1991/92 Bassmasters -- St John's River

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] we're at Alexa Florida today on the historic st. Johns River for the 291 thousand dollar bassmaster BP top 100 tournaments now this four-day event has a top 100 foes in the nation with amateur Park the pros fish against each other on this side and the amateurs will be facing in a separate division now this is spawning season this is the kind of bass moving into the shallow water this is when shallow water site basement every age this is when fishing is more like little more like honey it's a stop the certain just as important as the right lure selection and you'll see why when the bass masters return so stay tuned I'm ray Scott it we'll be right back from Palatka Florida [Music] the st. Johns River at Palatka Florida and the 291 thousand dollar bassmaster BP top 100 turnip there's excitement here this first morning as the 100 Pro anglers and their amateur partners get ready for for bass filled days of rod to rod competition these bass masters look forward to any tournament on the st. Johns River and particularly at this time of year February because this is when the big egg Laden females start toward their spawning grounds this area is Lake George a wide opening on the st. John's that's historically packed with big spawning vast much of the fishing this time of year is done by sight finding the beds and the bass then anchoring or staking out and fishing for them the most popular artificial baits are small tube lures like the G tubes small worms or stick bangs a floating diving lure that's jerked under the surface over the beds reports during the three-day practice indicated cooler weather has driven many of the bass from the bends but they won't be far away that's for sure and from the bags of bass coming in this first day it's apparent the anglers have found them particularly Arkansas's Rob he'll be day two the tournament is young and in this fishery on the st. John's victory is still within any anglers reach the leader Rob kill B quickly connects with a good pass larger than the 12-inch minimum size length Rob is fishing the Ocklawaha River which flows into Rodman reservoir Rodman was created as a result of the cross Florida Barge Canal a project which was abandoned before completion a lock separates Rodman from the st. John's from the takeoff area at Palatka to this point on the river is about an hour and a half trip rob is fishing betting bass with tube jigs and so far it's paying off Rob Kilby isn't alone up here well-known bass masters like Shaw Grigsby and Peter thala Varro's are sharing the water we'll see what happens day to weigh-in and the man to watch today is Peter at Oliveros Pete's Olivares is coming toward the scales low limit you had 23 pounds yesterday folks today look at the scale 25 pounds 14 ounces bingo folks this is incredible I want to show you just to face this man weighs 300 pounds and these fish don't do d-don't do justice [Music] day three of the 1992 Florida Bassmaster vp Top 100 and as the sleep bass boat start their long run it's a fact the top three will be running together up the Ocklawaha because Peter thala Varro's Rob Kilby and Cha Grigsby are all fishing within sight of each other Rodman has been lowered five feet in a controlled drawdown leaving mostly just river channel for several miles it's a twisting challenging run and a lot of it is extremely shallow some of the anglers like Shaw Grigsby come into the shallow bay on plane through a narrow opening tricky running those who slow down pay the price Peter T as his friends Colin connects quickly he's tough on this river Shaw two hooks up with an octa waha past this veteran fast master is considered an expert at sight fishing betting bass and he learned much of it from one of the best Guiteau hitmen Shaw uses spinning tackle and lifeline seldom more than ten pound test he also discourages hook throwing jumps by dipping his rod deeply into the water during the fight his sight fishing technique has helped him win two Bassmaster tournament titles whenever the Bassmaster tournament trail coincides with a spawning season there's a good chance this Florida angry we'll be in the money while Shaw was once the student he's now the teacher he taught Peter T how to cite fish and it looks like Peter T learned his lesson well [Music] Shaw's site fishing technique pays off again not every pass on a bed will type but sooner or later the fish will be right knowing which bass is more active buying and spending time with it to make it bite is what makes the difference on the scoreboard Peter T said he's been fishing this area of Rodman since 1978 it's not a well-known area and in fact Peter t thought he would have it to him so do not I didn't think I'd see anybody up here for the whole tournament and I was the last boat to get here and much to my surprise I saw people I really didn't want to see the best bed fishermen around Shaw Greg we could come in here and and help me with these fish so I've just been fortunate a little more fortunate that show this week catch a couple bigger fish the Bassmasters we'll be right back from the Ocklawaha River and the Florida bass master BP top 100 don't go away Peter T connects again overcast conditions like today make sight fishing tough once a bass is located it's usually best to stake out or anchor it's because the target of the cast becomes more familiar and presentation is easier and it also makes it easier for the