1988 10 09 88 Broncos at 49ers pt 2

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eight quarters what's with elway oh no it's been sacked four times and he's thrown two interceptions anything else well that's about it and now it's 11 interceptions on the year for john elway miami surprisingly easy over the raiders 24-0 that game at halftime as well phoenix beating up on pittsburgh the cardinals could go to 4-2 big afternoon thus far for neil lomax 24-7 at halftime in that one they're now in the third quarter in san diego the chargers are leading the new orleans saints 14-13 there the cincinnati bengals have gone to 6-0 final score of 36-19 over the jets icky woods one of the big stories for cincinnati 30 carries for 139 yards and two touchdowns the bengals are for real the only undefeated team in the league now at 6-0 seattle beat cleveland the browns lost their fourth quarterback and mike pagel 16-10 the final there for seattle as don strzok had to take over buffalo beating indianapolis 34-23 buffalo goes to five and one the colts dropping to one and five a bad game in houston houston defeating kansas city seven to six the oilers are surprising four and two green bay finally gets its first win for their new head coach lindy and fonte gets in a week number six 45-3 the final raymond berry with lots to worry about for the patriots for one thing he has to worry about his defense take a look at brent fullwood 33 yards nobody can stop him and the packers rolling up to a 24-3 lead and daryl stingley was on hand remember jack tatum's hit paralyzed him 10 years ago steve grogan was the quarterback that fateful night at the coliseum well today grogan throwing for stanley morgan he's hit by chuck cecil and it was shades of 10 years ago and morgan was carried off on a stretcher the late word from the hospital as he suffered a concussion he's being held for observation a scary moment there in milwaukee chicago defeating detroit the bears go to 5-1 final score there of 24-7 the rams beating up on atlanta tough year for falcon fans hardly anybody showed up 33-0 the final score there washington defeating dallas fairly handily 35-17 the super bowl champs go to three and three minnesota edged tampa bay 14-13 the final tampa bay with a late field goal attempt came just a second late and in baseball the a's going for the four game sweep they lead the red sox four to one san francisco their fans here in the bay area hope they're super bowl bound again but it's been a reverse sort of nightmare for john elway on this street the problem has shown up in elway's continued rash of interceptions he's had two here so far in the first half to add to that desperate total on the season and elway partly just because of the pressure that's coming on it sacked four times here in the first half they've been putting some real heat on elway and of course when you get that kind of pressure it's difficult to make good decisions helen elways used his legs and his strength in the past merlin to be able to extricate himself from trouble and they're under pressure he flip-flops a pass right into the arms of keena turner and that gave the 49ers another chance that they wasted when a field goal snap went awry i'm sure he's saying to himself after being in that locker room look let's put that half behind us we're not so far away but his his day has not been all sterling either he's 9 for 17 he's had a pass intercepted by a defensive lineman but he scored the game's only touchdown with his legs not his arm watch this hole open up for him and it's a designed play quarterback draw and just a tough tough play to stop for a defense there was room for both of us to walk in there with him on that play dick yeah john brody used to see him and he occasionally would call that number and successfully score on that quarterback draw nine yards for san francisco and yet they have only ten points certainly not the kind of numbers that you would expect if you looked it on this uh looked on the scoring board and as you said earlier could well be that those those points could be much much higher for the 49ers roger craig the leading rusher as we set 42 yards in the first half yet another big gain called back because of a penalty may stretch out the muscular craig who does some modeling for macy's as well stretching his hamstrings there and his concern is to make sure that those hamstrings are as loose and flexible as they possibly can be so mike cofer gets it teed up and we'll have the start of the second half denver getting the ball first and the breeze which was really non-existent at the start of the game might be a factor in the second half they're going to have to hold the ball on the t it won't even stay there look at those flags and it's i think the breeze even more vicious at field level the young ladies had a hard time with their flags this kickoff is sponsored by budweiser the king of bears and it swirls down to bell at the goal line ken bell of the broncos has a seam and gets to the 26-yard line now john elway and the bronco offense comes on the field no way 13 for 27 and you look at third quarter scoring and san francisco has enjoyed this period while denver sluggish and for the broncos they've now gone eight quarters and in overtime without scoring a touchdown going all the way back to that uh really heartbreaker when they lost to the raiders that is i'm not sure they really recovered totally emotionally from that that loss when they had the raiders beaten 24 nothing at the half [Applause] galway buying some time on the rollout and steps out of bounds at the 31 line a gain of five this denver bronco team has relied so thoroughly on the talents of john elway to bail him out reeves always gracious in his praise of elway but there was like two offenses the offense that would would start with and they'd run a play and when it broke down then he took over with elway's offense and it was often that second offense the great improvising of elway that made the difference for the broncos in the ball game that's right marlon we heard it from coach after coach facing denver how do you keep elway containing contain elway he could beat you by manufacturing points sammy winder dropped for a loss michael carter the all-pro nose tackle [Applause] carter working on billy bryant the center and he is so quick to the gap just sliding off and being there almost ahead of winder on that play third down and six and so in comes that nickel package for the 49ers you'll see it on the right hand side of your screen number 95 all by himself and dumped billy bryant on the ground to get the solo tackle no way three wide receivers to the right and now he brings sewell in back as a protector over the middle and drops the football rickey nation unable to hang on at the 37-yard line eric right on the coverage as they went with six defensive backs so often this first offensive series will set the tone and then if that's the case denver is in trouble they have certainly not done anything to change the momentum in this ball game here in the first series of the second half don griffin 29 and 82 john taylor drift back as haran dupont [Music] he kicked uh four times for a 45-yard average in the first half this one up in the wind taylor able to spin away from the first man downfield and then is tackled at the 30-yard line great kick into that wind great kick 42 yards on the kick a two-yard return so there's your 40-yard net sam grady the sprinter was the man that was down