1990 #2 Miami Fl @ #6 Notre Dame No Huddle

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we welcome you back to this bastion of football greatness Notre Dame Stadium and the bluegrass field which today will see sunny skies in temperatures in the 60s cool and crisp blue skies on an autumn afternoon he can't get any better than this Carlos Huerta will kick for the Hurricanes the final chapter is underway [Applause] Rick Meyer the sophomore quarterback for the Irish Rodney Kolber is their leading rusher Dorsey Levens joins him in the backfield Tony Smith and I give his smile the receivers Derek Brown from Merritt Island Florida is the tight end [Applause] bolos the football recovered by Miami on the first play recovered by Eric biller at the Notre Dame 25 report Greg Erickson [Applause] trips to the white who are all kinds of room tackled by Todd light and Greg Davis twelve and one as a starter in his career Steve McGuire is a sensational sophomore from Brooklyn New York thrill Hill and Lamar Thomas the receivers along with Wesley Carroll WOB shut sinski is the tight end who plays well in second and three why're again Nowakowski wrestles him down near the first town Darren handy at center he's going to have to get help to work on George next to him Cristobal Claude Jones you see the rest of the offensive line Mike Sullivan he's been in traction two days in the hospital this week the three receivers to the left with wire the lone back Glossop grave Kowski in defense of course begins with Priss Sorek tell us about the rest of them Timmy it's an active defense but they have had problems Williams and all upfront they've got to get pressure from these guys Stonebraker and grim the front seven to protect an inexperienced secondary call wachowski with a big play there Jones on the other side second effort staying on the ground for the 14 suspect secondary at Notre Dame with Todd light he's an all-american Reggie Brooks a converted running back Greg Davis and freshman Tom Carter are the Safety's third Erickson will run for it he easily has the first and slides near the goal line coming up just Shawn and Jason Marucci comes into the backfield two tight ends bet : Eric back over identity leaping in for the first score 7-nothing Miami 2 minutes and 43 seconds into this contest I watch deep McGuire third year sophomore from Brooklyn New York bro called on Miami freshman rushing records 220 pounds bench presses 350 runs a 4/5 and you can see he can get up and over handi Jones and seriously starting its Center with Mike help is one of the co captains for Notre Dame Mirko Jirka he's got to match up with Russell Marilyn all day that's going to be tough Tim Ryan you know he's a quality player outside of them as Sandri and Justin Hall had the chance to turn on the after here [Applause] where if this kid goes out of bounds that's absurd operation where two slips as he kicks it to Brooks smashed at the 34-yard line that Rodney culverts fumble because the amount of time he's worked on it doc this time Brooks gets to carry Toni and Reggie book Brooks playing for the butter today [Applause] to the 40-yard line tackle by Darren Smith Russell Maryland nominated for many big awards including the Lombardi album trophies Hamlet Miller the defensive ins michael barrow now is in the middle middle linebacker for the Hurricanes outside is where I think the key to this game is Darren Smith and Moe from Morrie's Crump boos outside to the weak side the open side he's going to be in Meyers face all afternoon third and four for the Irish to culvert and hanging out was Maurice crumb they're foul foul [Applause] the 47 yard line the Rockets in the backfield he stumbles right away after the exchange one of the receivers lined up to the left on second and 12 [Applause] Miami Territory high school teammate from Merritt Island Florida off the option Brooks taken down from behind Michael Barrow second and two [Applause] first down inside the 30 first down Notre Dame they brought in Sean Davis and Blake Dawson to join this offensive at the 17-yard line first down Notre Dame second and four focus [Applause] [Music] [Applause] complete this will be a 25-yard attempt Jim Sexton is the holder [Music] names on the board midway through the first quarter Notre Dame Stadium 7:3 Miami [Music] but making to Williams from the seventh [Applause] [Music] McGuire 60 second and two taking around for the first sound for Miami Abbie's first eight plays over the head of Wesley Carroll Falls book 7 3 Miami facing third and 10 at the first at midfield mihalko got to last week [Applause] not a good punt by Schneider with a favorable bounce pervane comes out first down at its 20 lined up in the eye with Culver and Brooks back to the line of scrimmage Russell that's Lake Boston number 87 remarkable question receiver for the other day fire looking this way instead of his overthrow they'd intercept Darrell Williams [Applause] [Music] much of a pick all you had to do is sit there and play centerfield [Applause] play-action barracks is going for the whole run right away put inside the five Lamar Thomas first and goal from the nothing everyone in tight 2nd and goal [Music] is the loan back on third and goal [Applause] well unless SPM completely so with the drive disintegrating Carlos Huerta 23 yard field goal is good [Applause] rocket will have his chance of the five look out it's over [Applause] hendrik extra point to tie [Applause] don't want this but watch here's rocket Hill tuck it away and watch what happens there's this stuff there's the stumble now the defense stand in its lanes that are the wedge they'll kick out on both sides a rocket sees the hole into his left and it's over explosion right there as a freshman he led the nation to kickoff returns last season his two touchdowns overturned beat Michigan this one gets Notre Dame back in the game against Miami we're tied