1991 Los Angeles Rams Team Season Highlights "Opportunity Knox"

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[Music] this film is brought to you by New York Life and its dedicated agents proud sponsors of the NFL's team highlight films New York Life that company you keep [Music] for me this is a very happy day because I've hired a friend of long-standing as the new coach and vice president of the Los Angeles Rams but that's not my reason for bringing him back the reason is simply the Chuck knock is a coach who's brought success to every team he's been associated with including the Rams nearly 20 years ago Chuck Knox has a history of turning things around quickly under his guidance the Rams went from NFC West also Rams to a remarkable run of five consecutive division titles I personally know him to be a man of vision integrity and with a true grit to win ladies and gentlemen our new head coach it's a real pleasure for me to be here and I'm extremely happy and excited about the opportunity to coach this Ram football team I'm excited about the commitment that I have received from Georgia to do whatever we have to do to get the job done it's where I started out 19 years ago I stood here before you and everyone was asking Chuck who and it's 19 years later and I'm back here and I have still a burning desire my guts wanna win wanna be competitive but want to get the job done I think Chuck Docs was my favorite coach as a RAM partly because he would look you in the eye on and talk to you man-to-man I appreciated that I also like the fact that he was it was a player's coach he was tough and getting ready for a game against the Dallas Cowboys he said I'd like to go out and take Landry on what I wanted midfield I like the idea that a coach was willing to get out and do battle just as he expected us to get out and do battle but basically we begin with the philosophy that the only reason a football coach has a job is to help make the players that he's responsible for coaching as successful as they can possibly be expect a different aura to surround the 1992 Rams next season because the possibilities at Anaheim look very bright indeed the reason is simple Chuck Knox will accept nothing less than the very best from his players as a motivator and teacher Knox is without peer all-out effort all the time it's what Knox demands and what next year's Rams will deliver without question without exception if desire describes the man who will make the Rams winners again then talent defines the players who will do the winning from Jim Everett will come spirals unlikely to succumb to defenders desperate dives while Willie Anderson and Henry Ellard combined to make the passing game as poetic as it is potent on the ground expect the exceptional from Robert del pino a running back with the speed to turn the corner and just as important the kind of attitude which can turn a team around but Delpino isn't the only one fired up over next season here and he because from here on out the Rams will all be star pupils in the school of hard knocks where the only rule is hit first ask questions later the 92 Rams are ready to lay their bodies on the line then lay out their opponents the talent in Los Angeles is abundant the desire to win profound and in Chuck Knox Los Angeles has the most valuable thing in the NFL a proven winner next season will be a year to remember because the Rams are committed to taking full advantage when opportunity knocks [Music] nothing is more brutally basic than the premise defense wins championships and the Rams defense is certainly champing at the bit of course where the Rams truly excel is sinking their teeth into opponents on defense the key to success is stopping the run thereby forcing the opposition into predictable third and long situations last season the Rams didn't know where running plays were going but their fans knew where they'd stop in the arms of at least one Ram defender [Music] [Music] upfront the Rams were led by Mike Charles Alvin right Gerald Robinson and Kevin green but when the front floor wasn't making to play la linebackers were led by number 53 Fred Strickland rookie Roman Pfeiffer and the thinking man's merchant of Menace Larry Kelm Rams backers bullied bruised and bested ball carriers all season long still there's more to defense than stopping the run well I think defensively the the strength would be in the secondary we really need to develop some linebackers and we need to develop some defensive lamb and particularly some players that have the ability to rush the passer like Roman Pfeiffer who though still in his salad days found all the roads that led to the quarterback there are others who wear the golden blue who know how to make quarterbacks blackened plan-b acquisition Carl Wilson proved to be a grade-a pass rusher and of course Kevin green was as relentless and destructive as you'd expect a tank captain to be and when a quarterback slip past Green Mike peel was able to handle the skinny [Music] then there's Gerald Robinson who finds opponents backfields his favorite neighborhood [Music] still the Rams greatest strength defensively is this secondary which makes it a primary place to look for big hits [Music] [Applause] in the defensive backfield Chuck Knox has a group of students well-versed in the school of hard knocks but more important than hitting hard is hitting an opponent where it hurts in the turnover department in 1991 the Rams secondary intercepted more passes than a chaperone at a debutante ball next season the sailing should be even smoother thanks to Henley cornerback Darrell Henley safety Michael Stewart [Music] and warty sensation pod life [Music] this young and aggressive secondary make short shrift of any opponents ideas about going long [Music] and with the addition of Steve Israel the secondary will go a long way in helping the Rams find the Promised Land [Music] and while football is the ultimate team game it was the entire defense which led Los Angeles to victory over the defending world champion Giants in week 2 with Kevin Green wired for sound the rams went east to play giant killers this is play hard all day long your hand on the ground bring it up for sixty minutes four three two Z ready [Music] nice to know that's nice hey we're kicking their no no no look in their eyes [Music] you could see it in their eyes the Giants were physically beaten but it took a play calling ku to defeat them on the scoreboard the player Delpino eventually finished the drive with a touchdown but it was grained and the defense which finished the Giants for the day I know I know I know I'm reaching down baby I'm reaching down [Music] [Music] [Applause] that's not Chuck that victory underscored everything that is right with the Rams I'd say what man I'm tapped that was a battle that was a dead-on war today you know I think the Rams always kind of played better on the road and I won't get some of this prayer here knock it out fellas offensively it'll be a big challenge to develop a running game and give Jim Evert who has more talent than any quarterback I've ever coached a chance to blossom so that we don't have to lean on him rely on him all the time to carry the offensive football team if the idea is to carry the team by carrying the ball the Rams have some bright lights Cleveland