there to try that first tackle it just missed him you got to catch him like the football sam you got to catch him roger craig looking for six straight games of 100 yards total offense 55 in the first half so he's on course [Music] and he gets the call on the first play of the second half good yards before he's out of bounds at the 37 yard line jim ryan makes the hit a seven yard pickup coming into this ball game craig averaging 4.9 a carry which is a huge average for a running back look at him just dip little dip inside ryan doing a good job number 50 of getting off the blocker to push to the sideline and second and three craig with a first down and more look out all the way to the 48 of denver acceleration and leg strength roger craig just showing you both of those as he pulls out of a tackle and just pops through that opening 15 more yards he said it's a halfback i have to be more patient read that defense and then react not just react [Music] mecklenburg who was the man who missed the tackle there and there's mecklenburg as he's taking out what's gonna be so tough look at that right hand with that heavy bandage he's really playing one-handed i'm first down after a 15-yard game montana wide open incomplete mike wilson and the win really carried that ball drifted it and this is where playing in the stadium certainly an advantage montana and his troops know the tricky wins here but when it's blowing like this it's too tricky even for montana [Music] so it's second and ten mecklenburg back in boy that wind is strong enough to almost pick the football right up and lift it off on its own really swirling the dirt off the baseball infield here comes craig ryan can't get it mike harden knocks him out of bounds at the 35-yard line another first down and craig running rampant rabid roger craig here in the third quarter craig just running right through an opportunity for a tackle by jim ryan and ryan has slowed a little bit not able to get there and not able to put even a half heart attack on craig on that play and another defensive back down for denver tyrone braxton boy that is horrible news the broncos decimated already they've had real trouble holding people together there's the missed tackle by ryan and you can't arm tackle craig you've got to wrap and hook look at him dipped and just drive he's still not on the ground braxton looks like he'll be back into this game but the broncos so thin at this point that you wonder who they're going to put into this ball game roger craig was 78 yards now rushing in the game that puts him over 500 yards for the year he's six feet tall and down from 224 weighs around 212 now hit the backfield still breaks free in the second man simon fletcher along with mecklenburg able to make the tackle mecklenburg finally wrestled him down the first hit by walt boyer who was slanting inside and one of the things that joe collier will do when he has that defense slanting they'll occasionally get a good seam pop free and when you get a shot like that you got to put it back down on the ground make him fumble if you can there's the signal going in one of the difficult parts of this denver defense it's so complex that you don't just step in and play it second down and 11 montana off the play fake underneath to craig and craig who leads all receivers 35 catches coming into the game that's his first catch today it goes second catch goes for six yards and a dust storm off the southern end of candlestick park the baseball inn a virtual hurricane here and joe montana thought he was hit by hurricane that time as sean knight leveled him just as he threw that football and he got up a little bit groggily but he's gotten back into the huddle now takes the signal from steve young on the sideline and drops down into the huddle third down a short six leading 10-3 early in the third and he quarter a first down a flag is down however where one would suspect holding randy robbins made the tackle let's see if it counts and it is against the 49ers you saw the frustration the instant reaction of both walsh and montana so hard to get a completion with that wind howling and playing in this stadium you almost have to prepare a team like you would a cold weather team they're going to be days when you have to rely on the running game and those short passes that's like two different days the first half 74 offense you can hear the win through the microphone of jim tunney well on this day where the oakland a's across the bay are in the world series let's see what else is happening back to new york all right dick thank you not far from you the oakland a's have done it the four-game sweep over the red sox the final score was four to one you're watching the final loud eckerly pitching to jody reed to mike gallego for the final out the final four to one at the oakland a sweep let's go back to dick and merlin and the home run hitter for the 49ers roger craig down to the 30-29 yard line after the penalty gets the holding yardage back but it is short of the first down and brings up fourth down and the field goal unit comes on craig showing you again that great leg strength and that's one of the ways that you measure a running back is by how many tackles they can pull out of how many tackles they can avoid and craig doing a great job of that here today this is going to be a difficult kick for cofer with the swirling wins it's a 47-yard attempt however if indeed it's a true down win i'm not sure how that's the way it swirls here look at that look at the grass wiggle on this one i that it's going to be tough to snap the randy cross is going to have his hands while getting it back on the snap and you'll remember the last snap went right through steve young's hands back so windy at 47 yards that denver defense may be reminding themselves watch out for a fake [Music] gopher hit from 37 yards in the first quarter it's 10-3 san francisco it is hits the upright and bounces back no good [Applause] boy if anything i thought it would drift to the left it stayed right on the right upright all the way time time-out airlines something special in the air [Music] well those treacherous wins of candlestick park a factor in the second half as denver after the miss field goal takes over just inside their 30-yard line trailing 10-3 tony dorsett for a yard maybe two dorsett has not been a factor today the great star out of pittsburgh [Music] he uh in comparison to roger craig who has 87 yards on the ground the broncos managing but 36 as a team not much in the way of productivity and that's the bad news that good news elway one play away from being able to tie this game up and certainly for the domination that the 49ers have had they have not had it on the scoreboard that's like the 49ers getting the bases loaded three straight innings and not getting any runs in it stays at 10 to 3. elway protected a little better and then it's deflected he's trying to throw around the defensive charge and couldn't get his pass up field well you'd think that the wind would be at the backs of the denver broncos for the fourth quarter but that's not guaranteed here in this stadium you never know which way the wind is going to be be blowing all you know right now is that it's in elway's face and it's going to make it very difficult to throw the football looked like jeff stoffer might have gotten a piece of that number 72. the flags are not necessarily a true test of wind direction we do know it is blowing very hard elway from behind able to wiggle