1986 NFC CHAMPIONSHIP GAME Washington Redskins vs New York Giants 01-11-1987

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[Applause] the road to the Super Bowl all the way out in California continues this is Championship day in the National Football Conference a dozen Pretenders to the throne have been eliminated now and only the top two heavyweights Remain the Washington Redskins and the New York Giants the Redskins are the Road Warriors of the NFL over the last 5 years they have the best winning percentage on the road of any team in the NFL but if Washington is the team of History then these Giants are this year's team of Destiny and today we'll Crown the champion of the NFC the Washington Redskins or the New York Giants you are looking live at Giants stadium the site of the main event the visiting Redskins have not won here since 1983 and the Giants have not lost here all year now when this fight is over one team will be Super Bowl bound and it's all coming up live on the NFL [Music] today [Music] the NFL today is sponsored by the 1987 German engineered Volkswagens and your Volkswagen dealers GTE G no GTE and by Taco Bell the cure for the common meal and now from giant Stadium in New Jersey here's Brent musberger 77,000 Championship star giant fans have found their way over to the metaland in New Jersey you could not fit more people into this stadium with a shoehorn this afternoon good afternoon everybody and welcome I'm Brett musberger you know back in 1933 when the Chicago Bears won the NFL Championship each member of that winning team received a check for $210 the he each member of the winning team here will receive $117,000 now the winner goes on to the Super Bowl to play the AFC Champion they are in the fourth quarter in Cleveland and the Browns and the Denver Broncos are slugging it out they continue to be tied it is 13 all they are about Midway through the fourth quarter of that AFC Championship game The Last title game played in New York was 1962 that was over in Yankee Stadium the Giants were beaten by the Green Bay Packers it was nasty weather conditions that day wind was a huge factor in the game and wind will play a major role in our game here this afternoon weather conditions right now temperature at 40° but check the wind because that's going to be the key it'll drop the chill factor down to 18 it'll come 20 to 35 M an hour it'll gust inside the metaland of up to 40 mph and that puts the pressure squarely on the two quarterbacks Jay shreder of the Washington Redskins he comes into this game equipped with one of the stronger arms in the entire league therefore he can cut through that win but on the other side of the field Phil Sims has something else going for him it's the home field advantage he knows how the wind gusts in here there are tricks to throw in the metal lands and for details on that story let's go to Irv cross IR R Riskin head coach Joe Gibbs told me last night he might do something today he's never done before as a head coach in the National Football League if the wind is severe we're gusting up to 40 mph right now and they win the opening coin toss he would he might elect to have to defend the goal with its back to the wind rather than to receive the ball let me show you why the West End of the stadium you see the flags up there the wind coming in gusting in about 40 m an hour but as the wind crosses across the field down to the Eastern stands it kind of whips around to the north you have a and the the golf post of course are rocking right and left now you have a couple of problems here at the West End of the field a strong headwind will be facing you at the East End of the field there's a strong crosswind facing you now of course the people affected the most by that will be the kickers I talked to Giant kicker R algra Who says he has a secet for kicking in Giants stadium you simply hit the ball hard you hit it quick you get it off quickly into those swirling winds and you hope for the best now Jess Atkinson who's kicking for the Washington Redskins is also familiar with the field here he's a former giant he says there's really no secret to kicking in the stadium herb you kick it hard you kick it straight and you hope for the best so these two kickers we tested any swirling winds the injury picture is a little different story though the Giants report a clean bill of health no major injuries the Redskins on the other hand are not quite as fortunate the left side of their offensive line that's kind of beat up and battered left guard Russ Grim comes into the game with bruised left ribs left tackle Joe Jacobi comes in with a broken right hand and of course Gary Clark the great wide receiver comes into the game with a sprain left ankle now the problem here is any of those players goes down with an injury the Redskins will have difficulty replacing them because they're thin at those positions they simply don't have the dep another key player coming back to the Redskins lineup who missed the last Giant game is Clint dider their great tight end who when he's in the lineup opens up their offense dramatically he has a broken ball in his left hand with this with his appearance today the rkin offense should be fairly potent Brent all right over it has been a quarter of a century since the New York Giants hosted a championship game 1962 Yankee Stadium a member of that cast was Frank gford Not only was he a running back for the Giants in that era but he also came out of the back field and he was one of ya titles favorite targets the Giants in 63 lost the championship game but that was played in Chicago and gford of course has gone on to fame and start him as a sports cter with ABC he's back on the giant bench today with my colleague Jimmy the Greek so let's go to the Greek Frank you're the best looking one on TV but tell me how does this compare with that 62 game that the win was so brutal well in 1962 Jimmy it was blowing about like this but probably even more than this they were gusting to 20 and 40 mph 62 but the difference was it was 9° then this is not going to be any factors in terms of being cold this is very comfortable as a matter of fact how about the difference in the players then and now Frank well you know every time the Giants have a good football team they keep dragging us out of the woodwork and I'd like to see them go on and win for one reason to get get them off our back there's no comparison to the player that played then Jimmy at 62 and 63 to the players today we don't have a Lawrence Taylor uh that's two in any sport you can measure calculate in any way and uh but they keep pulling us out keep dragging us out every time the Giants have a good year we have a little fun with it but if I were the Giants I'd get a little sick of it I was sick of it in ' 62 and 63 when they kept running toughy leaving by me and I'm sure they get a little tired of it too is there a difference between the Jersey Giants and the newor YK Giants only to Mayor cotch the Giants belong to this entire area for crying out loud people come to this game uh these are season ticket holders for many many years from Connecticut from New Jersey from Long Island all over the tri- state area uh no the the Giants are New York period do you root for the Giants when you're doing them on Monday night come on all I don't as a matter of fact I get criticized by Giants fans who say that I go the other way and I I really do I I don't think I do I have a teammate of mine however I don't know how he feels about it why don't you throw it up to well let me take over your Ro to me right now from the field this is Frank G going up to Pat Summerall old number 88 I don't mean old Pat you know what I mean pal you mean X number 88 it's been a long time boy does that bring back some memories it's been a long time since you threw it to me Frank speaking of throwing in the first game uh jce Raider in the second game of this season the second meeting between the Giants and the Redskins down at RFK Stadium jce Raider threw six interceptions I don't think that's going to happen again do you JN well I think the Giants are going to play the same type of Defense you know they played him in a in a soft Zone they weren't going to give him anything deep let's take a look at what they did last time last time J shider was forcing the ball now what is a soft Zone what is a Zone what is an umbrella well look here here's the four deep backs there's a corner there's a safety there's a safety and a corner now those four guys are deep no one's going to get behind that and they form with this line here they form an umbrella now no one is going to get in those seams or deep Behind these guys they're not going to let you now what's the underneath guys the underneath guys are the linebackers here they are 1 2 three linebackers underneath now what they want you to do is try and force that ball into these areas try and get it in there try and get it deep that's what Trader was trying to do you can't do those things you have to take that underneath the area like this guy out in the flat or go to that other flat or any of this underneath between the rush and the linebackers in there but the thing you can't do is force it here through these Lanes that's what they tried to do last time he got six interceptions trying that and in talking to J sh last night he said I learned a lesson he said I'm going to be patient he said I wouldn't be surprised if the first half if I don't throw a ball over 10 yards in the unlikely Advent that you don't know that was John Madden doing the talking now let's go back to Brent muser all right Pat thank you on the update the AFC Championship Game a 48- ydd touchdown pass from Bernie Kosar to Brian Brennan 543 to go and Cleveland leads Denver 20-3 the NFL today continues live for the Midlands in just a moment of the Meadowlands with the dust closing in and the stadium lights on in one of our heavyweight matchups today will be the quarterback Jay shider against Lawrence Taylor in game two of their Series in RFK Taylor helped force him into six interceptions and for more on these giant line backers especially Taylor let's go to my colleague will mcdna thanks very much Brent Lawrence Taylor has had a showcase season every game a gym one after another but for Lawrence Taylor this season will not be great unless the Giants can win here today and go on to the Super Bowl he shares those thoughts with us we've played well this this year and we've done uh a lot of different things and I think we deserve to be the NFC champions so um that's where we're going to play and um it's just the best team's going to win it forget how many new ways you get or what you do the name of the game is always run hit and tackle and so that's what we do best and that's what we plan on doing on Sunday call Banks is definitely in my eyes an all pro the guy has to be the best I mean I can't even think about playing around like he plays it you know he he's he's an excellent he plays run excellent and um he doesn't get a whole lot publicity publicity like um I have in the past but um Carl Banks is is a fine linebacker we expected to win this whole thing so that puts the pressure on a little bit more so I've been really worried about the um you know the football part of the the games we have instead of worrying about the accolades I'll get to that later Lawrence Taylor and the rest of the Giants defense has caught the imagination of the fans in the league by knocking out four quarterbacks this year but it is Dexter Manley of Washington who has caught the attention of the league Office three times this year Manley has come ourside and dumped the quarterback the last time against the beers and Doug fluty the league office doesn't like it we understand Manley will probably be fine sometime in the next week or so with Brin today is someone who is never Most Valuable Player someone who never hit a quarterback but knows what it is to be fined Dan Dey thanks a lot will you were never fin long time ago late for practice and and the fines were a lot smaller back then too BR yeah and as an offensive tackle Joe jacobe you watched him last week and he played with that cast on his right hand because of the broken bone now in game two of the giant series jacobe could not handle Lawrence Taylor jacobe must play with a cast on that right hand today although it looks like somewhat of a weapon down there what about Jobe against Taylor well it can be a weapon I remember in last week's game that the first time Richard Dent tried to go to the inside on Joe jacobe Joe stuck that thing right in his throat and and Dent got upset and got a a personal foul call out of it today though you have to wonder if Taylor is going to challenge Joe inside right away that thing looks like it could be an asset but it's not it's going to hurt Joe jacobe today the difference will be this o Clint dider is going to be in Lawrence Taylor's face last time Joe was all alone I don't think they'll leave him alone today yeah give Joe some help indeed Dan we'll continue live for the metal lands in just a moment getting ready to come out to the field here as we get closer and closer to the kickoff you know the most underrated quarterback in the National Football League has been Giant star Phil Sims he is matched against the defensive coordinator Richie pedone pedone did a superb job in Chicago last week he's got Dexter Manley on that defensive line he helpes to pressure Sims and Dan beor the last time they played I thought Brad Vincent had a whale of an afternoon against Dexter well he made a name for himself that's for sure because the last last time they played Brad Benson dominated Dexter Manley he completely shut him down in today's ball game one of the best matchups we're going to see Brad Benson Dexter Manley they're going to go one-on-one you got to love it I reviewed that film several times and uh my conclusion that yeah I thought I played a good game considering the the type of scheme they had set up running quick patterns running the quick outs throwing the football getting rid of it but I think Brett's a good football player how I'm going to stop Brett I'm just going to keep coming ever down you think you'll do anything different this time any new moves no I don't think so um I I just want to get to that that yard and a half break point uh where he has to make a decision to go inside or out uh sit down be ready for his power rush or whatever moves he might put on me and uh just hang on from there Ali used to give us a round how about giving us some sacks how many well I'm not going to give you any sacks I tell you you know I'm going to go out and give it 110% if I do that I tell you what that's going to be a big day for Dexter Manley do you think you guys can play a ball game with no section I don't know and I I don't want to get in I don't want to get caught up into that because I think when you start doing that you start playing cautiously rumor has it that Brad Benson has a dog named Dexter good for you Brad because BR I'm playing a can of do pension dog food and you going to eat it you know that Dexter Manley is convinced that you have a dog at home named Dexter do you I don't yet um I'm waiting for a l of puppies uh to be born pretty soon and I think there's a Dexter in there somewhere why not Rocky had a buus I had some great confrontations with some defensive linemen but I never had to eat dog food this is a tough one today and we'll continue as we move closer and closer to the kickoff in just of moment next their Manley and each member of the Washington Redskins alone with his own thoughts now as they will take on Mark Bavaro and the New York Giants for the championship of the NFC one Victory away as Phil Sims and Harry Carson from the Giants first appearance in a Super Bowl well Jimmy the Greek it's time now to see what you're going to come up with this uh for this game the Giants or the Redskins Brent I I tell you I'm in a quandry I I really don't know who to pick between these two teams both have great defenses both have great coaching both take advantage of all the mistakes the other team makes I need some help Brent will you help me now what you're saying to me Greek is that it's so tough we could use the Hat you could pick a winner out of the Hat you want to try all right let's try and see if we come up with something take take one out of there I got two slips in there which one did you get Giants 24 Redskins 16 well wait wait a minute what's the other what's the other one [Music] say well it says the same thing Giants 24 6 think I was going to change did you what's going on around here the Hat just has to try and help you come up with a winner as we get ready for this NFC Championship I think you can tell by the reaction of the crowd that the Redskins are being introduced left linebacker number 51 Monty Coleman middle linebacker number 52 Neil oix right linebacker number Dan the Skins have lost twice to the Giants this year how tough will it be to beat a quality team three straight times well what they have to watch out for Brent is falling behind early I really believe the longer this game remains close the more it begins to favor [Applause] Washington and free safety number 22 Cleveland 20 Denver 13 final minute [Applause] he'll [Applause] run with all the photographers down at that end of the field difficult to see the yard marker and the spot but Elway alertly on second down getting out of bounds with 42 seconds left Mike Johnson will be on his back as he leaves the field play short of the first down at the five third and [Applause] one touchdown Mark Jackson and now the pressure shifts to the Barefoot of Rin Carlos to tie you put that load squarely on the shoulders of the big player in the big play situation Elway leads the Broncos 98 y to bring them within one point of tying this [Applause] game 20 20 Mark Jackson from Elway culminating a 98 yd Drive in 15 dramatic plays and Flags go down it took Elway 5 minutes and 6 seconds to complete the drive of the game 37 seconds [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Remain the New York Giants Glory ears are a distant memory for their longsuffering followers who have endured through the worst of time but today anticipation has replaced frustration the Giants football Renaissance came to fruition last Sunday by virtue of their awe inspiring performance they attacked by land and they attacked by air and before the Carnage was complete they managed to rub some salt into the wound touched off by a dash of pepper the Giants are a secret no longer only 60 Minutes of football away from being the team of the hour which for Bill Parcels means means an NFC Championship [Music] shower defying odds and injuries the Washington Redskins