1992: Michigan 35 MSU 10

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turned out to be a beautiful day here a little bit of a nip in the air we had some rain earlier this morning and according to a few folks a little bit of snow but we didn't buy that whatsoever he's just too and there's the main man outside for the University of Michigan Derrick Alexander young man did not get a chance to play last year because of a knee injury came back strong this year people only fantasize whether it might have been had he and Desmond Howard been allowed to play well on the field together at the same time that's a scary thought Alexander and Desmond Howard that's looking Wolverine sounds tough too their dominance over the big 10 well since 1988 32 and 1 they've outscored their opponents 524 to 199 in the last 14 Vic 10 games 14 and Oh since 1969 the team that has led this game in rushing has also won the game and the University of Michigan has got a four headed tailback named Wheatley Johnson powers and Davis they've combined for 950 yards but Len the performance by Tyrone Wheatley last week has kind of separated him from the rest of the pack he had a phenomenal game against Iowa only 19 carries to go over to a new dodge and the three touchdowns he's only a sophomore everyone knows about his speed he added 20 pounds to his weight this year so he runs through tackles a lot but he is only a sophomore it takes time to learn how to be a good running back but last week was any indication and if they got to when tailback at the poster for that young man would be a really legitimate Heisman Trophy candidate well the University of Michigan has won 14 consecutive conference games they are ranked third in the nation the Spartans are looking for the upset converting on just about 36% so far this year the tight end place of very key role in the Spartan offense first of 10 41 yard line they give it to duck it off the left side that he's met over there 79 Tony Henderson the nose tackle and 43 the safety Pat Maloney came up to get in second down and eight from the 43 Michigan State going into the wind as Miller roars to the near side and he's going to crawl to the to it but about the corners we might have gotten back to the line of scrimmage Steve Morrison number 36 was over there Miller there is food more eleven yards on the South Michigan State first and 25 for the 19 yard line Noah with pressure again and he has got that close hutchinson Hutchinson came into the game with two sacks he's been enough to already he's had six to 250 one pound senior from Houston Texas ten yards on the loss they realized that they could do a lot more than just sit back in zone coverage and play conservative foot back second down CK Duncan the right side he gets across the 15 to the 16 yard line Alfie birch number 7 one of the first men to come up for meeting along with Matt Dyson came down and 27th the Michigan State 943 to go first quarter from Ann Arbor will just handed to tuck it inside and just trying to get it out to get that punter some room to the 23 yard line where Steve Morrison makes the stop and that will bring up a punting situation for Michigan State and they take a game as blue tougher closes at Illinois counts 440 yards or so every time you make this happen and something you should be a lot more attention to Michigan has because they have Alexander back to return in scientific investigation Salani that's it end over end but and Alexander is going to have some room at the 42 Gary Alexander rocks at the 45-yard line number that was looked at and they'll give it to Wheatley right side he's got a hole Tyrone Wheatley inside the 30 down to the 29 yard line where Steve was silly makes a tackle after 15 yards we plead down to the 12 yard line and let's go to New York and John Saunders second down and eight Wheatley averaging over nine yard security this year is Leggett the lead blocker Wheatley touchdown Michigan Tyrone Wheatley with his 14th career rushing touchdown and he's gone the season exactly what this can state didn't want to happen is happening right now the offensive line is coming off the ball opening up a huge hole and Wheatley is able to build up his speed and with that momentum going forward no one person is going to have a chance to pull him down the look from the endzone I'll watch the leap up look at the offensive line the charge he'll see how they wall off everybody on the side and he just picks his way it's easy opening with the speed no one can just pull him down Michigan State for penalties in 34 yards they've got it first in 15 from the 26 yard line Miller was it right into the hands of a Michigan defendant Marcus Walker so we have not seen stellar passing so far today by either Jim Miller or Elvis Grbac and once again the Wolverines without standing filled Pezzini as the lone setback first and 10 from the 33 yard line of the Spartans they'll give it a Tyrone Wheatley he gets down to the 26 yard line ty Halleck the middle linebacker 5 carries 51 yards so far he'll get it again moves to the middle it'll be close to the first down at the 23 yard line where the white shirts of Michigan State will push him back Robert McBride a freshman second and five from the 17 yard line Wheatley gets it the debt gotting the garage and he's inside the 15 down to the 13 yard line Juan Hammonds a junior from Louisville Kentucky was the man that Betty and he's on the sidelines right now third down and 13 from the 25 that was Derrick Alexander who goes in motion out of the tailback position go back to throw it down the middle Scott McGee is tight in McGee the tight end inside the 10 enough for the first down to the 8 yard line and let's go to John Saunders in New York huh but only one touchdown so far they're going to try to change that as Johnson's got a stop just