today's round Morgan seven open and now here's Morgan foreign [Applause] Payne Stewart the defending Champion but look at that he's 10 over for this Championship now [Applause] [Music] of The Hourglass shape Arena 17 is Payne Stewart and now speaking of Jeff slowman second on the board there here he is with Brent Musburger Jim thank you very much uh safely in it's one under uh what a test that was for everybody out there today Jeff yeah it really was Brent it was uh it's hard to conditions as I've ever played under and I was just fortunate enough today to to make the six and eight Footers that you you knew you were going to have a lot of them today for pars nice Father's Day gift for George I know he first trip here right to Pebble Beach got to see his son uh sit here now you knocked Colin Montgomery out no chance the title will stay in the United States tell me what you heard Jack Nicklaus stay on television yesterday that helped you well I got over uh hit it over the green on 14 in the shipping area that they put in and uh I wasn't quite sure exactly how to play it and I saw Tom Watson earlier in the week had a beautiful chip but uh I heard Jack say that he thought the only way to play the shot was to put it and uh took out the Putter and knocked it up there about six feet and made the par exactly and the wind was just absolutely treacherous you're sitting here now at uh at minus one but Tom Kite seems to have it well in hand doesn't he yeah Tom uh Tom knows how to win tournaments and finish him off but uh you know he's got some little golf left and we'll just sit here and watch and see what happens before we do that here's your third shot at 18. you came in and asked me where it hit and why don't you take a look at it tell us about it well I think I had 119 yards and obviously a cross one left right and I just wanted to hit a solid nine iron and kind of turn it into the wind and sort of hold it off straight turned out pretty good Jeff congratulations great U.S open back we go to Jim and Jack thanks see it pays to listen to the Masters took Jack Nicholas's advice and see where he is now I remember you saying that yesterday well he he did a little bit more take my advice he went ahead and played some great adult I couldn't take much credit for that he gets all the credit for that Tom Kite is unshakable [Applause] that for the par to stay at 500 four strokes ahead he'll be with three holes to play Nick Faldo here is four over the championship six over for the days on 16th hole Jim it's been a very long day for him he hasn't even flooded with making a pot until just then very long day and a very long Park the new funny guy funny for the day was climbing a tree and saying where is Jane he was Tarzan now he gives us a little trash day after the hole but I think that was more moving frustration than anything else Tom Kite another par remains at 500. when you're just kind of playing at the string as Fowler was doing today in a championship like this day is it even more difficult than usual to maintain your concentration well I think at this point Jim uh I think to have a little fun with it is probably about the only thing you can have I remember the day that I shot 45 the back nine here at Pebble Beach in the tournament and I was basically one shot out of the lead all you could do was laugh I mean it was really it got to a certain point where it got laughable and so in the game of golf you know it's supposed to be fun and once you get Beyond a certain point too yeah just maybe just make it fun for yourself boys that was from 155 out of a pretty good line or the 15th hole good shot whoops whoops whoops but I tell you one Fella's having a lot of fun right now is Tom Kite oh boy must to be fun at this point Payne Stewart second shot on 18. not like last year of 18 to be the Champions it might be dead behind that tree and he may be able to get by what do you think I don't really think Payne really cares too much about this point what he did was just kind of have some fun and see if he could knock it on the green and just exactly what we're talking about with Faldo a second ago yeah yeah okay now Tom Kite on 16. Far four three nestled among the trees he may be the only serious golfer left on the golf course right now yes headed toward the right-hand side whoops what the rough and live at Pebble Beach here is the leader in the U.S Open Championship Tom Kite of Texas this is not a very good lie it's not the depth of the grass it's the problem but the fact that the grass right in front of the ball is laying back against it you really think he should be heading into the green Mark I don't know he's got 158 to the front edge he is looking at the green right now boy he got a lot of that shot do that fight all the way through the green shot I think I think a Harvey Penick would been proud of that one Jim you mean the Bro who taught both Tom Kite and Ben Crenshaw Harvey Texas yeah I'm sure Harvey's watching and uh I'm sure he's very proud of Tom right now Harvey's taught both Ben and Tom to be very much fundamentalists and swing the golf club and use the