marched into Chicago last week and with unflappable Jay Sher at the helm they shuffled the world champion Bears off to an early vacation the victory was thorough and resounding but the Jubilation had a short lifespan the Redskins must now confront their season long tormentors the Giants who already beaten them twice and have raked havoc on their game plan today The Haunting question is will the third time be a charm the Super Bowl in Pasadena is the destination for one of these teams an event which conjures up the fondest of memories for the Redskins and the fondest of dreams for the New York Giants [Music] [Applause] [Music] CBS Sports presents the National Football League today the NFC championship match between the Washington Redskins and the New York Giants at the meal lands and the meals are windy today temperature not bad but the wind 15 25 mph and just up to 40 the field is in good shape it was covered but this morning at 8:30 as they tried to get the tarpan off it looked like it might take us all out to sea good afternoon I'm Pat Sall this is the third meeting this year between these two teams the Giants have won the last two can they maintain that dominance we'll find out in just a moment with me of course as usual my colleague and CBS analyst John Madden and John the Giants approach to this game they've beaten the Redskins twice what do they think coming in well I I think I really feel that they think they have their number and they just want to keep it now and Bill parcel's thinks of the first game and when they played here in the metal lands Joe Morris had a big day running he gained 181 yards and they went down to Washington and they had a big day passing with Phil Sims and what Bill parcel said is he would like to take the best from both game plans and use that against the Redskins today but he thinks the most important thing is is getting that first score he said I want to jump on them early get ahead and make them chases as a matter of fact if you really think about these two teams the team that scores first has won the last six games what about this third time meeting uh does it mentally affect the Redskins and how well I think you know the Redskins look at that and they say you know the last time we had six interceptions Jay Trader threw six interceptions we're only lost by 10 points now if we can get rid of those interceptions we have a real shot against these guys I think that's what Joe Gibbs is thinking that he's not going into this game thinking we have to run we're going to run because they really haven't been successful with the run against this giant team if you look here they've only averaged 52 yards a game against the rest of the NFL they average 118 so I think today what they want to do is take some short passes in ler runs and use those but the big thing the key word as Jay Sher said last night I have to be patient I'm going to be patient I'm going to throw a lot of passes in that 10yd area well one of the things that we thought might happen John has already happened the Giants won the toss and they're kicking off and the leg R kick goes way way out of the end zone and J Rider the quarterback will operate Against the Wind and here's the defense that he will face the line George Martin Jim Bert the nose tackle and Leonard Marshall the other end and that glorious crew of linebackers Banks reasons Carson and Kaylor and Patterson and Williams on the corners and Kenny Hill and Herb Welch the secetary George Rogers the lone setback that's Donnie Warren on the Move Clint dider split wide to the left Sher with that strong arm quickly to Rogers the Redskins operating Against the Wind and Carl Banks tackles Rogers after a gain of [Applause] two the Washington offense along with ster and Rogers has Monk and Clark the wide receivers although dider was split wide to the left that time Donnie Warren the tight end up front the veteran group of jacobe grim Bostic Felman and May second and eight that's McKenzie who's lined up next to Warren in the back field who normally is an offensive guard we thought they might have a few new wrinkles from behind Banks takes down Rogers it's a gain of three and it'll bring up third and five you know what they did Pat they put Riley McKenzie in who's a backup guard and what he does is he lines up in the back field now let it go and we'll shift we'll see him come out of the Back Field and shift [Music] over here he comes over to this side now right here now they have McKenzie here and there's the tight end we obviously had a little bit of a breakdown but that's exactly what's going on and now it's third down that's Sanders in motion one of the giant Defenders fell down let's see if it has an effect no incomplete Kelvin Bryant the attended receiver Andy headen was the nearest Giant defender in the AFC Championship game they at overtime the first time in NFL history two playoff games this in case both of them in Cleveland have gone into overtime the Redskins are going to have to punt Steve Cox Against the Wind and it is a substantial win it's going to have an effect Phil mun back to reer line shot kick away from Maki bounces back into redkin territory and the Giants will have it first and 10 at the 47 Phil Sims opens that quarterback for the Giants with the wind at his back and here's the defense he'll look at as they come out in a hurry it'll be a four-man front we think man but Grant and Manley started up front the linebackers Coleman htz and mot Coleman is correct in the secondary green and Dean the cornerbacks Walton and Jordan in the secondary Bobby Johnson split wide to the right Stacy Robinson to the left Sims back to the to work in a hurry behind the attended receiver Bobby Johnson incomplete Daryl green right with it good coverage the giant offense sends the quarterback Morris and Maurice carthon the runners Johnson and Robinson the wide receivers to open Benard oats Godfrey Nelson and the tight end whom everyone can only say magnificent things about Martin Bavaro over on the giant bench an early study for their defense Li Manuel in the and now in motion Sims to marus to The Outsiders Joe Mars first down Giants darl green got him out of bounds look Morris got around the corner yeah one thing you always say you want to stop the run we got to stop the run well sometimes it's a lot easier to talk about than it is to do especially when the runner is Joe Morris watch he starts in the inside he draws the strong safety that was Walton up to the inside and then he outruns him around the corner for the first down that's mostly Morris caram just got a nudge on Walton well you know with a guy like Joe Morris it doesn't take a lot more than a nudge some time first down Giants there the Washington 33 Mars again and again he breaks the tackle and gets good yardage over the left side stopped by owitz after he picked up five man with an assist let's see what they did to Dexter Manley well they're going to run outside of Manley and inside of a lot you see they started double team Benson and Bavaro they take Manley to the ground carthon kicks out on the outside and Morris runs in that Gap Giants used two tight ends that time they had some success they have it again they had some success in the earlier games moat and Bavaro back to Mars let him work this time he's tripped up early again gusting winds up to 40 mph I think it was interesting Pat that the Giants won the toss and elected to kick off now they have the ball you can see those gusting wins but I think it's very important when you do that you better score first you better score in that first quarter when you have the win that'll bring up a third and seven with the Giants at the 30 Tony GTH in the game as Sims moves back from under Center and into the shotgun Oak put the glance back Moni was a man in motion through his [Applause] hands Alvin Walton and Ken coffee on the coverage knocked it loose and the Giants are going to have to send out R alra for a field goal attempt if remember last week well they have a a a fake in this week too I would think with the win and we're talking about a 47 yd field goal here that Lakers is going to kick this one this won't be a fake I was watching him in warm up from 60 yd out and in this direction he can get there distance is not a [Music] problem rutage gets it down and Allegra lines it right up the heart from 47 yds the giant start on top three nothing 1138 left in the first quarter and the Giants lead it three nothing the championship game Pat Summerall John Madden the Giants on a 47 yd field goal by Alle lead three nothing back deep Eric yber is number 80 back there with him number 35 is Keith Griffin with the wind at is back Allegre as Perry Williams holding the ball for him again a liner way back Deep In The End Zone and the Redskins can do only what they should do and that is down it back in there you know that was the thing Bill parcel said we want to get ahead early we want to jump on them make them play uphill make them chase us so I think taking that win was a smart decision especially when you score the first time now you can take this first quarter and just put a blanket on him and again McKenzie is in the lineup not as an offensive guard but as a flanker or backup tight end I think they're trying to use two tight ends to run out of this hole they're using McKenzie as a tight end there's the ship behind Warren in this case Sher the quarterback first down redin they jump off side Sher misses the hand off slipped down and this one although it's an offside against the Redskins I'm sure probably will be declined now Donnie Warren who was a tight end there with McKenzie moved before the ball was snapped watch him he's the first guy here on the end of the line of scrimmage so he moves before the ball snap McKenzie number 63 is in the backfield he's leading in there on the nose motion offense number 85 declined second now second down the penalty declined again that's one of those things John where a player like Lawrence Taylor although he didn't cause anything to happen you're concerned about him in the case of Warren there made it jump offside I think Lawrence Taylor probably leads the league in causing guys to jump offside second down Trader gives to Calvin Bryant CS back over the middle got maybe two or three not more more the that banks on the bottom of the pile he here's the guy Carl Banks number 58 that rised so much Havoc last week with the 49ers he's starting out the same way today look at that move he gives Donnie Warren that swim technique goes to the outside sees Bryant coming to the inside and just closes right down the line of scrimmage an alternate All Pro and the way he's played I'd hate to play against the regular ones is he's an alternate well he'll be there next year Alvin Bryant has the lone setb as the Redskins are backed up to their own 17 yd line giant lead three nothing ster flushed out of the pocket by Martin Traer deep almost almost to Gary Clark if it had not been for the wind that might have been trouble for the Giants however traider Illustrated what an arm he had well you know Jay Shader has a strong arm he said he can throw into the wind he said I can throw right through the wind the only thing I have to remember is keep the nose of the football down I guess that's something like airplanes you know you have to if you put the nose up then you take off if you keep the nose down then you land I think I think that's [Applause] right Steve Cox to punt for the Redskins Phil Maki back deep standing just about at Midfield for the [Applause] [Music] Giants they take a lot of time that wasn't too much time because there's still 5 seconds on the 30C clock somebody moved FSE start 53 balse start against the [Applause] Center what they have to say on that is that he was a lineman once he gets in a three-point stance he can't move again 52 is Neil ulo as he doesn't snap the ball so that's exactly what they're saying now Cox standing about four yds deep in his own End Zone and makuni moves up exactly to Midfield Fox's kick will hang up into that wind and makaki go signals fair catch the ball doesn't he make it to him hit one of the Redskins they finally down it but the Giants will take over inside the 40 a 27 yd punt it started off looking like a good kick the wind took it and it just fluttered down 10:09 left to play first quarter Giants up three nothing three nothing the Giants over the Redskins 10:9 left first quarter in the AFC Championship game they are 3 minutes into the overtime Denver has the ball and it's 2020 Denver is deep in Cleveland territory Bobby Johnson on the Move first down giant sends to work down the middle the Maris carthon to the 31 stopped by Neil ooz but a gain of seven well that's one of the few bones that a Maurice carthon gets is a little pass underneath in that zone you know he's he's usually the blocker for Joe Morris we were talking to him the other day and he said that he can live with that he said because Joe Morris Mar is the type of guy that appreciates you and thanks you second and three hand off is for Mars and Maris hammers down to about the 26 and a giant first down stopped by Curtis Jordan and Alvin W but the Giants back to work again they lead three nothing clock running with 920 left first [Applause] quarter the winner goes to Pasadena to the super Bowl here on CBS in two weeks the other game the AFC Championship game is in overtime in Cleveland Sims again demarus chased by man he was the first man there and taken down with an assist from Walton and okt a loss of eight well that's a way that you have to take away the run you have to get penetration now the penetration can come from inside with your tackles or it can come from outside on this one you see number 71 he just [Applause] [Music] penetr [Applause] you look at Maurice carthon slow getting up in overtime in Cleveland the Broncos have survived 2320 and they advance to the Super Bowl 32 yd field goal by Rich Carlos so do we know one of the teams that are going to be there and now we have to figure out today right here who the other one's going to be Maurice carthon injured after that pass reception goes off the field it's third down at 10 the ball at the r in 26 Manuel goes wide to the left Robinson out wide to the Maki in the slot now Maki on the Move C back there with Sims The Blitz coming Sims had to unload it quickly and complete Coffey was the first man there to put the pressure on Sims but a flag is down I think the flag's against the Giants it's going to be against the Giants so they'll probably turn that down it was a third down incompletion he had a big rush on the blitz from Ken coffee and Dexter Manley was there referee Pat [Music] Hagerty 744 left to play first quarter Bill parcel's communication with Ryan erhart his offensive coordinator ofing number 65 offense still third down big penalty they took it they did and they're giving him another shot at it I don't I don't know with the wind I don't know that I would do that I would I would think that I would want to get them rid of the ball there's the man who made the decision headit coach Joe Gibbs of the Redskins who has done such a great [Applause] job and the pass is caught by Emanuel at the 10 Vernon Dean on the stop a gain of 26 and we'll think about that penalty again well that's what I think I think once you get the Giants with the Phil Sims and I think with the wind he's too hot and I don't think you give him another shot shot at you watch Lionel manual out here working on Vernon deine gets him up in then then then he comes underneath everything and gets the big catch for the first down that could have been intended for either pararo or Manuel Manuel came up with it first down giant at the 10 and the hand off is to Mars he is cut off at the pass and knocked backward and Hamry by that defense Dexter Manley was the first man there extra manle has fired up today he said you know he said I have pride he said I've had to live with that game ever since we played him there in Washington watch him come down the line I mean he's a man possessed he's going to jump over guys run by guys do anything to get a dink on that running back but he said after that game Benson was the the uh he made the pro bow and it was the MVP of the week Some solid knocks on that last play sends back to thr again pass complete Bavaro and about the six Monte colan on the coverage now that's why Monte Coleman started today instead of Calvin Daniels is to work on Bavaro because Bavaro has really hurt this team we see Coleman is there manto man on him just two big guys there Bavaro just goes up and makes that turn like a basketball Shield it's going to be third and five the ball just outside the five P Summerall John Madden we're in the first quarter Giants leading three nothing on move Sims throws what would be a touchdown pass but they'll bring it all back to Bobby Johnson it was it's funny how all the fans saw carthon move because when Bobby Johnson caught that pass the official down there said touchdown and no one cheered and there're home offense third down carthon just a half a second too soon the funny thing about that is when carthon moved he could have kept going parallel after that and Gone In Motion which is legal marus goes out Bill Sims upset because he had thrown the touchdown pass to Johnson now they move it back get third and 10 the ball at the 11 rousan has replaced joar P back to throw and he's going to take off with it no he does he's got a man open and it's Li Manuel touchdown [Applause] Giant well Phil Sims told us the other day he said last week I didn't know that Manuel was ready he said I'll guarantee you this week he's ready I think he's going to get some big plays for him Sims was looking for him Sims could have ran that one in I felt but he kept looking kept looking kept waiting for Manuel finally hit him well like gr's extra point with rutage holding is good and it's Giants 10 Redskins nothing for 5 and 1/2 minutes left to play in the first quarter it is official as signal by Phil s touchdown kick off again from Allegre sails deep into the reden in zone and Eric yber Doo little but just catch it and down it in the AFC Championship game here is the winner Rich Carlos from 33 yd out and the Broncos beat the Browns and they will go to the Super Bowl they beat the Browns in overtime in Cleveland 23-20 the final Giants leading the Redskins 10 nothing first quarter Giants stadium again McKenzie in the game as a blocker left side is Rogers and one yd no more back to the touchdown let's watch it here Pat here's Lionel Manuel he's going to come up find an area in here and run in this area but the key to it is Sims I think I mean he starts back we'll watch him here he starts back with a play fake now he finds that big gap