free and throw up field complete to vance johnson and a first down at the 47. johnson wide open now that's the kind of play that we have watched elway make so many times pulling out of traffic getting away from what appeared to be a sure sack and then making the accurate throw vance johnson right there to pick up this first down he was so wide open he was surprised no one hit him i think he expected one of those safeties ronnie lotter fuller to put a helmet in his back when he caught that one in fact was larry roberts defensive lineman who came to downing at the 47 first down eight minutes 50 seconds left third quarter denver trail san francisco 10-3 winder finds a hole 40 35 with a blocker johnson trying to help him out and out of bounds goes winder at the 17-yard line that's the biggest running play of the day for the broncos almost equals the entire total 35 yards for winder you're going to have a chance as we start start this play and open it up let orson mobley come in on the left hand side of your picture let it start just for a second here wind it guys if you would stop it right there orson mowbly is going to lead in here and throw a great block to lead that play watch him right there he seals it off inside good job by bishop and then winder just pops it loose to make a big big gain vance johnson downfield to try to help with the block first down at the 17 of san francisco winder again spinning and fighting to the 11 yard line so winders around the 70-yard mark rushing at this point michael walder first with a hit for san francisco [Music] there's walter played at oregon was the number one tackler for the 49ers last year was originally drafted by the cowboys in 1983. they released it this is the area of the field that the broncos have had trouble they've had trouble getting it into the end zone they need the touchdown winder again around the ankles and a flag down they may call a late hit on number 75 kevin fagan ricky ellison had the ball carrier on the ground and faking appeared to be a step late on his hit tony warning keith karts to move off karts obviously anger angry at what was happening as the call will indeed go against the san francisco 49ers move the ball to a first down position inside the five yard line tenney uh measuring the sidelines it's half the distance to the goal first of all unnecessary roughness number 75 half the distance that has not scored a touchdown in eight quarters plus in overtime [Music] the end of that play at the top of your screen you saw fagin number 75 stacking he drew the flag oops movement by the bronco offensive line no play before the snap someone on the left side dave studdard who has just been activated the veteran from texas playing on the in position to the left playing a third tight end in short yardage and he makes a critical mistake 70 offense false start he's been on ir with a knee injury and he came back and his timing has got to be rusty i got to tell you that's a sour feeling you know your team needs a touchdown you sense his anger and frustration there he is just misjudging the snap count boy does that change the situation first and goal at the four the first and goal at the nine rider the only back behind elway and it's winder again he's been the workhorse on this drive and he's close to the five yard line he picks up about five yards that's the five they lost on the penalty but the last five are going to be the toughest and they've only got three downs to do it coming in with a play from the sidelines as mobley goes out is tony dorsett [Music] winder four straight carries this is the 27th possession since denver has scored a touchdown virtually telegraphed on that play and there were nine 49ers nine red uniforms out there watch the pursuit by this 49er defense they read the play so quickly they were almost there ahead of door set you'll see tony driving to the outside look at the number of 49er defensive players two four five six seven seven in your picture and only one blocker and tony dorsett that wasn't a tackle that was a team party now dan reeves looks at third and goal from just inside the 10. wilhelm doesn't fool anybody the 49ers really rising defensively and now the broncos uh and 49ers and a little push and shove [Applause] haley was in the midst of it keith bishop for denver [Applause] could be that that goes back to that earlier penalty when there were obvious anger and the obvious angered emotion just carried over you saw reeves talking to vance johnson upset about something on that pattern i think frustrated at the read that johnson made on the defense and he is still cooking johnson on the sideline and yet they call three running plays from that first and goal situation no passes maybe he missed the block carlos will try a 27-yard field goal he hit a 27-yarder in the first half into the win he's got it so the broncos get the field goal but once again a touchdown opportunity is lost and it's denver trailing by four [Music] [Applause] boy a short kick carlos almost missed it a fair catch by sydney at the 35-yard line he may have been trying on sidekick knowing that wind would hold it up hard to tell whether that was delivered or unintentional if it was if it was unintentional it certainly was an ugly kick and sydney very wisely calling the fair catch on the play let's see what kind of power that carlos brings to the ball well he looked like it kind of slipped out of the hands of the holder just as carlos got there here's a reverse to jerry rice they love this play and the 49ers he's boomed out of bounds at the 46-yard line he's okay bounces to his feet boy he really took a shot that's the sixth time that rice has run the ball this year and he has 71 yards for those six attempts not a bad not a bad average for a runner watch the hit at the end of this play haynes and hardin the two defensor defensive players and it's haynes 36 who just cracks him hard rice tough feed right back up off the ground first down at the 46 of san francisco roger craig to midfield and maybe to the 49 [Music] san francisco 49ers i think feeling good about their success so far dick and they have the feeling that they're they're doing things they want to do they're just not playing as well as they would like to play right now it's got to be frustrating for them for bill walsh i think they're kind of the victims of great expectations having been bumped out of the playoffs very rudely in the last three years people here in san francisco are saying hey get to the playoffs and get us another super bowl here comes craig who has 92 yards in the game and close to the 100-yard mark as he's at the 45 of denver and close to the 44 which would be a first down i believe he's just shy there's some popping going on down on that field wilson right there up to blast rice and if the rice was gonna go back and get him and got run over by one of his own linemen now that's frustrating gonna have to measure on the play well you saw again with that close-up the power of roger craig he really runs out of the old school he defies you to bring him down he is a horse you see how they're having to hold that football down to keep it from rolling with that wind howling and you saw that it is short by about two feet a foot and a half tony will bring the ball out bring a new ball out actually and mark it let's see if they have to hold that ball down they'll push it down and maybe dig a little hole for it now they're going to have to hold the ball on the turf until the center