club head and learn how to maneuver the ball with that and much the same school as Jack Ralph came from taught me and I think it's uh it's wonderful to see the guys who you don't have to be large or stature to be able to play that way and he just uses the club head and goes ahead and plays and I think Harvey's been a wonderful teacher through the years as we look at the 16th hole right here the Tom Kite is playing interesting that both you and they did stick with their one pro you had you had Jack from the time you were kid right right jack until the time passed away a couple years ago and then uh and you still went back to him that's right and they still go back to Harvey right Payne Stewart want to see a shot he's out of the championship but this was his approach to the 18th green with the gallery gathered around a chance for a little fun perhaps look at that good enough yeah who enjoyed that shot yep as he hit that shot however he was 12 over for the day well he's only going to be 11 when he finishes that's right [Applause] there we look down on the whole thing there you see the lodge in the upper left-hand corner and some of the the rooms are in those other buildings around the golf course it's a great place to be a question about that here is Ian wisdom not thinking about any of the amenities right now but just what has slipped away today coming off of bogey at 15. that one's in the left rough seven over for the day now four over for the championship there's even wisdom of Wales no he's playing a lot of wind but uh it's gotten almost everybody's days it really has Gil Morgan here the head of him and here's that shot Rossi when do you think that these Two Fellas felt like the tournament was over for them well I think it was over at the sixth hole for Gill uh he's going along real good but then after hitting the perfect Drive Jack he may committed the cardinal sin to put it down the cliff and make seven from then on he knew with Montgomery in the clubhouse at even Farr he knows a tough fight maybe you could see it on their faces that's right yeah up on the green however is Tom Kite second shot went over the putting surface for the gorgeous shot you thought uh ahead of time you might have laid that shop out shot up right now I might have but you know I'm not there I couldn't tell you exactly from the LIE of what he had and uh he could see the ball and Tom felt he could get it there and he felt like the better play was to get the ball to the green and that's what he uh that's where he tried he's been right all day today because he has [Music] thanks you're not good come on come on all right a bit of a cut for the Par Four I don't think he's too worried about that right now no four-stroke leading 17 and 18 yet to come you'll want to have a look at those pretty interesting how Tom plays 17. speaking of 17 here's Nick Faldo in the bunker as many many many people have been for the last four days well there's a four under for the championship give it a good try Mark Brooks now Brooke started this day remember three under par he's now seven over or ten over on today's round the way it goes a long afternoon for virtually all the players on the golf course here took the kite and swimming and Montgomery really let's just try to put myself in tom kite's head here in a second sure let's have a quick look at Scott Simpson on 18 former U.S open champion always plays well in the open Henry Longhurst used to say it's gone to a watery Gray that's gonna put myself in tom kite's head here Tom's looking at this this is this is an important putt for him for the simple reason that he's got a four shot lady he knows he's going to 17 and allow him to play 17 for a four and he makes four here or five here and then then he goes to 17 and he's got a little bit more careful at 17 what he does but he makes this he can play 17 for 4 and 18 the way he wants to play to win the championship miss that the lead drifts to three three now he's going to be wondering how does he play 17 is he gonna take 17 and take it at the hole or is he going to take it out to the right of the hole I'm still playing for four I still think the right play for Tom is to play it out to the right and and play the hole for four I don't think that we should take any chance of the ocean at all and I know that he's thinking that I'm gonna see what he's upset when he handed the putter back to the caddies now now what am I going to do at 17. what's been playing almost as a par four today yeah and if you played as a par four you can make five on it that's the problem huh and then 18 becomes a real tough hole so you know let's uh be very interesting how he goes about playing this hole [Music] statistically the most difficult hole in the golf course the hole where Jack Nicholas hit a one iron that hit the flag stick and ended up inches away to wrap up his third open title in 1972 20 years ago and we're 10 years ago Tom Watson chipped in from the terrible eye off the back the left back of the green to snatch the title away from Jack so many things have happened at 17. but you can't get there this time with