there now right here it looks like he could have run with the ball now he wouldn't have scored a touchdown he keeps watching Manuel here starts up there boom hits Manel in the back of the end zone second down the nine Kelvin Bry in the back field now as repl Rogers hand off to Brad left side for a few Brad close to first down yardage before he is stopped by Harry Carson and Perry Williams I tell you Joe jobby really hooked up with Lawrence Taylor and blocked him on that play here it is right here watch Jo Jacobi 66 he just blots out Taylor then he's going to come and watch him he keeps him going keeps him going keeps him going keeps him going he took Lawrence Taylor about seven yds back on that one I'll tell you John when we saw jacobe last night he came into the room where we were meeting with the Redskins he blocked out all the daylight well he'll he'll fill up a doorway on you first and 10 Redskins first first down and the hand off is again to Bryan over the left side for just a couple banks on the bottom of the pile with an assist from Gary reasin I'll tell you they're really getting their power over there on that left side fact we know about jacobe they have jacobe over there and now let's just let it go and we'll shift it after the motion but here's Joe jacobe here now what have jacobe here's Warren there's McKenzie there is about 850 lb worth of guys over there there look they got a big tackle an extra guard and a tight end that's power single wing football that's a heavy package second down and seven the Redskins at their own 33 it's Rogers this time and Rogers outside the 35 for a gain of four stopped by Bert and Banks you the strategy in this thing is just to keep the ball keep the ball when you're going into the wind because look what happens the way the Redskins where they had the ball and where they started and where the Giants get it with the win so the Redskins are just trying to control it get out of this quarter so they can get the win third down and they need two and A2 for three Sanders is on the Move Traer back to throw it going for Clark who is open and dropped it ball was right there what a throw by shider and the ball came out of Clark's hand you know that's the second one that Gary Clark has dropped and I don't think the quarterback Jace Raiders having trouble throwing it I think the receiver or Gary Clark is having trouble judging it now that one I mean he had it right in his hands it just went right through that ball is right there he knows Traer knows well Rider did what he had to Clark didn't Steve Cox back to punt Phill makoni back deep for the Giants Cox doesn't get any of this [Applause] one he is lucky to get as much out of that as he did as the ball rolls dead at the giant 39 yd line a 24 yd punt by Cox and that wind is really really sever 216 left in the first [Music] quarter CBS Sports Sunday premieres January the 18th at 4:30 eastern time with Tim Ryan hosting live from Pasadena the site of this year's Super Bowl number 21 John Madden and I will be there to break down and tell you why some players make the all Madden team that's live next Sunday at 4:30 Eastern Time right now we're live at Giant stadium in East ruford where the Giants leave the Redskins 10 nothing Lee rousan with the man in motion Sims Sprints out and goes deep the wind blows it out of bounds rousan the intended receiver Alvin Walton on the coverage back there with him you know let's look back and see why the Redskins went deep you see here they're manto man manto man manto man the Giants usually play that soft Zone this time when they're man Jay Raider said anytime they play us man we're going to go deep now you can see the giant coverage they're all hooked up in here down in the bottom it's Gary Clark against Elvis Patterson Clark wins it and drops the ball if they play Man the Redskins will go deep that's ran again in motion Sims back to throw gets it outside the M's T and he hammers outside the 40 a pick up of three Monty Coleman on the stop for the Redskins the wind severe giants three kickoffs with the wind and Allegre has put them all either in or out of the end zone and the Redskins three punts into the wind Steve Cox has averaged just under 25 yds third and seven the big thing is the Giants haven't had to punt yet they've scored every time they've had the ball minute and a half left in the first quarter 10 nothing Giants lead Sims has time goes deep incomplete Ai and Bavaro are in the area Curtis Jordan was liten who got a hand on it and now for the first time sha Letta Pro Bowl Brown in the punt now things can change for the Redskins because they stop the Giants for the first time they're going to get the ball and if they can get a first down they should get the wind on this next possession a minute at 25 left in the first quarter Giants 10 Redskins nothing Letta standing in back of his own 28 this line drive kick Eric yarber feels it and it's cut down at about the 26 yd line by Pepper Johnson and by ler rusan 41 ydd punt 9yd return net of 32 Redskins take over well we see that the Redskins have Raleigh McKenzie in there now and and you know what they're doing and I think with this win Pat I think you almost have to do it is you just play single wing type football grind it out keep it on the ground trying to get first downs and get to the win and the Redskins will have the win in about a minute and 15 seconds Giants Taking It advantage of it they won the toss and kicked off McKenzie in the back field along with Rogers Kenzie in front of Rogers Rogers over the right side hit first by reasons a gain of only one herb Welch up with an assist I tell you that's quite a thing McKenzie's a guard he gets a running a running start at Jim Bert and Bert just holds him watch here's the shift McKenzie's number 63 he's going to dive into the line to lead on the nose tackle now watch him he's going to start in there on Jim B watch his Collision right there Bert just stops him and straightens him up Bert won that Collision second and nine and Kellin Bryant in the back field and off Bryant looking for room and not finding much giant defense against again de it job Perry Williams and herd Welsh up from the secondary you know the best thing they do Pat is stopping against a cut back you know when you watch that play the linemen and the linebackers are all coming down the line watching when the ball snaps they're all going to go to the right now Bryant wants to cut back there but look there's all blue jerseys here every place he looks to cut back was a blue jersey so he had to do what just keep going out and he finally runs out of room bill belich has done some job with that defensive unit I think the Giants did a smart thing here Pat they just took a time out because what they want to do with third down coming they wanted to make the Redskins take third down into the wind and hold them and force him to punt into the wi if they can I tell you Bill Parcels in this game thus far I think has made some some Intelligent Decisions you know with this win one winning the kickoff you know winning the toss electing to kick off getting that lead and then taking his time out to make him take third down into the win and don't misunderstand it that those kind of decisions are things that make you 14 and two and now 15 and two and those kind of decisions are things that were thought about early remember we talked to uh Bill parcels and his staff on Friday about it and he said if if it is windy that's one of the things we would consider I guess it's it's fair to say if you ask rain snow or wind which element that the players and the coaches would dread the most I think it would have to be wind yeah it'll always be win because if you can keep the footballs dry on snow or rain you can still throw the ball sometimes to its Advantage but wind is darn near impossible to throw it Giants changed their defense at the last second after the Redskins broke the huddle third down and 10 the ball rickin have it at their own 27 Monk Is the move man this time Traer back to throw into the win incomplete flag is down part the intended receiver Elvis Patterson the defender and they're going to call him I think for pass interference I think so he was playing that loose Zone and riding Clark in it'll be against number 34 Elvis Patterson watch him here see he sees Clark coming in he starts riding him in he gets on his back before the ball's there he started with his elbow and then he was all the way riding them all the way up the back before the ball got there so it's a gain of 13 a first down 19 seconds left to play in the first quarter Kelvin Bryant in the back field Mar Monk and Gary Clark both split wide to the left that's Warren moving left Didier is split out wide to the right Bryan outside the 45 a pickup of six reasons and Carson they told us we would see more of Kelvin Bryant and we have and we have and we see him running behind that power I think they want to run right at Lawrence Taylor watch him and doubl him there's Donnie Warren on him jacobe helped jacobe comes off they're trying to run at Lawrence Taylor with power blocking that's one way to keep him from running it down from behind that may be the only way the Giants 10 nothing at the end of one in the NFC Championship Game TVs Sports coverage of the NFC championship game is sponsored by Miller Genuine Draft cold filtered for real draft smoothness its beer at its best Subaru and the Subaru XT the Sport magazine Super Bowl MVP award and by GTE the telecommunications consultant to Super Bowl [Music] 21 the NFL on CBS the playoffs the NFC championship game today between the Redskins and the Giants their third meeting of this year and in two weeks we'll be at the Rose Bowl in Pasadena for Super Bowl number 21 and it's all here on CBS second and five Dave buts in that battered helmet over on the sideline shraer is 0 for three but now he's got the wind that is back Mark on the move out of the pocket is Traer chased gets rid of the ball to CLK incomplete chased by Carl Banks and Banks almost had him in the gr well you have to give banks credit for that incompletion watch him coming from the top of the scen RC telman trying to block him trying to hold him trying to do anything but he's in Pursuit he's right at the feet of Jay shider you know John In fairness that's something the trader said last night I'm not going to do you're not going to see me dropping that deep well last time they played he was dropping 10 to 11 yds deep he said that's why Lawrence Taylor had such a big game this time he's going to try and stay at8 or nine yards third and five ball at their own 45 Sanders on the move Traer outside quickly and behind Sanders incomplete Harry Williams coverage and then he roed it out of bounds Steve Cox and he must be drawing a little sigh of relief he's the pter and look at his average against the win now he's got a chance to hammer it makun standing back at his own 10 yd line the giant 10 so at least on the first possession the reins did a little here's toxic punt maki's going to handle it does at his 14 and gets up and scrambles out for about six more yards bosk who did the snapping down to put him down makoni only 39 yds on the punt by Cox it'll be interesting now Pat see the strategy of the Giants they have that 10-point lead they're going into a very strong win and it'll it'll be interesting to see if they try and mix in passing or if they just keep it on the ground you just about have to Sims to Mor moris barrels to the outside and moris a giant first down outside the 45 a 22 yd run by number 20 is something else well that's a big thing when you have the win you have to be able to run the ball and if you have a guy like Joe Morris who can do these types of things take it quickly into that hole run sideways as quickly as you went forward and then busted up the sideline great block by billyard on Daryl Grant that's what caused all of that that and the ability of Joe Mars and the lead blocked by Maurice carthon right [Music] and off Mars and here he is again this time into the territory tripped up by owitz but six more moris yards you know an interesting thing about Joe Morris you know he's he's really a shy person he doesn't talk a lot doesn't do a lot of things but the Giants have a thing that the outstanding player of the game they get to use a fancy car for a week when Morris won it he gave it to Maurice carthon I thought that tells a lot about Joe Morris Maurice carthon was saying to us I really appreciate that sometimes the great Runners with all due respect don't say much about their blockers Morris is out rousan is in arthon hit right at the line of scrimmage and taken down by Dave buts well that's that penetration thing and that's that's the thing that the Redskins do well you know they have big Dave buts and Daryl Grant inside now watch butts here he's going to take off and just get in the back field plays off his guard up into the back field and gets carthon if buts gets that momentum going forward that 300 lb there's no way you can stop him as as Chris Godfrey was saying you have to take him where he wants to go you can't change his Direction he never says anything he just gives you that baleful look here's Sims out of the shotgun going deep down the middle high over the hands of Stacy Robinson and now the Giants will have to punt Against the Wind Jim Bert Jim BT's explaining there to his coach about how Riley McKenzie is playing like a fullback and coming in there and Wham blocking him he says I got that one though did you see me stand them up coach some of the treatment and some of the blocks that those nose tackles get from all angles you wonder how they survive a season like this here's letta's that happened in the streets they for the guys in jail that's a great punt against the win the Giants are going to down it inside the five Great punt by Letta Andy hen Downs it 46 yds was in the air for 5 seconds that is one of the best you'll ever see 10 nothing Giants the NFC championship game at Giants stadium and the Giants lead Washington 10 nothing the winner to face the Broncos in Super Bowl number 21 here on CBS the game summary Manuel the touchdown the Redskins have only 22 yds of total offense they have the ball with George Rogers in the back field from their own four looks like an automatic coming Trader looking to monk has Monk and art monk out of bounds in giant territory Elvis Patterson on the coverage but a 48 yd completion from traded to up you know I didn't think that would happen I didn't think that they would be able to get behind this thing j shider said if they play as tight if they don't play play us in that loose Zone we're going to go deep on him the Giants didn't play him tight they didn't play him a loose Zone and art monk quite a 50 Y and that was sher's first completion he just flatly said Sher did that we don't think their cornerbacks can stay with our wide receiver monk who had two touchdowns last week against the bear McKenzie in the back field now with Rogers and shider looks like he's calling another automatic a lot of time and up the middle complete again to monk monk had his first down might have lost it when he tried to cut back Lawrence Taylor on the stop that was interesting they had rileigh McKenzie put him in the back field I'm sure to sell the Giants it was going to be a run and then they faked the run and threw the ball to Art monk John I know you you were saying yesterday that you felt that shraer played of Trance his maturity is is remarkable I like Jay Rider I think he plays numb but I think that's a compliment it's certainly intended to be the hand off is to Rogers and Rogers gets the redsk in first down and the giant 36 a gain of three stopped by Bert well you know this is going to be the new offense now this thing the three guard offense you know we've had a two tight end we've had a three tight end we've had to refriger Ator in the back field we'd have all these things and now the old three guard will be the thing the refrigerator out grew the kitchen and disappeared from the back field his numbers got too big to be one hand off Rogers and George hammers over the right side again stopped by Bert but a gain of four for the Redskins Giants leading 10- nothing 1120 left to play of the first half one thing the Giants don't want to let happen is George Rogers get going they have a feeling they said to George Rogers you can't let him have success early cuz if he does he gets almost Unstoppable second and six I said he's the kind of guy that will stick his toe in the water to test him well right now it's windy and cold they're at the ti at 32 and again Rogers left side the water was frozen that time as Bert was there to shut it down a loss of one well you know that was a strategy thing Jim Bert instead of lining up over the center he lined up in the Gap watch him he's going to be on the outside of the center watch him he goes on his outside shoulder he splits the center and guard gets penetration right down the line there's a guy who is not blessed with great ability but who does have a huge heart third and seven Elvin brand has replaced Rogers Warren on the Move Blitz coming straight at back looking for Didier incomplete Perry Williams stride for stride with dider you say well why did he go to Didier well he saw the manto man he saw the Blitz and diddier was the only guy he had going deep and Jay Sher is a type of quarterback who looks deep first he had Gary Clark short he had Arc munt short and he wanted to go into the end zone so he had a good clink did here Jess Atkinson in the game but try a 51 yd field goal with the wind and a very very strong wind at his back ster will hold from 51 yds out low snap Sher can't come up with it but the Giants do at Midfield and they take over there the ball bounced back Carl banks on the rush and he came up with the recovery a tell you Carl Banks has gone from becoming a good starting linebacker to a very good linebacker to in these last two games a dominant player Traer had no chance but the ball was by Jeff bosic the snap by Jeff bosic was back on a two Hopper Carl Banks gets in there and makes some recovery and Joe dips obviously and understandably very unhappy about things the Giants first down at the 49 they lead 10 nothing Sims to moris two yds Grant on the stop you see Joe Morris that time he ran right into Dave but I tell you and that was a pretty even Collision that really was I mean you know it was like two walls running into each other they say Joe Morris you know they say he's strong for his size but as their coaches say he's strong for any side look at I mean Dave bucks is a 300lb man Joe Morris is a 200lb man if you're a weightlifter he does three squats with 555 lb on his shoulders you're not a wa