at 10 the rocket [Applause] [Music] [Applause] it's the fifth career kickoff return for a touchdown [Applause] this is a short kick the 29-yard wire gets away from the first defender and Dean six [Applause] first down for the Hurricanes a first intent of the [Applause] Randall Hill has it light brings him down we'll return to Notre Dame Stadium after this message and a word from your local station we start the second floor second and third the workout pick it up the first down at the Notre Dame 45 [Applause] site light routed penneth for Randall Hill [Applause] second and ten [Applause] take us each quarterback now has thrown an interception off the pitch but heads with Charles farms in phases second and seven setting up alerts to the rocket we gotta pick up at the 44-yard line first down no today [Applause] Jetson incomplete Ricky waters under the double date captain's who is the tailback [Music] to culvert first down play Ricky Watters his first carry and shape curry has a holdup at the 31 yard line Bettis it is a fullback replacing Kolber the tailback second of nine option play fire [Applause] at five [Applause] the pressure incomplete first attempt to take the lead 45 yard attempt left hash mark with the win it's good [Applause] Petric drives it the in-zone check your local listings Miami they send the wire out of Thomas is open going underneath the coverage of grass this past spring Erikson again on target Wesley Carroll has it in a gain of about nine Bukowski from Miami said we can run all over voter name hasn't happened either way second and less than a yard go to the first on the run with McGwire he has it dot on first and ten for the Canes [Applause] Lamar Thomas but McGuire returned second and less than the yard first down Miami at the 41 first down for the Canes from the Notre Dame 41 that ball at the 20 and down to the 15 back up tied in Randy Bethel you gotta hit him on the line of scrimmage first down by Evan Leonard Lee slashing his way inside the five in a first down first be trying to take the lead but wire inches short only touchdown on the sneak is the across waiting for the indication yes touchdown Miami [Music] job or on the whole [Applause] 17:13 hurricanes over the Irish myth second quarter - touchdown - the save game look back to the rocket Kolber is the running back on first and 10 off of a wing they give it the Ricky Watters fitting to the 47 yard line three receivers to the left for Notre Dame on second and four the 30 Brooks's the tailback out of the eye he takes the pitch gallops to the 22-yard second in a long one [Applause] Pulver has the first down rained and everybody's memory [Applause] another good run second and four pitch the Brooks the since right there waiting for of three players bird down for higher with the makings of a quarterback draw field goal attempt by Hendrix dick is good 240 today this one from 34 yards Miami's lead is only one four minutes and change of the first half [Music] - at this quarter really let's this one go through the end zone a touchback Hertz 1716 first down [Applause] Randall Hill with the reception from the 34 yard line first out Miami my action fake open metal Carol table Carter [Applause] quickly the hill not a good fast [Applause] and I lost on the flyer Andre Jones third down 12 with protection incomplete into the wind for Punnett instead Paul Schneider the spiral about a yard too long into the end zone [Applause] again forward hand off the culvert he picks up eight poster back you guys second at two Brooks has the first down first down play for Notre Dame Tony Smith is out there it's a bit of high school track store but first down it is there Darrin Smith intended for Randy Bethel sucker Anton the turnovers going the other way Maguire will have the first down at the 21 yard line quickly the Carol and out of bounds to stop it Miami with the one-point lead over the head of Randall Hill [Applause] and to this will pick up the first bill gets a little extra before first down for the Canes [Applause] voqal second down six [Applause] it's with deflation but that's all Horace Copeland it's a 1/4 game at the intermission Miami 17 notre dame 16 it's setting up for a tremendous second half it's out there now let's take you to Andrea Joyce in studio 45 in New York Williams on one hot [Music] [Applause] dot light brings up down at the 32 yard line hotly is the running back on first down nothing there at all via los al do whatever it takes wasa to second hand right side of randypepper wait of Paul Schneider [Applause] they're cats called have made at the 35-yard lives rocket it as a receiver for the farside to that side we will gain about four with a flag down grabbing a face fast five-yard penalty gets the defense first and three the rocket on the reverse the Russell Marilyn hazard by the ankle [Applause] loss of yardage second down Meyer keeps on the option third and three over his last cut to the right picked up the first down the 47 of notre-dame fire and a gain of eight early third Notre Dame in Miami territory second and two lost his footing and a flag is down second and 16 [Applause] for the rocket a 36-yard line jane-marie number 44 came across pretty hard super Miami first down play and another reception Lake Boston set to they had one lowly Brooks is the tailback out of the eye dead ball foul ball start on the offense repeats it down second and six but again [Applause] dead ball foul ball start on the offense second and 11 penalty's [Applause] rusty Buderus coming in on fire he gets it away to culvert Darren Smith holds on to the leg third and five [Applause] [Music] [Applause] sit away no receiver in the area hit Notre Dame believe he's a perfect 3 for 3 today this is a career long attempt 40 but why do the life Miami takes over after the missed field goal from its 31 yard line [Applause] from the 25 Tony Brooks a gate of five second down