short of the goal line so on his first carry of the day number 30 Jesse Johnson one of those four outstanding tailbacks for Michigan gets him down just inches away 30 volts the three pitch it back to Johnson he's definitely a touchdown and what an exciting moment for Jesse Johnson because that's his first rushing touchdown of the year all those other tailbacks have got it in the end zone and Johnson finally gets it in for the first time Burnie look at number 40 a watch how the offensive line seals and everyone on the inside right there they actually create the corner Leggett kick the outside pressure way and tonight's open lane that's easy money right there letter Johnson easy Monday first enchant 38 yard line that's Lions etat and in motion as they'll give it the number 35 Chico Duncan who senior from Kalamazoo is 510 199 Marcus Walker Chris Hutchinson come up to make the tackle in so far second down and eight duck at eight Jerry's 21 yards so far as ramen was the motion man and Miller will find his tight end I think look at its bills from third down and four from the 44 yard line it's gotta go to the Cayenne get past that the coverage was pretty darn good Portland Brown of the 22 senior from Chicago so far Chris Salani as he stands back at his 31 yard line his average 19 yards net on his three putts he's got the win to his back as Alexander comes to the 21 yard maybe yards on the return for the touchdown after the 36-yard punt or jarred our example the junior from Detroit Michigan Derrick Alexander has been coming pull all long all year long you get some good blocking up front takes her right down the middle on the rest of the sprint punt return very often on matter of timing and courage sometimes you have to make that catch in the face of somebody comes out coming down at you make the first man miss and have the timing to get through those slots and away from them everything happens for them on that play Ella's open for the point after and it's good 12:01 to go first half Michigan leaves Michigan State 21 to nothing Elvis go back and get him going first and ten from the ten yard line wants to go to the area fives Wheatley to the near side and Wheatley will get it to about the 12 yard line Steve was silly Johnson will take it looking for some room breaks a tackle and he gets to the 26 yard line excuse me the 21 yard line and that weren't Davis number 86 the only player that didn't make it back to the game this week for the man is Johnson with home and he gives it to the 38 yard line for time halli brings him down 13 yards on the pickup and what 731 to go first half bad look for the reverse to aleksandr robak makes a block Alexander is pushed out at the 45 yard line number 31 was the man that pushed it out Damien Manson philosophy that's Bernie Leggett doesn't get to carry the football too much but he moves it to the 45 yard lot of Michigan State where Rob Fredrickson and Ty Halleck make the stop Valentin yards attached second and four Tyrone Wheatley and he'll be close to get another first down at the 41 yard line as Damien Manson came up from his free safety spot they don't play Michigan first and ten swing at their side at Derrick Alexander got the move to the outside Alexander inside the 25 to the 24 as he put the move on Stan calendar over there 19 yards on the pickup Tyrone Wheatley back behind he'll again he'll get the football and as he gets down to the 15 I have to ask you this is the 12th play of this Drive at 4:52 to go on second and three and Wheatley has got it one more time and he is driven out of bounds at the 7 yard line and the team took them to continue freshman I don't think he's having it right here 30 goal from the 5 yard line Johnson haven't made a signal though we're going to say at inside the one yard we're back pleading with Gary Moeller coach we've got just about the size of my shoe left to go for the touchdown fourth than gold now Bernie Leggett is the lone setback for the University of Michigan he gets the football over the top touchdown Michigan and he showed you lynn swann a little Sam BAM Cunningham action there over the top my roommate at USC well know burning the get gets up there just gets up in the air he has less than yard look at the offensive surge right here which makes us what happened they get low they drive them back and right there they're in the end zone yeah the offensive line is already in the end zone all the green the white jerseys are backed up they're pushed away no one makes a penetration palette number 28 he can't even get a position to dive over the top to mitla get in the air to stop them touchdown through what this does this for the field goal kicker they're not going to put a huge rush on because they know that cold was a threat maybe give this young man a chance to take his time and get a good one that one is going to be good so Michigan State gets on the board 31 yard field goal second down and 10 as Mark McFarland comes flip to the near side Coleman at the top of your screen ship the backs around Miller got some time and he's got to man he's been going through most of the day is tied in Mitch Lyons Alfie birch said he's been a stand-up outside line back there sometimes getting down in the fourth down position third and six as she can stay several types of nails Miller nice football and hustling back together his Toby Heaton a senior from Plymouth Michigan as that time Matt Dyson came and knocked it away down the line of scrimmage pick them up everybody's out the pass counted just one person unaccounted for when you've got everybody out in the past and he comes in and gets the big hit for the fumble loss of 16 yards and they pull back and let down do not really playing for for there's a tough football and when they get into a tough game where do they have the drawn nothing 35 