angler to study the temperament of the bass he's fishing the area these anglers are in is a shallow 1 to 2 feet deep flat off the river channel Rodman and the Ocklawaha River are tremendous bass fisheries and a mecca for wildlife but that may end there's a drive underway to train Rodman reservoir and return the river to its original banks ere the effect on fishing and wildlife in general could be catastrophic according to many in the area that's the male [Music] good job Pete now I got to catch her you got a lot of faith in those hooks buddy I'd never let them things jump I've I've been in through water my rotted still be down four feet Peter T and Shaw are buddies and it's a long-standing relationship nut Shaw Grigsby a tournament down on West Lake Tahoe I walked up to him and I said are you gonna need a roommate for the linear Invitational and Shaw said who are you that was a long time ago I remember that on the seawall house the first time I talked the show and he said I guess so he said are you fishing those I said yeah I'm fishing the Vass trying to start fishing a few of them has an 84 yeah and we stayed together it was Bernie and Shaw and I bunking in a room together for the three of us and then I decided hey this guy's pretty good I'll start traveling with him he'll let me that worked for about what three years worked for a while and then I started getting afraid I couldn't keep up with him on the highway and I snorted too loud and I stayed up too late with the TV on and Shaw dumped me as a roommate well that's all right we're still buds and still catch fish together she taught me everything I know Guiteau taught me the part that he didn't teach me and he gave me the right hooks that's the figure huh I learned a lot from these guys the duel goes on as Shaw once again connects with a keeper some of the bass they're catching are not visible only the bet is the bass roam in and out of the bends casting into a seemingly empty bed can be productive if the face swims back into it which is often the case even though there's been over a hundred pounds of bass caught out of this small bay there's still an ample supply and back to the leader of all bass fishing this technique requires the most patience but it can be rewarding in more ways than one they're hard to see but the bass are there Shaw is matching Peter T bass for bass and he may have a slight edge so far today with that first big keeper here but he's still behind he needs a really big bite Peter T's a mature partner Larry Cukor from Ohio is hooked up with a lunker the amateurs fish from the back of the boat the pros run the boat and pick the fishing areas the winning amateur for the tournament will take home a fully rigged ranger bass boat worth $19,000 if this bass is the biggest of the day in the amateur division larry Booker will earn 400 dollars Shaw scores again he said earlier at the desk wasn't seeing the big fish he had the first two days but a solid seven pass limit anchored by a couple of heavyweights could change the leaderboard dramatically [Music] I had a party there come on this bass came on a different lure a stick bait when Peters partner hooked that last big bass Peter quickly adapted to the situation duplicating his partner's lure did paid off for many anglers a stick bait or jerk bait as it's often called is a close second to the tube lure for betting bears weigh-in tongue can Peter T retain his lead all right here we go one weight 13 pounds in three pounds and the bass masters we'll be right back from the Florida bass master VP top 100 stay onboard the final day of the Florida Bassmaster pede pede top 100 most of these anglers feel they're fishing for second place and could be the case but in Bassmaster competition anything is possible but from the looks of things Peter T is tarting his day off right nice yeah yeah probably stay button that baby doll [Music] if I'd get her up here can you live [Music] oh yeah [Music] she took pretty deep that's the male that is a male imagine what the female looks like probably this fish wouldn't have gotten off for any reason lovely the closest challengers Shaw Grigsby also starts off quickly first a leader Rob killed me in the background is in third place but 19 pounds behind Peter T Shaw worked on this pass for more than 30 minutes before it's finally been newbies to win this tournament he needs some real loggers Peter Shaw and Rob all said more big bass are moving into the area authority and here's another bass for Peter T Shaw hooks up with his second pass of the morning lifeline and to Bates have been the key to this tournament this technique may look easy but there's more to it than meets the eye many anglers have a hard time mentally fishing for big bass with spinning tackle and lifeline surprisingly though few bass of this way are lost in the spring during the spawn if the water is clear enough to see the beds sight fishing can be more productive than any other technique the reason is the fisherman is not randomly casting but rather fishing a specific fish that's not to say every pass sighted on a bed will pipe that's where experience comes in here's a good example of what experience can mean he made a pass [Music] oh he's so angry this may not even be a keeper fish [Music] who we just left he'll be back I could see him under the bus here he comes easing up that way shake shake shake shake shake shake shake I think you'll keep the final wave energy comes to the scales here leading the tournament