that compression flag is down way back at the line of scrimmage even the penalty flags are blowing in the wind Stacy Robinson was the intended receiver but a flag back at the line of scrimmage I think the flag ended at the line of scrimmage Pat I think it started in the back field probably going to be it against Monty Coleman I would think it's probably going to be on Mark Bavaro you know against Mark Bavaro holding mark bavaro's what I'm trying to say calling Defense number 51 right first down yeah that's Monty Coleman and you know that happens watch him he is on Mark Bavaro those tight ends get caught in there and you have to hold him up sometimes you start on a line of scrimmage holding him up and you just hold him too much now I think Coleman was all right and then it was Walton that kind of held him I don't know they called it on Coleman I don't think he did anything wrong he was in the area on first down then at the 42 Bobby Johnson was in motion here's Maris hit by Walton first and then by Charles man for a loss of five over on the giant bench Banks and Hill and the other members of the defensive [Music] unit those benches are warm and that's a that's a blessing today well the benches are warm see and then they can stick their feet in those holes and that's warm and the kicker having no part of [Music] it stays warm inside of his head that's the important thing second and 15 moris moves out of air in motion Sims goes back to throw to buaro and buaro Off to the Races tough to it down he is and Out of Bounds at about the 15 by Curtis but a gain of 31 yd by Mark Bavaro I'll tell you one thing Mark Bavaro is going to come up with big plays here he comes here here he is he's going to come up and across now the guy who has to take him as a middle linebacker Neil ooit there's no way that you can let a linebacker be responsible for Mark Bavaro Watch What Happens the safety has to come out with Joe Morris now there's only linebackers on see right there he gets by oit that is a mismatch smart play by the Giants and off Mars and Maris hammers inside the 10 Walton and Jordan tripped him up but a gain of nine I think there was some punching and stuff going on down there may there's a big pile up there there may be some foreign objects in there some stuff going on compilations no penalties though Mars in conversation with billyard watch it Alvin Walton number 40 is going to come up and make the play see number 40 right there he's going to go in he's going for the ball now after the play's over he keeps going but see so they keep going down there they're down in the pile rights lefts hooks little stuff going on yeah second and two the ball is at the nine two tight ends for the Giants car them in front of Mor Sims by himself not quite not quite Curtis Jordan and Ken Coffey stopped Phil Sims before he got in one of the officials went down as well it'll be first and goal gutsy call by the Giants head gutsy thing for Phil Sims to do but is going to fake both backs are going to go to the right he's going to fake it and he's going to come out here bootle Rich mot number 57 was a blitzing linebacker didn't even see him and Sims almost outruns Curtis Jordan hey that was some play the old that's one of those things I'll bet you John that he didn't tell anybody else no because he didn't have any blockers out there that was a naked bootle moris is going to score so much for the wind the Giants scored with it and against it those guys look about as the last in that giant coaching Booth is you'll ever see a coaching booth in a championship game 16 nothing about to be said 17 nothing if alre hits will make you relax and feel comfortable RS down and Al is right up to the [Applause] pipe yeah I tell you who got a good block on this is Chris godre number 61 watch him here 61 he's leading Morris watch your block right there on Alvin Walton that's the one that Springs Morris so he can walk in the end zone 17 nothing Giants lead championship game the Giants kick off Allegre bounces it Hamill tried to pick it up couldn't now Terry or winds up with the ball the Giants leading 17 nothing earlier today in Cleveland in overtime Denver on a 33 yd field goal by Rich caros beat the Browns 2320 and the Broncos will play the winner of this game and the Super Bowl here on CBS January 25th our coverage begins 400 p.m. eastern time Giants 17 nothing over the Redskins their third meeting of this year different look on defense we saw the Giants sh their their defensive line to the left brskins pick it up out of the back field here's Kelvin Bry hit first by Lawrence Taylor and a gang of other blue shirts you know I think now I think that the Redskins are going to go and try and and throw some of that stuff on first down because they really haven't been having a lot of success running and you know last week it was Carl Banks who was so dominant this this week so far it's been Jim Bert Bert already has four tackles and two assists so the guy that's been causing a problem in the running Day game today as a nose tackle second down and seven Redskins at their own 38 Trader screen pass to Warren chased by Martin and he's there in a hurry along with Gary reasen they had it diagnosed perfectly a loss of three well you know you don't take a guy like George Martin he's number 75 he's going to be right here he'll start up once he feels screen out here instead of keep going this way he goes right down the line and stops to scream you see any guy that's been in the league for 12 years knows that starts a rush right now he feels screen so he starts right down the line and makes a tackle on Donnie Warren so it's third and 10 Martin's been here through the bad times and now the good times he likes it better now Trader he can really air it out incomplete intended for Clark Harry Williams The Defender one thing they're not going to do is let Lawrence Taylor sack Jay Sher watch him there's Joe jacobe on him there's Russ Grim on him there's jacobe back on him they're going to double team him and stay all over Lawrence Taylor today he's not going to get that free run to the quarterback he also got a little nudge from Donnie Warren three blockers he could have gotten a little nudge from that cast on Jacob's hand good Haw kick off the side of his foot again Maki feels it at his own 30 and slides up to about the 37 Dean Hamill down to make the stop bow over by the giant bench up on their feet and tribute to the defense well they should be basketball action Villanova against Virginia 2:00 Eastern time and after that the number one team in the nation the Running Rebels UNLV they will face Oklahoma 4:00 right now in darkness at Giants stadium the Giants lead the Redskins 17 to nothing we have 5 minutes 2 seconds left in the first half on a very windy afternoon moris a handoff trying to get to the outside Walton and here comes the penalty marker again no gain for moris okit was the first man to hit [Applause] him holding Giants I think that's one that they'll take because they want to put him back because now the Giants are going into the wind the Skins have number 63 offense first down right tackle Carl Nelson is number 63 and that's right where the ball was being run too so he was at what they call the POA meaning point of attack POA right at the point of attack so he was guilty at the POA sometimes you're guilty at the POA sometimes you're guilty away from from the POA being guilty away from the POA is worse he don't get caught as much away from the POA there's Sims giving the CAU on who H at the line of scrimmage who breaks a tackle is finally wrestled To The Ground by Alvin Walton and Daryl green but he got six yards yeah he's a pretty strong guy too carthon you know he's a 225 230lb guy watch Dexter Manley number 72 he's coming in on a stunt but watch him he'll do a twirl off a carthon watch the hit in the twirl see he twirled right off him that's pretty good [Applause] strength second down and 14 the ball at the giant 33 Phil sends the quarterback Le rousan the move man s back to throw again the flag to down Sims down by Dave buts the first sack by the Redskins and buts got Sims down but let's see what the penalty might be against the Giants but this one I'm sure they will decline illegal motion number 22 offense decline third down I'll show you why that sack here we go see when this motion comes out that takes the safety out these two linebackers have to cover the tight end Sims is looking for him that time they did him and he wasn't open watch him see they come in motion that gets the strong safety out that put the tight end Mark Bavaro on the linebacker but now the linebackers cover him see there now right there so he had to take the sa as we come back the Giants operated out of the shotgun the hand off to Tony gri he stopped for a loss of a yard by Monty Coleman and the Giants will have to punt Jay shider the quarterback looking at some polaroid pictures just moments ago of the giant defense and what they're doing but see that one up there in the left hand said mm that meant manto man so he was looking what their manto man coverage look like Daryl green and Eric yarber back deep for the Redskins watch out for some kind of reverse here is letta's kick again is excellent again it hung up there the air for 5 seconds that's two D he's gotten off against the win C of 39 yds but no return that's the big thing 17 nothing Giants 12:00 Eastern Time CBS Sports presents NBA action the Rockets from Houston against the Boston Celtics for the first time since the finals last year starts at noon eastern time NBA action big series here for Washington as you look at their coaching staff up in the Box up in the booth the Polaroid camera behind and general manager Bobby bethard behind him see now with that camera those coaches can tell that guy whether to take the shot at the snap of the ball just before the snap just after or a second or so after Bryant in the Back Field clar is a Man in Motion slips down behind the line of scrimmage Raider pass incomplete intended for Bryant a Yellow Balloon came flying out of the stands I thought it was a flag for a moment there they got it yep that official is going to go get it n can't handle it now pop it that's it squeeze squeeze he's not strong enough the guy's not there he goes he finally on a cold day now he can use it for a flag second down and 10 the Riskin at their own 37 they Trail 17 nothing 240 left to play in the first half dider was a man in motion this time Trader fires gr behind it incomplete that'll make it third and 10 yeah here's that giant playing another form of that loose Zone if we just see it here see they start I we'll let it go and let the Zone develop and see how deep they are and really what a zone defense is we see now we can just stop it here here's a corner safety Corner here's the underneath guys that's what shider looks at he has to keep hitting this area and stay patient and is going to be very difficult to throw deep against that setup 0 for six on third down conversion well I think with a 17-point lead I don't think the Giants have to take any chances trer flushed out of the pocket and taken down by George Martin from behind Taylor was lined up inside that time caus a lot of confusion Martin got the sack see now here's the guy as you say Pat here's Taylor he usually lines up here here he's in here he does CLA it they get the push up there quarterback has to come George Martin finally makes a play in there but you see Taylor comes up the middle Bert comes up the middle gets flushed out Martin comes back underneath and makes a tackle Taylor's on top of him but wherever he goes he kind of causes disturbances and Steve Cox will have to punt again for Washington Maki back deep for the Giants two-minute warning is going to come up before they punt it P Summerall John Madden and we're at Giant Stadium the home of the Giants and they lead the Redskins 17- nothing with 2 minutes left to play in the first half half time today Brent musberger and Dan deardorf and a live two-way interview with winning coach Dan Reeves of the Broncos they're in the Super Bowl congratulations to them and this group is hoping to be right now they lead 17 to nothing the Giants do over Washington see Lawrence Taylor was there is explaining that thing how he went inside he didn't get there but they didn't get Bert and then Martin came underneath see he's telling Bert see now Bert's showing him what he did see Taylor say I did this and Bert says yeah I did this and then they pat each other and that's how defensive guys talk no one else talks to him what the heck here's Cox again and again makuni will have a chance to handle it and does Mak gets outside the 30 hit by Reggie Branch I think Branch was a guy who was going to get down there and he was going to hit mcon he did that but mcon is a type of guy that he says I'm not going to be intimidated send your best give me your best shots and I'll show you what to do I think Reggie Branch gave him a shot like you don't see too many guys take but then makoni jumped up and said I showed you started leading cheers again here's moris right side Joe moris by Alvin Walton f ball in the Redskins got it but I think the ball might be dead let's see uh-oh this has to be an instant replay one if they rule that one dead Curtis Jordan on the recovery picked it up giant defensive unit is already on the field so Redskins ball it's the Redskins football so they here you see the lead now Morris he starts to cover up he he covers it up with both hands it looks like it looks like Alvin Walton number 40 jerked the ball out as Morris was going down ripped it right out of there watch number 40 here when he comes in he's going to rip it out with his right hand and just flip that thing right out of there and Morris was very conscious and not fumbling put both hands on it as he's going down Walton over the top just pulled the ball out Jordan made the recovery and the Redskins and they are going instant replay going to talk it [Applause] over now they're going to go was his knee down when Walton pulled the ball out yeah I think that that's a legitimate call there that has to be [Applause] right art MCN who's the head of the official in the NFL is also the the play stands there's in the middle in the light shirt indianic is the Umpire that's the gentleman with whom they communicate and they didn't take long to review that one first and 10 with a minute 44 left in the first half art monk now is the Deep back in the back field is Art monk now comes out Traer tries to get the ball to him Lawrence Taylor out there shraer in a hurry another new wrinkle as monk came out of the back field well they went from having the guard in the back field to no backs in the back field a wide receiver in the back field and art monk I'll tell you when monk gets in the back field he draws the crowd you see that Lawrence Taylor was all over him like syrup on pancakes Washington comebacks in 1986 they Trail in nine out of of their 14 wins and they came back from being 18 behind against San Diego second and 10 wion's got the turnover so there back to throw outside dider a gain of only six Kenny Hill the defender the fans on that side of the field where Didier caught the ball thought that he didn't catch it on a fly they thought he won hopped it out there they were all boed let's see how good now they'd have to look from behind I don't know looks good to me H he had both arms on the ground he had that thing cradle got the arms underneath it's third and three Ricky Sanders now in the offensive scheme the Giants coming on a blitz Trader gets it to mon that's going to be close near first down yardage but close well depends on how they spot that ball looks like from here that it's a first down 54 seconds remaining in the first half Giants 17 rip skins nothing this is a big b it's not it's a fourth down fourth and very short timeout ribkins as they come over to talk things over the balls at the at 27 with the Giants leading 17 nothing a third meeting of the Year between these two Redskins put in jumbo heavy or heavy jumbo defense P the first one to tackle monk just as he caught the ball and not let him get the first down then to come in up here and to stop this to take this thing in a side to to get penetration to get through to get the first guy through cannot let Rogers Spin and get the first down and stop him and take over the ball two big defensive play big hit by number 52 Pepper Johnson knocked him backwards and then all of his friends arrived clock running now with 45 seconds left in the first half and the Giants leading the Redskins 17- nothing Hey Joe Gibbs is thinking now I got to go in there at halftime we have to get something going we been behind before we've been able to come from behind we haven't been against this giant defense this is a difficult team to come from behind against Bill Parcels on the other hand how does he approach the second half run it no yeah yeah he has to do that he can be more cautious he's going to tell his team we got to go out there and play the second half like the score is 0 that'll be the last play of the first half crowd on its feet acknowledging the effort of both the offensive and defensive units of Bill parcel's New York Giants that's the end of the first half with the score the Giants 17 the Redskins nothing things that happen it's difficult to to Center in on any one facet of how the Giants have been able to dominate but I think uh the way they played the wind has to be one thing that you have to consider don't you John well that was a big thing you know when they won the toss they elected to kick off they put the pressure on on the Redskins immediately and then they kept it on them and I think those last couple plays just before the half were big I think that kind of put the thing on and kind of shut the door on these guys here it is a third down pass now now it's going to be to Ark monk now this is just before the half the Redskins can go in with some momentum if they can get a score here Gary reasons makes a big tackle that's a big play stops him now it's fourth down and now George Rogers with fourth and inches and of course the Giants get penetrated ation they stuffed the run on that side now the Redskins have to go into the locker room with this attitude you know they're upset they haven't scored any points instead of an uplifting one where we said well we finally got it going John one more point now the Redskins will have the choice whether to receive or kick off here in the second half how do they handle that the Giants kicked off after winning the toss in the first half I think that's interesting and I think the Redskins have to take the ball 17 points down I think they have to take the ball and try and get something