arrives to put his hand on it now you know that wind is howling down there rathman is the lone setback behind montana third and inches and montana straight ahead behind his veteran center randy cross who played at ucla and cross who is a all-pro guard now playing that center position there he is 6-3 and 265. i'd say that's a fine offensive line in the cross the old timer in that line he's kind of the leader calls those blocking combinations for wallace and sappolo and mcintyre and barton they are doing a good job of opening holes for in particular roger craig today but also for rathman rachman's had a couple of nice runs greg was talking about that yesterday how aggressive they are there's rice on the first out of bounds at the 26-yard line and his average continues to be flashy indeed 16 more for rice and it looked to me dick that if he had cut back he might have been able to get another 5 or 10 yards on that play maybe that solid hit on the opposite sideline made him think about going inside but boy look at the speed here there is no question he's got to be the fastest man on the field and there was the little coast out of bounds i think if he'd cut inside wilson's block could have made another five or ten yards brian says he's times at 4-6 until they put a ball in his hands and then he suddenly is a 4-2 just like he had a jet engine on there on first down it's roger craig twisted down at the 22 and that'll be right at the 100 yard mark either 99 or 100 yards make it 101 craig who was the first ever in the national football league to rush for over a thousand yards and catch passes for over a thousand yards that was in 85 and he could do it again this year what if this is like running in a marathon when you're going downwind it's going to be a little easier out here they are definitely going downwind on this leg of the journey and montana would love to be able to get seven points here leading 10 to six with 3 23 left in the third quarter and it's rathman well that's a good name for a fullback isn't it ratman i mean it just sounds ugly mean tough he is mean looks like he's shot out of a cannon sometimes when he comes up inside and we we talked about not wanting to tackle him anywhere but low the other thing you don't want to do if you're a linebacker in there and you see him coming into block you better just stack things up down low because otherwise he'll take your hat right off your head third and three [Applause] rathman inside is going to be very close at the 15-yard line looks like he has gotten the first down all a matter of the mark but i think he's over the 15. first down says timmy paul boyer made the tackle and that's where that size advantage for this san francisco 49er offensive line will pay its biggest dividends they said they really simplified their running game for the broncos they tried to just use a few core plays similar to the philosophy that the washington redskins used so effectively in the super bowl last year well this is the number one offensive team in the nfl the 49ers and they're looking at another 400 yard day although craig gets only a yard on first down simon fletcher number 73 late at houston makes the stop but they have only 10 points to show for all that yardage they need a touchdown here another another field goal would not be that great of help they would still be within a touchdown range of the denver broncos they've got to be thinking of stretching that lead and i said it earlier when you have that many opportunities and you don't cash in you create real problems for yourself rice draws a lot of attention jerry rice wide to the right wilson's foot left and that's the tight end heller is that caught a pass today and it's montana through the hands of heller and that's been the knock on this young tight end from oregon state that he can't make the tough catch or doesn't make it often enough he's been playing behind john frank frank injured not in uniform today frank had his hand operated on will be out for a number of weeks and heller can catch the ball in practice just have trouble in the game and i'm sure that with experience he is going to become a fine receiver runs good patterns is a good blocker but as you saw there montana use used to the steady hands of john frank and the quick outlet to his tight end third and nine and the place kicker of the 49ers cofer getting ready just in case and a timeout spent by montana of san francisco it comes with a minute and 22 seconds left in the third quarter and the score 49ers 10 and broncos straight victory neil lomax 13 yards to jt smith his third touchdown pass of the day for lomax 31-7 phoenix over pittsburgh let's go back to dick and merlin and candlestick phoenix looking for its fourth win in a row here at san francisco on a critical third and nine after the timeout montana plenty of time the pump fake gets away and pushed out of bounds at the nine yard line that'll be short of a first down five yards for montana he was looking for rice in the end zone and he was covered well so cofer and the field goal unit on again for san francisco bit of a handicap as we mentioned for quarterback montana who's so used to the steady hands of john frank in there wanted to go to his number one man jerry rice he wasn't there had to pull the ball down picked up some yardage but they'll have to try for the field goal there remember kopher hit the right upright on his last attempt this is just 27 yards he's got it boy you can see the win playing tricks with it so back to a touchdown lead san francisco with 109 left in the third well then some of the fans thought that rice was open on that last play he's working on guidry a rookie but watch braxton and that's what montana saw was braxton drifting in on the inside hoping the ball would be thrown to possibly pull down the interception at second man and montana wisely tucked it away but had to settle for five yards and ultimately the field goal here's cofer kicking off to denver 13-6 san francisco leads final minute third quarter and out of bounds it goes and with a damn roll take it at the 35-yard line let's go back to the late scores this one is a touchdown lead for san francisco miami still leading sixth from the 35-yard line but the winder who was the key to the last drive this running and it's weiner gets the call on first down dragged down by larry roberts number 91 after a gain of five a play that's designed to get a little screening effect from steve sewell who comes across in motion just before the ball is snapped hard to see winder in there and of course they're counting on the fact that people will not see that back on that little draw play but good job of stopping it for about a four yard game [Applause] 25 seconds left in the third quarter vance johnson the second man in motion and it's winder again out to the 43-yard line a couple yards shy of the first down and that probably the last play of this third quarter the running game not being tremendously effective but you have to run the football you see the trap by bishop 54 to spring the play inside the gun ending this half and denver saying now the wind is ours at the end of the third quarter the score touchdown lead for san francisco will be back after these messages from your local station not only that it strips the energy out of you and where the 49er defense is lined up that whipping breeze is bringing dirt right into their faces and mouths they're gonna it's gonna take a while to shower today you're gonna have