1992 Gatorade Twin 125's

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hey Tony International Speedway we're a preparatory event is about to go and tomorrow we'll go with a 34th running of the great American race the Daytona 500 worth some 2.3 million dollars hello everyone ken Squier here and in the next hour we're going to show you some of the spectacular action from the twin 125-mile qualifying races held this past Thursday and spectacular is the word Alan Kulwicki in trouble here at 190 miles an hour in all some 17 cars were torn up drivers had to go back to secondary cars for the Daytona 500 but they're already now 42 strong to make a go tomorrow and what is a racing classic now joining us this year for the first time in the booth a two-time winner of these 125 mile errs Neil Bonnett and also alongside the great Winston Cup champion Ned Jarrett and net so many exciting stories here and certainly one of them as we're speaking to you live from the garage area is right across the way where Richard Petty's number 43 has been parked in these past few days well the 1992 season and the Daytona 500 kicks off his fan appreciation tour his farewell tour as a driver he will drive all of the races in 1992 but this will be his last Daytona 500 Richard has won seven Daytona 500 he's also won seven NASCAR Winston Cup championships and 200 events in all he has set so many records over the years and been so great for this sport of odd racing Ken it's going to be sad to see him go as a driver but certainly it has created a lot of action and activity for the Daytona 500 and we're going to be following all the way tomorrow with our live flag-to-flag coverage commencing at noon here on CBS now the reason we have these earmuffs on where we're not broadcasting from the downhill at Oliver Ville but we're about to get a pretty high EB level as they clump up the grand national cars but they're 300 mile race we mentioned that Neil Bonnett twice a winner in these 125 mile qualifiers how about these races we're about to watch can I tell you what these things are a lot of fun but they'll bite you I think in the garage area the guys look at them as a necessary evil to find out how good your car is for the Daytona 500 you need to take them to the limit and sometimes beyond any 125 to see how good you are I remember living in Alabama Barry brought used to say when you throw a forward pass three things can happen most of times they're bad in this type of racing you neither run lousy you tear your car up if you're lucky you might finish this thing some of them finished thanks Neil for another observation let's go to the Dean of American race casters Krista cotton a key of the 58 cars enter for tomorrow's Daytona 500 only 42 will take the starting flag and only a handful of those 58 do not have commercial sponsorship console what me Thursday the sweets and pit boxes were packed with corporation presidents marketing managers and Public Relation types all armed with programs ready to launch the minute their car wins the Daytona 500 Detroit is represented with an army of Reuters for its particular name quake consequently the pressures on the drivers to win these economic hard times are greater today than ever before the first hurdle however is getting into the 500 and that's what these 125s are all about 10 thank you Chris now get a firm hold on your armchair and stand by as we bring you the second of the 125 mile follow fires from Thursday the starting bid for the second 125 mile qualifier here at Daytona looks like this twice 500-mile champion Dorsey Schrader is alongside the X Trans Am champion row number 2 is Davey Allison and Brett Bodine 403 it's Ricky Rudd and Chad little row 4 is the 86 winner that's Geoff Bodine and Michael Waltrip in row five rookie bob chat and darryl welcome to 89 Jimmy that's how they qualified but not how they start practice on Wednesday a miserable situation for many including Michael Waltrip in the yellow car here when the brett bodine Brett's car is able to come back out in Simmons position but that 30 car was destroyed so it starts in the back and incidentally Davey Allison lost a car up and turned to as well he's running a backup car from the rear of the field as we come down to start this 125 mile qualifying event Bill Elliott jr. Johnson Houston Cup competition right down here on the bottom we saw him in the Busch clash last weekend hearing is now getting out in front and with him comes Ricky Rudd Marcy Schrader the 89 Trans Am champion number nine he falls back into third spot as they head down the back straightaway Davey Allison out of the back of the field moves around buddy maker in the 47 he's got a lot of distance to make up remember that he was one of those cars that had to run backup cars and he is just flying through the field well he ran upon someone who's almost stopped that made a good boom that mistake Ted Musgrave car number 55 apparently having some sort of problem here he comes back to the inside the starting order and come from the rear and come from the rear he does as does the yellow number 30 there this is a backup car babies he lost his car in the last practice and he had to go this backup mama this is not a slouch this is the car the suppli poll a year ago was leading the 500 last year so it's plenty good to win this race this is the garden got tangled up in the back straightaway with her heart leading to going this is a good horse here he is Manderley speed in the number 89 as he continues