started plus if they do that then they'll have the wind in the fourth quarter and right now they Trail 17 to nothing so they have some work in front of them CBS Sports coverage of NFL football will continue after this message and a word from your local station of the NFC championship game is sponsored by Miller Light proud sponsor of NFL lineman of the year there's only one light beer Miller like RCA technology that excites the senses and by contel big company Communications for companies of all [Music] sizes the NFL here on CBS the NFC playoffs the NFC championship game today between the Redskins and the Giants which the Giants lead by the score of 17 to nothing at Giants stadium on a windy cold afternoon not as cold as you might expect this time of year but very windy gust up to 40 mph the average field position has been most detrimental to the efforts their own 28 the Giants have started at their own 41 the Giants are going to kickoff to start the second half Against the Wind yarber and [Applause] [Music] Griffin lets it bounce picked up by Reggie branch and branch is down at about the 35 and knocked backwards after return of six well you know the Redskins did what what we thought they had to the Giants elected to kick off now the Redskins have their choice this half I think it's smart that they have to take the ball because they have to get something going plus I think being down 17 I think it's important to them that they have the wind in the fourth quarter oh right now they're going to get the ball and the wind in the third quarter first down Redskins at their own 35 ydd line M traitor intended not for monk but for Clark and not there that'll bring up the second and 10 Pat numberall John Madden opening seconds of quarter number three second and 10 Redskins at their own 35 Giants leading 17 nothing Kim Bert now moves to the left side of Boston on an angle Traer back to throw fired low again I think after watching him and listening to him he throws better against the wi than he does with the wi well that's what he's trying to do Pat he's trying to keep the ball low though he's trying to keep the the nose down and I think in in in doing that he's dropping the ball and he's throwing some some short Hoppers there to his receivers 6 out of 18 is Traer for 66 yds one thing about him he is as we said in the beginning unfl flappable third and 10 Redskins at their own 35 monk in motion Lawrence Taylor lined up on the left side this time Ona Blitz he fled out by Martin Kelvin Bryant he won't get anywhere close to a first down Gary reasons the first man to hit him but a pick up of only four and on comes Steve Cox Kenny Hill slow getting up you know that's the thing with this uh as we see Kenny Hill getting up there but the Giants are giv G him that soft defense again let's watch it let's let the ball be snapped and then we'll see the the the drop back and watch the Deep [Applause] Zone you see now was a ball snap you see the Giants if we just stop it here we see they have their underneath guys are way back here here's their deep guys here they they're only given the Redskins this area but when you're down 17 to nothing and you need and you need points and you need first downs you're not able to get it that way the Giants got two players hurt on that last play that's Kenny Hill they got him over on the sideline Carson was down out on the field now Taylor is down and now they help him to his feet now everybody seems to be okay I think it was Taylor that caused that Pat he was he was flying in there watch watch as he comes in here to make the tackle looks like his knee hits Carri uh Harry Carson right in the head that's reasons in to make the tackle here's Cox's kick and the again it's not very good mcuny will have a chance with this one now lets it bounce and it'll roll to about the 17 where Todd BS comes down to down it Cox's best kick of the day it's 45 yds Bill Sims and Pat hawkson over on the sideline Sims so far you this is the thing we see that he hit four of five under 10 yards and of course then he hit 10 to 20 was three of five in that second area he was 0 of2 over 20 yards 0 of0 the rest away so you see with that win both quarterbacks are throwing in the go uh on the line of scrimmage to 10 and 10 to 20 area Giants going against the wi now and the hand off is to Mars Joe Maris Scoops around the outside side gets outside the 20 Charles man number 71 finally tripped him up a gain of six for moris you know one of the things that Giants worked on with Joe Morris is to relax between plays like this as you go back to the Huddle breathe normally remember last year he used to get so excited he'd hyperventilate and he'd have to go over and breathe into a bag and they're trying to teach him is when the play's not in when you're in the Huddle before the play as you walk up now just relax and he's doing a lot better job of that this year second and four he used to have to take his helmet away from him moris left side for only two Monti colan on the stop this is what the Giants will be doing most of the rest of this day running the ball as much as they can to chew up as much of that clock as they can yeah I think here the you can see over in the giant bench that Lawrence tlor remember on that third down play it was his knee that hit Harry Carson in the helmet now they look like they're checking Lawrence's Taylor's right knee like they're not checking it they're taping it they're putting an elastic bandage on it that play Hurt everybody here's mors looking for his first down and doesn't get it and Letta will have to punt against the win a loss of one Daryl Grant was the first there to knock him down hey some times these guys on defense they celebrate so hard that they're going to get penalized for violence and celebrations remember that one we saw last week gosh Harry Carson makes an open tackle and Lawrence Taylor hits him from behind and Jim B hit letta's kicked he doesn't get all of it but it takes a giant pass gets away from the safety man and winds up being a very good kick a net of 46 y y for Letta and he has done some job today with and against the win lorx Taylor the bandage is outside the pants a contusion giant Stadium Jay Sher it's been a frustrating afternoon for him so far well you see he had that win problem he was five out of 12 under 10 yards one out of three between 10 to 20 and then 21 to 30 nothing one out of two 31 to 40 that was one deep one to Monk and 0 for one over 40 yards he likes to throw in those last three areas but he's kind of been confined to the first two today which would go back to what you said at the beginning of the day the Giants playing that soft Zone not letting him do what he likes to do and I think that soft zone is going to get softer with a 17-point lead sure it will Here Comes The Blitz Banks chases straighter out of the pocket nobody there in and there was nothing for straighter to throw to and the Giants sing yeah with Lawrence Taylor over there now Banks is taking over for Taylor look he's coming from this side he's coming from Taylor spot Donnie Warren the tight end tries to get him he makes an inside move flushes Jay Sher out of the pocket and makes him throw to air I think Lawrence Taylor is hurt worse than it looked like got it thigh injury a thigh bruise contusion whatever you want to call it he might return in the meantime as John Madden said Banks has moved over to that side where Taylor normally would come from and he starts to Blitz again this is Kelvin Bryan and nothing doing a flag comes fly reasons knocked him out of bounds that flag was thrown out of [Music] [Applause] [Music] bounds penalty looks to be against the Giants Bryant got nine yards not enough for a first down but with a penalty it might be face mask 54 defense first down against Andy hen well of course that that's that's what the Redskins feed they they need anything to get him started even a penalty watch there's Andy heading there that wasn't him in the ground there's no face mask there oh he's probably going to get up again and do it look he was down he's going to get up again and come in and get a face mask no there's no face mask there I never saw one there's hallucinations going on maybe that's a new penalty first down Redskins at their own 45 Trader back to throw and launching a bomb for CLK incomplete no Flags there Elvis Patterson back with [Applause] him I'll tell you one thing Jay shider has thrown deep very well today this is the third one this this is about a perfect pass now what happened is Clark stopped he he started to pull up instead of just running right through the ball that's the third one Gary Clark dropped two already and then just had that one now of course we know he's had a bad hamstring all year he's had a bad ankle but I think Jay Sher has done his part to get the ball to Clark who comes out now and Sanders takes his place the last four possessions have been uneventful for the Redskins second down and 10 at their 45 dider Moves In Motion and shider goes back to throw fires up midle pass picked off by Gary reasin reens takes it back to territory a diving interception and a 15yd return by Gary reasen you there's a guy that's having a big day perhaps he's had four tackles two assists a sack and now an interception Gary reasons you don't hear much about him but he's one of those solid inside linebackers but again we're going to see that soft Zone and now jce Raider is starting to try to force the ball again see him forcing it into the Zone they they had him deep they had him underneath reasons made a great catch to make that interception he sure did here's a guy who they talk about being replaced by Pepper Johnson and the fact that he's fighting for his job well he's won a chapter today I think he's heard that a little too much I think he's heard that all week and he said yeah well let's do it just let me on the field I'll show you some things that's a guy fighting to go to a Super Bowl and fighting for his job at the same time it'll be first and 10 Giants at the 44 with 1137 left to play in the third quarter these fans and that football team on the other side of the field since Pasadena Morris around the corner to the 40 in a gain of four Alvin Walton made the stop [Music] I tell you one thing when a when a quarterback throws an interception they're always going to get blocked there's Byron Hunt is a defensive player on the interception he becomes offensive that's what he's telling shrer he said hey when you throw an interception your defense I'm offense now I'd go block you that'll give you a pretty good idea right there that looks like one of your drawings yeah it just went right off the screen second and six here's Le ran and ran bounces down inside the 40 to about the 37 the ball comes loose a gain of three Alvin Walton on the tackle and I'm sure they're going to rule that was down now Jay shider was telling us last night that whenever he throws an interception he says a shuts and then he said that tells the offensive line to turn to defense you must have been at a different meeting from the one I was at wait you didn't hear him say shot yeah I did yeah 7 out of 22 third down at four the ball at the [Applause] 38 Giants going against the wind too far away for a field goal [Applause] [Music] [Applause] attempt hand off to Mars and he is close to a giant first down hit down by Monty Coleman maybe three maybe four this is going to be close enough to either go or measure Phil parcel for the first time I've never seen him look cold before but he does today well the 17-point lead will do that to you sometime it takes a little of the anxiety out which takes a little heat out of your body but I don't think he's going to kick it from here I think his decision as you you say is either to go for it or some kind of fake trying to draw him off sides or just punt the ball and put him on the goal line now when you don't see a punter out there you know that's not one of the decision I think his fourth thing he can do is take time out while they measure Phil Sims over to talk with Parcels quickly see what he wants to do he's talking to his coaches upstairs from that reaction he didn't like the idea they just came up they're that's short I it looked as if he said let's have Letta but that's not what I read his lips incorrectly Here Comes Sims back out there's the coaching staff upstairs the guy in the orange and the far right is Ron aart and he's the offensive coordinator so I'm sure that it was his suggestion as to what this play will be this is where they put you know all their big guys in there they have their extra guard now Damien Johnson number 68 he gets in the back field William Roberts 66 is in there and they'll probably quarterback sneak Johnson number 68 in the back field 290 he is hand off Mars and he got enough Sim signaling first down but he doesn't have on the right color shirt mot made the stop I don't know that has to be one they measure I don't think that that automatic where they're just going to wave their hand first down Jordan upset about where they put the ball I think that's the sign that it's a first down but Pat Hagerty the referee is going to call the changing Joe moris swams it in there to that left side runs into his own man watch him he runs right into Chris Godfrey's back that was the first thing that stopped him and that bounced him in to Rich malot they got it 76,6 33 in attendance today the largest crowd ever for a football game at the meal LS 258 no shows this is without question in one of the best football arenas for fans and for playing and for broadcasting anywhere in the country sends to Mars Mars into the secondary down to about the 25 stopped by Jordan after a gain of nine he does a good job watch his Right Guard is Chris God for here he's going to pull and trap Morris runs right off this PL just gets right in here behind behind Godfrey and breaks up here but watch Your Right Guard he's going to pull Morris is going to get right in behind him c61 watch the Trap right there Morris runs right off that block and into the secondary there it is there's God for his block and Morris running off it he reads those blocks and makes his running adjustments as well as anyone on second down and about one moris is hit by okt behind the line of scrimmage there's Lawrence Taylor and he's not going to be back you know I think as you say he's not going to be back but I can't remember Pat ever seeing Lawrence Taylor hurt before I'm sure he's been injured but I don't think in all the Giant games that we've done I don't think I've ever seen a picture like this of Lawrence Taylor I we've seen him hurt before but he's out maybe uh you know a couple of plays or something like that and back I he won't be back today there's no way he's going to be back Bobby Johnson wide to the left Robinson wide right again they give to moris and again he's hit behind the line of scrimmage for a loss lot let the defense one thing the Giants are trying to do is just take up time now ball control conservative offense make the Redskins maybe try and make a mistake and do something and get another the score but if not don't give up anything don't give him anything fourth and five at the 29 not sure aler can get it there against this wind distance one of the problems and accuracy obviously against this kind of gusting wind and they're going to go Robinson and Manuel both split out to the left Redskins took a time out out fourth and five they're at the 29 the Redskins want to talk it over 708 left in the third quarter John Madden Pat Summerall at Giants stadium this drive eight plays only 15 yds if you can call that a drive but look what they've done to the clock they've kept it 4 minutes and 29 seconds one first down in there Phil Sims the quarter back it's four and five the ball at the 29 the Redskins took a timeout so they have two left ja go with a two tight end set up M on the left Bavaro on the [Applause] right Sams back to throw he's going to try to scramble for the first down he Dives but short a gain of four he needed five and the Redskins could take over from there man and Walton who's had a busy day made the stop but again now the clock stops on that change of possession 657 left third quarter staer in the offensive unit come on and that was really a free play for the Giants a fourth down because kicking into the wi they didn't figure allegri could make it if they punt the ball it would probably go into the end zone and come out to the 20 anyway but really the Redskins get the ball in the 25 and they had a free fourth down shot Sher to work now with Clark split wide to the right and dider in motion Slater back to throw cross the middle to Kelvin Bryant who shakes one tackle but the group is there very quickly to knock him down after a gain of four Bert and Marshall excuse me that's what makes this defense so good that that when something happens when you throw the ball or you run the ball there's going to be a bunch of blue shirts on [Applause] it bill bellich has done some job with this defensive unit for Marcel's is stuck very close to that unit as well second and six dider again in motion ster pass complete to mon Elvis Patterson on the stop a gain of eight in a get first down what the giant defense is thinking now is is we're not going to give him anything big we're not going to let let them get behind us and then when they do catch a ball in front of us we're going to get a bunch of these blue jerseys on them and Tackle them Byron hunt now playing one of the linebacker spots in place of Taylor Banks the other on the outside did here again the move man everybody jumps and flags come flying one more time Donnie Warren might have moved [Applause] early hey the Redskins are getting to a point where the Giants have just smothered him today and they're getting to a point that looks like frustration that everything they've tried number 69 offense you know everything they tried just hasn't work and this is on Right Guard RC tman he just picks his hand up you see that he starts in pass protection before the ball smap first and 15 at the 33 Ricky Sanders split wide to the left Traer back to throw banks on a blitz down he goes and there comes the ball Banks scrambling for it the Redskins got it back third sack I tell you they're coming up they're playing Leonard Marshall number 70 more inside over the guard and you see him he goes right up alongside sher's head oh that is some pass rush here watch Leonard Marshall number seven he comes right up the middle he goes right for the head and neck area BS on the scene and here comes Banks a loss of 19 second and 34 Redskins are backed up to their own 14 here comes Banks again up the middle D Raider and there's nothing there but green he had to get rid