#12 Michigan vs Michigan State 2004
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Channel: thornsx2
Views: 24,163
Rating: 4.7723579 out of 5
Keywords: Michigan Wolverines Michigan State Spartans
Id: R4g0P7n0MwI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 102min 22sec (6142 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 13 2013
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
I was there! My parents were out of town for a business trip so my brother and I were able to go with my grandparents.
Towards the end (but before the comeback) the drunk MSU fans in front of us left early thinking the game was in the bag. I asked my grandpa if we could leave and he said "Goddamnit it's not over til it's over!"
I'm so happy he put his foot down, but by the time it was over I had to piss SO BADLY.
Best game I ever saw in person
My favorite Michigan MSU game ever. I remember going crazy when Michigan was making this comeback
Saw this game from Section 32 row 5.
This was one of those games that reminded me how incredible Lloyd Carr was as a recruiter, but how mediocre he was as a game day coach.
Braylon Edwards was the best player on either team and they didn't really push the ball to him until it was almost too late and they absolutely had to.
Once they did, he looked like an unstoppable Force that was seemingly forgotten about.
Great to see fans actually standing up and cheering! Jingling keys on key please. Now when you stand up you have five people complaining. Hope we can get back to these days
I remember watching this game at home with my family and friends(who were Spartan fans)
This Michigan team had the horses on both sides of the ball, and Chad was and still is one of the best ever. That two pointer to Tim Massaquoi was clutch,and Braylon's catch where he snatched it from thin air at the under 3:00 mark was breathtaking. They did try to wear us all out with the OT's though. Lol
This is one of those games where I remember where I was and what I was doing. I was 13.
This was my freshman year- and likely the best game I will ever see in person in the Big house! I am 34 now with a spouse, child, mortgage, job, stress, etc...BUT I still think often of this game and Braylon's acrobatics! Dear Jesus it was freezing cold in overtime!