to wash it out of every every nook and cranny we're as high as you can get at candlestick and there is even dusting all of our papers up here that's how much is blowing around start the fourth quarter for the key third and three for denver at their 42 and a half shotgun and there's some confusion for denver they were calling late good play wilheit leaping forward for the first down at the 47. gets five yards ronnie lott coming up to assist on the tackle and ronnie lot had seen something maybe anticipating that play was pointing and yelling i think they were trying to get a change in the defense just before that play was snapped a lot they say is a real yeller in that huddle he really keeps things buzzing he sure does they missed him when he got out of the line lineup he brings a much more physical approach to the game now playing very deep as a safety man first down denver trailing [Applause] by seven look out bubbles and san francisco recovers it's ronnie lott who falls on the ball black absolutely stole that football from dorsett and dorsett expecting lot to try and make the tackle and lot simply went in and stole the football but a good play by denver up to that point watch lot go right after the football here he just reaches in and strips it away and then gets his hands on it to cover the fumble he's a big play you hear that in the most complimentary of terms for some players earn a big play man and ronnie lott does all of that you can see why they miss him in their third turnover of the day for the broncos they're minus eight now in the turnover table that really concerns reeves who watches that statistic very closely roger craig he carries men four yards after he's hit finally dragged down by craig and fletcher and mecklenburg something that the broncos have done very well over the years is what you just saw ronnie a lot do was strip that football away and i'm sure that's what they're thinking about right now are there stories in this football sunday the sixth week of the season well craig is over 100 yards here icky woods had 139 yards and two touchdowns is the bengals still unbeaten brent forward 118 yards for green bay in their first win and greg bell 155 yards in the shutout at atlanta scored by the rams rathman into denver territory has a first down of the 49. 49ers i'm sure will spend some time looking at that during the week right now their major concern running time off the clock they'd love to be able to take that ball down and stick it in the end zone first down at the 49 as you see the other late scores the only game at least dramatically close at san diego or the saints now lead by six here a seven point forty-niner lead 13-6 though wall said he thought it'd take four touchdowns to win this game protecting the ball gains four to the 45-yard line carl mecklenburg there well you see you got a run for cover to get away from that dust that's whipping up and these 49er fans happy with the way their 49ers are playing at least much happier with the score than they would be to see something else up there you could see that wind just continues to whip down there 201 yards rushing for san francisco and he's got off more than half of them he's over 100 yards just running the football today he's six for six well that's production knowing you're going to get a century plus out of one player every game audible call by montana greg again breaks that first table breaks two more he should have lost two and he gains about three four yards how many times have we seen him run right through that first tackle today it looks like mark haynes number 36 one of the miss one of the missed tackles watch him cut back against the grain here gets back inside of craig and there was mark haynes right there and runs out of a second tackle so he literally got out of two tackles to pick up that yardage andre townsend 61 couldn't bring him down alone either there's haines that's a mismatch with haynes at the corner he's giving away a few pounds but boy that craig high knee action as well has to make it tough on the tackle he's a pumper five seconds on the 45 second clock third and two fumble wall on this denver says they have it let's see well we talk about turnovers the brock hill up with a big one [Applause] so bill walsh in frustration his team moving the ball controlling the game and yet have only 13 points and are within a touchdown of being tied as they cough it up and with it a time out 11 minutes remaining here at candlestick feed 13 to 6 band denver recovers at the bronco 42 to stop another san francisco drive 13 to 6 49ers lead elway lots of time no one open finally underneath the k k breaks tackles to the 42-yard line of san francisco let's go back to the fumble as montana was trying to beat the clock running down about three seconds same thing that happened to elway earlier just never got his hands on that ball and the guards who were pulling push montana out of the way and denver able to pounce on that football we're not going to get a chance to watch elway but what a decisive way to start this drive you feel always saying come on now is the time first down at the san francisco 42 trailing 13-6 winder gets a block on the corner and good yardage to the 35 before he's dragged down by charles haley got his college ball to james madison got a fine block by ricky natiel out there that really kind of box things in these denver receivers have never been afraid to stick their heads in there they were able to get winder sprung free outside look on the outside of this picture you'll see ricky nation coming in right there you don't see the block but you see the room that the block created for sammy weiner and a gain of seven yards second down and three it's winder again wasn't much of a hole but he fought for a yard or two he'll be very close to a first down with that may end up just short keena turner larry roberts all in on the tackle as frustrating as a day as this has been for john elway i think if he can pull it together for his bronco team here in the fourth quarter and get them back on track this is such a critical game they already feel that they're behind the eight ball a loss here and they almost begin to think about next year he picked up a yard so it's third down and two that's a closer to two than one elway using a page out of the montana book snakes it forward to the 30. not quite the delay on the quarterback draw but a little fake step and then right behind his center bill brian has the first down signals coming in for gary kubiak on the sideline you're right about that dick montana a different kind of quarterback than elway always still uh strong strong quarterback not quite as quick as we've talked about earlier but still great strength so first down at the 30 and some of the fans of candlestick getting nervous with 8 20 left 13-6 a big hole for winder and he has another first down at the 22-yard line ricky ellison makes the tackle expecting i think to see dorset do some big things today and i i would imagine that the 49er defense a bit surprised that it's been winder who's been the big tool in the running game for this denver bronco offense make that uh not quite a first down he picks up nearly nine yards on the carry and now has 99 yards torset on the sidelines as weinder has taken charge having a big game a yard shy of a hundred for winder second down and short winder again first down at the 19-yard line gardner seven minutes left first down denver inside the san francisco 20. elway on