of it like I said the Redskins now think they have to go deep they have to get a big one the giant defense is saying no way hey no way are we going to let you get behind us third and 34 as Sher looks to the sideline but there's not much magic you can come up with on Third and 34 you know last year I thought the Bears had the best defense that I'd ever seen and this year the last two games last week against the 49ers and today against the Redskins I feel that the Giants are as good as defense has been played in this leag even without Lawrence Taylor on the sideline with it Bru leg they're going to come again here comes Banks Trader firing deep again for Ricky Sanders incomplete he could throw it a long way that one was about 70 ydd in the air but they still have to punt I think that they have got I think they came in they were going to be patient and that patience has turned to frustration the largest crowd ever to watch a football game in the meal lands today been since 1963 that the Giants have even been in a championship game they lost that one this one looks like it belongs to them Cox's kick to Maki he got away from it and he wisely just balls on it Todd BS was the first man down a 46 yd kick that time by Cox the defense rests at [Applause] case CBS and college basketball also on CBS Villanova against Virginia next Saturday double header that's the first game and after that the number one team in the nation unv against Oklahoma or Virginia West Virginia rather against Notre Dame at 4:00 Eastern Time college basketball double header next week here on CBS tamarus hit by manly momentarily and down after a gain of about four three or four is Joe moris finally by Vernon Dean you as I saw manly fall off of Joe Morris I finally got that power thing right remember the physics ra alri the kicker for the Giants is an engineer and he told him what the formula is is that power equals force time distance over time so that's what Morris has he has Force time distance over time and that's why he has so much power right now time is the most important part of that equation RS again here by mondy colan a loss of one but again they go wide and burn up time clock runs 315 left third quarter Giants 17 that's what the Giants are trying to do now is just take off the time and as I said earlier not give him anything Lawrence Taylor over on the sideline seems like he has taken the bandage off his leg hasn't he well I think they probably decided he's not going to play anyway that's the doctor he's talking to now and I think at first maybe they were trying to bandage it so that he could go back in and then it probably tightened up there's no way he's going to do that so I say what the heck Take It Off Third and eight makoni in motion Sims out of the shotgun dumps it outside for Tony gber incomplete it's not a fumble although there is a scramble and Letta will have to come on and punt he's done a hoil of a job today averaging 428 on a day like today is remarkable no I was just going to say Letta told me that you know baseball players always say that humidity makes the ball not move through it he said that's wrong balls move good through humidity it's cold weather that balls don't move jber is almost beheaded by Greg ler foul but but these punters think of everything yeah oh yeah he's saying it doesn't go well it go watch Lasker come down here Walton takes a shot at him he gets another shot at him keeps going maybe gets hit in the back and still makes that WRA around neck tackle what else the punters have to think [Applause] about number 56 is back in the game Lawrence Taylor he had that thigh contusion they wrapped it bandaged it he was limping around on the sideline now he's back in the game and they say he's okay I guess that's why you take the bandage off not that you're not going to play but to go in and play you know what it is f how many championship games are you going to be in in your life that's true Traer Sprints out left fires the Clark incomplete seey Gary Clark is having a long day this is probably the longest day of his career I don't know that he's caught a pass no that's about the fourth one that I know that he's dropped after he had in the regular season here at Giant Stadium such a great game well they almost came from behind they were well behind in that one and almost caught him the Giants wind up winning at 2720 now it's 17 nothing with 2 and 1/2 minutes left to play in the third quarter hiier on the Move now he heads up field Sher looks in his Direction he looks to mon who's been the most reliable redin receiver today that's the first down 11 yd game Kenny Hill the defender they need more than that yeah art monk has been the most reliable receiver for like seven years I mean I think I think when you talk about reliable that kind of goes hand inand with art monk he's a guy that does everything he plays wide receiver HB they just move him all over trying to get him in a matchup where they can get the ball to him he goes every play in practice and every play in every game fake to briyan ster gets away from George Martin chased by Taylor [Applause] incomplete a lot of scrambling but not much [Applause] [Music] success watch Lawrence Taylor on on this one I mean he has a bad leg but he just keeps going he only knows one way and that's if someone has a ball and he's running I'm going to run after him good L bad L whatever he has number 10 in his sights and he's going to get a hand on him three times the NFL Defensive Player of the Year every year an all pro year for Lawrence Taylor and going strong after some difficulties last year you can make a case that right now he's the best player in the NFL overall sure could second down and 10 the Redskins ball their own 33 Sher gets it outside to Kelvin Bryant Bryant down the sideline finally cut down in giant territory by Elvis Patterson after a gain of 23 yds and another first down but the clock moves on you know I think this is a guy that next year is going to be a big part of this offense a bigger part than he is now you know once they can work with him not just as a pass receiver but as a runner and do more things you know he came in from the usfl he got injured early so he missed a lot of it Joe Gibb said I can't wait to work an off seon with this guy Keith Griffin has replaced Bryant now Traer back to throw BT chases him out of the pocket he gets it to Donnie Warren and Warren cut down by Banks gain of nine as they move deeper into giant territory in fact this might be the deepest they've been yeah that was one thing Lawrence Taylor was telling us the other day that they wanted to do to shaider what they just did on that plate flush him out get him running because they didn't think he was as good a passer on the Move we see Lawrence Taylor now I think he just waved to the sideline that that thing's starting to tight up tighten up on him again 18 seconds left to play in the third quarter first down Redskins ball moves down to the giant 34 Griffin in the back field along with Warren Byron hunt has replaced Taylor Trader over everybody's head and still Rising Keith Griffin was the intended receiver Elvis Patterson back there with him that's the end of the third quarter with a score the Giants 17 the Redskins nothing and we now pause for a word from your local [Applause] station the NFL on CBS the playoffs this is the NFC championship game between the Redskins and the Giants their third meeting Kelvin Bry back into the offensive scheme for the Redskins on second and 10 ster comes out chase by Banks throws up to the middle incomplete intended for Didier batted away at the last second by Kenny Hill this half just to give you an idea about how they've been trying to control the clock and what the score does to you and the win does to you the Redskins have thrown it 18 times run it once and the Giants just the opposite I think it's a combination as you say the win the the type of day it is and then the score 17 to nothing the Redskins trying to catch up and the Giants playing takeway one thing about getting ahead and breaking on Top early as Bill parcel's told us he hope the do you get George Rogers out of the game here's Trader back to throw gets it to Kelvin R steps away from one tackler caught by Carson and again as you pointed out before John when something does go wrong when the other team does get a completion there is one giant there and then the rest of them are there yeah if we could see that one again there were 10 Giants around Kelvin Bryant let's see if we can watch it and just got the group there's only one guy that wasn't there that whole thing Kelvin Bryant comes out of the back field he's going to catch the ball here now watch at the end of this play there's going to be 10 blue jerseys right there in the picture fourth and six the Redskins need a first down here incomplete Clark from Sher Clark kept going Sher thought he was going to [Applause] stop but Phil mccon does numerous things for you he'll catch a pass he'll return a punt he'll cover a kick and he'll inite the [Applause] crowd makoni was let go by the Giants at the end of training camp went to Green Bay the Giants got all their receivers banged up and they brought him back and he's been sort of an inspiration since then Morris right side by ooit it's the NFC Championship Kan the third meeting of the Year between the Giants and the Redskins we at Giants stadium in East [Applause] [Applause] rford1127 Bryant looks like he's aching a bit second down and nine the Giants at their own 30 two tight end they go back again to moris just to run out the clock moris comes out of the pack bounces close to a first down before he's tripped up by Alvin Walton and Dexter Manley you know everyone says right now watch's number 89 Mark Bavaro everyone says he's one of the best tight ends in the game and one of the things that makes him one of the best tight ends is how he blocks watch how he blocked down that time on Dexter Manley and that's the hole that Joe Morris went through I tell you you know every coach you talk to now when you say who's the best tight end every one of them says this guy Mark Bavaro well Joe Gibb said you asked him last night what do you think of Bavaro he said the greatest the best yeah and I don't know that Bavaro thinks that I mean you go he is one of the the most you know shy people that's a professional football player than I ever met I think I mean he never says a word doesn't talk to anyone doesn't talk to his teammates doesn't talk to his coaches doesn't talk to the opponent and he just goes and plays football he eats a big breakfast yeah he has a big bowl Bill parcel was tell us he has a big bowl pours a box of cereal in a quart of milk and some bananas a whole box walks around yeah and then he just walks around with a ladle eating his cereal and left and white and running over [Applause] people there's an incorrect marking I think uh is what the cause for the delay is here well the officials are talking about it now they're huddled right there and they're using the instant replay third and one I think is going to be the situation the Giants at their own 38 yd line they lead 17 nothing with 13 minutes 2 seconds left to play this is an official oh excuse me I'm just going to say the Victor to play Denver they beat Cleveland in overtime earlier today and will beat there at the Super Bowl the Rose Bowl the play stands as Ru they reviewed and the play stands as rule it's third down and short less than a yard for a first down Giants at their own 38 hey you know it's interesting Joe Gibbs now talking to Jay Sher remember on that last series when shider came off after throwing that ball away on the sideline Sher came off and he just waved him off he just waved the coaches off I don't want to talk to you just let me go sit down for a minute Damen Johnson in the back field now moat was in motion I'm sure they get the ball in that direction MO was moving up field Flags flew he was open Sims had him yep maybe that was why he was so open in Flags flew because he he was illegally in motion fourth down fourth [Applause] down Landa in the punt there's Damen Johnson number 68 see now he's blocking as a back and he has to block it defensive back he doesn't know how to block those little guys they figur I'll just grab them throw him down you see a stance so he had the stance backed up like a halfback and then held Letta back to kick o is the [Music] center yber and his own 13 out of the pack for a moment before ler Rus number 22 took him down 45 yd punt by Letta 10yd [Music] return 12 minutes 23 seconds left to play and the giants still lead 17 to nothing premieres January the 18th at 4:30 Eastern with Tim Ryan hosting live from Pasadena the side of the Super Bowl which you'll see here on CBS he'll be joined by Hank Str dick ver and Terry Bradshaw breaking down the Super Bowl and then John mad and I will tell you why some players make the all Madden team and why do they and how do they well there's a lot of work you know they have a lot of formulas go into that right now the whole team is being put through stuff at MIT it's in computers the equation is still being worked on so is Jay rer he throws to C Bryant he only got about four yards before Carl Banks was there could that guy possibly be on the all Madden team nah nah that's stupid anyone that paints their faces yeah that's a dumb thing all they're trying to do is get on television no the guys that get down there you know the guys that get down he has a chance the guy next to the other one has a chance yeah I take him second and six [Applause] here Warren the move man ster back to throw chased by Banks again get it outside to Kelvin Bry slips down he goes short of the first down reasons first on the scene scrambling gain of two completion Traer to briyan I'll tell you one of the type of guys it has to be a guy like Carl Bank you look at him you see he got stuff there you look down his jerseys hanging out you see he got the things see the end of it's whipping in the wind got the glove been playing like that this guy dominated the 49ers last week Lawrence Taylor plays for him he's all over the field stuff hanging out that's that's the type of guy right there he'll be probably one of the guys if we get through the computer third third down at four Eric power chasing shider Bryant with a completion hit by Carson trer not hurt but still down back at the 10 yd Line Eric Howard really put the pressure on this time thir at Carl Banks watch 58 he's on an offensive lineman there mark a just runs right by him he's going after sher's chest ends up with his knees and then the ankles penalty marker down on the last play Maybe against the Giants reasons over in discussion with the officiating group so it must have been against him defensive holding number 34 no gets number 34 Elvis Patterson that's Elvis Patterson second and you can see there what he had he had a hand out and tried to trip him with the left foot that's the second one Patterson has had today in fact all of the action the pass receiver action has been towards Elvis Patterson been very little on the other side in fact you haven't heard much about Perry Williams just when he made a [Applause] tackle first and 10 Redskins although they haven't moved the chains as yet set it at 1048 please set at 10 thank you you know I have a feeling that officiating gets better in the playoffs than it is during the regular season well they go through a competition just like the teams do about who gets to officiate right these aren't Crews these are kind of Allstar Crews but it seems to me like in the playoffs championship game and Super Bowl there's fewer penalties called maybe they just decide hey let's let him play I think there's something to that at the 38 yd line staer now has his first down going deep for Clark going to be picked off almost by Elvis Patterson he had a shot at it he knows he had the opportunity this looks like Byron H looks like Byron hunt was trying to pump some air back into him J B put the pressure on yeah he did you know he's been playing in The Gap and playing more on the guards today than the regular nose tackle but you see on thelman he had a left arm then he had a right arm and then he hit straighter the same way he hit Joe Montana last week what this is how you pump him up I think after they get get you know on a thing like that you got to pump them back up again come on feel better we got to play some more trer Blitz by Banks is cut off this time Raider gets it up field and Mark is hammered out of bounds Again by reasons a gain of only three box stop now a 10 six left to play over on the bench not much joy Dave buts well you know you start off in training camp and everyone wants to get to the Super Bowl you go through the training camp the pre-season the 16 regular season you have your ups and downs you win a playoff game and you win a you know playoff game on the road and then you come down and it's just one game between you and the Super Bowl and it's so final I mean the winner goes on they go to the Super Bowl and the losers it's over until next year they need seven for a first on third down Banks again blitzing Trader gets it up field incomplete Ricky Sanders G Clark was the intended receiver he and Sanders both in the same area her Welch had a chance to pick it off the Redskins will have to punt again and the crowd Rises it's tribute to the giant defense been a long day for that young man he throws the ball so hard and I think on a cold day I think the ball gets more hard no one can catch it even the Giants are dropping possible interceptions but he's a guy jaay Raider who's going to be around and a leader and a successful one for a long time hop hits this one pretty well to mononi at the 18 Redskins down in a hurry down mononi led by Rich mot 41 yd punt 7yd return 10 minutes 1 second left to play and the Giants lead it 17 nothing Championship Crown last year here's Joe moris off the right side hammering outside the 30 tripped up by Alvin Walton but Joe gets [Applause] seven Trader on the [Music] phone that's about the only thing that the wind hasn't bothered today the telephone second and three it will be marence Taylor George Martin over on the sideline 9 and 1 half minutes left to play and George Martin number 75 has been through the famous fumble the low times of the Giants and now the good times this is Maurice carthon Straight Ahead outside the 40 to the 42 stopped by Curtis Jordan Neil ESS carthon got 11 and a first down you know this has been a funny game it's really it was all the first half I think it it it started with a Giant's decision Bill parcel's decision to kick off you know let them have the ball take the win they got the win they got the lead and then they just pounded with