to fly through the field from the rear Davey Allison on the attack meanwhile with the leaders here you are the number 11 car deal elegant in front board for a Chevrolet Ricky Rudd right there in that second spot there's dorsi Schrader in the junii Don levy car number 90 remember Don let he won this race Schrader at the controls then that when car builder from Virginia with the leaders Elliott first rut number five in second in here's Allison still closing still grinding it out here as he moves up through coming out of turn number four sashays by still another automobile closes in on the Shaq car and here comes the number thirty making that safe continue to meander up to thee field and try to get up to battle with Elliott Ruud Schrader Bodine running in the first four spots chat littlest bit and from Morgan's viewpoint here's what this 125 mile qualifier looks like from the 9th position you can see nothing but daylight as far as his groove was concerned there were no cars than there in that group that's what you drive just can't get any help there Morgan Shepherd brand new ride takes over the car the Dale Jarrett drove just a year ago back with the leaders another time and here you see Elliott staying out in front he's had pretty good luck in these 125s the past but always in the fame car number nine out of Ghazni Hill Georgia for the second time in his career the 11 of junior Johnson here's blood right there deployed in second just roosting on the rear end of that car number 11 looking for a way to move probably willing to take this one out of it take a look at this further back eighth ninth and tenth there's Darrell Waltrip down the bottom and guess who's caught up Davey Allison the black number 28 is there and bothell Waltrip in the yellow number 30 is there as well coming down out of number 4 Darrell Waltrip very optimistic this morning about the chances with car number 17 he's down there on the inside watch Davey Allison and his brother Michael Waltrip just drive by on the outside nothing you can do they you think that Michael would would get over to say help my brother out load in here baby Gerald say brother won't you help me but he didn't he drove I don't basket I'll tell you what brother said brother said up in here behind baby we'll see what we do I'll go take this back with the leaders we'll be back with more the 125 mile qualifying races for the Daytona 500 in a moment bonfires here at Daytona Davey Allison has just moved into ninth around Dick Trickle and he's going for eighth here comes 28th Allison rim riding high side going around Schrader he's a man possessed the Wood Brothers car number 21 he has come from you know when he needed to move out and pass the car Neil he's just moving out of the inside pitch he's been able to do the hard way the way we haven't been able to see one dude he jumped inside he's able to go by and there's the car that's made the other big move from 16th up the fifth came number 10 that was derrike copes car there's jericho who made a great move in those early lives and if pope has trouble in this race and finishes outside the top 15 right now it looks like he won't make the 500 he's gotta drive carefully there there just like you were talking that we saw Morgan Shepherd take two cars in well it's the board some people say that maybe the more we find out a little bit just back in those final qualifying positions ninth of schrader 10th is trickle xi is Waltrip Darrell is 12 Bobby Hamilton 1320 mate reporting here he goes he's trying that inside Givens of you have more the Shepards car he doesn't hesitate you see inside the racetrack and then this exceptional thing to have to do right now here's David Hawkes bill Engel Michael Waltrip came right at the back how's the car going if we get a caution we'll probably just a little bit if not he says it's not so bad that he can't hang on our plan was when when the race started was to go to the outside and go to the front and that's what we're doing right now he's getting a lot of flack from the booth but not helping his brother much well you know what's every man for himself out there suck it again average speed is at 180 nine point five five four miles per hour with the attract record Kim Wow we were talking to Billy Amy Gephart just drove around Ricky Rudd moving into the second place now he has Bill Elliott in his sights the only problem is option now is if he tries to pass that car Bill Elliott if he makes it he's gonna look real good when he gets on that there's another spring waiting to go back Davey Allison moving in to make it a three-way battle for the lead Morgan Shepherd in the 21 on the bottom Elliott on the outside Ford stacked up all three in the picture here this is exactly what we talked about before you once you might think of it but you've almost got to go by because he's got to go from second to third if he doesn't clear him on that Wonder Woman too Eliot on the high side Morgan Shepherd download and they tuck back in will see he better duck back Africa if you see those cars coming up behind that machine is soaps that look right here in the 17 degree baggy he's all the odds and he stays in it yeah and that has been the strongest point and he senses it you can see him pull back in right there meanwhile Brett Bodine has his hands full they get him on the inside they get him on the outside making the move are highly derrike cope right up on top this race big surprise a couple of years ago number 30 michael waltrip way out