and stripped away whoever came in took it away then go back and he recovered it so Rick big play by rich fluttering finally the defense comes up with a big play like Villiers check it off at the line of scrimmage as Bryce Evans the full-back will shift to the near side and Thomas I don't know what he thought he saw but what he thought he saw was not there Nina Agha Khan a junior from Mount Prospect Illinois was right there to make the tackle as we've run out of time of the third quarter Michigan 28 Michigan State 3 like the guy sitting next he's an old fans historian I think that was the hully gully he was going right here they're down in five twenty-seven Miller : his first touchdown reception of the year 27 yards third down into of the 38 her back near side he's got Smith and that's going to be enough for the first down at the 45 yard line Milan Bell and Steve was silly were there and there's a now it's third and nine from the 46 for Michigan they lead by 18 as grbac will throw it downfield he's got his receiver that kept made there by Velma Malvo the sophomore from Beaumont Texas 20 yards on the pickup in Lin he took a big-time hit after catching that ball bursted 10 34 yard line Alexander Smith the white out so they'll pitch it back to Smith on the end around what a terrific move by the sophomore from Detroit Robert McBride finally made the tackle after a 25 yard game second and goal from the 10 play-action to Johnson looking for our jam throw that side by Gurgaon Alexander should have caught that football stand calendar was on the coverage and there's a penalty marker down and a fight going on down on the field hi Alex in a boat another flag goes down result Jenkins then gets his two cents worth than him you knew this was going to happen at some point in time today there was some hot blood running before this game and they did a pretty good job but keeping tempers calm down but finally Jenkins and Glover squared off a little bit ago and watch the bottom left-hand corner of your screen as Tony McGee comes off you see McGee right there with number 45 Matt Christensen and Christensen khasimbai the face master slammed into the ground Jay foster came in and got involved with it everybody is getting involved in it we basically said if they're gonna play that personal here hosting here in a third party against Michigan 15-yard penalty next down so 15-yard penalty two personal fouls against Michigan just the one against Michigan State so that will move the football back to the 25-yard line will be third and goal from the 25-yard line birth folders backup tight end in motion and go back where is it intercept intercept about under 24 Myron Bell he runs backwards still on his feet envelop got the world now waving it down they're going to wave it down at the 4-yard line as and guess who rich Glover leading the way blocking for him ran into the Michigan bench and they're ready to go again folks Roger last year Michigan is crying Minnesota okay that girl with Justin change so now they set the team try to get things settled down I'm cool the intersection by they battled pretty hard they came in some people's estimation 2 4 5 touchdown underdogs this game they hunts up in the second half it's Miller gets the Lions met immediately loses the football Roland Brown made the tackle a fumble and Michigan gets it Tony Henderson 79 came up with a fumble recovery off the stick by Corwin Brown time out of the field 1:11 left to go 57 seconds left to go Wheatly right he's been right today just got another first down right on and I am hurt and I don't think that this Michigan team is trying to run up the score they're just gonna try and run out the clock as the clock continues to run here want to thank our statistician the biggy Elvin Lindblad and the spot man Joe Sullivan working alongside today so what started out as a rather bleak day here in Ann Arbor turned out to be a beautiful day as Tyrone this is a little bit of the indian face football folks and the big blue fans from Michigan loved it Wheatly just go to another gaping hole I'm just thinking ahead Lin the commercial endorsements are endless for this young man who pitched a pro football with that name in there a box out there he might get his picture on just might Wheatley's had 396 yards rushing in the last two games as Ella's obey kick the extra point up and good and with 27 seconds to go Michigan leads it 35 to 10 you see the number 2 post ballgame but he played the majority off but was taken out on several occasions get one North point one second as it began today it ends and you don't want to end it like that as number 76 shrimp Stankiewicz came in to make the sack on Brett Johnson as most of the players are running off to the tunnel of getting off the field and that ends it Michigan has beat Michigan State the third ranked Wolverines the final 35 to 10 okay thank you very much John PES that we return here to Ann Arbor our Chevrolet most valuable players of the game a couple defensive clerks steve was silic for Michigan State outstanding job nine tackles eight of the solo variety and Chris Hutchinson really set the day the tone for the day defensively five tackles a two quarterback sacks Chevrolet will donate $1,000 each school's general scholarship fund to reward outstanding students for their academic achievements and to assist those in financial need for Lynn Swann I'm Roger twibell thanks for being with us Michigan beats Michigan State 35 to 10 so long everybody
Channel: WolverineHistorian
Views: 12,977
Rating: 4.9036145 out of 5
Keywords: Michigan, Wolverines, Football, State, Spartans, MSU, Big, Ten
Id: TnS_4fTp4f8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 9sec (1449 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 24 2012
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