their defense the rest of the day it was three nothing early in the game and the Redskins ref refused or took a penalty that they could have refused gave the Giants an extra down they completed a pass and scored moris right side no [Music] [Applause] game chilly windy and cold at Giants stadium in Pasadena where we will be for Super Bowl 21 temperature is 74° surf which we don't have moris limping over to the sideline holding his left ankle that could really or his left foot would appear to be the problem that could really be something of concern Lee rousan has replaced it that's when you're you're very thankful that there's two before the Super Bowl that's right when you end the game and you have Lawrence Taylor and you have Joe Morris down Maurice carthon straight ahead for a gain of nine stopped by Jordan you know I think on that play Pat right there it was just his his footing I mean there was no there was no contact it wasn't something he hit you see him it looked like his foot got caught his left foot then he planted to his right foot and that got caught also you see the first guy over there was Bill Parcels who probably hoping that he's okay second guessing himself for still having him in there I think he's okay here is Otis Anderson OJ first down mty Coleman stop Otis Anderson obtained from St Louis has seen very little playing time Morris is back so he's okay Anderson goes out first down giant clock running 644 left it's been a long time 28 carries for Morris watch him run in Super Bowl 21 and you just might be doing that first and 10 Giants 625 left to play harthon gets a chance again and is stopped by Jordan temper Square I tell you that's that's Bart oats in there he was pumping that right arm I think about the third pump I think he caught Alvin Walton in the chin with it the looks of that arm it looks like he's pumped it somewhere else Walton is one of those guys he's he's a rookie and he's a very aggressive guy very hard playing guy very hard- hitting and usually when there's a skirmish the Redskins defense you usually see number 40 is in there close to the scene second and five sims taking his time has is Caron right behind him Maris behind him and marce Caron over the right side ball looked like it might have come loose that's what they're trying trying to do I mean this isn't all frustration on defense the defense is trying to get the ball back they did get it Walton did get it that's what they were doing in there every time at the end of the play the Redskins knowing they need the ball is trying to get it out that's the second one I think that Walton has gotten today watch you me hits in there now everyone after that first hit everyone's going to go flying for the ball looks like it got knocked out I think it was already out when ala Walton got it so the Redskins take over at their own 39 needing Miracle ster back chased by Marshall and out by dorsy Eric Darcy after Marshall flushed him out of the pocket the fourth sack another pel for Darcy Eric Dy got his first sack last week he's a rookie he got his first sack last week against the 49ers they gave him a sack of brown bag they put up in their meeting room with Eric dorsey's number on it today he got his second sack his second p as they call it dorsy 65 and in that 300 [Music] neighborhood you get Eric dorsy you get Eric Howard you get Pepper Johnson those are some good young guys on this giant defense that are going to be part of their future for a long time Sher gets it up field to monk hard mon gets it up for a first down out to Midfield stopped by Perry William and as John mden said before no matter what the score no matter what the situation from number 81 art monk you you're going to get premere courageous performance well I think that starts a first day of training camp they say that he just starts going starts running never misses a practice never misses a play tough Trader looking in his direction again and now throws intended for dider nothing there hey wending this giant defense has to be tough on quarterbacks I when you think of what they did to to Joe Montana last week I'm not talking about the physical part but just the way they mix it up they give you the rush they do this or that what they've done to Jay shider today you wonder what John Elway is thinking now they just beat Cleveland now and now we have to go in against that defense there are The Knockouts of the last two years this year white Kramer jorski and in last year last week Montana I was talking more about the defense and the way they play as you said not about the physical part dorsy again close Marshall chasing they finally get it to Donnie Warren Lasher Kenny Hill and reasons all on a stop a gain of two less than four minutes left to [Applause] play Redskins in their hurry up the winner is going to play Denver and the Super Bowl on CBS here in two [Applause] weeks there's a loose ball on the field at the other end blew off the redkin bench here's Sher with a lot of time now waving and throwing and completes the pass to dider down the middle her Welch close by there's that extra ball they finally got it off the field that pass by the way was not complete to dider Dexter Manley he was fired up for today's game I mean he you know he had to live with that last one and everyone said what Benson did this and Benson did that and it put a lot of it on Dexter and he was about as fired up before this game as a guy can get I think as much as anything else the giant defense and their offensive effort the wind blew that fire out today you know there's one other guy that I think has to be mentioned sha Letta that while that field position thing was going on he did a big job of pting for the Giants Elin Brad took a look around and in the meantime the ball came by and the Giants will take over as confetti or debris or clippings or whatever it is that's their parade as you said f these fans have waited a long time and they got it now way back in [Applause] 1963 they lost to the Bears at rley field and they haven't been back this far since then now they're going to [Applause] Pasadena Hilton back in 197 the8 basaric missed the hand off to zanka and the Eagles won in the waning seconds George Young the vice president general manager of the Giants came the next year 1979 and he acquired 42 out of the 45 players who are now on the roster Benson Carson and Martin the only three left his first choice was Phil Sims the seven player drafted in 1979 Mar cels came in 83 after Ray Perkins went back to Alabama he acquired 34 of the 45 players on the roster and the fans are going wild that's not snow that celebration programs and utility paper and whatever I was throwing cards out on it I like to get like throwing snowballs or something just start throwing Sams gives over to Mars no [Music] game Daryl Grant made to stop and the clock continues down close to 3 minutes now coming up next except on the west coast in mountain time it's 60 Minutes no he's not an actor an honest to God police captain so honest to God that he risked his career to free an innocent man on death row 60 Minutes coming up next right here on CBS right now the dick or tape parade is coming down on giant Stadium rousan humbl by carthon the Redskins saying we got the ball back again and there's still a tussle Daryl Grant I believe came up with it offensive unit back on the field again this telecast is presented by authority of the National Football League it is intended for the private use of our audience any rebroadcast or other use of this telecast without the express written consent of the New York Giants and the National Football League is prohibited Parcels he won't let him be happy too long especially not after losing two fumbles like this I'm sure with 228 left he just wanted to run that clock I you see him sneak PE at the clock he thought we should have just run the clock out they shouldn't even gotten the ball again Redskins have it at the giant 44 trer back to throw complete once again to monk down to about the 31 knocked out of bounds by Patterson a gain of 13 stops the clock with 223 left to [Applause] play [Applause] Lawrence Taylor his right leg bandaged but two weeks to get well Keith Griffin as repl Kelvin Bryant Trader back almost picked off by Harry Carson Keith Griffin the in receiver I'll tell you Harry Carson would have liked to have gotten that one Pat because with 2 minutes to go he has to start getting in position to get the bucket so that he can pour it on the coach that's his job you see qu CH for that you see here's the bucket now Carson will come here there's Carson he'll get the bucket come around here come up here find the coach and do the dump right in here but he has to get off the field to do it trer back to throw for Clark and incomplete Kenny Hill the defender ster down on one knee was hit by Bert just as he let that one [Applause] go Jim bird is dangerous when he gets free and coming up the middle on that quarterback the first guy there was Leonard Marshall and Bert was over the top of Marshall that's about 600 lb on top of staer they put Doug Williams into the game and ster waved him off and said get out of here I'm okay said I started this I'm going to finish it there's no way they're going to get me out of this game third and 10 23 remaining 177 nothing giant straight here Griffin comes right back with a completion gain of eight not enough for the needed first down clock is stopped now with 2 minutes to go well we heard a lot of speculation about can you beat the same team three times in one year 1986 and 87 you [Applause] can 60 Minutes no he's not an actor he's an honest to God police captain so honest to God that he risked his career to free an innocent man on death row then it's Murder She Wrote starring Angela Lansbury followed by part one of a CBS Sunday night movie Gone With The Win starring Clark Gable and Vivian L all coming all coming up tonight on CBS fourth down and two ster back to throw incomplete and the Giants would seem to have thrown a shut out Harry Carson headed for the sideline headed for that chalk board bucket in the last meeting between these two teams that's what's coming up for Bill Parcels tonight on CBS and the last game between these two teams at RFK Stadium the Redskins ran the ball only three times in the second half today they've only run it once in the second half you know another interesting thing to show how good this giant defense is the Redskins had 14 third downs and they were 0 for 14 in conversion plus they were 0 for four on fourth down so the Giants get you going and then they just keep you going backwards they got to they got the win they kicked off they got ahead they did it like it was written in their own prepared script and again these giant fans staying on the [Music] scene to make this celebration last and last and here comes Carson the coach tried to make a move gave him a little feroo left feroo right and then got a little on Carson the coach became the aggressor that's a championship move and then Carson gets the bucket there's something right about that they just got Carson and I'll guarantee you none of them are cold as a result of it not right now there comes the bath from Bert I think that was a rain Marcel's has got a water pistol and he just shot Carson with [Applause] it Jay shider in the meantime down in front of the rib in bench just collapsed went down infernal pitch Jay Rider just wi it down in front of the richin bench Marcel now they've got got staer back to his feet parcel's looking for Joe Gibbs to say hey congratulations there's ster just being helped off and now helped back to the vent he just sort of [Applause] crumpled 17 nothing it's history but we'll keep you right where we are for a moment to see about the condition of jce raider now he's being helped off the field it seems that he might be okay that he is okay there he is he took a tremendous hammering from the Giants defense all day today and so it's on to Pasadena Pepper Johnson with William Roberts in celebration it's great on that side of the field not so great on the other sler would appear to be okay now Bert with the [Music] fans there's a guy who knows how to celebrate get up there with the fans Jim BD is a fan Guy this is it this is what you go for the championship game in the Super Bowl everyone wants to be there to R I'll tell you I haven't been here when you win the championship you know you're going to the Super Bowl it's the greatest feeling in sport Eric dcy giant locker room celebration to [Applause] continue the extra point is good sometimes you just don't want it to end you just don't want to take that uniform off up in the stand yeah he was up there with the fans he climbed up in the stand you just don't want it to leave you want to remember this day do anything it's the greatest day in your football life you win the championship you win it at home you want to stay out there postgame show coming up we'll be in conversation inside the winers locker room Bert back out for celebration again the final score then is the giant 17 the Redskins nothing stay tuned for the NFL today postgame show with the NFC championship trophy presentation interviews of the winning and losing player you've been watching CBS Sports coverage of the National Football League sponsored by Miller Light proud sponsor of NFL linman of the year there's only one light beer Miller Light again Brent musberger next stop Pasadena the New York Giants are going to the Super Bowl and we will have the presentation of the George Stanley halis Trophy and it is so appropriate that the daughter of George halis who was on the receiving end of year ago in Chicago Virginia masy is with us today along with her husband Ed mki who is holding the trophy the two co-owners of the New York Giants Wellington Mera and his nephew Tim Mera and the outstanding general manager George Young Virginia I'm going to let you handle the honors of the presentation thank you Brent as a preface to the presentation I would like to salute all the football wives whose marriages are interrupted each year by the football season they give up a lot and they put up with a lot but there's always the hope that they'll come along a day like today when winning is beautiful and everything is worthwhile I know because my mother was a football wife my dad George Halas lived his life based on his faith in God and in himself working hard setting rules overcoming obstacles meeting challenges and having some fun along the way because he loved what he was doing this year all these things and many more good things have been obvious in the season of the New York Giants and it's so appropriate that the presentation of the George halis trophy should be made today to the New York Giants George Young Bill parcels and the mara family congratulations congratulations Wellington let me start with you it's been 30 years since the Giants have won a championship they used to say at this organization you sold so many season tickets you didn't care about winning you proved that that was indeed wrong this afternoon Brent if there are words to express how I feel I don't know what they are I'm just so very happy for my my longsuffering football wife and our children for the longsuffering fans and especially for the players and the staff that did the yard today and I think that award ought to go to George Young and Bill Parcels for safekeeping Eddie you want to hand that across to the coach and to the general manager I'll be happy to and I'd like to say that is far better to receive this award than to give it and Tim Mar I know that you too have struggled as one of the owners of this team Brent thank you very much I just want to congratulate all the players did an outstanding job the assistant coaches the head coach Bill parcels and more than congratulate I want to thank George Young from the bottom of my heart for accepting this job in 1979 and taking us with the possibility of winning the Super bowl next week two weeks excuse me and I hope for all our fans out there we bring back the big game for them thank you thank you very much Tim it's been a long road George congratulations it's it's just wonderful I can't I it's a privilege to accept this from from Mrs mcy on behalf of the of Tim and well and their families and the giant organization but I'd like to really present this to the man who with his staff and and with his achievement made this all possible Bill Parcels coach Parcels congratulations you did a marvelous job with this football team well I have a lot of good players Brandon they play very hard and I'm uh I'm just very proud of them today I thought they were magnificent I hate to bring in this note but I know that everyone is concerned about the physical condition of Lawrence Taylor and Joe Morris who were shaken up in the second half can you fill us in bill yeah I think you'd need an axe to keep them out of the Super Bowl they'll be all right will you be favored against the Denver Broncos my friend or will you go in an underdog blowing and smoke I don't make the odds I just coach the T it Bill congratulations it was a marvelous effort and we're going to continue from the New York Giants locker room on the NFL today postgame show in just a moment Sports there is another side will MCD is standing by with the classy head coach of the Washington Redskins Joe Gibbs will thanks Brett Joe was the coin toss the biggest play of the game well I certainly think it was one of them we were sure I know we were sure pulling that we could get it you know because that's a tremendous factor in a win like that but it was it was out there for both teams I just want to say congratulations to the Giants I thought they had a great year and we took three shots at them we couldn't get them so they're on to the Super Bowl for them and hey they had a great year and they deserve it Jay sha looked a little shaken up when he come in the lock room how is he I think he's okay it's one of those things where he's just exhausted you know ran around out there and we had to we threw a lot and uh a lot of guys chased him and and so but I think Jay's okay how good is this Giants defense compared to the bear that you've played against well I I think it's hard for me to really compare teams because they're very different I wouldn't do that I'll just say this that both of them are tremendous teams I felt like we got tremendous respect for the Bears and and also for the Giants I think this giant defense is as good as any we've played against and uh I think they're very physical very big very strong and and uh there's no question about it I think they're they're a great def defensive team Joe thanks very much now we're going to go to Irv cross with Lawrence Taylor all right one of the