an iron right and that's that's the whole thing the wind is coming right into their face I assume just slightly left to right is that correct mark Ralphie is uh they're probably making his way over there okay [Applause] [Music] [Applause] okay now you can lose them now it's 16 out of the rough again 170 take a big shot out of this rock to get there he's hit a beauty though what a great looking shot hey that is a marvelous golf shop right there just over the back uh Rossi Gil Morgan has 160 out of a not very good lie it's not real thick of all sitting down almost impossible to stop it on the green just joined us mortgage three over par now he's played himself out of the championship seven over for the day foreign [Applause] well there's a lot more people out there now Jim and we're bringing more people into the game that uh haven't been in the game before and uh they're just out there having fun I think Gallery gathering around the 17th hole wind is in the face and and left to right a little bit mark it is and I do not believe you can get this three wood back to the flag I think you would have to hit driver if you were going left I'm surprised he's used the wood frankly maybe he's gonna try to hit it to the right side of the green with three wood I want to take the ocean out of play if I could it started to the left part of the green had the long bunker shot ABC Sports exclusive coverage of the 1992 United States Open Championship continues [Music] Gary Hallberg an 18. well I think I got over the Green in in two we hit a big second shot this is his third shot but at this point he was 12 over for the day 10 over for the championship well is that all right so the tap is for the birdie that brought him back to 11 over 83. and he started today very much in contention it all took place here at Pebble Beach the third U.S Open Championship played on this course Gil Morgan at 16. [Applause] so we should make this four to remain at four or three of them now kite second shot Jack awkward stance it's got a long bunker shot put himself in a position that I don't I'm sure he doesn't want to be there oh my gosh is that good or not huh well I suppose if you uh if you're Tom Kite with the short game that he's got he guess he doesn't mind the bunker that much that was an absolutely beautiful shot highest final round scoring average in the U.S open since 1946 and since after World War II Pebble Beach here 20 years ago when you won Jack then Brookline in 63 that was the triple tie Julius boros Jackie Cupid and Arnold Palmer right here is Gil Morgan oh yet another bogey dropped into four over for the championship eight over for the day Mark Brooks for the par and no he's gotta watch out for the bogey so Cameron there it is the 17th hole well well remember this we were here a long long time ago I know back in the 60s Arnold Palmer down on the rocks that the dog was having more fun than Arnold was I think in those days I believe you told me Jack that there was it was not a hazard right so you had to get down and play it the ocean was part of the golf course yep well Arnold played it and played it and played it and played it they played it quite a few times and it was just he wouldn't have a lot of fun down there I'm sure it has been known as a liquid refreshment called Palmer On The Rocks now more serious stuff here Tom kites needs to be a little careful with this one it's only four feet but the wind is right at his back [Applause] oh no I'm gonna make sure that one the lead will drop to Two Strokes at least sweaty Palm time eh Steve Tom suffers from a rare skin condition called hypohidrosis and it's just basically sweaty palms and it's exacerbated by stress it's plenty of that right now well he makes the bogey and going to 18 if you call that a cushion at Pebble well that's just what we're talking about it and if you made the putted 16. make Bobby at 17 he would have had a three shot lead and you could you could do a lot of things in three shot a two shot lead you could be a little bit careful with but you know two shot leak and disappear pretty quick if you make one one mistake Faldo third shot of 18. he's not happy today [Applause] let's look forward now to the 18th the final hole of the U.S open 548 yards along the ocean Tim what will Tom do hit off the tee will he play a one iron or three wood trade that they're short of those uh pine trees on the right try to put a second shot up here in the Fairway the rough on the right is very very difficult winds coming from left to right and you've almost forces you to bring the ocean into play pin is tucked right behind the bunker on the right one of the obviously most beautiful and famous holes in the game of golf there it is that there is Tom 20 000 people out here right now Jack and it's just unbelievable how quiet it is what's uh Mark's plan first what's the time gonna pull out or do you know yet Mark I don't know the wind is so strong from the left no matter what he hits it's gonna be tough to keep it out of that right rough ly Mark Brooks is over there right yeah well this club has a graphite shaft and that