let's have a nice half a beat thought of Aris big Peter team Peter stop it is cooking if the restaurant is all over time to eat it's time to eat all right what do you got how many one two three four bucks for Pete Bell of Arizona eight seven pounds in three hours it you got it on swift go through I've got a little bit of a sweat to go through when I left show that self this afternoon I had to leave out about so 45 minutes earlier than I have all week long and I caught one fish just before I left and I could have I saw one more that I might could have caught and you know that would have helped me if Shaw found it he probably caught it and it looked like about a three pound fish but he had five when I left and he may have a limit but he said he didn't have any good fish now solve a sandbag every now and then he's been known to do that you feel very confident of course that you've won this dormant upper zone the only reason I feel confident because before I left shop hold me over to the side and shook my hand and we talked for a couple of minutes and he said you better get and make the lock so you'll be safe and sure you'll be there on time and here's what looks to be the winning amateur stringer for Florida's Gary Bristow eight pounds seven ounces Shaw Grigsby comes in his first top is too great Peter T's mom and dad waiting nervously on this one is Shawn Grigsby folks the only man who has a chance to come close to Peter Peter T in second place with 50 pounds yesterday Joe gave it his best shot fishing again the bull and a great Fishman and I know he'll give him as much presidency it deserves and more absolutely you know we fish basically side by side all day and I just kept telling him to take it easy he had it won and relax cause I knew he'd be pretty uptight the first wins but he thought all right wait that your weight 9 pounds in 4 ounces well I think you'd come in be able to fish with this kind of money I don't know another sport car racing horse racing you name it we're this kind of fellowship and Brotherhood it goes on between men then here at these tournaments and I salute you for your sportsmanship and also from the great day well I tell you what it beats well deserving it's been a long time coming for him he's been out here a long time and had some real close post tournaments like the one in Murray which we thought we was gonna win that one so this is deserving especially great to have him win right here and is basically his backyard at hometown I mean well it's fun Peter Talavera is the champion of the Florida Bassmaster Peavey top one hundred and forty six thousand dollars richer than he was this morning he's joined on stage with his mom dad and why and mrs. Tolliver Oz has a few words to say about Peters training when he graduated from Episcopal High I thought that it would be best if I helped him with his hobby so that he would go to college for me so I paid tuition Ju hee and bought him a Youth fast vote to mr. mm that was the end of the college I would pay in tuition and he was fishing [Music] right now it's time for the pros pointer the how-to section of the Bassmasters brought to you by a Wrangler the most comfortable jeans known to man this is the Shaw Grigsby high performance ugh it's the hook that I use whenever I'm fishing a soft plastic bait and it's the hook that I use this whole tournament to land 100% of the fish that I caught and I hooked the way to do it is to tie it onto your line open up that little spring-loaded clip right there open it up a little wide take your tube base just get a little tiny bite of the head push the bait through the hook through the bait and pull the eye pull way down into the tube so that you don't see it and all that's left is that little clip it's open then you take that clip and tighten it down clip it back down onto the hook that allows your bait to stay up the whole time it won't pull down when a fish bites it and it won't pull down until the plastic is torn once the fish grabs the bait he'll try to ball it up in his mouth and if you've got a lot of ball plastic around the hook it won't come through all the time so take it push it all the way up through the bait so that it's all the way out then you can fish it two ways you can either leave it lay flat just like that if you're not worried about getting and hung in any grass or any weeds if you have a clean bottom or just take a little tiny pinch the plastic and put it across the top and that makes it completely weightless until the fish hits it then it'll pop out what a great story and the true bass in friendship that's really what makes these bass master beefy events so worthwhile for the foes and they're really how to classes ambassadors are congratulation once again to our buddy at Peter T now next week we're going to be in Alabama for the special eagles of angling for me ten to ban proteins and their amateur partners fish on a ten holes fourth on a 55 acre lake with a design back in my hometown of pinball alabama how Bassmasters families will follow all the action besides the top pros but George Bush will be in attendance as competitive as well.you joinery for the vast masses I'm ray Scott we'll see you next week
Channel: Lynn Dollar
Views: 2,251
Rating: 4.5999999 out of 5
Keywords: bassmaster bass fishing tournament
Id: 5-vEAgKRswQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 47sec (1247 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 19 2018
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