Gary combines strength and savvy with savage determination to find the endzone [Music] [Music] but for the 1991 Rams there was little dog which back was at the front of the class enter Robert del pino running although Delpino led all the rams rushes he was equally at ease catching passes and of course running after the catch [Music] for all his versatility however delfino's greatest asset is his ability to find the endzone [Music] and the Delfino dives he's in hockey Delpino no Pino has the ball del pino is back to throw at the 12 looked into the endzone throw that it is caught by Delfino here's the handoff Delpino up the middle 10-yard line five-yard line he then touchdown Ram nine rushing touchdown of course scoring touchdowns while preventing your opponent from doing likewise is what footballs all about fairly simple really and against the charges in week seven the Rams made it look as easy as it sounds [Music] sooo tight ends in for the ramp pack fighter on the right side now in motion and jeff preiss on the left side on the line effort to throw looking into the ends of the pass is caught by prize never doctors say their third and goal to go from the one Everett calling signals Terrence ended up to Delfino dives he said touchdown a balanced offensive attack gave the Rams the lead a determined defense made sure they kept it down nine all on the one foot mine and a man it is Marian but Carter the end zone for the safety Kevin green catches butts for the safety of the end zone and the Rams take a 16 to 14 although it was a defensive charge which provided the spark it was Jim Everett and Jim Price who made lightning strike twice B 221 fourth quarter a plan Johnson in motion to the left the formation every back to throw looking left has lots of time guns the ball part of the - into the end zone his price [Music] right catches a second it may have only been one win in the long season but discerning fans saw more than a week they witnessed a team beginning to gel a team which not only knew it could win but more importantly believed in each other you might not know it but NFL quarterbacks undergo a remarkable metamorphosis when the whistle blows to start a game you see no other position demands the combination of raw courage and refined skill that quarterback does fortunately for the Rams Jim Everett has both those qualities and lots of them last season Jim Everett threw for more than thirty four hundred yards second best in the NFC but merely appreciating Everett's ability to go long would be selling him short Everett does more than air it out he finds secondary receivers like tight ends de Mon Johnson and Jim price [Music] he's got the guts to stand in the pocket and face the rush and the mobility to dodge problems and find solutions [Music] but best of all Jim Everett knows how to find the endzone of course the quarterback is only as good as his receivers permit and while los angeles is noted as a city with the gift of gab it has some receivers who have the gift of grab Aaron Cox number 83 Willie Anderson and number 80 Henry Ehlert former receiving triumvirate second to none because it would take a thesaurus full of superlatives to do justice to what they do best it's better just to watch [Music] once again Henry Ellen led the Rams in receiving by snaring 66 passes and gaining over a thousand yards and receptions for the fourth consecutive season and despite already owning every meaningful Rams receiving record LED never stop playing all out [Music] elet isn't alone in his flair for the spectacular Willie Anderson also knows what he wants and how to get it that reception says a lot not only about Anderson but about the Rams they've got ability certainly but more than that they've got the will to do whatever it takes to get the job done to the endzone it is the formation knows Ehlert [Applause] ever in fact at all looking to the end zone to the end zone it is a beautiful throw by Jim Everett and another clutch can quite simply the Rams aerial attack is more than a passing fancy it's part of a strong foundation for the future a football team goes only as far as it believes it can Chuck Knox will make the Rams believers well I think you set the tone in the temple as a head coach by the way you work and you've got to appeal up to a player to want to be self-motivated and also show him what his success what it can mean to him as a player as a man what it can mean for his family and outline goals and objectives for that particular player against the Packers last season every RAM displayed the true grit which will make the Rams winners next season Jim ever has more talent than the quarterback another coach versus a linebacker on the left side Tony Bennett is covering Khan to see if the toe goes ducat yep at the 40 yard line oh the packers really Bluett pepperidge Jackson there was no one with any kind of speed to cover Aaron the Rams than ever exceed that immediately and takes advantage offensively it'll be a big challenge to develop a running game and op Delpino he dives in the air and Delfino tumbles down touchdown from the opportunistic offense to a suffocating defense the Rams played with the pride part and courage of a team ready to not only compete but win defensively the strength would be in the second day we really need to develop players that had the ability to rush of a passer [Music] [Applause] they house gets into it sick ahamill will catch the short take of the five he's up the far sides I have lines of the 10 cuts to the center of the field [Applause] [Music] ponies and dejas the only kicker in the NFL who was perfect on every field goal attempt last season provided the Rams with the winning points in their 23 to 21 victory it's time to say goodbye to 1991 and hello to a new era well it feels good to be back them glad to be back with Georgia and the RAM organization what we need to do is raise that talent level and develop the young players that we have and hope we can in some way inspired and still in the veteran players to come out and play as hard as any play the Rams talent level was dramatically increased on draft day when the Rams wisely selected defensive lineman Shawn Gilbert and defensive back Steve Israel those pigs underscore the franchise's commitment to success something each Ram must do individually as well but it is as a team that the Rams will make the greatest impact and make no mistake about it the Rams will make an impact next season from practice to the postseason from the front office to the down-and-dirty front lines the Rams are poised to return to the ranks of the NFL elite the Rams will hit the ground running next season Chuck Knox will guarantee that they'll also hit back with a revamped and rejuvenated defense the task may seem daunting but instead of doubting have failed Chuck Knox has made a career of coaching winners and he's dedicated to ensuring that history repeats itself count on the Rams to be not only in the right place next season but ready to answer when opportunity knocks [Music]
Channel: Sports Odyssey
Views: 1,102
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: -9zgxc3QWyY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 17sec (1517 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 25 2019
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