1989 CR500R resurrection!

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[Music] hey guys how's it going Clint Lund here lond MX how you doing uh we got another fun one today and when I say fun I mean not very fun at all we are going to be working on one of the crunchiest bikes that I've ever touched and when I I say crunchy I mean literally let's go take a look this 1989 CR500 it is crunchy like Plastics brittle crunchy but I found some cool things on it for one camel Super Cross number plate thinking this was an X Pro bike and there's other things that kind of make me think it was like the foot pegs those foot pegs are pretty interesting the the extra wide foot pegs weren't really a thing until later on shock had a sticker done at one time let's say who who is tuning it other foot Peg as well now bad thing is the motor when it got here was just extremely extremely dumb trying to find the parts as I talk to you I'll show you the Piston that came out of it and uh this is no joke look at that that's what came out of that engine so that's one reason it stopped riding and and then homeboy that owned it let it sit with the coolant inside of it for way too long and as some of you CR500 enthusiasts know what happens when you do that it Corrs the entire case and I believe I already threw the case away because like I didn't even want it being in my shop yep here it is in the aluminum scrap pile take a over here so you can see look at that there's no not even any water outlets on top of it so you could kind of put together in your head what kind of condition the engine was in with this cover uh that piston inside of that crunchy ass frame that's been sitting on the side of some dude's Barn for he said 16 years I'm going to say it's longer than that but guess what I got the motor all built I'm going to put back together going to get that baby back on the dirt so strap in sit along check it out and let's have some fun all right I thought I'd show you guys the motor that's going in it nothing spectacular I just did a stock rebuild um I know I'm going to catch some Flack for not pain pain in this side case black but Bring it on Bring It On guys I don't know I didn't feel like painting it black and then uh this rag is just blocking the passages from getting any dust but yeah just a stock rebuild nothing special I I did go up and clean up the porting a little bit and uh by I mean cylinders punched out to 5050 over that cleaned it up um you know obviously new water pump cover impeller kit all that good stuff made sure so everybody knows what's up look at that I know it sucks whatever um yeah and I got uh I got a carbonator for it because the carburetor that was on it was just a piece of crap that was so coded so I went and found a one on eBay look how beautiful and clean it is I literally just took it out of the box to show you I'm going to definitely have some carburetor cleaner some brush action coming on to this thing real quick but uh yeah that's a carbonator going on it and we already got uh the electronics it doesn't have radiators because you guessed it they turned into powder so I got to get radiators but we'll still get it in and we'll still fire it up today we don't need no stinking radiators to fire it up these are fire breathing dragons they don't need water right all right time for some time lapse as you can see I ran into a snag I got to take off this exhaust manifold piece cuz it's uh not let me manipulate it to get this behind this plate keeps hitting this so I got to take that little bastard off all right well after some wrestling had to take off the subframe had to take off the exhaust Man full of piece but she's in see see5 ain't that cool 1989 some of you probably weren't even alive in 1989 some of you were riding these in 1989 some of you your dad was riding these in 1989 either way someone's been in contact with the CR500 okay she ain't much to look at I know but let's keep tapping away hey see that sometimes on eBay you win sometimes you [Music] don't dang it okay so where we're at now is good thing is it has spark CU one of the things I was hoping when you're getting a used bike like this that's been sitting and it's all corroded and stuff you never know what you're going to get but we got spark and I know I put a new crank and piston ring cylinder you know that's all good the reads could be better but we're going to run them um about to dump some oil in it put the gas tank on and I think she'll be ready to fire yeah let's and just to show you guys this is kind of cool I have a set of 95 CR 500 Forex are going to go on this cuz look at this look at the aluminum it's just coming apart boys look at that I might even have to cut those out again crunchy bike crunchy crunchy oh oh 89 6 of 88 is made ye but we're about to get it fired here in a second I got the pipe down here got the pipe gasket stupidest little press metal gasket and put a gas tank on it some oil in it we'll fire it up and see what's up okay well we're getting to something that kind of looks like a dirt bike now and we are ready to fire I think got all my wires hooked up tanks on just need to put my fuel line on but check this out when I was putting up the exhaust do you see in the exhaust pipe some like fur I think there's a Rat's Nest in there like literally so I'm going to make a little hook you'll see here in a minute we'll check and see if there's anything in there oh yeah I can't even push it in it's stuck well you're going to have to give me a break here I'm going to fish this stuff out and then all right well much later in the day now I got busy with a couple other projects as you can see I do have my hands full at the shop here but in between my spare time check her out and I went to go fire it up and then it backfired boom then my son said hey something blew out of the exhaust look at that Rat's Nest yeah oh that's a good thing I didn't start with that in there but check it out so I had a leaking gas tank think I've had some problems here here was a gas tank that was on it luckily I had a not a whole other but another 89 CR500 um to pull parts from um but anyways this tank unfortunately had cracks in it I don't know if you could see if the camera here will get the shot but there's like a crack right there another crack right there so after I filled it filed it up it just started puking and um yeah that was a big bummer cuz I was hoping to use that tank but um I was going to save this one for something better cuz it's nicer anyway give you side B but uh so we're going to go for first fire on this pig no Muffler so I'm sure it's going to be loud as heck but uh yeah good old Honda you know run up without oil without coolant whatever you want let's do it oh don't want to let it get too hot but there we go obviously uh petcock needs a rebuild kit looks like it stopped dripping bummer but yeah woo you see that vibration That's a classic Hond digity right there heck yeah all right boys and girls we'll stay tuned for all the other good Shenanigans here at the shop for the hondy wo man that thing had a lot of rusted bolts and aome when bikes sit that long there's so much crap that's just rotten chain guards chain guides I'm glad I went through the motor whole motor you know crank piston cylinder gasket kit bearings I mean that motor is the best part about that bike right now and unfortunately it's just another one of the projects here at the shop I'm just going to sell it here uh probably pretty quick I'll leave it rough and just sell it for like 1,500 bucks and the motor is worth that by itself for a lot of people who do like the AF conversions but um maybe I'll ask a little bit more we'll see but I might recover the seat but uh no title or anything like that which is kind of a bummer other than that um thanks a lot for joining me from London mix here at the shop garage whatever um click like please I love those likes it helps me out a lot also uh the Isaac and Ivan videos are still coming we ride every weekend but I don't always remember the the GoPro or to record cuz we're so excited to ride but please like Please Subscribe please tell your friends if you're into this stuff I try to build custom bikes or just even fun bikes as often as I can offseason in between Supercross but uh yeah thanks a lot see you later bye
Channel: LUND MX
Views: 353,308
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ad807EC1v80
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 28sec (868 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 27 2016
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