the roll out of bounds he goes as he loses the ball at the 16 yard line as kevin fagan trailing the play made the hit three yards for elway this game is the property of the national football league san francisco more than anything else elway wants to end the touchdown drought a drought that has now gone over nine quarters plus in overtime incomplete to mobley and a flag is down and holding against denver a late hit perhaps on elway would be the only other possibility in elway holding his face on the ground a hand to his face [Applause] trainers being sent out onto the field and let's take a look here looks like elway really takes a shot right up the middle right there the helmet right underneath the chin ricky ellison i think number 50. penalty is accepted 10 yards and uh to rob salt in the wound the penalty is against denver for holding it looked like elway caught ricky ellison's helmet right under the chin and just went down like a shot wouldn't surprise me if he doesn't have a cuddle although the trainers letting him walk off the field must stay out now one play now the focus on gary kubiak who replaces elway kupiak who has been a solid replacement but has not thrown a pass this season they're trying to ask elway do you know your name how many fingers am i holding up making sure he's all right 49ers continue to rotate people in and out of the game they've got the sprinters in there the pass rush specialist right now after the 10-yard penalty at second and 17. kuviak draw wide open at the 20. he's at the 14-yard line what a call and a flag goes down 13 yards and maybe more stover and lot finally got him to the ground and maybe a late hit oh mask and that'll take it down farther and a first down for the broncos this 49er defense has really hurt itself today with some critical penalties several late hits and there the face mask reaching in number 42 ronnie lott and lot has made big plays today that is a big play for the denver broncos so at five yards on to the 13 by kubiak they needed 17 for first down so they may be measuring and here comes elway and what a job by kubiak for one play on a second and 17 perhaps getting the first down five yards and it would appear that that will give them the first down it does ian can set his sights on the end zone well they had first and goal at the four and had to settle for a short field goal early in the game and without over stating the fact the broncos have been in a terrible touchdown drought they're into their 10th quarter without a touchdown elway floods the right area goes over the middle for a touchdown vance johnson and was he left alone somebody missed an assignment [Applause] doesn't matter that it was easy just matters that they got it in there they've now put that drought behind them and you see this celebration that's one happy football team on the sideline right now and you kind of feel the air go out of the players on the san francisco sideline i think they realize that they have their hands cut out or their job cut out for them as the game will now be tied if they can get this one pointer through there's vans and johnson for elway only a sixth touchdown pass in six games carlos adds the extra point and with six minutes and 23 seconds left it's a new game in candlestick park san francisco broncos 13 49ers 13. second kick carlos has it dead center up the middle that a penalty shot that's a clearly shot a relief shot san francisco 49ers thinking very quickly all right look we haven't capitalized on the opportunities we have had here in the early part of this ball game we've let denver get back into the ball game now it's our job to get back out there take charge get some more points on the board the disadvantage they have right now is that they are working against the wind and that makes it tougher offensively and for bill walsh his team was driving in control of the game running well and then they fumbled snap from center at the denver 42 and the broncos taking advantage of that turnover march for their first touchdown in a long time and a key play certainly was kubiak off the bench one play getting them a first down on a second and seven teams within division two are the tough ones three losses within division and two of those at home [Applause] kicks it deep and the win carries it right over the head of doug dubose it's first down san francisco at the 20-yard line sports stay on nbc just a couple of weekends will be in louisville kentucky for the previous cup now the pressure here on san francisco trying to go 5-1 stay with new orleans and the rams in the nfc west they start at the 20. and with those 5 yards he's now at 122 his all-time game high with the 49ers final in new orleans 23 san diego 17 three morton anderson field goals the difference there so saints and rams have both won they're five and one and san francisco needs a victory to stay tied for the lead in the west just an aside the only two teams that bill walsh has not defeated in his 10-year tenure here in san francisco the denver broncos and the san diego charger interesting reeves has beaten him twice rathman has the first down across the 30-yard line simon fletcher cutting down to the tackle but rathman fell about four yards after the hit maybe we could put that graphic back in we didn't get a chance to talk to you about it the surprisingly effective day for the denver broncos [Music] san francisco averaging over 400 yards a game coming into this one number one in the nfl and they're going to be up there again look at the explosion and the effort of craig who has 10 more a great trap block inside by jesse sopolo number 61 who just powers inside maybe we can get a chance to to do it for you watch the polo who's playing right here watch the polo just come inside a little block back by the center and craig will rip up inside through a very open hole look at that bingo and there's roger craig stepping again look at the light power as he just drives out of those tackles yeah it's a great shot to show you how important the timing articulation and the win held that up just enough for steve wilson to save the touchdown as rice was sprinting clear the ball just died in midair on a day without that breeze that's a touchdown because rice had just simply run away from the coverage montana with plenty of arm but the wind as you said just killing the football and that's what happens to you when you start to face that breeze winder and craig and weiner second half performance has pulled denver back into the game and on third down and short yardage 49ers wedge it out and have another four downs the clock now becomes important let's get some points on the board and they'll be the field goal as a factor kicking into the wind of course there are 14 yards from 400 for the day as montana top he's got those 14 or close to it and a first down at the denver 42 markings makes the tackle roger craig with a tough catch and a penalty flag down against san francisco and roger craig cannot believe it the hard work of getting the completion out there two seconds left in the game to beat the giants but let's look at this play jesse 61 right at the top of your screen he's got a wrestling hole there take down there's the hit we talked about mike haynes mark haynes who has done some good work with a leveling receiver although he's playing off the ball there certainly having a very strong years that's where the program will be seen in its regular time december with merlin olsen we have three minutes and 