1990 NCAA Tournament 2nd Round Clips
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Channel: JD71andOnly
Views: 5,766
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: 1990, NCAA, Tournament, March Madness, Rick Fox, North Carolina, UNC, Tar Heels, Dean Smith, Buzzer Beater, Upset, Duke, Hurley, Laettner, Coach K, Basketball, Georgia Tech, Lethal Weapon 3, Kenny Anderson, Dennis Scott, Cremins, LSU, Shaq, Dale Brown, Chris Jackson, Phenom, Freshman, UNLV, Rebels, Tark, Tark the Shark, Tarkanian, Augmon, Larry Johnson, Ball State, Letterman, Chandler Thompson, Tate George, Shot, UConn, Calhoun, Todd Day, Mourning, Georgetown, Bo Kimble, Gathers, LMU
Id: zWNissmT4wI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 240min 4sec (14404 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 18 2017
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