means driver going with the driver huh well as long as he keeps it on on land and not too far right he's driven the ball very well today but I think to keep this one in the Fairway it actually is going to have to start out over the water there you see him right in the middle of the screen see the fence and then Tom right in the middle there there he is oh this is a good one here left to the pine trees just under go how good a tee shot that was at this point one step closer to victory in the open is Tom Kite I believe he can get home from there I think he can I don't mean to the green I mean yeah well yes eventual championship in time well that's it yes Tom Kite is the leader and it appears soon will be the champion after all these years after winning more than seven million dollars playing golf he seems to be on his way to his first major here's Ian wuse however on the 17th hole it was a four over for the championship seven over in today's round that was a one iron I don't think he can get there with a one urn I just don't well you're right it's in the bunker as you said it's time now just to have some fun yeah I don't know I will try to now back to Tom pipe the orange sweater which I assume he wears for his alma mater the University of Texas yeah the University of Texas will be very proud of him today oh yes 245 235 to the front here tonight we hear him talking to this guy he's talking 235 in the front please don't try to knock it on Tom actually Jack this ball has rolled just into the first cutter rough it's only about an inch into the rough but it has settled down a little bit it's definitely going to jump out of this lie so yeah you can't be playing more about a five iron is he I think that's really all it is again the wind's coming hard from the left so you have to be careful leaving it out to the right hand side well even if he leaves it out the left hand or the right hand side I mean it's it's a side to leave it even if he has to pitch a short of the green to the next one all he needs to do is make six yep yep good swing all right hit it right down the center it's gonna be much better or safer than that right wow look how far he played it I mean good drink if he played it 30 yards past where he needed to play it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] well everybody expected this open to be something special one to compare with 72 and 82. the quality of golf on all the tours has been up this year and Pebble Beach is never in better shape and that's exactly what's happened although not in a way we might have envisioned Gil Morgan made this a private Affair until sometime yesterday when he and Pebble Beach decided to invite the world in it wasn't so much that gill collapses it was a case of Retribution you do not treat Pebble Beach like he did for 43 holes and you don't get double figures in the U.S Open Championship you have to pay for it and that's exactly what happened of course today the sun came out and the wind which had been vacationing came up and the golf course was in complete charge they called her a great lady but today she was a cold-blooded Beauty with a rocky Coastline and the wind in her hair and the 3 three people leading on the leaderboard know how to handle the win Colin Montgomery from the Firth of Clyde and the Irish see Jeff slumen from The Plains of Oklahoma and Tom Kite from the panhandle of Texas it should be Tom kite's open if the golfing gods have any compassion at all it was also the open of Dillard's Stark faldo's tree Mickelson's debut Morgan's Retreat and now we hope Tom Kite from Austin Texas if it happens I should say not a moment too soon okay Jack well if Pebble Beach is a cold baby today she's a sweetheart of Thomas kite it looks like here's Nick Faldo this is on tape I'm going for Birdie on the final hole [Music] gives him a round of 77 today brings him in a three over for the championship so we go in the Muirfield and the British Open now for Nick and for ABC Sports for Jack Nicholas I dare say I've got a short stop in between at soccer Valley gym Saucon Valley that's right the seniors which will also be here we go with Gil Morgan free gonna bother him there I don't think so Jay wisdom hit before Morgan this was his shot Audrey and now in just a few moments it'll be time for one of the great traditions of the U.S open and the British Open to walk up for the champion Tom Kite must still play this third shot to the green and when he does we'll just let you watch five patients from the right of the green right before the flag stick is sound like Somewhere Over The Bunker left to the hole Tom sit down though and now if you'd like to know what it feels like to be a U.S open Champion just try to put yourself inside Tom's Ice head and imagine what happens now is for you [Applause] foreign [Applause] almost like a dream [Applause] wouldn't it be great if everybody could have a feel like that once in their life it's a great thrill Jim walking up there I can't knowing that uh they really can't do anything but when the golf tournament from there everything you can you know four putt I guess and