14 seconds remaining in the fourth quarter the game is tied san francisco and denver at 13. a question might be asked here as to why steve young is in the ballgame we've had no end case indication that montana is hurt we do know that montana was sick earlier in the week lost about 10 pounds and maybe weakening some but also we'd have to maybe wonder that young's great running ability would figure into this and we may see him run out of there yes he does [Applause] that could be another reason so there's several trying to guess with bill walsh while young not montana's in there but greg crankin makes the tackle well here's the rollout we predicted and young is an outstanding runner but he can't outrun number 71 greg cragan comes from the nose tackle position watch it right here a very sure ankle tackle on steve young and it's rolled a sack for denver with 237 left it's about to be pittsburgh third down at 18 young looking for a bunch he's a great scrambler and here he counts to the 42-yard line randy robbins number 48 made the tackle for denver and they'll have to fight walsh not taking any chance to die well short of the 10 yards i was looking at the post there he's actually 11 shard shy of the first and hasn't seen much duty here in the second half and that ball's going nowhere almost blew it right back with a great bounce and wilhelm feels it at the 32-yard line about a 20-yard bounce that ball gets straight down and nip jumps towards the denver goal line normally when you kick him into the wind like that it bounces back in your face and had it that would have been a no game company crowd will try to help elway is sacked danny stops the rookie from miami exactly the kind of play they hoped to get through and elway was limping slightly as he came back onto the field we'll keep an eye on him there's a little safety valve middle screen to will height and he plows across the 30 to the 32-yard line to get the 10-yard loss on the sack plus a couple it'll be third down and eight or nine to go with the possibility of interception here one ten remaining elway now has the man wide open and he throws short to stool who had the sack to start this sequence the eagerness to get in and take another shot at l third down and three not third and seven first down height right at the change let's see where they mark it i believe they're going to give him the 42 that would be a first down they're happy to have gerald wilheit back in the lineup 45-44 the longest field goal ever for carlos is 51 yards just to give you an indication of where elbow has to go there's that same play up the middle with the screen and will height is to the 49-yard line it's not a predictable straight from behind it's a swirling score makes the savings tackle at the 39-yard line as daryl pollard number 26 makes the big play hold on the broncos are saying there's a penalty and they still have the ball with 16 seconds left we've had a couple of critical calls 31 defense before the pass is intercepted this derrick rico defense continues to self-destruct in critical situations they have two late hits and right there a penalty that keeps that takes the football out of their hands and puts it right back into the hands of the denver broncos it was called against the veteran defensive back eric wright number 21 let's look for it if we can we don't obviously back on the other side of the field but it doesn't [Music] matter well i don't know about you there it is far right-hand side and you saw the throw of the flag right there it was a check outside the five-yard zone you can't pop those receivers once they get beyond five the yards down for denver 16 seconds no timeouts left for elway you have to go sidelines by mobley he was tackled at the 15 but then timeouts left five seconds i don't think well they've called a timeout here but according to our i guess they did have one remaining the word we had received was they had only one timeout left they've used one since then but apparently dan reeves did have one remaining and now they can bring on the field goal unit oh my an opportunity for carlos to put it up if well that was a 28-yard play how cake caught that ball with 49ers diving around him it was an outstanding play i think that's the hard one to judge for the defenders the ball flipping with the win here's a chance to look at it from high above mobley far side of your screen two defenders right there reaching for the football but number 89 gets it and then a few more more yards boy that's a big big play and now right back in the lap of them has kicked well here today and he's kicking off the grass he's kicked two short ones 27 yards this one is 34 with five seconds left this would win it if he misses we go [Applause] [Music] and overtime devil wins of kizar have denied reeves what he thought was a sure opportunity to step out of here with the victory if now we'll go to ot well it almost was driven into kizar stadium you're right so with two seconds left san francisco will have a cosmetic down and then we'll go overtime in fact they're going to line up with jerry wright back at his own five-yard line as a protector and so it is overtime at candlestick hook four in a row for the cardinals at home they beat pittsburgh 31-14 [Music] kicks it off to start the overtime period one 15-minute period sudden [Music] death he hit at the 20 and falls to the 22. pat kelly reserved tight end number 86 down the field makes a big hit kelly had a walk kept it they brought rice around as if it was a reverse and craig holds on after the 27-yard line maybe the 28th walsh loves those gadget plays he's hit at the tip and the denver defense with a couple of beauties in terms of reverses today to rice and of course taking advantage of that with the fake reverse but denver's defense reacted well second and five pressure on him and him an alka-seltzer give him something stomach churning and [Music] on the run did he lead him perfectly with jim ryan coming up from linebacker and marking the quarterback defensively for denver it'll be just shy of the first down apparently i wonder how montana judged the windage on that one that's a tough pass that's crosswind he's able to get it drifting out there and a great catch right there by wrassman third and short yardage one yard for the first down and it's a first down did you see how even the scrimmage control has been that the 49ers need control they don't have to punt into that win at this stage and frank is going to be close very very close to the first down that was a strong tackle inside by 77 mecklenburg who put a real cruncher on craig and they're going to measure and it would be interesting here if they're short away well he doesn't have to make the choice first down for san francisco joe montana staring into that setting sun over the western sidelines where san francisco's bench is located he gets his read that always disinformed either as bill walk told us against the lions last week he signaled in a very safe pass and montana misread the sickles and went for a hook and lateral play and he said oh walter oh my goodness fighting the game i could just see that lateral laying on the ground here comes frank and several broncos foyer townsend and company to make the tackle after short yardies this has been a gallant effort by this bronco defense with the injuries that they had coming in the injuries they've had today to hold the 49ers to 13 points and to be able to turn them away as many times as they have been a fine