back in this race they started eight cars he and Alison were on the very he brought himself back up here he is still side-by-side with Chandler as the squabble continues at fifth place the number 26 in brentwood i'm followed by ricky rudd in six chat little in seventh and michael waltrip the number thirty all the way to eight Bill Elliott Davey Allison Morgan Shepherd for the lead now single pilot into the tri-oval well because they're pulling away from the cars behind them and they want to get in good Christian there and at the same time slow to figure out where is his weak for Morgan Shepherd sitting there looking to baby Allison now try to make that move and since can't even do it who should I go with I'm just assure the recent daily made this move out in front of us is back of slow cars then he made to move the inside he's got those slow doors in front of it might give him enough hold them do that look at this three wide what a battle Davey Allison getting caught the middle in the sandwich it's Morgan Shepherd on the inside Elliott on the outside back in the lead a grand race here at Daytona Bill Elliott twice champion of the 500 is back on in the first race we might have a little leeway on it would help you because your conservation airplane gets bored these three four disappear here they are round joke or lap carnival eating a bottom of the racetrack and Elliott gets some daylight he has about six five runs between himself and bargain Shepherd now in second line third baby Allison don't forget in fourth Ricky back to his he's moving up on the outside has been able to pull away from Morgan chef little bit going through this traffic how do you use those lap cars Neil it's just like like I say climbing a ladder that truck just said guy who jump over behind take what advantages there pull out and jump to the next guy and it chopped down in front of him but leave the other guy open behind but the amazing story here is 21 Morgan Shepherd just keeps on clawing his way into the event see how low he can stay on the racetrack cars sticking down there and it sure is in the crew here he is right back up on Elliot again Elliot to no avail once again Shepherd of the Wood Brothers my back on track now has bill help and he's been sitting there bleeding this thing all the way using maximum gasoline Shepherd and baby Allison have been able to draft him concern there's the story valiant using that track a car not handling quite as well perhaps as the 21 maybe in our PMS what about it off turn two here you want a you've got to keep up it stricter plate you gotta keep that leg around up and here these two guys look like they're getting a little bit of brake on Davi that's the first time we've seen anyone pull away from him I think his car might be getting a little bit loose he used a lot of time through that pack as quickly as he did and when they got into this traffic he's had to drop back a little bit that normally is the sign that the car is a little bit loose Lake speed coming back there for just a moment now to the outside bargain Shepherd close right up and Davey Allison is still there the number 11 of jr. Johnson car Johnson cars have won two of the last three years in the 125 mile qualify option it's on the Speedway there's trouble on the backstretch of car speeding coming off the turn to 22 year-old mark Gibson loses that let's go to Mike John jim breuer his bill Elliott's crew team keeping a check here on the stopwatch until a minute ago they were three wide in the backstretch and Bill Gunn got ride around a bunch of did he show him something you know how old bill is he's pretty cool and he just said they're just doing his job right now there's nothing exciting going on we're just trying to get through this hundred mile if he's got anything I'm cereal show at then but he hasn't told me he had anything special caution flag you got a chance to stop for gas will you David Hobbs Larry McReynolds caution flag chance of stuff do you want to step on up now this should buy us what we need to be able to stay out there I'm sure there's a lot of people it's Compton they can make it we didn't really get to check this car yesterday to see how much fuel it picks up the other car would go the distance he's having words from Davey Allison outlet on the track this car has a brand new fuel cell so it hasn't had time yet to check it out but they seem to be pretty confident that it is going to do 125 miles so we've heard for the Bill Elliott car now we've heard from Davey Allison one more to check on that's Morgan Shepherd let's go to Mike joy right now Leonard would Derek Copas in a couple of other cars are in for fuel do you have any plans to stop so track position for mortgage shepherd more important than fuel mileage here and we'll be back for the run to the checkers in this qualifier after this message and a word from your local stations cars ii apart but for Davey Allison Bill Elliott Morgan Shepherd and Ricky Rudd looked like they're going to decide this is either for the leader for it's just a better view clear but not Mele it stays first here's Allison back again inching along on the bottom and he's looking like he's gonna make the hole for first place wide enough to take it no that comes bill Elliot on the outside another time watching Morgan Shepherd at work at over 190 miles per hours we get ready to decide the second 125 mile qualified race for the great American race the Daytona 500 shuffle is on Eliot getting caught up and guess who's