many men of the hour from that great giant defense Lawrence you went out in the third quarter with a leg injury how bad is it well first I want to say hello to my mother my father will North Virginia and Andy hen's mother so um well it was a play I think it was on the screen play and I went to hit Kelvin I'm not sure how I got hit I think caught a helmet but um I think it's just a thigh bruise and here's a Play here's a play right here l T and I I not sure what it was I look pretty good there didn't I this guy can also apply you know but you went out of the game and of course there's a lot of concern not only from the giant players but all the fans in the stadium as well and you came back and I guess did you feel you're okay well this you know the excitement of the game you know this the biggest game I've ever played and I didn't want to um to leave a game like that I wanted to be a part of it and so I went back in and see what I could do but I couldn't do a whole lot so um we thought it was all best I'll just sit out and wait till the Super Bowl well all right Denver's coming up congratulations thank you very much all right indeed her that Super Bowl coming your way in two weeks from Pasadena California we'll continue with our postgame show on CBS in just a moment back in the NFL he's about to go to the Super Bowl can't make the Pro Bowl the most underrated quarterback in all of football Phil Sims and Phil congratulations it's a great moment for you it sure is it's uh you know been a hard career for me or whatever but to go to the Super Bowl I'd say it's made everything worth it tell me about the weather out there today well it was uh it's the windiest I've ever seen it in Giants stadium I mean it's here it's windy every day and we practice but nothing like today and uh uh I was glad that we didn't get in the throwing contest with them to have to throw into the win uh because I it was it was so strong I think when you try to throw the ball deep you just had no control over it won the coin flip put 10 points on the board in the first period And I think that was critical oh definitely when we uh decided we were going to take the win with us the first quarter we knew we had to get some points on the board to put a little pressure on them and we did we made a couple big plays in in tough situations and I I thought that was the difference in the game maybe look ah Hadad two weeks to the Denver Broncos Phil you won a tough game against them down here I think you had to come through with a big third or fourth down play late in that game that's a quality team what are your thoughts about it well uh I'm not thinking about them much right now but uh when I think of them their defense that's all I know about it they give you a lot of problems do a lot of things and they got a lot of great defensive players so we're going to have our work cut out for us and uh we didn't move the ball real well against them the first time we played them so hopefully this time around we'll do a little better all right Phil again congratulations thank you man Phil let's go upstairs now to my colleagues Pat sumerall and John Madden for their thoughts about Super Bowl 21 coming up in a couple of weeks Pat all right Brent and congratulations to the Giants again on my my behalf and on John's behalf I'm sure John what about Denver we saw two of their games we saw them confused Dallas we saw them beat the Redskins they're a multiple defense team a very solid team well you know they they remind me a lot of the Giants and that and and that they have a very strong defense they have a a good quarterback they can throw the ball I think the Giants have him in one area that they probably have a better running game but you know today it's always the offense and the pass receivers and the quarterback but those good defenses and those teams that play top defense are the teams that usually get there and I think it's going to be one of those types of uh struggles John they did play once during the regular season the Giants came out on top 1916 the series between the Giants and Denver is tied at 22 and again when you look back at the the way they play defense it is similar to that of the Giants I think macklanburg plays very much like Lawrence Taylor well you see that type of thing you know it's only five points separates these guys and that's going to be the type of game that I would expect where to go back and forth and back and forth a lot of defense and real aggressive football thank you John I look forward to two weeks from now in Super Bowl 21 now back to Brent all right indeed Pat we'll find out from the Greek who will be faed in Super Bowl 21 we'll have that when we continue in just a moment between Denver and the Giants begins in 2 weeks at 400 p.m. eastern time and Earth cross you have been inside this locker room with the Giants many times this year what's your feelings about this team yeah you have to be impressed with this ball Club Brent you know remember Vincent B years ago this great Green Bay team said there's a great love among our players to one another this giant team has that a great love and respect for each other they respect their opponents they started out training camp July worked very hard to build himself to where they are today you can't help be impressed by them and uh you know one big step is p to Pasadena and you know it's been quite a challenging year for them they've come through Irv our colleague deserves a big smile today frequently he who laughs laugh laughs best and you said last week this was the most impressive team you've seen you called it now give me a number on the Super Bowl between Denver and the Giants I mean when a team holds San Francisco to a field goal and the Washington Redskins to a zero I mean parel has got to be the greatest defensive coach in the history this team is the greatest defensive team in the NFL ever eight points Giants eight points Giants you've got it from the Greek and so again wrapping up today's activity as the two finalists qualify for the Super Bowl the Denver Broncos go into overtime in the closing minutes they tie the game then they win it on a field goal they knock out Cleveland in Cleveland 23-20 and here the Giants with a shut out again the NFC champion will go to the Super Bowl without having surrender to point just as the Chicago Bears did last year and so in 2 weeks at 400 p.m. eastern time from the Rose Bowl in Pasadena it'll be Super Bowl 21 between Denver and the Giants I'm BR musberger so long everybody the NFL today postgame show has been sponsored by Miller Light proud sponsor of NFL lineman of the year there's only one light beer Miller [Music] Light [Music] a giant celebration was near with the champagne put on ice look out ourselves for the third time in the same season the Giants would face the Redskins this one for the NFC Crown it was [Applause] Showtime bab this is the one you work for all your life right here okay just Sprint your tail down the field and make the tackle inside the 20 all right let's go New York was as overwhelming as the metal lands wind storming to a 17 nothing halftime lead come on ph keep it down keep it [Music] down takes the hat off to Rus on Sims looking End Zone he's going to run lovs it complete right down Li Emanuel Ro [Music] first and goal all heavyweight Mars gets the call Mars is it and there's a long way to go out there keep the intensity and stay alert no what to help down it is know what the situation is get in the hle get the call and play hard Mo now left hand Side by Sanders he cuts back again deep drop by Sher Sher long way down for Clark he got the ball Washington's opportunities were few and vanished quickly neither their quarterback or their coach could stop the inexorable giant assault that would send them down to [Applause] defeat the Redskins were a beaten team the giant Super Bowl bound all that remained was the final gun the glory and the Gatorade the Giants are going to the Super Bowl some of the hardest hits of the afternoon the Giants slam each other on the shoulders and [Music] [Applause] hands yes [Music] [Music] Wasing Wasing [Applause] we we'll take the win takes the hat off to Rus on Sims looking End Zone he's going to run lovs it complete touchdown Li [Applause] Emanuel come on get in [Applause] so the Redskins will be going for it here on Fourth the fans are going to get up into it now and they're going to make it tough for stra ster hand off and roer this [Applause] stop damn keep the intensity and stay alert know what the hell down it is know what the situation is get in the Huddle get the call and play hard [Music] [Music] rolls of toilet paper pieces of cutout program newspaper one year after their bitter walkoff Soldier Field the Giants posted a 17 to nothing shutout for the NFC championship far sideline 37 seconds to go and the Giants will be checking their reservation for Pasadena content content no we're not content no we we going there we expect to win that's where we going if we're not going there to lose I know that or going to Disney World that's not what we're going there [Music] for having run rough shot over the San Francisco 49ers by a 46o margin the week before the New York Giants entered the NFC Championship Game full of confidence along with a healthy dose of fire and brimstone as it turned out the elements would be an ally as well as hey winds gusting up to 25 mph would send a swirling sting into the faces of the opposing Washington Redskins New York won the toss and elected to kick off with the wind at their backs a wise decision for the Giants and a des disaster for the [Music] while Washington punts fluttered and fell the New York offense was on a steady course thanks to strong running from halfback Joe [Music] Morris Little Joe's run set up the first score of the game a 47 yard wind AED field goal from Giants kicker Raul Allegra while the chilling gust continued to hamper the Redskins attack the Giants had no such problems extending their lead on the next Drive thanks to a pair of clutch catches from the recently activated Lionel manual number [Music] 86 after a 10 we injury absence Manuel was back in the flow of the New York offense Lionel worked his way back to passer Phil Sims who stepped up and away from the rush but time to throw and manual open the touchdown was there for the tap but no such prospects loomed for the Redskins who found that the giant defense was virtually impossible to run against the Redskins also hurt themselves by failing to hold on to the football a m that would afflict them all game Washington's best scoring chance came in the second period when quarterback Jay shider got out of trouble by hitting number 81 art monk for the Redskins longest gain of the day but even this was botched when a field goal attempt was ruined by another self-inflicted [Music] [Applause] wound seeming to draw strength from Washington's failures Sims began another stylish drive that opened with a hookup to tight end Mark Bavaro number 89 inside the 10 Sims took matters into his own hands and feet and very nearly cashed [Music] in the giant quarterback is obviously no speed Merchant a clever faking almost produced a touchdown while the offensive line in the backs fak to play to the right Sims roll left away from Pursuit putting the ball just inches from a [Music] score Joe Morris got the touchdown on the very next play thanks to subtle but effective giant blocking guard Chris Godfrey number 61 got in the way of Washington Forceman Alvin Walton it was hardly a bone jarring Collision but it allowed Morris to score [Music] untouched Morris gave New York a 17 to nothing lead then gave the Redskins one last scoring chance just before halftime when he fumbled deep in his own territory but the Giants defense was the immovable object holding Washington on four straight plays when running back George Rogers tried to convert on a fourth and one he was stopped dead in his [Music] tracks an ill wind and an ill-mannered giant defense that thwarted the Redskins in the first half along with Washington's own ineptitude unfortunately for the men of DC that same combination would continue to to plague them in the second half as well although the Giants defense continued their Mastery of the Redskins in the second half Washington managed to control the master of Defense Lawrence Taylor number [Music] 56 but the Redskins concentrated so heavily on Taylor that when he sat out most of the final 30 minutes Washington became vulnerable to the rest of the storming [Applause] [Music] Giants Eric dorsy number 77 bury J shider for one sack and Leonard Marshall number 70 had another Trader became so unnerved that many times his passes were well off the [Music] mark [Music] and when a receiver was in the neighborhood he seemed Afflicted with a terminal case of the [Music] drops Trader forced to play catchup against the best rushing defense in the league threw on every play but one in the second half and finished the day with a dismal 20 completions in 50 [Music] attempts regardless of whose fault it was the pain of the Redskins third and most important loss of the season to division rival New York will linger for months but the Giants fans star for a conference Champion for 23 years called called for the now expected ceremonial dunking of Bill pels who put on more moves than either offense could muster to avoid this [Music] shower with their 17 to nothing Victory the Giants became the third straight team to win the NFC championship in a shutout and the ultimate postgame Accolade proves just how crucial their dominating defense has been all year as defensive coordinator Bill bellachic savored a Champions ride off the field the Giants faithful send their team to their first Super Bowl as heavy favorites against Denver under a shower of confetti they're just warming up for an anticipated Victory celebration the Giants rivalry with Washington is one of the oldest in the NFL dating back over 90 years and there have been so many classic moments along the way but in the 1980s the matchup would become one of the most heated battles in all of football both squads were led by legendary coaches Joe Gibbs was the headman in Washington and the Big tunea Bill Parcels was at the helm for New York during their 10 years the two teams combined to win seven NFC east division titles and five Super Bowl championships that was our fiercest rival and that was the team that knew us best we knew them best it was going to be physical and it was going to be a battle but it's the 1986 season that Giants fans remember as being the high watermark in this intense rivalry with the two teams playing three times in one year in the first meeting at Giants stadium Phil Sims led a balanced attack Sims touchdown to Bobby Johnson Joe Morris led the way with over 180 yards of rushing and two touchdowns as big blue secured the victory and this is Joe moris Mars is gone we respected them the most they respected us the most and we' love playing against them but with the division title at stake in week 14 the Giants traveled south into hostile territory and the not so friendly confines of RFK Stadium for another nfce Showdown the standings in the nfc's Eastern Division the Giants both at 11 and two this amounts to a championship game because in all likelihood whoever wins today will win the Eastern championship this is my favorite spot in the NFL playing in Washington cuz we knew we're getting ready to walk in that Dugout all those fans would be hanging over and they were awesome and one day I'm walking down that Dugout parcel's looked at me and goes you ready and I go yeah I'm ready coach and he goes you know Sims they hate us so much here they like us I went gotcha made sense to me and Sims would certainly find his comfort zone on the road throwing three touchdowns on the day here's Sam bavara touchdown you just take that big tight and just put him right down there in that short Bo the Giants lead 7even nothing playing in our nation's capital also held a special significance for Virginia native Lawrence Taylor who grew up the son of a DieHard Washington fan Lawrence Taylor on a blitz ball is loose I here's a guy that can dominate a game when he's ready to play look out LT would unleash his most dominating performance of the Season single-handedly destroying Washington's offense sacking Jay shider three times on the day that game was a microcosm of that 86 team we imposed our will our defense was ferocious and even for me personally catching a a touchdown against Daryl green to ice the game you know light in the game was a great deal Sims is back at the 25 looking for a Target he's going End Zone TouchDown for test by Bill Maki in the back corner double team the winner of that game was going to win the division and get HomeField Advantage for the NFC throughout the playoffs that's how important that game was one giant step to pass it in and to me this assures him of the division title from RFK Stadium in Washington DC where the final score was the Giants 24-4 I got a funny feeling that we're going to meet him somewhere down the road again uh before the 86 season's over I just thought we played pretty well today and I'm proud of my guys in the 1986 NFC Championship game with a trip to the Super Bowl on the line New York would battle Washington for the third time that season and with 40 mph winds gusting through giant Stadium Bill Parcels would make a wise move deciding to take the wind to start the game we'll take the win and of course the elements were so much a factor that day and wound up being a tremendous Advantage for us our ability to do things in the elements that Washington just couldn't do we drove the ball into a 35 or 40 mph wind for a touchdown he got a in open and it's Li Manuel touchdown Giants with their aerial attack grounded by the Ferocious winds Washington had to rely on their running game which was as miserable as the weather fourth and inches the Redskins is not on the scoreboard yet and off is to Rogers and I don't think he got it big big plays by that giant defense the big blue defense held Washington to 40 yards rushing while Joe Morris racked up 89 yards and scored the game's final touchdown moris is going to score this is it this is what you go for the championship game the Super Bowl everyone wants to be there when you win the championship you know you're going to the Super Bowl it's the greatest feeling in [Music] sports
Channel: Niko Suave’s World 🌍 Of Sports & Music!!!
Views: 20,484
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: g93tgZqiXw4
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Length: 197min 9sec (11829 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 07 2023
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