for they go inside covert to the sixteen [Applause] all right tackle first down for the Irish a loss of the yard loss of 2 to Brant second down Boulder the loan back Brooks is our way let's get sick side of the tent we'll call 5:35 [Applause] right at all Hendra can give the Irish the lead Sexton on the whole the kick splits the states [Applause] Henrick has just tied a Notre Dame record for field goals in a game by the diminutive Reggie ho remember him is to start two championship team [Applause] zone the kick by Hendrick McGuire is the running back - seven yards there's more yardage Andre Jones puts on the step loss of three-second at 13 Erickson gets it away incomplete thirteen with the Blitz Erickson sounds walk three punch the last two weeks they set up for a return but the shortcut could not be the turn Black's down playas whistled dead he pitched it to Brooks [Applause] another flag comes down because we have holding 10-yard penalty on the offense repeat first down puts now first and 20 three receivers to the left Culver the single back Darrin Smith that Robert Bailey have them secondhand 17 Meyer tucks it under all kinds of room inside of the 15 so it was too deep with poor under man first down play Culver spent second and Jerome Bettis a freshman is the lone back [Applause] pass deflected bike Darren Smith for field goals by Henry bird in 14 [Applause] - Tony Smith [Applause] it completes for his fifth field goal this would give him sole possession of the Notre Dame school record most field goals in a game from 35 yards again he's good [Applause] five for six on the day Rick Hendrick [Music] [Applause] Deitrick downwind and again through the end zone first out Miami good play-action fake Eriksson can't find a receiver open now he does Randall he'll still have negative figures lay to the 35 [Applause] four seconds on the town Wesley Carroll first down Miami at the 47 first down play inside of the 40 [Applause] stick it in the belly of Maguire and he gets out of bounds at the 31 yard line that's the end of the third quarter with the scored Notre Dame 20 to Miami 17 our coverage will continue after this message and a word from your local station and Miami has the wind second annum wires stuck at the line of scrimmage but trips to the left on third and four finally the back dumps it over to conflict Connolly gets free at the 20 Huntley down the sidelines and out-of-bounds first goal from the 8 touchdown gives up the lien fake bro - hi second of goals of the Wesley Carroll did not hold on third and goal from the eighth Marco's Huerta [Applause] and the kick is good through that difficult ankle [Applause] now with four two minutes remaining who will stay alive at the championship race [Applause] comes to Tony Brooks who will lateral it here he is [Applause] I believe a song clip is married two years ago this very weekend trying to Barrow this contest one second and to ignore the flag nor the flag is no family so we ignore that flag second at two [Applause] quickly first down across the 40 inside of 13 minutes this file and Aaron Smith second and seven now steps back fires and hits his receiver Tony Smith but the miami 47 first down [Applause] gentleman by the leg second and six Meyer Brooks [Applause] Rickson as a receiver third and six blitz time they got fire [Applause] [Music] it's a great bounce spot lights hanging all over it founded at the 7th play-action fake from the goal line Lamar Thomas thanks near midfield he climbed the ladder for that month they didn't want anybody coming down the middle splitting things this is man coverage watch him here he goes up and extends himself to make the catch now Lamar Thomas Carol's wide open first down what mark Thomas is back in there he's the middle receiver to the right first down run hotly [Applause] incomplete at the 20 and seven battle Akins orange this will be intercepted it's the interception [Music] at the 28 [Applause] second and along for this mile again this mile to the 40 first down Notre Dame brodnik culprit pricks a couple of tackles out of the eye Brooks is the running back [Applause] run the reverse again fire frozen walk [Applause] well off the block he was the last man first down for the miami 27 culver inside [Applause] second and six [Applause] over again third and four [Applause] they dread going on the point after Miami was selling out coming with the Bliss [Applause] fire looks to his wife sees the Blitz cometh and dumps it underneath to a safety valve Cobra right here school touchdown [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Williams [Applause] strong run back John Dockery Jeff Nantz and Tim Brant my [Applause] by chasing after him Erickson gets out of bounds has done side is six minutes remaining Wesley Carroll first down yardage Miami [Applause] 46 Miami underneath Randall Hill gets free light from behind at the 33-yard line first down play Thomas and out of bounds we'll call it second and two for the Canes from the Copland [Applause] Miami has all of its timeouts remaining 4:44 left in the game [Applause] then this is a critical play third in less than a yard [Applause] both Romania new set of downs in under three minutes left fake the reverse this time Miami trailing by 9 the rocket is the tailback stepped on to have any chance Miami must hold third and [Applause] the first demo has only one timeout [Applause] one air tackle by club [Applause] look the number three team Tennessee has just lost [Applause] total ball control in the second half here on South End for the hometown the series is over [Applause] for college football fans it's a pity this rivalry has ended you
Channel: SteelBuck 6
Views: 8,317
Rating: 4.6781611 out of 5
Id: xSduiU5z-9U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 0sec (2520 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 10 2019
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