here guess who just came to dinner number 17 DW is there Darrell Waltrip on the inside of number five Ricky Rudd those three Ford's continue to dominate its Hill Elliott on the point the 21 car morgan shovel right there in navy alley pull away from those Subway's back there and after that big traffic deficit hey what are we doing let's get together get away - laughs try to stretch it out right now Natalie get controlling this event from the green now the Chevrolets using violent OC Rudd and Darrell Waltrip and then the Pontiac of Michael Waltrip just behind them we would say well go for we got a push that it wasn't a blessing in disguise all we've heard all day long is loosely it's worse a push comes to you the thing might be coming to Morgan Shepherd I seem to be real strong certain able to do it kids now but read you can see his windshields get a little bit dirty as he looks at real Elvis going down the backstretch four times the Wood Brothers on the 500-foot was 83 the last time they tasted victory and that was in the 400 on the 4th of July now Morgan Shepherd looks like he has just that right combination but this makes it all work they've done a lot of work on this car over the winner yeah and the push is good in the corner it's bad off the corner that straight away his strokes should be going into the middle Leonard Wood looking on the smite slight smile there no matter what the situation there always seems to be a slight smile we'll always take the sneaky route down the back straightaway there were just some things opposite they've asked us for this exam you drove a lot of races for the Wood Brothers what do they tell you on the radio to get down to something like this you on your own but what goes on I used to call him and tell him let me know when there's five to go then tell me forward three to me will simply better that moment here's Eliot trying to shake them loose now running out moved through the tri-oval trying to duck away he's not going to get away from Morgan Shepherd that's not going to get so here's Ricky Rudd is about to pitch against those four words second-place driver Morgan Shepherd again this is an over 190 miles per hour second qualifying race there's the distance to be traveled on this to an ad said Ricky ruts about to catch it he's going to have some momentum but he gets to it is it the timing perfect for it will it be right on the last lap person and love it you don't necessarily plan that they start that snaky move in front to be evasive and it slows them down and the same time the guys backing right up straight and here they go forth one two and three general motors four five and six with two to go here comes Ricky Rudd and here come the Waltrip brothers closing in we think they get overhaul I do bail the shirt he looks like he's concerned with it because he's trying everything you can to make him have to work behind him I don't know how much he's got left about I would think it'd be on the floor he's probably running that thing as wide open as it go but he doesn't know what Morgan Shepherd has but this is the story right here this is for the win I'll tell you what I hope they filled up the powers doing foxes though they say because they're working at real that cranking and down the straightaways Junior Johnson looking on at the leader his driver Bill Elliott white flag is down one to go for it Elliott they're Morgan Shepherd in second if they got any more to offer now's the time we'll find out probably on the back straightaway probably turn free read caught up to him but he couldn't do anything with them once he caught up to them don't think he'll be a factor I think it's between Bill Elliott and Morgan Shepherd inside of Morgan Shepherds car there you see Elliott we beat in over 190 miles an hour try to hold on to that lead giving Shepherd nowhere to run nothing to look at every time he moves over that second thought is a blast in the nose and it just didn't have the power to pull attacks down out of four to finish the second 125 mile and out to the outside here comes the 21 car in the second 125 mile qualifier a great race all the way for Elliot looks like they're going to be a tough combination of these super speedways junior Johnson and Bill Elliott a new dream team we all used to be the king of the super speedways of it back in 85 and 86 and we're talking about to coming back to the throne and we'll be back to meet the winners Junior Johnson and Bill Elliott after these messages and we're back with you live here at the Daytona International Speedway on this Saturday afternoon about a hundred thousand people here already tomorrow's big race they are the results from that second 125 mile qualifier that Bill Elliott won looking further back in the field Waltrip made it chat little Intuit derrike cope winner a couple of years back and filling out the top 15 Stan Smith from Alabama was there Bobby Hamilton had a good qualifying run hello everybody Kent Squire nice to have you with us here at Daytona Beach were preparing for the 34th annual Daytona 500 which will be run tomorrow and we have team cars on the front row Bill Elliott and Sterling Marlin driving for junior Johnson and earlier Mike joy talked with those guys that will start from the point Jr Johnson's drivers have earned the front row for Sunday's race Sterling Marlin will start on the pole what are you looking for in the Daytona 500 well we're really looking to Neal Carter winner playing the unit count monies way up there and