day for them and at this point with the kind of exhaustion that you have you just gotta reach down and suck it up 410 yards total yards now again complete to mike wilson at the 50-yard line and you've gotta wonder dick if maybe that wind is easing up a little bit as montana has been able to complete a second pass but he is throwing it low and on a string dangerously close to the ground but well done he's been able to beat the wind twice on this drive moving the ball and nose up on the 50-yard line mike wilson [Music] short passes ground game and now montana into the flat incomplete the football you won't see that often from roger crick 7 10 montana montana with flags flying around him i think we got a holding call which probably will be refused because it's going to be about a six yard loss on the sack and montana gets up holding his rib cage man ticketed for the penalty but denver of course takes the sack and it's third down about 16 to go from the 44 yard line here's a big play is denver eager to get the ball and now steve young will know that there's a mix up here he has some confusion he said he's got to be the other way let's see if he rolls it out to his left yep there he goes drifting out he throws high and intercepted by denver at the 32 yard line and going out of bounds with the ball as markings bill walsh cannot believe it started out on the field let's keep an eye on quarterback as he comes off and he doesn't want to get close enough to talk to bill walsh walsh is there to greet him he's not going to get around him why are you throwing that football man covered obviously excellent coverage on the plate you'll see it on the left-hand side of your screen rolls left looks back and froze to a man who's double covered and there it is you can't double cover many better than that well it may have been as good as a pun into the win anyway had it been incomplete and now denver's chance and winder loses a yard on first down red well by ricky ellison played at southern california and larry roberts from alabama montana is still aching on the sidelines can't tell whether it's ribs stomach groin what it is for craig a career high 141 yards vance johnson who has the touchdown for denver in motion to johnson and he's out of bounds with a first down at the 43-yard line there's the magic we talked about the ability after the play has broken down to make something happen that is positive for your team elway sprints out gets some extra time to the outside finds the open receiver completes the play for a first down here's elway elway gets the extra time with his legs and you see johnson left the inside of your screen as he throws back against his body boy now i don't know how he can complete that pass but he did first down for the broncos 10 18 left in sudden death overtime winder met in the backfield for another loss with walter michael walder and ronnie lott on the blitz [Music] ronnie lot a big hitter and a big game player two on first down and so l.a moved to the shotgun to the sidelines almost picked off on the far side by number 22 tim mckeyer who intercepted uh elway pass in the end zone in the first quarter so very close makaire you'll see him at the top of your picture he's backed off and here he comes on acceleration arrives just as the football arrives boy you can't time it any better than that kicks it out of the hands right there vance johnson didn't sell his pattern very well they came out there and saw steps his move to the outside and makaya read it well i think that foot's still bothering a little bit on this cut third and long down the middle k can't get it incomplete and san francisco will get another chance as the punting team comes on for denver came into this game as the top hunter in the nfl [Music] with a win and over end takes a big denver batman and covering it at the last second was number 29 don griffin at the 10-yard line flirting with disaster that ball jumped with the wind as it kicked out almost got away and there's a flag on the field that's the one touchdown drive of the game for the 49ers in the first half started on their five yard line and that's how they start here with young the quarterback and the busy roger craig carrying the ball pursue in the second quarter montana started the drive going right to left with the win [Music] audible call from young [Music] inside appears to be against san francisco rathman had enough charges for an apparent first down but there it is the ugly holding call if you're a 49ers 12 yards to go from just outside to three eight minutes left in overtime good bank and he's throwing long for taylor and no flag the fans are screaming for one martin and steve wilson on the coverage waltz pulling out the stops in an area with them backed up against their own goal line a critical third down for the 49ers that they're going to be punting from their own end zone that's it by denver steve wilson wilson at the five and he is to the four yard line on the deflection and the broncos are celebrating and how many times have we seen this denver defense come up with the big interception steve wilson number 45 again playing because of the injury injury to jeremiah castille he's the guy that's in there to make the big play this ball bounces out of the hands of the intended receiver right there jerry right right through his hands and right into the waiting arms of steve wilson wilson does a good job of getting away from his counterpart mike wilson to get an extra five yards before they finally took him down i think jerry rice looked up he saw tyrone braxton coming up to make the hit and lost side of the ball i believe elway he's just going to set this up in the middle of the field and we might see a field goal trying second down right into the middle of the line goes door set yeah here it is and here comes the field goal unit not taking any chances they're going to go right now the advantage of that is that if you happen to miss fire on the field goal you're not on a fourth down situation you just cover it and go ahead and take it on another opportunity carlos by the way has to be saying thank god that i'm going to get another chance after that missed he missed in the final seconds of regulation from 34 yards this one is not much more than an extra point they'll spot the ball at the 13 a 23-yard attempt the bronzo 16 the 49ers 13 and a flag is down hold on let's check the flag don't celebrate yet fellas find out who the pedal is on every number 42 is declined field goal is good the game is over penalty against ronnie lott unsportsmanlike conduct that could be for a lot of things the game is over the wave of victory to bill walsh who watches his 49ers move the ball up and down the field and unable to put it in the end zone or get any points and he goes four and two and the broncos with a most important winner now three and three steve wilson with that interception in the overtime period is our budweiser most valuable player budweiser will make a contribution to the united way on behalf of all the mvp selected in today's game [Music] 419 yards for the 49ers but they pay off in points and denver goes home in overtime with rich carlos's field goal and a six
Channel: Larry's Classic Sports
Views: 409
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Id: seB4kRuymgk
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Length: 75min 0sec (4500 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 23 2021
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