went from there Jeff blumen looking on be your turn yet Jeff where you played today wisdom perfect layup the left hand side in good shape Mike Brooks [Music] [Applause] I think time watching it but very much like this yeah just about the same putt that Tom Kite has today and what did he do with it [Music] [Applause] Well Jack it looked like you might very well win an unprecedented 50 was open when you were watching on the monitor standing with Jack Whitaker I think and then Tom pitched it in on 17 and hold it on 18. put the icing on the cake yes he did Rooks will finish up first to allow the proper tribute to the new champion well I hope it always finishes on Father's Day and it's almost always a great present for some dad Tom Kite father of four including twins it's his wife Christy thoughts must be going through her mind never ever won a major it's on everything else [Applause] [Music] well he very nearly ended up like Tom Watson did 10 years ago but that's good enough Tom Pike at last at the age of 42 has won his first major championship the U.S open [Applause] that was an unbelievable display today he was fantastic he just hole after whole after hole he just stayed there like a like a little bulldog with this tenacious and just stayed right after him [Applause] I'm so happy for him and proud of him I think that's just wonderful thank you [Applause] well I'll never forget that as long as I'm away well there's Tom Kite he must check his own scorecard he is responsible remember for his own score if he signs an incorrect scorecard he would lose the championship so standby we'll have a word with him in a moment this is such a warm emotional moment for Tom Kite Tom I don't know if everybody realizes how hard you've been working and and just how much it means to you to break through and win a major championship yeah Brandon I you know I don't know what to say right now it's uh I'm at a total loss at uh you know obviously it's it's so important it means so much and and you know you keep trying to say that uh your career is great and you're happy with everything but uh and I was happy I was happy with Tom coyote I'm really happy with my family I got a great family but uh you know there's still no substitute for winning Tom you're one of the few who have played in all three here you turn professional in 1972. tell everybody about the conditions that the players faced in this final round here this year well I'll tell you Brent the greens were were so so difficult out there today the um uh fairly reminiscent of the last round in in 1972 uh 82 they were they were much more gentle on us but uh with the winds the way they kicked up today and and the uh the lack of water uh there there are some greens that are that were just unbelievably treacherous and and they they could get very tracked up and uh gosh you just made for uh for a scary day on the greens and and I was lucky because somehow some of those putts fell for me today and I I made most of the putts that I needed there were two wonderful moments for you chipping in at seven and then you were able to find your ball alongside those perilous Cliffs at nine you waited down in there to the Deep grass I know it was a bogey but it could have easily been a double game oh yeah that was that was a big bogey yeah you know some bogeys are better than others and that was a great one I was I was really pleased with that but uh really you're right six and seven I made a good long putt for Birdie on on six and and course that that seventh hole that uh gosh how can a hole look so easy and be so darn difficult it is such a scary hole I mean to think that yesterday I hit a sand wedge today I hit a six iron on the same hole at uh it's kind of mind-boggling but the pitch in there obviously really got everything going in the right direction Tom finally this is Father's day and I know how close you've been to your father through the years down in Austin right you know I'm I'm lucky because I've got two wins so far this year I won the Atlanta classic Bell South on Mother's Day and now I've won the US Open on Father's Day well I hope they don't schedule a tournament on Christmas man aren't they and and the neat thing about it is that uh this is my parents 50th wedding anniversary year so they'll they'll have their anniversary later on this year and I can't think of much better gifts to give them than uh than to win so I'm I'm proud as I can be of them and uh uh just so lucky Jim McKay he is no longer the greatest golfer to never have won a major he's a United States open Champion Tom Kite congratulations
Channel: United States Golf Association (USGA)
Views: 86,436
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: USGA, United States Golf Association, golf, PGA Tour, major championship, U.S. Open, US Open, professional golf, final round, telecast, original broadcast, 1992 U.S. Open, 1992 US Open, Tom Kite, Pebble Beach Golf Links, Pebble Beach California
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 206min 23sec (12383 seconds)
Published: Wed May 03 2023
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