it's just the whole day we've been down here with three months since November and did a lot of testing and you know so like tomorrow we don't what do we leave here but hopefully you got a new teammate is he being a help or a threat he's a threat now watching me I was hoping grant will rub the pole and you know both cars and here's been real quick pretty then for stage testing and so it was just it was really like a good poke okay how about it Bill Elliott you've got perhaps the fastest stable car out there if Thursday's any indication well I don't know if any outburst by you by just a little more stable than others but always a situation if you got to survive it you know here a lot of things can happen it can happen meantime if it's a hot date they strike will be too late panel will be critical and all that's gonna play a part of what comes down Sunday afternoon they're saying that you and junior Johnson have really developed a bond and the way this car is running shows it well you know it when I first say today a lot ready to know what to think but it's we're going on now feel I could give no doubt it was the right thing to do well Junior's got both his cars on the front row Phil Elliott Sterling Marlin good luck Sunday thank you well everyone down here in Florida always talks about how competitive this Daytona 500 is going to be we can't promise you how competitive it's going to be net but we can certainly say right now that it's the most inspected 500 in history yeah there's a new man at the helm now that's in charge of the inspections and I'll tell you he's been tough made a lot of teams do a lot of work but Neely has gained a lot of respect very early on I tell you what he's gained a lot of respect he's also gained a lot of spare parts that nascar trailer is full of parts do you build a lot of race cars but they're all illegal and he can't use them standing by as David Hobbs with more well over the course of its history NASCAR racing became famous for some pretty innovative rule interpretations by crew chiefs well the time was thought to clear all that up and what better way to catch a thief than to set one and one of those famous innovative crew chiefs went from being a rule breaker to a rule maker the most talked-about man in the NASCAR garage is Gary Nelson NASCAR's new chief inspector and if you're a team owner or crew chief this is the face you least want to see under your hood Nelson's track down on technical rules the way no one has ever seen if a car body doesn't fit the factory template perfectly its back to the body shop looking for just a tiny aerodynamic advantage of your spoiler no way and if you're one of those teams with a reputation for great gas mileage well you won't get it with a bigger tank in fact suppliers have been doing a land office business in regulation fuel cells and the man responsible is Gary Nelson remember that name all the drivers do you all the tricks when he was a hit man at the SAP go in some other places so what Gary knows what's going on and he's going to be good for our sport he's going to make things a lot more equal and it's going to come down to people getting their chasis ride and driving ability what we had up until this year this race this time we had what were called stock appearing cars now we have stock cars so well if there is a match for Gary Nelson it is the gentleman now sitting to our left net and none other than the 1960 winner of the 500 an old friend and competitor of yours junior Johnson along and of course jr. Johnson is the owner of the two cars that are sitting on the front row for tomorrow's Daytona 500 junior apparently you and your team adjusted to Gary Nelson pretty quickly well then we spent a lot of time in Florida testing and every time we come down here we could basically go through his you know near templates and all of a sudden he had to check a card with and it was a little bit off when we go back home we'd fix it and come back and go through it again so when we came here we had been through all of his template stuff and prepared for it and we tested on them ground rules and that's why I think our card run real good when we came back in now these cars had almost identical speeds is there a lot of rivalry between these two teams in the garage area or the cars pretty basically the same well it pretty basically the same as far as I'm concerned what I do I try to make sure that each car does basically prepared the best that it can be and I give Malik a parson it is up to the drivers and Mike and Tim from that point on but base of my part of a Seco for candy we never know he's who he's pulling for on race day out there probably the one out front well there'll be a hundred thousand people stay until four o'clock Eastern here at Daytona today to see happy hour when Junior Johnson's cars come out for their triennial training period for tomorrow's Daytona 500 just a reminder immediately following this program CBS Winter Olympic coverage continues the undefeated USA Hockey team meets Poland in the medal round Herschel Walker pushing the American two-man bobsled Jim Nantz and Andrea Joyce will be the traffic cops leading us from venue to venue I'll highlights from the first 125-mile qualifier let's take a look at how they lined up on the front row last year's second-place finisher in the 500 sterling marlin and alongside Mark Martin carrying one of our onboard cameras in row number two it'll be filled Parsons taking over what was the Vallely 't car the belly ride and dale earnhardt seeking his first 500 win then going to row three there's the seven-time 500 winner Richard Petty alongside him as he makes his 33rd start the 13th effort by Kyle Petty going back to Row 4 there's Terry Labonte and alongside is Dale Jarrett with the Joe Gibbs car carrying another onboard camera going to row five it's Ernie Irvan the 1991 winner and a rookie Wally Dallenbach jr. 57 year old AJ Foyt 1972 winner in this event in a backup car that he hasn't gone a lap in after on Wednesday he lost his regular mount for this 500 it was left for with the fenders began to fly watch Alan Kulwicki number seven here's Mark Martin number six moving up Ernie Irvan coming to the bottom kyle petty deployed directly behind them Joey gets turned around petty gets through but bang Terry Labonte takes it on the chin as does Hut Stricklin Richard Petty Dave Mader van Hess Rick Wilson finally AJ Foyt second angle here here you see the four car down on the bottom up goes Mark Martin into the side of Kauai key and away we go into an eight car calamity yeah that move on the bottom actually broke the front end loosen of the six car he drifted up and got in the other car looks like he just drove into it but there was no control of the car was actually in the air off the ground and actually Ernie Irvan didn't do anything wrong he was four or five feet below Mark Martin but the air pushing off of him was just enough to get Mark Martin loose that incident means that some of the very best go to their times go to provisional starts to make the feel AJ Foyt will now start 39th Alan Kulwicki will find himself 41st on the field when they commence the great American race and Richard Peddie is still sweeping up but not quite like the old days when he won 7-5 hundreds he'll be relegated to the 32nd position lap 19 most controversial incident of the day leader 22 Marlin and number three Earnhardt come off the fourth turn right there looks like Dale got right on the back of the 22 car and there's question from the radio talk did he get a little loose and lift or they'll get into him it's hard to tell if that angle let's join Chris economy we have the man of the moment with a Sterling Marlin a very tough break how did that car get out from under you it had a squeaks our head will get out but me you I don't know three got against me or what cars just take loose and it never you know Rd is right there can you tell us out how it went got a little push it was pretty typical so uh yeah well I said been hurt call yeah Earnhardt apparently is saying that you backed off at that point is that the case well that's pretty much what he always say is so nice they indicate okay sterling while he stays on the pole I being the 500 good look there and thank you throwing back to you Ken lap 35 the battle for 4th number 18 Dale Jarrett Gant on the outside 33 Arnie urban then Schrader and then Kyle Petty Dale Jarrett I'm patty does not duck the boy for Kyle and for Jared it's a long winding it looks like the air might have been taken off for the smaller urban moves up pretty close to him coming off of the turn but as they come off of turn four that's a critical point on the racetrack that back end just goes out from under him and spins him out and then he collects Kyle pity and car number 42 let me tell you what guys I played that very ride and that's the most horrible feeling of the world when it comes off of that corner you might as well undo that pin and though the student will have to wonder it's over you're going for a bad ride and so Kyle Petty will have to stand on his time start 33rd and Dale Jarrett will start 13th when we return we'll be back for the final exciting moments of this 125-mile qualifier possibly one in whether this raw don't take chances with chapped lips take chapstick chapstick laps to go Rusty Wallace in the two Phil Parsons in the number nine were still battling side-by-side although does have something left he's played him highs he's jacked back he's pulled up on him we're fixed to find out it looks like he might have something left it then know what Ernie Irvan is going to do that Urban he also might be hanging back there to build up some momentum on those last inside Mike Barton's car back straightaway look at the wide angle on number three as he scoots down that 3,000 foot back stretch when you say wide angle that little black bar to get real wide but if he laps to go that prophesies gonna take a while and get around him also here you are looking at Mark Martin at the controls of car number six for Roush Racing as he pipes it down to the final levels with two laps to go Ernie Irvan did make a pit stop he doesn't even have to worry about it here comes Irving down to the bottom he's making earlier three years in a row trying to take it away the urban the number four car the spoiler white flag is down this is into the first one dandy race what is the fork on this he might determine the outcome of this race here comes Martin fading high to the outside in turn number two some radio conversation going on there as we finish the first 125 mile qualifier Dale Earnhardt becomes the third driver in Daytona 500 history to win the 125 three straight years let's look further back in the field here Mark Martin Ernie Irvan Greg sacks Harry Gant round out the top five a little further back mass trader Wallace and Parsons and Wisconsin's Dave Marcus has made the field once again let's go down and join Mike joy with that man of controversy Dale Earnhardt in victory lane well look for awhile like the only safe place on that race track was to be out in front well that's true it you know we got him behind marking sterling there and Mark got a little loose getting in I got under him and I got around after coming off for him and Sterling got loose got out I guess I got into him I was in the brakes and he's fine anyway hated that happen but you know I know it looks like we got into him intentionally but you know but both got loose my car sucked right up on him and there's one of them deals I hate happen to hope you hope he didn't hurt his car and get in a race okay sunny but you know we went on and raced in our car worked real good real consistent we're really happy with it well then again here at Daytona the Fords are fast all week and here's a Chevy in victory lane well you know you got to have the handling car and you got to have the whole package it's got to be a team effort and everybody works together on it that's where it goes Dale Earnhardt Richard Childress congratulations and when we return we'll have more of the story of the prelude for the great American race Daytona International Speedway getting ready for tomorrow's 34th annual Daytona 500 since Thursday that Jarrett let's just review some of the things that have been going on here well certainly there's been a lot of work going on in the garage area all those cars that were damaged in 125-mile qualifying races they had to go to backup cars but they'll be on the line tomorrow and the Daytona 500 brand new cars just having start near the back and of course big story on AJ Foyt and Alan Kulwicki both driving hurt out here but they're ready to go AJ the 72 winner looks really swell what about a final thought from you Chris economy is for what this is going to be well I don't think at all of sport have more people been rooting for one man to win Richard Petty and for the one man that wins on this two and a half mile strip of racing go way tomorrow it'll be the stairway to the Stars and for the other 41 just the Boulevard of broken dreams and for the man who is the story tomorrow in this race like no other story here let's join mike joy Richard you know you're just 24 hours away that they've done a 500 you've won this thanks seven times and you lost your car and then the 125 mile had to go to backup car what kind of shape are you in with that car well we're in pretty good shape you know we've tested with the backup car we tested in December tested again in January and you know we feel like we're in pretty good shape would put the engine a 500 engine in it run a little bit yesterday and the speeds are about the same so from that standpoint the big deal that we've got to worry about is you know getting a quart I have as good as what the other car did that we think we're in pretty good shape we're talking about the race car the mechanical side how does Richard Petty feel I tell you what you know you've done this thing so long and it's not the end of the season you got a lot of races ahead of you but the last Daytona 500 our Super Bowl what's going through your mind right now well you know Daytona is always the big thing for us and I get up for Daytona where I don't get up for a lot of other races and just because this is the last time I'm gonna run a Daytona 500 I guess that hadn't sunk in yet it'll probably sink in about this time next year when the car starts running and I'm not in one of them but right now I'm still looking forward to the 500 and the rest of the season I'll tell you one thing this guy's won a bunch of these races down here you're going to give the command to start engines tomorrow what's a little game plan you got on that you were telling us earlier well I told him my best thing do that you know I'm gonna be the Grand Marshal they say gentlemen start your engines I think I'll run a couple of laps and then say gentlemen start your engines give me a little bit of a head start but I don't think I think if I moved I think everybody else would thank you Richard I tell you what this guy's started a lot of them and they're going to run a lot of Daytona 500 in the future but I don't know if they'll ever be the same without this man driving that racecar back you can indeed it won't and thank you Neil Bonnett down there with the King Richard Petty as he prepares to go for that 81 the eighth Daytona 500 if he can pull it off tomorrow and 130,000 people will be rooting hard that that happens right here on the 2 & a half mile high banks of the Daytona International Speedway hope you're planning to come along and join us we'll be with you tomorrow at 12:00 Eastern all of our Falls CBS flag-to-flag coverage for Ned Jarrett Neil Bonnett Chris Akana Mackey Mike Jobs and Mike joy and David hops I'm Ken Squier but Gatorade 2125 s has been sponsored by Gatorade it's all you're thirsting for Goodyear number one in tires and by Ford and your Ford dealer have you driven a Ford lately coming up next and also later in prime time CBS presents continuing coverage of day 8 of the 16th Olympic Winter Games and tomorrow flag-to-flag coverage of the Daytona 500 sponsored by US TV
Channel: TheRacingJungle
Views: 18,694
Rating: 4.8490567 out of 5
Keywords: nascar, daytona, 1992, twin, 125, qualifying, dale, earnhardt, bill, elliott
Id: 0vGFilFT9oI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 3sec (2703 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 06 2012
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